Hi, love all your books. I live in Perth W.A. Haven’t seen any updates on your blog. Worried about both of you and your family. Is everything OK. Please keep safe.
We have received a lot of the emails like the one above, so here is the general update on things. 🙂
Thank you for worrying. So far so good. We celebrated Kid 1’s birthday and are ready for Kid 2’s this Saturday. Kid 2 needs to move to Austin for her college and we are in the process of getting a rental house for her and her boyfriend, since they are going to the same campus. Shopping for a rental house during coronavirus is an odd experience.
I am exhausted. Abnormally, completely exhausted. I even have trouble going on walks. The other day I just lied down in the bed and didn’t get up, which never happens. Today was the cleaning Friday, which means all of us frantically cleaned the house, and I feel like I need to go and lie down some place now.
I’m aware that sometimes coronavirus infection presents with extreme fatigue. I don’t have a cough or a fever, and I have an oxymeter, which tells me my oxygen hovers around 97-98%. I think the explanation for this is Zyrtec. I tried to tough it out through the allergy season, I really did, but I just can’t. It got to the point where I couldn’t breathe. I take it at night, but it doesn’t seem to matter. I am going to try flonase maybe, if I can find it, because I think Zyrtec is making me into a zombie.
We still disinfect everything, and wash our hands, and I check everyone’s temperature and oxygen saturation any time they cough.
Why can’t Ryder be a book?
Well, Ryder can be a book, but the problem is that Iron Covenant #2 is overdue. And neither of us is superpsyched about Iron Covenant, because it’s kind of dark for right now. I see comments like “I love Ryder, can’t wait for Hugh 2” and I want to crawl into a some small space to hide. 🙂
Also, I am not sure I want to open the can of worms that is KD world almost a decade later. Everyone had kids. Everyone took a beating from life. Fans will be fussy. I haven’t looked yet, but I bet you anything right now Ryder is on Goodreads and there are probably fussy reviews about it based on 5 scenes. I am not sure if I have emotional fortitude to go into it and show what happened.
Honestly, we are in the waiting pattern. We have to start something on Monday, because we need to start producing fiction. And as I type this, all I want to do is sleep.

I hate this fatigue so much, I can’t even tell you.
Well, on that note, I need to throw together some graphic files for the website designer. Then I need to finish the copyedit of Emerald Blaze and pass it to Gordon.
Hang in there!
Thank you for post, Ilona Andrews. Check webMD and/ or your doctor office but I remember drowsiness and fatigue are number one side effects of Zyrtec. Mother was on this but could not stay awake so doctors changed her to something else which controls her chronically running nose but she is awake. Good luck. Allergies are rough this year.
It could be the Zyrtec. I find that I can not take it because it makes me feel tired and disconnected. Most of the over the counter stuff does that to me. I use Advil cold and sinus or a homeopathic outdoor allergy that I found in our health food store.
Several years ago, we were haying and I got into a field that put my allergies into overdrive. No time to go downtown to get something for it, so I took Benadryl which was in the cupboard. I knew better but I was desperate. We got the hay in but for the next 72 hours, all I could do was sleep. It has been 10+ years and my kids still will say “…remember when we peeled your eyelids back and you still wouldn’t wake up?”.
Be well! I love whatever you write, so the most important thing is take care of yourself and your family.
I had the exact same reaction to Zyrtec. Now Claritin D…that’s a life changer 🙂
I have been rereading and listening to you for years. I can wait however long you need. I can always start again at the beginning. Be well and stay safe.
Love anything you write, don’t stress or listen to anyone, just write whatever comes. And keep safe, for we need you, now more than ever!
Zyrtec makes me feel like a zombie. There are better choices.
Hope you feel better soon. I am as needy as everyone else when wanting more, more, more……However write what your heart or mind or business contracts tell you to write. About people complaining., ignore them or tell them to write a better story if they are so gifted.
I have really bad allergies (SW MI). Take Zyrtec about an hour before you go to bed. The zombie sleepiness happens while you’re asleep. This time of year, I have to take double my allergy meds. So it’s Zyrtec at night, Claritan in the morning. And before anyone tells me I shouldn’t, this is physician-directed.
Good to hear from you! I’m super sensitive to allergy meds — totally knock me out then give me anxiety. Fun times. But I’m really struggling with sinus stuff this spring so I decided to try Flonase Sensimist. I wish I hadn’t waited so long to try it! No smell / scent. No alcohol. No something else I can’t remember. And no allergy symptoms (so far). Maybe that will work for you? Fingers crossed! (and sorry, I love the Ryder bits, too)
Take care of yourself. I am enjoying the Ryder scenes, and looking forward to Emerald Blaze. I enjoy all of your worlds.
You take care of you! Fatigue has been kicking my butt as well, for no tangible reason. I love the snippets and I love the idea of a Ryder book! Hugh will happen when you feel right about it. If there’s Ryder nitpickers I’d like to pinch them because I’d buy every word and they’re ruining it for me!! As always, thank you for the stories you share…they make my world a better place.
No matter what else, you take care of you. We all love your work but, more importantly, we love you and want you to be well.
We’ll be here when you’re feeling better.
Thank you for your books, happy happy happy to read anything you what to write, about any of your worlds.
You not alone with the fatigue… it been wiping me out for a couple of weeks. Allergies is such a pain. Anyways, I just wanted to send some positive and understanding vibes. As always thanks for the updates.
Well, I can’t take Zyrtec for the reasons you’ve described. (This was before the Multiple Sclerosis hammer.) My mother does well on it, but it turned me into a zombie.
I take a generic version of Clairitin. Loratadine I think it’s called. I’ve never had fatigue issues with it.
I don’t know how severe your allergies are. Mine can be pretty bad. Clairitin gave me means to get through Spring without hospital visits. I hope you can try it.
Brands I tried and couldn’t use again: Zyrtec, Allegra.
I hope you find relief soon. Allergies are no joke.
As far as Hugh and Ryder are concerned? I trust you. It’ll be okay.
Thank you for update. I too was worried.
May not work for you but I do find some relief from allergies by rolling a mix of Lavender,Lemon and a Peppermint oil mixed of course with a carrier oil on my wrists.
Good luck. I love reading whatever you write.
I am sorry that our enthusiasm for your work is making things hard. I can certainly see why going into the KD world would be fraught with issues. I can believe that the second Hugh book could be dark. He is still a dark character and Elara could be problematic. Exhaustion is no joke. I feel like I can get up in the morning and just go back to bed. This whole virus hoohaw has really done a number on my mental health and I suspect on yours. My son says he cannot get a grip when there is no certainty and no way to plan. I think just holding on and enduring is about the best we can hope for. We went to a nursery today for veggies and it felt like a world tour since we hadn’t been out. I cannot imagine how hard it is to have everyone criticizing your work in real time. I cannot blame you for backing away from what could be an emotional issue. I truly hope the exhaustion improves and that you will find something you want to write.
We love y’all. Please take care of you.
Dear Ilona,
Please try Flonase, I too had extreme fatigue with Zyrtec. It was so bad that I thought I had Guillen-Barre or something more dire. My thoughts and prayers are with you, hopefully you can find something that can work for you without the exhaustion or the brain drain.
So sleep as long as you need to! The world will still be there when you are ready to wake up. Zyrtec made me a zombie but the Flonase at bedtime made me sleep like a log and alert during the day.
Fatigue is so hard and the world is messy right now. I hope things start to feel better for you.
FWIW, the time I tried Zertec I slept 20 hours straight (seriously, 20 hours) and could not have gotten out of bed had the house been on fire. My husband nearly called an ambulance. I had to try several other brands before I found one that I could take and still be a functional human being.
Last week I had extreme fatigue and body aches. Also my guts hurt but in a my whole abdomen is tender to the touch but none of the drugs do anything and it doesn’t seem to be causing any specific acute problems (beyond making me yelp with pain every time the dog/kid/cat climbs in my lap). The fatigue was so bad I was deeply concern my depression was coming back and did I need to call my doctor. This week it’s gone. I feel great. And my gut doesn’t hurt anymore. It was weird as heck. I don’t know what it was. No fever. I checked. Repeatedly. Had my sense of taste and no coughing or shortness of breath.
Which is to say: I hope your exhaustion magically gone very soon and you feel fantastic next week. I hate fatigue so, so much. I appreciate the emotional heavy lifting you do for your art. The escapism you grant me has gotten me through some incredibly tough times and I am incredibly grateful. As far as the whiners go I’m of the opinion they can go shove it up their shorts and stuff a sock in it b/c y’all are amazing and I am grateful for, and deeply appreciative of all you’ve done and continue to do to uplift and entertain. Ignore them and go for the gusto. Life’s too short to let the whiners win!
zyrtec is hard to bear. You should ask your doctor for a piperidine medicine. Less sleepy.
Take care and thank you very much for Ryder.
I tried Zyrtec once in college and again recently. Even taking it the night before makes me devastatingly tired. I hope you find something that works for you soon!
Whatever you write your core BDH will love it and devour it smiley face! so please remember that we and I know I speak from the heart of the BDH that you guys are awesome and wonderful. Those 5 scenes are a light in a very dark world. You write moments of escapism and comfort. I am grateful and appreciate anything you are able to give us.
Sending love and light from Oxfordshire England xx
Hugz. Poor muffin here comes the waterfall of health info. Our community has THREE DIFFERENT KINDS of deep dish pollutants. We all have learned everything about sinus allergies. We literally have FOUR TO FIVE daily news warnings JUST on air quality. We all learned the reasons our noses sinuses clog is because they have good sense. They are offended by something and don’t want it in. We work with that system and RARELY use rxs. We flush our systems with hot teas no sugar. We use AYR saline nasal sprays sometimes 2 3 times hourly. It takes consistent uses especially with removing rxs from areas. We use swipes of vicks ointment under our noses around nostrils. This stops collect bigger pieces and increases moisture. We are never dehydrated drinking fluids constantly. At night we use more vicks same way plus ALWAYS cheapie $20 humidifier by each sleeper with usually few drops 5 guards 5 thieves essential oils. Maintenance. Ugh but works. Rest dear heart. You are important. PS ever need another guard dog to tell all those demanding fans editors to STFU back. Off. I’m your huckleberry.
Please do you! Your self preservation is important. I am enjoying/enjoy all you write. So, please take the time for you to recharge.
Zyrtec knocks my husband on his butt too. Feel better , stay safe, and remember us fans will read anything you give us. We just love your writing!
I understand contracts and schedules and all that (in theory), but I would hate to think of you writing something you don’t want to write because you feel beholden to, right now. It’s a tough time for everyone, period. I would support you writing whatever you want to write, or maybe even just taking a break for awhile if that is what you need. Your health and sanity are important! Hope you can get some rest – or figure out the meds to manage allergies without zombie side effects!
Ryder is not in Goodreads, I checked for you.
You have to remember too. A lot of people are experiencing some sort of depression anxiety with COVID. With everything going on even with family, it is quite common to feel absolutley exhausted even after doing the bare minimum. Dont be too hard on yourself!! Nurse Brooke says taking it easy and naps are encouraged!
I hear you on the burnout feeling and the seasonal exhaustion. I’m sorry the fiction is not in a good place for your mental state right now. I admit to wanting to read it, but I want you guys mentally healthy more, and thus will continue to wait. I hope you find better allergy solutions soon!
All my love to you and yours! I wish the world was so that you felt comfortable taking the time to rest and write whatever you want. I’m sure a huge part of the fans feel the same way.
Good luck with everything
It is probably the allergy medicine and perhaps … stress. Switching is worthwhile, but such a pain right now. Take care of yourself.
You guys are just amazing to release new fiction to fans for free. I am enjoying Ryder for what it is. If it becomes something more then I will support that as well when/if that even happens. When/if it is done and never becomes anything more than a few short scenes then it was a ray of light during a weird and dark time!
I feel you on the allergy thing. Taking mine at night helped me but doesn’t work for everyone. The good news is that there are lots of OTC options to try. I also have lots of fun making my 14 year old daughter roll her eyes by talking about how all the “plant sex” is making me stuffy:)
Sending ???? hugs! I know how that is! I hope you feel better soon!
I think we are all exhausted at this point. I’m working at home and I’m more tired at the end of the day than when I commuted. I’m going to watch Chicken Life on Prime, take a bit shower and call it a night.
Oh gosh, I am so sorry you’re feeling this way. Fatigue is so awful.
Is there any way you can just take a break if you are not feeling Iron Covenant 2? I just can’t imagine being creative if you’re not psyched about it.
FWIW, the Costco version of Flonase is Allerflow. You can buy it off the website, and you get 5 bottles for less than the cost of one Flonase.
It works. It takes a few days to notice a difference, but the side effects are minimal.
It keeps me functional while these g**d**** fruit trees insist on blooming. (Before Flonase/Allerflow, I would lose my voice, have severe lung/breathing issues and itchy runny eyes)
Ignore the fussy idiots. Most of us LOVE your KD world. Most of us love anything you write.
Get well soon!
Zyrtec sends me into a three day zombie attack. I can do nothing. There are other allergy medications, Allegra, Claritin. Try one of those and see what happens. Feel better please.
Just do what you can do…. life is hard at the moment. We will be here for you at the end of all this.
I love the snippets posted when you can do them but life gets in the way.
Keep safe, love being with your family and we will read whatever you can give us ????????
Hang in there. Ignore the askers-for-more except to acknowledge they all love what you write.
Write what you want, when you want. We will love it.
On another note, for me Claritin is less sedating than Zyrtec; I take it at night. Flonase is good too.
Sending you hugs and wishing you all well. Best wishes for kid#2 birthday and congrats to kid#1 (or the reverse if I’ve confused the two). Take comfort from your glorious skeins of yarn.
Fatigue after a sugar binge is very common. How much ice cream did you eat anyway? (says the diabetic in Phoenix who just OD’d on birthday cake and real, vanilla bean ice cream!) Water helps. Cold, delicious water with a squeeze of fresh lemon. Hang in there!
I have lived in Texas 6 years and never had allergies. This year I am taking Claritin daily. EVERYONE is miserable with the allergies. My niece had to get tested for Covid because her allergies are so bad and they thought it was the virus. Hang in there. Allergy season should be better soon.
Aww. Hang in there. I’m happy if Ryder doesn’t become a book. Yes, we all know it will be wonderful if it does become a book. But I’m happy knowing Julie is her own badass self.
Meanwhile, I can understand how Iron Covenant seem too dark for now. It seems dystopia books have fallen out of people’s favor for now. I can imagine writing them would be worse.
Hang in there. Drinking something warm to make your allergies better. Ginger tea would help.
Allergy meds are well know for causing sleepiness. Take care and take naps as needed. I would also love to see Ryder as a novel or novella.
I have the same problem with all my allergy meds plus I have fibromyalgia so I do know how upsetting it can be when you want to do something but just don’t have the energy.
Please know that I will read anything you guys publish no matter when it reaches the public. I love your writing that much!
Stay well and stay safe!
Hey, fans can be fussy. It’s really up to you whether you want to move forward on something complex like Ryder. I feel you on darkness – it’s very hard for me to write angst or my characters doing bad stuff (even with good reasons), I just shut down and don’t write fast or well, so I admire those who can. It’s also tough with a kid leaving the nest, though that’s what you’ve been working for all this time. Power to you, whatever you choose.
I sincerely hope you do decide to get some sleep.
The fatigue might be the side effect of Zyrtec, but it could also be your body adjusting to events and you do need the rest.
Things may look a lot better after you have refreshed yourself.
Take care!
You know your fans will always be there for you and wait no matter how long it takes for whatever you and your husband write for all of us.
There are lots of us feeling that fatigue. There’s a hell of a lot of grief and general displacement happening. A friend posted an info graphic on culture shock this morning and it seems to apply. The common thread seems to be an overwhelming energy suck. And you came into this stressed out.
Me, I’m just trying to get through one day at a time. Yesterday was a nap/ nothing gets done day. Today has been phone socializing and home schooling and crafting. The dishes and laundry need doing, though.
Please hang in there. I love the Ryder stuff, I’m insanely curious about where it’s going and where Derek is, but I am patient. It seems like we’d need IC before it, anyway, and god knows there’s so much grim dark in the real world right now….
I really appreciate your posts and especially Ryder with all that’s going on. It makes a whole lot of difference for me and knowing it is a somewhat difficult subject for you giving how varied the reactions seem to be I love each post even more as it appears.
Hoping this is a small consolation and if I could I would return the favour, but as it is I am resigned to reading your posts and sending my heartfelt best wishes to you and hoping you have something that keeps your spirits up as well.
I think we all need to readjust our expectations right now, not only of our coworkers and family, but most importantly of ourselves. Everyone is handling the challenges of this pandemic in their own way, and there are so many more factors at play than are immediately obvious. I hope you and Gordon are taking the mental and emotional space to process in whatever way is most helpful to you. Your continued physical, emotional, and mental well being is more important to me than any book release.
Thanks for sharing what you’re going through. You’re not alone. Thanks for enriching our lives with your creative genius, and for creating this community of people who all share a common passion. Hugs to you and yours, I hope Flonase helps!
For what it’s worth, Ryder is on Goodreads. There are 17 rated reviews. They are all 3 stars or better with the vast majority being 4 & 5.
I suffer like you from allergies and have used everything on the market. The one I found that works without the side effects is Xyzal. Just a thought.
Just keep doing what you do and we will love whatever you write!
Ignore good reads. Your fans love your stuff. Do what you want and we’ll be there for you
I love everything and anything you write but first of all, take care of yourself. That’s your priority now. And that’s the most important thing for all your fans. We all love these little snippets of real-life and, of course, anything you present us. So, Thank you for all the care you have with your fans and we are here for you too. Be Safe, be healthy. We love you.
Hi, normally i don’t comment, but as i read about your fatigue, allergies and Zyrtec – i was compelled. Maybe you probably heard it already but in case of not…my ex husband had the same problem with zyrtec and the constant need to sleep. After many try and errors with other medication is was back to zyrtec but he took only half a tablet in the evening (i think two hrs before sleeping) and the next day it was way better with the tiredness. Still allergy reaction but less overal.
Hope your allergy season is not to long.
Stay safe and good health, greetings from Germany
P.S. All your books are awesome and highly recommended to all friends and family
Thank you for the continuing updates – I can completely sympathize with the fatigue. I take reactin (occasionally) for my allergies so I can get a good sleep at night. The next day, I spend most of the day on the couch trying not to fall asleep. It is a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.
Take care of you and your family.
Not to push my nose in….but that kind of tired….i think you need to make a doc appointment for some blood work……please.
I had a physical in the beginning of the year. 🙂
Glad to hear from you. I feel your allergy pain. Personally I am taking Zyrtec and Mucinex. On top of that I have to use albuterol once in a while. Life is fun in the south with allergies and asthma in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. I also have anxiety attack when I go to put on a mask. That is the only time that I have to deal with claustrophobia. I just keep reminding myself that it could be worse and eventually this too shall pass. Take care of yourself.
Heh, I was thinking about all the kids there might be, too. Conlan himself. Baby B. Dali was hoping to get pregnant… Desandra’s young’uns.
I’m less curious about them I suppose, and more curious about how Kate’s network has held up. She barely had one when she started out, developed a fairly sizeable one with help from Curran… and then lost a few of them during the last two books (Jim alienated himself, Doolittle seemed frustrated with her, Ascanio was no longer an employee, etc, etc).
I’m definitely hoping that Andrea and Kate are still best friends.
Anyway, I hope you get to feeling better.
I’m working, but my state is under stay-at-home orders, and since I’m out and about so little now, I’m sleeping an awful lot. The worries of the Covid-19 AND the economic fallout has me stressed out. So I’m stress-napping. Too much :-/
It’s nice to get the Julie snippets during this time, so thanks for that.
I’ll read whatever book you decide is next in the queue.
Do you take regular Zyrtec or Zyrtec-D? And, if you’ve taken Zyrtec for years and the extreme fatigue is a recent thing, would you consider changing to a different one, such as Allegra or Claritin? I take Claritin-D and have for years. But previously, when they were still brand-name only drugs, I took Allegra-D and found it to be so much more effective. I’ve also tried Zyrtec-D, but didn’t find that it was any different from Claritin-D.
But Allegra-D. For me, there is nothing that beats Allegra-D (but I still take Claritin-D because it’s available at the Costco pharmacy and is usually cheaper than Allegra). And, a side benefit that I noticed with Allegra-D is that it gave me more energy. Like drinking a cup of coffee.
And, if you’ve been taking just regular Zyrtec, try the D version. I used to take my allergy medicine at night until I realized it was keeping me awake.
Flonase works well for me but not for some folks I know. It takes a couple days to really kick in. It’s worth a try if the other meds make you drag.
thanks for the update – if you need more rest take it if you can financially and contractual – we will wait for your books – at the same time as several people said, unless you pulled the Ryder files out of a draw – if this is when you are tiered and want to sleep – wow..
Thanks for all you give us!
We love you and everything you do <3 but you guys do what’s best for you first!
You hang in there too! I get how you feel. Overwhelming stress in most of the facets of my life generates that same kind of fatigue.
Be easy on yourself.
Zyrtec makes me a zombie also, took one last night in lieu of Claritin, which makes my legs cramp when I take it to much. I love allergies, not. I will read whatever and whenever you publish. xoxo
Well, I take two zyrtec by day. And it’s true that it is an energy-eater, so I take it at bed-time. Yet It doesn’t solve my insomnia, though…
Big hugs from France
Yep, it’s the Zyrtec. It gives me horrible muscle aches. Flonase works better for me.
As an Israeli I feel that hummus helps with fatigue. Hummus and pickles.
As a Russian I feel that black bread with salo is the solution.
I tried that one time and my husband legitimately lost his stuff and yelled at me about eating raw bacon. 😀
You’re right that Ryder is on goodreads, but the reviews are actually quite complementary. 😉
Though honestly that is probably because they are reviewing it as fanservice, not as a book so they just want to coo pleasantly in hopes they can cajole you into giving them more rope to hang you.
I have the fatigue problem, but I am 74 and not well. A lot of it seems to be tied into my blood pressure medicine, too much and it’s just let’s lay under the nice warm covers all day. I skip meds for a day, have a great day, full of positive energy and boom look at that, pulse steady at 128. I would go to doctors but the VA would just try “to make me comfortable”, which is annoying because they think under nice warm covers all day is comforting. Good luck on the writing dilemma, obvious advice is to go with your passion. No matter what you do there will a splinter group unhappy with your choice and a vast, overwhelming majority that will love whatever you do. You are dead right in that this is a time for light, your snippets have been like little rays of hope, and your fan blogs reflect that.
Fatigue is the absolute worst…it’s soul-sucking. I’ve had to endure it for months and even years at a time. I’ve felt better for troubleshooting my mitochondrial function which is a current trend in the self help health field.
Dr prescribed black label allergy crap that made my kid get out of bed and then fall down on even the lowest doseI. I got a recommendation for an herbal concoction that has done wonders and I combine that with supporting her liver function since the liver processes histamines.
Dear Ilona,
I am VERY familiar with the zyrtec fog… I do a zyrtec/Flonase combo. Zyrtec (24 hr kind) right after supper and Flonase in the morning. That way, I can sleep off the main “fog brain” effects. I still end up dragging a bit for a week, but it gets better.
As for books, you are in the “Field of Dreams” category, but instead of “build it and they will come,” it is “write it and they will buy.”
Your TRUE fans also care about your mental and physical health. Take care of yourself and we will be here when you are ready.
A Geeky Book Chick
Thank you for all that you do for us readers, even your blog updates brighten our lives (well, at least mine!). All allergy meds make me sleepy, I now take them at night because nobody has time to be a zombie! Hang in there!
Please be careful. The exhaustion you are feeling may be a sign of covid 19. My client’s husband was sleeping 20 hours a day because he was so tired. He lost a lot of weight before they decided to take him to the ER. He tested positive for the virus. It took three weeks, but he’s doing better now. Nothing to mess around with. If your exhaustion continues, please get it checked out. Everything else will wait.
Yes, yes it is. Zyrtec will make you drowsy at first. I got used to it and I’m good now, but yeah, it’s like all you want to do is sleep. If there is a Costco near you they have Flonase and the generic. I don’t know what they will have now, what with people buying ten packs at a time. If you get really desperate I can send you a couple of mine. I bought a multi-pack right before corona hit.
Not a medical doctor at all but I can agree with you it’s probably the Zyrtec it would do the same thing to me and I could not stay awake and when I tried it was worse my head would do the fall down and snap back up. Whatever y’all want to do is great with me it’s y’all’s worlds we just love that y’all let us venture in them!
Happy Belated Birthday to Kid 1 and Happy Early Birthday to Kid 2!!
Hope the house hunting goes well ????
Zytec, Claritin, etc., all leave me so tired I can’t function like a normal human being. I’ve found that if I take a single Benadryl and chase it with caffeine, I can usually manage. But even that, if I lie down, I’m gone for at least 6 hours. For the last two years I have been using Flonase at my GP’s suggestion. I start several weeks before allergy season in spring and fall here in Wisconsin, and use it until blooms are bloomed and trees are green. It does not make me tired at all. I hope you feel better and are full of your usual energy soon. Hang in there!
Ilona, Zyrtec does that to me too.
I have taken it a number of times recently and only remembered the next day because I couldn’t stop wanting a nap. Flonase is great. I like the light blue kind vs green, because you can’t taste it in the back of your throat.
You know what else does that (the tiredness, not the taste)? Anxiety. Also depression. Both of which are normal during a global pandemic. Also can be common occurrences when you’re worried about work or family. Also can occur for no reason at all.
Maybe Ilona doesn’t need to hear this but someone else does: if you feel like you need help coping, seek it. We are seeing increased incidences of substance abuse, suicidal ideation, and domestic violence right now.
Everyone please take care. Ilona and Gordon, I want that Julie book so bad I can taste it. But not at the expense of your happiness.♥️
Thank you for your time, for your writing skills, and for the peaks into your family life. I have been a fan of Ilona Andrews for years and appreciate the time and effort put into all of your writings, whether they be a snippet or a full length novel. I hope you don’t let the naysayers get you down. Your writings and the worlds you create are your own and what happens there, no matter the time frame, are what you see and need to write about. I just enjoy being allowed to delve back into these worlds every now and then. I would love to have a new story line, I would love to have more KD novels, but I would also love to win the lottery! 🙂 I take what I get and am happy with it.
I hope you feel better soon. Exhaustion is no fun and allergies on top of that is the pits. I hope you find something that will help with both.
Thank you.
Coronado, CA
Hundred percent respect that you feel like you can’t handle the negativity that comes with diving back into the Kate Daniels world. If there’s anything we can do to help, let us know. We will give tons of positive reviews. I’m desperate for it, but your mental well-being is the most important.
I feel your pain with the allergies. I only survive because of Xyzal and Flonase Sensimist.
I can’t survive allergy season without them. I prefer the Flonase Sensimist over regular Flonase because but it dispenses in an extremely fine mist that I find significantly less irritating to my nasal passages over the long term.
Don’t underestimate the effects of stress, allergies, plus even a slightly lower oxygen level can have on your fatigue levels. I have more fatigue and spend more time sleeping during allergy season than any other time of year.
Thank you for Ryder. Those of us who love the KD world appreciate anything and everything you give us.
Zyrtec takes out everyone in our family! I take Allegra for allergies which doesn’t make me drowsy and it seems to help, although I know different drugs were for everyone! Sorry to hear about your exhaustion and hope you are able to have some space to just rest and be refreshed.
Honestly I kind of like the fun surprise of Ryder and don’t mind if it isn’t a book. It is a refreshing and happy spot in my day in an otherwise anxiety-inducing time and I’m very thankful you guys are giving us fans that gift. I hope it is a break and outlet for you as well, though!
We are patient and we care. Take care of yourselves and the rest will follow. Zen hugs!
Please take your time and take care of you and your family . I am immensely grateful for what you do share . I will do re- reads until you are ready to release more . It’s such a weird time/situation , prioritizing self care and sanity over productivity is a must …
Sending you Lots of Love and Light
I have allergies year round and have been using Allegra-D, which doesn’t make me sleepy. If you haven’t tried it, it might work, or just the regular Allegra might work. Flonase is a good.. Also, you could check with your doctor about a prescription for the antihistamine spray Azelastine.
Feel better soon.
Zyrtec is a huge NO for me. My system processes drugs differently. When I had my wisdom teeth out I slept for 36 hours straight. I also cant use flonase or claritin because my system tries to kick them out via tonsil stones. So what i use that works really well is a prescription montelukast otherwise known as singulair. No stones and no being stoned lol. This allergy season has been hard because of everything blooming at once. As for books. Follow your muse. Ignore complaints and do what’s calling to you.
First of all, I am happy to hear you are all heathy at this time!
Thank you for the Ryder snippets – they brighten my day!
The exhaustion can be a sign of the emotional stress. So can changes of hunger, sleeplessness… the list goes on!
I hope you continue to be in good health along with your family!
I’ve been told that Flonase takes a few days to really kick in, which is why I haven’t switched to it. Yet. Back in the 80s, I was working in New York City and planning a vacation to rural Virginia. I told everyone how I was going to clear the city soot from my lungs. When I got there, I couldn’t breathe. Ragweed. Fortunately, there was a drug store nearby.
Whatever you write, we’ll read/buy. If it feels too dark, write something else. When I think of kids in the KD world, I imagine Jim and Dali with kittens. Smart, adorable kittens. Kind of like Conlan was in Kate10, only more of them.
Happy birthdays to both kids.
Anything you write and share is a gift. I hope you come across something to write next that brings you an equal amount of joy as your readers 🙂 btw I know you said fiction but I would love to read a book about your life if that is something that would spark joy!
Thank you for sharing the updates. You are honestly the most accessible author I follow and very generous with your talent. I really appreciate that during these difficult times. Thank you.
I don’t care what you give me…or when for that matter. If it’s books, snipits, recipes, or just updates on your life in general…
Just take care of yourselves!!
I’m sorry to hear you’re having such debilitating fatigue. Zyrtec may indeed be the culprit but so could this whole situation we are in currently. Give yourself some grace where you can and hang in there yourselves! 🙂
Yes, allergy pills are the worst for fatigue!!!
I really hate it when people badger you guys for product. Really. I am grateful that you (House Andrews) are in the world. I am grateful for the many many hours of quality entertainment you’ve given and will continue to be pleased/grateful for anything you feel able to share. And oh yeah. Allergies suck! If a sneeze catches me by surprise (with mask) I’m afraid I’ll be run out of town. ???? My birthday is Sunday. Hail to my fellow Taurus!
Thank you. You make my life better.\
Love everything you write (altho the editor in me wants to do the forbidden,and fix the typos errors) , from the online write as you go (it is addicting) to the published books, and then again as an audiobook, and your blogs.
I can, and do, patiently wait , as life happens. If you get criticized, recommend they go teach Middle School/High School students, and try to get things in on time.I became a teacher because I have a strong streak of wanting to fix problems, and you get so many there that it wears down most people pretty fast.
I think all of these kids who are supposed to be working at home are showing parents some of what we deal with everyday, except they don’t get the constant emotional trauma from the conflicts,
Can’t do Zyrtec. I do Claritin D in the morning, but it so energizes and wires me up that I have to use Flonase, etc, at night, which is not perfect but there has to be something.
So it is both stress and the drug – life will get better.
I’m sorry you’re feeling the “fog.” It seems like there’s never enough energy now. I’ve never been fatigued like this before. Thank you for your updates! All the encouragement and vibes!
Rest up, take care, we can reread, there’s comfort in the familiar.
Yep, I‘m going to reread KD. Right now ????.
Yes….as a nurse I always tell the relatives of my patients to take care of themselves!!! Remember…when that plane goes down, you have to put your OWN oxygen mask on, first. So..you- take care of you. As was mentioned..we ALL re-read your books anyways; it’s like visiting an old friend…from a safe and socially acxepy distance…
The KD series has brought me so much joy. I bought the entire series on paperback then again on Kindle. I love your voice. It’s snarky and smart. I have read the KD series again and again much like I do Lord of Rings and Chronicle of Narnia. These books bring me comfort, a place to go when life it really tough. When I pick of Ryder excerpts, it’s like connecting with an old friend, one that I have really missed. Take heart you can only disappoint us if you stop! Sending positive vibes your way. Thank you for sharing your gift, you are truly a gifted writer. (If you haven’t already check out Stupe’s Chosen series on Fan Fiction-she rocks)
I found zyrtec to be a problem. When the allergies are bad, fatigue is a problem anyhow. Allegra and Claritin worked better for me.
As much as I enjoy everything you all write, you’re allowed to rest!
I tried Flonase and have been ok! I had the same problem with Zyrtec. Good Luck!
+1, but Allegra doesn’t seem to work for me. I suppose you’ve already tried the ACE vitamins to get through allergy season without antihistamines.
Allegra makes me high and dizzy.
Have you tried Claritin D that’s the only thing that’s works for my husband and I and our children can only handle the kids Claritin nothing else works on them?
Thank you. I don’t care if there is a Ryder book. OK that is a lie. I care. I just don’t care if it is just snippets or an online read or book format. I don’t care if it happens this year or next or the one after that. I am just thankful you both are well and writing for us.
I’m glad that kids 1&2 are good and that you can actually apartment shop.. it ould be very strange to do for me ???? I’m glad I do not have to. I wish you all the luck!
Would renting a house be cheaper? Then you have better luck with pets. Or that was my experience.
Well darn, I was hoping you had been able to rest and recoup your energy but it doesn’t sound like it. I’m sorry to hear that. Some years just suck and getting through them sometimes devolves into surviving one minute at a time. Thank you again for Ryder, if it’s making your life miserable and you need to stop we will understand. Writing should be a process you enjoy, not a penance to be endured.
Honestly – happy to read whichever story you are able to write, when you are able to.
I really enjoy ALL your various worlds and voices and it’s great visiting them when you let us.
So I have to tell you that Zyrtec totally makes me a Zombie too! I switched to Allegra and it has made all the difference for my horrible allergies. It doesn’t make me sleepy that I can tell, at least nothing a little caffeine doesn’t help. Thanks for the update on Ryder. I totally understand your wariness to start an involved project like that, but I can’t help hope that you will have an inspiring dream one night and know how to bring it all to fruition 🙂
I can’t take Zyrtec because it makes my skin turn red and peel off in sheets. Claritin does nothing. Allegra works for me, for 18 years now. I also can’t use flonase because it is scented and I can’t handle scents. I use Nasonex (now Mometasone generic) or OTC Nasacort as they are unscented.
I understand the fatigue. I have it where I feel like I can’t handle .. anything. But then I do and it has really helped. I hope you stay well and feel better soon. We are going to try to make your homemade ice cream recipe on Sunday.
I’m loving Ryder.
Ilona, Goodreads is a horrible place for authors. Seriously, just don’t look. Ever. That is some of the best advice I have ever received, and about the half the time I’m terrible at following it. But seriously, GR is where authors and books get pummeled. If you must read reviews, stick to places like Amazon, even though that can also be a trap. I should read less of my reviews, but I love knowing what really resonates with readers. The problem is, negativity is always more vocal than positivity, and then you fall into the trap of thinking because three people didn’t like x, it must be a huge percentage. But it usually isn’t. For every one person complaining about how things are going so far in Ryder, I guarantee you there are more than a hundred who LOVE it and everything you’d shown us so far.
Also, Hugh is self-published, right? Speaking as an indie author, deadlines are important. However, at the end of the day you only have yourself to answer to and this pandemic is affecting every author I know. It’s affecting all of the readers. It is okay to give yourself permission to push that darker book back and work on something that actually makes you a little bit more happy right now. That is one of the perks of indie publishing, one that can be super hard for someone with a strong traditional publishing background to embrace.
Glad you and kids are all staying healthy so far. Other than allergies, which are brutal this year. Definitely try switching it up with something that might make your head less fuzzy. I don’t know what brands you have tried, but my husband swears by the Walgreen’s brand Wal-finite, which he calls golden pills of goodness. It’s in a little bottle and the pills are small, round, and yellow.
Honestly, reading the Ryder scenes has been an absolute joy. I look so forward to each one, and I know many others do, too. No one can ever please everyone all of the time, but I would wager a million dollars that the vast majority of your readers are eager for a glimpse of those beloved characters, even if they’ve had struggles in life that we haven’t seen. They’ve also had joys, because that’s life too. People love them. They may have strong emotional responses to seeing them again, but that is a measure of that love.
All of this – 100%
Have you had your iron levels checked? Fatigue can be a sign of low iron or in more severe cases anemia. Just a thought. Hope you feel better.
Had to take my daughter off zyrtec because it made her nauseous….. back to claritin…. and yes, flonase works well, but it makes you a little woozie/off/dizzy the first few days you take it…. that usually goes away.
I SO feel for you on the allergy front! I take 10mg of Cetirizine once a day and it has been life-changing. I have never noticed any drowsiness or lethargy since taking it. This was prescribed by my doctor, but there is a non-prescription version of this medicine, I just don’t recall which of the allergy medicines it is like.
Even on the Cetirizine, when allergy season is really bad (so early spring and early fall in my area of the country) I also take Mucinex DM before bed. Mucinex makes it easier to clear all the junk that wants to clog your nose and throat when you have severe allergies and sleep in one position for any amount of time at night. I have had my doctor and no fewer than three of my friends who are nurses recommend Mucinex.
God bless! Just having a struggle breathing can be exhausting, so I hope you get some relief and some rest!
Please don’t beat yourself up about being tired. Rest when you need to. We are living in unprecedented times. We feel like we are making life or death decisions every time we leave the house. We worry endlessly about our loved ones. We are competing for resources that were once plentiful. And we just don’t know when this will end.
You are not alone in feeling like this. It’s normal.
Sending you and yours love and support.
First and utmost importance is taking care of yourself. We reader can wait if it is possible for you to wait (re obligation). Of course, I love your stories and I highly appreciate your goodies. But not on cost of your health. Hope you get well soon.
Try Claritin if you can find it. My Mom loves the stuff for her allergies. It doesn’t make her a zombie.
My grandmother has a similar reaction to Zyrtec. She’ll take it and then sleep for about three days. It doesn’t affect me like that, thank goodness, because my allergies are year round. I am sorry that you’re having such a hard time with it. =<
Sorry to hear you’re feeling so crappy!! Hope you can find something that works for you so you feel much better very soon!!!
And I would be disappointed if the Ryder story doesn’t go further but I will read anything and everything you write so I’m just enjoying whatever you feel like producing/posting!!
Don’t pressure yourself, and feel you have to meet the BDH needs. Take care of yourself first. If you can’t do it, don’t. Thank you for the Ice Cream recipe. Be Kind To Yourself.
Take a sabbatical…..rest up. Fans, including myself, don’t want you all to suffer the agony of having to write something you guys are reluctant to do. Just enjoy your family time, before Kid #2 goes off to college, and start writing again when it makes you all happy again! Stay safe, happy, and healthy, Karen
I hope you feel better.
Zyrtec makes me a zombie. If I am truly miserable I take it at night and sleep it off. Claritin has been better for me. And, I’ll read what ever you write whenever you write it!
Trying different allergy meds to see what works/doesn’t give you nasty side effects is definitely worthwhile. I went through Allegra, Claritin, Singulair, Flonase, Nasacort, and Zyrtec (over the course of several years) before landing on Clarinex (desloratadine) as the one that works for me (for now).
My experience has been that all effective meds like Zyrtec and Claritin etc are sedating to some extent. Add the coronavirus fear we all live with now and I am not surprised you are exhausted. Take care and do what you can. I will wait .????
I bet you are correct and it is the Zyrtec. When I take that, I’m almost comatose for about 18 hours. There are antihistamines that help and don’t make you so tired, like Desloratadin. I also found a Netipot to be helpful for my pollen allergies.
Best of luck, health to all of you and keep on being awesome 🙂
I know this sounds silly but I’ve been using a vaporizer and vicks vapor rub on my top lip and it’s cut my allergy meds a huge amount. And I’m sleeping better.
As far as your books, I’m more than happy with any direction.
Allergy shots can really through you. I take reactine (non-drowsy) but after about a week on it i need to nap. Claritin didn’t work for me. Extreme fatigue can also be a sign of stress and lord knows times are stressful right now.
Hi, I just want to say, thank you, for your books, snippets, everything. You are wonderful, and I hope your health will be ok in no time. (Thanks to Covid-19, i cant go outside without mask and gloves… So I use books for escaping from writting my diploma thesis or doing biostatistics)????
Escape all you want from the biostatistics homework, it will be there later, and you’ll keep thinking “why didn’t I get this done sooner?!”
This is from someone who is a biostatistician (have a doctorate in it). ????
In many ways, Iron Covenant was a self contained book. I loved it! But if you can’t go on for awhile, I’ll live. I think the hectic schedule you kept these past years, writing and then promoting your books was a bit too much, stress wise. So let it all go until you feel better and don’t read your emails! Drop the ball and take it easy. We’ll still be here after you recover.
Allergies suck. I am so sorry. I live in NC and Ive already had one sinus infection because I tried a new medicine that did not work. So I am back to Singulair, Zyrtec and Flonase. Life would be grand if I never had to go outside. But we have a 6 yr old and a dog that both need to be walked/exercised or no one will get peace. These three have been keeping me decently covered, a couple sneezes here and there and some drainage in the mornings.
Good luck I hope you find something that works for you.
Things you should do during a pandemic. Survive. That’s it. Everything else is secondary. Stay safe. Stay well. Not because I want your next book, but because I want you both to still be in the world.
I will never question your ability to manage a story. I almost didn’t read the last Kate book because I couldn’t see a way for it to resolve. And yet, it did. I admit to reading the end first! But, I now have faith in your ability to craft an awesome story. Remember we are seeking to view a tale of your imagination, not our own. 🙂 If people are being too pushy, they can write their own (damn) books.
Allergies have been off the scale this season. I had to take a sick day, while working from home, because I sneezed for eight hours. And the pandemic conditions are not helping. I didn’t know I could do this little and still be this tired. Do what you need to stay safe and healthy, HouseAndrews. You’ve given me many hours of distraction through re-reads and Ryder overthinking. I appreciate everything you’ve done!
Your comment about allergies and Zyrtec made me pause. My daughter has really strange reactions to allergy meds like Zyrtec and Claritin. They don’t knock her out, like Benadryl, but they actually make her very lethargic and depressed/emotional. It was difficult to figure out because it was such a strange side effect ( and she is thirteen, lol) but once we figured out that common thread to her very uncharacteristic personality changes, we let her use it one more time and it definitely had an extreme effect on her mood.
She sticks to Flonase now.
I hope you feel better soon 🙂
I love Julie (and Derek and although he is not here yet, I still hope he will appear), so I’m very grateful that you write Ryder. I love you guys!
I am what I would classify as a die hard fan. I have re-listened to your books so many times that I can quote them. While I’d love more and more and MORE books, I also would rather your rest so that you feel like you are happy with what you produce. I am DYING for more books of any kind and love the Ryder snippets, but if you didn’t think you could make a book you were happy with then I support you, personally I hope everyone keeps their mouths shut so that we get one, but the most important thing is for your to take care of yourself!!
Allergies are the worst, especially now when every cough or sneeze feels like the Sword of Damocles falling on our heads. Dealing with the stress of it, day after day, is exhausting.
I take Zyrtec, too, because it’s the only Lactose-free allergy pill I can find on the market (I’m lactose intolerant). One pill makes me sleep for 14 hours. I found taking half a pill still gave me relief but only makes me take a 2 hr nap. This is the worst allergy season I’ve been through in years. I hope you find a solution that works for you. Hang in there!
I get fatigue a lot too have you tired drinking apple cider vinegar with water and honey? It helps a bit, also don’t worry about the fuss of Ryder because no matter how the story goes I’m sure we’ll all still appreciate that you’ve both written ????????
I almost didn’t read this post because I didn’t want know that Ryder is not happening. That off my chest I as a devoted fan do t want you and Gordon to write what isn’t working/ fulfilling to you. I have been waiting decades for the book set up to follow Dune Chapterhouse. I know . I know it isn’t happening Frank Herbert is dead. The estate /publishers/ son went a different route. I know but I’m still waiting. It’s ok. The physical and mental toll of the quarantine state we are in is exhausting. Do what makes you feel fulfilled and happy as best you can. We as fans might wimpier and beg for books but honest most of us understand . As to the complainers on Good reads? How much credit should anyone give a critique for an unwritten book? The correct answer is duh! None. Thank you for the amazing snippets! If we get more woo hoo! If we get different ones? Woo hoo! If we don’t get anymore? Well we will just have to wait for what ever we do get next. Opportunity for a reread. !
Honestly I think we all are exhausted from allergies and also the emotional turmoil we all are collectively feeling in different ways. We are blessed but we can also be struggling with all of this. I have been having low energy too.
We all are blessed with whatever you can do. I have really enjoyed Ryder. I am thirsty for more. But the bigger message is we appreciate all that you do!
I don’t want you to crawl into a small hole, so if that means I have to wait for Hugh 2 then I’ll wait. The first one was awesome, I’ve already read it three times. It gets better every time too because I’ll notice something I didn’t see the first time or I’ll suddenly understand a character or situation better. I love rereading your books as much as I love reading them the first time, maybe more as I understand more.
My favorite thing to do when my allergies are acting up is to drink Yogi brand Breathe Deep tea. I call it magic tea because it makes your sinuses drain whether from being sick or allergies. Not really an answer to your problems but I wanted to feel like I was helping. I hope you feel better ❤
I switched from Reactine , which I think is Zyrtec, to Claritin. I am taking Flonase and it’s been a godsend. I have not taken Symbicort, which is something I usually take in spring.
Allergies are exhausting . Covid is also exhausting. I figure there isn’t anything you can do except spoil yourself and indulge in little pleasures. For me it’s Rocky Road and Reeses fudge and Bordeaux cherry ice cream.
I have the same problem with Claritin. I turn into a zombie. I can’t sleep on Zyrtec. For me Allegra has no side effects. Hopefully you can find something that will work better for you. I do Flonase and Allegra because my allergies are really bad year round.
I hope you keep going. you guys have veen my favorite authors of all time. Everythi g you write I have loved. A Ryder book would be so fun just to have the nostalgia. I would love it because i want to see where there lives have gone and the imagination you put to them. The Hidden Legacy are also so amazing. Thank you for writing it is a joy to sit with your books. They are like the best reunion with old friends. I cant wait for what you have next.
All I can say, is if Ryder is what you do when you are exhausted and fatigued, you are freaking amazing. I will love whatever you do. Please be good to yourselves. Rest. Have a cup of tea (or a dozen). Do what you need to do for the family. My son is horribly allergic to cats, and so of course we have five. Flonase keeps him clear and going so it comes with double thumbs up from us. Thank you again for caring what we think. But really, do what you think. We will read it, I promise.
Change the antihistimine if you need too… Flonase doesn’t make me tired, but it does sometimes give me a bloody nose.
My doctor just had a little rant at me, because I told her I was tired ALL THE TIME. I sometimes get a spurt of energy and I think “YAY BACK TO NORMAL” but I’m not.. that’s all the week or month’s worth of energy and that’s all I get. Exercise? forget about it. And it doesn’t make any difference that I work from home anyway because then I can go somewhere if I want too and now I can’t.
anyway, the doctor. She said lack of energy is a sign of depression. I’m stuck in the house, no work. I still talk to clients, but THEY aren’t working either. Grocery shopping every 2 weeks is the highlight of my life… my brain is pretty sure I’m being punished even tho I *KNOW* I’m not.
She’s going to send me an antidepressant. It’s up to me to take it or not… We’ll see. It’s supposed to rain a couple of days next week, so the snow will be gone and I can get my patio set out and get my morning coffee outside soon… that always helps. WOOHOO Spring!! (with all the tree sex I’ll need more Flonase tho, so there’s a downside to my upside 🙂
In any case, don’t beat yourself up too hard… and if it continues too long, well, talk to the doctor… get tested… it might be something else, too… Rotovirus has been making the rounds up here as well as Corona.
For what it’s worth I think a lot of people are feeling generally fatigued right now partly because they are both deluged with news that affects them and unable to do much if anything to affect the situation.
Matthew Inman of the Oatmeal managed to portray it quite well:
Thank you for the welcome distraction you are providing.
As a reader I will tell you that I find goodreads things terrible, as a book reviewer who wrote print reviews for magazines and writes reviews on goodreads as though they were print reviews for magazines, I find goodreads terrible.
Get some rest, the BDH will love whatever you want to present us with.
Take care of yourself and your family. We will live whatever you write for us whenever it arrives ❤️ Keep up the great work.
*love not live though some of us will live the books too ❤️????
*love not live but some of us will live the books too ❤️
It’s the Zyrtec. I took one the other day and went from “slow speed” into “neutral”, also needing to lie down. 36 hours later I finally started to wake up from zombie mode. Try something else for sure. And thanks for the stories and posts. They give us something to look forward to. As a retired teacher, I am not affected by this whole pandemic situation as much as many other working folks are (other than fearing for my life!), but my heart goes out to all those who are suffering.
I hear you about the fatigue. My allergies are going nuts (it is Texas after all) and stress isn’t helping with all this craziness going on. After I got back from lunch, I didn’t want to work. All I wanted to do was take a nap. Two of my co-workers felt the same way.
You are not alone in this Ilona. Please, please, please (on bended knee) if you can take a nap. If your mind is going one hundred miles a minute, just stare off into the distance. 🙂
I hate allergies. Standing in line at CVS with my allergy meds, had to sneeze, oh the looks I recieved.
(hugs) take care!
As to Ryder… to lighten it up:
yes, he’s a dog, and it’s years later, but he’s a magic dog.
I just want scenes of Julie trying to explain to everyone -without blowing her cover-why Grendel is following her, carrying a stick, and beating up bad guys with it.
YES! Zyrtec (and Claritin, etc) can cause drowsiness. I had to stop Claritin and switch to allergy shots because even it made me a zombie. Flonase (available from Amazon in a generic for a ridiculously low price) is a good option for many people.
Also, stress can make you very, very sleepy, and, God knows, from what you’re saying here, your stress level is beyond high.
So… Just hang in there. It’ll get better, eventually. It may be a while, but it’ll get there.
Take care.
Whatever you need to do! We will wait. Thank you!
I think Ryder has great potential as a book but when that is realized is completely in your power. Fans can be a demanding and needy bunch. It’s okay to do what’s best for you and not worry about everyone else. Especially right now.
I’m sorry people haven’t learned to keep their negative feelings and entitlement to themselves.
Take care of yourself and your family — and I hope you get un-exhausted soon!
OK. This is very general and should be checked with your doctor for mitigating issues based on other medical conditions, etc. (and many Allergists are now doing telemedicine visits, so can have tailored plan from an expert). I am a board certified allergist. Zyrtec (cetirizine) is great stuff, but the most likely ‘second generation’ antihistamine to trigger drowsiness (actually take advantage of that for some of the munchkins). Taking it at night helps reduce day time drowsiness, but not for enough for everyone. Xyzal is just as strong and less likely to make you tired (zyrtec knocks me out, but I can tolerate xyzal). Allegra (fexofenadine) is next strongest and least likely to trigger drowsiness. Claritin (loratadine) and Clarinex (desloratadine) are the least effective, but less likely to trigger drowsiness than Zyrtec. Combination therapy/increased doses can be used, but recommend discuss with your doctor.
Can also add topical steroid nasal sprays (such as flonase, nasonex, etc.) and/or eye drop (patanol type) to the oral antihistamine (or instead of). There are other things that can be done like saline nasal rinses (netti pot) to flush out allergens 1 to 2 x a day, but some patients do not tolerate well. Allergy immunotherapy can also be an option (physician supervised only). The ‘D’ versions of the medications add a systemic decongestant (sudafed type medication) and can keep people awake, increase blood pressure, etc.. The topical nasal decongestants (afrin type) can be good to use IF you only need for a day or two (air travel, important event), but cause physiologic addiction if used for longer and can be very very hard to stop (really these should not be otc, but old drugs) – patients sometimes have to be ‘detoxed’ to get them off topical decongestants.
Good luck. Try to get plenty of sleep and fluids. Keep windows shut, shower after spending time outside to remove pollen, etc..
I for one, appreciate the info. I have thought about Xyzal, so I will give it a shot. Can’t stand Flonase. Thank you.
That is very informative. Thank you very much for the information! ????
Allegra works best for my allergies too. It is sometimes hard to find at my local pharmacy
I switched from Zertec to Xyzal a couple of years ago because, for me, it just works slightly better. Also, I only take it at night.
As for the stories, I love them all, especially Innkeeper, and will read them as you are ready to release them. What wondrous minds you both have!
Please don’t let the loud, complaining, rude, teensy minority cause you to resent those of us that respect you and your work.
Good Information. Thank you.
Please rest, be kind to yourself and don’t worry about impatient readers. We will still be here when you are ready. No pressure 🙂
This is my second comment. I stopped at Zyrtec is making me sleepy cause – yep. So I’ve read the rest of your post and I know this feeling of wanting to just curl into a ball. Sugar, when you got nothing left – you got nothing left. I worked for Origins and I was a massage therapist for years. I talked to and used therapeutic touch with a lot of women and I figured something out. Women are tired. I’d put my hand on a woman’s shoulder and they’d just sort of collapse like those rubber band toys you push up from the bottom and they fall down. They had no idea how long they had been exhausted and been neglecting themselves. That first level of tired, we breeze through that. Then there’s that “I need caffeine now” tired – we chug and keep going. Then there’s “just keep putting one foot in front of the other because it’s got to get done” tired and we keep going. I think this is related to the fact we bear children, nature wants to make sure those cubs are up and running, so mama bear has got to keep going. But see, nature doesn’t care if you are an empty husk once those cubs are up and running. Life will continue. We can leave ourselves on the back burner for a long long time, and because we can – we do, because, hey, it’s got to get done. So you kind of have to think of taking care of yourself like something that has to get done. So take care of you. Make a cup of tea. Sip it. Facetime with Jeanine. Treat yourself they way you would treat your best friend who is going through a difficult time. Pretend you’re a Beverly hills housewife. Those ladies know how to do selfish. God, I hope this didn’t come off condescending. I know how it sounds in my head, but I don’t know how it will sound in a different head.
Many hugs from far away. I truly hope the fatigue thing improves, but I do agree with other people here that many women put themselves on the back burner. So, you do whatever makes you feel better. There is only one you.
Well said! In my mental health practice, I have recently taken to advising SOME patients to flip the golden rule on its head. I tell them to treat themselves the way they treat other people. These patients would never work someone else into the ground, but they seem to think working themselves into the ground is just expected.
Insightful comments, thank you!
Big hugs for a break & recovery. It’s hard when the side-effects are almost as bad as the symptoms. We will wait patiently knowing your best work is willing work.
I sympathize with the fatigue. I’m in the middle of one of my allergy seasons right now, and am battling it. So, just know you’re not alone in wanting to stay in bed all day! 🙂
We are of a similar age – both self-employed with challenging careers, great kids, terrific husbands, and an obsessive passion for tea (sorry-not-sorry). So many of your laments resonate strongly with me, to the point that it feels strange not to be able to reach out and offer comfort one-on-one.
Be patient with yourself. If you’re like me, you thought life would be easier once the kids grew up and you could go to the bathroom in peace. Instead work is getting more challenging and you’re facing new battles while grieving the loss of teens in the house and worrying about young adults who insist they do NOT need your help (until they do). And the fact that you’re not as young, not as healthy, and not as thin as you once were really sucks. Nobody warned us that adulting would only get harder!
Overall it sounds like you’re doing a great job balancing all the aspects of your identity and centering yourself. Kudos to you for recognizing that this isn’t the right time to take on a darker story. Do something fun and goofy now if that’s what it takes to get through the day. Someday you’ll look back longingly on these days too, so give yourself plenty of good days to mourn.
Stay strong, stay healthy, keep laughing, and keep loving. We’ll keep reading. Patiently. Mostly.
Too true. I have trouble reading a dark story ( unless it’s a reread, so I know the end is okay) let alone write one. It definitely gets a bit harder to rise to the occasion as the years go by. It seems like one occasion after another. We all need to be kind to each other, take a big breath and admit that some days are long nap days.
I am here for whatever y’all write. Do i love Ryder? I do. Am i chanting Julie… maybe, alot i mean, alot alot….. Am i completely happy with glimpses? Absolutely. I am glad to hear you all are healthy and the kids are good.
Just know for all the lunacy of your fandom, that their are your fans who just love your art. I have been a fan for well over a decade. Never once have i been disappointed. You guys do whatcha want, i for one will follow you two anywhere.
I use Zyrtec because other forms of antihistamine string me out,I get all nervous and hyper.
In terms of being tired that could be a combination of things, it could be your allergies, but it also could simply be overload from what is going on,even if we try to pretend we are not paying attention. As a parent (as am I, my son is in Houston), you worry about them, and then there is the rest of the world. All normal routines are off,and the little things that used to be easy now are hard. I have projects I could be working on, but I can’t just bop out to a store,even if it is open, it takes all kind of thought as in ‘ do I risk it?’. For the record I suspect I prob was exposed,commuted to NYC until mid March on crowded buses,subways,etc, but I don’t know since ‘tests are so plentiful and easy’ *snort*. So you also likely are overwhelmed. I can’t write when I am overwhelmed, just doesn’t happen;when there was a time in my life when I felt non overwhelmed I could write up a storm; probably junk, but I could do it.
I love the Ryder snippets,they are fun and I am touched you are putting out something fun for your readers and it should be fun for you,not a duty;). If some day you can get back to it and out together a book,will be a pleasure, but you don’t owe that to anyone ( fortunately my cat doesn’t deem to read; if he did,you might be obligated, he is a true ripper if souls:).
It must be hard with the Hugh book to have that hanging around, it has to be hard to write dark material in a dark world. I remember reading that Steinbeck had a really hard time writing the Grapes of Wrath amid the Depression, and some writers literally couldn’t write during that time. You and Gordon have to give yourselves a break, obviously this is your livelyhood,but you are human and your struggle is very human:) FYI,I suspect that even if it is dark,the Hugh book will do well, great writing will transcend darkness every time:).
Now if you want to do a book about Oro……..
I so understand. Allergy season is no bueno.. Energy is just sapped out of so many. Hang in there, good luck househunting via zoom…crazy times.
4 and 5 stars on Goodreads. Relax. You’re officially fabulous! Get well. ????
AND they have it labelled as a short story, so less pressure!
(You are unofficially fabulous, too, despite the allergies. 😉 But it’s just typical of the Book Devouring Horde that one of us is an allergist with exactly the information needed exactly when you need it. This world is full of wonders!)
Yup. I take Zyrtec at night and Flonase in the morning and…allergies still suck.
Hang in there! It’s the most any of us can do right now.
You do you. Take care of yourself.
Of course we want more, but we will never have more without you. So, please, know that you are loved and cherished by many.
We can wait.
We will be here when you are ready.
I’ve also had issues with Zyrtec. Claritin (loratadine) and Allegra (fexofenadine) are both advertised as non drowsy, which I believe is true for most people. I have found Allegra in the morning and Flonase (generic) at night are the best combination for me.
I hope you feel better soon. Good luck with the rental and ignore the GR trolls! Whatever and whenever you provide the DBH with content, we will appreciate it!!
I can’t take Zyrtec because it makes my skin turn red and peel off in sheets. Claritin does nothing. Allegra works for me, for 18 years now. I also can’t use flonase because it is scented and I can’t handle scents. I use Nasonex (now Mometasone generic) or OTC Nasacort as they are unscented.
I understand the fatigue. I have it where I feel like I can’t handle .. anything. But then I do and it has really helped. I hope you stay well and feel better soon. We are going to try to make your homemade ice cream recipe on Sunday.
I’m loving Ryder.
As a fellow can’t handle scents person, Flonaise Sensimist is unscented (if you ever need a change). It used to be prescription Veramyst, but Flonaise bought it out, renamed it, and made it over the counter. It’s also not drying. (Not trying to offer medical advice, just information.) ????
Try Claritin instead of Zyrtec. It works for me and doesn’t cause drowsiness.
My allergies are bad too. Even involving eyes this year – crusty gunk in my eyes when I get up. I take xytel. Doesn’t make me as tired
Your health is most important.
Hope you spend what ever time is necessary to feel better.
just wanted to let you know that I love your books (of course especially inkeeper :-). And I would rather wait a little longer or a few months for the next cool book and maybe reread kate than seeing you feeling exhausted while writing the book. Of course I might be wrong and thats just the way things need to be to finish the book for us to enjoy – keep the good work going then!
As much as we drool over what you do give us and clamor for more, if you don’t take care of you, then we ain’t going to get nuthin at all. I vote that you get yourself healthy and happy first, then think about giving us what we want. I’m hoping you enjoy giving us these little Ryder snippets on your own schedule. I know we are more than thrilled tho get them.
A suggestion about 24 hour allergy meds. , is to take it at bedtime. This way when you wake in the morning your body is somewhat used to it. Allergy meds are tough.
Glad to know everyone is feeling good. Hopefully by Monday you will have adjusted to the meds better. Good Luck with the rental. We are currently in limbo with my daughter’s school, just got an email saying housing decisions will be decided the middle of May.
I’m loving Ryder. I’d love to have that as a book. Not so much Hugh. It’s hard to turn off dislike of Hugh after all this time.
Do you have a humidifier? I know that helps me a lot. With a good one on the furnace, that filter and moisture in the air really helps me.
Yeah that Zyrtec holdover is a killer. I had a hard time not falling asleep at traffic lights. Not kidding. Had to refuse to take it for another month to “get used to to it” I was hoping you were able to have fun with Ryder. But work is work even when you do love it. I love the Ryder snippets as I do all your work. But if you don’t take care of you, the whole KD world goes to heck in a handbag. Therefore-you know what to do better than any of us. I could offer to tape a lullaby and send it, but since even my kids begged me not to try and sing them to sleep we can let that one slide on by. Be glad. Be very very glad. Better, be well.
Went through a similar week recently and am now wondering if it was some weird virus (not necessarily Covid). I was so depressed and didn’t want to do anything. Please let yourself de-stress in whatever way suits you best. I agree with the comment about us fans re-reading. And I’m a huge fan of Claritin-D, which is only available by asking at the pharmacy. It’s not prescription but it’s a theft target. It works and has an ingredient that counteracts the sleepiness most allergy meds cause. Best wishes!
Allergies suck. I have a chronic cough from an autoimmune condition & work w/ babies in the hospital. So…everytime I start coughing, I feel like Erra, the Plague Carrier! Yes, that’s ME! It’s not like I can stamp on my forehead “noncontagious”. Esp w/ 20% of the healthcare workers being COVID positive. B/C it presented as chronic fatigue, I’ve been in that position of feeling like you just got out of a hot tub… All. Day. Long. Naps don’t help. You just power thru & do what you can, when you can. This too, shall pass. I love what you write, when the muse comes knocking, grab her & run. Till then, we’ll enjoy Ryder & you & Gordon can ignore the ignorant masses (of which we have far too many right now, unfortunately)
Go find a happy spot, get rested. I’ll keep fingers crossed you’ll find good abode for kid 1.
We will wait .
I have found that the crisis has set me up for fatigue. The constant worry is draining.
Take care, we’ll be here waiting for whatever gem you give us. ( poo on anyone dissing Ryder)
I love Ryder but please don’t feel pressured to put out something for us that loves the KD series. We highly appreciated but if it’s something that is stressing you out, please don’t. No pressure.
Also, please do not mind the entitled haters. There are a lot of Julie fans, although we are on a quiet side. But please take all the rest that you need.
Zyrtec does the same thing to me. It always makes me feel a little dizzy too. I only take it if I’m in desperation mode. Flonase is my daily driver. I’m down for any story you want to write. I love all the characters and stories. That being said, your wellbeing is the priority. Write whatever you feel like writing.
One thing I’ve found out about myself with this covid-19 is that I react to disinfectant fumes. We don’t use it at home, but it is everywhere when I go out. Within 5-10 minutes, my eyes start stinging, nose starts running, I start coughing and it gets harder to breathe. Once I’m back home, it takes a few days for me to recover. Try having all the windows open and fans going when disinfecting, and leave the house airing for a while after. Hope that this is the problem and fix.
Love julie. Love Hugh. Quit reading negatives. You deserve lots of money, therefore I am always wishing for you. It’s expensive to send kids to college, but how wonderful to help with their future. What good caring parents you are. Stay safe everyone.
I meant to add, look up Chemical Pneumitis.
Not that you’re asking my opinion, but I like the snippets you do. Small glimpses into the world is fun. Truthfully I’m not even sure I’m emotionally ready to see the KD world ten years later.
I will love book about Julie and KD world after 8 years. There could be so much fun to read about all the people from Julie’s perspective and 8 years older. And they final recognition that this person is our Julie!!
And about your tired mood. I feel absolutely same 🙂
The BDH can be whiny. But I’m sure the majority of us would welcome whichever project speaks to you – and if right now what you need is a break…. well… your health and sanity come first.
I’d love to see IC #2. Or Ryder as a novella. Or more Innkeeper. Or more “other” KD. Or something completely different.
We’ll wait (if somewhat impatiently). You do whatever YOU need to do.
*HUGS* and get some rest!
Allergy meds do the same thing to me. I hope your allergy season ends soon:)
You win the Ryder bet!
Here’s a video of ducklings wearing diapers made from socks. https://youtu.be/y5m2nKL_w-U
I just wanted to say that you’re doing fantastic and that you don’t have to accomplish everything today or even tomorrow or next week. What you are doing today is enough.
Also, my tip on the Zyrtec is to cut the pull in half and take it every twelve hours so it’s not quite as intense of a hit. It doesn’t make me drowsy, but it can give me a bit of road rash from drying everything up.
And just to remind you, the BDH loves everything you write including random posts about random things so indulge yourself in whatever you want.
Stop reading negative comments. To heck with those who don’t like what you write and/or criticize.
Write what you want when you want. Life is too short.
Love whatever you want to write whenever you get it written.
Please rest and take care of yourselves. I love your snippets and books but want you both to be healthy first. Without you, there are no snippets and books.
You really need to take time out for yourself, if you need to sleep then sleep, the world will still be here when you are raring to go . As for the fans who are demanding or critical or tell You how to write your books IGNORE them they’re not fans but sad souls. Get yourself to rights cause without you and Gordon we won’t be doing anything but re-read, all the best and Thankyou .
Allergies suck the life out of you. I’ve had them for decades. Nothing works forever. Latest is Allegra at night year round. I can’t go on and off the meds because the “you’ll get used to it” period gets longer and longer. Shots might help but they are expensive and not always accurate. My mom also suffered greatly and swore by eating local honey every day. Never worked for me but I HATE honey so there might have been some lapses in my intake????. Feel better. We love you.
Glad to hear you folks are well, and happy birthdays to the Kids, and you. After all, you did an awful lot of the work bringing them into the world.
Re Zytec and being tired a lot- did you feel this way before the whole covid thing? One of the ways my depression manifests is all I want to do is sleep. Like, I slept all except to eat or move from couch to bed for two days. I have had this before in my life. All I want to do is sleep. Go away. No I don’t care what I eat watch read. Depression is a funky ailment and manifests in a lot of different ways. Might be something to consider. There is a lot to depress one.
I have taken Zyrtec and Claritin both, as well as Flonase. Claritin works best for me, YMMV. I use Flonase in addition. You need to take a break from Flonase every-so-often or it can jack up your sinuses. FWIW, I never felt drowsy or sleepy with any of these drugs. The cheapest place I have found to get this stuff is Costco. The Costco generic Claritin (loratidine) is crazy cheap and seems, to me, to work the same. A years supply costs like a months worth of name brand Claritin. And Flonase is way cheaper as well, especially when they post it on sale. FWIW, I tried Nasacort and did not like it at all. Did nothing for allergies and made my nose and sinuses feel funky. HTH.
As to the books and Ryder, you get enough ideas from the rest of the BDH, so I’ll keep my mouth shut except to say that reading other authors sure cqan be hard sometimes after reading you two. Thank you. Be well.
I’ll take Ryder however you want to give it to us. And I’ll pretty much take whatever you end up writing, whenever you get to it (so no pressure).
I hope the switch in meds helps, and that everything comes out ok!
Sending all the love. Your writing is a gift to me. Please take care of yourself in any way that works for you. I thought that Hugh’s redemption with Kate was so beautiful. So much light in that resolution to contrast the the dark in Hugh’s past.
There will be a market for whatever you feel up to writing right now. I became surprisingly fond of Hugh during IC, but I am confident that I will eagerly read whatever you produce next….no matter when you feel up to producing it. Who knows…maybe the middle of a pandemic is the perfect time for stories about the Plaguebringer and her protege…or vampire knights….or devotees of a dark Russian god.
So, please be kind to yourself… I recommend intermittent breaks from the news because it really helps my mood to not hear about death and destruction nonstop!
Getting the meds adjusted right can be a booger. And then they work for years and then suddenly stop working right. I hope the path to better allergy control goes quickly for you.
Also, home for Corona Virus is depressing. I am one of the lucky ones, I can work from home and the whole family is healthy. . . .and I am still mildly depressed. There were going to be projects I finished and a clean house and cool knitting projects and none of it has happened. In self defense, I just have given in. If I want to sit and do nothing I do so. The giving into the sitting (and the naps that come with it) have helped me stop the panic a little. It has been years since I could just sit.
Thank you for the fun snippets. They do give me lots of pleasure. Like always, if you write it I will buy it (any of it????). You should write what makes the two of you happy.
Sending hope and good thoughts out to the world.
If your fatigue continues, I hope you call your doctor. It may not be COVID, but it could still be something that requires medical attention. Keeping you in my thoughts, be well!
Love love love Ryder and can’t wait for Hugh 2. My family has all gone through an extreme fatigue phase at different times during this pandemic. I think mentally, physically we each reach a point in this kind of situation where we just need to reboot. I appreciate all the tidbits y’all so generously share and will make sure I post on goodreads to help balance the folks who feel they have a duty to be negative.
Take care of yourselves. The world is better with you all in it.
I am usually a totally practical personality. I had no idea what an anxiety attack was or felt like – practical mindset deals with things one at a time and grinds through them. However, this whole pandemic/social distancing thing has made me aware that on a very deep level I am highly emotional and deeply connected to those around me. I’m essential personnel, and a supervisor of government essential personnel at multiple locations. I’m also (normally) the kid parents/grandparents call on to help/do for them. Because of the first, I’m front line, fully exposed to this threat, and am forced by government pandemic plan to travel more as pandemic spreads. Because of the first I can’t do the second- elderly, chronic diseases, health conditions of parents and grandmother means I can’t risk exposing them to anything I have come into contact with at work. I always thought they relied on me heavily, but I didn’t realize how much I relied on seeing and being with them. I have had 5 anxiety attacks in the past two weeks- had ones that gave me heart palpitations – and I am utterly exhausted. I’m trying to balance my micro minerals and nutients, which is supposed to help with anxiety and energy, but I just want to hibernate until this is all over…
I’m trying to dig out my practicality and just tackle things one at a time again…
So glad and grateful you are doing what you’re doing!! I can stay home, becaucse people like you are out there. Please take care of yourself as well. I’m finding if I at least see faces I’m better. But you’re right..one thing at a time. It’s hard though when you feel like everything is needed at once!
Oh my I have been a Zyrtec Zombie. Although it knocked me out like I was in a coma. Sorry you got to go through this. Bet you already read something about this because first you research everything and second you are Russian (they know a lot about fasting as my brother in law likes to point out). I did a long fast nearly 4 weeks to get rid of my various allergies ( latest were food related and first time I had some swelling in my throat) and it helped.
I hope you find something that makes you feel better soon.
Oh and I wish Kate, Desandra, Elara, Andrea and Julie could tell those foulmouthed voices on Goodreads where they can put their opinions.
All the best for you and your family.
I switched to Zytec my first few months of college because the Allegra was no longer working and I could not physically get up! I took it at 8pm and even 10 am the next morning I was a zombie. I thought something was horribly wrong before I considered the Zyrtec. However, it is similar to my body’s response to Dramamine where all I want in the entire world is to take a nap! (I later switched to Claritin D which was better but now I am doing weekly allergy shots.)
Actually, steroid nasal sprays, like Flonase are the first line treatment for allergies, not antihistamines (like Zyrtec) anymore. They are very effective, but make sure you use the Flonase everyday….it can’t be used as needed. Zyrtec is in the same family as Atarax so drowsiness is a problem. Plus I think this whole social distancing/staying at home, throws off your schedule and you’re tired more. Feel better soon….looking forward to any book you publish….I love them all!
Chiming in with similar thoughts. Always with a huge thank you for snippets, deleted scenes, the POVs … just a lovely extra gift that I appreciate so very much!
Tiredness, exhaustion, allergies (!) … are like a trifecta of doom. While we’re all home, I’ve spent the whole time coughing as spring flowers came out, too.
While I have no cure for this, I can send you lots of sympathetic good vibes. Life sure is strange right now. And I truly appreciate both of you and all you do. You brighten my day, and I hope that knowing we all appreciate you guys can help to brighten yours, too!
I don’t post often, but just wanted to let you guys know that you are appreciated. *long-distance hugs*
Thank you for the snippets on Ryder. I appreciate you both and the nasty reviewers can bugger off. Know that you are loved and I have no intention of ever critiquing your books. I wish you were feeling better, though.
Spot on! 🙂
I echo what Storm and Lora said!
I am here for anything you write. You wanna write about your dog, I will read it. Knitting patterns bring it on sister. Would I love to read Ryder as a full length novel – yes ma’am. If you say no, then I will ligve in my happy fantasy where Julie and all of the guys are with who I image her with. Later on, when you brust my bubble- I will still be happy. Cause it was written by you two!
This, exactly! I can’t imagine critiquing anything they create for us! And if we (????) do get a Ryder book, I’ll love it and read it and be excited to learn how Julie ended up and enjoy every glimpse into the world of KD I can get. And if it’s not a book, I can continue to imagine all sorts of Julie scenarios where she ends up with Derek (that’s just my story, and whatever they’ve worked out for her will be amazing). Either way, I’m happy!
Rhinocourt is also a good option for a nasal antihistamine, so if you can’t find the flonase, you may want to consider it. As a fellow allergy sufferer, I commiserate. I’ve had a sore throat, and been sleeping, and waking up all gunky with itchy eyes. This time of year always does a whammy on me.
I don’t even remember what author used to do it, but when they’d write something dark, and it was getting too much for them, they’d end their writing day by taking the same characters and writing ridiculous and hilarious hijinks, which they posted as alternate universe snippets.
Not sure if you’re into musical heater, but Andrew Lloyd Webber has been hosting one musical for free streaming a week for a 2 day period. Last week he aired the 25th anniversary staging of Phantom of the Opera, which had me watching some more Phantom clips including the 30th anniversary special. Check out the re-imagined version of All I Ask of You at around the 26 minute mark, it’s great, silly fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBAyjiVdz1k
This week it’s the Phantom sequel, Love Never Dies (available for free streaming now until around 1pm Texas time Sunday) for the Webber posted musical at his channel The Show Must Go On: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdmPjhKMaXNNeCr1FjuMvag
I’ll leave you with a cat meme, because even Nevada knows it’s important to post a couple pictures of a cat so social media doesn’t think her accounts are really just a bot. 🙂 (Yes, I am re-reading Hidden Legacy right now, can’t you tell? )
I cut my 180mg Fexofenadine in half.
Then use 90mg once-a-day, and that’s it. Currently 290-300 pounds. Yet just 90mg is enough.
Occasionally will use Flonase for a day or two, sometimes Patanol for the eyes.
The allergist was right on from my point of view (and body.)
Finally, write what your heart tells you to write. I am deeply in love with the character of Julie. And while I appreciate Hugh’s redemption…
I promise you this much — no matter what story you have to tell about Julie (or about Hugh for that matter) nor how dark it gets along the way, I and thousands of your fans will be here, loving you both, loving the journey, oohing and aahing and feeling the story.
Follow your heart. You’ve got this, I promise.
Thank you both for everything you write. I completely empathize with your tired feelings. I’m in the same place myself. I’ve been blaming it on “cabin fever. ” I will happily read anything you want to write. I would love a Julie book and like the idea of the “comfort of old friends.” But, I understand it would be a major investment of time and energy on your part. I would be happy to read about Hugh but I know writing that particular book right now would be very difficult. There will always be critics who can’t or won’t be happy with anything but if nothing else the comments on this blog shows that they are far outweighed by the many dedicated fans of your books. Thank you! ????
Thanks for the update! I hope you find a good solution for seasonal allergies. I am working through them myself and it sucks. Most of us will be happy with whatever you land on book-wise.
If anything the Pandemic should remind us of exactly how many punches we can receive in half a year, let alone ten.
I used to need a full 12 hours between Zyrtec and needing to be functional, and even then I had to supplement with copious amounts of coffee, and I could easily fall asleep while standing up after lunch. Claritin doesn’t make me drowsy at all though! Good luck, finding an allergy medicine that doesn’t slow you down or speed you up, and actually still works, is a PITA. Also, I love Ryder, and firmly believe that when you write what you enjoy, it shows! So, whatever that is for the moment (Kinsmen wasn’t super dark!) I’ll happily devour.
Thanks for keeping us updated. Glad you and your family are safe. I’ve just started Innkeeper this week – because eversince the last KD book. I couldn’t get myself to read anything whole heartedly. I’m in the first few chapters and starting to like it. Anyway, I hope you and Gordon take a lot of rest and keep yourselves healthy. I’ll be patiently waiting for whatever KD-related books you will have for us in the future. Lots of love from the Philippines.
No Zyrtec or cetrizine for me. It makes me angry. At everything. People. Flowers. Air.
Good luck finding your allergy med concoction!
Thank you for the Ryder snippets, I love them. Having said that, you write, I read. It’s that simple. These are super stressful times and for those of us who have allergies, everything is in bloom, even the damn ice plants and succulents. The allergy meds may be hitting you hard. Benadryl knocks me out , Claritin does nothing and Zyrtec is iffy. Do what you need to do, even if it’s going down for awhile and you hate it. Take care of yourself however you see fit and don’t worry about the rest of it. Thank you for the update and hang in there.
My dad is an ENT and no longer recommends Zyrtec – he recommends Claritin now.
If it is not allergies, when I’ve been really fatigued its because I had anemia or because my thyroid was low (hypothyroidism). Hope you feel better soon – it is super hard to work through fatigue.
My sister & her hubby did the housing buying thing for their youngest during her post-graduate schooling. (You don’t have to be lowest bidder when you’re talking cash offers.) Even with the other expenses of owning a house, my niece got a couple roommates & it cost a lot less than what she would have paid for other housing, meals, etc…
My niece could have sold at a profit when she graduated & moved out-of-state but was approached by some other doctorate students interested in renting so did this instead. She’s had good luck with her tenants so only needs 6 more years to finish repaying the mortgage. Great way to be a first time homeowner while still a student.
I have absolutely not medical advice but do send my wishes that you get better. (Is there anywhere you could live without allergy problems? Even if it’s just a seasonal home for the time allergies are in bloom?)
While I’m part of the BDH, I’d rather wait until you have a product that not-too-dark or is in anyway not what you wish. (Makes frequent rereads all the better.)I thought it sucked that you got negative feedback on a Julie story. Always felt people should know better. (After all, you 2 redeemed Hugh & to me that was a monumental feat.) The best stories for me are ones the author feel happy/inspired to write.
Love whatever you write, don’t know how people can have anything negative to say. I am also a long sufferer of allergies, it diffently sucks having health issues with this virus going around. As we say in New Zealand Be Kind and Stay Safe ♥️.
Sorry you aren’t feeling well and that it’s clouding your out look. I have Hugh’s book1 and haven’t read it yet… I may if and when book 2 comes out… Please please please give me us everyone more. Love love ❤️???????? this world.
I fell in love with Hugh in Iron and Magic. Rave about the voice actor Steve West.
But do you HAVE to produce a second book, and if so, must you make book two Elena’s dark back story ? We knew Hugh’s story so book was his redemption. Elena will be a child dragged low. Write a snippet and kiss this one goodbye?
Write the story you want to tell now, not the one proposed pre pandemic. Perhaps the extreme exhaustion caused storyline brain damage.
Stay well and strong.
Your snippets are a lovely gift. Thank you ❤️
I was totally devastated and confused until an old friend of mine told me about a love doctors called Robinson buckler who help people with their relationship and marriage problem she introduce me to these doctor who really help me when I contacted him, he get back my husband in 72 hours so he started apologizing, now he has stopped going out with ladies and he is with me for good and for real. Contact this love doctor in relationship or marriage problem and all kinds of problem you find difficult to resolve and he will put a lasting solution to it. Here his email robinsonbucler @gmail (.) com ………………………………..????????????????????
Wow, the love doctor spam bots have upgraded to having a picture! And emojis. ????????
Thank you so much for your snippets in these trying times I’m self isolating to stay safe here in Australia and your snippets r a ray of sunshine. Hope the allergies come better and don’t beat yourself up to much as we’re all just doing our best to get through this if you need to sleep do so the rest of us will still be here when you wake up. Look after yourselves first. Big hugs from Queensland Australia
Allergies are terrible. Our whole family has them and we all take different things.
My husband was looking for flonase last week and couldn’t find it, but pharmacist found one for him.
I like Astellin for allergies. It is a antihistamine nasal spray, similar to NaphconA (except for your nose not your eyes) It is not a steroid like Flonase, so it can be used only occassionally. It has the interesting property that it burns a little when you have allergies, and just tastes bad when you have a cold, so you can tell if you are wasting your time
I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. I got it after a winter of 5 vicious viral infections while living in Beijing. When I was finally diagnosed my GP said he hated this conditions as it was a death sentence, I knew what he meant, which is that it destroys the life you would have lead. I responded that I hated it because it was a poverty sentence, can’t work full time, nor can I do anything stressful so that basically means low paid work. I won’t go into too much detail except to say I’ve learnt to live with it and I was very happy with the life I had built for myself pre lockdown and I am more than happy with life in lockdown (if only I was getting paid for staying home I’d be even happier but that should happen soon). The only message I have to anyone who is experiencing the types of prolonged exhaustion and fatigue you are feeling is this. Do not try to push through it. Respect the fatigue. If it persists for an abnormally long period get it checked out, but when we experience fatigue like this it means something. One thing many people who have chronic fatigue syndrome understand after a while is that they made a mistake by pushing through their fatigue, because that ultimately made their situation worse. I wouldn’t wish CFS on anyone. Good luck and I sincerely hope it is just side effects of medication. Oh and if you know people who have had Covid 19, make sure they respect any post viral fatigue they get too. I fear that many will end up with chronic fatigue syndrome and that makes me very sad.
Don’t let the haters get you down! I am just happy to get any little snippets you want to share! Little moments of happiness sure help with all the awful going on in the world right now
I was on daily Zyrtec at my doctor’s suggestion, until I realized that’s what was turning me into a zombie. Claritin doesn’t work for me. Every time I took Flonase I ended up with strep throat. Theres a nasal spray called Atrovent that did work well for me, but then for some reason the pharmacy could never get it in.
I ended up having to cut out dairy almost entirely and stick to good old Benadryl, taken at bedtime, or with copious amounts of coffee. TBH though once I cut out dairy, I’ve rarely have to take the Benadryl. I really miss cheese and ice cream, but not the near-constant headaches, sinusitis, and foggy thinking.
More recently, it turns out my CPAP also helps with seasonal allergies because of the air filter. I thought it would be a huge PITA, but it’s solved way more problems than just the apnea. Tracking problems like these to the source can take a while. I hope you find something that works for you.
*had to take the Benadryl. Insufficient proofreading.
Check your iron levels. Low iron causes extreme fatigue. Hope all continues well. Your books are worth waiting for even if I have no patience lol.
I was on Zertec for 10yrs (best sleeping pill ever!) until Kaiser (HMO) changed the formulary & dropped coverage, so I quit cold turkey as Claritin does not work on me. After the detox/rebound effects I felt happier than I had in a decade, started whistling and getting called Smilely again, THEN I found out one of the side effects was depression. I was given Flonaise & Advar, to help with Spring pollen. I discovered a side effect of Flonaise (steriod) is cataracts so I stopped taking it as my eye disease includes a 65% increased risk of a CME after cataract surgery.
My Dad was an allergist. I have used Chlortripolon for decades now. The generic name is novo-pheniram. It can make people a bit drowsy but doesn’t affect me. Claritin is also good and I find so is Allegra. Zyrtec — no … just NO …
I love your writing, have all your books and, as others have said, will read (and buy) anything you write. If you decide you really hate The Iron Covenant 2 and decide to turn it into The Vacuum Promise instead, I am sure I would find that a real Eureka book too…
I’ve taken antihistamines and decongestants for 62 years. Zyrtec helps my allergies a bit, but it has no other effects on me. If I take a new medication it may affect me once, but never again. I guess my body learned to ignore the chemical barrage.
I understand about allergies. I take allergy shots, but haven’t been able to get a shot in about 6 weeks. I have been using sudafed, Zyrtec and benadryl as needed. I also use climate every day
My doctor took me off Zyrtec (and I live in your region, so I understand the horrible allergies) and I take Allegra and Azelastine (a prescription nasal antihistamine spray) that help quite a bit. Best of luck and I hope you feel better.
I can understand not wanting to write “dark”. I haven’t been wanting to read it with everything going on. Best of luck on finding rental property!
First, I would rather read about Julie than Hugh, so don’t listen to the folks who would rather read about Hugh than Julie! 😉
Good luck with the house hunting.
Sending positive thoughts! Hope you feel better soon. Will read whatever you choose to write!
I take a generic for Allegra and I do Flonase twice a day. Once in the morning and once before going to bed. Yes my nose is a little dry but it keeps my allergies and itching under control. Ohio is horrible for allergies. Never had them until I moved here. Zyrtec makes me b#@*$y and tired. Claritin does do anything for me.
Husband and I had tried a single tablet each of Zyrtec, lost much of the weekend to being zombified, so know your experience all too well. He reacts weird to anti-allergy meds, sometimes from 1 day to the next, so mostly skips unless it’s Mold. Liquid Benadryl is his rescue med. I take generic Loratadine 1 tablet, generic Flonase and generic Nasacort, 1 spray each, each side nose(aim for ear within nostril), along with Ascrobyl Palmitate 500 mg to 1000 mg while healthy, to thin mucous, and Essential Fatty Acid/Oil supplements to deal with 80% of allergy symptoms. Hope you are able to find a program that works without knocking you. As for Stories , novels and books, we know that writers have lives to live, and you 2 are so very prolific, that we Know what ever and When ever the goodies come forth, they are the Gifts that they are to your fans. There are some writers that only have so much to give, that they just dry up, not to be heard from, sometimes years on or even never, leaving stories hanging. Thank You for all that you have given and will as Life permits you to. Love!
There should be no negative comments for Ryder. The snippets are burst of joy in these dark days. I for one thank you tremendously.
Zyrtec *always* makes me a zombie – I have terrible allergies and Allegra and Claritin just don’t seem to help. I’m supposed to be on Zyrtec and Flonase but I just can’t handle the way Zyrtec wipes me out! No lie, about a month ago I thought for sure I was getting sick – I felt so lethargic and kept taking my temperature, checking my breathing, the whole bit. It wasn’t til late that evening that I remembered I’d taken Zyrtec before bed the night before – I was so relieved and also vowed to keep off it, allergies or no allergies! I literally can’t even function on it. At least the zombie effect goes away pretty quickly once you’re off it!
All the stress at this time is probably compounding the fatigue. I am shocked at how “unproductive” I feel. Be kind to yourself – even if you are contracted for Hugh, maybe start small? Be kind and rest up! Thank you for still writing and keeping us updated – I would read you writing the yellow pages 🙂
Rule of thumb for treating allergies is go one up. So if oral is not working add nasal spray then allergy eyesdrops is the next step. Costco has generic Flonase that is really cheap. Zaditor drops are OTC and generic now too.
Zyrtec is very effective but makes approximately 3 out of 5 people sleepy.
Hope you feel better soon!
Another one with chronic fatigue syndrome checking in. I have MS, and one of the symptoms for me is CFS. (No, I don’t think you have MS, but the fatigue thing is similar.) For me, what works is to have one heavy schedule day followed by two light days, and to not beat myself up about it. Since I am not a doctor and should not give cockamamie advice, I’d suggest talking to an allergist about alternatives. Having said that, here is a piece of cockamamie advice. One nonmedical thing that my allergist desperately wants me to do and I’d rather die is to flush my sinuses regularly with saline using a neti pot or similar device. Oh, and really, so far I like everything you write. Life is scary right now, write from your heart and I’ll cheerfully buy whatever it is. I’m easy (but not cheap!)
Feel better and get some rest! The books can wait and fans are willing to wait. Your healthy and family are first priority! Thank you for your stories and little snippets. Always good for multiple reads and have been such a blessing to myself as well as many others I’m sure in this time of such unbelievable isolation.
I also have bad allergies. Sometimes a double prong prevention strategy is good:
Whenever I’m outside I wear a mask (the p 95 seem to work better than the n 95, although hard to get ahold of at the moment), and HEPA filter machines in the house (https://www.honeywellstore.com/store/products/hpa300-true-hepa-whole-room-air-purifier-with-allergen-remover.htm)
I found this at our HEB plus in Bastrop. It seems all the other stuff I’ve used off and on for years no longer works. This is helping for now.
I can’t imagine the pressure some readers/reviewers can cause you both. Try to remember that you don’t really owe anybody anything (idk about book contracts or anything, but my point stands!), and if you took a break or shuffled some stuff around, your fans with hearts won’t be shitty about it 🙂
Love from Maryland! Stay safe <3
I use the Walgreens’ brand of Claritin as I cannot tolerate Zyrtec. Works.
Sending some good vibes your way hopefully the allergies go away soon!
I too am very excited to read Iron Covenant, but hey, life happens we get it. Not wanting to write dark stuff makes sense and taking care of our selves is important too!
I hope that the Ryder snippets could become at least a novella one day (continuation of Magic Stars??? ????) But in the end, I hope it turns out to be whatever you guys most feel like writing.
Please don’t be so hard on yourself, and take heart. Tamora Pierce had a book that she was writing while living in NY city and 911 happened and she has stated that it took her sometime to get going again. It’s okay, be safe and take some time for yourself. Thank you for all snippets and the joy you bring to all of us. Your job is hard and I appreciate your imagination and efforts to entertain us.
You don’t owe your readers anything – we owe you a great deal for all the joy you and your husband have given us all the years. I don’t think your readers necessarily intend to pressure you – they are telling you how much they like it. Period. A year from now or more is fine. Or not. Remember that you are in control.
Please take care of yourself.
P.S. I just did a search on antihistamines. Allegra is supposed to be non-sedating.
There are also 24 hour a day nose sprays for allergies. I hope you feel better soon.
We can wait for Ryder part 7. We can wait for Iron Covenant book 2.
Sure, we would bargain away our lifeblood to get Underhill to give you a thousand years of undisturbed writing time, and deliver you and your works back here tomorrow. But here in the real world, we can wait.
So, I thought you were joking about it being on Goodreads, but nope. Can someone explain to me how people can review a book that hasn’t been written? I get that maybe they could review it if it hasn’t been published, if they got a early copy, but not if it’s not written. ????????????
Someone saw a title. They made a GR account for the title. They viciously one-starred (or five-starred) a title. I had one title that had multiple one-star reviews before I even wrote the first chapter. The book wound up coming out under another title entirely, and I was able to get the working title (and the reviews) taken down.
But… it happens.
That sounds like a lot of work to go to, just to be mean. ????♀️ ((Shakes head at people being idiots))
Thank you for the response to my question! ????
Glad to hear everybody is doing well. We will be patient on Hugh 2. Promise! Maybe you just need to shake things up a little bit. Something a little wild. Ease your stress factor. The kids are out of the house you have the pool…
Time lords sometimes review books before they are written in an attempt to prevent future disasters. In this case the Time lords are trying to prevent a future war between Team Ascanio and Team Derek by shipping Julie and Yu Fong. Go team dragon!
Fans going to fanatic, no explaining that.
I should have said that the question was about other hypothetical “books” out there. While I don’t agree with it, I do realize that it is possible to review scenes, like Ryder. (Possible, but wrong.)
I seldom comment your posts but I feel I need to point the fact that, we, Your fandom, are overjoyed and very happy with everything you give us to read.
Ryder is great. I love to have it as the beginning of a new series. HL is something we all are waiting for, sometime impatiently. Same with Iron Covenant.
The thing is, You give me, us joy, lots of fun, entertainment.
I buy everything you in a blink of an eye, as soon as it’s out.
It’s so important, especially during this scary and depressed time.
Thank you.
We, who love Julie, who will devour anything KD, will always outnumber the haters. Dark! Hugh will always be adored.
The exhaustion is a pain; hugs and may your energy level up, Ilona!
Loratadine – best non drowzy antihistamene I’ve taken. You can also triple drop without side effects.
Cetirizine – also remarkably non drowsy and you can take up to 6 tabs per day. ( I know this because of the fact I appear to be allergic to the world and my doc has had great fun issuing almost every type of anti histamine and these are the only two that don’t knock me out – or cause an allergic reaction(!)
Zyrtec turned me into a zombie and so did xyzal, the next generation of that antihistamine. I use Nasalcrom per label directions; I don’t know how I’d survive without it. Allergies, antihistamine side effects, and Corona stress are turning many of us into exhausted messes. I hope you feel better, gracious Author Lord.
Can I say f*ck fussy? Why on earth would people even be criticizing you right now? Right now. Ever! You guys are amazing and I will humbly and happily read anything you write. I am loving Ryder. Everything. I can wait on Hugh 2. Take your time. It’s fine if Ryder isn’t a book. But if you decide to reopen KD world, I will follow you word by word. I have read and listened to all of your books time and again and will again, I’m sure. Make yourselves happy. I’m here for it.
And when I found out people didn’t like Julie, I wanted to fight all of them. I even kind of liked Roland. Hello? You write, we read and say thank you. That is the way it goes. So. Thank you. Thank you for all of them.
(I even liked Saiman! I hate narcissists so much, I can’t even put it into words, and you made me like one. I cried when he died. You actually made me cry over the sad demise of a narcissist! I honestly did not believe that was possible.)
(And it would be really nice to find out about that bright, electric blue streak over two different shades of blue. I am soooo curious. :))))
But really: make yourselves happy.
And thank you.
Ah yes Saiman was such an interesting character! Somewhere between the fighting pits and the him showing Kate the footage of Curran breaking things he grew to be one of my favourites.
I, too, love Saiman. Setting car destruction to music was literally one of my favorite scenes in the whole KD world. ????
Same here!!!!!
Agree 100%
Agreed! +1
I just appreciate whatever you write. And people who feel the need to critique a gift, don’t deserve the gift. Like so many other folks, I’ve suffered from allergies since I moved to Texas as a teen. I’ve built up an immunity to all the prescription stuff, so just treat for symptoms now. Sometimes just changing things up for a bit – taking sinus or cold meds instead of just allergy meds – can help. As for Zyrtec, I tried it when it first came out and it had a horrible affect on me. Things got a little hazy for me after a couple of days, but apparently I went psycho. Started screaming at everyone, angry crying, and refused to eat or sleep. I even tried to attack my husband with a fork (did I mention psycho?). Somehow my husband got me to the hospital and they figured out it was the Zyrtec. The ER doc said my case was extreme, but that people trying to commit suicide, sleeping for days on end, and other extreme reactions were not unheard of side effects. Please check with your doctor, but I would strongly recommend not taking it anymore. It could be playing a much larger role in why you are having difficulty writing than you realize. Sending good vibes and pollen-free thoughts your way. 🙂
You poor thing, I hope you feel better soon! There’s never a good time to feel crummy, but it’s always worse when it hits when you have a lot to do 🙁
Loving Ryder and I’m happy to read anything of yours. Given the stress you both are dealing with, I’m happy you’re able to write anything, so no complaints here. I understand why you aren’t feeling Hugh 2 right now, and I’ll just be happy when you do get it published.
As for the fatigue, that’s concerning. Are you sure you’re actually getting enough sleep at night? You could be waking up a lot for a number of reasons and just not realize it, which could cause the chronic fatigue. Whatever the cause, hope you’re feeling better soon!
Finally, happy birthday to Kid 2! Not the best of times to be having a birthday, but thankfully, you’re all together to celebrate!
Your stories come from your heart and you need to write what you love. There are many of your characters I would love you to revisit, but at the end of the day for you to continue to enjoy what you do you have to write about what excites you. In any job fatigue is your enemy. Put yourself and your family first, then YOU choose which project to go forward with. I’m sure the results will be worth reading, and if they are established characters and they don’t go in the direction I want – c’est la vie. If there is one thing we all need to learn from this it’s things don’t always turn out the way you expect!
Alive is better than books written but the authors dead. Rest. Get better.
We’ll all be here ready to read whatever you write whenever you get to it.
Thank you for the update on things at House Andrews. Obviously your life has not gotten any simpler since the last “What’s New with Ilona and Gordon”.
Since I have been fighting my allergies with antihistamines since the OTC ones first came out, I am sure I have a ridiculous tolerance built up at this point. Please do not feel that my experience is in any way typical.
After 20 plus years of taking (generic) Claritin, my doctor suggested switching to (also generic) Zyrtec. I have been doing well for 6 years with it, with no drowsiness at all.
I take it with my morning meds, because it does not last quite 24 hours for me – more like 22. (I prefer to be asleep when I have allergies, not trying to get to sleep.)
Stress makes one tired. We are all stressed now. If you can find something that lets you breathe and stay awake, go for it. Many folks who are more knowledgeable than I have made suggestions for alternatives. Perhaps when you are not so stressed, you can try Zyrtec again if you need to. It might not be so bad.
Definitely tinker with the seasonal allergy meds. Some of them make me feel like I’m walking underwater–and the ones that are supposed to last 24 hours stay in my system that long.
I hope you feel more energetic soon. I am working from home now since the end of March, and I have noticed that I am napping more in the last couple weeks than before the pandemic. Maybe it is the pressure or worry; I don’t know. I have just decided to take a nap when I feel like I need it. Take care.
Well, I understand sheer exhaustion. I’ve been a Fibromyalgia patient for nearly 38 years. I know you are a very smart person but, have you:
A. Called your primary care provider? You may need to have you iron checked. Or, your hemaglobin? Or, your thyroid levels? Or, (fill in a lab level that can cause exhaustion if out of whack)?
B. Been really depressed lately? Have you got a friend you only talk to once in a blue moon you need a virtual hug from?
C. Just need to get out of your house for awhile? Have you guys just gone out to take a long drive to nowhere? Just get out and have absolutely no purpose? Seriously, it’s very therapeutic for me. No agenda, tank of gas, radio on (or audiobook playing), just…go. Maybe stop at a roadside stand for veggies? Taking cash & a mask with you, of course.
D. Look for an alternative to Zyrtec. It just didn’t work for me. Since I get mild asthma when my allergies are driving me nuts my doc finally tried me on Singular. It’s been a lifesaver. Don’t get me wrong, I still have problems during pollen season (3 times yearly in FL). I even wrecked my car last year in a sneezing fit while blowing my drippy nose.
E. And, finally, something you may not be able to do right now: get a massage or acupuncture treatment. This is what pretty much actually saved my life, 20 years ago.
You’ve probably already thought of all this. You guys are SO smart. This blasted virus is bringing everybody down. Rest, be good to yourself. We can wait.
Fatigue sucks.
Thank you for the updates. Glad to hear you and your family are ok. Thank you for the scenes. Hopefully you’ll start feeling more like your usual self soon.
Love all of the main and side-kick KD characters. Just keep bringing the books.
Have you tried the eating a spoonful of local honey each morning? Sometimes this helps with allergies. When it gets too bad I take Allegra. Rest are too extreme for me.
Stay safe and well.
I’ve taken allergy shots for a few years. I think it has helped but it takes a lot of time to get to maintenance and the shots STILL burn, itch, and swell and leave me drowsy on the day of. I also take Allegra-D nightly and Zyrtec on bad days. I didn’t realize until recently how drowsy my allergic reaction made me until I started falling asleep at 6pm on my shot days. I think everyone has to tinker with medication and how their body reacts to high allergen levels.
Thanks for the update. I hope the fatigue passes quickly with a med change.
I have really enjoyed the Ryder snippets, but then, I enjoy all your worlds. You write ’em, I’ll buy ’em. ????????
Thanks for the icecream recipe, I have been wanting some and my sweet husband recently bought 2 pints of heavy cream when I needed a half pint, so that works out just dandy! ????????????
Hello IA,
Thank You for the update, even though you are currently going through a challenging phase.
May I be irreverent enough to suggest looking into meditation or self hypnosis techniques for centering yourself and balancing your mind. Also pranayama (yoga breathing techniques) help u be energized and relaxed throughout the day despite having a heavy work load. None of these require any physical movement from you.
I wish you healing and good health ????.
I am an animated dead person on zyrtec. So I live and breathe on Claritin, or rather a generic loratadine product. I take the Member’s Mark. I take up to 50mg a day during late spring and fall allergy season, and a standard 30mg the rest of the time. But I can breathe! And I’m not zombie-fied. I hope you find the solution that fits you, and soon. It’s a miserable life living with allergies with no relief, or relief that’s steals your life force away. Good vibes and fortitude being sent your way.
“Everyone had kids. Everyone took a beating from life.”
Of course they did! Life and stories go on. The ups, the downs, it’s how they came out of it that makes for good reading. I hope we get to see more of everyone.
But also can’t wait for Emerald Blaze.
I’ have problem with birch trees coming to bloom. Use claritin. It’s what works for me. Start taking first of april til june. Eyes are gunky and itchy. It helps. Alaskan summers make you forget the long winters…no better place to be.
Also working on three different crochet projects and having difficult time concentrating.
It is the times. It is difficult to enjoy a pastime when all is in turmoil. According to our state statistics my daughters age for infection is the highest. I want nothing more than to protect her. Someday all be well. It is tough.
Thank you for your posts. It brings an escape.
1) Zyrtec is more designed for itchies and like benadryl can be sedating. Take it at night before bed, it’ll still work in the daytime.
2) Claritin is more designed for the sneezies. If one tablet isn’t working for you, take two.
3) Consider asking your physician about montelukast if some of your allergy symptoms are trouble breathing or oxygen absorption, that is allergy induced asthma. Warning – people who aren’t bipolar often find it sedating. Take it before bed (unless you’re bipolar, no judgements, I am).
So says someone who is the only non-physician in her family and whose allergies are so bad that I have had dermatologists and allergists say they had only read about people like me in textbooks before I came in. I am allergic to some allergy meds. It’s bananas.
Can you get Allerway rather than Zyrtec? You also take 1 at night, but it doesn’t affect my energy levels at all, and you can take it chronically – it works very well for me. All the best. We love your work, whatever you write.
Thank you for Ryder Snippets! I’ve been having trouble reading anything dark lately too. Have you considered finishing Gerald DeMille & Helen’s story? That seems like it would be a fun and sweet love story. And we could see Dina, Maud & Klaus as kids. But like everyone else has already stated, please take care of yourselves & we’ll read whatever you write. Looking forward to Emerald Blaze!
I have never suffered allergies until I spent a month in Phoenix with my mother after her husband died in Oct 2014. It was awful and I hated taking anything so I went swimming a lot which is my go to cure-all. I came to stay with my mom again this month and I’ve had some issues, but this time I took Claritin D and it worked. My mom takes Claritin D everyday for itchiness and has for a few years, she tried Z and X but they made her into a daytime zombie even when she only took them before bed. The Claritin D is working and she always finds coupons to bring down the price.
You know…..I hate Hugh d’Ambray but I bought the book and I’ll buy whatever’s next too.
Go swimming! You have a pool!
Honestly I’d love to see further adventures of Julie heck id pay for a book with her and her grandmother doing things but Ryder would be epic. But hang in there take care of yourselves first and foremost!!
Who knows if you’ll get to read this but … take a break, if you can! Good fiction like yours is worth waiting for and I am one of many fans who would prefer that you are writing from a place of joy more than obligation. Not sure if your contracts with the publisher allow it but I am content to wait for your inspiration to strike.
Firstly get to the point where you’re feeling better. The allergies thing is awful. I find both the supposedly non-drowsy antihistamines (loratadine and cetirizine) turn me into a zombie and I’m constantly icy cold. I have to go through a couple of weeks at least before I start to adapt. Generally I use Beconase (beclometasone dipropionate) nasal spray and that seems to mostly work for me. I am in the UK so I don’t know if you have something different in the USA. Re the writing it’s a creative process and you need to feel better for this to work. So look after yourself and try not to worry (hah! pots and kettles!) Take care of yourselves and stay safe.
I love your work.
Write whatever makes you happy. That makes the world a better place.
Hopefully you know this and I’m sorry to share advice… but just incase it surprises you like it did me… I’m a family physician who had used nasal sprays since teen years. Discovered at medical school I’d been using them pointed in the wrong direction. They work much better when the medication gets where it needs to go.
Trick is to look at the floor. Point spray to ceiling and little sniff. Shouldn’t taste it straight away.
You’re amazing. Hope the allergies get better!
Thank you for sharing your life with us ????, it means a lot.
I must say I love Rider and thing you did an amazing job on those stories (although I really thing all your writing is mega-amazing) and I am sorry to hear about the goodreads incidents. I grew up with Kate Daniels and you will allways be my Number One.
Anyway, hang in there! Lots of strengh to Iron Covenant. However way will the series spin, I’m sure I’ll love it ????
Take the time you need,
I love your books. And I am happy to read even if it is Rydar or Iron Covenent or something different.
That is so ridiculous that Goodreads would create something over snippets written in a blog! Would you be able to contact them and have them take it down? You are doing such a great job, I’m so hooked by the story that if it ever did become a book, I am sure it would be a big hit and well received by many including the Goodreads gang, but right now they are really jumping the gun! Did this also happen during the preliminary round of writing the Innkeeper books on your site, before they were even edited and published? It’s a shame that there is anything or anyone trying to spoil the huge amount of pleasure you are giving to so many people! Aren’t reviews supposed to happen after the advanced reading copies or published books?
I really loved The Iron Covenant and you both really succeeded in developing and redeeming Hugh. I do notice that while there are battles, challenges, dark times, that there is also wonderful characters, some snark, humor, intriguing hooks and twists, great world building, developments, romance, relationships and many things that also bring light into and out of the darkness in that book and the Kare Daniels series. For example, how Aunt B died was horrible, but growth, strength, development, the others safely getting away and memories of her, not just of her sacrifice and death, promoted healing, light, and even positive things.
When you mentioned how dark you felt Iron Covenant 2 was, I thought of how you both dealt with the other dark things so well… it brought to mind Ladyhawke… have you ever seen that movie? It has many elements that are a great blend of a strong love, curse, magic, humor, violence, and triumph that make it a wonderful story! If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it! No, this is not me trying to pressure you into writing IC2, but hopefully inspire, help, comfort and encourage both of you!
I have read books that had me sobbing, which does not happen much (tears are more often), but also laugh in those same books! Personally, I like happy endings, triumph, redemption, love, humor… the list goes on and on… as long as there is that, I can go through the tears, challenges, battles, dark times, loss, etc., along the way. Relief along the way also helps! Hopefully we will also experience this in our lives, not just in books!
Thank you for the relief you give us with your sharing, Ilona and Gordon! The support from the BDH is also wonderful!
This is the worst allergy season I’ve experienced in Ft. Worth. I didn’t connect exhaustion with Zyrtec. I’m going to try Claritan D. Eye gunk is ridiculous. Covid has appeared at my Mom’s nursing home, she’s already sick with bronchitis. Your blog is one of the things keeping me somewhat sane. Can’t handle anything dark so I’m rereading Edge to be followed by Swine and Rose’s, then Hidden legacy.
Things I’ve been pondering for fun when I can’t sleep POV from your series on who has the most annoying human parents, shipping Bucky and tulip (can you imagine their offspring glowing white carnivorous escape artist wonderhorses) and swine and roses part 2. Second best meet cute after Kate’s here kitty kitty.
Love to all of us. Take care of yourselves.
This is the worst allergy season I’ve experienced in Ft. Worth. I didn’t connect exhaustion with Zyrtec. I’m going to try Claritan D. Eye gunk is ridiculous. Covid has appeared at my Mom’s nursing home, she’s already sick with bronchitis. Your blog is one of the things keeping me somewhat sane. Can’t handle anything dark so I’m rereading Edge to be followed by Swine and Rose’s, then Hidden legacy.
Things I’ve been pondering for fun when I can’t sleep POV from your series on who has the most annoying human parents, shipping Bucky and tulip (can you imagine their offspring glowing white carnivorous escape artist wonderhorses) and swine and roses part 2. Second best meet cute after Kate’s here kitty kitty.
Love to all of us. Take care of yourselves.
Allergies are the bane -or one of the banes- of my existence… was living abroad for almost 4 years and didnt need antihistamines… got back home due to pandemic… sneezing started immediately!!!!
So i have Zyrtec… that for me is betel than Xozal (makes.me.drowsy.and sleepy!!!) Another that ia said to cause.less side effects is Aerius (but that is greek market ao they might have different names in US…
Hang on there and dont worry!!!!
Those of is that understand will be patient 🙂
Hopefully thats all of us… 🙂
Hugs from Greece ( UK untill 4 days ago…)
Courage ! Take care ! ????????
Wish you the best ~
I’m glad you’re all doing okay. Try not to put too much stress on yourselves writing wise though, I think the current situation is causing so much stress & that’s both physically & emotionally exhausting. I know I’m struggling to achieve anything at the moment, even reading or watching TV is like hard work!
Obviously all your fans are always looking forward to whatever you write next but honestly your health will always be more important & we’ll wait as long as we have to for the next book 🙂
Take care of yourselves. You are loved ❣
+ the image I didn’t post above ????????????♀️
Also live in TX. You can get generic Flonase at Costco. It comes in a five pack for $20. When I switched over I had to spray twice a day for two weeks. Now I just spray once at night before bed . By once, I mean one spray each nostril. I made the switch two years ago after suffering back to back sinus infections. I haven’t had one since. I was told by the doctor that Flonase is a life long change. Once you start you commit. The reasoning behind the double dosages at the start is that it takes about a week to start working. My husband immigrated to TX from South Africa I immediately started him in Flonase. He also is doing well through the seasons. TX allergy season is something else. Best of luck.
Perth represent!! 😀 Glad that you’re slogging through … sorry that it’s a slog … hope things get better soon!!
Zertek makes me sooo drowsy.
Take care of yourself and we will buy and read and enjoy whatever you decide to write! Even if it’s a grocery list!
See, I get this fun game right now called, “Coronavirus or pregnancy or allergies?” for my symptoms. I’m 35w3d pregnant. I’m so tired, I can barely get out of bed. My baby is still breech, so, she likes to put her big head (I had an ultrasound yesterday, and that’s not an exaggeration… her head is measuring at 39w for size… she has a big head) in my lungs, which give me lower respiratory symptoms. As well as, oh hey, everything is blooming in Indiana right now, and I’m allergic to everything that grows. So, I’m right there with you. xD
I wish you guys luck finding the rental, I’ve never liked moving/shopping for new places to live. Kid 2 and BF wishing all the luck with school, and Happy Birthday to both Kid 1/Kid 2! 🙂
Hi House Andrews-
Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I am very excited about Ryder being a book, and the whole California group, which I am sure includes Grandma and so many other new and interesting characters and a shiny new world. So, there is my vote for your next book. I’m like you, and not too excited about another Hugh book. I sorta feel like that story line is done with the last Kate book. But, that’s just me.
Here is a suggestion for your allergies. I used to get two to three sinus infections a year, and had to take antibiotics for two to three weeks to get rid of them. The whole antibiotic thing was not good for me and I knew I needed to find another way.
I was introduced to Natures Sunshine Sinus Support EF (for the sinus’s), and Marshmallow and Fenugreek (for the mucus). I started taking them in 1991, and haven’t had a sinus infection since that time.
They are a combination of herbs and they are all natural. They deal with the problem, and not just the symptoms. I will warn you that you have to take them with food, and not just a small amount, as they are strong herbs and will come back at you otherwise. I will also say that everyone is different, and each of us has to find a solution that works for us and our bodies. This worked for me. You will have to find something that works for you. I am a health conscious sort of girl, and I try to do things naturally. But, that doesn’t work for everyone.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Peace and blessings to all in House Andrews.
Please take all the time you need. The stress and uncertainty of the time can present as fatigue as well, so take some mental health days and just enjoy life. I’m glad that your family is doing well, and happy birthday to both your children. Please remember that you are more important than your books. (Not that I don’t love all your works.) Stay Healthy, Stay Safe!
Oh yeah, dark books ???? I read a mystery 2 days ago where abysmal things happened to every character ; at the end the serial killer was stopped but NO ONE got a happy ending. It made me feel so distraught, I couldn’t sleep, so I re-read Daddy-Long-Legs for a pick me up… then “Contagion” by Amanda Milo which worked even better – funniest alien sci-fi romance I ever read. Ever.
SO, all this rambling to say: your fans are, from what I see, decent human beings. We can understand where you’re at, and we’d much rather know your are in good shape than read a book you made yourself sick writing. Go with what you feel capable of doing and keeps you motivated. If right now Hugh is too big a burden, so be it. If you can put him aside, he’ll still be there when you feel better, and we will be too.
Also, *thank you* for pointing me Will Wight’s way. “Who’s Dross?” keeps circling in my head and I’m gonna jump on the next Cradle book too see how Lindon gets out of this one (or not).
Bless you! I’m also struggling with allergy season and it’s just no fun!
How in all in the misery I see the Ryder blog as a spark of joy in my day and I am forever grateful that you provided this.
Best of luck choosing a new allergy tablet that suits you better.
Happy Kid Birthdays! Good luck with the housing setup.
I think a lot of us are hitting CVD-19 walls – some of us are staying in bed, others chafing to go out, some grasping at Clorox shots, and others having sudden meltdowns/blowups on the home or work fronts.
I hope switching allergy meds helps. Take the time to get what you need. I love getting your updates and snippets. They continue to really lift my day. Take some time for that lovely yarn of yours!
I’m loving the Ryder posts. Whatever they become or don’t become. Feeding my imaginings, enjoying the visuals, and return to places like Unicorn Lane. It’s really nice. We’re living in dark times, and so it’s honest. For entertainment, we’ve gotten into the Masked Singer…it’s absolutely great. On so many levels. The latest person to be unmasked was the Banana….first time I had a guess right. And the person is so full of heart and kindness and came back from adversity… the show is absolutely nuts but very fun.
Lots of love to you and your family. Wishing you all well, two legged and four legged and whomever lives in the tanks… lol… I think there was a spider or something at one point?
Hi, thank you for the new escape fiction. I hope you feel better soon. Texas pollen season is miserable.
For folks who might have missed it, HA posted a snippet in their online free section under KD that sets some of adult Julie’s story in motion. This was last December, I think…It has her, Conlan, Roland, a very bad guy…
I sincerely wish people would stop being dicks about, well, everything. Typos, reviews, what you did or didn’t do, how you did or didn’t do it. It’s like they exist to ensure we can’t have nice things. I personally want Hugh 2.0 very much – he’s one of my all time favourite anti-heroes. But I don’t want half-assed Hugh (I want his whole ass), so I’m happy to wait until you’re ready to make him happen. Same with Ryder. If it’s a book, awesome. If it’s a bunch of snippets in the blog, also awesome. At the end of the day, your time and craft are yours – you’re the only you there is, and if you get broken, there will be no books at all. Pause. Take a breath. Be well.
Hear, hear!
Costco sells a generic Flonase they call Aller-flo, much less expensive, I’ve found it works just as well…
I use the generic Flonase from Walmart and it works just fine.
FYI my asthma is (Usually) mild but saw allergist who put me on list of long acting..not rescue..meds with cortisone.
My glaucoma suddenly worsened. Plus my osteoporosis too. We should all monitor issues when taking cortisone-allergy or asthma meds, getting spinal pain injections etc.
My family all had cats and when I went to visit after 1/2 wheezing. Super sneezing runny nose. Finally a doc scripted what now is over counter..Nasal from. Cromlyn sodium. It inhibits mast cells in your nose from reacting to allergens. I went and got a kitten a month later,. After our old dog passed I had started sneezing, hive from dog kiss so we got a dog.
Worth the occasional extra seasonal awfulness to have my animals.
You can adjust to your own animals after a time frame but they are cumulative. One more pet, and also moving to More rural(allergies) or more urban(asthma) can aggravate. then fostered cats, a few kitten litters, many puppies and dogs for our local shelter.
Well said!
What she said!
+1 thankful for all the writing and sharing
Completely agree. If you don’t want to do Hugh, please don’t do it. Do whatever will make you happy right now. 🙂
Thank you for sharing your life, process, and work with us. It’s a gift from you, and one I deeply appreciate.
+1000 these are trying times we are living in. It’s often easier to have mote patience and compassion for others than it is for ourselves.
Perfectly said! Thank you for typing what I have been grumbling to myself for a long time.
We love the books, we love the worlds they build; however, happy, healthy authors are more important.
I want his whole ass ????????????
I agreed wholeheartedly
Zyrtec makes me drowsy too. Have you tried Claritin-D (or regular Claritin)? I use that and no sleepy!
So Flonase works really well.
I was always stuffed up and using it daily allowed me to breathe.
Then I started getting palpitations.
Stopped using it for a couple of months, suspecting it was the cause.
Tried it again and on day 3 I had a horrible palpitation, felt like my heart was flip flopping around in my chest.
Stopped taking it and haven’t had one since.
This is just my experience, but you may Google it as other people have posted having the same problem.
I use Flonase when my allergies are really bad, but it can cause heart palpitations and nose bleeds. I cannot use Zyrtec and Claritin makes me spacey. Allegra works pretty well for me with no noticeable side effects.
We all need times to just lay in bed and do absolutely nothing! Dont feel guilty for it! Take the time you need to rest up! We’ll be here when you get to writing, we re patient?.. honest!
Sending love and healthy thoughts xxxx
This is a very difficult time and feeling guilty for feeling guilty/depressed is natural…exhaustion does not help so rest if you need to…
If you get a Iron Covenant sequel “hooray” … if I get snippets of Ryder “hooray”… the two of you put out some of the best work … I will continue to buy it without the desire t to see you getting ill
Keep as safe and healthy as you can these days
First and foremost, this is an exhausting, terrible time. As to what you write, if you write it, we will buy it, its that simple. Hugh is a dark story line, but it is one of redemption. Julie has always been a favorite, her tenacity, kind heart, courage and complete loyalty to those she loves even unto death is an inspiring character. The KD world, is unique, it grew in depth, and really Hugh is in the KD world as well, I’m in the beginning stages of a gray divorce, but what keeps me going are three crazy, joyful poodles who insist life is wonderful. One of my dogs is old and blind and still prances through life, so I guess that means I can keep plodding along. The joy of a dog is a beautiful thing even in dark times.
Zyrtec snowed us. We tried it two nights and the third I decided not to take it bc I Had napped two hours that day already and still slept 10 hours. That is why we no longer take it. I too tried to hold off until April to take allergy meds but was miserable. Luckily loratidine works for us without the same side effects.
I have only taken Zyrtek once, and I never will again. I felt so weird after taking it, like I was underwater and fuzzy.
I will admit I don’t have bad allergies, so I occasionally will take a Claritin. I probably should take it more consistently, but my allergies are a recent thing, and I hate taking meds daily.
Hang in there.
Try the Flonase, has worked for everyone I know that has allergy issues. If it all fell apart and you didn’t produce any more big publishing house books, I’d still read whatever you put out. I’m enjoying Ryder. And if you are in a slump and not putting out new stuff, I’m re-reading the old stuff. Take care, this too shall pass (hopefully!).
Oh Ilona. We understand about the need to write something. Bills have to be paid. You need to eat. But, if you don’t care for yourself first, the writing won’t follow. I hope the new medication helps. We all will be good little fans and wait. And if it’s needed, we will wait some more. You must know at this point, your characters and their stories aren’t all we love. We love you and Gordon too. Please, please take care of yourselves.
Are you locked into a dark plot line for IC2? One of the joys of reading your books are the sparks of humor …. maybe start with those? (I imagine they can’t be as slogging as the more complex stuff) The ice cream looks marvelous….. I have started a sourdough starter, it has a personality which was surprising to me.
This might cheer you up a bit Soviet biscuits 1922 http://blog.presentandcorrect.com/slam-dunk
I take Costco brand Allertec and the pharmacist said I could use the nose spray as well. I take the pill and spray my nose every morning and every night. So far, it seems to be working. I hope Iron Covenant isn’t too dark. I could use a happy ending.
“fussy reviews”
As I haven’t read through the 370 comments already here, I don’t know if this has been mentioned, but stress and depression both can cause extreme fatigue. And this is both a stressful and depressing time. Self-care is so much more important now than anytime this century. If you need to sleep for two days, do it, and see how that works. If it turns into a week, maybe try something else. But maybe your body is telling you something.
Or maybe it’s the Zyrtec.
I feel really stupid right now. I know I read Magic Stars with Julie. What story comes after that before the “Ryder” snippets? I love your books. I’ve been a fan for years. As a Librarian, I have gotten quite a few of my patrons hooked on your books. 🙂
Hang tough! One of the hardest lessons I learned as the Library Director of a small public library was that I was never going to get everyone to like me. That took me a few years and many uneasy nights. I now realize there are some people that will never be happy with me and I have to just plug along. It’s tough when you realize you are a pleaser person in this world of social media and everyone has an opinion whether they really know you or not.
Hi Susan! The next Julie story was very short and only on the website. https://ilona-andrews.com/the-king-of-fire/
Don’t know that it will help with the fatigue but Xlear nasal spray is a game changer for me, especially during allergy season. No drugs, but really helps with allergens. Be well. All of your books are worth waiting for.
Zyrtec is the most sedating of the over the counters- it works well but you have to take it at night and I never remember to take anything at night… Claritin is probably the weakest but nonsedating. My preferred is Allegra- non sedating and works well. Anything with a “D” has a decongestant which can raise your blood pressure and cause elevated heart rate and palpitations so it’s better to add as needed then take every day.
I use zyrtec and flonase
You just do what you need to do! Happy DNA DNA Day! Watson and Crick published their seminal paper April 25, 1953. My kids and I are going to extract DNA from kale today. It’s also National Zucchini Bread Day! So, bake a loaf and enjoy the little things!!
Thanks for sharing your dark times with us. We’re sorry for the pressure we add to your lives…. As much as your stories are greatly anticipated, we love you and Gordon more. Take all the rest you need sans guilt. Stay safe and well.
I know everyone is going to throw in their 2-cents about the allergy meds, but I also feel weird and lethargic on Zyrtec. I take Allegra (fexofenadine) for my seasonal allergies. It does not make me drowsy and I find it to work better than Claritin. So there’s my 2-cents, hope you find something that works for you.
I think your writing over the years has been an incredible gift. If you so choose, and everything shuts down today, I would still be grateful for your work. Take care of yourself and enjoy life.
I’m sorry if this has already been suggested – but, have you had your Thyroid and Vitamin D levels check recently? I’m hypothyroid and when my dose is off typing is often the first thing to go, followed by fatigue and the inability to remember anything. Oddly enough, Vitamin D deficiency has some very similar symptoms.
Also, Flonase can work really well, but for some people the steroid component crosses out of the nasal area so you are basically on steroids. This can cause the depression of your cortisol cycle many very nasty symptoms. It is list on the side effects as Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis effects.
Glad you and yours are doing well. don’t let negativity get you down too much. You and Gordon produce more books faster than most of the other authors I follow (I’ve been waiting for nearly a decade for Sidian’s story from Elizabeth Vaughn) and I love them all
Zyrtec did that to me also! It was horrible. The best for me was Claritin with Sudafed added when I needed more. Essentially Claritin D but for some reason the Sudafed / Claritin combination worked better. Getting to the root of the issue – my allergies got a lot better when I gave up gluten and dairy. Sugar often exasperates the symptoms also. Anyway – I am sure you are getting plenty of advice but wanted to share my similar experience.
As for writing – you are the very best. Take your time and write when you are ready and able. It will be good no matter what it is – and the haters are dumb. You’re awesome!
The joy and the bane of social media is it gives voice to everyone. It empowers all. Some use this gift to uplift, and others to tear down. I love your work and look forward to anything you decide to share with us. Don’t let the bullies drag you down. Take care of yourselves first. We will be here.
Hi Ilona, I remember Zyrtec from years ago – it was a catastrophe for me! I am a music historian and write mostly from home, so I – like you – have to be alert (and awake) to do that, I couldn’t with Zyrtec so I suffered through the allergies. But last year I got an allergic asthma, so my doctor told my to try the substance Loratadin (in Germany you get “Lora ADGC” with 10 mg Loratadin). It also makes me tired but not as much and it worked well this year. As I like to work early (from about 5 am), I take it around 10 am, the fatigue then appears gradually but is mostly gone the next morning . I don’t know if you can get it in the US, here you don’t need a prescription.
Perhaps it is worth a try, or perhaps you already tried, or perhaps you won’t see the comment. Anyway wishing you all the best, so please take care!
I love everything you write (perhaps Hugh needs more pancakes? Loved that scene especially!!)
Hi! Flonase usually works much better for the allergies here in Austin. Zyrtec has the same side effects with my family. Also, have you tried sublingual Vitamin B12? It is an energy booster. It is no fun when you feel under the weather. Hope you feel better soon! You make we wish I knew how to knit lol!!!
I get bone crushing, walking through sludge, gravity is sucking me down, gotta lay down now, fatigue from allergies. I used to wonder what was wrong with me until my doctor told me I was exhausted from severe allergies. Allergies are an immune system reaction and they are exhausting. During my worst time of year, I lower my expectations. If I can feed my family and keep the house relatively clean, I have had a good day.
Hope it passes soon for you.
Everyone please be careful with any medication you are taking. There are definite signs that taking ibuprofen (IE Advil) may cause the symptoms of Covid 19 to go into overdrive. Acetominophen seems to be okay. Talk to your Doctor or pharmacist if you have any concerns about taking medications at this time. And everyone please stay safe. Social Distance, wash your hands and do not drink, inject or otherwise put in your body, bleach or other disinfectants. Poison control centers throughout the USA have been reporting an increase in poisonings from disinfectants and I’ve read one report of a case of a person going to hospital with burns to their lower areas after administering a bleach enema to themselves. Seriously. Thank you Ilona and Gordon. We are always so very lucky when more content is posted here. As everyone has said, you health is more important than more content here. We just hope you and your family stay safe and healthy and happy.
If it Ryder happens great if not, thats ok too. Series have ends for a reason; series cancer is a real problem.
No one can accuse you of being slow writers; look at GRR Martin or Patrick Rothfuss, approaching a decade between releases.
I hope you find some new energy after the weekend. And maybe Romans book, but something new is good too.
I, too, am waiting for the final installment from Patrick Rothfuss. Every time I look for it, I get to read about all the fund-raising he’s doing for people in trouble. I’m afraid that I will never get to read the final installment because I’m not getting any younger and I’m not getting any healthier. He’s actually the reason I kind of tend to wait to see if a series has enough books to make it worth bothering to start it before I do. That’s just never the case with Ilona Andrews!
In addition to allergies, I think this pandemic is making us all feel tired. We’re sleeping more (but not always well) and not accomplishing all those thing we feel we should. This is time not to beat ourselves up over what we should be doing. Take good care. Whenever or whatever you want to write, we’ll enjoy it. In the meantime, thanks for the snippets. You make our days better.
I have some kind of environmental allergy that gives me trouble year round, and seasonal problems in the cold, wet times like we have now. Even half a tab of Zyrtec leaves me fuzzy, and Flonase leaves me popping bloody noses on a semi-regular basis. I’ve found that quercetin with bromelain works for me most of the time, and I go for Allegra in these seasons.
Although with the quercetin I buy, the packages suggest two pills twice a day and that leaves me getting bloody noses regularly. So I take 1 pill 3 times a day.
Blessed be, and thank you for all you give us.
I love your writing. I hope you feel better soon. I will take whatever you give us, whenever you can give it to us. I can understand how Hugh being so dark and all, you might not feel like writing him right now. I am rereading basically all your books (Kate Daniels world right now but I’ll get to the others) because of the library being closed, etc. Thanks for the update on the situation at House Andrews.
LOL I thought that kitty would show up as my icon. Oh well, still cute.
1- I know exactly the feeling of wanting to hide – guilt for not doing MORE and being MORE! (I’m a photographer so that’s how I feel when clients ask about their photos!!) but y’all are amazing and irreplaceable, and we are just lucky that y’all share with us your creations and are so active on your blog!!
Don’t feel guilty for doing what you need to do to keep yourselves and those imaginations of yours in tip top shape. I get there are deadlines – but for your own sanity/creativity could you switch to a different project? I feel like it would be hard to do your best work with how your feeling and the darker subject matter! (As a different kind of creative I have so much trouble working on a project when I’m not feeling it!)
2- I have terrible allergies too!
I’ve heard Claritin is better for people who don’t react well to Zyrtec. I take both Claritin (allergies) as needed and Zyrtec (for itching) every day.
Also a huge fan of Flonase – I take a saline nose spray 10 minutes before the Flonase and it is a game changer (it helps keep your nose from drying out from the Flonase.) I’ve taken Flonase for years on/off but just heard about the saline spray this past fall so wanted to pass this on!
I find the same happens to me on Zyrtec, I feel like a dolphin in the sense that half of my brain is asleep. Usually I’ll just take an Aerius instead, but I live in Europe and not the US. Best of luck & we love you House Andrews!
I end up changing my allergy meds very couple years. I tell my husband we need to move to the ocean where the breeze will let me be allergy free.
I think we are all experiencing stress due to this virus. Its making us tired, exhausted, and I’m probably eating more then I should be.
So keep safe, buy some yarn, and try to distress.
I know you prob get a ton of comments re: medical advice. I’m gonna leave one more. Sorry.
Beware Zyrtec. It is designed to accumulate in your system. So day one you have “x” level. Day 2 you have “x+1” level. It should build up till you get to a steady state that “works”. Unless you don’t metabolize it well. Then it gets to “7x” level and you’re a zombie. Found that out in college when zyrtec first came out. Took 4 days for it to clear my system.
All antihystamines work differently for different people. Cycle thru different ones till you find one that works for you. I use an oldie but goodie – actifed. It’s now *only* found at walgreens behind the pharm counter (because it has pseudophedrine in it) under the generic “wal-phed D”.
Hope this isn’t snot piling unsolicited medical advice. Hope you feel better.
I am allergic to – well virtually all outdoor pollens, molds, etc. but love gardening and being outdoors. I have much sympathy for you.
They say, and I found it to be true personally, that if you continue to take Zyrtec regularly then the sleepy side-effect will go away. If you have already been taking it for 2 weeks, then they aren’t right. ????. Also, all my siblings have issues with seasonal allergies but some of us swear by Zyrtec and think Allegra and Claritin do nothing. Others think Zyrtec is no good but like one of the others. They all need some time to build up their full effect (per my allergist).
I had various issues with Flonase but have done really well with Azelastine Spray which is prescription only and non-steroidal. One of the best things my allergist recommended was that if you have symptoms in your throat like post-nasal drip and coughing, put your head up immediately after using a nasal spray and “wag your head back and forth” to get it to settle down your throat. The reason they tell you not to do this is because it tastes bad, not because it is harmful. Then wait 30 min before eating and drinking anything.
Sorry it is hitting you so badly.
Oh, and if the seasonal allergies are bad and are essentially being inadequately treated, they will make you exhausted in their own right.
So glad you are all doing well. I love all you write. When I was reading this I thought of how Chloe Neill started a new series based on the next generation – the heirs. Maybe you can do something like that one day. I’ve enoyed “Ryder” and would enoy more. Thank you for everything you write.
I have been a long time fan and have shared my love of the Kate Daniels series to many of my friends. I loved Iron Covenant and have patiently waiting for IC2 but I am in total agreement with others here that your health and well-being are paramount. Not my selfish need for escape into Kate’s World. The darkness is not an issue for me but I can understand how a writer must live in that world. I listened to J.K. Rowling talk about how real her character’s had become to her and when she knew that Lupin should die how much it affected her. Don’t stop writing because of the negativity of others. I will wait patiently for the next Iron Covenant. Maybe I’ll read Magic Burns again!
I resonate with this so much. Last week I was under the illusion I’d gotten my shit together. Week before that I was a disorganized mess about anything work related. This week… well, my focus wasn’t bad, but then I started coughing. (I mean, I live in the woods in NC, and it’s the pollening, so even though I have a pretty good allergy protocol, at least 85% what’s up? But…*)
Didn’t you have Zyrtec issues last year?
This might just be me, but there’s something about New Atlanta that really suits the current moment. I mean, the world catches fire, shit gets weird, and people mostly have to figure how how to move on with life – that’s kind of the back story of the world? I’m spending a ridiculous amount of time in video-conferences, and then wandering out into the woods to pick greens for dinner**, and one of the local cafes is running a farmers market from their porch. I love Hugh and Elara – Iron and Magic might be my favorite of your books – and it’s the same world, but it sounds kind of exhausting right now. (Though, if another one came out today, I would snap it up, download and start listening with glee, who are we kidding?)
* I might have lost Wednesday, but I have custody and back up custody arrangements for my cats if anything happens to me. (“Hey, if you die, can I have your cats?” <= brotherly love at its best)
** Okay, I did that before. I do it more now, because shopping is so much more of a nuisance.
Cricket Vespers keeping me company while I collected plants.
Vistaril ( prescription) for the worst allergy days.
I’m blown away by the fan service expectations. I just buy books and read them. You don’t hear me whining about wanting more Edge. Sometimes a series is just that. I could name quite a few series that went last their use by date she ended up a disaster. Also, pity my husband whose favorite series was never finished since the author had a stroke. He had put me in the task of finding book #3 and I had to tell him it was never coming. So just be you.
Ugh, Zyrtec does the same thing to me. It really works but similar to you I feel horrible on it. You have tons of sympathy from me.
I will be honest, Ilona: you sound depressed. You have sounded depressed for a while. Like since Maud’s book. The exhaustion, lack of motivation, general malaise. Something is wrong. Something more than just fatigue. I hope you are able to get it sorted soon.
Ok, now all my ads are for allegra which claims to be non drowsy. Still I hate all these ads that seem like big brother watching…
I’m sending love and virtual hugs to all ya’ll because it sounds like you need them. I miss hugs living alone. As for allergies, hate ’em. But there at least is an entire arsenal of various systemic or nasal sprays to choose from if one has too many symptoms try another. There are a few new ones out as well. As for the virus fears I feel you. I personally question when my throat hurts or I feel tired did I get it? This huge range of symptoms isn’t helpful. Having a plan helps knowing I have a good primary doctor and being a nurse means work would likely test me. Knowing I’m not bringing anything home to loved ones helps more. But still freaky as hell. Stay safe, stay well.
The issues with all of those third generation anti-histamines is that there’s a big issue with individual fit. Claritin does nothing for me. Xyrtec was great, but was too drying, so I couldn’t clear sinus infections. Allegra works great for me – but while this was super useful for my sister, since as a close relative, my pattern was pretty likely to be similar to hers, it’s totally useless to a general stranger.
Of course… when you look at older drugs not only is bendryl sold as a sleep aid, it’s one of several drugs that seem to increase the risk of dementia as you get older. (I pretty much decided to only take it on an emergency basis after I was forty… or at least, after I read through that body of research.) It’s not as bad as finding a good fit with an anti-depressant, probably, but…
I’m so sorry you guys feel this heavy pressure! I think you should focus on what makes you write and be content in general. If you don’t want to come back to the KD universe than that’s fine, take your time. Some pople are going to be dicks but remember that loyal fans appreciate everything you do for us.
Creativity is an exhausting process. People read the romp that is a book and think that is what it’s like to write. But what they don’t know is writing is like any kind of recording: you have to feel it first before you can put it on the page. That’s fine If you’re writing comedy, but if it’s emotionally wrenching and painful, it becomes the writer’s grief, the writer’s pain.
You and Gordon have been writing a LOT for YEARS. If you need to recharge and sleep, maybe you should listen to your body and let your exhausted mental well refill. What we as fans need to do is be patient.
I badly want to start my next book. But for me, the writing process accretes slowly, like an oyster trying to grow a pearl. I can’t rush it, no matter how I want to.
I know that whatever you write, whenever it’s finished, will be delightful, wrenching and fabulous. Because I all the years I’ve been a fan —all the way back to the Edge books—you have never once disappointed me. And you get better with every book.
One quick caution about Flonase—my healthcare pro sister says that COVID goes for the sinuses first. Something that depresses the immune response In the sinuses may not be a great choice right now.
I don’t know if it’s been mentioned, but I take xyzal for my allergies. It’s OTC but if you have a Costco membership and and script from doctor, it’s not too expensive. Also, using neti pot (or the squeeze bottle version) really helps keep the sinus clear with saline solution. I don’t have much of an issue with nosebleeds using the saline solution.
I have the allergic trifecta of eczema, asthma and hayfever which my doctor assured me can often joyously go hand in hand and give delight to their sufferers. However when the hayfever gets insane my GP gives me fexofenadine which in the UK is prescription only but I am jealously told is known as allegra, an OTC product to lucky US citizens. I say lucky because I’m currently unable to visit or consult with my GP and am taking these rubbish one a day OTC cetirizine hyrdochloride tablets that just about let me breathe and that’s all. Not fun. However I looked up zyrtec and thats cetirizine too so you might want to give allegra/fexofenadine a try if you can. I don’t know how a prescribed dose would compare to over the counter quantities but it might still be better.
Sorry you have been so tired. Zyrtec does the same to me so I don’t take it after I told the doctor all I do is sleep. I take a combo of Flonase with Claratin . that seems to work. For me it is seasonal, I live in north Florida. When the lovebugs are out coming; now and in the fall its bad. I live too far in for the ocean breezes to help. I moved here from Miami, I was never sick to now I am sick twice a year miserable without fail. I know you are thinking of moving back to Florida, I had no idea where I am now near Gainesville is a pollen collection area due to the winds. I would have moved much closer to the beach had I known. But I agree with everyone that the med is the problem. Glad the family is all right and you are trying to keep your life as normal as can be. Love the snippets and the books. Stay safe
Agree. Zyrtec knocks me out as well. Claritin is ok and Allegra didn’t knock me out but wasn’t as effective as Claritin. Flonase works pretty well for me but when the season really hits I need both Claritin and Flonase.
Hehe, for my body chemistry, Claritin does nothing, Zyrtec dries me out, & Allegra is the dependable best. I’ll use Flonase when absolutely necessary, but I’m a big fan of distilled water & saline netti pot. It got me through a horrible weeks-long head cold right as the Pandemic was striking Seattle.
Was just going to suggest Flonase and Claritin, see someone beat me to it. A friend swears by it for his cedar fever.
Another unasked for suggestion. I have very mild allergy to oak pollen and thought Claritin didn’t work for me and all a
Else just put me to sleep. Then I tried Alavert. It’s a melt in your mouth Claritin and it works so much better and faster than having it pass through the digestive system first.
Flonase sensimist was a game changer for hubs – he no longer has to take Zyrtec every night (regular Flonase did not do the trick).
The fatigue hit me hard too. And as a long time reader of your books, you run the show in my opinion.
I am eternally grateful that you even write books. Your imaginations and skills keep me sane. No complaints. And of course Hugh is dark. And of course Ryder is addictive. But what you do with your world’s when is your call.
I hope you feel better with corona, the virus or the beer, and am sad that you got the version that drags you thru hell.
I was starting to worry about my level of exhaustion . I already deal with either MS or Lupus or fibro …. I’d have better luck finding out by taking a trip through wonderland….if I could just find a rabbit hole…
Anyway…hope you and yours are good. And the books will come when the time is right. There is a pandemic randomly zapping us. One that started out primitive and then does tricks. You got any characters to come zap it?
SO… from an antisocial, somewhat scattered fan, y’all hang in there. The universe is unfolding as it should….
I have fibro. For 15 years tried to get someone to treat me for hypothyroidism, as I had many symptoms, but my bloodwork didn’t reflect current standards. Finally got an endocrinologist that actually listened to me. The levothyroxine / synthroid didn’t do much for me, but once I switched to natural Armor Thyroid, my thyroid symptoms improved and remarkably, so do my fibro symptoms. Not resolved, but way better. In past few years I have seen literature that supports that connection. So my long winded point is, it may be worth looking into. There are symptoms I had that I never saw listed until I went to a website for people with hypothyroid. One of the main ones was nausea. I could not even look at food until mid to late afternoon. That resolved completely once I was on thyroid meds that worked for me. Good luck! (I have an extensive list of hypothyroid symptoms if you are interested.)
Hope things get better for you soon. We all want new books from our favorite authors (who doesn’t!), but your health should come first 100%.
Hang in there. I hear you regarding the fatigue. When the new “non-drowsy” antihistamines came out, I tried either Zyrtec or Claritin. Which ever one it was made me so lethargic that I thought I needed anti-depressants. I was bone tired. Finally a light bulb went on and I tried Allegra. I still suffer with severe chronic allergies and asthma plus I take multiple meds to control the symptoms so life is interesting now. I can’t wait until the pollen count goes down. Oh, wait, that’s in November if we are lucky…
Write something for yourself, or not as YOU want. Try a stand-alone comedy. Try Jim Hines Terminal Alliance – it’s HILARIOUS! I’ll pre-order what you put up, and if Ryder is a blog special, well, then, aren’t WE the lucky ones who can read it? GRR Martin never finished GOT, nor Robert Jordan WOT. Heck, JIM BUTCHER took a year off. Rest on your laurels for a while – you’ve earned them, and we’ll be here waiting. We’re trapped at home too! ;p
please please also google PARATHYROID which is NOT part of thyroid gland but sits near it. Fatigue is major symptom. https://www.parathyroid.com/
In my almost 70 years I have had multiple medical issues from ragweed allergy to parathyroid, pain from deformed spine, etc etc diagnosed as “depression”.
IMH old person opinion, depression is most often a side effect of a primary medical condition and/or medications.
Very well said. I’m only 66, but yeah, every time I turn around, I’m told I’m “just depressed” and then one day, I fell asleep standing at the sink, watching birds at my outdoor feeder. My thyroid had died, and it took months on end to get the blood tests to claim I’m OK after taking higher and higher levels of replacement hormone. Then I found out that you need vitamin D for your muscles to work at all, so that began. Those levels are checked every 6 months now, and I’m told they’re fine. But I don’t feel fine. A year after that started to work, the pain started and it took a month to get the x-ray, followed immediately by the MRI to diagnose “advanced arthritis” in my lower spine. Then it took 6 weeks to get the referral to the “pain clinic” and get sent to physical therapy. Then, covid-19 was in full swing and I was told that my arthritis wasn’t a good enough reason for them to risk my coming into their little sanctum, so I had one time there and nothing further, despite the fact that what they told me to do caused me so much pain that I couldn’t move at all. Meanwhile, I have had to take an anti-bacterial then an antibiotic for sinus infections due to having a hole in my mouth into my sinus. For the record, I will not be willing to take an anti-bacterial ever again. It caused a lot of other things to happen. But the point wasn’t to list my issues. The point is that at EVERY turn, I was told it was most probably “depression”, but yeah, we can test for whatever you want a test for.
I have allergies to pretty much everything that produces pollen, but the only thing that helps me is good old benadryl. It never puts me to sleep, which is weird. I also use Flonase every single night. When I need it, I use Mucinex. Guess what? I also use saline spray. I take generic singulair every night. I FIGHT the allergies tooth and nail, and sometimes, I win. Before it was confirmed by a doctor that I had allergies, I was told that I had problems because I was “depressed”.
I once bought a little sign and put it up. It said, “Depression is anger without enthusiasm.” I looked at it when someone said I was “depressed”, and I learned that the only anger I ever had was when people said I was “depressed” and I was actually so sick it was a wonder I was still alive.
During this pandemic, what most of us have is actually unresolved anger on top of terror. I don’t really have that, because both my children are working from home at their jobs, although my husband is working in a “necessary” place with only one other worker actually there with him where it’s set up for dozens to be. My granddaughter was enrolled in online school from the start of her educational experience, so she’s not missing any school. I do have some fear about my husband, but he has finally agreed with me to go to stores only on weekends, when he’s at home, to get enough of what he wants to feed himself in his motel room while he works at this job. We live in a small town, but he works where the pandemic is in full swing.
I have learned that doctors who can’t figure out what’s wrong with you tell you to take what amounts to “happy pills” to make you stop complaining. I have also learned to call a different doctor when that happens. Never again will I listen to a doctor telling me that all my problems are in my head. Please, everyone, follow suit on that.
In the spirit of helping try doxycycline 100 mg every other day. Sub microbial dosages. At that level doxy functions as a mmp inhibitor specific to enzyme that breaks down cartlige in the joints and gums. It was double blind tested by nih and for mild to moderate arthritis showed to be effective. Rheumatologist won’t tell u about this. Because it is cheap and generic the drug cos. Don’t benefit from you taking it. The road back foundation might be helpful for you to look into too. Many cases fibro lupus Ms and arthritis treated with their protocols.
I see several people already suggested Claritin and Allegra, both of which are less drowsy than Zyrtec. Also consider speaking to your doctor about singulair. It’s an asthma drug, but it works really well for my allergies (I don’t have asthma). Hope you feel better soon! Allergies are the worst ????
I am medical and this is what I do for my hayfever…
Fexofenadine does not cross blood brain barrier.. therefore no drowsiness. I do not know if this is available in the US or whether this is contraindicated with you. Use a steroid nasal spray early or before season (watch almost any Ear nose throat surgeon on how to use a spray – I almost guarantee you are not using it correctly – I wasn’t) and basic sodium cromoglycate eye drops lots…
But do what works for you and what your doctor advises!
I hope you feel better soon…
Fexofenadine is sold under the brand name Allegra here, though it’s available OTC and there are generics. (It’s what works best for me, too.)
Honestly, I am very excited that Emerald Blaze is almost completely done. I love that universe. I also love KD, so I love Ryder (so many little mysteries in the scenes! and Kate’s in danger!) and Iron Covenant (I seriously did not think Hugh could be redeemed, but you somehow managed it, and I’m very interested in how his books tie into the last KD books). But above all that I hope you feel better soon. 🙂
I wish that I had the exaggerated response to zyrtec that you did but unfortunately that’s not the case. And for you it’s even worse because you don’t want that response. Have you tried Claritin as that is supposed to be the non-drowsy of the two? There are prescriptions that are in the same family as these two that are supposed to be non-drowsy so that means a call to your doctor and it’s Tela visit. Out of all of the nasal sprays I found Nasonex works the best. I am a tried-and-true allergy sufferer and take more allergy medicine in the day than you could possibly imagine and it barely weren’t. Doctors cannot figure out why I’m having such an exaggerated response. Allergies make us feel miserable and I’m sorry that this is become part of your daily reality. before I became disabled and I was working I also had to struggle to try and find things that would not make me sleepy. The struggle is real!.
Hi! Right now we are in the middle of a Pandemic. This is a unique and severe situation. I don’t think anyone would be mad (they should not be!) if you guys took a break. This crisis can have terrible effects on mental health as we all do our bit and stay indoors. I hate to hear that you feel pressured to get things out on schedule because we love your books. Please take the time to to rest. There are other books. We will survive, and we will still adore your writing.
Your books are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them 🙂
anti histamines or histamine blockers (or whatever they are exactly) all seem to have that effect to some extent… I hate it but I still take them anyway
because: allergies suck…
The people who whine about your work not being what they want really need to either get a life or write their own fiction, or both. Nobody is entitled to complain about somebody else not giving them exactly what they want. Especially when that somebody has a very busy life, which may very well be more than the complainer does.
I know several authors in real life, and am practically lifelong friends with one of them – I occasionally find it difficult to wrap my head around the number of people there are who can’t understand why I don’t ask for free copies of their books. Well, for one thing, buying the books is a painless way to help them support themselves and their families. I’ve never been known to hesitate about asking for an autograph – though I usually stand in line for those.
Hear! Hear! Very well said.
I don’t typically comment, but I just wanted to say I hope you feel better!! I understand the constant fatigue. It’s hard to combat and can get frustrating when you have/want to do so many things. Keep hanging in there!!
I’m sorry your feeling this way I too felt side effects from zyrtec. I have been taking claritin…still a little drowsy but it helps. I know everyone is feeling diffrent emotions during this pandemic…but it’s ok to take time to yourself and focus on something else.I’m truly grateful for you and your books but you have to look out for number one…to clarify (yourself and family). People will get over it and when you do decide to write again we will be here. Write for you! Be safe and try not to worry so much.
I am so with you in the allergy department! Born and raised in Louisiana, moved to Kentucky hoping to get some relief from the allergies (hah!!). I am now on Zyrtec ALL YEAR, and when it’s not good enough, I have to take Stahist AD, which contains a decongestant as well, which isn’t good for my blood pressure, but it works, so what can you do? Luckily, Zyrtec doesn’t cause the lethargy for me that it does for you, but I am convinced that antihistamines as a whole have strange and conflicting effects on large portions of the population. And there used to be one (now no longer on the market) which made me so hyper and drunk, that it wasn’t safe for me to drive a car for at least 12 hours (from a supposedly 6-hour pill!) Please try something different because different classes of antihistimines work in different ways, and what causes you intense fatigue would work well for someone else, and what doesn’t work for somebody else might be just the ticket for you.
Be careful with your health; stress from living in this whole situation combined with medication side-effects is nothing to sneeze at (and no, I’m not sorry for the pun!).
My family lives in the Austin area, and for the last month or so they’ve just been getting thrashed by the allergies right now too. Not sure what it is about this season. They even had wondered if maybe they did catch the thing, but are among the people who don’t show any symptoms, except its making their allergies 10x worse than normal. 🙂 OK, yes, fantasy, but still, this season is weird.
Take pediatric Zyrtec at night. When I lived in Houston I had severe allergies and was prescribed Zyrtec, it also kicked me. I am a physician so I started taking the pediatric version at night, and it WORKED. I could still function in the AM. Try it.
Hope it works for you.
Hope you feel better soon! I’m feeling that abnormal extreme fatigue too. These last 3 months or so I could lay down at any point in the day and just be out. Zero energy. The last few days have been better for me with the days getting longer and more sunlight ( I’m in Arizona). I don’t take Zyrtec and my entire family got really sick in January, so I’m about half convinced my family had Coronavirus (but I might just be paranoid). My son and my symptoms were like a cold, but my daughter had to go to urgent care twice and have albuterol in the nebulizer. And her fever flared back up about two weeks after she started getting better. It was crazy. Anyway, I totally understand where you’re coming from on that.
I’d love to see Ryder as a book, but I get why it would be a daunting thing to get into. I’ve read the Kate series 5 or 6 times, but I’m a devoted fan with nary a complaint. That being said, I’m sure there are people out there who would be very particular and have lots of opinions about what happened to all those folks in the intervening years. As always, I’ll be happy with whatever you put out there. ????
I Know about the fatigue syndrome I was so tired all I did was lay in bed or sleep. It was finally found to be severe B 12 loss. Once I started therapy (shots once a day for 2 weeks then once a week for 4weeks now I just have one shot a month) it was like a miracle ! I have all the energy I need to function at “normal” for 76 years old. I can garden, do crafts, and keep my household clutter under control. More or less LOL! Bless all in IA family and as a member of the BDH you are my favorite author lords, please take care of yourselves, We will be here when YOU are ready. Until then I have ALL of your books and will cheerfully re-read them for the 10th or so times. Creator watch over you.
For my whole life I was zombie after Zyrtec, and completely normal after Claritine. In my country actually Zyrtec is given to small kids just because they sleep better and longer afterwards, even if completely itchy or with breathing problems. Loratadine in Claritine is completely non drowsy, and work as well as Zyrtec. If you can, try it.
I hope this gives you some ideas of things to consider that may help you heal. There are specialty labs that can draw blood for tests for food and environmental allergies as well as tick borne or other diseases like mono that may be hiding under the ‘allergy’ umbrella. My allergist informed me that I’m now allergic to ‘everything’ due to long terms stress, et all including not having access to acupuncture during the quarantine and it’s asthma attacks. Since Spring has arrived on a storm of pollen to Sonoma County he suggested that on top of keeping windows closed while running our Hospital grade HEPA filter central air fan 24/7 and taking D-hist (OTC is a no go for me) I should consider wearing a surgical or cloth mask inside the house. He also tasked me with removing anything with scent or chemicals out to the garage to see if it helps. This includes family’s personal care items. Basically baking soda and water to clean the house and bodies. Based on tests and running our 23&me raw data through livewello.com to get an idea which genes are switched off and causing issues with detoxing, inflammation or brain functions, my non-HMO brain-gut specialist (functional) has me removing all: dairy except ghee, gluten, legumes, alcohol, sugar including or especially fake sugars and eggs to reduce over all inflammation. I can have caffeine pills for migraines until I lose the weight trigger. She wants me to both eat and use avocado, coconut and olive oil for skin and hair care. She recommended Heartmath plug in device on my phone to track 15 minute x2 a day meditation results that will help calm my sympathetic nervous system by triggering the parasympathetic system as well as Wired for Healing by Annie Hooper, which I’m slowly reading when I can focus. Please remember you are not alone in this wackiness and you are not crazy. ❤️
Hope you find what works for you.
Re allergy: I was never able to get the more detailed blood allergy testing or allergy relief through conventional physicians. And yeah, I had idiot male doctors try to feed me the depression line.
Best results: added vitamins & probiotics; turmeric for inflammation; food journal helped identify & limit triggers of dairy, corn syrup, sugar; saline sinus spray for inflammation & mucus -or- colloidal silver spray for dry sinus preventing infection; Hyland’s Cell Salts; KIDS version of medications or alternative remedies give me better results than Adult versions.
Re day-to-day inflammation: Advil and Arnica Montana are my best friends
Re ENERGY: CoQ10 aka Coenzyme Q10 has saved my life. It gives healthy energy to every cell in your body without the negative roller coaster of caffeine. I would have been dead 10 yrs ago without it and I’m not exaggerating.
My current challenge is finding healthy indoor exercise for someone with hernias.
Wishing you all wellness on all levels.
P.S. Tsp coconut oil daily took care of my dry eyes. Healthiest oil for body also helps reduce inflammation.
Food journal helped me identify my ears and thumb joints hurt when I had too much dairy; my knees hurt and woke me up after eating potatoes or onions – working to identify now.
Sometimes I wonder if life would be simpler if I had an acute allergy rather than many “sensitivities”.
NOTE: STRESS kicks up allergic response.
I cannot believe that allergy season has the nerve to be this bad this year. Tried to tough it out as wel but almost clawed my eyes out and developed red itchy skin on my face so very sexy I know. The only thing that has helped is benedryl and now I just get unfulfilling sleep all day and am up all night. I know I should go out and walk or work out but meh. If I don’t take it I use something else then my eyes run like I’m crying or I can’t breathe or worse…I sneeze…a lot.
Hang in there. This eventually has to end..right?!
Hope you can get lots of rest. Hope all will be well will your health and your family’s health! I’m no expert but sometimes people just need days and days of lying in bed. We live in the culture of being overworked… It’s ok to give yourself a break. All the work and the fans will still be there after you take a break. So maybe some people might be sad they don’t get a certain book on time or whatever but they can deal with it and it’s your life! I think your fans probably most want you to take care of yourself first!
I live in Houston and suffer with allergies really bad. It’s a prescription but I use Dymista at night. I use Flonase in the morning.
Dear Ilona, I’m sure you know this but maybe others don’t. My DH asked our Dr. after his last bloodwork why 98 % oxygen was “so great”. Long explanation-short, the rest is in the blood solids and if a Dr. ever tells him he has 100%, leave quick and get another Dr.
Ryder could be Catalina or Nevada’s cousin in another reality, in that they just keep going forward toward their goal without dwelling on the negatives. It is more about their resourcefulness under pressure and less about the grief, at least for me.
Right now we’ve all about had it with the “Breaking News” as the next millipede’s shoe drops, and are more interested in stories about how regular people are helping others get through this .
That’s what your books are for me — not about the characters’ problems as much as how they work through them. The suspense and the puzzle solving.
Also, You’re not alone with the fatigue. The internet is abuzz with research about fatigue, lack of good sleep, and very weird dreams that is prevalent world-wide.
If you feel pressure from fans, it’s on them, not you.
The weird dreams are REALLY starting to get to me. I dreamed I was driving some type of big truck on a branch littered road after a storm trying to avoid the big branches and suddenly I’m trying not to run over little babies. BABIES! I woke up sobbing, trying to catch my breath – I just don’t dream like this, I don’t, I’m good at controlling what I dream. This was just so weird. Sorry but it was so terrible.
Dearest Ilona, Zyrtec once made me sleep for two days, I simply couldn’t get out of bed. I don’t know if you can find it in the States, but the pill I take now is called Bilargen (that’s here in Greece, the name in Germany is Antires, in France Inorial, in Italy Robilas, in Spain Bilaxten) and the active substance is bilastine. It doesn’t cause me any feeling of lethargy whatsoever. Anyways, my two cents. Stay safe, healthy and write whatever makes you happy! Loads of love
Yeah, I imagine you’re getting lots of suggestion. Would like to offer that you should go into a Dr and ask for asteline, astelpro, azelastine (same thing just many names). It’s a nasal antihistamine spray. I have the worst allergies and suffered…horribly…. This stuff is “amazing” and rocks my world. I can literally feel the swelling in my nasal passages going down in 30 seconds after use. Flonase never did much for me. Claritin helps some. But this spray… I can’t recommend it enough.
Hi there,
I’ve never posted here, but I enjoy your books immensely. And miss Kate.
As an allergy sufferer ( in the UK, tree pollen), I tried everything, and hated the effect of the drugs. But this year, I’ve had next to no allergy reactions. Local honey, all year long, and zinc, echinacea and vitamin c has worked for me. Really, it must be the honey: worth a try, and much better for you than sugar.
I hope you feel better!
I know what you mean about the Zyrtec, I have horrible allergies also and yeah, always want to sleep. Doing the same thing you are and checking my Sats, I also have asthma, so meh. I do have one thing that helps, eye drops, I get the allergy eyes and I use Olopatadine. It actually helps clear up some of the allergy symptoms and holds off having to take the Zyrtec so much. I got it as a prescription from my doctor.
Don’t worry about the Ryder thing, I know when it’s right for you, you’ll do it. Really appreciate what you do put out there. Stay safe.
The majority of us will be happy with whatever you write. Unfortunately sometimes the fussy ones seem louder.
Personally, I would love a wrap up with Julie. Something short? A novella or short novel like her first one? I don’t know if I have the fortitude for the KD world right now either. Mostly I am comfort reading all the time and you are one of my comfort go-to’s because of the humor and HEA. Usually it’s the Innkeeper right now.
Back to Julie. I would like to have her in a somewhat settled place. Maybe with Derek, because he deserves happiness too. (shh. I didn’t actually say that :).
Thanks for all the comfort. xo
I hope you do feel better-allergies are awful!! Hang in there, all of you, and saty safe and healthy. I do love Ryder !
Darn, so sorry you are having such a tough time. Allergies are the pits and I am sorry I have no useful suggestions to alleviate them. Just know that you have support of many readers who wish you the best and will wait patiently (well, I will try to be patient) for your next offering. I think you should not worry so much about Iron Covenant 2 being dark. The world is pretty dark right now. I think you will find a way to part the darkness and give Hugh and Elara hope even in this seeming apocalypse.
I have been experiencing crazy fatigue too. Also no other symptoms. Feel better. Will enjoy any thing you give out
All I can say is hopefully everything goes well for you and I really love your books. Loved iron covenant 1 and have been and will keep looking forward to iron covenant 2
(I do understand that you have to be motivated to write It and if your not it is better to wait and relax until you are)
Thank you for continuing to write such wonderful books.
I’m truly sorry Hugh 2 is giving y’all such problems. Just hope you know that dark or light, most of us will love whatever you write. As someone else said, the whiners need to get a grip or write their own stories! Please don’t take the whining contingent to heart!
i know its not as simple as i dont want to write covenant 2 and write a whole different book. im sure you have obligations that need to be fulfilled but id be happy. i know very selfish .im hoping to get a Julie Derek book.have loved the ryder saga and always want more but not too much more because then it might make it difficult to write a full book.i know selfish.
Hi! Ilona your health is the most important thing beyond all else . So take care of you and your family . If and when you two write it I will be buying and reading it. I neither knit nor cook and yet you’ve managed to pique my interest on those topics . Best wishes for better health .
That makes so much sense :). I hadn’t really thought that much about the difficulty of making everyone happy about how all of their favorite characters are doing 10 years later, if they’re doing something new people may not like it, if they’re doing the same thing people may not like it and each character is someone’s absolute favorite – it’s just a lot of futures to come up with and work together explanations for etc. Also it’s easy to forget as fans that you’re working on Emerald Blaze and Iron Covenant 2 at the same time. ^_^ I’m impressed as always. Especially since you aren’t quite done working on the 10 years in between anyway (still writing Hugh and Elara’s books and you might decide you want to go back to Roman during that same gap for fun). After reading what you wrote above I realized – oh yeah, probably shouldn’t make Ryder a book, at least not now. Maybe later if you get enthusiastic about it sometime 🙂 Many of us readers have been following your work for years. Not now doesn’t always mean not ever :). We are really very much just a book devouring hoard, we’ll be just as happy reading whatever you want to write instead of anything you don’t ^_^. Most of enjoy your writing enough to like all of your series. Thanks so much for your writing and for being so responsive to your readers, and I hope the fatigue abates soon.
Please feel better Ilona. Seconding everyone above who mentions that health is always the priority. Regarding the allergies, I know everyone has mentioned this in one form or another and I’m sure you’ve experimented with the other options but in case you haven’t, this is my two cents:
Antihistamines almost all have some degree of drowsiness associated with them but Zyrtec can be the worst of them. When it comes to antihistamines, there is a relative strength and in ascending order, it’s the following (all over the counter):
– Claritin/loratidine 10 mg (weakest, least drowsy, often used in kids)
– Zyrtec/cetirizine 10 mg (stronger, more sedating)
– Xyzal/levocetirizine 5 mg (some claim stronger, other equivalent to Zyrtec, is marketed as the less sedating cousin of Zyrtec)
– Allegra/fexofenedine – at the 180 mg dose, it is the stronger antihistamine we have.
Caveat: everyone is different and some people do respond better to Zyrtec and some people start to tolerate certain antihistamines and need rotation of the anti-histamines
For you, I would consider xyzal/generic levocetirizine (if you haven’t already) to see if it causes less sleepiness/fatigue or Allegra/fexofenedine as someone above mentioned.
Someone above also mentioned the improper spraying technique most of us have for Flonase or nasal sprays. I second that. Flonase needs to be sprayed at 45 degree angle outward (Toward our swollen nasal turbinates) not straight up (where it goes up and falls down our throats). I always tell people if they taste it, they are spraying it wrong and it’s not working.
The one other thing to consider is if you have gotten recent updated labs? We are seeing a lot of vitamin D deficiency this season because of Indoor quarantine and terrible allergies preventing sun exposure. D deficiency, depending on how severe it is, can also cause lots of body aches and pains, low mood and increase the risk of generalized inflammation (we have data that shows that certain autoimmune conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Inflammatory bowel distressed can flare/worsen in the setting of D deficiency, not that you have those but I just tend to use it as justification it avoid low D states). Vitamin B12 or iron deficiency can also cause terrible fatigue. And as people above have mentioned, we women tend to be at higher risk for thyroid disease in general and it can start at any time.
Despite all the above, I know it’s not really our business to offer unsolicited medical advice and honestly you probably do not need it, but please take these as the ramblings of one more person who just cares a lot and hopes you feel better. You and Gordon have been working so hard for so long and it is a stressful world right now, so it’s not unreasonable for you to be tired from all that alone. Please take care of yourselves and as crazy and ravenous as we fans are for your books, know that it’s not just the books we care about. First and foremost, We want you to be happy and healthy.
I never comment cause really what is there to say. Love the books, dislike the people that have a list of wants and demand they happen.
Anyway, I can’t take the majority of hayfever tabs as they knock me out. Zrytec is top of that list. Claratyne (Loratadine) works for me as a non drowsy when needed but I use a nasal spray one atm that works the best – Avamys.
I am sorry you’re feeling so tired. I am sorry your writing is being dictated by “fussy readers“. I know there are fussy readers, I’ve seen them respond to your blog. Please remember that they are idiots and are a tiny portion of your readers. They do not represent most of your readers; who appreciate what you choose to write. Covenant two, Ryder or whatever; I trust your muse. Frankly, I’m irritated that the fussy readers are making you second-guess yourself. Let the fussy readers hinder some other author.
I’m new to the south and have recently unlocked the allergy symptom “now your sinuses are so full your teeth hurt.”
My brother lives in Georgia, has terrible allergies, and doesn’t tolerate over the counter antihistamines. I found an herbal supplement called Rootology and sent it to him a couple years ago. It has worked quite well for him.
Hope you feel better soon.
For all you allergy sufferers (and I am one of you!) a non-medicinal approach that helps is using a neti pot once or twice a day. It takes some getting used to, but it helps keep nasal passages clean and clear and saline solution that is used with it helps shrink swollen nasal tissues. I prefer the neti pot, but there is also a squeeze bottle alternative. It is better to start before allergy season, but since it’s too late that for that, better late than never!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KID 2!!!!???????????????????????????????????????????? Much joy!
I have seasonal allergies that went crazy one year and didn’t end, been when the season changed. Dr. prescribed Flonase and it was a game changer. The way he explained it is that it doesn’t give instant relief because it’s a steroid that is localized to your sinuses. It calms down the histamine action causing the allergies. I used Flonase, and it took a week to kick in. However, it completely calmed down my allergies. Now I only need it for a few weeks a couple of times a year. Please give it a try.
It took me a while to decide to post but…
“And neither of us is superpsyched about Iron Covenant, because it’s kind of dark for right now.”
There’s a lovely song by the Irish singer Hozier called NFWMB; he’s taken a dark image (from W B Yeats poem ‘ The Second Coming) and turned it in to a love song: (Hugh’s homage to Elara?)
or the song without the discussion: https://hozier.com/video/
Costco has a 5 pack of its house brand of Flonase. Much cheaper. Wishing you and yours all the best during this time of siege.
You do you. We’re just along for the glorious ride. Whatever you choose to write, we have to accept as your fans. It’s the way of the world. No one should dictate what you write, accept maybe your publisher. But that’s neither here nor there!! ???? We will always love and support your allergy-ridden ass no matter what you write!!
Please take care of you, we can wait for the book but your health is more important <3
Prayers for you and your family. We will wait for you and Gordon to do what you do so well. As a naturopath, former nurse, and in school for a Doctorate in functional medicine , I have found that this has worked well for family, clients and friends who have suffered from ridiculous allergies and side effects from allopathic medications. Please give it a try.
Boiron Histaminum hydrochloricum 200ck
You can thank the department of agriculture for a lot of your allergies/hayfever. Back in the 40’s they decided that cities were to only plant male trees and shrubs because the female ones were too messy what with their seed pods and all. As male trees get older they produce more pollen than the year before and with very few female trees to collect all that pollen it just blows all over the place and makes everyone’s life miserable.
I’ve just found your blog – so bring a newbie perspective – sorry if it’s old news.
But I am in awe at your willing vulnerability! To catch a glimpse of a well know author who is normal and open about struggles?! What a gift, thank you!
Yes, I too am waiting for more (Sweep & Iron). But now have a new appreciation of what it takes to give us our wishes. Thank you and I will remain loyal.
Is there any benefit to reading reviews?
Don’t do it!
Let your editor or Brandi share the reviews that they think you need to see. Otherwise, sit at home and let us send you the money! Don’t read the reviews.
Who cares what everyone thinks!
Or as Feynman wrote: Why Do You Care What Other People Think
The story behind that book is precious! Maybe you guys know it. But the message is: we should care what our dearest think. (And maybe your editor.)
Much hugz of the safe virtual kind . Rest up we can wait . Self care is important . Good wishes for all in your home.
I had the fatigue problem for a long time and was getting tested for fibromyalgia when I read an article on Gluten- so I quit eating it and that completely changed my life with fatigue. Just wishing health and happiness for you!!!
I am feeling like a zombie too.????
I have found that quercetin with bromelain (day or night) helps take the edge off allergies. It does not get rid of them, but between that an elderberry tea (natural anti-histimine) I can sometimes get by without other allergy meds. One of the key things though is to take it before the allergy reaction is out of hand. So if you are on something, start the quercetin/brom right as you stop the other. Elderberries (Dried and then boiled into a lovely tea) taste good and are also anti-viral (FWIW).
I hope you feel better soon. It’s hard to be creative when you are emotionally and physically drained. I think this is how more people die in books than any other cause–exhausted authors… 🙂 Hugs.
I use Flonase Sensimist for my allergies when Claritin isn’t cutting it. Hope your energy returns soon!
neoclarityn Or levocetirizine
For hayfever. They are the newer version of the original antihistamine.
In the uk they are only available via the doctor. Please check it out.
Levocetrizine is prescription Zyrtec analog – Zyrtec is cetrizine. So I would not recommend that . It’s basically a stronger version of Zyrtec. I take a tiny piece of prednisone for a flare-up and do antihistamine nose sprays (prescription) combined with either Nasacort or Flonase (steroids) nightly for for regular allergy days and it does the job very well . My allergies used to be so bad I couldn’t keep my eyes open due to itchiness and dryness.
I agree that Ryder needs to be very well thought out as no matter what you do, lots of life had happened and people changed so there shall be fuss no matter what.
Oops, didn’t mean to post that as a reply to your comment/it was meant as general comment but don’t see a way to edit these post- post lol
Have you tried Allegra? I’ve used it for years and it’s been a godsend. No drowsiness at all. YMMV as everyone is different, and apologies if I’m telling you about something you’ve already tried or heard of and rejected.
One other thing I’ve experienced is a Vitamin D deficiency. It caused extreme lethargy in me. A year of pills later, they retested, I felt a LOT better, and I didn’t have to take the pills any more. Not saying it’s the same thing, but there are things that can cause symptoms like what you’re describing that aren’t coronavirus. I also completely understand not wanting to go to the doctor’s right now!
Thank you for sharing your worlds with us. I greatly enjoy your writings.
Zyrtec hits me that way; I take Claritin daily and supplement with Flonase during the oak pollen and cedar pollen months. Honestly, the best thing has been allergy shots. It’s taken 3 years, but my allergies are much improved.
Worked for me as well (knocked it far, far back), but they warned me at the start that it fails about 40% of the time. I was also in the lucky majority!
*high fives another success story*
First, Don’t worry about Hugh #2. You are missing the part were you are taking a person who was “bad” and are making them into an understandable human being. Sounds like a win to me.
I have accidently ended up on some book review blogs about John Ringo’s books. Even if you, or other readers dont care for them, I really wish I had kept the URL’s for those blogs. They sounded like 3 year olds describing bodily functions. They missed everything about his books, just like any negative reviews are completely missing what your books are really about, and what they are intended to give your readers. As someone else already said (in a slightly different manner) let you bank account be your reviewer, it is the most accurate. And write some more books about Maud, everyone loves them too.
I have no allergy med recommendations, but I would like to say I love your work. I also recognize that it is work and you have obligations to meet as well as stories you are already in the middle of telling. I wish you the best bringing Hugh and Elara to a lighter place. Redemptions are always fun to watch. If you decide not to give Julie the book treatment, I understand. There are only so many stories you can tell after all. A short story or novella later down the line when you aren’t pressed for time could be fun. Or even the snippets. I am just happy to read whatever. Also, we had to rent a house during our time of corona, so yeah. You have my sympathies with THAT!
Loratadine and Flonase. Most of the brand pills suck the energy out of me. Generic loratadine and Flonase do the job without stealing my ability to think. I hate that exhausted feeling. The whole situation we’re living with right now can be enervating too. Best to you and your family.
Happy belated Birthday to Kid 1 🙂
Everyone’s allergies react to medications differently. Clariten did nothing for me. I was an Allergra girl; all the way. My asthma and allergy specialist recently switched me to xyzal and it worked amazingly well for me, with no side affects. I’m really sorry you feel so crummy. Adding that on top of your deadlines, writing commitments, and the awful that is happening in the world must be a heavy burden.
What I can tell you; is I just spent nearly $60 on your books last week. My husband and I love all of your books. I have read them multiple times. Your books & the blog are a bright place of comfort for me.
So do what you need to do to feel well and know that you are appreciated and loved.
Thank you from Upstate NY.
I feel the same way, and I know many others are as well. I’m not even a great one for daily routine, but this stay-at-home disruption is energy-sapping, plus all the sad news, even if you try to avoid it somewhat. I don’t know anyone personally who has Covid 19, but I know a lot of people who are battling with the isolation and depression. I’m so very blessed because I know the Lord and I trust Him, but it is still difficult. God bless you and keep you and your family! I may understand a bit how you feel, because I find that pressure makes me want to go back to bed, and depletes my desire and energy to do things. You are two of the hardest-working, most productive writers, pat each other on the back more and enjoy your family and friends. Take time to laugh and connect with God. As the scripture says, “The joy of the Lord is our strength”. Joy and love restore us. I love you!
Hi, Ilona. I highly suggest eliminating dairy from your diet to end your allergy symptoms. Simply try it for 2 weeks and see what you notice. Dairy is proven to be a main contributor of allergies to many things indoors and out, and also chronic fatigue due to the way our bodies internally respond to dairy (causing immediate and chronic internal inflammatory responses throughout the body, cells, organs, and immune system). Dairy naturally has caseomorphine in it, a derivative of morphine, which fires off our pleasure-seeking neurons and synapses in our brains giving us a subtle “high” feeling whenever we ingest it and causing us to crave it. So we actually get somewhat addicted to dairy. It’s more concentrated in cheese because cheese is concentrated down dairy. Why we loooove cheese so much. Caseomorphine is also found in human breast milk. Scientists believe it’s purpose is twofold: to cause baby cow or human to want to drink lots to grow strong and big (upping odds of survival), and to facilitate bonding with mama. The problem is we are weaned off human breast milk after a few years, but we continue ingesting the milk of another species for life. If concerned about calcium intake when discontinuing dairy, there is a LOT of factual info regarding original calcium sources (all kinds of plants are loaded, that’s where the cows get the calcium in their milk, for example) out there, along with scientific studies showing dairy actually leaches calcium from our bones, just the opposite of what we’ve been told for generations now. Research it, don’t simply take my word on it. But I hate seeing you suffer so needlessly. You and your family are great people even before being great authors. Hugs to you.
I meant to mention, also, regarding the subtle addiction to the caseomorphine we get from consuming dairy: the body loses the addiction (craving) for it the longer we don’t keep ingesting it , but usually as soon as we eat it again, that subtle craving kicks back in for 3-5 days typically. Just something to be aware of.
Zyrtec makes me a zombie too. Sorry. I used Allegra, it does the same but not as bad. So I went to Claritin which isn’t as good, but I can actually walk thru the day if I couple it with Flonase it works well. Good luck. Allergies suck.
I don’t have a comment so much as a question. We live in Phoenix, so a bit ahead of you season wise. We are also seniors so have pretty much been confining ourselves indoors or on our property for the past six weeks. My husband has pollen induced asthma. I tried to convince him that he would benefit from wearing the masks (that I made him) indoors and out. Instead, he dug in his heels. As I said, we are confining ourselves to our own property so he still hasn’t used his mask. I know, from what you are reporting, that you surely must have to go out occasionally. Do you find that the mask helps you when you wear it. Do you notice if it collects pollen as you breathe?
I think I’ve tried everything under the sun for hayfever, including shots. The thing that has worked the best for me is called cromolyn sodium (Nasalcrom). It is a nasal spray that DOES NOT contain any steroids. It actually coats the cells in your nose which produce histamine so that they can’t burst and release it into your system. I start using it about two weeks before I figure my spring death will kick in but it has helped even after the sneezing has started. I know everyone has different body chemistry, but this has been a miracle drug for me. Love to the Andrews team!
I just bought nasacrom last week, how long did it take for it to work in your case?
I’m an RN and a lot of my patients and colleagues swear by netipots. It’s basically where you wash your sinuses out with saline. This may help with the allergies. I am a big believer in vitamins and a super B complex is good for fatigue and stress. Add vitamin C to the daily regime as well to boost the immune system.I take 1000 mg 3 times a day. Feel better soon. I am a devoted fan and can’t wait for whatever you all produce. It’s all fabulous. That said, I’d love to see the KD universe 10 years later. No pressure…be safe and may your Muses whisper sweetly to you.
Hey, I just checked on Goodreads, and Ryder hasn’t shown up as a book, so don’t let that get you down!
No matter how you present it, considering the time-lapse, lots of changes and character growth (and regression and scarring) would have happened so readers are bound to be fussy now matter what. Each person has their own version the KD world HEA and you can’t make them all happy at once.
Fully agree, that individuals react differently to different allergy medications. But as I couldn’t find it in the recommendations above: do you know the ingredient “Desloratadine”? That’s a 3rd generation anti-histamine for which you still need a doctors prescription in Germany, but it is known for almost not making tired anymore!
Cetirizine also made me very tired and feeling like my head was trapped in a glass ball. Loratadine was much better, but the solution for me was Desloratadine. I don’t know the product names in US, but there are generics existing already.
Even anti-histamines do not always stop every symptoms like itchy nose and eyes, but this can be additionally treated by anti-allergen spray or eye drops.
Hope, I could help. Love your work and books and looked at your homepage to see if you’re fine because I was wondering about the unusual long time since the last release in German. Actually it feels longer than it really is… 😉 So no hurry, wish you a lot of energy, inspiration, joy of writing and of course strong nerves in these weird, crazy and frightening times. Looking forward to your next book, whatever it will be. Stay safe and healthy! 🙂
It’s probably not your allergies – I know my mold allergies are making me miserable (spring is finally going here in Minnesota), what with the warm, dry, whoops, here’s some rain and cooler! bounces.
It’s all the Zoom meetings and the endless, stressful uncertainty about the future because we’re living through a pandemic with no real action we can take to alleviate the 4F’s. It hits your body, your brain, your immune system – and it’s *exhausting.* I’m unwillingly very experienced living for years under this kind of stress.
Keep cutting yourself some slack. Really. No – more than that. Introverting, mostly staying at home normally, all that is not the same as being under the gun of the world right now.
Anyway. Thank you, once again, for providing my brain a brief respite, allowing me to recharge and let my inhaler and some food and lots of water help me get back to mental focus, and a bit of energy. And thanks for the ice cream recipe. 😉
Take care of you. 🙂
I am an avid fan … and I say that you should write what you want when you want. I think it has gotten to be a ridiculous expectation for writers to churn out books like a production line. Keep up what you love to do as that comes thru in the books you write and DONT read reviews . Best wishes for a sneeze free May.
I love everything you write and wish you both were not feeling so stressed by the idea of extending KD world with Ryder and Hugh books. Ignore the fussies! It’s your world and I love the chance to see what is changing and how people are evolving. Kate Daniels is my favorite series of all time and I re-read them all twice a year. You guys are the creators of this amazing world/characters and I can’t imagine reacting to anything you write that is related with anything less than gratitude and love! Hope your family is staying safe, healthy, and happy. Please continue to make novels that knocks my socks off!!!!
You are not alone.
In your exhaustion
In you allergies.
Here is a big at distance hug because, well, they are in short supply. Allergies have been off the charts this year. I take xyzal in the daytime and have to add Benadryl some days, which knocks me right out. This year I’ve had to add Guaifenesin and Sudafed. One to liquify the stuffiness and the other to dry it out, having already gotten a sinus infection. I also have to wear an N95 mask outside all the time, for allergies. Also goggles. Don’t ask. All the seedlings I ordered pre-virus are arriving tomorrow. I’m thinking hazmat suit.
Allergies themselves are hard on the body. Everything goes to high alert. I make an herbal tea concoction that has raspberry leaves, dandelion, nettle, oatstraw, peppermint or spearmint, lemon balm, passion flower leaves, and hibiscus flowers. The raspberry leaves and dandelion are both good for women, iron and mood enhancing. The nettle is good for allergies, reduces reactions a bit. The oatstraw, passion flower, lemon balm are also for mood. Hibiscus and the mints makes it all taste great and are high in vitamin C. This tea is fabulous with honey and chilled if it’s hot out, and very pretty.
The several days of just wanting to stay in bed seem to be part allergy and part sub-conscious worry exhaustion. Just because. Not quite thinking or sleeping. It is…aggravating in an annoying sort of way?
We really love the Julie bits, but no pressure. They should be fun for you to write for a break. Absolutely love the bit with Nick and her descriptions of Grandmother. And whoa, what has she done to herself?
From our family to yours, all the best.