I have some cool news from Luisa Preissler for you.
“Due to fan requests I’ve decided to publish another calendar with my favorite fantasy cover illustrations I painted over the years.
It will include four of our Kate Daniels illustrations, as well as book covers I did for authors Rachel Aaron and Lindsay Buroker.”

This 2024 calendar features German artist Luisa Preissler’s most successful fantasy book cover illustrations. The calendar is A4 sized (8.3 in x 11.7 inches) and is printed on 300 g/m² glossy paper. It will come signed by the artist.
Pre-order sale ends on October 16th, 2023. The calendar is being offered for a limited time only and will not be reprinted.
I’ve asked about the plans for reissuing the last calendar, and unfortunately that’s not in the cards, but there might be a new calendar featuring some of the same images and Luisa’s new work for us next year.
I love the art, thank you for letting us know!
She also has a handful of Ilona Andrew’s prints up! https://www.luisapreissler.de/shop
Who recognizes the series the blond chick on the bottom row belongs to? She looks kind of bad ass & has a sword, so.. I’m intrigued, someone help me out 🙂
The images are identified on Luissa’s portfolio on her website (link in the blog post). It’s the cover for Lindsay Buroker’s Death Before Dragons series – French edition.
When they first announced that Luisa would be doing art for a book, I went down a rabbit hole of looking at her other work and then finding the other artists who had the good taste to use her as well.
I actually bought some of the books that they wrote, just because she did the art. 😄
Character is Val from Lindsay Buroker’s Death Before Dragons series. It’s a fun series mostly set in Seattle.
Can some who got the last calendar (or is familiar with German calendar formats) tell me if it follows the same format as the US where the week starts on Sunday? I’m afraid that my brain wouldn’t pay enough attention if it was a Monday though Sunday week. (Although to be perfectly honest, that would make more sense, but I’m just not used to it.)
Thanks so much! 🤗
Based on the previous one, they start with Sunday 🙂 . Here is a picture on Fb from someone using it https://www.facebook.com/groups/ilonaandrewsfans/permalink/10160384843170996
Thank you so much Mod R! I requested to join (so I could see things you might link in the future), but I don’t really use FB. I’ll go with your comment about it starting on Sunday. I appreciate your time answering! 🤗
Just approved you 🙂 . There’s a picture here too where you can see the red date at the beginning https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/new-calendar-from-luisa-preisler/ , but you can’t tell it’s a Sunday (it is :D)
🤣 Looking closely at that, I realize now that it doesn’t really matter. It’s just a line at the bottom. This will just be a pretty calendar, not the one where the schedules get written in. 🤣😂🤣
Thanks for the approval! 😊
So gorgeous!
Raise your hand if now you desperately want to know what the other authors have written just due to the cover art in calendar! AHHHHH
🙋🙋🙋. I know 6.
Having read both of the other authors (I recognize those covers, LOL), I would say you won’t mis-like the Rachel Aaron books OR the Lindsey Burkor (sp)
Why, why am I buying more books!
Thank you for letting us know about the Calendar. I still have mine from 2022 next to my desk as it is truly besutiful- and now I have the new one pre-ordered.
Somehow Luisas art triggers that same must-preorder-right-now-reflex that your books have ingrained in me.
Must be a part of belonging to the BDH 🙂
wow I read all 3 authors!!! Didn’t know it was the same artist behind all these covers.
Love Rachel Aaron’s Heartstrikers series and DFZ setting. Just waiting for the final new DFZ book to be out before diving into the new trilogy.
With the Death before Dragons covers, I remember thinking she looks a lot like Emma Swan from the Once Upon a Time series…
Lovely art, she does great work!
*the last ‘she’ refers to the artist, whoops
Tbh I have absolutely bought a book solely on Luisa’s cover art, so excited for this!!!
woohoo! I had just pre-ordered my calendar and was coming here to post about it, but you all already had it posted. I love my previous calendar and am excited to display this one, too.
That’s an idea – do you think that next time House Andrews opens the merch store, a calendar might be part of it? I guess it might be a bit tricky as they would have to get the rights to do so from the artist(s), but it would be very cool to have an Innkeeper calendar, or a mixed series calendar (e.g. with illustrations from one particular artist).
Very talented lady! Love every one.
Gorgeous work! I think she also did the cover for Fated Blades and that was one of my favorites. I love the color, light and clever rendition of the characters’ powers. Of course, I loved the story too!!!
Very nice!
Amazing! Now i want to read those other books because the covers are awesome!
Very nice!
Hooray! Two of my all-time favourite authors – Ilona Andrews and Lindsay Buroker! (If you haven’t read anything by Lindsay Buroker, you should give her a try – Emperors Edge series or Death Before Dragons series.) And, a NEW favourite author, Rachel Aaron, whose DFZ series I found out about from the recommendations post right here! Thank you House Andrews for not only crafting amazing stories but also bringing together the community in these ways! 💚
Very cool, thats some awesome art
Found a review with our lovely writing duo in it. Has BFF Jeaniene Frost as well. I love finding these.
Off i go to find the books the 8 covers I don’t know as they look like books i need to read!
Her KD covers were so good. Wish you guys had kept them :/
Hi Rune, Luissa has created several commissioned covers for House Andrews. They have not been changed 🙂. I’m unsure what you are referring to.
As for the main Kate Daniels series, because it was traditionally published, House Andrews had no input in their design or choice.
So beautiful! And I love both of the other two authors mentioned!