Hi everyone, Mod R here.
Today, per release week request, I bring you a quiz which will determine which Sweep of the Heart spousal delegation you belong to. Also per request, it contains puppies.
The results will sort you into one of the 6 most Horde-popular Alien species. As usual, this is for fun and must not be taken as a clinical personality assessment. If you have any complaints, please address them to First Scholar Thek, The Great Tree, Baha-char.
Temple of Desires. Okay. I can see it.
YAY advent week of Book Release
An acolyte twin! Can I get you something? Or should I just leave you alone?
Me too. Anything you want?
Me four! *waves*
Higgra- despite not being a cat fan, the explanation makes complete sense ???????? This was fun, thank you ????
I always find that the people who don’t like cats much, are very catlike themselves. Which makes sense if you think about it. It’s competition ????.
Yep. They tend to be stereotypically catlike, which is not necessarily the same as actually catlike.
I am deeply and personally offended by this ????
Somehow I commented in the wrong place. My result was Temple of Desire
I’m surprisingly an acolyte. Balance is crucial to living.
Temple of Desires!
Me too!!!
Well, I qualified as team jazz fins…
I wanted to be on team jazz fins!
Jazz fins here, too. Which is sort of fitting for a Pisces. (Just don’t tell them that I adore sushi, ok?)
Another Pisces here who is evidently a closet Oombole. Jazz fins FTW!
And another… ????
And Another!
And yet another! So so funny!
That’s hilarious. What are the odds?
Another. And I love Sushi too 😉 Even took part in a sushi making course once.
well, what else would a fish eat but other fish, raw? (seaweed, diatoms, are krill and plankton fish?)
except sushi is seasoned, normally with vinegar, rice. sashimi is raw fish.
Jazz fins rule! except they’re not into conquest. Never saw that coming ????????
I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised that I’m team Jazz fins. I immediately visualized the Oombole fainting after the fight. .. I can’t stand scary movies. My family love watching the Walking Dead. I told them that if Earth ever had that happen, I wouldn’t even survive for 1 hour. I would be one of those ‘ugh!’ people who literally freeze physically/mentally when scared. Eh. I know my shortcomings.
me too ????
#TeamJazzFins ????????
Yay for being an Oombole!
Yay me too, Team Jazz Fins.
Dang, Mod R, you’re spoiling us! You’re a beast! Thanks for the hard work!
This is the best week ever! Last night was super fun. Thank you House Andrews. Hope you got enough sleep, Mod R!
Well, I ended up with Lady Wexyn.
Team Temple for me as well.
Same here. I suspect most of my friends would be rolling around on the ground laughing.
And I just went back and did it again, going with a second option on a couple of questions that were tough to decide on the first round, and *still* got Temple of Desire. This is just going to be my little secret.
Temple of Desires! 😀
Temple of Desires! I’m so happy to be associated with them!
Thank you, Mod R and House Andrews!
Harmony prevails!
Temple too!
Temple of Desire and so so happy abt it
Cool, powerful, smart and oh so balanced. Good to go!
Please don’t tell my fellow Vampires that I love them. So very happy to be amongst my people. (And a bit surprised that was my group.)
#Team vampire!
Really surprised to be TeamVampire.
#TeamSurprisedToBeTeamVampire ????
Yup, me too. But on the plus side, this means we get all the ripper cushions – right?
Vampires rule!
Team Ripper Cushions
Team Ripper Cushions unite!
yes! my brain went straight to team ripper cushions rather than team vampire!
Ripper cushions and swords!!! who wouldn’t love us 😉
Same here. How did that happen?
Apparently I’m a very subtle vampire because I didn’t know I was one.
Wow! That IS subtle.
#teamVampire vaguely surprised but I’m comfortable behind my solid wooden desk, cleaning my syn-armor.
Many thanks @ Mod R. Btw those dang beavers.
I was surprised to be team vampire ????
No one ever expects the
InquisitionHoly Anocracy ????♀️Ha ha
Team Vampire – yes!
#team Vampire!
I am!
Sorry, MoD R. I keep replying to dancing fish. ????
I really try not to be too feudal.
oh well, you got me #teamvampire all the way
apparently I’m team vampire too! never saw that comming… but given that I love the ripper cushions, guess I’m home
Mwahahaha! An Acolyte of the Temple of Desire! Heck yeah!!! Thank you Mod R for the fun quiz!
+1 ????
I got Temple of Desire. Which I find hilarious I didnt trust them one bit until I got the book to finish the story. If Im being honest I still dont ????
Ah! Same result as you, and had the same feeling while reading, glad Im not alone! Lol
Not mad at the test results thou, if I think about it, it kind of makes sense.
+1 to all this
that was fun.
That was fun, thanks! I randomly picked three times and was sorted into three different categories, none of which I would probably have picked on my own. Hehe!
this is delightful, what a fun brain break from my day 🙂
Ok, I did NOT see that coming. I’m Temple of Desire.
Woo hoo! Temple of Desire, here.
Why am I not Teh Beaver?
(Great quiz, thanks!)
I’m a kitty too
There was really never any question. Kittens FTW!
I was actually surprised even though I’m wearing pajama pants that look like Cyanide’s fur as I type this.
I was really surprised myself too!
I’m allergic to cats and love dogs….
but I am a leo who is very Leo….
Kittens rule the world!
Go team Higgra!
KITTEHS UNITE!! (Like thundercats, but better!)
Kittehs ARE manifestly the best. Duh.
Higgra here too. I can kinda see it, as they didn’t seem too much fazed by much.
Vampire woowoo!
A Vampire! Yayyyyy!
Is most everyone getting temple of desire? Incidentally, I did too.
I wonder if it says something about the personality of the horde as a whole ????
Dayamn, I was thinking the exact same thing!
The BDH strives for balance 😀 . Allegedly hehe.
Balance only as long as it involves a giant stack of HA books… well stacked and perfectly balanced of course! Lol!!!
#Team Temple here too.
Empathy, love, and support run strong among the Horde. Well the book devouring kind.
I think the statements for the temple of desire are the “most”positive, normal & flattering (and not insane like some of the dushegrub options). It would be very tough to have to come up with general “positive” traits for people to choose that will land us in some of the esoteric/odd delegations…
I had the most fun matching each of the “answers” to each delegation.
personally, I think it’s the puppy question 😀
Yea, nurture and love of course!
Urinary awareness for the win ????
Yeah, no peeing on your fellow neighbors. ????????????
Loved that!! Temple of desire, not a shocker lol
Took it twice. I’m a vampire. (I am a firm believer in Ripper Cushions, so that tracks.) Ok, then.
I’m going to focus on developing my host of titles: Devourer of Books, She Who Tortures the Froshlings, Defender of the Oxford Comma, etc.
But I can TOTALLY hold my coffee.
here, here!
yay Oxford comma!
Another vampire here, Death to the Hated Oxford Comma!!!
You will pry my Oxford comma from my cold, dead, and (someone find find me a wise and witty third adjective) hands.
Oxford comma and The Chicago Manual of Style.
Ok, evidently BDH Vampire Houses are going align along Oxford Comma lines. 🙂
Then subdivide again over whether or not to double space after a period.
Yay team #TeamVampireOxfordDoubleSpace! I’m totally on board!
+1 I’m too old and Lord Soren-like to change now.
No double space!! ????
Hmm, slightly unexpected to be Vampire, but – double space? Arghh! Absolutely not!! Perhaps Vampire is my team after all ????
OK, this is even more hilarious than all the Pisces turning out to be Ooomboles.
an option?
Right there with you????
lol -snap.
The Oxford Comma shall remain, through history, the stalwart container we must support.
Ever try NOT to use it? Feels bad!
I have gotten Higgra <3 I have no one to share that with but the horde.
So I’m the only Dushegub in the comment section?
Thank you Mod R, I knew I had it in me!
It’s like admitting you’re a Slyterin, few have the courage to own it ????
nope me too. no regrets ????
Temple of Desire, I can live with that! Fun quiz, thank-you
A mighty Higgra!!!
This was a lot of fun, Mod R, you’re the best!
ModR — will you let us know where you landed?
All moderators are Automatic Dushegubs.
(Which differs from the Semi-automatic Dushegubs by the fact that we don’t need to eat only one comment at a time.)
Oh, wow. Alright. I like that, lol. I got the Temple of Desire~
Very fun. Thanks Mod R. Temple of Desire with some Cyanide thrown in there ????
Oomboles! I’m a fishy fishy fishy….
Fun! I’m in Temple of Desire! Who’d have figured?
I knew by the crush answer I was doomed.
Me too! Scrolling through the comments we seem to be rare!
Vampire….. by my sword lol
Vampire, baby! Working on reaper cushions.
Totally Temple of Desire, now which sub temple I would be in don’t know. Although revenge is always fun
temple of desire!! much fun! Thank you!!!
Mod R, you’re the best! As always great fun.
I, like many, ended up in Temple of Desire.
I think I may go back and choose random responses and see how I do!
Thank you!
So who would be the saint patron of Fuck Around And Find Out?
Hmmm…my vote is definitely Saint Olga of Kyiv. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_of_Kiev
No one puts Olga in a corner!
I read the link! St. Olga had her husband’s murderers carried in their boat to a trench she had dug the day before and had them buried alive. Go Olga!
Whoa she did not fool around!
Oomboles forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jjajja
Very fun!
I had to read the clown colege answer twice, we don’t have them here, but it’s a great insult!
Thank you Mod R, I’m a Fish.
okay, I’ll take the Oomboles. Jazz hands!
I’m a Vampire. I get the ripper cushions!! Yay!!????????????
Pour some coffee in your whiskey because it’s Ireland somewhere. Bwa hahahaha!!
I love these quizzes.
Barsa! Barsa, barsa, barsa!
I hope this is not considered a spoiler… no context unless you have completed reading/re-reading Sweep of the Heart.
Temple of Desire. Yep
Wahahaha I’m loving this ???? I have absolutely no idea why mine came up vampire, I was really expecting Oombole, but I had a blast ???? Thank you!
Well, they are both interested in safety and security, but from completely different angles hehe.
Oooooo – that is actually a really interesting explanation! ????
Heh heh. Temple of desire, huh?
Hmm. Temple of Desire. Ok then.
I like going back and seeing what happens when I pick other options: Eat the dog, become a tree…
Temple of Desire!! What a surprise, not what I expected, but an honor it is!
Expected anything but 😀
Thank you, Mod R, for all the hard work and doing the quizz – just intrigued my wife with the next Innkeeper Installment (am bringing her into the BDH fold this autimn)!
Temple of Desires. No big surprise. HAHAHAHA!
Yay! Team Vampire! Let there be ripper cushions!
Team Jazz Fins! I wasn’t surprised though ????
Sup sibling! ????????????
Temple of Desire!
Temple of Desire for me too!
Temple of Desire – very funny if you knew me.
Temple of Desire, whoa that is a lot of responsibility. I may have picked ambitious and aspirational answers. I’m gonna go back and do more realistic ones 😛 Thank you Mod R!!!! This is super fun!!
temple of desire. not what I wanted but I saw the writing on the wall
Joining my friends in the Vampire delegation!
Come to the dark side, we have Oxford commas ????
And swords, maces, bucklers, and ripper cushions!
Omg this is the best! Love a quiz! Only thing that could top this is a Bachelor AITA Reddit entry blog
“I (M/O/27) have bought my girlfriend’s (F/H?/unknown) freedom from a bunch of homicidal trees and now she’s taken control of my Tribe. AITA if I try to return her on the sly?” ????
I got Temple too. I thought I would be a cat person but I was pretty scrupulously honest and didn’t throw it that way
Yep, Temple of Desires are me.
Thank you, that was fun!
Surprise surprise, I got Higgra. Well, everyone who knows me thinks I’m part cat as it is…
I’m with the Temple too. Go Lady W! ????
Temp,e of Desire ????. Well, I’m a Scorpio, so we’re big on revenge!
We Scorps know what’s what ????
Yes, we do. Temple Twins.
Same. So really not surprised.
Temple of Desire. I’ll take it!
Temple of Desire. Though the Dushegub answers were amusing.
Hey, ModR, does that quiz keep a count of what everyone ends up being? I’m really curious to see the composition of the BDH.
Oh dear I hope not as I just took it six times to get all the possible answers ????
Me too. I had to know which 6 made the list!
Shouldn’t matter as long as you did all 6. You canceled your own votes.
Are you trying to sneak statistics up on us? ????????????
Gotta keep an eye on you Temple of Desire types. You’re sneaky.
Pfff, Vampire all the way – the mighty House Oxford Comma salutes you! ????
I could but right now I’m all peace and harmony. 😉
OMG love this quiz. Thank you Mod R!!!!! I am mighty Higgra. ????
Temple of Desire in the House!!!!
Yay! Temple of Desires!!
“Pardon me whilst I interrupt your attentions, oh, mighty Higgra. Some people may think you’re aloof and selfish, but you just have strong boundaries, mercurial moods and a penchant to express your love by torturing the lucky people you’ve picked as your favourites.”
Yeah. That totally works!
Temple of Desire. at least I am not a murder tree. ????
I must have balanced out my “I don’t need a weapon.” and “try me” answers because I got Desire. I am about balance – I prefer the carrot, but I’ve got a big stick too!
I agree ????????
Loved the Beavers!
Thank you Mod R!
Fun! Thank you!
I’m with the temple of Desires.
That was fun., thank you.
Glad I’m not afraid of Beavers!
#TeamFish !!! ????????????
I did not think I would get vampires. I love it.
That was fun!! Thanks Mod R!
I am with the Temple of Desire which makes me happy since I was Team Wexyn from the beginning. ????
Me too! ????
Temple of Desire. Who knew?
Apparently, I’m a vampire… who knew?!
Whee! Fun and unexpected! I need to hunt upcoming diaphanous veils now.
ok, I’m definitely snickering at my quiz results. Thanks for the fun!
Oooh! I got Temple of Desire
Higgra. I call that a win!
You just sorted a 72 year old CPA into the Hope Crusing Horde. However I do have horses.
Oooooh, otrokars have been rather elusive so far hehe, so yay, someone on their side!
Age has no meaning, The Horde is a state of mind ????
I do battle with the IRS but the sales tax people are the toughest
Temple of Desire,
I answered the questions honestly and ended up with the Temple of Desire. Having thought about it for a while, I can see why – but it was truly a surprise.
Team Vampire.????♀️????
I will not required to talk to First Scholar Thek, but i will not mind going to Baha-char
Such fun, thank you Mod R!
Very happy to be in the temple contingent –
I wonder if there’s a temple from which I could participate in the upcoming Holy Anocracy Oxford Comma schisms …. Bring it!
House Oxford Comma welcomes all allies to our righteous, noble, and sacred cause.
“House Oxford Comma” made me snort ????
All hail the Scribes of the Holy Anocracy!
Oooooo where do I sign up? I would be willingly, eagerly, and enthusiastically defending the stronghold ????
ROFLMAO! Sabrina grrl, keep polishing those titles!
Ha hahaha, heeheehee, Woot!
I saw what you did there with the What is love query – I giggled and my head started twitching to the side like it’s a night at the Roxbury.❤️
wow!! temple of desires on the first try. yay ???? this was a treat thank you ????
Vampire. deadly but loyal
Hope crushing horde. Boom!!
Temple of Desires….that’s kind of unexpected
Team Higgra! My 6 cats approve wholeheartedly! ????????⬛
Temple of Desire – what makes you think I need a weapon?
Thanks for the very fun quiz. I was late in warming up to Lady W but evidently we’re on the same squad!
I’m not sure how I ended up in the Temple of Desire Maybe, I went to Zen with my answers but I’ll take it. I think work should have naptime because who couldn’t use more sleep?
Higgra! LOL
Off topic- Anyone know if House Andrews will be attending SDCC 2023? trying to plan my cosplay and if there’s going to be an IA wait line or event I’m 100% going full BDH.
I didn’t want to pick the beaver answer because a real one has recently (last week) cut down a few small trees. A first in the 28 years we’ve lived here. I fear for its safety, and wonder where is it living and how did it get through the hog wire fence?
Love it!
Temple of Desire.
In my case the Temple of Books, Pets, Coffee and Chocolate!
I feel young-ish, able to virtually dance and hide weapons in my gown
Temple of desire. Love me or I’ll balance your ass.
Figures I was team jazz fins but ended up being Higgra-still so happy with mine cuz it’s me to a “T” lol so fun I’m only partially through I’m in midst of graduating an intense course and I’ve only allowed myself an hour of reading time until after I present tomorrow morning. ..can’t wait to finish it!!
Acolyte of the Temple of Desire here….HA, Mod R, and the entire BDH are ALL my favorites! ????
Happy Release Week, all!!!!
I am from Hope Crushing Horde. Me like. ????????
Hahaha : VAMPIRE. my favorite. And I didn’t try to sway it that way.
Does Karat have a brother?
ohh run Temple of Desire.. I’ll take it!
Thank you. Good to know where I belong. Fun!!!????♀️
Temple of Desires. I desire more learning and knowledge….
Temple of desires, I love it
So much fun!! Thank you, Mod R. You get all the attentions!!!!
I knew I was a cat lover, but didn’t think I qualified as one!
Temple of Desire. I’m good with that ????
team Vampire!
I’m ok with this, I like the vampires.
Definitely wanted Temple of Desires but I answered honestly and here I still am.
I am a vampire
Temple of Desire.. I am so happy!
That is better than being House Gryfindor!
In the HP universe, I’m Hufflepuff. You don’t want to piss off a regular badger, either.
I got higgra ! very pleased
so fun! temple of desire.
Hope Crushing Horde here. Winter sun to you all.
The rarest of results! ????
Temple of Desires ????
I’m in the Temple Desire.
I’m in the Temple of Desire.
Hmmm very interesting, temple of desire is me. Great fun
Higgra. HAHAHAHA, yes!
I got vampire. Not sure I see it, but I had several I wanted to answer on each question, it was hard to choose one, lol.
Vampire!!! Woo-Hoo!!!
Ripper Cushions for EVERYONE!!!
Sooooo will the BDH split internally into House Oxford Comma and House Ripper Cushions? ????
I don’t know . . . I think Ripper Cushions are one of the things that unite all the Houses. Can you truly be a vampire and NOT be #TeamRipperCushions? 🙂
It might be the official unofficial motto of the Holy Anacrocy ????
Love it!!
Fun quiz!
Temple of Desires, I suspect if I went with my second choices I would have ended up in Team Jazz Fins.
Team Temple of Desire!! Woohoo!
Ahhh; so, I’m a vampire! “You may be a bit feudal in your thinking and home security habits” Just because I have a moat lever? And how do they know about the bank of Klingon Disruptors I bought from a Ferengi?
they sold the list of customer in the darknet ????️
Temple of Desire , it fits me well ,though I kind of expected to.land in jazz fins
Temple of Desire. Balancing darkness and light. Why, yes, I am a Gemini! How did you know…?!
Me as well Jean ????????????????
Vampire! Ripper cushions!
I can live with being a vampire.
Works for me.
The Temple, I’ll take it. Actually, I’ll enjoy my time there.
OMG I’m a vampire; color me surprised!
Temple of Desire …. now to buy some veils & scare the family. ????
“Fur”ocious Feline Faction forever!
Awesome!! I don’t agree, but I love it ❤️❤️❤️
???? Let me guess, Temple?
Vampire ????
W00t. ToD for the win ❤️
Team Ripper Cushions for the WIN!!
Whee Temple of Desire!
That’s really fun, thank you Mod R!
Here I thought I would get Temple of Desire. Because I always try to take time for things I desire – for the balance of yours. (Like cake and books and a real good latte.)
But I probably should be a bit more careful with my coffee intake due to being a vampire. 😛
Let’s go eat cake and then find some enemy to crush.
You’ve arrived at the inn with the Oomboles. #TeamFish are Legion. You are a peaceful creature, who understands how dark the deep waters are and works to keep everyone out of them.
Sounds like me indeed ~
i wanted to be a vampire. but i got temple instead.
It’s fine, you can apply for honorary membership I’m sure ????
I didn’t have any preference. I answered honestly; a couple of the questions had more than one option that applied, but I broke it down to highest percentage of the time. Team Vampire it is. I’ll own that.
I always love your quizzes and games. Thanks for the fun Mod R!
Puahahaha, as I expected I’m TeamFish all the way!
but a Vampire?
who wolude’ve guessed?
fun quiz!!
Statement: this was awesome and fun!
Temple of Desires. Thank you!
Hilarious. Thank you for a good laugh. BTW I’m a vampire.
Temple of Desire. I agree ????
*Desires ????
Vampire. “Pour some coffee in my whiskey because it’s Ireland somewhere.” ???? stealing that quote. Thanks Mod R and HA! Great week.
Temple of Desire. I suppose I do feel a desire to be a priestess of Revenge.
Hahaha! That was great! And I am totally surprised by my placement, but pleased as well.
Oops! Came out Temple, btw…
Yeay! I belong to the Temple of Desire.
whoot! Harmony in all things!
i have been declared a Vampire.
i am ok with this. i hope ever one else got a class they can enjoy
hugs and happy holidays
so i did it a second time with my second choices and i could have been a higgra
that one is cool as well :}
I am Temple. Balance is all.
Well apparently I’m on team Vampire, lol!! I didn’t think that one when I answered the questions ????????
Oooh vampire…. I do like 🙂
Vampire. Okay. I can live well with it.
Yes!!! Vampire it is!
I am from The Temple. You decide which Desire fits your fate ????????????
I love it ????
i got hope crushing horde! ????
And House Oxford Comma.
On reflection, between cat, desire, fish, horde, tree, and vampire, I do fit best with the vampires.
We are a mighty House! We welcome all, be they great warriors, sly tacticions, or just really big fans of punctuation ????????
I’m an Oombole! I shall start performing interpretive dance forthwith!
That was fun; thank you!
Temple of desire!
Ahahaha, that was fun 😀
Vampire! surprised me, but I trust your judgement. I thought I might be an oombole…
I loved this quiz, it was so much fun!!!!!
To the surprise of no one who’s met me, I’m a Vampire. ????♀️
I am a Vampire. I may be a bit feudal in your thinking and home security habits, but I a, always working on personal development. And ripper cushions.
And my answers were all over the place. Will be fun to play with later.
All right, I’m a temple of desire team-mate. What’s more to say : I love y’all
Temple of course!!
very sweet .. well done
Well, Temple of Desire it is…. Actually wasn’t expecting that, but I’ll take it and run.
Oh, I forgot, for the love of a kitten and her Mama dog.
#TeamFish forevah!!
acolytes of the Temple of Desire
ok, I’m cool with that XD
Acolytes of the Temple of Desire! I can see it ????
I enjoyed that a lot.
Temple of Desires. How fun. 😀
Temple of Desire! That’s hilarious. This was so much fun, thanks Mod R! And the puppies were adorable. ????
Temple of Desire! Heck yeah!
Expected to be a Higgra as a I always end up a cat in any what kind of shape-shifting are you quiz (lol). However I am a Vampire. I will be the designated pilot as I do not like coffee. Please excuse me while I go apply to be Maud’s apprentice!
shapeshifter-darn autocorrect
I’m a vampire! I am unreasonably excited about this. ????????♀️
Oombole I shall be! I have always been a water baby and a Pisces to fit.
awesome! temple of Desire!
and the puppies were totally worth it.
and I’m still scratching my head over the beavers…
HUH . . . ????
omg, oomboles
You’re in good company with Mr Mod R ????
I decided to take the quiz for a second time just now. I’m now part of the Hope Crushing Horde. 😀
So, if the Temple doesn’t work out for me, I can go to the Horde. Winter sun to all of you! The tea the Khanum drank at Dina’s sounds very nice on a cold day. 🙂
Thanks Mod R, that was fun. If I took this test prior to being 60 I would be a Higgra. No surprise there, but now at a couple of decades later,…it’s the Temple of Desire. Once I wiped my eyes and stopped laughing I thought it actually made sense.
ROFLMAO! Temple of Desire. That was not what I expected.
I ended up with Lady wexyn… and although I have to admit I hadn’t thought about it before, it’s disconcertingly accurate. ????. LOL
Vampires are under represented in these comments! Lets hear it for Team Vampire!
We’re busy establishing our Houses.
So far we have House Oxford Comma. I don’t know that the dissenters have established a House name yet. 🙂 The general consensus seems to be that we all fall under the Ripper Cushions banner.
Yes! The mighty House Oxford Comma has a long, illustrious, and honourable past, present, and future!
Here!Here! ????
Oh you are sweet. I don’t need a weapon. Bwahahahah. love it.
Higgra because cats rule the universe (or should!).
ModR, you are the best and kindest ModR EVER! (Do we get to know your species?
???? ????
Team Vampire, excellent!
Also, Team Oxford comma!
Yes! We cannot, will not, should not let the universe get away with lazy punctuation! ????
Excellent I am with the Temple of Desire
Ps thanks for putting a horse in this quiz !
Team: Temple of Desire!
I figured I would get that or the Holy Anocracy aka Space Vampires. I am huuuge into justice but no so much revenge (in real-life, in books-well…). However, the prietesses do research & only choose those cases they find worthy-so yeah, that works for me. Plus, as much as I’m into honor & kicking butt (which the priestesses also seem to like), I am not athletic enough to be a Knight. I am shaped like Lady Wexyn but tall. This quiz seems very accurate, at least for me. Thanks for making it!
Fun! Thanks. ????
Team Higgra and I knew it !
Moderator R,
I tried to enter my comment about my being a Vampire. A message replied that I already posted and this was a duplicate.
I deleted the comment that was called a duplicate. Then searched for the original comment. There was none?
Henry says
December 16, 2022 at 10:08 am
Vampire. Okay. I can live well with it.
The original is there ????
You can use the CTRL+F shortcut to look for keywords on a page, in this case your name ????
Thank you. Looking forward to read what was said during the Zoom sessions.
Fun – I am from the Temple of Desire. Explains loads LOL
Ok,I’m a space fish. ????
I am a Vampire!!!
Thank you, ModR!!
I shall always defend House Andrews!
???????? most fun I had in an email. Thank you.
Wow! Temple of Desire! I’m cool with that! I hope First Scholar Thek doesn’t get too many complaints! Thanks Mod R!
I really enjoyed the Zoom on Wednesday. Looking forward to Brunch!
I’m a vampire!
I can completely get why I am team Higgra.
Huh! Temple of Desire. Whodathunk?
Surprised to see the vampire as I hardly storm the castle but since I think dishonor is the worst thing, I guess it was the best sorter
I got vampire!
way cool.
As a Taurus, I feel fully justified as a member of the Temple of Desire. We are truly the zodiac sign of FAAFO and sensuality. If we can get past our own raging stubbornness.
#TeamFish – and then i took it over and over again to get all the other answers xD
Higgra for the win, LOL. I am a cat person after all…oh, wait make that *I am a cat* that’s more descriptive…
Not surprising- Vampire 🙂
Tried it twice. First time I got the Oomboles. A surprise, but I do like aquariums and jazz fins. Second try I got Vampires! Another surprise as I am a pacifist. (maybe deep down I am not?) Thanks it great fun!
I’m in the Temple of Desire! Yay!
I think lady Wexsn kicks ass.
Sweet. I can relate to this species. A sexy, sweet but deadly ass kicker ????
I got the fish, which is pretty funny because I can’t swim.
Ah, but can you dance? ????
Oops, forgot to say Temple of Desire ????
Hunh. I got Vampire twice. And the second time I went back and chose the ‘other’ choice on every one I was unsure of.
I sooo don’t see it.
Anyway, as best as I can tell the various groups are
Oombole, Higgra, Otrokar, Temple of Desire, Dushegubs. Oh and Vampires. Yup thats six, lol, I kept adding them in my head and only getting 5, but I forgot to count my own people.
See told you I’m not a vampire, a good member of the Holy Annocracy would never put their own people last!
She says she’s not a vampire.
She keeps Count-ing.
Tsk. Tsk.
Lol, I see what you did there.
Of course a vampire would put their species last in this list. “V” is at the end of the alphabet, after all.
Vampire, which cracks me up because I voted for Bestata until she was off the roster
Simply brilliant ????
I got the Temple of Desire! Go me!
I just want to know the results distribution for the BDH: I’d predict Temple of Desire, Higgra, and Vampires got the most. (I got Temple of Desire, lol)
Vampire. kek.
Team Jazz Fins for the win! I wanted something fierce, but…. Pisces/Aries cusp child. Plus, I love water and water sports. So Finny, it is.
How fun Temple of Desire!
Sweet! Temple of Desire…Luv puppies ????
Temple of Desire?
I am a Temple of Desire Member
I LOVED the new book…especially the ending!!! Thank you!!
How long do I have to wait for the next one?
Love, BDH member in KY!!
Officially, release dates won’t be announced any longer until a preorder or a blog serial is ready to drop https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/on-being-difficult/ . This is to manage both expectations and House Andrews’ wellbeing.
Unofficially, it will probably be a while to the next Innkeeper. Other sequels and exciting new projects are knocking at the door 🙂
LOL first I’m a Centaur & now an acolyte of the Temple of Desire. What a combo…
maybe a horny horsemaster?
Vampire. Makes sense, I guess. People are always complaining that I am too bloody minded.
Temple of Desire. Which is very cool as it’s also the Temple of Retribution. Best of all worlds IMHO.
I got Vampire ????♀️????
I told you you’re an honorary Transylvanian :*
That means that I also, am an honorary Transylvanian as I also got Vampire. Yay!!
xoxo. All in good fun.
Here Kitty Kitty
Apparently I’m a vampire….I can see it!
Jumping on the Band Wagon with all the other temple acolytes! Not surprised, but after spending most of the day baking and cleaning up after I really would like that coffee and a little Irish ????
Vampire. I will have some coffee in my hot chocolate (with mini marshmallows), and read an epic heroic space adventure in front of my roaring fire while I knit. Or damn right there will be ripper cushions!
Team Vampire!
Vampires! I’m okay with that ????
Hmm. OK, Temple of Desire. I’m not displeased!
Fun! Somehow, I came out as a Vampire. Wierd and very unexpected.
But yes, there will definitely be ripper cushions.
Temple of Desire! It’s Ireland somewhere!
Ooh vampire!!
OMG I’ve finally found my Tribe – Temple of Desire!!!! How soon can we all meet up??? 😉
Temple of!
I laughed more than I expected at “beavers”. But it was “pour some coffee in my whisky because it’s Ireland somewhere” that really did me in.
Apparently I’m a dog-loving Higgra, by the way ????
Yes, that one was the BEST!! I picked it just for that. ????
Even though I don’t like coffee or whiskey!
Temple of Desire!
Temple of Desire.
That was really fun! I got temple of desires. I liked how clever, varied the choices were. Thank you for creating the quiz :).
But haven’t stopped laughing about beavers yet! ????
I loved the book.
Can we see please see the pictures of all of the finalists? The ones that were on the blog last May? I was disappointed that they weren’t in the book.
A vampire….how very appropriate. I don’t like being out in bright sunlight.
Vampire… I do have a collection of friends with amazing skills.
I can’t stop laughing at the Beaver’s option answers. Beavers can’t hurt me no more. ROFL.
I got Temple of Desire. This time.
I love it! Temple of Desire it is. (I was afraid it might be the Dishegubs)!!!
After following the weekly Postings, I just finished Sweep of the heart.
It was great to read again trough all the known bits and pieces to come to the long awaited final chapters. As expected they aren’t final but opening tons of possibilities. Cliffhangerism at it’s best.
I’m waiting fore more to come…
Great thanks again.
I’m a vampire. Huh.
I burst of laughing at the last proposition about « what do you do to relax after a hard day of working » : « I plot »
I’m so glad to be an acolyte of the temple of desire.
veils and all!
OK Happy with where I landed in the quiz!
Temple of Desire. Of course.
as per the quiz, am a vampire!????????
According to the questionnaire I am an acolyte of desire. Being over 70+ yrs of age…..I ROCK!!! ????
I’m #TeamFish??? bwahahaha!
I have to say — I spent many good minutes just chuckling at some of the options.
This was fun! Did you record a tally so we could see there were X numbers sorted into each house?
Thank you.
Temple of desire heehee
Higgra. Heh. Suits me.
Too funny! Temple of Desire.
Thanks for the fun
Oombole – so that means I’m a fish? Not too bad actually ????
Hey everyone, they’re is something I don’t get. when Dina visits Lady Wexyn, the latter tells her that Caldenia had petitioned her mother to avenge her brother’s death. Can someone help me understand this action?
“ Not everyone supported the Sovereign’s reforms, no matter how much they were needed. A plot was hatched to kill him, and he was infected with a biological agent that resurrected the dormant genetic disease. It was never fully eradicated. It had just been suppressed.” Caldenia crossed her arms on her chest and stopped by a bench facing the water. Her nephew stopped next to her. They stood five feet apart, not looking at each other. This was all so sad and terrible. “The Sovereign knew he was dying,” Kosandion said. “If the true cause of his death was discovered, as it would be, the fitness of his heir would be called into question.”
Andrews, Ilona. Sweep of the Heart, Innkeeper Chronicles 5. Kindle edition, page 304 and 305
…this was surprisingly accurate.
Temple of desire baby, woot woooot
#TeamJazzFins now and forever!
Too fun! These were hysterical!!!
Temple of Desire! Yay!!
Higgra. Sounds exactly like a Gemini which I am.
I’m a vampire! can’t say I’m surprised tho????
Such fun! An Acolyte of the Temple! And here I am, a cat (and dog) lover too.
My tablet is old, and misbehavior is the new norm. It picked the worst option in response to the dog question and I could not fix it????
Temple of Desire! Woo!
Is there scope for Mod R to contribute fiction to the BDH? Fan girl
I leave the writings to the pros! But thank you for the kind words ????
Wow did not see that coming, Temple of Desire. But I like it.
Temple of desires. Fun quiz
vampire. Why?
…because you chose a majority of vampire answers ????.
Is it a trick question? ????
as someone born on the cusp of Aries + Taurus, I embrace being an acolyte of the Temple of Desire.
Thank you Mod R! I enjoyed the quiz very much.
Thank you, So much fun! Happy Holiday’s to BDH as we await the new year’s snack coming January!
OMG! I just finished reading Sweep of the heart, and it was awesome! I’m including my very short review here.
“ I followed a piece of this story every week as House Andrews wrote it on their blog as a serial, and I was hooked.
When they ended the story on the blog, they stopped just before the final spousal selection. Honestly, I could never have imagined how much further they could take this story, but Magnolia Green???
I NEVER saw that coming, and it was feckin’ bloody brilliant!
Oy this story! I was pissed, I was so touched, I cried; and the ending was absolutely glorious!”
Fun quiz – ????
House of Desire!
love this!!
Thank you for the fun, and of course, you are exactly right. I do belong in the veils of the Temple of Desire!
Hope-Crushing Horde. Interesting.
Did this with an open mind and honesty and gained the Temple of Desire. i’m a little bit surprised since i don’t like People. Then again i like individuals and i was told that i’m a good listener and a great shoulder to cry on cause i don’t judge. so maybe it’s a good fit after all, since the Temple is about balance. My disdain for People in general is balanced by my ability to get extremely involved with individuals. considering it maybe it’s for the best that i’m ace. i’d really hate to go through heartbreak again and again
T of D?????????
Higgra was my spirit animal.
Color my confused,astonished, confuzled ( I made that one up).
Just finished the novel and Wow! I’m eagerly chomping at the bit for more. And I have so many questions!
I have just started re-reading SOTH and I don’t remember this candidate Pivor, have stumbled upon him, was he featured in those pictures posted with all the candidates?
Pivot of the Murder Beaks has always been one of the candidates, his appearance was changed in the final edits however ???? – here he is in the spouse gallery https://ilona-andrews.com/innkeeper-chronicles-books/#spouse
Higgra. You’re Welcome.
None of the above. I am more the blend in with the crowd then use my powers reluctantly type.
Temple of Desire which is probably right as I am a Libran ????
Little late to the party, but I got vampire~
Vampire. Why am I not completly surprised, especially about the safe-at-home part? Huh. 😀
Can’t say I’m not pleased with the result!