The copyedit has landed, so we are now clear to release the first chapter. Those of you who read the deleted beginning liked it so much, that we decided to rework it and keep it in the novel after all.
Enjoy! Excerpt of SAPPHIRE FLAMES.
PS. Thank you for being so kind in the comments of the previous post. I am so touched. Thank you.
Ginkgo-girl says
So excited! Thanks for sharing and also for reworking the beginning!
Anonymous says
I didn’t add my voice to the previous blog but I’d like to chime in and say I’d love to read about the adventures of Julie and Erra.
Lee says
I also didn’t comment on yesterday’s blog, because so many people said it so well, but if/when you have moved on enough to feel comfortable tackling Julie’s story I will welcome it. And anything else you choose to write. Your worlds are a gift to your readers and I for one value them highly.
gingko-girl says
And I neglected to mention how fricking awesome this first chapter. I loved the way you increased the tension.
Torin says
Anonymous says
OMG!! That was awesome! I’m loving Catalina! Can’t wait for the book!
Lindis says
Oh, thank you for this, just re-read the series to date so this was just a delicious little teaser!
Rae says
I love it. I’m already invested. I can’t wait!
wanda harrison says
Thanks so much for sharing. Deeply appreciate your generosity.
Lisa K says
Thank you! Looking forward to book this coming out!
Kim Houle says
Oh boy! So much fun! Eagerly waiting. And thank you!
Kristine says
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! A much needed break from laundry…..
Leigh says
Anyone else hear a “Dun, Dun, Duuun…” at the end of this gift. Now I need to find a time machine. 🙂 Thank you for this.
Patricia Schlorke says
Wow! Thank you for the unexpected gift! 😀 Happy dance, happy dance! Woop, woop!
Now I’m suspicious of Augustine…what is he up to?
JR says
Thank you.
Tasha A. says
WOw – i loved the snippet when you first released it and i love it even more now. Especially since we have met Runa before. You two are genius! Thank you!!
Anonymous says
That was wonderful thank you. I can barely wait for its release.
You both are truly talented and I hope you are blessed with health and happiness.
Erin says
Ahhhhhh! I LOVE IT! I can’t wait!
~elf~ says
Thank you; the chapter is so awesome and sad and scary! It hit me right in the feels, all of them.
~One foot soldier of the Book Devouring Horde, ready for devouring-duty 🙂
Jenette Hendricks3 says
Wow, so excited for this series. ❤️❤️♥️ Thx for sharing this chapter!
May I ask a question? Why did the security cameras show Augustine instead of Catalina? I thought upper level illusion mages could even fool cameras – which is why Nevada was able to see the demon-looking guy who attacked her in White Hot. Did Augustine simply choose not to use that level of illusion for the security guards?
Ilona says
“The recording restarted. We crashed. The illusion mage got out of the car and walked toward the camera, his trench coat flaring. A smirk curved his lips. Ugh.
The view switched to the internal camera. So nice of Rogan to let me know that every time I was in one of his vehicles, I was being recorded.
I sat petrified on the back seat, breathing fast through my mouth. My pupils were so large, my eyes looked completely black on a bloodless face.
“What were you seeing?” Rogan asked.
“A demon.”
Ilona says
Now, Augustine CAN do some extraordinary things like fool retinal scanners, but it requires a lot of power and some Prime-level expertise.
Jenette Hendricks says
So, since Azazael fooled the cameras in Nevada’s car, then he must have had quite a lot of experience using that particular illusion, right? Because he was only a Significant.
Somehow, that just makes him more frightening. I don’t even want to know how he gained that much experience…
Jenette Hendricks says
May I preface this by saying that I am not trying to argue, only understand?
In my Kindle edition of White Hot, this same passage reads:
“The recording restarted. We crashed. A demon got out of the car and walked toward the camera, his trench coat flaring. A smirk curved his lips, baring serrated teeth. Wow. True illusion. There were several kinds of illusion magic. Cloaker mages could make you invisible, but they accomplished it by affecting the minds of others, and a camera would still record you as you were. True illusion mages, like Augustine, not only affected minds, but also altered their physical appearance. Their reflection and pictures showed only what they wanted you to see.”
Did it get updated somewhere along the way and I missed it?
berryblu says
My ebook and print editions read the same as your quote, Jenette. 🙁 Sorry, Ilona, but we caught it.
Joe says
Adding on to the illusion mage discussion, Nevada says “True illusion mages, like Augustine, not only affected minds, but also altered their physical appearance. Their reflection and pictures showed only what they wanted you to see.” (this is in the context of the camera showing the demon in White Hot).
However, it seems straightforward to have them watch the cameras and for Catalina to see herself drive up in the Bentley. It would all be straightforward from there.
And thanks so much for the preview; fascinating to see the evolution from the snippet you posted earlier.
Joe says
Arggh, I missed the full quote from Jenette; apologies. I will note another nit. Runa sanitized/depoisoned/some word like that the cake for the wedding, but she didn’t really save any lives. They were already pretty sure that the cake had been messed with, after the caterer contacted them.
Ilona says
That is weird as hell.
Ha! ::wipes egg off face:: Good catch, Jenette. It’s not in our base file, it’s not in the world notes, but it is in the published version. Okay! This was my bad.
Hey, Jenette, do you want to read the manuscript to see what else you can find?
Tink says
Is it too late to change my name to Jenette?
The other Michelle says
I snorted.
Jenette says
Yep, sorry. I’m rather fond of it.
Jenette says
Please, please please!!! Can I? PLEASE!!!!!!
Z says
>”Why did the security cameras show Augustine instead of Catalina?”
What do you mean? I just read the excerpt, it says, “A silver Bentley Bentayga pulled up to the booth. The passenger window of the car rolled down, revealing me….The fake Catalina nodded.”
The security footage does show Catalina, not Augustine. Was the excerpt edited after it was posted and after your comment was made?
Ilona says
I fixed it.
Z says
I see, thanks for the reply!
M says
To be honest.. I am almost afraid to read this. You guys are so… so good at what you do. I’m going to be crankily and greedily waiting for this book… even more than I already am. But who am I kidding, not clicking? Not going to happen. Thank you!
Jessica Maciel says
First of all. I am among those incredibly angry on your behalf, no one should have to put up with harassment at all, much less that level of entitled hate you guys have been dealing with. I am so sorry you all have been through it. I’m also upset on our behalf, because I’m really anxious and excited to read more about Julie and your story.
And in 2nd, that was amazing and even better than the last version of the chapter. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
K.Goriup says
So excited for this new release. Can’t wait to to read!
NomadiCat says
This is so INCREDIBLY good. I’m not teaching anything like this at the moment, but I’ve found myself on a streak lately of reading some brilliant first chapters and I almost want to put together a workshop that focuses solely on deconstructing excellent first chapters and figuring out what makes them tick. Were I ever to do that, this book would absolutely be part of the class materials. Thank you for sharing!
Karen the Griffmom says
Oooooh! Marvelous idea – if I where still in the classroom, I ‘d totally snatch this up. Ask the BDH what their favorite first chapters are?
Emily Coates says
Sounds amazing! Going back to the Julie debate I would love to here more and whether she gets closer to Derek who knows what could happen!
Donna says
Amazing, mesmerizing, captivating, just like Catalina. Thank you, great Overlords.
illz says
*happy dance*
AMT says
Thank You! ?
Simone says
OOOOHHHHH – so good. Thank you for the pressie! Looking forward to being able to devour the whole book 🙂 🙂 🙂
Maria says
Oh bloody hell!!! Now I really want the book…….. and the next one after that…… And the one after that one!!! ? ?
VickieBC says
Love it!!!! So looking forward to getting my hands on this!! Thank you.
Omar Mtz says
Holly Knight says
Thank you. I’ll read whatever you guys write!
On a separate note. I love Julie!
Kamrin says
Fantastic; and exactly what I needed today. Thank you for sharing. I didn’t know my level of excitement for this book to come out could increase!
wont says
Whew! What a relief! Not only has the painful waiting been lessened, but, any anxiety over a story focused on Catalina instead of Nevada and Rogan has been banished. I’m seriously looking forward to this book.
That said, a book or two (in the future) reverting to Nevada and Rogan would always be welcomed. **showing puppy dog eyes**
Patricia Schlorke says
Especially when the day comes and Nevada tells Rogan she’s pregnant. 🙂 Oh to be reading Rogan’s reaction will be priceless.
Elisabeth says
Thank you 🙂
Tink says
So that’s why she’s involved with Runa in other snippets.
Keera says
Thank you!! I am intrigued by this and Augustines little tricks. He is persistent. Cant wait to read the rest.
Tink says
I want to know Rogan’s reaction to Augustine being able to turn invisible, assuming he didn’t know before. After all, he had to start using dogs at his location because Augustine can’t change his scent. Now he’ll have to have the trainers trained to understand a dog reacting to Augustine’s scent even if the guards can’t see him.
Also, I feel sorry for the guard who didn’t follow procedure and check the log to make sure Catalina wasn’t already checked in. I don’t imagine Rogan is going to be too happy about that.
Henry says
I believe Leon is the one who will handle the security for House Baylor.
Tink says
I’m betting Rogan is still providing the physical security around the warehouse, since he bought all the surrounding property.
Ilona, world question… Nevada states during the trials that she was going to enter into a mutual aid pact with Cornelius’ family. She didn’t mention any pact with Rogan House, but she did announce her engagement. Rogan said he wasn’t going to have a contract with Nevada, but I was reading that as a prenuptial agreement. Do house generally enter into contracts when someone in the two houses gets married, or is it just assumed that they’ll support each other? I’m thinking the latter would have made things awkward with the Capulets and Montagues.
Ilona says
It depends on the Houses. I hesitate to go into too much detail to keep from spoiling Sapphire Flames, but yes, all sorts of contracts take place. For example, Runa’s father entered House Etterson and took his wife’s name, while Rogan’s father basically bought his wife from his father-in-law. There are prenuptial agreements, contracts, and other complex silliness if the parties desire to write it all out.
Tink says
Thanks for answering!
Susan says
This is gonna be awesome! Thank you!
cheryl z says
Gimme gimme gimme, opps that was rude. There seems to be a dearth of good new books lately and I am re-reading my favorites Can’t wait for this one, the family Baylor is awesome and Catalina has her own unique voice. Can’t wait.
Suzann Schmid says
Falling in love with this story already! Thank you.
Lissa says
I can hardly waiiiit!
Kirsten says
Wowzer. You didn’t just rewrite it, you kicked its ass to the next level and then some. I LOVE IT. I am now completely devastated that the book isn’t out yet so I can keep reading.
VeronicaK says
Thank you, that was even better than the original. So excited for the book! ?
Sarah says
can’t hardly wait for the monsters to poke their heads out of the dark…
Tina in NJ says
But then, isn’t Arabella a monster? Catalina certainly has experience on that score. Of course, monsters often come in very pretty packages.
Mary Cruickshank-Peed says
Can’t wait….
Kristina says
Augustine must be superpowerful since the camera picks up his “perfect” illusion. I think he may be a bad guy now since it’s been written he’s like a shark and in the other books his building even looks like a shark fin……off to google shark behavior now
Kristel says
OMG!! Love it! Can’t buy it fast enough.
Also who ever hates Julie just has other problems or is one of those people who just complain to hear the sound of their own voice.
Nicole S. says
Did anyone else get flashed back to Nevada & Augustine’s ongoing ‘I am not a bad man’ argument from Burn For Me?
Karen the Griffmom says
Aaaah. I think I love the explanations of the uses of power the most. What was your source material? Machiavelli? Sun Tze?
Coop says
First, I really liked the original draft you shared of the first chapter but I frickin LOVE this one! I wish i could offer you more than profuse thanks although I will most definitely be purchasing this book! Second, this is a perfect example of “Be careful what you wish for!”. I sit around, craving another fix of the AuthorLords’ genius but when it arrives I speed through it in no time and am them left pining (sp?)away for more! Do you find it easy to write for Catalina because her power is so similar to your own? Wait, did that come across as a compliment or creepy?…..
Cheryl M says
*Looks at clock, “Errands can wait.” Reads snippet.*
Thank you!! I eagerly await Catalina’s story, and am happy you were able to rework this opening and keep it.
Anonymous says
This is so good. Life sucks at the moment. I can hardly wait for the rest of the story to escape into. Thanks for the snippet.
Anna says
Such lovely start to my day. Thank you <3
Plus, I do love Julie and if you write more books about her I would absolutely read them. She's had a hard life, but she has wonderful role models in Kate and Curran, and I would love to see what she grows up to be.
Leslie says
I can’t wait to see if this is the beginning of an Augustine redemption arc. The ALs made us like Hugh, so anything is possible!
Amanda says
Love love love this!!!! Thank you for this present!
Taylor says
OMG, so good! Can’t wait for August to come.
Pklagrange says
That is EXACTLY what I thought!
Jess says
What a wonderful birthday surprise – thank you very much for sharing.
Sara T says
That was brilliant. Can’t wait.
Oli says
Well crap, now I want to read it and can’t. This was so addicting I’m going to reread Nevada’s books. Sigh, July can’t come fast enough
BonnieB says
Double ditto …… agree totally, shouldn’t have read it, now the wait.
But …. thank you. 🙂
Monica says
So great! Anything you want to write, I would love to read.
Pika says
Thanks so much !! I was scared to be too into the previous trilogy and Nevada and Rogan to be able to enjoy this new one but I feel like I’m welcomed again into this universe and can let the two previous main characters rest ahah
Now my brain is flooding with questions again…. How come Catalina is the Head of the House and not Nevada? ! Did I miss something xD? I have always been wondering if Nevada would be in House Rogan or House Baylor after her wedding but I guess this is the answer?
Pika says
And Oopppps …. I replied to a comment again instead of creating a new comment…. Sorry T.T
GreedyGuts says
I had not commented the other day, because so many had already expressed how I felt far more eloquently than I could, and I didn’t want to be redundant.
Angered by the entitled who impose their unsolicited vitriol who thereby ruin it for the rest of your readers who wait respectfully, if not always patiently, for your next gift/works.
In case I’m not being clear, I was looking forward to reading what was next for Julie, Erra, Conlan, et al., whenever you can/choose to get to it.
In the meantime, thank you for this chapter. Makes me want more NOW.
Lora Tyler says
You stated everything very eloquently. Thank you! P.S. This chapter is super wonderful!!! Love it!
Kris Ten-Eyck says
+1, because I cannot improve upon the above comment.
Dawn says
Beautifully said
Kaitlyn says
Also +1. Julie is one of my favourites from the KD universe, and I will happily (okay, a little impatiently) wait until you and Gordon are inspired enough to risk the evil internet trolls. You guys are amazing.
Ruth says
I, too, was so disheartened for you, on the horrid feedback that you received on Julie (and any other of your amazing worlds or characters), Your astounding breadth in creating not one or two or three but four (I think) worlds has set a standard which I consider as the pinnacle of your craft. Your skills are valued; your grace in sharing them, particularly in advance in your blogs, is gratefully appreciated and your kindness in creating these amazing people is incomparable. Yours are the books that I’ve read seven times so far…and will do many, many more times to come.
Please let Brandi know that the vast majority of the BDH will welcome her with open arms if she is willing to also share her gifts with us.
I love that you modified this story to bring Runa & House Etterson back. Really interesting change from your initial sharing! My ecopy has been ordered forever. Fabulous start. Thank you again!
AM says
In total agreement! I’ve been hoping for more Julie since the end of KD. And it was really interesting to me, as a non-writer, to see what changed and what remained the same in the first chapter. August can’t come soon enough!
CharisN says
I am so looking forward to Julie’s story as well. She is so complex I didn’t really see It just being her and Derek. Derek is great but… ya gotta find yourself first.
Kathryn says
Me too! Julie is Batman. She’s equipped herself to be a super-hero given her magic is non-combat. Vs Wonder Woman Kate with both nurture and nature molding her.
Kylie Australia says
Love it
SD says
Thank you so much – what a wonderful read to cheer up my day. Really added a silver lining to a cloudy day. Yay for August – now to plan vacation around the reading time 🙂
Autumn says
I knew this book would be wonderful, because you are so amazingly talented & all your other books are so great. But this still blew me away! It is incredible! I loved it! Amazing! Thank you so much for posting this snippet!
Lee says
Even better than the first time around; you are a genius to tie in Runa, rather than some random set of parents, like this! This is going to be an amazing story and I’m really looking forward to it. Thank you for sharing this excerpt; it brightened my day immeasurably.
MH says
Liz G says
Amazing as always!!! Thank you so much for how hard you work!!! Your books have brought me so much joy & I am extremely grateful!!! I am excited for the latest book!
Lynn T. says
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the snippet. We are eagerly waiting on the start here.
Gundega says
This is so unexpected but totally awesome! Thanx so much for sharing the chapter, love it 🙂
Tiger Lily says
Already preordered…cannot wait!!!!
Theresa Wilson says
Love the snippet, thank you! Look at smart and savvy Catalina hold her own with ease against Augustine!
I do have a question, however, which I’m hoping you might be willing to answer if it is not spoliery or answered in the book. Since Catalina is now the head of house Baylor, does that mean Nevada has joined house Rogan and is no longer part of house Baylor? I am intensely curious.
Ilona says
:whispers dramatically: Read the book…
Patricia Schlorke says
:whispers back: will do. ?
Theresa Wilson says
Well, yes, that was always the plan. 🙂
Thank you for your reply! I suppose I will just have to wait patiently. Le sigh. Hmm, it’s been a while since I’ve given the Edge series a reread. Maybe that would be a good distraction…
Pika says
Thanks for asking ! xD I just created a comment asking the same and I should have read all the comments before *facepalm* *go hiding*
Henry says
I remember the first iteration of this chapter. The Andrews said it wouldn’t work, so I disremembered it. I think this chapter is excellent as an opening to a new House Baylor. Besides the house members, we have Ruta and Pancakes returning. Pancakes has not changed, and he is well known to House Baylor. Remember, our heroine has had three years of training on how to be a prime by Rogan’s mother.
Sage says
Ummm ……..The book is available when? Not complaining, just in a mood to binge read it now. I could read it 3 times in 6 hours max, with pauses for needs you know… those things you need to do every once in a while.
Anonymous says
!!! LOVED IT !!! Can’t wait for the rest of it!
Ren says
Why is Catalina the head of House Baylor? Did Nevada have to vacate the role when she married Rogan?
Dorothy says
Thank you — I love Augustine!
Anonymous says
All of you impress me. I can’t read the first chapter because then I will be dying waiting for the book release. The wait between Magic Binds and Magic Triumphs near killed me (I am not including I&M since it is kind of on its own). I could not do it with the Innkeeper either. I started too, but then I was like ‘I need to read it all right now!’ I can do it. I can do this.
Trying to be patiently waiting,
Lora Tyler says
I absolutely adore y’all!!!! Thank you so very much!!!! Yippeeeeee!!!!
Lateefa Dawkins says
Shut your mouth!! This so exciting! I’ve been stalking all posts for snippets. Thank you!
Debra L. says
So did Augustine make himself visible on the surveillance camera deliberately just to taunt them? Seems like something he might do for fun, lol. Especially since he’s clearly skilled enough to evade detection by camera.
Angel Mercury says
So excited to read it when it comes out!
Karen says
I agree 100% !!
Tina Henry says
Heart is thumping too fast. Must stop. Nope!
Kathryn says
Great beginning; can’t wait for the rest! Also—not necessarily a Bush family fan but I was struck by the resemblance between your cover model and Barbara Bush (W’s daughter). Is it just me?
jewelwing says
LOL, glad I’m not the only one. The resemblance is pretty striking.
Russ Brown says
Tina Black says
Love these books. Nice to see that Catalina is no pushover.
Cindy says
OMG!! Love it! Almost wish summer was over so I could have it now! Oh well, another lesson in patience…….you guys make me practice this soooooooo much. 🙂 But so worth it in the end. Thank you!
Bibliovore says
Oh myyyy. Must check to see if ordered. Again. Must also schedule a book day off. My boss knows why.
Leena says
Woohoo!! It is ON!! Can’t wait to read this one ?
Dawn says
That was very much needed and appreciated
Thank you. Thank you.
And to add my two cents. … There were plenty of people who hated Hugh and said that a book about him would not be any good. Those same people said they would not read that book if you wrote it. You wrote Hugh’s story . It was fantastic. Julie is amazing. When you feel as if she has grown up enough, I look forward to reading her story. It will be epic! I can’t honestly think the naysayers outweigh your true fans. Haters tend to be more verbal. Doesn’t make them right.
Deb says
It needs to be the end of August NOW!
Thanks for sharing. It’s off to a great start.
sharon Adams says
Grabs ya from that first line. You guys are really amazing. Thank you and I can’t wait!
Marli says
Epic! Awesome! Breathtaking! Exhilarating!
When I can think of more adjectives that begin to scratch the surface I’ll post again!!!
Ellen D says
Thank you! What a great surprise.
Chris Wilson says
Some people never learn. Or maybe they do. Never tell a Baylor what they should or shouldn’t do. Guaranteed, they’ll go out of their way to do exactly the opposite.
Thank you for the excerpt. Looking forward to the book!
GreyShadow says
With Primes you can’t be sure that’s not what he wants
Gloria says
OMG! I can’t wait.
kommiesmom says
Oh, my dears, SO good! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We wants it, we does. But we has to wait. Darn.
I already knew I would pre-order. (Pretty sure I have, but need to check.) Now I can’t wait to read this book. I can say, with a more than reasonable chance of truth, that I will be starting this book at 11 PM when the ebook hits my iPad and finishing the book before I put it down. That’s my usual pattern anyway. Luckily, I read fast, so I may manage a nap before the day hits.
I will order the hardback from MBTB in Houston and hope for an appearance at some point.
You two are so good to your fans. Thank you again.
Cassandra says
I will do the same. So enjoyed the signing at MBTB in Houston. This is the only UF/PN I know of that’s set in our crazy city. But I will have to start the ebook at 11pm anyway.
Jules says
OMG so good! Thanks, Authorlords, for sharing this little slice of the book. So excited for the rest!
DianaInCa says
Thank you! I spent the morning at the dentist, so this is a wonderful treat to discover this afternoon!
Catlover says
Happy giggle and a big smile! This is going to be a great book but so far away. Sigh, things to do while waiting for the release, but Maud is coming sooner!
Lynn says
Thank you, thank you, thank you. What a wonderful surprise!
Carol says
Because I’m old and can’t red-pencil an e-book.
SueB,NH says
I expect the typo will be fixed before it’s published.
Augustine & the surveillance cameras: Catalina’s thought: “The passenger window of the car rolled down, revealing me.” So, no, Augustine was NOT looking like himself to the cameras. That would have defeated the purpose anyway. Most security booths of that sort have a monitor right there, showing the camera feed. Even these guys (why, oh, /why/ didn’t you check the log, you lunkheads?) would have noticed if one person was in front of them but a totally different person was showing on the monitor screen. At least, anyone who was able to be hired in the first place should have noticed! These two are going job hunting tomorrow, preferably in another line of work. If still in security, they better not put the Baylors down as references…. 😉
Tawny says
Omg. Thank you! It was great I’m very excited. But as one of the readers of the earlier cut snippet and a fan of Runa, I feel a bit guilty, I liked the cut snippet so much it got her family killed… I guess the BDH is partially responsible for Runas families fate.
SueB,NH says
Based on some of the snippets we’ve already seen, Runa’s family was getting killed anyway. What the AL did was to rework the scene so it tied directly into the story they already had, rather than leaving it with characters we’d probably never see again. Much stronger this way.
Bill G says
Gorgeous! Thank you.
Karen says
This is nice and I will buy it as soon as it’s released but I have to admit I strongly related to the original characters and reasoning…
Gailk says
Really enjoyed it. And loved that last line about monsters on the dark. Just brilliant.
Augustine keeps trying to snare the Baylor family ,and the ladies are too savvy to fall into his machinations.
Really looking forward to this book.
Thank you
Kelly says
Why are Ilona Andrews books like Lay’s potato chips?
Because no one can read just one and when the book is finished you’re left craving more!
Loved the rewrite, you guys are such good writers. thank you for all you do!
Cindy says
Sigh. Loved it! Looking forward to August. Nice twist having Runna there.
Many thanks for many hours of enjoyment!!
Bliss Crimson says
I really like this intro. You took the same concept and spun it with other characters and it gives it a totally new and original feel. I think I liked the first rendition a little better. My memory of it was that it was a little warmer, a little thicker story wise. The new spin I think makes Catalina a little colder, personality wise, but here she’s older and Head of House, so she needs this face. I like the idea of her being able to purge her magic from a victim/subject.
I love the blending back in of past characters into the newer books. Great hook to have the poison girl reappear (^_^)
I’m a little concerned that her sister flung clothes to hide her boobs, but no pants. For the few seconds it takes to slip on a sweat shirt, someone could have thrown a pair of sweat pants at her. Also, are they really humongous boobs or something, that she needs a sweat shirt for her boobs? For some reason this just really perturbs me. Unless the sleep shirt was too thin, which doesn’t seem her character, or she’s super body conscious, it seems very random.
So I’m really excited to read the whole book. I really love this universe.
Kimmelane says
I, on the other hand, loved the “boobs” moment! As far as I’m concerned, it’s a lot more important to hide the braless boobs than cover up the legs.
CharisN says
Same here, Its what I would cover first, heck its what I HAVE covered first.
Spring says
Me too! I loved it.
It sounds like she’s spent most of her life trying not to draw attention to herself, so she probably is at least somewhat body conscious.
Rene says
The sleep shirt came to her knees, why would she need more? Sleep shirts are usually thin, soft fabric that would definitely make it better to cover up. Also… Its obviously a *sleep* shirt, Aka almost negligee.
Bliss Crimson says
That’s just it, either “why would she need more” and the extra boob coverage is unnecessary, or it’s “almost negligee” and she should just pull on some normal clothes. Instead she get’s thrown one piece of extra clothing because “boobs” – not because it’s cold or anything, but to obscure the fact she as a female may actually have breasts. It just sort of gets to me. I was once told it was obscene if a woman went without a bra, and it’s annoyed me ever since.
Ilona says
This is a case of you having a personal experience. There is nothing wrong with that. Each reader brings their own 50% to the book. Every time the question of breast coverage comes into play, you recall that obscene comment and it factors into your read.
Some women are more modest, some are less. Women have different levels of comfort when it comes to displaying breasts. Catalina is a kind of young woman similar to me and my kids, who, when confronted with visitors while wearing a thin night T-shirt will either change or throw something on to cover up, because nipples are dark and pointy and they show through translucent fabric. This doesn’t mean that all women should subscribe to this philosophy, buit it does mean that we should respect everyone’s choices as to how to cover their bodies. 🙂
Caroline says
I agree completely Ilona. That is the reaction that I or my daughters would have had too. Shorts and skirts these days are pretty commonly short and a sleep shirt to the knees would not even be a blip on our radar. But boobs, nope those need to stay covered! In fact, I am pretty certain that you have based the character Arabella on my youngest daughter Kelly. I just don’t know when you met her! lol…
I love what you and Gordon write. It resonates with me. And I hope you and your family have a great Easter weekend.
John says
Frankly, I feel like chapter two will start with Catalina telling Runa that she doesn’t know how to purge her magic, but she has to try, or Ragnar will murder people. I already had a laugh at that potential exchange.
As for the boobs, in the earlier books, Catalina is described as thin and Arabella as curvy. I don’t believe the ALs have given us a more specific description yet.
Sivi says
Thank you
Irishmadchen says
Thank you so much for sharing your reworked first chapter. I and a lot of other Prime Readers agree. You write it, we will buy it. (Already pre-ordered here.) Thank you for letting us into the worlds you create. Thank you for creating the worlds you create and sharing them with us. Hope this hits high on the top 10 chart.
Lara says
Amy Y says
Wow now having a problem waiting until August Already pre ordered.
Lisa says
Oh, wow! Already I’m drawn in & can’t wait for more! I’m also glad to see the time jump. I had wondered how Catalina would handle things as a teen & am gratified that she’s now 21. A very mature 21, too! Serious, thoughtfu,l & considering. I wish I’d been that mature back then. I’m so excited to see where her story is headed ?
Hannah Gordon says
1) Thank you this was awesome!
2) Rogan is going to loose it when he gets to see the security tapes
3) Is Catalina the Head of the house because Nevada is away or is she always the Head of House since Nevada got married?
Kathryn says
+1 on question 3. I’ve been wondering about that too. Or is it because Nevada is out of town?
Fera says
Tina Brickley-Langley says
Nevada married into House Rogan. She is the wife of the prime. She cannot be head of House Baylor. If people remained members of their own houses after marriage, it would be too messy for the record keepers. Also, when one marries, I think they are expected to be loyal to the family they will produce children for. Rogan couldn’t step down because he is the last until he has heirs. It only makes sense for Nevada to be the one go step down as head of house. This is my take on it. I may be wrong, but it seemed logical to me.
njb says
Sounds more to me that Nevada stayed head of House Baylor until Catalina became 21 and could then take over as head of the house. Can’t have a House Baylor with an underage prime head of house.
Michelle Soporito says
Take my money! Please!
That was amazing and I look forward to seeing what happens next.
Penni Ferguson says
As always….the AAARRRGGGHHH when the “tease” ends. Can’t wait for what’s coming next !!!!
Aurora Ebonfire says
Michael says
M says
AWESOME!! I can’t wait. It is already preordered.
Robert I. Katz says
I don’t understand why Catalina is the Head of the House. Has Nevada decided to give up House Baylor and join House Rogan? That would make it seem as if houses that have only female Primes would simply cease to exist once they all got married.
Michael says
Rogan’s Father had to pay a fortune for his wife to become part of house Rogan when her father wanted her to remain to increase the prestige of their house. So I assumed that a husband can become part of a wife’s family thus keeping the house going
Kylie Australia says
I think its a choice. Rogan cant give up his head of house as it would no longer exist whereas nevada has people to take her place
Anton says
Awesome as always, I look forward to reading the complete book.
Sarah says
Thank you. Waiting and anticipating. Have a good day
Jean Morgan says
You are so gifted, I’ve had on pre-order from the first day that it could be done. The excerpt wets my appetite, thank you for sharing.
Cherylanne says
So appreciate. Surgery tomorrow. Lovely distraction now.
Christine says
Love!!! Can’t wait for the release! Thank you!
LucyQ says
*Happy sigh* Thank you. What have we poor wretched done to deserve the bountiful goodness the authorlords bestow upon us…
Also puzzled as to why Catalina is now the head of House Baylor.
Amy says
Loved it! However I am confused as to why Catalina is now head of house Baylor? Is this a temporary thing while Nevada is away?
Emily07 says
I really loved the first chapter, and I love the changes and how you have really fleshed out Catarina. I especially liked the way she stood up to Augustine Montgomery, and wasn’t afraid to express her viewpoint with her rejection of his idea/proposal. I have long since pre-ordered the book, and can’t wait for it to come out.
All the questions from people in the blog, some of them insightful and others made me laugh, because I know the majority of those questions will be answered in the book. We will just have to wait and to trust our Authors, which I do absolutely. Thank you for sharing the chapter with us.
Fera says
Joan says
Agree ?
njb says
+1! I liked this start a bunch better than the previous snippet, altho I had no problems with that one either. This just seems better balanced and has obvious leadins to the rest of the story. I couldn’t figure out where the other story was planning to go.
Liesl says
Woot! Snippet! I love that it got reworked so it is someone she knows instead of a stranger. Especially since I thought their meeting at the caterer was SO much fun.
Tamara says
Oh boy! I’m ready!
Melony says
Omg that was awesome. I can’t wait to read more!
Arlia says
I feel like Augustine constantly underestimates the Baylors. First, with Nevada, giving her a complete under offer when he knew she was a prime, and now with Catalina. I have a feeling she’ll take the case and kick everyone’s ass 🙂
SoCoMom says
Todd Erickson says
So exciting. Thank you.
Tina says
Awesome, awesome, awesome ?
Teresa says
I love the new version. I loved the old version but this is just right.
Teej says
Oooooooo! I guess we’re going to have to wait (& buy the book) so we can find out why Catalina is now Head of House Baylor. Which I had wondered, if a House of Prime women all marry Prime men of older more established Houses, would the women’s House then cease to exist. Because it does not seem feasible that a person could have loyalty to more than 1 independent House (vassals would be another matter) without running into loyalty and other issues that would melt your brain (to resolve).
And Oh Snap, someone needs to school Augustine! His continued attempts to suborn or otherwise ‘put the arm to’ entities smaller than his House for no other reason than he can — gah, what a weasel! How can anybody ever really trust him? So in turn, who could he ever trust…..
Tina Brickley-Langley says
I don’t believe it is a male/ female thing, Nevada leaving House Baylor, I think it was out of necessity. Rogan is the only active prime in his family. His mother is retired, with no way to produce more natural heirs. It is probably something worked out during negotiations for prenuptials. Since most houses aim for three per generation, the younger children are probably used in a similar manner as royal siblings in history. Married to other houses, preferably to heads of houses or their heirs, strengthening alliances. I don’t know anything for sure, but this was what made the most sense to me.
Tina in NJ says
Except that Rogan and Nevada didn’t have a prenup. That was made very clear in both Wildfire and Diamond Fire.
Angie Papas says
Thank you! It was amazing. Don’t pay attention to people who write inappropriate things. You work hard, you are successful ,you deal with your health issues (I can’t forget your aching fingers!). Bear in mind that there are people who love you and support you from all over around the world. Good morning from sunny Greece!
Joan says
Agree ?
and hello from sunny (but a little cool & windy) Ireland ?
FBR says
That was great! I love seeing this scene revamped and in the book. I was sad it was getting cut. Thank you for the snippet.
MerryB says
You two are evil, and I am a will-less reader. I lasted less than five minutes before reading the first chapter. Thank you very much. Wishing good things for everyone in the Ilona Andrews family.
Laura in Chico says
I’m never disappointed when I read your stories, so thank you again.
I just read yesterday’s entry on the Julie haters and I lump them into the idiots who berate you for not writing what they want when they want it. Let them all go pound sand.
Write what makes you happy and I know I and the rest of the BDH will consume it joyfully.
Arianna says
Love it!
I like the new twist about Runa!
Barbara Mildenberger says
Thanks for the snippet. I practically inhaled the excerpt. You two are so blessed with your gifts, and we all share in those blessings. Like everyone else I’m ready for the book to release, but will try to appease myself with re-reading your other books. You have no idea how much joy you bring to your readership!
As for those fans who don’t care for Julie, please ignore them. I’m frankly surprised that there are more than a couple and think it must be a very small, although vocal, group. If it helps I commit to buying several copies of the hopefully upcoming Julie series as a sign of support. Please take the time to be good to yourselves, you deserve it! And, thanks again for the many satisfying hours of entertainment you provide us.
Christian Chandler says
Thank you.
Elkie says
? You angels. Thanks so much.
Elkie says
Also….not with the Julie haters! How can they!!!!!!
Oblivious to great characters they must be!
Verslint says
I’ve always seen Julie as a child (and then a young woman) with enormous potential and absolutely no luck. And yet she always pushes on.
That’s the thing that sticks with me when it comes to Julie; she cares much more for others than she cares for herself. The fact that she leaves for Kate’s sake made me so sad… and fit with her personality to a T.
Verslint says
Sqeee!!! Can’t wait! Thanks for the snippet!
Susan J says
You guys are magic. Seriously, I am buying anything that you write.
Kara Rogers says
Aaaaaa! Loving this SO much. And now I have to wait. You are masterful at both writing and TEASING. Glad y’all had a good trip. Thanks for the snippet!
mdy says
That was wonderful! Thank you for sharing.
John says
Fantastic re-write for this bit.
It looks like you’ve made this fast-paced introduction to Catalina’s powers part of the main narrative rather than a tangential blip. It flows well and there’s a lot less world exposition than the earlier draft.
Catalina feels more adult than she did in the earlier version, as well. Worried and nervous, but calm, deliberate, and in control of herself and her decisions (and their consequences). It also introduces a long-running potential tension to Runa and Catalina’s budding friendship, especially if the purge is not simple.
Very good stuff and I can’t wait for more.
susan m says
thank you. what a treat to read an opening chapter.
your blending of smart & panic is always great to watch.
Darlene Claus says
You two have done wonderful. Made me eager for your new book. Thank you.
Ishita Dhanji says
Oh my god!! This was amazing, I’m so pumped for this book!!
Tori says
Squeeeee. I cant wait!
Kyle Belliston says
I knew that Runa Etterson would be in book from the other Snippets you’ve delivered to us. I’m very grateful that this opening was reworked to fit because I really liked it. Thank you so much. The Julie haters can eat rocks.
Casey says
Awesome! Love it! Can’t wait for the book! Thank you very much for the sample!
Daria says
Thanks for this preview, it was delightful.
I remember the first version of this chapter and seeing how you took a good scene and made it into one, that feels so much more integrated with the previous books and that already develops for the story to come is a wonderful example of what being an excellent writer means.
Fan in California says
Love it!! Book is preordered and I can’t wait!!! Thanks for posting!!
Melissa says
Another magnificent read. Whatever you write I read. So looking forward to August release of this book. I will spend part of summer reading all of Hidden Legacy (again!) to be completely ready for the next installment of this engrossing series.
Claire M says
So in love already.
Though now I feel like I need to reread Diamond Fire. Good thing my paperback of it arrived a couple days ago 😉
Seriously. So excited for this book!
Esme says
Quality writing as usual. What an intriguing cliffhanger!
Nona says
Thank you – I truly enjoyed it – looking forward to the book
Geri Lambert says
Lol. You Temptress you. I’m SO in the mood to re-read the series and Desperately trying to hold off and wait till it’s closer to the release date. You’re making it really hard for me! ?
Edward B Harrison says
Wait, hold off?! WHY? I just reread it the other day. When the next book comes out, I’ll reread it again. It’s not like the words wear out… 😉
njb says
+1. hear, hear! I just listened to the whole set again, too. Long commutes are so miserable without audio books.
Amy Ann says
Catalina has developed into a very mature and intelligent woman. Congratulations, Mom & Pop! And you will do the same with Julie when you are ready.
Kayeri says
The scene I want to read next is when they take their so-called security apart for letting Augustine get through in spite of the logs and the strange car!! I’m thinking Leon may take lead on that, with Catalina as back up since she’s the Head of House Baylor… Those guys will never know what hit them… LOL!!! =)
GailinPgh says
Think about what Rogan will do when he and Nevada get back.
Kayeri says
I’m not worried about Rogan, they don’t need his help to either straighten these guys out or fire them. The Baylor family is quite enough on their own! =)
Jasmin says
Oh yeah, that will not be pretty. On the other hand, she’s a prime and head of house, they’re also likely to respect her handling of it if she asks….
John says
Leon takes lead, but Arabella arrives at the end, and drops a line about not wanting to make her angry, and the two guards pee their pants just as Catalina, Augustine, Runa, and Ragnar drive up.
Funny stuff. Probably would get cut if they’re running over. A simple throwaway line if Catalina asks about the security. ‘Leon took care of it.’ from Arabella.
Patricia Schlorke says
Leon would have the back up of his Aunt Penelope with her sniper rifle and Grandma Frida with one of her big wrenches before Arabella steps in. 😀
Watch out for House Baylor!
MMD says
This was wonderful made my day, thanks.
I loved the original with the horrible school and the arrogant dad, but your ability to change the start, and still keep the fundamental feeling of the start of a great story is what makes you guys the AuthorLords and us your devoted BDH.
I am looking forward to seeing how the relationship between Catalina and Runa develops. Catalina deserves a friend.
Thanks a million this was a great chapter
Karen W says
Diana says
Rimantė says
OMG I want to read this book. NOW!!! ?
giveittome says
rroseperry says
Okay, now I can’t wait for the rest.
Mina says
Yep. My thoughts exactly.
E says
Thank you so much! I’m so excited for the book. I read the first version of this chapter you shared with us and it was fascinating to see how it evolved. I’m glad you decided to include it.
Highlights for me:
The way Catalina calls attention to Augustine’s manipulations. She’s intelligent & matter-of-fact. I adore her character already.
Augustine is a very interesting character too, defying categorization: good hearted enough to use the favor and help on the roof but not enough to take the case or not stoop to another unfavorable offer at his opportune moment. I hope to see more of him throughout the series.
Arabella giving Catalina a sweatshirt with one word “Boobs” and Bern’s reaction. It’s this level of detail that makes the books so vibrant, realistic, and entertaining. A little glimpse into each chatacter’s personality & family dynamic.
Can’t wait for the whole book!
Laurence says
Woot woot!
This was amazing to read, I’m really looking forward to reading the book.
Thank you very much for this gift, that was very nice of you!
Cheryl Hunt says
Oh yes, LOVE this already. I can’t wait!!
KC says
I. Cannot. Wait.
Maria says
So much squeeeeeeee right now!!!!!
Saira says
THANK YOU!!!! It was very sweet and amazing that you reworked that because we did really like it (and I still absolutely love it).
Alianna says
Woo-hoo! Special treat for when I’m done w/ work today! Yippee! – and so happy for YOU!
HelB says
Oooh, monsters in the night! Can’t wait…thank you!
Marie says
Loved it!! Can’t wait for August but have to stop myself wising for the months to pass because the year is already moving at a hectic pace. Look forward to Catalina proving Augustine wrong. These Baylor women are so strong. When will he finally realise it.
Please don’t give up on Julie (and Derek). What a chance too to have more of Erra, Conlan, Kate and Curran, and all the others we have taken to our hearts. There will always be more believers than those who focus on the negative. And new fans. Stay true to yourselves. ?
CharisN says
Courtenay says
“for some nefarious reason. Leon didn’t have any other kind of reasons.”
This had me laughing out loud. Thank you.
Alico says
Lurked on Twitter and saw you bemoaning and debating watching Rise of Phoenixes as your next C-drama. If you haven’t already, please consider watching NIRVANA IN FIRE. Excellent revenge c-drama with excellent everything; costumes, actors, plot, plot, plot, heart, did I mention plot? Plus, great sword fights when needed. No fillers here. It was released back in 2015, but since it’s a historical drama, it’s timeless. Plus, it’s available on ???
Anonymous says
Cannot wait. Love the rewrite!
Sherri says
Wonderful! And you know that somehow House Baylor will get involved 🙂
Sivi says
Thank you. Thuis time posted in the right place 🙂
Great start and I’m looking forward to the book hitting my kindle:)
blackbook says
I’ve missed your writing sooo much. Love the smartness of Catalina. Thank you.
Debie says
Thank you, absolutely love it.
Jasmin says
Squeeeee! Loving the rewrite, it’s quite different but the core emotion and setup remains.
Alex R. says
Sigh. I swear Ilona stays up at night strictly for the nefarious reason of how to make us suffer in the worst possible way. Gordon would never.
Patricia Schlorke says
Gordon would spill all the secrets if he could. 🙂
Alex R. says
Completely and totally agreed.
Marlene P says
Omg!!!! I can so excited this totally made my day. Great way to start the long weekend. I can’t wait for August.
Solrac says
I really liked the way you reworked this scene. It introduces the whole book objective (a murder investigationi hope )and cause curiosity. I can’t wait to read the whole book.
MJ says
This is great! Looking forward to reading the rest. Thank you for sharing!
Lynne Binkley says
Awwessoommeeee !! I loved it! Can’t wait for this book. Would love to hear more from Bern as well! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Pete says
I’m happy you brought back Runa. I loved the scene in the bakery when she got annoyed. Though I guess she’s going to have a rough time.
Artsuff2 says
How many days until I get my pre-ordered copy???? 😉
CharisN says
Forever…. its gonna feel like forever!
Hilly G says
I knew I shouldn’t have read this excerpt, because now I want more! Darn it! You guys are amazing! Thank you for sharing another great story. I especially love that it’s in my hometown. You need to add Sugar Land in there sometime also. 🙂 Looking forward to August.
Stephanie says
#squeal #happydance I love, love it so far and can not wait!!!!! Thank you for the peek and totally excited!!!
njb says
+1. hear, hear! I just listened to the whole set again, too. Long commutes are so miserable without audio books.
Steffi says
I love the book already! I really thought it wouldn’t be the worst idea to get an alliance with Augustine, but as usual, I am surprised about the thought Catalina, and previously Nevada, are putting into their answers. They are great at the whole house business scheming. I can’t wait for the book! Really can’t wait! I’m looking for good books in the meantime, but I can’t find any which measure up to yours. So I am reading 2-3 other books and then I’m back rereading all the Hidden Legacy books. I think that’s gonna continue quite a while. At this rate I think I’m going to start quoting your book like Shakespear or something. ?
Rohaise says
Thank you so much for the chapter. Loved how you re-worked the scene w/ Augustine. Can’t wait for the book to come out.
Danielle says
I cannot wait for this book to come out!
Anne-Marie says
Thank you so much for this! I can’t wait for the book!
Molly-in-Md says
I have a theory about Leon…
Let’s recap some key info here. He’s thin and wiry but strong. His sport is cross-country running. He’s some kind of precog – that’s how he figures out who is going to be shot next. His father is unknown.
I think his father was Gabriel Baranovsky, the oneiromancer billionaire who was killed by the ice mage in “White Hot”. Here are some quotations about Baranovsky. “His build, slender, almost slight, pointed to a man who was either a habitual runner or had an iron will when it came to food.” He was a precog who “predicted the further by dreaming”. And, here’s the kicker: “Rumor has it, there is a bastard child. But nobody’s ever seen him or her.”
So, what do you think???
Candy says
I can’t wait to read this book. I have preordered it. Now going to reread the series. Thank you so much for this sneak peek. Please write in how the guards are handled and Arabella has a snarky comment.
Vicki says
I love your books. With Jack,Geroge Gaston, Sophie and Claus you could so start an Arbitrator series. I for one would read that as fast as it was printed. Understandably you have tons of work already going on so one odd suggestion will probably be overlooked but I do hope you read this and perhaps one day we will get 4 of our favorite characters back with someone new and cool. Thanks for your time.
Elodie says
I didn’t think it was possible but you did it, I find this version even better ! Ô Author Lords, you are the best !
I love it and I’m happy to see Runa so soon again, I have a feeling I will REALLY like her haha
Thank you for the excerpt, can’t wait to read the book entirely ! ?
Monica says
Wow just wow. I was wondering where this book would go and it has grabbed me by the heart strings and won’t let go with the first chapter. Thank you both so very much for the amazing gift of your imaginations that you share with us.
Tuesday says
Thank you for posting this. As always your work is excellent. I look forward to reading Catalina’s story. Her powers alone make her a very different type of heroine than either Kate or Nevada (to me Kate and Nevada, despite their differing circumstances, felt like kindred spirits).
Also, thank you for sharing your thoughts about the difficulties with Julie’s story. I’m sorry the world has so much mysogyny and hate that people feel compelled to write you hatemail about Julie. I personally think Julie is a very credible portrait of a teenager struggling through a deeply traumatic past and stressful present. I think her relationship with Kate is one of the highlights of the series. I respect your decision to step away, perhaps indefinitely, from Julie but I hope you’ll one day be able to reclaim your sense of play and whimsy with her stories. She is a complex, vulnerable, and resilent young woman; a combination rarely seen. Thank you for creating her and allowing her to be perfectly imperfect in her own heroic way. One last thought, much like Kate and Nevada feel like kindred spirits, so too do Julie and Catalina. They are both deeply damaged and isolated by childhood trauma, have non-traditional/non-combat powers, have been mentored by an older sister figure, adapt and fight smarter and have to step out of the shadow of powerful figures. I think both women challenge our ideas of who heroines are and how they must behave, so thank you for creating another unique, complex, unlikely/overlooked heroine.
Faith says
rose says
Hi I’m a bit confused, I thought Nevada was head of house. Can anyone help?
thanks and have a good weekend.
vwiles says
This is phenomenal! I can’t wait to read the rest :D. You guys are a great team of writers