Our agent: “ps- you’ll all just have to o.d on extra Marshmallow Peeps and Cadbury Eggs to power you through… “
Now I want peeps. I have peeps in the pantry, but I can’t have them, because they are pure sugar. Mmm, peeps.
I let the diet go in France, because France, and now I am starving. It doesn’t help that the grocery delivery won’t be here for a while so I literally have no vegetables in the house.
Gordon is off doing root canal. They didn’t do it last time because he didn’t want to travel with it, so they ended up just working on the other trouble spot. I ordered him some apple sauce and chocolate pudding.
In other news, my foray into the Story of Yanxi Palace continues. Yesterday I informed Gordon that the honored emperor must not be so strict with the eldest daughter, because she is a kind and filial child. He did the perfect impression of the emperor and waved me off.
Trying to juggle the schedule today. This usually happens when we come up for air after finishing a book. I’ve gotten to the point where all the deadlines and projects are like a massive load of laundry that I have to carry from a dryer. I keep suspecting I dropped something.
Copyedit of Sapphire Flames date set. Revision for the Sweep of the Blade set – target date is now June.
Copyedit for Sweep of the Blade is scheduled. Need to do something about audio.
Hugh #2 is pushed to December to make room for HL #5.
Comic people are being talked to.
Film people are being talked to – don’t get excited, film people are always being talked to and then nothing happens.
Amazon people have been talked to.
Polish people finally sent the interview.
Father wants to visit in June, must make plans.
Rare London tickets and reservation need to be made.
HL website needs updates; bought Illustrator to draw circles.
Made myself some white tea, so far not helping. Brandi is off today. She needed an eye exam and her eyes are too dilated to do anything.
I wonder if filial older daughter would code me some CSS animations for the HL website.
Still want peeps.
I love your blog posts, thank you.
Eat the peeps life’s to short
I agree!!!!!!!
Not even any frozen ones? Eek. The end is nigh!
Hope Gordon heals quickly.
Heh. I love your dad posts. Yay, June!
Peeps scare me. I found one behind books on a bookcase and it must have been there for YEARS… it was fine. Still soft with a firm outside. Then there are these…
I wonder who thought that flavor was a good idea?
I have concerns.
So that’s where the little green men went to after we all thought they fled Earth…they got drunk and oops went into the Peep vat. 😉 (Pickled can be another way of saying drunk.)
I hate Peeps.
But this makes me miss the Pickle Slush that Sonic had this past summer. ??
Maybe if I liked pickles I would understand this.
I like pickles, and I still don’t understand this…
this is just all kinds of WRONG
Ok, so I am sure everyone has seen the multiple peep experiment videos out there. Here’s a recent one, if this works….
Peeps! I too love Peeps and can’t have them.
Have you seen the Peeps research study? https://millikin.edu/staley/about-library/peeps-library
Eat what you want. Just today. You can get back on the wagon when the vegetables arrive.
I completely affirm your choice to eat whatever when you were in Paris, because Paris. I will do the same the next time I’m there.
I’m sorry about all the complexities.
Glad you’re back.
Try Nathan Outlaws restaurant when you visit London, he does truly amazing things with fish
Thank you for the update on your busy schedule. It should remind us that everyone is juggling a schedule and to have patience while waiting for the Author Lords to post more snippets. Welcome back, and good luck with juggling the schedule.
London yay!
My favorite thing to do with Peeps is to see them in the yearly Peeps Diorama contest in the Washington Post. https://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/arts/article/20997575/peep-thrills-the-winners-of-the-2018-peeps-diorama-contest
According to Wikipedia:
Several newspapers hold annual contests in which readers submit photos of dioramas featuring Peeps. The St. Paul Pioneer Press was the first paper to hold such a contest.[citation needed] Similar contests are put on by The Chicago Tribune, and the Seattle Times. These contests frequently correspond with the Easter holiday. MIT also has a yearly Peeps contest. [16] The Washington Post held an annual contest until 2017, when it was discontinued. The smaller Washington City Paper introduced their contest in it place.
Yeah. I forgot that it switched to the Washington City Paper.
That speepeasy is amazing! So fun, thanks for sharing this.
When is London Rare please? And genuinely what would it take to get you to NE England please? I do, do organising, it is a talent.
RARE London – 20/21 September 2019 & looks like it’s already sold out….
B*gg*r – would have loved to meet AL – will keep dates free (maybe even go up to London for the weekend) in case of informal meeting
Off to convince hubby we need to go 😉
Peeps! I found coconut flavored chocolate-covered peeps. They’re pure evil. I can only find them at the fabric store, which is just doubly evil. Luckily, they only come in a 3-pack (that I’ve seen), which makes it easier to limit my intake.
Try Nathan Outlaws restaurant when you visit London, he does truly amazing things with fish
I cope with needing peeps by being a Peep snob… I only purchase dark chocolate dipped peeps which are hard to find. It self limits myself.
Congratulations on the Story of Yanxi Palace, I laughed out loud at your description of the honored emperor and the filial daughter. I used viki for shows and they finally released Legend of the White Snake this week, been waiting ever since I finished 10 Miles of Peach Blossoms/Eternal Love. Good Luck with the Peeps.
S’mores made with Peeps are sublime! The sugar on the Peep crystallizes like on Creme Brule. They won’t help with the diet, but they may help with the stress.
The first time I saw Peeps, I wasn’t sure what to make of them. Then when I had friends say to me that Peeps were an amazing sugar rush and offered me a yellow one, I tried it. I spit it out so fast it wasn’t funny. I apologize to all the BDH who loves Peeps, but they are gross to me.
Cadbury on the other hand…yum!
Have fun with the schedule coming up very soon. Sweep of the Blade…it will be nice to read the entire story all at once (I almost used the phrase “one fell sweep”). 😀
Funny. I love your posts.
I’ve seen root-beer-flavored Peeps. Peeps, IMHO, are like cockroaches; they’ll survive a nuclear holocaust.
I have the same issues with Cadbury Carmel filled eggs! You really can’t eat just one! Hang in there!
Especially the big ones.
My friends and family know I have an addiction to them (the guant caramel filled ones). One year everyone bought me some, one friend cleaned out her town.
I received near 250 big ones, i ended up bringing most to work. 🙂
? + ? = ?
I ❤ ?
Giant Cadbury eggs? This is a real thing? (Hurries off to Google it) ? Oh my goodness. I need these. Now. I fear a sugar coma coming on (not for real, I’m not diabetic). You have made my Easter! Hopefully I can still order some. ?
@Breann – Yes, the minis are just inferior. Not enough caramel. But the big ones, ooh that moment you get that big gob of caramel… is nirvana.
The giant eggs are hollow. I’m crushed. ? I LOVE the regular eggs ( I prefer creme tho). You’re right about the minis. They’re not as good. When I saw the giant eggs, I had visions of them being filled with creme. I even looked into importing them directly from Cadbury, but they’re all hollow. (Goes off to cry in the corner) Ok, I’m better now. I’ll just order a giant box of regulars! ?
Never had Peeps as they aren’t a thing in Europe- are the different colours indicative of different flavours? Like lemon, raspberry etc?
You are certainly juggling a lot! Releases in June, August and December on top of all the stuff is superhuman. Proud member of the BDH, but I also Worrier about Authorlords here.
Peeps are essentially a tke on marshmallows but in the shape of baby chicks. Eventually they also added the shape of bunnies too.
Here’s the official site, you can see their current selection of varieties.
Since I’m not a fan, I don’t eat them. My understanding is some of the colors are just different colors, but all the same flavor: Yellow, Pink, Lavender, Blue, Green, etc. But some colors are specific, novelty flavors and their packaging labels the flavor: Blue Raspberry, Strawberry delights, Pancake & Syrup, etc.
I love this post! ??
have you seen these peeps diorama contests…right now i’m working on peeps in a jeep…a play on the children’s book sheep in a jeep.. for our local library….when i saw your comment all i could think about was” peep of the blade.”..surely an excuse to open the package and play a bit..
Why do I have a picture of a Peep (pick which ever color you want) sitting in Orro’s kitchen or helping Helen attack the bad guys?
Ohhhh! Peeps! Then Cadbury eggs, peanut butter eggs, malted milk eggs, …I hear a salad calling my name.
Never have been a Peeps fan, though I am a fan of the Washington Post diorama contest using them. May your groceries be delivered soon, and I am reminded of the meme “I hate when healthy me is in charge of the shopping, fat me had nothing to eat.”
Eat the peeps leave the cannoli
I believe you have ghost peeps. They keep haunting you.
Ooo what Polish people?
Dorota from Warsaw, Poland.
I got excited too! What Polish people, what interview. I want to know!!
Paulina from Warsaw, Poland ?
Peeps dont excite me but Chocolate covered marshmallows, yummm. Thanks for all the books! Anne bishop’s Other book came out, then Patricia Briggs has a Mercy book out next month and then your book in June?
Are you aware of Peep dueling? You put two peeps on a plate facing each other, with toothpicks stuck into each from the front off center line, and put the plate into the microwave, and turn it on to watch.
Also, I once ran across peppermint Peeps. Those are the only ones that call to me now. Unless they’re dueling, of course.
Wait…is this a real thing????!!!!! I desperately need this comedy in my life!!!!!!!!! Then again, I’m easily amused, so…
It’s definitely a thing, and has been for at least a couple of decades. Those with small children and/or adult guys around the house find out about it sooner than the rest of the world.
Please let us know when you are coming to London (which is a very big city), so that I can schedule time off to to come and see you, get a signed book(s) and fan girl like mad.
Have never heard of Peeps! Will now have to find them in London!
Food rec in London:
Tea at the Savoy Hotel, about a 5 minute walk from Westminster (parliament, abbey, the bridge)
a bite at one of the restaurants at Fortnum & Mason (make a reservation in advance), followed by a shopping trip there (oldest department store in England est. 1707, if you’re familiar with the anime Black Butler, he enjoys tea from there). Note they now have restaurants outside their store located around town too.
Ooh, the bookshops. New bookstores, but mainly a collection of used and rare book stores. Including some true specialty gems.
There’s like 5 or more off Charing Cross Road alone.
Treadwell’s (not of CC but not too far away) is a sort of new age theme, but can be a great find for rare editions with myths, folklore, etc. 🙂
My friend and I splurged on a car for an afternoon, the bellman said they’d seen women come back with a trunk full of bags from places like Harrods, they’d never seen anyone come back with a trunk full of books. ??
Just look at all those bookstores, only two of them are for new, mainstream retailers. ♡♡♡
They should call that street Drooling Lane which is what I am doing seeing all those lovely red dots! We used to have so many new and used bookstores, but most are now gone! Thankfully, a chain of Half Price Books came into being and we have a local store called Frugal Muse, but there used to be many more. If I ever go to England, that is where I would want to have a tour and sightsee or shop!
@Susan – even the mainstream bookstores are worth a visit, they have lovely illustrated, gorgeously bound editions!
But yes Charing Cross Road was amazing, the second hand booksellers actually carry brochures that list ALL the second hand shops in London, and you practically trip over them. A far cry from the US, where bookstores are becoming few and far between.
Word on the Water, is a bookseller on a boat! 🙂
There’s a bookseller that specializes in women authors, and does beautiful re-issue volumes, a bookseller that specializes on LGBT books, another that focuses on first editions & signed first editions from the 14th century to the 20th Century.
And everywhere that lovely, addicting book smell.
Outside of Bookstores, I absolutely adored the British Museum. And the Sherlock Holmes Museum, the Beatles Museum, and Abbey Road Studios are further flung but the three are very close to one another.
And I definitely recommend if you can do it, a day trip over to Oxford for the Bodleian library, the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford university, and all sorts of Tolkien & Harry Potter related goodies. Eagle & Child pub for a pint (where Lewis and Tolkien used to meet up). The room where they met, has a picture of them each, and this quote on the wall:
The Museum of London is also good. It recreates whole rooms and streets from various historical periods including Roman, Tudor and Victorian. They also have a nice cafe. If you are in Trafalgar Square the cafe in the Crypt of St Martins in the Field is good. They also do nice afternoon teas. If you are in London on a Saturday Portobello Road market is good. The food stalls are tasty. You could also take a ride on one of the tourist boats on the Thames down to St Katharine’s docks, which have some beautiful old pubs. It is close to the Tower of London. Alternatively, on the South Bank there is a lovely walk to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. If you want to get out of London there is a train to York, which takes 2 hours. York has both roman and viking roots and has a great Viking museum. It also has the Shambles (a medieval street) and some great cafes and restaurants. You can walk from the train station to the town centre.
Forget Peeps. Homemade marshmallows.
I didn’t see breathing scheduled in there anywhere.
Yay London!!! I think Virgin Atlantic is having a sale on tickets to London until April 14th, so you may want to check it out. I am trying really hard not to book a ticket since I was already there in March to see Tom Hiddleston’s play. I have a major London problem. I hope you enjoy your trip and give into the peeps.
pbbt to the peeps. I want Cadbury Eggs and chocolate orange truffles…
When I get fixated on something but try not to eat it, I can consume twice the calories eating other things. I recommend counting out x ant of peeps and enjoying the crap out of them-then move on. Make it more than one and way less than you could eat, and it’ll be good. Teeth issues suck. Almost died from a root canal that turned into anerobic strep. Over two weeks in hospital and hospice counseling. Damned scary. I am religious about twice yearly cleanings etc., but drilling sounds can trigger cold sweat and close to an anxiety attack after 20 years. Good vibes your way.
Yea I have that problem – if I try to ignore the craving I just eat EVERYTHING else haha
I am not a fan of peeps. I thought I was in the clear. Then a friend told me to put them on a stick and place the peeps over a fire and cook them just like smores. OMG. They are amazing. When Easter is near, I avoid the holiday aisle like the plague or I will end up 20 pounds heavier.
I’ve never tried Peeps. I don’t even remember if they were around growing up, but I’m not a fan of candy whose main ingredient is marshmallows, so that’s why I probably never tried them.
The first time I really noticed them was when I moved to Maryland and saw the diorama contest in the Washington Post that someone else mentioned.
Is there an ice cream-flavored Peep so you can have pickles-and-ice cream Peeps when you’re pregnant?
Not sure I’ve ever had Peeps but really enjoy the diorama pictures. My downfall is chocolate, yum. No day is complete without chocolate. Aldi carries some I absolutely love, flavored cream filled individual wrapped sticks that come as a “bar.” I keep them in the fridge, so good.
Love your post. Glad you had a good time in Paris ? I like to make lists when I think I’m forgetting something… many lists haha. Hope you remember to schedule me time in as well, you make so much amazing stuff, have to take care of yourself as well ?
Step away from the over processed and dyed baby sugar chickens!
Peeps! Peeps! Peeps! Love them fresh, but always put aside one or two packs with a slit in the wrapping so they become crunchy on the outside. Eat them for July 4th. Yes! And now I hear that there are chocolate covered ones? How did this happen without my hearing of it? And then there are also Cadbury eggs and jelly beans. Spring is a time of growth. Mine just happens to be sideways..
I want peeps. I have managed to resist the last couple of years because… Yep, Pure sugar. But I REALLY want peeps. They are best when they are a bit stale. Or even better, the dark chocolate dipped ones. Not the chocolate covered ones, the dipped ones with just the bases in chocolate. Mmmmmm p e e p s
You are so funny! Doesn’t everyone feel like we could just get together, have tea and spend an afternoon just chatting with her? It’s nice to see a little slice of your life on these posts. Mmmmmm peeps.
Life is short, go for dessert. If I had my own restaurant, I would list the desserts first, then everything else. That way, everyone would have room for yummy desserts. My daughter thinks I’m evil. Of course I have a batch of chocolate ganache to make truffles in my refrigerator right now.
Peeps in trouble
If you have time to see a play in London and haven’t seen it elsewhere see Wicked. It is at the Apollo Victoria theatre. Word of warning there’s an Apollo theatre and an Apollo Victoria theatre near the Victoria Train Station. London is similar to Paris it’s a very walkable city. Enjoy!
We often stay at the Park Plaza Victoria, London which is just around the corner from Wicked at Apollo Victoria.
About 2 doors from the hotel reception is “Cutting Edge” (a hairdressers) 🙂 so always reminds me of our beloved AL’s
My mother and I used to indulge in one box of Peeps, usually the yellow ones, because they’re marshmallow, and it freaked out my father on an annual basis – two grown women with hot tea, and this dialog: “Theesh are sho good!”, “Yesh, don’t put exshtra shugar in the tea, it makesh your teeth hurt!”
So, yeah, Peeps, because well, Peeps!!
Speedy recovery to today’s patients!!
So…. I googled peeps and am still none the wiser…..
Patrick Wilson would be perfect to play Arland in The Innkeeper Chronicles movie set. He even looks like the drawing in the in the book. I would love to see The Innkeeper Chronicles made into a movie it would be so wonderful.
Yikes! Many, many things for you to do. Have noted the various new books dates. Hang in there ignoring the peeps. I am proud to announce that today I walked right past the European chocolate area of my local Aldi’s and did not pick up a bar.
Glad to have tentative dates for the upcoming books. Can you eat ONE peep? Eat it in tiny nibbles. It might help…
peep s’mores…..two graham crackers – slice of chocolate – a peep – microwave for a few seconds – just like camping without the bugs
Stick a peep in the microwave and watch it melt. Or not. Maybe that will help with peep obsession.
My friend does Peep jousts on Easter. Each kid inserts a toothpick into a Peep, places them onto a plate facing each other and into the microwave for 20-30 seconds. They puff up and joust each other.
That is too funny, now I want to get some to see them joust ?
Peep s’mores: TOASTER oven on a stick — nice, caramelized, sweetly crunchy outer coating, gooey on the inside. Use a fondue fork if you have one, or a long handled serving fork… My husbands go to is the handle end of a long tea spoon. Like camping, without the bugs. Just be sure not to let it touch the burner — sucker fires up like a torch. Now you must excuse me, must go find the peeps I bought my kid…
Your will power much better than mine…I love peeps. No, that’s not being honest, I am addicted to peeps, if I buy, I can’t leave them alone.
Ok, I must have missed some news but now there’s a HL #5 coming this year??? Is this more part 2 of Catalina’s trilogy?
Can’t wait for Sweep of the Blade,I hope ebook sells like hotcakes as this is my fave Innkeeper book yet.
It is Catalina’s first book. You are forgetting the novella about the wedding after the first 3 books.
No, it’s not coming to you this year, but we do have to write it this year. 🙂
Good to know. 🙂 If the BDH asks very (and I stress this) nicely, maybe, just maybe we could get a snippet or two when the edits come your way?
It COULD come to us this year though. So, there!
I wonder if inventing time travel just for future IA books is not the best use of said invention.
This reminds me of the giant Peeps I saw at the store the other day! They were almost a foot tall! I have also seen many flavors, but would not touch pickle, or other weird flavors, with a ten foot pole!
Pickle? Seriously?!
It’s Armageddon and the plagues are not actually frogs or blood but wonderful treats twisted into evil flavors like pickle and blood pudding! (What? If we can have pickle-flavored Peeps, then somewhere is a formerly highly desired treat Now in New Blood Pudding Flavor!)
Spicy dried squid.
…okay, I might be here for that.
How about freeze dried? I have a load of Peeps drying even as I type.
The best peeps are chewy peeps. Open the plastic and let them dry out a little for that wonderful chewy texture.
What’s that phrase? Oh, yeah: Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Heh, I’ve found my people!
AFAIC, chewy is the only way I can really enjoy them. Will happily admit to eating 1 or 2 fresh ones if it’s been awhile (like years) since I’ve had any, though. Otherwise, stale.
You have such a great sense of humor and your e-mails always make me laugh and lighten up my day. Now I want a peep, too. Oh well. I do have vegetables and that will have to do for me. Yeah on HL #5. And, I can’t wait to order Sweep of the Blade. There is just nothing like holding a real book and enjoying a story through the pages.
Good luck with jet lag. It can be brutal.
Hey, darling, definitely sounds like you’re in recovery mode. Brain sounds like mine when I’m coming up for air and there are still lots of tasks to be scheduled and done.
So glad that you’ve got the new books scheduled to come out, and will be eagerly looking forward to each!
Xoxo – A.
My dad sent me a recipe for iron skillet peeps s’mores dip. It looks like a rainbow. I too am not supposed to he eating peeps. Good luck to both of us!
Can’t wait for the new books, but don’t stress to get them to us. We will always be here!
Author Lauren Willig had fan contests where peeps were used to make dioramas from scenes in her Pink carnation series. They were so good!
Maybe make a diorama of your own to stave off your hunger or drink tea.
got to keep an eye on the peeps, or they start looking at you
Fantastic! And a patient kid…
Can’t help with the peeps but as always, thanks for the updates. So excited to read Sapphire Flames and Sweep of the Blade! And wow, you’re talking to comics people. I would love to see you write comics and graphic novels.
I would love to see some of the books as movies.
Yanxi palace! I loved it, it was sooooo good, it almost achieved legend status next to Nirvana on fire in my mind *___* have fun watching Yanxi, I know I completely binged on it… thanks for giving us some insight into upcoming topics for you guys, it sounds so busy! I wish you preserverance and bestet health to power through it 🙂
Best, Yu
Wow, you’re watching Yanxi! I got hooked on that show too. Have fun!
If you’re in the mood for Chinese Fantasy tv series (cultivation and all the magic stuff), I definitely recommend Ever Night. It’s my absolute favorite.
May I suggest an alternative? http://www.52kitchenadventures.com/2012/03/25/homemade-marshmallow-peeps-2/
MAKE YOUR OWN PEEPS! That automatically makes them healthier. This recipe states that they don’t use corn syrup, so automatic upgrade to health stat, and they use cocoa to make the eyes / nose, which makes it part vegetable.
Also, make them look like dragons. Just saying…
Even better:
When I want a treat (usually chocolate for me) I make myself eat a piece of fruit FIRST (usually an apple) then I let myself have the treat. I eat less of the treat or (very rarely) skip it entirely. But peeps are not too tempting anyway! Really only good for dioramas. You should have a peep diorama contest for all your worlds!
Polish as in the country or polish as in “oooh, shiny!”?
Either way, I’m confused.
Peeps! Peep fanatics claim that they need to be kept unopened on top
of the refrigerator for weeks(?), or they are not fit to eat.
So glad you are back and things seem to be falling in place.
So…an alternative to Peeps that would go with watching Chinese historic dramas: the bite size ‘hedgehog’ shaped bao. I found them at 99 Ranch market: bite size white steamed buns with red bean paste center that are shaped like hedgehogs with beady red eyes. Still not healthy, but adorable! Can google hedgehog bao for cute but creepy pics. My mom was a bit annoyed that I tend to eat the backside end first. Also there are rabbit ones with custard inside.
I’ve never heard of peeps before. I bow down to your will power as i don’t have any when it comes to my own version of addictive food – butter syrup biscuits!
Thank you for the date updates. Good to know. I noted that you’d mentioned a rare trip to London! Just in case there’s a event that might allow uk fans to meet you please let us know what it is so that i can get a ticket now 🙂
Ooooo! I saw Sweep of the Blade dates and my mind turned off… it just went into happy dance mode. Came back long enough to read the words Hugh 2… more dancing ensued.
Butter in France is a revelation. This is why everything tastes so good. Peeps are little sugar devils. They try to trick you into thinking they will taste good
Then you find yourself with your mouth stuffed full of the marshmallow suckers thinking… why don’t they taste like I remember? They do.. you just forgot that it is bland and that sugar crashes will soon follow you into your shame spiral. But those blue ones tempt me.
Funny, they don’t tempt me at all. I must be in the minority of people who have no interest in eating them.
My favorite way to eat peeps is roasted. Like a marshmallow crossed with creme brûlées (because of the sugar coating)! Then my daughter and I like to sprinkle the tiniest pinch of salt on it for balance. So yummy!
Very smart about movie. Dear writer friend wrote great book. Kevin Costner paid him $75,000 for the rights. More money than either of us had ever seen. Than Kevin set on the book for 10 years doing nothing. My friend wanted it back and now it was $150,000 to buy back from Kevin. My friend died sad he’d lost his book.
I am very sad for your friend. The lawyer should have put in a production clause – after X number of years without movie produced, rights to book revert back to the author.
KC has a serious inability to follow through on ideas. He was part of a group that promoted bringing minor league baseball to a town just north of where I live – the stadium was built, he showed up for one or two appearances, the team lasted two seasons, giant mess for the town to clean up. Huge investment the town could not afford, all based on name recognition drawing in the fans.
Love the color of Peeps, not the peeps themselves. I binge on jelly beans. And eat different combinations, yellow and green or red and pink. Or white ones alone. Not fond of the purple. Then brushing after . I end up buying way too many bags and hoard them for the rest of the year.
I am glad you are back and working again. Sorry, but it’s the truth.I can’t wait for Catalina’s story. I really love the Hidden Legacy series. I have read , several times , everything you have written and HL is my favorite. But Kate Daniels is a very close second.
Excited about all the possible expansion of your universe. Comics and movies and tee shirts and totes and mugs.
I have tried chocolate tea from Harney . It’s pretty good. Bottom line.
Eat a peep, eat a row of peeps. You only live once .
And they are cute .
you didn’t drop anything from your basket ?, silly gryl
static electricity has it clinging to and creeping around as you sort fold & put away, when it will stealthily cling to the back of your thighs/buttocks where it will not be seen until some perfectly groomed stranger will approach you in a public venue & point it out … trust me … I know this scenario.
REMEMBER peeps are not worthy of consumption until they are dried tacky and just not quite able to yank your teeth ? out!
A chocolate frosted doughnut on the other hand …
HEB has bags of cotton candy right by the register. Pure sugar and I love cotton candy. Must. Use. Will. Power. Don’t have will power…
Sorry, what was that about comics? Huge comic fan here, would LOVE a kate daniels or innkeeper comic series! Illustrated by dan mora preferably. I dont know why but when i imagine kate, its in his art style.
lol You are so cute.
Although I absolutely despise Peeps, I totally get it. I want Reece’s Eggs. Instead I get my prescribed diet (hungry!) and some weight loss. Still want the eggs.
Hah, a sane person. I love the Reece’s Eggs, but can’t stand Peeps. 🙂
I don’t know how I feel about the comic books. I know that some people love to read them. But if it is an author that I am just finding and buying their back-list, I have accidentally bought them before. Only to delete them as soon as I realize my mistake. However that won’t happen here, I know all of your books by heart.
Even better is Dove milk chocolate and peanut butter candy… they can be bought in egg shapes now, but are sold year round and come in other flavors as well.
I don’t know why, but I’m so excited that you’re watching The Story of Yanxi Palace. After you’re done with SoYP, try ‘The Legend of Haolan’. Half (OK, not really, but you’ll recognise a few faces) of the SoYP cast is in TLoH with a more novel storyline. If you’re looking for comedy, check out ‘Consort Meng Arrives’ (it’s on YouTube!).
Зефир в шоколаде is the only way to go!
Heh. Not the only way to go. But not the worst one either.
What is HL?
Hidden Legacy series (Nevada, Catalina, etc.).
Hopefully the grocery order has arrived and Gordon is not in too much pain. My piece of advice which you may already do is for flights, is to pick one airlines and sign up for their frequent mile plan and collect the miles. While you may not travel as much as my husband. It can add up, especially if you start taking an international trip every year.
V-8 juice really helps me resist sugary goodies. Or even less bad, but still not on the diet, snacks.
You’re watching Yanxi Palace! It is SO satisfying to watch.
If you want to jump in the c drama hole I would recommend watching Nirvana in Fire if you want to keep the historical vibe or Shan Shan Come Eat if you want to watch something more modern and fluffy.
You’re coming to London!!! Are you doing any more signings or events other than RARE? I’m on the wait list for tickets but just in case I don’t get in…
I bought two bags of Cadbury chocolate mini eggs this morning. I can walk past the peeps all day long….. not the Cadbury. ?
Cadbury chocolate caramel mini eggs —– YUM!!!! Just let ’em melt in your mouth…..
Sometimes I can find chocolate filled Cadbury eggs!
At the grocery store the other day just wandering because I couldn’t remember what was on my list and saw PeePs cereal!!! Ugh! Love peeps, but can eat only a couple before I feel kind of sick. I can’t do Cadbury eggs. It looks too much like a real egg in the middle, and I keep thinking I do not need to go suck an egg!
Wonderful news about the publication dates for SotB , Hugh2, etc.
I looked up the websites for the KINSMEN illustrator and her partner and after looking at their artwork and tying it together with your hint about “ something in the KD world” I wondered if a graphic novel was a possibility.
I live in Australia so didn’t know what Peeps are. However as I am currently drinking a papaya smoothie in downtown Papeete ( capital of Tahiti) , enjoying their free wifi to catch up on the world , enroute ( by cruise ship) from Sydney to Hawaii I will look for them when I get to Honolulu. I will have to reread Catalina (HL 0.5 ) to check out the name of that dish (quesedo?) Nevada wanted for her wedding festivities and give it a try too.
Tahiti is beautiful and I am looking forward to seeing Bora Bora too.
I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes last year so no chocolate or sugary easter noms for me any more.
It’s hell.
Walking past all the boxes of treats stacked up in the shops, saying no. No. No, I will not.
I can’t wait for Easter to be over and done, then I can just avoid the sweets aisles in the supermarkets until Christmas comes along.
I also have the historical Chinese drama obsession. I loved Oh my General, Eternal Love and started the Yanxi one. They are so visual and complex. My favorite is Rise of the Phoenixes on netflix. I decided to totally embrace the theme an purchased a ticket to see Shen Yun in Atlanta. Yay!
Peeps. I bought the cereal ? Kellogg’s has out this year. Was disappointed that the marshmallows weren’t not Peep shaped. Overall not bad. Found on sale and had coupon.
I’m kind of glad to hear other people say that peeps are best when stale? My introduction to peeps came from a former housemate* who not only insisted that they are best stale, but then tried to convince me of the superiority of eating them with nacho cheese sauce. I don’t really get peeps in any case – I don’t like things that sweet as a rule – but that was not the gentle introduction I needed.
* …or stray? I can’t remember if they paid rent.
(Image ‘The Scream’ by Peepward Munch,” created by Lisa Johnson, FIRST PRIZE WINNER of the 2016 Seattle Times Peep Art Contest)
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post. Thanks for the latest story ETAs. Sorry about Gordon’s root canal. Dental surgery is never fun. But necessary for eating.
Regarding Peeps, I am afraid I am with Rena and Lizzy. Way too sweet for me.
I had to give up HFCS many years ago as my GP decided it was triggering binge eating. She was correct but i had to give up sugar and soft drinks too when Mother was diagnosed as a uncontrolled diabetic in addition to her dementia. I quickly learned that you can not have foods for non diabetics around when doing dementia eldercare.
For me the ultimate food temptation is hot pepperoni pizza fresh out of oven or freshly delivered. I admire your will power as I periodically,as in every 3 to 4 months, fall to temptation. Mother gives me he’ll as she no longer eats pork and to her pepperoni is pork even if made with turkey. Sigh. She also gives me he’ll because I allow 1 cup of diet soda per day and make her drink water to counter balance. Her doctors would prefer no diet soda at all but they do not live with her.
Glad you enjoyed France. Looking forward to SOTB and Hugh 2. Already on list for SF.
Regarding comic book people and movie people, I love Patricia Briggs stuff. But I decided that because of medium differences between dead tree books and graphic novels aka comics I prefer dead trees. Comics not as bad as movies in that more similarity than just title and character names such as Louis L’Amour’s stories. Again alot of difference is due to medium difference. Visual orientation versus imaginary verbal orientation.
Your list would definitely make me sweat! I feel you on the root canal thing my husband just had a root canal done on Monday (2 1/2 hours in the chair). Yesterday he comes to me and says come and look in my mouth, I think I lost my temporary crown. So he gets in at 9 this morning, just to find out a second tooth chipped on him. As a bonus they found a lot of glue under his gums so scraped it out without anesthetic. He had to tell them to stop because his blood pressure dropped (he’s a big chested guy who has been known to pass out in these situations). It took 2 hours for his nervous system to settle after that. At least the infection is gone and he can eat again.
Peeps, not really a fan, I live for chocolate. I am on week 10 of a calorie reduced diet and mini chocolate bars are my go to. I know I’ll overeat if I deprive myself. I figure I can eat just about anything, but the unhealthy treats get immediately broken up into serving sized bags, that way I’m not fooling myself on calories. Hit a plateau 3 weeks ago, either that or I need a new scale. So frustrating. Most of my grandparents, now my dad got diabetes in their 70s so I figure I need to learn better eating habits in my 50s!
Good luck and good health and breathe!
Ever since I read translated-chinese novels, the word ‘filial’ keeps popping out often?
The dictionary has “dutiful, devoted, loyal, faithful, compliant, respectful, dedicated, affectionate” as synonyms for filial. In Confucian and Chinese Buddhist ethics, filial piety is a virtue of respect for one’s parents, elders, and ancestors. Filial piety is one of the 8 Confucian virtues I learned about while taking Tai Chi classes.
The Washington Post newspaper runs a Peeps diorama contest every spring. They are amazing! Here’s a link with results from some past years: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/peeps/?utm_term=.5afde51b76d2
I really kept thinking while I read the blog and the comment: you all need to go out and let the spring wind clear out your minds!!!
If you want colors like your peeps go out and enjoy the spring flowers, take a deep breath while taking a nice stroll and forget about your oral obsessions 😉 !!!
If those peep-cravings are still there when you come back, at least you earned them!
Good luck and happy easter!
Greets from Switzerland
Treat them like marshmallows and make smores out of them.
,I have never eaten or purchased a Peep…..but I like the previous posts…they sound like fun with blowing up peeps in the microwave…I have done this with regular marshmallow and it’s a 1 sec high alright….
Peeps appear to be a marshmallow with nasty food coloring…
Why not just eat a marshmallow?
Calories about 25….
I hate dieting but find a treat helpful as a reward….include the calories of…dare I say it
A peep…?..a treat peep?
Ok …..no grocery delivery…..can you not drive to a local store and buy a veg or two?,or hike the half mile like Dina does?
As I recall Ilona, you are a big fan of gummy bears too?
So , you like squishy fruit flavors…I see a pattern here..
Get unflavored gelatin. …add fruit from blender, or juicer.. then stevia to taste…
Cut in squares, or plop in bowl…..pretty tasty ……I think I may go make some of that……
Don’t kick yourself ,last time I was in Paris I ate too…..best Pizza ever……
It’s all about the stale peeps.
Personally, I have thought The Edge should be a Scyfy show, since, like forever.
Have you considered doing shorts on YouTube? You could hire someone to animate a short scene from one of your books (*cough* Kate and Curran first meeting * cough*) and use it to a:reach a new audience b: show what your envisioning and c: it’d be super cool. You have such a huge fan base that you could even run a voice contest for the roles where the winners could be the voice of the characters, like an audition. ?? I know I’d be in.
And $100,000 animation would cost would come from where? I assume you would be paying for this vanity project that won’t earn us any money?
Ilona, I just saw this wool yarn blending clip on Instagram and it mesmerized me for 9.5 minutes! https://www.instagram.com/tv/BwK-6sInZMz/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=13q3ogh4c0tgm
Gordon, I hope by now your root canal is healing well. I recommend To insist the dentist X-ray the roots really well next visit to make sure infection didn’t go down into the jaw bone. If you start having unexplained fatigue and generally feeling like crap months later it could be infected down into the jawbone unknowingly to you.
Not sure if recommendations are good here bud since you’re watching one, Nirvana in Fire from 2015 is awfully good. I think it’s on Netflix, too
Instead of movie people, talk to tv people…just a fantasy but a Kate Daniels tv show would be AMAZING!!!
Not sure if recommendations are good here bud since you’re watching one, Nirvana in Fire from 2015 is awfully good. I think it’s on Netflix, too
So glad you enjoyed Paris. I just finished A Mere Formality. So good. I wish you would consider a series. Thank you for the free writings. Thank you for all your writings.
Hope you visited Notre Dame when you were there. Very sad.
RARE London looks fun. I’ve been to England in September, the weather was nice. So since you went to Paris, will your publishers track sales to ensure the trip was financially cost-effective and send you other places in the future? I see RARE conventions are everywhere!!!
Why does Sapphire have 3 reviews giving it 3 1/2 stars on Amazon? Feel free to delete post after you read.
Some people who visit Amazon.com are nuts. Did you hear about how fake reviews were trying to destroy the Captain Marvell movie before it came out? That website changed its policy when that happened, since obviously trolls were at work. Since IA books are all 5+, the same trolls seem to be at work on Sapphire.
I don’t understand how they are able to write a review, I thought you had to actually buy a product before you could review it. Since it hasn’t been released, I thought it wouldn’t be possible?
If your agent is trying to shop around movie/tv rights they should push on Netflix or Amazon. Streaming series are very successful and have a good balance of budget to quality and those two are trying hard to out do each other. I could see most of your series working well in that format. Of course this is assuming those kinds of talks go anywhere, but shoot for the moon and all that 🙂
If you are looking for something that will consume more time than it should you could try The wandering Inn. Its a web serial thats on Royal Road and its really really good. Completely different genre as its a bt of a lit rpg series, but I really can’t put it down… Its got mystery, tension and pure epicness.
Its about a quirky normal girl who gets transferred into a world where there are levels and classes and she ends up opening an Inn and just trying to survive.
Its worth a look at
LINK! I love LitRPG. 🙂
Mmm…Peeps…haven’t had any in years since they’re strictly a no-no for diabetics. Used to put them in my tea instead of sugar cubes… Ah, to be young and silly again! ^_^
At least you got to go to Paris and hopefully see Notre Dame before it burned. Regretting that I didn’t go last year!
So totally off the Peeps thread, but I just finished “Burn for Me” (I know, late to the party….!), and I keep seeing Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) as Adam Pierce. I think it’s that voice – he could do a reading of the Manhattan Yellow Pages, and I’d want a front row seat…..!
I think you should watch the youtube that shows how peeps are made. 🙂 Peeps! They were originally made by hand and it took super long time. Now it’s an 8 min process. Maybe you should make a one time Easter basket, and just have it for Easter? Even on diet you could find just a little wiggle room. How many calories is a peep? You should have a 100 calor snack mid way between meals, so you could factor in one or two peeps during the day. Good luck!