So I checked the news. Everything sucks. We’re going to do escapism this morning.
First, Wildfire is on sale for $1.99 at Bookbub.
Second, I found a new game. The game is still in early access stage on steam, so there are bugs they are still working out and some game mechanics might change, but I’ve been messing with it and it’s ridiculously fun.
Oxygen Not Included.
Oxygen Not Included is made by Klei, whose best known game is probably Don’t Starve. The premise of ONI is simple: a group of colonists, 3 colonists, actually, materialize in the middle of an asteroid. Each has strengths and weaknesses. They have no idea how they got there, but now they must survive because oxygen is running out. The game has a hilarious art style. Check this out. Click the images to enlarge.

As the time goes by, you “print” more colonists and your colony expands. You have to gather and synthesize food, even if it’s just slop at first. Then, as you research more tech, you progress to farming. Each colonist has a set of skills and some are better at farming, some are best at cooking, others at research. The skills do go up as they use them. Plants also have their own adjustments. In the screen shot, you’ll see that my mealwood is growing but my bristle blossom isn’t, even though I wired the floor and built them a lovely ceiling light. Apparently, they need specific temperature and I haven’t researched the tech for that yet.

The utility systems are very intricate. For example, this is the plumbing. Clean water is pumped into sink, shower, and lavatory and polluted water is drained down into water purifier, which then returns the clean water to the facilities. It’s possible to build a close loop bathroom.

Here is another loop. The two oxydizers convert water into oxygen and hydrogen, expelling both into the room. Gas pumps draw the mix in and then the gas filter filters out the hydrogen and pumps it into the hydrogen generator, which provides electric power. The remaining oxygen and a bit of CO2, which somehow seeps into the room is vented into the main living space via vents.

Besides basic necessities, the colonists also like pretty decor.

There are tons of different resources and critters, which I haven’t met yet. If I scroll down, there is this guy. Do you eat him? Do you tame him? What do you do with him? To be determined.

All in all, it’s a pretty complex sim. There is stress, germs, and a whole bunch of different factors. It “looks” more like Craft the World at first glance, but it’s more like Factorio once you dig into it. I’ve had a lot of fun tinkering with it. I think at the moment it’s only on Steam. It did crash on me once in about 15-20 hours of game play, so your mileage may very, since it’s still in the testing stage.
And that’s my bit of escapism for this Friday. I have a superfun day at the office planned. The bad dude has appeared and he is speechifying. Kate is not impressed.
This looks like so much fun. It’s supposed to be rainy and cold all here in Boston so I plan on checking this out. Thanks for the rec!
I really enjoy when you share stuff like this, even if I generally don’t game. This one looks fascinating.
I’ve had this game on my wishlist for a while. Your approval is a definite plus. It looks like loads of fun. Can’t wait for the next steam sale!
Kate isn’t easily impressed. I have a news boycott going for my own peace of mind. That game looks like a great teaching tool. I wonder if any of my grandkids would like it.
Not only is Kate not impressed, she can cut straight to the point of any BS and concisely point out its flaws. She is so cool.
Usually with her sword ?
Sharp and witty! You and Kate.
Agree with the Sucks thing.
Escapism: Knitting, ‘re-reading Lisa Emme’s Harry (Angharad) Russo series and Louise Penney’s How the Light Gets In.
I agree on the news boycott! I’m not one to play online games but this looks hilarious! My daughter will love it, though, so going to tell her about it! I love your books! Happy Thanksgiving!
All I could think when I was reading your description of the game was… Ilona is a bit of a nerd. And I’m not talking about the gaming. I’m talking about the description of the plumbing and other engineering stuff. (I especially like the caption about not getting rid of the outhouse until you’re sure your plumbing is working properly. Words to live by.)
Just out of curiosity, does Gordon like those kind of world-building games, too?
Escapism at it’s finest. I’ve been rereading old favorites, and playing fallout shelter on my phone. I’d prefer to be knitting but the kid crew isn’t compatible.
Ha looks like goofy fun if you are into games. In my mind the situation you describe Kate in is merging with a famous Indiana Jones scene. Something along the lines of
“I am the great blah blah and you shall never defeat me in my greatness! I will do horrible heinous things to your loved ones! Fear Me And My Greatness!”
Kate: ” I don’t have time for this.” Pulls out crossbow and soots him. Calmly walks over as irritant rolls around on the ground cursing, cuts his head off and goes home. There is pie to make and eat after all. Well after the baby sleeps….unless the baby decides not to sleep. Still stuff to do. Like the endless amount of child laundry and Curran isn’t great at laundry.
Is kate any better with a crossbow than a gun? Somehow, i dont think so. Maybe a throwing knife?
I think I remember her able to use one, but I was thinking about range and that everyone expects her to use a sword or a knife right off and do something fancy with them verses just shooting him for expediency.
I love me some Don’t Starve and get addicted to it very easily, but I have to admit this looks too complicated for me to sit back and enjoy. I played This War Of Mine a while back and while it was remarkable in atmosphere and story it was also at my limit in complexity lol.
Looks like the perfect game for escapism though. Best of luck!
Yeah Kate!
My escapism is almost always one of Your books. Sometimes a Jeannine Frost book, or an Eloisa James, a Thea Harrison, Chole Neil, Devon Monk, and now Beverly Jenkins. Mostly from your “hey my friends got a book release today” mentions. Have fun with your lake of urine. I’ll be cuddled up with a dragon.
I would love it but if it cost money and sorry but if it doesn’t I would love it to get it
I would love to get it but if it costs money then I can but unless if it’s free no lie just the truth.
It’s not free, I bought it near the beginning. It is just so fun!
I’m more curious about the plant with the kinda cotton-y looking head. Presumably in that enclosed space that little fella poops, so does the plant help purify the water? Does the plant have other usages given it’s cotton-y like appearance?
Sounds too complicated for me. I’ve forgotten my phone at home twice this week. As a delivery driver that is not helpful. My son moved out of state today, hopefully my brain will reset while I sleep tonight or maybe just a big “phone” note on the house door. Sigh.
Oh, I tried the note thing when I left my phone at home a couple of times and I do vendor work. Put that post it note with check for phone: right on the back of the door so I would see it as I left.
By the time you see that note a few more times… my brain shuts off and does the yea yea… I got that.
Then I get to the first location and realize .. no phone. Sigh.
Missing brain cells win.
I put my keys with my cell phone, that way I scoop up both before I leave.
I wish you sweet dreams and peace of mind about your son’s move.
Unfortunately I bought Deadpool and the New Mexico expansion for American Truck simulator this week so I need to reign in my Steam spending for a while. I loved Don’t Starve – could never manage to survive long but it was fun. This has definately gone on my wishlist – might treat myself with it as a present over christmas.
Have you played Universal Paperclip yet? O.M.G. so addicting.
Ahhhhhh, sounds fun!! Maybe I’ll check it out! I love games like this, lol. Have you played Don’t Starve, Ilona?
The big bad should also gesture dramatically and pause to glare significantly. Andrea will take that moment to plant a slug (or crossbow bolt, if magic is up) between his eyes. Next.
Also, somehow I’m not surprised that Ilona is meticulous in her sim world building. Which makes me wonder if Gordon’s world is filled with little military dudes running around and shooting everything which moves. Also, jungle filled with food plants and native critters. Somehow,mint all works out in the end.
FYI, the fish guy appears to be endangered by the toxic lake. He’s probably going to mutate and eat the colonists.
I can’t play games because they make me tense. ?
It sounds like fun but I gotta be honest I am so much more jazzed about Kate not being impressed by a bad guy!! ?
My main form of entertainment is watching Let’s Plays on You Tube. Essentially, it’s watching a person play a video game and they have a running commentary over the top. That background aside, I’m not surprised Ilona likes ONI, it’s a cute game with intricate planning.
I’ve watched a fair amount of game play on ONI so if you’d like to see what the game is all about before you buy I’d recommend watching this:
Don’t be alarmed, this is a 5 hour video, but it’s one of my fav’s playing the September updated game. 😀
You should try RimWorld
It’s pretty awesome and a little similar