Hey guys. We are still editing. Hopefully today is the last day of major edits. Most of the betas enjoyed the story, so we think it might be fun to read.
We have a little bit of work still left, and I’m going to go and do that. Unfortunately we don’t have anything fun for you this morning, but hopefully we’ll come up for air later in the week.
This is why writers never star in reality TV or competitions. We are mostly very boring.
Good morning! Happy Monday and thanks for the update! Best of luck with everything this week. 😀
It’s not boring. It’s focusing on creating the greater treats :).
Now I want a Masterchef-like writing competition!
I’m very boring too and I’m a doctor, so I suppose is more about personally.
Good luck with the edits.
Edit away. Hopefully, it goes smoothly. Looking forward to the next Kate story. Thank you.
Just watched the YouTube video of the program you did with Ashland Public. It was awesome. It took my mind off the jackhammers working under my office. Edit away–the BDH is eager.
It’s okay to be boring. That means nothing “bad” happened. That is the philosophy of my life and that is fine.
Thanks for the update. Hopefully you have some rest time scheduled. Hugs.
We wait patiently. Hope the roof is done and dogs can go out.
Yea! Almost done! Thanks for info. Time til available still too long hehe. I bet you’ll be glad to move on to another project tho.
I can just see it now: From the creative minds who brought you philosophical space chickens, teenaged hormonal male hyenas and the classic line “Here kitty, kitty” comes a competition nobody asked for. Publish or Perish. In this literary fight, who will succeed in writing the next big thing?
I would SO watch that!
I can just imagine a Kate and Curran movie. Doesn’t it make your mouth water. Instead of BDH it would be B&MDH. With modern CGI film making it would be a spectacular movie. Of course then there would be the sequels, ah one can dream.
I love that HA no longer has the dead-line around their neck. FREEDOM to the AUTHORS. I respect writing as a true art, the same as any other ( but more complex than most ). The authors are top notch Artists
Thank you House Andrews, Moderater, and crew. We gladly consume the fruits of your labor
Love it! 😄
Oh seriously!! Would definitely watch that!! 📚📚📚
And if it comes to a tie break they could have an ‘Is the pen mightier than the sword’ fight! Or battle with papercuts, they hurt alot too. . .
Ha! Love this. Laughed out loud, then found my husband and read it to him.
Congratulations on a boring morning! You’ve certainly earned it! I hope it includes some lovely tea, a few deep breaths (of the peaceful variety), and some daydreaming.
Remember what we always say about your grocery list? I’m happy just to get short updates like this!
Thanks for working so hard!
Hi, take the necessary time to make it another great read!
Will anxiously wait as usual lol
Keep working on edits. I’m glad the beta readers like the book. You know the omega readers (the BDH) will squee and say it’s wonderful. 😁
Your “boring” is our delight.
Hello, keep the good and the hard work!
We will be waiting as long as needed😉
I’m sure it will be fun to read. I sympathize with dullness; it’s a specialty of mine. The dog here agrees; there’s no need to add that the cat does. Cats think all people are dull.
You are Never boring and always put a smile on my face. Thanks for the hard work we so enjoy your hard work!
Baloney, you and Gordon are super entertaining as well as informative. I was able to catch the Ashland Library interview along with the great Jeanine Frost.
I didn’t know her books were adapted in the graphic audio format. Bought those babies asap.
Thank you for your dedication as well as entertaining blog posts!
Cheer up! You do great work! And you don’t live in Potter County, PA WHERE IT’s currently sleet-snowing.
If they can make sifting mud for gold flakes you can’t even see on camera dramatic enough for tv, they can make writing the same.
You say let’s have scene A play out like this. Gordon says he thinks this other way would be better. Dramatic music, close up of your furrowed face to make you look angry (when you instead are just thinking it through)…The back and forth of planning it out is edited to make it sound like you two are arguing….The stakes are high, who will win??? Musical crescendo….”yeah, you might be right.”
Next time on the Ilona and Gordon show, Gordon want baked bread but the bread maker broken. Who did it? Was it the dogs? The Cats? How will this effect our writing duo? Could this be the end?
I did enjoy the life of Richard Castle from Castle, the tv show. A writer who “researched” by “observing” NYPD cases live. He had the smarts, the looks, the charm, the tragic past love life, the wonderful kid, the amazing new love interest, the witty family & all the hard-earned wealth. And you’re basically saying not all writers are like their TV show versions. Well that sucks.
Richard Castle left me and a lot of other working writers in stitches. He never wrote. They would occasionally show him pecking at his laptop in the evening and somehow he wrote all those novels. I have been editing non stop since 8:15 am this morning. It’s now 1:52 pm as I write this.
Are you saying that Jessica Fletcher’s riveting biographical TV series was inaccurate?! **shocked outrage**
I remember the episode where she hired an amanuensis and would just free-flow dictate in perfectly constructed phrases, with no need to stop and figure anything out. Even Barbara Cartland her pink self would not have achieved that! 😀
I’m sure I heard/read somewhere that Barbara Cartland used to write lying in bed and genuinely did just speak out loud to a secretary with a tape recorder back up.
That’s right, but even she must have hesitated once or twice 😅
The writers of the series wrote two books to go along with the show. They published them under “Richard Castle”. I never read them, but can appreciate the humor behind the idea and the gift to the shows’s fans (and of course, the good marketing strategy).
The picture is fun!
Hang in there, we are rooting for you!
I think you could do reality TV. It would include you and Gordon discussing dialog, watching videos of fighters and maybe acting out some scenes(?), going to the grocery store and speculating on how you could kill someone with an avacado, entering search terms in Google that you’re sure will send the FBI after you, etc.
I think in pictures and movement. this blog post got a mental photo (photo, not video) of Ilona and Gordon sitting at a computer with the caption “time-lapse of writing and editing process.
Other writers WISH they were as ‘boring’ as HA!!!! In any case, good job, good luck, and carry on: the BDH will be here waiting! Okay, maybe not so p*tiently, but we’ll be here waiting! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Watching a butterfly cocoon is boring. The result is anything but!
Happy editing!
Sometimes boring is nice. I think we’d all rather have these kinds of “we’re busy wording” updates rather than “everything is falling apart” updates.
Although the “everything is falling apart” ones from HA are usually hilarious. I don’t wish the authorial tribulations on anyone however.
I’m reminded of Monty Python’s Novel Writing sketch with Thomas Hardy in the center of the stadium starting his new novel. With play-by-play commentary.
Perhaps I can offer something fun to you. I went to Israel for the first time and a book in the window caught my eye. The store was closed so I took a photo thinking I would look later to see if the author publishes in English, maybe I’d find something new to read. When I sat to decipher the title and author I laughed. These covers certainly appeal to your readers, as it caught me even before I knew it was yours!
Oh, keep an eye out, there are also special tzniut editions, with a dustjacket over the scantily clad woman! https://www.ilona-andrews.com/2021/hidden-legacy-covers-the-unexpected-edition/ 🙂
(ModR, feel free to delete if in the wrong place – sorry in advance if it is!)
If/when you want a break and if/when you read reviews, a lovely one for Magic Bites popped up last week on Tor by Judith Tarr.
Thank you Tom, House Andrews have seen and were very happy about the article! 🙂
Good-o! I hate for them to miss out on praise through being too busy writing for the demanding Horde! (And others of course!)
right? I was so happy to see an article from one of my longtime favorite authors about one of my more recent favorite authors!
Awesome writers like yourselves don’t need reality shows, Edit on! T
might be fun to read? I haven’t read anything by you that isn’t fun to read:) You guys are amazingly fun people, your livestreams are awesome.
Only “boring” from the outside — inside, all hell is breaking loose, and we can’t wait!
Boring – please stay boring, feel good about it and give us more stories about arabella, innkeeper, julie, roman – just to name a few! 🙂 Maybe all the exiting stuff is in the books for us to enjoy? Its cool to see you finishing the clams book and I wish for you to have a wonderful party and then a few nice and boring weeks after june 13…
Being *boring* is entirely underrated! I, for one, LOVE being perceived as *boring*. I like my drama in my entertainment, not in my actual life! 🙂 Happy to be a fellow boring person, House Andrews! 🙂
Perhaps that is why us BDH members love your works so much? Such engaging drama that we can immerse ourselves in…but not actually experience.
That said…drop me in one of your worlds and I’d be happy as a clam. I’d figure it out and get stuff done. Or get eaten. There’s always a possibility of that in a HA adventure…
A magic…clam? 😅 Lol, I couldn’t miss the opportunity
thank you for the update, hope the edita go well and that you have some time to also unwind.
How do I apply to become a beta reader?
Hi Julianne,
If you mean for House Andrews in particular, please keep an eye out for announcement posts on the blog which search for betas or specialist consultants.
If you are interested and have beta experience or a particular field of expertise, you can also drop me an email at modr@ilona-andrews.com detailing what it. I will save your contact in my Experts folder reach out when the need arises 😊
Hey, thats not true! We will always have Castle featuring Nathan Fillion.
YOU may think that you are “very boring”….. but I’d be willing to bet that the REST of the BDH would love watching you 2 instead of ANY version of Survivor!
I just re-read Sweep of the Blade for the umpteenth time. . . very fun read. I truly wish that the Team would consider continuing this story line. It has so many threads to pull. The most obvious is the ending with Klaus waiting in the foyer. And Helen — her future. And of course, the Mukama. This is great stuff. Too good to leave on a shelf somewhere to get moldy. Just hoping.
Hi Judith,
Maud’s POV will be continued, it was confirmed by the authors 🙂. Probably in the next Innkeeper book, although that part isn’t official.