Before we begin, Magic Gifts is out on GA. OMG, Dagfinn. Listen to the sample, if you get a chance, even if you don’t like the audio. Grr, Vikings.
Some answers about the previous post, because BDH took that ball and ran away with it.
Is this a movie thing?
No. Getting film rights sold is like a lightning strike. We have a Hollywood agent. We have a show runner. They are working on things. We are not disclosing any of it, because statistically it is very unlikely that a show or a movie will happen, so we don’t want you to be disappointed. A project can be in production for years and then be scrapped at the last minute.
Is this a book thing?
Is it a major publisher?
Is this one of the existing series?
What is going to happen to Innkeeper, Hugh, Aurelia, etc?
These are all self-published. They are not affected by this contract. In fact, we specifically made sure – well, our awesome agent did – that we can continue to work on the previously self-published series.
Will there still be another novella?
Will it be Puffles?
We will see.
When are we getting…?
Check the Release Schedule.
People in this reader group said…
People have fun speculating, but in reality nobody knows what this deal is except us, our agent, and the publisher. We are excited.
So what is it about?
No comment. Hehehe.
I still say that it’s all Mod R’s fault for making the BDH so fluffy. I mean why else would there be such speculation because the BDH has Fluff for brains…
Something to look forward to!
I will be happy whatever it is!
Go HA!
It’s an exclamation kind of morning!
Exactly, too!
you absolute big teases. 😂
congratulations on the contract.
Yay! Success is awesome in any direction. 🙂
Do you have a guesstimate on when you WILL be able to reveal the news?
And just out of curiosity, why can’t you reveal the news if you signed the contract? Is it that the publishing house doesn’t want to mention anything until they’re further along in determining the schedule, or is there some lingering legal questions that are waiting to be ironed out?
No. We will announce when we are ready. I understand that you would like to know more, but you’ll just have to wait. Honestly, telling you any details would be almost criminal considering how much fun you are having with conspiracy theories. Hehehe.
Considering how crazy the BDH can get what will happen first?
1. HA breaking under the pressure.
2. HA never breaking having too a time laughing.
3. BDH crashing the site.
4. Mod R breaking out the whip for much needed discipline of the BDH.
Well, House Andrews don’t negotiate with terrorists 😂, and the Horde is beloved, so option 2 is the one I’d put my money on.
I’m wondering if there was a bidding war…. If I were a publisher doing my research and observing the well documented and ravenous appetite of the BDH, I’d be drooling at the chance to publish HA.
This is exciting to get *stuff*. I’m not picky when you it comes to the two of you. You could write the info for a cereal box and I’d buy it to read it.
I’m just excited that there is more. Yay! Your stories have never disappointed.
Although Julie is now an adult, back in Magic Tests when she was going to school she had a crew and there was a ‘thing’ between the girl who was always pushing her glasses up with her middle finger and the boy who liked to give her a hard time (while being very helpful to Julie). Is there any hope of doing another Julie prequel from that time frame?
Congrats!! Most excited for you! 🎉🎉🎉
I was never a big Audio fan until I listened to Graphic Audio Magic Bites. I am now such a fan, got Magic Gifts yesterday and binged it while I crocheted. It was wonderful. More please since I want the whole series.
And now I continue to wait (patiently? Maybe not so patiently) for more news…any news, I’m not picky.
Graphic Audio are currently adapting the complete series of Kate’s POVs and additional material from Small Magics- and then, who knows? 🙂
Thanks for sharing ModR
Do we have any idea of sales numbers or rankings for GA? I’m curious how House Andrews’ books do sales-wise compared to the other books they’ve done.
This is business information that GA does not disclose to us, as they are not commissioned by House A. You can contact them directly and ask.
Question within a question. If it’s something that can (allowed to) be answered.
When HA sells (leases?) rights to GA, in this example, is it a one-time fee for a period of time, or is HA paid x% for each copy sold? It seems like it would be comparable to how a book is published but if GA doesn’t have to share sales info then it sounds like it’s a flat fee model???
Isn’t GA basically buying rights?
Yes, they are buying audio adaptation rights 🙂
Moar copies, moar moneys. 🙂
I would guess since they added KD to the Innkeeper lineup, that it must do well enough. They do make the fan favorite section (as they rightly should)! I get it though, I’ve wondered the same thing. 😊
Lol! I read ‘correctly’ instead of ‘currently’ and was nodding in agreement
Im just happy that you guys got contracted. I actually miss seeing your books on the shelves at B&N when I go in to wander. Do I need anymore copies of your books, no but again its nice to see them in the wild.
Good Luck! I will wait for whatever it is.
PS BDH I am not p@#ient I bother my poor husband, just not IA 😂
Yay!!!! Congrats!!!
Those graphic audio versions are so good – I am eating up the first one and already used my audible credits to get the rest.
The three words in this post that shouted out to me and caused me to practically sit up panting were “We are excited.” Holy Moly! If you’re excited, we’re excited. Okay, back to rereads. 💕
“BDH took that ball and ran away with it.” My morning is now complete.
Sounds exciting! Can’t wait, whatever it may be.
Also, please take my money.
AHHHH I love how much fun you’re having teasing us with the news. So excited for you guys!!!
first off of course the BDH ran away with the ball! you gave us a ball! we must take it and run!
also I would never want one of your books to be a movie. they would ruin it! the book is always better than the movie! there is no way someone in Hollywood would do any of your books justice!!
True, but it would offer HA financial security and/or stability, which would translate into less stress for them and, quite possibly, more creative energy available. Monica Hesse had a great column today about how motherhood affects creative energy. Yes, any kind of parenthood can, but by the statistics…
I am here for the conspiracy theories. I’m putting my money on Maggie but I’m mostly just excited for a new series. House Andrews books are my happy place. Congratulations on selling a new book.
Mine’s on Maggie, too. Would be very surprised if it wasn’t
I agree if someone were to bet me, my money would be on maggie.
I tried to buy the „magic gifts“ dramatized audiobook on audible, but unfortunately it seems that’s it’s not available on the german audible site 😫.
Do you maybe have any news or information when it will be available overseas?
Hi M,
Please contact Graphic Audio directly for information on their accessibility https://graphicaudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new 🙂
Dear Moderater M,
Thank you so much for your fast answer! 💐.
I just checked again and it’s finally available🙈.
Sorry for causing you unnecessary work (having to answer my question)🙏
Thanks again!!
That’s what I’m here for ☺️! So happy it showed up!
Ahhhh🙈 never mind. I just checked audible.de again (for the probably hundredth time) and the audiobook is finally there 🥳🥳.
I just went through a thing with GraphicAudio support trying to get Magic Gifts myself. (Support worked, I now have it! Yay!)
I noticed on their site’s FAQ section that there is some information on international availability/nonavailability as well as information on Audible, although I did not read those questions myself since I am in the US and buy directly from them rather than going through Audible. You may want to check there.
If you’re excited, I’m excited.
Can’t wait!!😍
Congratulations! I’m glad you’re excited about the contract and amused (rather than annoyed/frustrated) by the BDH’s wild speculations.
You are sooo evil. This is why we love you.
I love all the speculations, I think the bdsm romance beauty and the beast one was my favorite horde fever dream. Im currently catching up on GA, and I want them to do Andreas book because I love her voice and sass
bdsm beauty and the beast? dear lord… where do I find these speculations, because clearly they are pure gold! 😁
Yesterday’s post hehe https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/not-an-announcement/
clearly I need to read yesterdays comments.
Where is Augustine when you need him? Who will he impersonate? Can we hire Cornelius and some of his ferrets? No lasers on the dryer vents of House Andrews?
They don’t need lasers. They have cats.
Congratulations! I hope you have fun and celebrate.
Of course the BDH took the ball and ran to outer space with speculation. We wouldn’t be the Horde if we didn’t do it.
Again, congratulations on the contract. Again, no speculation on my part. When you’re ready to make the big announcement, we’ll be here cheering you on. 😀
And I don’t think the Horde can pry the information out of Mod R either. Her lips are sealed too.
Thanks Mod R for taking out the duplicate post. I just going to say the computer I was on did it. 🙄🤪
Apparently there are only a few of the BDH who do not consider ‘wait’ to be a dirty word. I’ve gotten in the habit of writing my speculations down. So far, about one in ten has been something close to what you actually did. Yes, I’m having fun with it.
You have already promised that everything I really want to read will eventually be written. What more can I ask?
I do have my suspicions of what the contract was about, but I can wait on that one, too.
I’m hoping it was crazy lucrative for you!
Personally I’m hoping it’s Maggie. I liked the snippets quite a bit.
Douglas Adams humorously described the film project as “twenty years of constipation.” The Hollywood process was challenging, and he likened it to trying to grill a steak by having a succession of people come into the room and breathe on it.
The more, the better!! Go go House Andrews!
I’m thinking it’s Puffles. I can wait for Puffles, only because that was just a small snippet. If it’s Maggie, I will have to exercise extreme restraint by not reading any chapters as I know traditional publishing will take time.
Regardless I’m happy if you’re happy!
Wait, hold on one second now. I checked the previous post and it said “Books.” Plural. Series? I also noted that Maggie was glaringly omitted from the post. Is that to throw us off the scent? A literary red herring from our sneaky favorite authors? Hmmm…
“Some answers about the previous post, because BDH took that ball and ran away with it.”
Our job here is done. 🙂
Congratulations — I am so excited for you.
Fantastic news! So excited for you. 😘👏🏻🥳
This tiny bit of our fluffy Horde is just super happy for more HA to read! Welcome, new mystery thing!
I am truly thankful for your blogs, besides being awesome writers, you’re willing to interact with your fans on their (my) tiring demands for the next book or our incessant nosy interest in your business. your graciousness in handling the BDH Is fantastic it is no wonder that we love 😍 you and your family and I am grateful for the time and effort that you took to give us such great opportunities to interact with you all. Thank you for your wonderful stories and your time spent on writing them.
I deny everything. I am completely faultless and I can demonstrate my innocence.
There was no running, I am a very considered walker, it is in fact impossible for me to run, especially carrying speculation, as I have three wooden legs and a hoof.
Moreover I grow my own speculation, it is never wild, always carefully cultivated.
Thus am I cleared of wrongdoing.
I love when you He He. It makes me smile that you have a fun and tease side. It’s better to laugh than cry is my motto.
🤣 I’m excited for any of you worlds to be published
sorry I forgot to say;
Congratulations 🎊 👏 🎉🥳🥂🍾😃
I just assumed it was Maggie. Is it not Maggie? (I notice that name was conspicuously absent in the Q&A). I guess I just don’t have enough imagination…
I suppose it could be a secret project (which would be fantastic), but since we know that they have been working on Maggie and shopping it around, wouldn’t it be most likely that they’ve now found a publisher for it?
It’s totally Maggie! It has to be Maggie. Unless it’s Puffles. It could be Puffles. Maggie or Puffles. Or something else ….
Whatever it is, I promise to read it many, many times
Thank you for the additional information! Self-publishing FTW! It’s faster. Traditional publishing is fine too. Whenever it gets here, we’ll read it. Multiple times.
Congrats again on the contract! It is so good to hear that good things are happening for HA, and I promise, no speculating from me. 😇
(Of course, I am also putting on my running shoes, just in case any more details are tossed to the BDH….never know when I might have to catch a ball and run with it!) 😂
Is the preorder button available yet? Come on, it’s been a whole day!! (I most definitely did not promise to be p*tient!) 😉
So exciting, congratulations!
I’ll keep my fingers crossed it’s about Maggie. I’ve already read those first few chapters a couple of times, I was very intrigued by it. If it ends up being for a different work/series then I’ll be happy. More books by IA is a win/win!
“We are excited.” There’s so much emotional tension in this sentence. Congrats on the contract, and congrats on (hopefully) a new series.
oh I just assumed it was a traditional publishing book deal for maggie 😮
it’s a whole new thing? even moarrrr
Maaaaaaaaybe 😀
Since it’s a “book thing,” I wonder how many book thingies are under contract? One, 2, a series? I hv a feeling this is a brand new book thingy involving characters we hv never met. 🤔Hmmmmm…
I feel an opportunity to steal Neil Gaiman’s “Wait and see.” was missed.
I love this group! You guys slay me! Glad I am not out here brain running wild, wildly speculating!!!, alone lol! Are there things I really want? Duh! (Luther gets a book is my meditation mantra) There are too many to name. I am however thrilled that you are excited! I want you to be as happy as possible! Happy writers write more! I did not claim to selflessly love your happiness. Which is not to say I would not want you to be happy even if God forbid you quit writing. Ok I’m stopping here lol! Congrats on the contract ! I am now off to read all the comments everywhere !
I’m telling myself it’s Maggie, cus I’ve been waiting on tenterhooks for news. I hope we hear more soon💕
I’m a fan of the Kate Daniels series. I love it & recommended to others who are now hooked. I just spent last weekend binge reading The Innkeeper series. I realize these books came from your blog. Thanks for publishing in print b/c I wouldn’t have read them otherwise. It was the most similar to Kate’s series in my opinion. But you left it at a cliffhanger. I have questions..so many questions that need answers. Are there plans to continue with more stories for that series? In books or just on the blog b/c I’m here to tell ya, until I get my answers I’m gonna looking for it. Please let me know. Sincerely, Dying in suspense 🙂
Hi Gina,
The Innkeeper series will continue! 🙂 There will be at least one more novel, and it will definitely not be only on the blog.
All the Innkeeper books so far were serialised on the blog and then published in all the formats- print, ebook and audio. The next one may go straight to publish, we don’t know yet 🙂.
Here for more information https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/happy-monday-schedule-post/
You folks just love to tease! So if you’re baiting the BDH, should you be allowed to fuss when they rampage? Hmmmm….food for thought.
What is it about? Probably between two and three hundred pages.
Love, love, love this for you! (And us, too!)
Thank you! I’ll take whatever it is x10! Heee! Excited!
I’ll take whatever it is x10! Heee! Excited!
Also I keep getting this message when I try to comment:
“Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that! “
The comment isn’t duplicative. Any suggestions?
Hi Asabi, you are commenting twice 🙂. I already have a comment from you saying the same thing with the timestamp 6:55. It’s sometimes due to over-enthusiastic clicking 😊.
😬 Ohhhh hmmm… ok I’ll try to reign in the thumbs!
Whatever it is I want all of it! Thanks for semi-sharing!
And third time 😅! I think you maybe are seeing a cached version of the page, because I have all your comments. Please refresh and/or reset cookies if you see this.
Very excited for you guys on your book deal! I’m thinking it’s Maggie cause …well I won’t say why I have this suspicion till we find out if it is Maggie. If it’s not Maggie hoping it’s Puffles😚. Tell us whenever and just keep basking in the good news.
Who is Puffles? What is Puffles? does Puffles, puff?
Here is Puffles! https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/man-on-the-road/
I’ll let him introduce himself, but he does, in fact, puff 🐉
I just want to let you know that I got my books from the Arcane Society today and they made me so happy!! Beautiful artwork and lovely packaging. They’re still wrapped in plastic because I’m dragging this feeling out. I’ll open them and read them and enjoy them another day when they can get the attention they deserve!!
Mine is out for delivery now!!
Hey BDHers, just to “fan” the flames of conspiracy theories, the previous blog picture had a rose in it! Could it be team metal rose gets a novel?! Or maybe, bringing forth the flower theory, White Hot may change back to shirtless Rogan?!
If you look closely at the coins theres a silver one amongst the others! A clue! I see a medieval urban fusion on my horizon, could it possibly be something that rhymes with saggy?!
All I know is that it’s gonna be another “precious” for my treasure horde!
Oh, the smug giggles at the end there… XP
I love it lol you keep the secrets for now 🙂 the horde will devour in time
“When are we getting…?
Check the Release Schedule.”
Sanctuary, Roman’s novella featuring dark Slavic gods, mercenaries, and adorable unclean critters is available for preorder. Release date July 30, 2024.
My theory is the “Maggie” book. I absolutely loved the sneak peak you dropped!!
sometimes you guy’s are just evil!…lol
Barsa barsa barsa!
I will work on being patient and not barsamonious!
The question shouldn’t be “What is it?”. What I want to know is when is it! Can you give us a timeframe?
Oh, and my guess is it starts with “M”. Although I will read anything and everything they write, whenever it comes out, and I’ll do it with a smile on my face!
Big Tease! 😉 Love all the speculation…and can’t wait for the eventual reveal. ❤️
‘We are excited’ means I am too and will be even more once you share details, so win-win in my book.
And congratulations of course for a contract that leaves you space for self publishing whatever strikes your fancy in between.
It doesn’t matter what it is, Ya’ll are awesome no matter what. And more books, so, win-win. Go House Andrews!
It is lovely to hear you are excited. Best wishes!
A cup of fresh cup of oolong, and a new IA audiobook … ah, today is starting wonderfully …
HA: A new book has been signed. No details.
BDH: More! Which Characters, when, what format!
HA: Wait!
BDH: Noo, not the wait!
Roman would be pleased.
YAY. To all of it. If you two are excited, I know I will be ecstatic! Big Congrats!!!_
Keep your secrets we still love you. And loving the magic gifts!
I’m guessing Maggie hehe since it was being shopped before. Congratulations!
I love the audio sample! And again, many congrats on the new contract. I am really looking forward to your new book so much. I hope it comes our way reasonably quickly, but am not going to hold my breath. Publishing companies have their own schedules
Sooooo Maggie?
So happy for you! And happy being excited with you, knowing what its about or not!
“We are excited.”
I’m so happy for you guys!
P.S., thanks for the great post, hitting all of the BDH buttons. 🤣
Late to the party but wanted to chime in anyway.
If you’re excited, it’s going to be awesome! So happy for HA – congratulations!
Hello, I have a Slayer question! Yes, it’s unrelated to, well, anything, but I hope I’ll get lucky since I’m choosing to comment on a blog post with “answers” in it.
The question: What kind of sabre is Slayer, exactly? I’m working on a Kate cosplay and I would absolutely love to get it as close as I can. Is it up to my imagination entirely, or is the shape specific to a certain period or place? Better yet, ARE THERE PICTURES?
The thing is, I’m asking you because as much as I adore the KD series, even having re-read it multiple times, I don’t recall a precise description of Slayer origin-wise (the boring geographical/historical origin, not the magical one). I own the paper books with no Ctrl+F included, and they are Czech with – obviously – only the Czech translations of the names of the weapons. They are probably as precise as they can be because our royal Ilona Andrews translator Hana Vrábelová is a badass but my partner assures me that a lot of cold weapons don’t have Czech equivalents, linguistically, and get brushed off with a “meč” (sword) or a “šavle” (sabre), period… Rambling, sorry! I’m very excited about the prospect of having a sabre.
I love the entire KD world. Please tell me more about Slayer.
Hi Maitter,
The saber Kate uses is a shashka – a sword from the Caucus Mountains. You can find specific info, images and even a video of it in use here 🙂 https://swordis.com/blog/shashka-sword/