We have the actual preorder links for you and the solid, actual release date. July 10, 2023.
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Very exciting!
Will this be available to purchase for Overdrive users or will it be an Audible exclusive?
Asking for a librarian friend.
It is not an Audible exclusive, look at all the links for the other retailers 🙂. It will be available to libraries.
I am embarrassed. I didn’t even see the links. I was actually doing purchasing on Overdrive, looked for the audio copies of Magic Tides/Magic Claims and didn’t see them and just typed my question.
I did however by the eBook of Magic Claims as my last Overdrive title of the fiscal year!
I’ve only ever seen Overdrive as a library connection app. I had no idea it is a service that you can purchase from. I’m in southeast Michigan btw.
It is a library service. I am a librarian and manage my library’s Overdrive collection. We have all of House Andrews books. 🙂
Best. Job. Ever!
Also a librarian, (assistant director, actually) and purchased all Ilona andrews books for my library as well – print and overdrive. Totally agree, best job 😍
Exclusive means there would be a single buy link to only one retailer. 🙂
Random thought. Rereading Sweep of the Blade. This needs a sequel.
HA! I am also at this very moment re-reading it. The Ripper Cushions tote bag in the merch store reminded me how much I missed Helen.
seriously, of all the characters created by HA I think I am most vested in her future. Of course the Inn missed her!!
Excited about everything of course: Maggie, Cousin Hugh, Conlan, Derek& Julie, Arabella but MORE HELEN PLEASE.
I loved, loved , loved, Sweep of the Blade! Everything; narration, storyline, pace, character development…I’ve listened to it 5 times already, my house is so clean and my yard😂 is weed free.
“What kind of cake?”… “The delicious kind”🥰
You know what’s weird about Sweep of the Blade for me… one random side character sticks in my head… the medic guy. I think that’s why I love IA so much. Even random small parts are done well!
thank you for thinking of you BDH. I buy both a printed copy, and the audio. You narrators usually give me insights I did not get when I flash flooded through the printed one, even if I go back and carefully read it again.
With other authors, I may just buy the audio, so I can get other projects done as I ‘read’ the book, and sometimes that is quite a long time after the publishing date.\
Like many others, I will do whatever I can to support you.
A retired Middle School teacher
I totally agree!
Some of the lines that Kate says I don’t think my reader mind can produce. The narrators really deliver it in a way where it hits a bit more, whether it’s funny or emotionally charged.
I should not type on my phone, as I look at what I just posted and cringe at the dropped ‘r’ s.
Just finished the Zoom with Nalini Singh and HA. Thanks it was fun.
I plan to buy this one, but when is up in the air.
Thank you! As soon as the Audible link is up, I’m jumping on it.
Hopefully it will also show up in Overdrive/Libby soon so I can recommend it for my library to purchase as well.
So I have done my first read through of Magic Claims, and I’m wondering if anyone can help me work through a Roland question. He is pushing Kate very hard to learn and use her magic. He knows Julie/Aurelia is dealing with the impending doom and threat of the EyeGuy to Kate. Do you think the reason he is pushing her magical education is so Kate will visit more and he can teach her, or because he knows the threat of the EyeGuy?
Both Roland and Erra are pushing Kate to use her magic, claim land, gather resources and people etc because of the Moloch (or EyeGuy) threat 🙂.
You can learn more about it in from the spoiler party here https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/magic-claims-spoiler-party-and-transcript/ , where the authors answered a lot of the Magic Claims questions, including this one.
So much Andrews audio for us to enjoy…
Preorder of GraphicAudio’s Kate Daniels 3: Magic Strikes is available at the GraphicAudio website for $11.99 during their 40% off sale. 1 and 2 are on sale too!
Fantastic news!!
I’m waiting for Audible but super excited 😄
I read somewhere that there is a sweet spot between pre orders purchases and day of publish purchases that is best for the authors. More bang for the buck in terms of ratings. But I can’t remember what it is. Is this a true thing?
Not for us. More preorders = more guaranteed sales, so preorders favor us. But authors who rely on KU have complicated strategies, so it may be true for them. Because we don’t publish frequently in KU, I simply don’t know enough about it.
Yay! More Kate Daniels! 🙂
Only in case someone ist interested:
The audio version of Maigic Claims… is now to pre-order-able (is that even a word?) at the German iTunes too
Thanks for the link! For some reason the Storytel link takes me to the 404 error page.
Fixed! Sorry about that, thank you for signalling! ☺️
Is this the official book on Audible? Just wanted to make sure it’s not another pirate copy. 😁
Listen to Magic Tides & Magic Claims by Ilona Andrews on Audible. https://www.audible.com/pd/B0C91K68YF?source_code=ASSORAP0511160007
Here is the link on Audible https://www.audible.com/pd/B0C91HGKGN?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp 😊
What you shared just takes me to the home page?
Your link worked for me (and I pre-ordered) but Mod-R’s link took me to the homepage. I’m guessing that’s bc you and I are in the US, and her link is for the UK? Just a guess.
Well, as long as it got you there!
…sorry, that is, Vanessa’s link worked for me, here in the US.
A little off topic.
In M.C. ( reading the juicy parts now that I’ve been through it two, threes times🙂 ) Bison, Bisons. Barsa. Barsa barsa. Barrsa barsa😂
Even in the serious parts you manage to make me laugh.
Thanks HA
Amazon recommended the Kate Daniel’s books and I fell in love with Ilona Andrews as an authors. I have bought every book since I can find and always will that’s also how I found Janine Frost, Patricia Briggs, Faith Hunter and Nalini Singh. thank you Amazon for introducing me to the authors I’ve been addicted to ever since especially the ones that I find here. long live bdh and house Andrews
Audible has the Magic Tides & Magic Claims audiobook Pre-Order up..
Can anyone explain audiobook pricing to me, Please?
Kobo: $17.99
B&N: $17.99
Libro: $20.69
Audible: Regular Price $48.99 Member Price… $34.29
I understand some differences in price. Why does the set cost at least 2x as much from Audible?
Each retailer sets their own price, which isn’t under anyone else’s control.
Audible is also driving customers to buy with Audible credits, from what I can tell, – there are several policies in place towards that , including returns being easier than for purchases with a credit/debit card, more advantageous pricing etc.
I’ve pre-ordered! Audible pre-order links are up! So excited 🙂
I can see your point about getting printed books in the bookstore to snag new audience. I guess there are still enough ppl buying books at bookstores that this would work.
Years ago there was a guy who conducted a local youth orchestra who was a literary agent ( this was really before ebooks took off), and he said publishers even then always want the sure thing in a sense, where they have to do as little as possible, they had little interest in developing new talent. he said that the only time they really do is either when they spend a ton of money at auction for the next Gone Girl ( barf), or when one of their big time authors writes a bomb they gave a huge advance for.
It is too bad that with booksellers it is controlled by publishers. The other problem is obvious, even if there is some mechanism to get a self published print book into stores, it is costly to print them, ship them, and then if you end up with a lot of returns , you can end up losing your shirt.
I always viewed book publishers like record companies back in the day, they held most of the cards and most were marked …
Done and done
I was just able to pre-order Magic Tides / Magic Claims on audible. Yay! Can’t wait to listen to them!
So excited for the audio! I loved Magic Claims even more than Magic Tides.
Maybe this question has been asked before, but how does it work with audio providers like Storytel where we as customers pay for a membership and then all content is for free? Do you as authors get paid a big clump sum when they buy rights for the book, or do you get paid a small sum every time someone listens to the book?
Thanks for pre order audio link
Ordered! Can’t wait to listen to it! A big thank you to you and everyone else who makes House Andrews and its works the best they can be.
Finally trying the graphic audio versions, starting with Clean Sweep and LOVING them. I see Sweep of the heart does t have one yet – will it be coming? And is there any thoughts about doing The Edge series as a graphic audio? Really love them more than I thought I would!
I’m so happy you like the dramatised adaptations! ☺️
At the moment, Nora & team are hard at work on the Kate Daniels series- Magic Strikes is out in August 😍 https://www.graphicaudiointernational.net/kate-daniels-3-magic-strikes.html , so it’s a bit premature to talk about future projects, they still have 7 KDs ahead.
Sweep of the Heart will get an adaptation too, but it’s not yet on the schedule so I have no official date to share atm.