I’ve tried to write the whole last week and no go. Partially, I don’t know what to work on. I keep trying things and none of them pan out. Iron Covenant II is really dark in parts and it’s too dark for right now. Roman is in the same boat. I don’t want to work on anymore Hidden Legacy for a little bit, since we just finished it and we both need a break. Innkeeper is completely off the table. We just finished a novella and it also requires a lot of emotional input. Both One Fell Sweep and Sweep in Peace were draining, because they had really sad moments.
Normally within a week, I start revving up, but my brain is just sitting here, going “Huh?” So I have zip. Zip.
On the phone today:
Jeaniene Frost: The brain is like a muscle and you pulled it.
Me: I have this historical fantasy I plotted out, blah blah blah, and so I have the plot but I can’t bring myself to write it. I just stare.
Jeaniene: Your brain is like a muscle and you pulled it. Take a week off.
Me: How is your writing going?
Jeaniene: Oh no, my groceries came! I have to go and sterilize everything!
Me: Jeaniene! I know what you doing!
Jeaniene: Sorry, got to go, bye!
So there.
We are all psychologically worn out from this mess. As soon as the brain starts back up, I’ll have something up for you. But for now, I’ve got zip.
PS. Also I have seen my inbox. Stop offering money , yarn, and coffee for Julie story. We are not susceptible to bribes.
LOL… how about Swiss chocolate? A Swiss Chocolate Easter Bunny… Even though it Would be smashed While shipping.
Belgian Chocolates!!!
I have made a Swiss Chocolate meringue buttercream for the chocolate cake for Gordon’s 50th birthday. Does that count?
Oh yes
Ooooo! Could you post the recipe for that? It sounds decadent.
Ooh that sounds yummy! Happy birthday Gordon
What makes it “Swiss”? And yes, it counts. 🙂
I am not sure what makes it Swiss. It’s a variety of European buttercream that uses meringue as a base. I followed her recipe. https://www.cupcakeproject.com/italian-buttercream-swiss-buttercream-french-buttercream-frostings/
Yum, I want a slice! Rest your brain muscle, please. And thanks for the Julie snippets.
Yay! Happy to see this post because it means you don’t have the plague! Listen to your friend, she loves you, she knows you and she is also a writer. Besides, if there was ever a time to slow down, rest and listen to your body, now is it!
Don’t worry about. I will read whatever you publish, whether it is 1 year from now or 5. We all will. Be good to yourself. The writing will come when your brain is ready, not you (that doesn’t make much sense, but you know what I mean ????)
It is very hard to get motivated to work right now. I am there with you.
What about a previously unpublished Pushkin poem which features the wise cat prominently?
And … stuff
Would you do it then?
If such a bribe existed.
My brain is a fuzz too. I’ve been starting different projects every few days and then I hit a wall. It’s the stress of the whole thing. You can just watch hundred thousand people day and feel normal and do normal things especially when we don’t know how many more dead are to come. So we all just do things to feel like humans. I’m glad you guys are not sick, writing will come eventually.
A good friend reminded me recently that it’s okay to not be productive during a global worldwide crisis. It sounds silly, but that’s what I needed to hear. That it’s okay to just embrace the downtime. I’m lucky enough to still have a job, and also in the position where this situation has increased my work rather than decreased it, but still–I don’t have to be productive every minute of every day, or even every day. Neither do you. You don’t owe that to anyone.
I know for y’all you work at home and your work schedule hasn’t necessarily changed, but it’s still a global pandemic that is sucking up everyone’s thoughts, emotions and attention, and it’s okay to say you know what, we are going to take a break for awhile while this goes on.
Best of luck to you, and please take the time you need. You sound burned out.
My mind is mush from the whipsaw information on the virus. Everything I try I just stand and stare. I am amazed that I can take a shower and get dressed. Thank heaven I do exercises on autopilot. Good thing I do not have large spiders or I would be a cocoon in a corner. Everyone keeps saying this too shall pass but where do they get their information? Sometimes it takes a long time for muscles to heal and we need to baby them until they do.
Rest. Play with yarn. Try not to surf news too much.
I am involved with medical strategy for Covid treatment clinical trials. It is exhausting and my brain needs periodic breaks to function despite urgency to get things moving. I understand the medicine behind all the craziness and it is still overwhelming. (My husband is non-medical and actually is having a harder time dealing with everything since we are in a ‘hotspot’ and self-isolated at home since he is at risk – luckily you can do a lot of the set up work for a clinical trial with video conferencing.) I will need time off when things calm down.
Thank you for your work and best of luck in the trials. We’ll all need a break when we can get one.
Is there anything really wrong with taking a staycation? I know under normal circumstances you’d probably push back into writing but these aren’t really normal circumstances. Taking good care of yourself including health helps others, too.
Perhaps some podcasts or audio books, tea, and an easy knit?
L’m glad i’m not the only one that has no motivation. I have a wedding quilt to quilt, but the wedding was called off, but they’re still getting married, just without guests. All weekend I looked at the quilt, which I had taken off a half day last week from work, (I work for the state and we are exempt from the directive to stay home. they are encouraging those that can, to work from home) to pin together, and kept walking by it. I look at mask patterns to make and don’t do it. it’s straining your brain plus the outside influence of this coronavirus. don’t beat yourself up, give it some time you are not alone. stay safe and healthy
Whispers under her breath, “Technomancer….” and flees.
Amen!!!! Echos quietly back
If you’re able to go out into your yard, do it and enjoy nature. Watch your cats play. Let your mind wonder for no other reason than your own pleasure or curiosity. Just chill and breath. No worries.
Yup, I found my creativity shot. I went to quilt and couldn’t get going. Blank, nothing happening. And I tried a hand sewing project. Nope, not happening. Then someone asked me to make a face mask. That worked. Maybe it’s the service part of it, or the need.
Anyway, take care. Be kind to yourself.
Sorry about the brain deadness. We’re doing a ton of gardening, but after awhile, that gets old too. And as much as we both love to read, I can’t do that 24 hours a day. My eyesight is already bad, that much reading just makes it worse.
How about snippets or outtakes from the Kinsmen universe? It would be fun to see what’s happening to people like Claire & Venturo.
Personally, this kind of stress is crazy hard to deal with and I am not able to enter a creative space in any way. I can only do what I can do, and imagine everyone else is in the same boat.
A co-worker keeps sending me emails with all the dire news out there, despite multiple requests to stop. It feels incredibly hostile.
So, personally, whatever is least stressful is what I’m shooting for. I wish you and everyone else luck and any happy moments that come your way!
How about people send you terrible puns?
That’s not punny
How do you make anti freeze? Take away her fleece pajamas.
A man just assaulted me with milk, cream and butter. How dairy.
Don’t trust atoms, they make up everything.
I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.
If you ever get cold, just stand in the corner of a room for a while. They’re normally around 90 degrees.
Take time off. Recharge. Feel no guilt. We are greedy little buggers, anyway.
Tea?! XD
On instagram, artists are going crazy with the #sixFanarts challenge: 6 different characters – suggested by followers or at their own choice – to draw. Someone tries different styles for the occasion. Someone has said it helps with their art block.
I don’t know if something similar could be done with writing…
But for now just rest, how long you need it. 🙂
My brother is doing a global art project involving people making a single letter and photographing themselves holding it up #standtogether2020 His art is normally collaborative involving welding tools and lasers and he had a very hard time until he hit on this photo project as a way to reach out to the world. Each artist is approaching their muse differently. Tea and a nap followed by non-writing activities is just setting up the garden beds of the mind for seeds to sprout later. We all want you to take care of yourselves!!
Here is a social distance high five and a thanks for everything you wrote before the injury. My husband devoured the first Edge book yesterday refusing to come up for air until it was done. So we got plenty of catalog to re-read while you heal.
I’m stress buying pajamas and fabric.
Hey, we’re just glad you’re alive and well! Listen to your BFF Jeaniene – we’ll be here whenever.
This is likely a false memory as I want to believe it will happen so badly but I seem to remember you had a really awesome idea for another kinsman story…
did I hallucinate that??
Also brain needs holiday sometimes – especially with all this craziness going on.
Take care
You have both earned a rest. We don’t want either of you to burn out. Ignore the rabble and the tantrums. ???? we’ll still be here. Enjoy a staycation.
Hahaha, well at least the bribes are imaginative. I feel the same way, my day was more productive when I could go to college and do more in an hour than 2 at home.
Just have to pick some other creative outlet for a while, rest up your muscle and it will all work out.
Bribes, what a hoot! You are not alone. Many of us can’t seem to focus or find motivation to do much beyond daily needs. I know I can’t seem to do anything but read and cook. So cut yourselves some slack! Veg for awhile and do your best to avoid the news. All the best!
I can relate. I figured the only good thing to come from this confinement (I live alone) is that I could read and read and read some more, but sadly my brain won’t let me focus – on anything. Just this weekend I was able to binge watch season 2 of The Expanse, so maybe I am coming out of the fog. Listen to your brain, emotions or best friend. Take the time you need. It will come back and all be right again soon. Good Luck.
Thank you for always making our days a little brighter – rest your sore muscle 🙂
My mother turned 100 today; she’s in assisted living and on lock down.
Saturday I took her the birthday cake I made; gave it to the nurse who was suited up. My mother walked to the glass door and waved at me as I belted out Happy Birthday. I can’t carry a tune lol. I’m so thankful she is still with us, can still walk and live in assisted living. I’m heart broken that none of our family can give her a hug on the day she turns 100.
She’s an inspiration to me – she always took care of herself. Please take care of yourselves too; you bring so many of us joy and timeout from reality.
Just wanted to say I got and reread “Sweep With Me.” Even though I already read the online version, and it hasn’t really changed that much, I especially enjoy the more rounded and polished details of the published version. Thank you.
How about toilet paper? Can I interest you in toilet paper, Little Girl?
listen to Jeanine. Jeanine is wise. give yourself all the time you need, our love isn’t going anywhere.
I have previously dreamed about winning the lottery and bribing you with Monte Cristo-style treasures to write a Jack novella ????, so I know where the inbox people are coming from
Now is the time to be very gentle and accepting of whatever your brain does. Are you unable to write? That’s fine. Are you writing twenty hours a day to escape reality? Also fine. Are you playing twenty hours of animal crossing? Fine. Take a shower, eat a vegetable, communicate with your loved ones. That’s it. Everything else is extra. It’s all fine. Wash your hands.
I agree with your friend. You need to take a break. Take naps, read a book and watch Disney Plus. We are watching National Geographic episodes. Basically take a vacation.
Long walks keeping socially distant.
Plant a garden.
Anything but writing or thinking.
Tea? Has anyone tried a tea bribe? I have a lovely black tea, or a green tea with blueberries… tea and chocolate? I make awesome truffles…
(I used to put these teacher bags together for Christmas and end of year gifts for the elementary school teachers with hot chocolate/tea, home made soap and bath salts, candles, a mug, and a little box of dark chocolate truffles every year for the boys teachers. My boys are all grown up now, but at the farmers market last year 2 of the teachers said “Can we *order* a box of those truffles you used to make? OMG, we were so jealous when the boys left our class and we didn’t get them anymore.” 🙂 I make really good truffles.)
When I worked in the hospital, I put gift bags together for the nurses (one large bag per nurse station) with tea, coffee, hot chocolate packets, packaged single serving snacks – granola bars, cookies, nuts, dried fruit, etc.. My boss saw them and liked the idea so much, he paid me back what I spent to have them from all the docs in our group. I suspect if some are in areas where something like this could be done for the health care workers, they would appreciate receiving easy to eat snacks for the break rooms since it is hard for them to break long enough to get anything to eat.
Friends keep telling me to extend myself some grace and let my brain rest. I don’t really know how to let my brain rest, but I’m going to say the say to you. I hope you are able to extend yourself some grace and let your brain rest. It is odd when we need rest from the things that used to be outlets, but now provide their own pressure, like writing.
Listen to your friend and your brain. It is ok to take a break. We are all thrown off balance during this world event. We are in it together. 🙂
Your fans, especially the BDH, will not desert you for taking a week or two. Don’t get me wrong the rule is, you write it I will read it. But there is no timeline there. Whenever, however and whatever….I will support you. You both have given me years of enjoyment and wonderful worlds that will stay with me until I die. For that I will always be grateful.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I will share a book I think you might enjoy….as you say your mileage may vary….but it is all I can offer. Sinister Magic by Lindsay Buroker….it is book 1 of an unfinished series. There are 3 out right now. I read all 3 this weekend.
Enjoy and be at peace House Andrews.
Sorry to hear inspiration and motivation and socially distancing themselves from you. Take care of yourself and your family. We love you???? God bless you!
Take care! It’s hard for many of us to focus on *usual* things while the world is blowing up–I can’t imagine how hard it must be to create word magic in the current circumstances.
Thank you for the post, Ilona Andrews. Small Day-cations are good for restoring brain muscle fatigue. Ms Frost is correct it has been a very stressing year so far for everyone.
I do not know if you are under a stay in place order like I am here in nc. Here’s my list. mow the grass. Groom the cats and dogs And bovines as they should be blowing their winter pelts there too. Do not groom the turtle, It’s not necessary. Clean out the pantry. Walk ten times around house or do ten laps in pool. Make a garden. Do cut computer on but not to write. Play a stupid game or a non stupid game. Alter clothes in the TTD bin. Clear out non fitting clothes from closet.
There should be enough stuff needing to be done to keep you occupied for several days that are not emotionally stressing or brain stressing like it has been. No need to leave house. As Dad said “all work and no play, makes you an unrounded person.” So play.
Be well. Rejoice that everyone in family is well. Count your blessings and be thankful for.
I live five miles from New York City and Northern New Jersey is a mess, too. I was here for 9/11 and I remember it being the same – everyone was just numb and grasping at anything to do to help. Right now I’ve got one friend who’s got 150 masks cut out, waiting for the ordered elastic.
When I was in graduate school, for Education, I read an article called “So the Witch Won’t Eat Me.” (Bear with me, I’ll connect it.) The idea of the article is that we need stories with horrible villains. Kids (and us) understand that there is evil in the world. The purpose of stories is to show that we can triumph over the evil. About 40 years ago, there was a movement to make “nicer” fairy tales, and it died a death of Meh. They didn’t work.
I recently reread One Fell Sweep, particularly the bit about the World Killer. Arland could have died, but with the help of his friends (including Her Grace), he overcame it. We can overcome this, too. So, dark stories can show that we can overcome that darkness.
Thank you for your stories, light and dark, and the hope they bring.
If you want to see interest in a Julie story (series), just announce a Kickstarter to your fans…
I’m glad y’all are taking a much needed break. We love your brain balls and want to keep them happy and healthy.
You’re a much better House than I am bc I would totally take bribes ????
Well, not sure about “brain dead”, but you are certainly in a funky mood. I think you should fill the tub with hot, bubbly water and relax until the bubbles pop. Then shower ’cause nobody likes popped bubble leftovers on head and skin, put on comfy, warm socks and dress the rest as you choose. Make a pot of tea and pick up an old favorite book you have read (not written mind you) lots of times. Let your mind wonder over the past as you re-read the book. Joys nearly always float to the top and stay there. Then when you are ready, fix dinner and enjoy your family. Go to bed and sleep well, tomorrow is another day. You can take time off to watch the birds, maybe even walk around the yard if it isn’t raining.
I’m just glad to ‘hear your voice’. It’s not often we don’t hear from you for a stretch of time. Rest, relax, recharge….:-)
Oh, gosh. I am having terrible focus problems too. I have an attention span of about 15 seconds. In between those flashes, I am thinking apocalypse – “run and pack all the beautiful things!! ” And I can now spell apocalypse.
I’m working from home and grateful for it. But I’m distracted, bored, and unable to focus on my projects without a lot of effort. I miss my office colleagues. I miss having that socialization. I miss having two large monitors and an external keyboard and mouse.
I cannot imagine trying to focus on writing stories. Writing a factual newsletter was the most writing effort I could do. Reviewing legal documents and submitting materials for “document control” is sapping me.
Unless you have a deadline, why not take some time for yourself? Knit, drink tea, put on your favorite music, enjoy your family and pets and keep baking as a means of stress-relief? Practice Danish Hygge. Take as long as you need. You are the important person here. Listen to your body and take a break. We’ll be patiently waiting and grateful for all you give us.
Like all the rest, I am so glad both of you are well. Let me echo the remarks that no one can focus right now. Let’s just say that standards are slipping badly at my house!
By the way, did you see the lovely kudos for you all in The New York Times By the Book column? Beverly Jenkins named you as favorite writers and singled out Kate and Curran as her favorite romantic couple. Congratulations! She clearly loves you both, as do we all. Be safe!
Just take a break. The world is on pause right now (except all the hardworking healthcare workers who are fighting tooth and nail for everything).
I have now taken up sewing. Yup, I learned from YouTube a few days ago, so happen I really wanted to learn, cajoled my husband into buying a machine, and got myself fabric and thread etc. and then it sat in my basement for 9 months. So now, I am a mask making fiend. A very slow fiend, but I try. Well, sewing and cooking. The hubby demands to be fed, and I have made it my mission not to cook the same thing twice until this is over. I mean if I served it over rice, serving it over noodles is different enough for me.
Go ahead, take the bribes!!! Please!!!! Lol
I don’t blame you. I wasn’t able to read for 2 weeks. Two weeks!! I just couldn’t focus. Jeaniene’s right. Let your mind be blank for a while. Eat and cook and knit and worry (about the world, not about your writing). Let your brain rest. We’ll be here when you’re ready, no matter when that happens to be.
You’re not alone in this. At the moment, all I am capable of is re-reading comfort reads. And snippets. I don’t even have the focus to watch a movie I’ve never seen before. Or cook. At the moment I am alternating between eating PB&J sandwiches and egg salad. I also eat at least one orange a day, so I don’t get scurvy.
But could we get one for grade A Charmin? Muhahaha!
Lol I see what you did there.
There’s this weird social media thing where some people are learning languages, doing online yoga, kids are making cool science projects. Others, on the other side of the spectrum. This all going on is a lot to have running in the background all the darn time. And now this and now this and now this breaking news …We’re doing our best here. I started reading the Witcher series after watching the Netflix show and really liking it. lol. I hear Geralt in the book as he is in the show. my brain shuts down at a certain time each day and there’s just nothing left. I need fluffy things like cooking shows and home improvement … 🙂 wishing you all good rest. Love the chat with JF. 🙂 Thanks for the smile.
My husband is participating in an online IT conference. He mentioned today that one of the speakers had talked about the quarantine and the illusion of time. Everyone is staying home, so suddenly they have “all this time” to be creative/proactive with. But everyone is home, you’re working, teaching school, sanitizing groceries, etc. There isn’t time, people are getting worn out from juggling so much stuff at one time and feeling disappointed in themselves for not being productive with this imaginary time they’re supposed to have.
Just rest, play some games. Don’t let your poor brain get like your fingers did a while back.
But I will totally send you tea and yarn if it will get us a Julie book. What about action figures? ????
My creativity is in vastly different areas than yours, but I have found it very difficult to be creative in this time when so much energy is going in to just surviving. Thank you for the Julie snippet though. I loved it. Rest as long as you need to. We aren’t going anywhere. 🙂
What she said.
I am sleeping way more than I used to.
I have new books. There must be 6 of them that I have read for a couple of hours and then “put down” and walked away from. I am re-reading entire series – yours, of course, Patricia Briggs, Jesse Milhalik, Jaba Deleon, Lois M. Bujold, Honor Raconteur, and R J Blain. I am reading cookbooks.
There’s enough scary out there. I don’t need to look for more
Jana Deleon.
Sorry. No excuse.
I never see the problems until they’re posted.
I love JF & agree with her suggestion of a guilt-free week of intentional vacation from writing.
I know you don’t take bribes or requests so I’m just sending a wishlist out into the universe. I would love to see some funny, happy, not dark shorts of:
(1) a HAE for George & Sophie after they left the Inn? They are banned from their home planet & it’s more Edge than Innkeeper.
(2) Erra re-discovering her soft side.
(3) the end of Technomancer!
As always, love, buy, read anything you share and always really appreciate it!
Take a break. You’ve earned it. Creativity does not come out of a machine when you stuff it with coins (or… Yarn or whatever ????). We will all be waiting when you’re ready again.
I’d recommend doing something completely different, like baking, or what comes to you. Then if you feel up to testing out the writing muscle, maybe make it something fun and silly like a limerick (that no one necessarily has to see) before you dive into the deep end again. It’s worked for me when I sprained my brain ????
Or ignore my suggestion and go take a nap. Whatever works for you ♥️ hope you find something good.
*Opens dodgy coat and displays a wide variety of Danish salty liquorice packages*
Lady whatever you like I shall get you……
I live alone in NYC , the damn epicenter and it’s so scary to just go out and get some fresh fruit and veggies.
I should be using my time to really clean and purge but I just sit and read . And feed my cats and maybe myself. I haven’t touched another human in 3 weeks. Thank god I can play with my cats.
Every time I sneeze or cough I think the worse .
So, I have just hunkered down and do what I can do get through this.Yesterday,
I found out that my aunt who was in her 90’s has died and her daughter doesn’t even know if she can bury her. And I don’t have car , so even if I wanted to, can’t go to the wake. And they are not sure about that either. The family is arguing about whether there should be bagpipes.
She was very strong, loud, Irish lady who raised 8 kids.
We are planning a huge Irish celebration sometime in the summer. We hope.
So, I am taking some time off, thinking about reading Sapphire Flames again and letting everything else go.
Do whatever you want. Play with your pets, plant some flowers .
Rest your mind. You are allowed.
Thank you.
I am sorry for your loss and for your isolation.
The alone in the hospital part of treatment is just awful, necessary to stop the spread, but awful.
Try to stay strong.
Hi Neighbor,
I’m in Nassau County. Sending a hug your way:)
Take care.
Oh that sucks. I am so sorry.
Stare at the walls and call it meditating. Count the frozen peas in your freezer. Knit a tissue from cat hair. Chicken dance. Whatever. Take care of yourself. We will do the same.
Oh… I know just how you feel! Take your time, let your brain muscles heal and just let things flow for a while. The mojo will come back 🙂
I’ll just have to keep re-reading all the stories that are available. ^^ Your writing is the literary equivalent of soul-food for me. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, I make something good to eat and enjoy it together with one of your books. ^_^ And afterwards I feel much, much better… <3 <3 <3
Hmm, you say you are not susceptible to bribes, but I have a shiny nickel here that says differently, hmmm? 🙂
Jeaniene is a smart lady!
I read-read Magic Strikes through Magic Triumphs last week, but I’m having difficulty getting interested in anything on my TBR. Hopefully that will change when the new St. Cyr novel arrives, but in the mean time I’ve been doing a lot of cooking while listening to music from my younger years, because my brain is too saturated from media. I made Irish soda bread and potato soup on Saturday and yesterday I made a ton of enchiladas and all the accompaniments. I bought some sourdough starter awhile back and will try my hand at some loaves to go with the cabbage rolls I put together this morning.
I’m running out out supplies!
How’s the weather in San Marco? Going for a long swim always clears my brain, alas all the pools are closed in my area.
I re-read!!!! SMH
Time to play some silly games
As to brain dead, try watching Babyl0n 5. Any series that has a dialogue similar to the following is good:
Londo: What is that earth creature that has feathers, wings, feet and goes quack?
Veir: Cats!
Londo: Cats, yes. It’s like being nibbled to death by cats.
Also, if you can, go for a walk or some other physical activity.
We would all love another book in the world of Kate Daniels. Sometimes when we hit that brick wall going back to a well known, comfortable storyline works. How about a Derek story where we get to touch on how kate and family are doing while traveling down a different root. Writing from a familiar concept can help break through writers block…..
I’ve been going back to the story of Gerald Demille recently, wishing there were more of it.
Now I am thinking that maybe its because he was stuck inside the house for years and the story is the beginning of him getting free and it resonates …
You take a staycation and destress. Everyone is as close to a nervous breakdown as I’ve ever witnessed, and I’ve been through a takeover of a city 10 miles away by communists-while being on lockdown on a US military base. Barb wire, machine gun bunkers, home lockdown. Planes getting ready to evacuate civilians. Been through Cuba Castro mess. Was a kid during Civil Rights movement. KKK cross burnings. This one is scarier. Just do whatever makes you gain a little peace and give yourself x amt of time. The world will be there when you decide to write again. We’ll gladly wait. No bribes, no false solutions. Just be kind to yourself. Stay safe. We hold you and yours in our prayers.
I’ve had to give up on even reading anything new this week. My brain just can’t focus enough to keep track of what’s going on. I couldn’t imagine trying to write anything!
Instead I’m comfort-reading some old favorites. Just started Burn For Me last night 🙂
go for a long walk in the country and stay 6 ft from anyone you meet. wear a silk scarf like a bandana (it has a tight weave) enjoy spring….it is spring there ? It snowed again here today ….too much snow for the flowers to stick their heads up! Dance a Russian folk dance in the back yard…good for the cardiovascular…I think? Stay away from the computer !!
This to will pass….
I’m trying to teach online and take care of my classes and family simultaneously. It’s a lot. I think we are all finding it difficult to focus on anything. Too much existential dread. I started a Kate reread after The Bridge inspired me. I’m looking forward to reading them all straight through from Magic Bites to Magic Triumphs for the first time.
I hope you aren’t feeling pressured by any readers and get some rest and downtime. We will still be here.
puns and haiku’s – resort to basic simple things…I just wrote a paper on duty to care, standard of care and status of destroyed evidence in a tort matter, is was draining, and had to be narrowed to 2500 words – i know scoff nothing like what you write – but i promptly wrote a haiku on my feelings pretty much directly after filing that sucker. I put it on pretty purple paper – cause well purple duh – and cut it out w the fancy scissors that leave a pattern then put it on my bathroom mirror to see and smile at for the week…..oh you could learn to cross stitch sayings on pillows!!! fun right….enjoy the brain brake you deserve it
I get it. I’ve had trouble focusing on reading. ☹️
To hear from you is uplifting, wether you have a story for us or not.
I am lucky to be able to work from home; I am being busier than before, and I feel the pressure to earn every cent I can because not all of my colleagues have orders to work on right now.
If I think too much about it, it becomes harder to breathe – you do not need to contract Covid-19 to have that feeling. If I think of my father (who will hopefully be able to celebrate his 94th birthday in July), I am terribly afraid that he gets covid. He is living 500km away, and I cannot protect him; not even visit him right now.
So, if you just post „still alive, still healthy“ every few days you will make us happy!
I agree with you on the “brain dead”. There are so many new movies and books out but have 0 interest in anything right now. I force myself to take long walks first thing in the morning in hopes of getting the endorphins up and running….I think maybe a week ( or heck 2 since we are stuck at home) of just chilling is a good thing.
Honestly, I’m not sure how most of us aren’t totally brain dead right now. I’ve basically spent the past 3 weeks weeding the garden, playing with my bunny, and sleeping. I keep trying to work on various projects….and just can’t. It’s too much energy right now.
And it’s a pity bribes won’t work. But I really hope you do eventually decide to write a Julie book 😉 In the meantime, chill and try and rest that brain. I know that whatever you write next will be worth the wait.
If you want something mind numbing and pointless, you can try Elder Scrolls Online. You can play without a subscription. Since 1 Tamriel every one is battle leveled to level 50 champion point 160 (which is equipment cap), so you can go pretty much anywhere from level 1 except for the group dungeons and raids.
I don’t understand why you’re even trying to write something at this juncture. The world is all screwed up, and good old Nancy is still sniping at Donald at every turn. You could spend a few days laughing about that, if you wanted to. I know I did. OK. I spent more than a few days at that.
My husband and I are old. We finally signed up for Social Security last month while we could still go in and talk to the person in person. That’ll be happy, when that starts coming in. He, of course, had a job offer in another city and is living there in a motel room during the week, coming home on weekends. His room gets wiped down with alcohol when he arrives on all surfaces he needs to touch. I spend a lot of time praying he won’t be exposed, but the office where he works, carrying his permit to be out and about in his pocket because it’s a medical place, is virtually empty. If their VPN would work, he could work from home, but it doesn’t, so he can’t. No IT personnel on site, of course. The region where we live has been hit lightly so far, but where he works is slammed with crammed hospitals and people in bad shape. I’ve been out two or three times to get all the feed for the animals and food for me to cook at home after I make single-serving sizes and freeze it all. Both my children are working from home, and today is my grandchild’s birthday with no party to celebrate. They, too, are in the large metropolis where the virus is everywhere. Statewide, we are told to wear masks, so thank you for the pattern you posted a link to, and I’ll be sewing soon, I think. If I can get off my butt and do it, that is. I keep wondering if I’ll be exposed somehow and never get to read Emerald Blaze or other books I’m waiting impatiently for.
Being creative in writing at this time isn’t going to work. Stop trying. When you get an idea that won’t stop in your mind, write it out. Forget where it’ll go, just write the scene and wait for the rest to come. I know you can’t stop thinking about your characters, because I can’t stop thinking about them. They are that real to you and to me, and probably to all of us who follow you. Grab Tuna and sit and pet a cat. Watch a cat sleep. That was touted as a way to lower blood pressure many years ago when someone got a grant to study the effects of watching cats sleep, you know.
When workers for us used to get frustrated, I made them stand up, step outside, and walk around the building where we worked. Seriously, get outside, take a walk around the outside of your house, and look at everything. Look at every flower bud, every bird in every tree, watch clouds float by or gather up to rain on your parade, but get out of the house for a few minutes and just LOOK at the world. Turn your computer OFF and walk away from it. I have been stuck at my house for months at a time in the past due to weather than makes the roads impassable, and just getting out there where there’s no ceiling in sight truly helps. Perhaps knowing that we’re pretty much all brain-dead will help. Nobody expects you to produce another masterpiece so soon after Emerald Blaze. Take the break, relax into it, and breathe deeply. The world will wait while you do that.
Maybe you should consider this week a “stay-cation” for your mental health?
We will be here, happy that you took care of yourself, whenever you care to share more content. Or furbaby pics, we are pretty shameless, lol
I think we are all in this space. Be gentle with yourself. I know I have sat here working on things from home and my productivity is crap. My brain just isn’t firing, I am weepy, and anxious and that is not conducive to creativity or focus. Take. Mini vacation from writing. We will live. Turn off the news, draw a luxurious bath or listen to the birdsong. Read a book for fun or dive into a computer game that you love. Rest your brain and your heart. We are all allowed to take breaks.
But it’s yarn!! Take my bribes. But seriously rest. Relax. Turn off the news. Take y6o nude Moon bathing. Anything to get yourself at peace. Sending peace and prayers.
If i were your mother i would say “i forbid you to write for 10 days. Now go do something else!” You could have a nice break or go crazy with ideas, because you were forbidden to write. Stay well.
I am right there with you and my crochet design isn’t even dark like a story can be. It just takes mental energy and I dont seem to have any right now. Luckily I had one pattern that was ready to go with just some minor tweaks so that was published last week but if I want to stick to my self imposed schedule I have about a month to get the next pattern charted and ready for testing and I just can’t make myself start. I also can’t seem to get going on the next design. I have the yarn and the basic idea I just need to work out the particulars but I can’t pick it up.
You need to repair your damaged muscle, as Jeannnine said. Creativity is a vital force that only operates when you are in the right space and it doesn’t seem as if these are the right conditions. I think you were pretty tired before this pandemic happened and that hasn’t helped any. Do whatever is your equivalent of us reading your books if you can! My husband and I have been just going throught the motions, but our son-in-law has just died aged 28 from bowel cancer and we can’t even properly comfort our daughter who lives away, as we are in lockdown in different locations. Hopefully something good will come from all this but just now it seems pretty bleak. Take care, and hopefully we shall all emerge safe and sound.
Take the time you need. You have worked hard and this times are not normal, so thinks are different, do what is good for you
Please every one do your best! Some posts made me cry and some made me laugh out loud (bribes anyone)?
I am thankful for all the Andrews books, and for all the fun of these blog posts.
I am sending good thoughts and hugs to us all
I think taking a few weeks off is a great idea, you guys had to cancel your vacation, so turn off your writing brain and do something fun. Play some games (board/video), do some gardening and soak up some sun, do an art craft (something other than your norm). Mix it up and get out of your routine. Have some fun and don’t think about work. ????
I’m just excited about this historical fantasy… whenever that may happen. Oo lala. ????
Really bribes?! I have to admit people are very creative.
I had a college professor start the year by saying that anyone can be bribed…but you need to make sure that first offer is high enough to not be an insult.
I hear you! I am in a place where my brain only takes things literally. Jokes and puns are wasted on me. If it doesn’t work the first time, I’m not going to do it again. Recipes must be followed step-by-step. I am just so tired, I don’t have cable, or watch the news and I am used to being home for weeks on end. All I can do is give myself some time, and above all don’t try to assign a psychological reason for it. It just is. I will feel better in a week or two, or maybe even tomorrow. One can hope!
Oh to make it worse I don’t even want to read. I read 1-2 books a day. I was reading one the other day and it was so formulaic I could almost hear the author going through her checklist. It was the sixth in a series. Doh! I don’t remember the first five being like that, but objectively there was nothing wrong with the story, it just didn’t entertain me. When the little pleasures in life are not pleasing, that sucks.
There needs to be a quarantine version of cards against humanity, where answers are typed anonymously.
Good laughs, irrelevant answers, and no one to know if you make up your own responses rather than a real card.
Yep, someone already figured it out.
Ok… so no writing….and all of the things I would suggest to relax are out because the require contact with hoomans. So…..take your favorite tea, find a nice corner of the house…or yard (weather provided) and just breath. It’s hard to find a bright spot right now, but it will come. Let your brain heal. You will find the fun stuff once it does.
Take a break! Gotta take care of ourselves and take a break once in a while. 🙂
So y’all really do have a book or novella in mind for Roman? That snippet a little while back plus this post fills me with so much anticipation.
Take a rest. Y’all just finished a book, you don’t need to go full steam ahead into the next one w/o a breather.
You’re gonna get a lot of advice because people are well-meaning, but that’s gonna be tiring. So here’s what I have to say:
Y’all have made beautiful, emotional, deep, glorious writing that I have enjoyed greatly. I hope you and yours are well, that you continue to be well, that your pets are healthy and that your house is sound. May this thing leave you intact for when the storm passes and the muse bites again. We’re all there with you, in the same boat.
Might this be the time to switch gears entirely, write a(n urban) fantasy screwball comedy?
I totally understand. I have so many things to do in the house–we’re having our kitchen done (it was scheduled for next week, but it will happen when it happens) and need to go through EVERYTHING and pack things up. I just can’t even, though; instead I’ve been digging in the garden for the last three days. It’s so…immediate; no choices, no urgency, just get the nettles (sooo many nettles) and bramble roots out, break up the soil, rinse and repeat. It’s very soothing. I need to take a break tomorrow, my muscles are complaining a bit more than ‘pleasantly sore’.
Anyway, hope you find something that salves your soul in these trying times. We’ll wait for you.
I’ve been able to concentrate enough to read lately, so I’ve taken to coloring while listening to podcasts and audio books. I can’t imagine trying to calm my brain enough to write something other people read. Take a break, indulge in a guilty pleasure, chill out. Self care is important.
I am in the same boat. The weather is bleh, I feel bleh. It’s spring break, so we’re off the hook for homework this week, but there are at least five projects I should be doing and I don’t have the brainpower to do them. Instead, I think I will tuck myself in bed and watch Austenland, my go-to funny movie, and have a break.
Tomorrow’s another day!
Thank you for all y’all do. I appreciate you very much. Love everything you write and understand the overwhelm going on right now. Praying for you and yours.
Brains, like everything else, need some time off to rest, recuperate, & rejuvenate. And sometimes there is just too much going on. Don’t be hard on yourself. Maybe now is time to cook, binge-watch something funny, or (re-)read something uncomplicated with a happy ending. Hugs
I love your writing. But I understand the need to take a break.
The world has turned upside down, in the matter of a few weeks. Time has gotten weird, Remember when you could just walk into a big box store and buy anything you wanted or needed? Yeah, that was a little more than a month ago. Remember when you could walk into a restaurant, sit down, and eat? Go to church? Three weeks ago.
I can still ride my bike, and I get out into open country, on the back roads, and I feel agoraphobia. It’s like I’ve been dropped into an alternate universe.
Then there is all the fear and worry about our loved ones. Those, who in the space of a week, have lost jobs, dont know how they will pay for their house, or their rent, or how they will eat. Those who have sick family. Are sick themselves, or are afraid of becoming sick.
Care for yourself, everyone.
All of hose things, yes.
Lol! But Julies story is something to look forward to.. ????????
Seems all we writers have hit some blocks at one time or another and since we feel what is out there more than the average person it’s no wonder we can’t return to write which makes us feel like the whole person. I think if we put aside the words and do something for someone the inspiration flows again. Would you be so kind as to spread the news about postal workers needs. Thankyou in advance.
Please hear this heartfelt message from .a postal worker living in rural Los Alamos.
Do you think sewers would make masks for postal workers
I wish somebody would care about postal carriers everyone’s always complementing UPS and Fed Ex it’s like no one notices that we don’t have masks either.I will admit I don’t really like masks and I’d kind of rather take my chances but I have some fellow carriers that would love a decent mask especially one that was adjustable since some people have large face -on the plump side and some people have small petite faces. Our supervisor keeps telling us that we will get mask and gloves but today she brought in one box and it supposed to last for 2 weeks. I think it’s funny that they want us to wash your hands often and they also want us to reuse these silly plastic gloves that break so easily
Don’t mind me I really don’t want to wear gloves or masks I just feel bad for my coworkers who are genuinely worried.
Homemade mask type of material. N95 masks (97%). But other homemade masks tested performed significantly worse, sometimes demonstrating as little as 1% filtration, Segal said.
The best-performing design was made of two layers of high-quality, heavyweight “quilter’s cotton” with a thread count of 180 or more, and those with an especially tight weave and thicker thread such as batiks. A double-layer mask with a simple cotton outer layer and an inner layer of flannel also performed well, he said.
The inferior performers were made of single-layer masks or double-layer designs of lower quality, lightweight cotton.
Thank you for sharing your creativity. Take time to take care of YOU, and know your readers aren’t going anywhere. 🙂 God bless!
Find a sale on Steam or something and find a new game. (Rimworld, Eco, Stallaris and Universim are all ones I recommend for you). I recently started playing Dragon Age Inquisition again
Watch something different : I enjoyed Altered Carbon and they just put a new season out. Or a comedy – The Rookie with Nathan Fillian is good. Big Mouth also good.
Go into your Box of Started Books (like Emily) and mess with them? Maybe work on that for a bit – like going for a walk ratter than going to a track meet/practice
In my opinion, it’s not the time for pushing forward. It’s the time for settling in to survive. And as long as survival is accomplished, as far as I’m concerned it’s all good. Do what makes you feel happy. I make fun little art sculptures, and with the current environment I can barely manage them. Never mind that social distancing means all the art shows I regularly attend are cancelled. So, I’m rereading the books I like the best. It makes me happy. 🙂
You do what you need to do to stay sane. We’re all working on the same thing. Staying sane, that is.
My home is currently a never-ending stream of Odd Squad. If you have PBS, Odd Squad is surprisingly good for an elementary school program focused on indirectly teaching math and logic.
At times – when not looking at my kindergarteners home work – I almost feel like I might be on the verge of understanding common core.
Maybe a bit of Odd Squad will put your mind at ease and produce a chuckle. Laser chickens!
Wonder what Cornelius would think of Joe Exotic.
He would be horrified. And then he would probably kill him.
Without being offensive do you ever just talk? I mean talk into something and record it? You never have to listen to it. Just get the randomness of thoughts and such out of your brain. Release it
I choose to let it all out at the beach by myself. You don’t have to be stressed, happy, angry, or sad.
Hope you are well. Maybe you can write something really silly like the thoughts of the feral cat that lives in your neighborhood, I have enjoyed your cat posts.
Here is a photo of a kangaroo from the forest next door. I suddenly wondered what would happen if his tail muscles got strained!
You just made my day.
I’m sorry you feel so… blah. When I am required to write something, I freeze – deer-in-the-headlights freeze. Rest, walk, play with your pets & Gordon, eat well, exercise to the extent that pleases you although I do find physical exertion does help. It will come, dear one. I have faith in your resilience.
Burn out is no joke, whatever the cause. I am in double or triple burnout right now. The most urgent is that I’m essential personnel and have no choice but to work through this plague in ever expanding responsibilities as high risk essentials opt out putting more and more pressure on those of us still struggling to keep food inspection up to par. Second is I’m still in book mourning and can’t seem to want to get back in the saddle of reading, which is usually a huge stress reliever for me. Third, is worry for my family who have self-isolated by removing to my grandparents old home place for the duration of said plague, so I who am accustomed to visiting them every other weekend and who is also on the front lines of exposure, am truly isolated from everyone. I live alone. No face to face meetings, and virtual is a no go for three reasons: 1. My Internet connections are extremely rural and low grade in comparison to the rest to the country (and only made worse by the high bandwidth traffic flooding connections with everyone else at home; 2. I work odd hours, compared to normal folks; 3. My folks are in a complete dead zone cell wise, zero dsl, and dial up is basically nonexistent there as well but they have no landline anymore.
So yeah… take some much needed time and reset.
I’m going to take my previously scheduled vacation and do some crafting projects and gardening and try to relax. And continue to work on learning Korean- started before the plague hit, BTW, thanks to your suggestions of k-dramas…
Watch one of the Asian soap operas! I’ve never seen them before although I’ve read your comments about them. All of a sudden, they are popping up in my Netflix lists! I did watch one from China. The name was Yanxi Palace, I think. Have you seen that one? The first and second episodes I thought “meh!” but the more I watched the better it got! Who knew!?!? Hope you get your mind at peace and are able to rest and relax for a while. Thanks for your efforts to create such wonderful stories. Love them !!!
That was my first one, years ago. 🙂
Really, yarn won’t work at all? You’re made of strong stuff.
Maybe we should offer more yarn? You can never have enough yarn right?
I suspect that most of these suggestions/requests/demands for more work product from you are really just well-intentioned, but poorly-expressed compliments on your work and gifts.
Please accept the well-wishing and love, and discard any pressure.
No one wants to burden you or to poison the well.
Please try to rest and enjoy what you can of life. Rest and recharge. We will still be here when you are ready to share again.
I’m just glad to hear from you both these are very strange times nobody knows what’s going to happen next I’m In England on 12 week lockdown so obviously I’m rereading all your books enjoying myself , please take care all of you and stay safe ❤️❤️❤️????????????????????????????????????????
To be fair, those sound like good bribes. ????
I totally understand what you’re going through Ilona. There are days when my brain just doesn’t want to do anything. That can be a problem when I’m at work in the afternoon around 1-2 pm.
What do I do when this happens? I pick at things, including work. When I get off work (around 2:30 pm; I start work around 5:30 am), I’ll just turn the TV on and watch old game shows. Sometimes I’ll just let my mind drift. I realize everyone is different on how to deal with it.
Just remember, you are not alone. 🙂
Same. Fighting with ZOOM. Got 2″ picture no sound now told to cease using it. Ok. Dear friend sent me barbarian fantasy novel. Umm. Nope. Back to coloring. Best wishes. Rest. Dont quit. Rest.
I live in low income for the elderly HUD housing, there are several vets that have been placed here living off social security. there are about 150 units in the Tower, the management is great and does everything in its power and more to take care of us. However about a third of people living here believe the virus is a hoax, an exaggeration hit by CNN. About a third just don’t care. The last third of us are split between true believers and those incapable of understanding. Virus ever hits this building it will go through it really quick. At 74, I have severe emphysema and am just sitting around waiting to die. You are not imagining a grim world because of burnout, you live in a grim world, and the reality of the daily briefing is crippling all of us. Love your books, am rereading Kate’s story now, and playing Fantasy General, Hearthstone (big expansion tomorrow), and some Elder Scrolls, life is good.
All the artists I know including me are feeling uninspired and brain dead.
What is helping me stay s little sane is adopting a new cat. On Friday the 13th I went to the shelter and found the most beautiful pure bred rag doll. He wieghs 25pounds! I have him on a diet and exercise program. I play with him and my other cat several times a day. It really cheers me up .
I hope you and your husband find a way to enjoy a stay at home vacation.
Don’t worry about your readers , we will survive this.
I would rather think of you writing when you are relaxed and enjoying the story.
Hugs and purrs,
Hang in there,these are definitely odd,trying times and as poor a writer wannabee as I am,I know it requires a lot of the motional energy and to be honest right now that is lacking, just too much going on. You read a lot of people talking about being locked down and how this is a great opportunity to get all these things done we always wanted to, but with the reality we are facing that is a big assumption on their part, when it is such a big deal just to process everything we have to with this nightmare. We all have to give ourselves a break and realize it is a major feat just to get through these days, protecting ourselves and our loved ones (and very,very spoiled pets)
Your brain is a muscle and you’ve pulled it. Listen to your friend, she is exactly right. It would be true even without the pandemic. With the pandemic, you’ve pulled a muscle while running for help because Timmy (and half the neighborhood) fell in a well.
Take some time to be as wonderful to yourself as you are to the BDH. You REALLY do deserve it. Really.
I think everyone is a bit tired mentally right now. Ive got a break from school and so thankful for it. I am thinking about delaying though…right now I am helping the 6 yr old from 7 to 1030 with his online schooling. Work from 11 to 7pm. I dont know when I will have time for school work of my own.
Rest relax and enjoy the time off.
Take time off. If you pulled your brain working on it might follow the RICE, for when you have an injury: Rest, Ice( preferably with wine). Compression (lots of laughing), and elevate (got nothing for this it is already elevated.) Take care, we may be demanding but we do actually care about you (really).
Bribary is such a dirty word ….. think of the offers as gestures of appreciation 😉
Enjoy some downtime. Do something mindless and easy, some sort of rote chore.
If I do nothing I think too much – can’t turn the voice inside my head off.
Do you think in Words or in Images? Our preference indicated a bias in our thinking: left-brain-dominated people tend to think more in words; right-brained people tend to think more in images.
You know who’s story I want to know more about? Grendel. I would love a back story. Or a short story from his perspective. Maybe a snippet? Does he mostly just go about his day as a happy empty headed poodle and then suddenly morph into the black dog? Is he a beserker? He arrived when Ezra comes into town. Is that a co-incidence? Grendel fans want to know 😀
OOO What a great idea! I loved him!
Nean, he’s Bran’s dog.
I see..
You need protein for energy-after you rest. I have a freezer full of home raised Iowa beef. If you are ever headed this way, give a yell. Of course, after this mess is over.
Time to binge watch shows, play games, and eat yummy food.
Monetary bribes wont do you any good, how about a happy story bribe.
Setting is 2010 and Italy. My girlfriend and I were touring on a shoestring budget at the time. But we were able to tour Venice. We spent a week there traveling from Dolo to Venice and Walked everywhere. We finally made it to San Marco square and soaked in the sites and the cathedral there. Being a fan of Assassin Creed II, I was excited being in my game, while my girlfriend was excited being in her post cards. We decided to spend what little money we had on the water bus (for a lack of a better word) there to get back to the train station. However my girlfriend got really seasick and we had to get off on a random stop to avoid any emergencies. I believe it was the second stop in front of an apothecary. So she was faint and I had to navigate us through the streets of the place. As we are navigating things started to look familiar and we had arrived at Da Vinci workshop. ( For those that don’t know in the game , your always going to Da Vinci workshop). I was able to navigate us the rest of the way to the train station. I will admit, being younger I had contemplated climbing the buildings to get a better view, reminding myself that was a game, this is reality.
P.S. on our wedding anniversary I received AC 3 because of that adventure. Hope this brings a smile to some.
You are human going through a painfully stressful time. Take a break. TBH even if there was a new book about even Kate or Julie, I can’t concentrate to read. I can’t read more than a few pages at a time. In the last two weeks I have washed everything I own and actually put it where it belongs. That includes towels and sheets that haven’t been folded for years.
I signed up for a free month of CBS All Access on Saturday. What have I watched? Three episodes of Picard. I can’t play games for any appreciable amount of time. I do something for five minutes and then go to something else. This is difficult for me and I am an introvert living alone. I never realized how much of my time was spent actually interacting with people. I miss my kindergartners – I volunteer with four-year-old kindergarten class. I miss going to the gym. I miss hugs. I keep reminding myself that this too shall pass.
I send you lots of virtual hugs.
Text a friend. Experiment with cooking. Bake something. Go outside and take a deep breath. Enjoy the birds chirping. Be glad you woke up this morning to be bored. ????
I’m so sorry, remember there’s nothing wrong in going back to media that you’ve already watched/listened to/read your brain might like something warm and comforting right now.
Would a prescription for a week of K-/C-dramas and romantic comedies help? I finally took the plunge and binged most of “Joy of Life” and was so sad there isn’t a Season 2 even filming yet (one reason I was reluctant to start). For much fluffier fun, I’ve been really liking a new C-drama “Skate into Love” which is a combination of college sports and rom-com that doesn’t take itself too seriously at all and has a wonderfully feisty but still vulnerable heroine. And it’s winter sports (hockey, speed skating, figure skating) which is a nice twist.
Candy crush always mellows me out. It’s a mindless game when you just want to escape it all.
I think you just need to cut yourself some slack and give yourself permission to relax, unwind and chill out.
Please heal your muscle. We appreciate all you give us. We will wait for Julie’s story, Innkeeper, and HL. If bribing doesn’t work, we will refrain from tears, too. Seriously, rereading your stories have helped many of us survive this trying time with our sanity in place. Thank you.
I get to work from home and I’m missing my office. I’m sitting here doing adult coloring – mushrooms – and listening to Sweep in Peace. Thank you for giving me book friends.
Has anyone offered toilet paper yet? I think we could take up a collection. Say, a one roll donation from everyone to inspire the tired brain cells?
Just a thought.
I work in the Operating Room, we fall that the Epic Brain Farts. We get them when we’ve done cases that went a bit pair shaped and we had to change implant systems or add to implant systems. The only thing any of us can do is to do what makes you not think. Sometimes that’s just sitting on the couch starting into nothing and not thinking, that numb space. That space happens because we’ve overworked our brain. I’m with Jeaniene, you strained the muscle.
Do whatever your version of staring off into space is. Or wherever it is. Mine is sitting on the couch watching Antiques Roadshow, one of my nurse’s is sitting on the back end of her truck staring at her horses.
Thank you so much for your stories. You bring all your fans a lot of joy. But as much as we love to read whatever you give us, we also know that you need time and deserve to rest too.
There is no nerd to stress yourself to write something right away. Take your time and rest. We’ll be here.
Obrigada por tudo!
I know how scary this virus is, and I am absolutely taking it seriously, but the thing that is making me laugh today is a Florida poster that uses alligators to explain social distancing. As in how you should stay one alligator length away from the next person. Just google ” alligator social distancing”. The poster is really cute.
Is it warm enough to lounge by the pool? Maybe you just need to watch silly movies and do nothing for a couple of weeks. You write really great books but the world is a mess & frankly? I don’t blame your brain for deciding to be on strike.
I’m not an author – just a plain old legal assistant and my brain is clearly overloading on anything more complex than WESTWORLD.
Take your time, relax, look at pretty yarn, surf travel sites… the bribers need to install patience, and declare a moratorium on asking for this or that. When I am exhausted, the last thing I need is demands for more of anything. Drink tea, watch whatever the heck you want.
Hugs from Oregon.
I love how my photos post upside down lately….
???? That really made me laugh. I would offer baked goods and jam for Julie’s story too. I adore her. And you all.
Hugs for the brain blah. I need to find a cute animal centric story. Like when Cornelius is sending the ferrets into the mansion as burglars but the whole book that way. That scene makes me laugh every time. And I always read and reread it multiple times before moving on.
Take whatever time you need. Be Excellent to each other. Take care of each other. Bake, cook, knit, crochet, pull weeds, sit in the sun, listen to music, exercise, Do whatever makes your heart light.
You said you’ve been working on sad and dark. Do something that lightens you. We can wait.
If you need to be enabled, I can suggest some incredible independent yarn dyers too.
So glad to see a note from you! I was starting to worry that you all had been attacked by the pandemic. By the way…that chocolate frosting you made for Gordon’s birthday cake sounded pretty delicious ! Take care…Stay healthy!
Try binge-watching Signal, Crash Landing on You, Stove League, or Partners of Justice season 1 & 2 (especially season 2 when the cool mysterious doctor made his debut! *starry eyes*).
P.S: I guess while you guys take a break, people will also take a break with the bribing thing, for now. After this period ended, it’s back to fair game and I’m rooting for Team Please-Write-Julie’s Story!^^
I already feel attached and find myself rooting for the new Julie’s 8 years post-KD #10. I also want more Conlan, more Derek, and no less dose for our dazzling Ascanio.
P.P.S: I’m actually not in the Julie-Derek ship, or Julie-anyone ship yet. I just find each character is very cool in their own way. Julie, Derek, Ascanio, even little Conlan. As for the romance part, I have read a chinese(-translated) novel with slow romance where the main characters finally got together around chapter +1000. +1000, mind you! Before that, it’s barely an interaction here and there, but the novel still got me hooked with the female lead’s thrilling adventure here.
She was also no less often surrounded by attractive/smart/charming males either, however they often ended up as friends/allies of the female lead. It’s not a reverse harem story, their relationship are purely platonic with mutual benefits for both sides (either in business/quest/connection/etc.). Still, the story kept me going excited with each arc.
I have faith that in your hands, Julie’s story will be lively and beloved to many!^^
No rush though, enjoy your break and have a lot of fun♡
*Partners for Justice
(alternative name of the drama is ‘Investigation Couple’. Although they are more like a great teammates, really)
I apologize in advance for the presumption, but Ms. Frost is spot on. After my wife died in November, I was lucky to get 200 to 500 words a day. More like 200. Kept going because I promised her I wouldn’t give up.
My boss made me take a week off, despite us being crazy busy (manage IT support group ) Now I am hitting 1500 words a day average and clocked 3700 the last day of vacation.
Rest your brain.
“PS. Also I have seen my inbox. Stop offering money , yarn, and coffee for Julie story. We are not susceptible to bribes. ”
OR… maybe we have not found the correct bribe?
Your brain is beautiful. We love your stories. Give it a break while you focus on whatever your body needs. Quiet reflection? Journaling? Gardening? Meditation and Yoga? Crafting? Petting all the dogs? Writing letters for loved ones? There’s a ton of free online classes right now…maybe flex it in a new way? One free class is learning Mandarin, while another focuses on dog behaviors. ????????
What Jeaniene said! Don’t stare at the screen, go stare at some yarn. You deserve a break. I don’t know what Gordon deserves, but I trust you’ll figure it out. 😉
Are cute cat, kitten, dog, and puppy pictures considered a bribe? Or would those just be considered cute and adorable and a way to help bring more of Julie’s story to life????
(Serious note: THANK YOU for all the stories you give us, whenever you give them to us! Totally get that you’re exhausted and I really expect nothing right now; you both are amazing, and I’m happily re-reading Kate and Curran’s books since I just finished re-reading Vlad and Leila’s books.)
Do we just need to start writing the publisher and asking where the Julie book is, that we’ve seen excerpts?
Isn’t that how we got Iron Covenant? Persistent fans who kept asking.
It’s not a threat, that’s said with love. Your inbox is full of such comments, because despite a minority that made you doubt the reception of Julie, there’s a bunch of us that love the character you created. We’re really wanting sme Julie and Derek I think, but also really want to see Julie and the aunt. What would that look like? Youthful snark, and the royal snark of age. Means a whole lot of snark. 😛 Which sounds like a fun read.
All that being said, aren’t y’all supposed to be doing a Florida vacation that got cancelled? Did you ever take the time off? If not, it’s time for a staycation. Take a break.
Hours before shelter in place orders were put in place, I managed to squeeze in a shot of our Texas bluebonnets growing in the countryside. So here, look at the pretty. 🙂 Now, shut down your computer, and go do something fun.
As much as I would love to read the snark and sexy, sexy Derek, the scene I most want to read is when Kate and Julie reunite. Absolutely positive I’m going to either cry my eyes out or bust a gut laughing – and I’m okay with either of those cliches.
Oh no. I’m afraid of a Julie/Kate scene. Just too uncomfortable.
Or both.
What better time for a stay-cation than when nobody will bother you and appointments will automatically be cancelled since everything’s closed :).
A Julie book would be amazing someday should you want to do it ???? but this week (this month?) you should put your keyboard up and let your brain do hammock duty. Sorry it’s all been so draining and thank you.
Am I the only one who doesn’t see Julie with Derek? She has far more chemistry with Ascansio.
Your brain is like a muscle and you pulled it. Take a week off.
If you rest, (actual rest, not just fretting), ideas will come to you and you’ll be able to write them down.
But not now.
We love both of you. We can wait for whatever comes next. And so can you.
I like this comment and wish this could be true but I think they were destined like Kate and Curran.
I see Ascansio w/Desandra. Whatever happened to the dragon? At least let her have a little fun before settling down with Derek.
Actually broody Derek would be great with deceptively ditzy Desandra. He’s more like Julie’s big brother. Sexy volatile Ascanio is who I ship with Julie, but honestly I good with anything the author lords choose.????
Hmm. It “seems” that House Andrews has shifted the focus to Ascansio but he still seems immature (the latest bridge scene isn’t exactly highlighting his wisdom or goodness that he’s ok shaking down a random woman with a pack of thugs despite the Hugh book giving him some character development). Derek seemed to develop into an older brother figure but one never knows with House Andrews. After all, the second Beast Lord, Jim, had a downgrade in character virtue, not an upgrade. Maybe the books will show new greatness in both like they did with Raphael?
Agreed! Julie and Derek are practically family, so I just can’t bring myself to ship the two of them. Julie with Ascanio, on the other hand…YOWZA.
Agreed! Plus Derek is the closest thing Julie has to a big brother. Would love to see Julie and Ascanio together; there is some real sparkage there.
I agree with you. Derek is more a big brother
I really Love all of your books and also cannot wait to read a new one. Especially during those dreadfull Times ( i Work on an intensive Care unit). But nevertheless, creativity has its time. So do Not feel rushed. Take Care! Best wishes from Germany!
I will happy buy and devour every book you publish. 🙂 I will do that today, next month, or next year and beyond. This is a difficult time for everyone. Please take care of yourselves physically AND mentally.
“And this too shall pass…” Hang in there champ & we, who appreciate your work will still be here when you resume writing.
Thank you so much for posting this beautiful picture. It really cheered me up.
I completely understand the strained brain situation. But if you want to do just a quick fun writing post for us I would personally love a short cookbook of your favorite recipes or the recipes featured in any of your books through any of the different series. Cooking is my go to distress or, maybe it’ll work for you????
Don’t beat yourself up. You can just let it be, take a breather.
As for Julie’s Story believe me the excerpts made my day and I am daily Checking your blog for another glimpse (it’s just me no pressure ). For the bribe situation *everything has a price* que the best villainess laugh.
You’re my Fav and that includes your Brain leave the poor thing alone for a few days.
To some extent we are all brain dead. My cure today is Sapphire Flames. And grilled cheese. And dark chocolate.
With tea.
No requests , just stay strong.
And play or sleep whatever relaxes you.
Thank you everyone who is helping us to get through this crisis. With gratitude for your compassion and courage.
I love that idea! Your recipe’s looked really interesting. (I haven’t cooked any yet). My grandmother was from Puerto Rico and my grandfather was from Greece. I grew up eating and then have cooked primarily Mediterranean style foods for my family, with a smattering of American. Your style is completely different because of the culture you were raised in. Maybe your family could open up a side hustle Russian restaurant. lol
I think you should watch animal videos – especially koala or kitty videos. They won’t help your writing at all – but they are therapeutic. Do stuff for yourself. Take a much needed break. (((Hugs)))
You’re affected by what’s happening, just like all the rest of us. Don’t pressure yourself or push yourself too hard. You create worlds! Such an art can’t be forced. It must be nourished.
Take care of YOU— and allow yourself time to acknowledge your emotions. Right now, life is scary, it’s stressful, it’s desperate. You’ve got such an incredible gift. I’m thankful to you. I’m glad to have stumbled across your writing.
I recommend kittens playing with fish at the St. Louis Aquarium. ???? https://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/pets/video-watch-three-little-kitties-fishing-around-at-the-st-louis-aquarium/video_3b19a04e-d7bd-5515-b96c-f1450cbc7191.html
Take a break, your brain will thank you ❤️ I wanted to thank you because one of my brain dead escapes was re-reading the Hidden Legacy series and the Kate Daniels series. Sending hugs, well wishes, and hope that you can get the time you need.
Kitties were cute 🙂
Take the break you need. Bake, knit, plant a pot with seeds, throw a ball for the dogs about a million times. You’re a great writing team.
Here’s smile for you –
Friday afternoon my daughter said “mom there are a couple of T-Rex’s and two giraffes waving at the house”. I looked out the window and sure enough there were two T-Rex’s and two Giraffes. So my 3-year old grandson and I went out to see the what we could see. The two Giraffes sang and danced the Macarena to my grandson’s delight. The T-Rex’s cheered them on. They waved to him and said (in a lovely Welsh accent) good-bye as they were going to tour the neighborhood to sing for the other children on our circle.
I have wonderful neighbors
Lol That’s wonderful! Needs to be a kids story ????
Listen to your friends. Take a break and relax. Give your brain a rest and your whole self a chance to breathe – both of you! Thank you for everything you have done, I hope things get better for you!
I have always loved your gaming recommendations, are you playing anything fun right now? That always helps me let the brain “rest”. I’ve retreated into playing Stardew Valley which is probably the most restful game ever, I told my husband it is basically meditation…
Except for when you’re in the mine and the monsters all gang up on you so you die. Or it gets to 2am game time and you “fall from exhaustion”. And then the mean old game takes your stuff as punishment and autosaves too. Not zen people, not zen.
Ate you susceptible to bribery via baked goods? What about chicken sacrifices? On a side note, if this thing is really getting you down, there are professionals out there who can help. There are phone lines dedicated to covid 19 stress. There truly are lots of resources, if you need more info, just ask me.
in a light hearted jokey matter: if those bribes aren’t working then we just haven’t found the right ones 😉
Take a break! Relax! I keep telling my family, it’s a plague, you are allowed to rest and relax and just take some time without working
Sounds like you simply need a break. Take one. Be kind to yourself. Play computer games, knit, read (new series about a werecat named Jacky Leon from Banet rocks), bother your husband, plant fresh veggies. Forget the writing stuff for now.
When my brain shuts down like that (i.e. when knitting is not enough any more), I listen to music. I find a quiet, dark room with no distractions, especially no screens, close my eyes and let the music wash all over me. Usually it’s insturmental music, no singing, no words.
It takes a while usually. First, my thoughts are always like a bunch of marbles rolling all over the place, but eventually the clamor in my brain quiets down, and I feel much better.
But that’s just me.
Please rest and try to let go of the pressure to work. We will wait (or in my case, re-read until the kindle falls apart)- and those who won’t wait do not deserve you anyway 🙂
Take a break! So some stuff you feel like doing. Or veg out with a movie or someone else’s book. Yes you’re writers, but you’re people first!
Stop and breathe. Torture (ahem, I mean bestow large amounts of parental attention on) your kids. Same thing with the spouse and pets. If it’s a part of your household, cuddle it. Take a bubble bath, clean out your pantry, whatever floats your boat and let’s your brain unwind. We (the royal we – of your fandom) will still be here waiting. And Julie rocks, never doubt that.
Ilona & Gordon, you definitely need a staycation, relax, drink tea, contemplate what you’re going to make for brunch & just give your brains a rest. Take some you time and if you need a funny video to wTch, go to YouTube and search “dog brings home a goat”, totally funny, sorry, I don’t know how to link , technology is not my friend lol
YouTube has decided I really need to watch videos of Milky the Samoyed and his cat friend— and who am I to doubt YouTube’s wisdom? Join us in mindless adoration of the cute, fluffy, white dog. It requires no brainpower and is therefore the perfect thing for strained brains.
Thank you. Loved them.
How about toilet paper? Or yeast? That seems to be the big runner up at the moment? Can we bribe you with those? ????
Just take a break like everybody else. I’m from Austria and the news are all about “what to do with yourself while you are in quarantine”. I don’t have that problem because I have 2 kids under 4 years and a dairy farm so I’m not running out of things to do, but the everybody else seems to sit in their thumbs and is looking for a distraction. Video games? Knitting? Cooking? Good luck and stay healthy!
A few years ago the building I worked in fell down during an earthquake (thankfully no-one was hurt), the weird blend of lethargy,helplessness ,brain fog and hyper-vigilance that I’m feeling now seems very similar to that time. There’s very little you can practically do but the world is falling down around you.
Which is a round-about way of saying that working right now may not be something you can or should do unless you absolutely have to.
I hope you guys stay safe and find things that bring you comfort.
just write more about the bridge coz i might hate julie, but i miss KD, atlanta and the old crew so much!
I agree with the lady from Austria. Take a break. I don’t care if you take months off. Both of you have worked so hard plus you lost a beloved pet. With this Pandemic my heart goes out to all Americans. I live in Western Australia. I don’t mind you not writing, just up date the Blog so I know you both are well along with your families. Keep safe and be kind to yourselves we will be here when your ready.
So here’s my theory
We’re all in a state of flux. Our world is crazy, uncertainty and worry are overloading us. We can’t concentrate on the normal of our lives and everyday is a high risk situation.
You’re brain is overloading with a new crisis, it’s undoubtedly hard to be normal. So stop trying. Give your brain a break and let it catch up. Build a blanket fort, Knit something, . Leave it all behind and eat ice cream. The crisis will still be there but your brain will reset. We can wait.
By the way I love Julie
Sit in your garden if it’s sunny and just look at the birds. I wish we had a garden, this lockdown is driving me crazy! But enough about that. Sit, drink tea, watch birds, listen to Strauss, feel the breeze, ignore everything. I hope you feel better soon and I hope everyone is keeping safe and calm as possible.
When I don’t know what to do but I need to calm my brain I sometimes go on a YouTube spiral on a specific topic. Lately I’ve been watching a channel called Cracking the Cryptic, where the people solve a sudoku per video and walk you through their logic. I find it so calming, and their excitement is so palpable. Here’s an excellent example of what I mean by that: https://youtu.be/QNzltTzv0fc
Wishing you all the best.
“PS. Also I have seen my inbox. Stop offering money , yarn, and coffee for Julie story. We are not susceptible to bribes. ”
Curses, foiled again! Another evil plot, gone to naught!
Aw, well; do rest up and take care of yourselves.
Music. Play something like Dark Moon Rising and dance in the living room. (It’s a movie, but mainly I listen to the song. Good movie, though.) Nice thing about dancing in the living room: you don’t have to be able to dance. TV:Watch tellie. I absolutely love a NZ crime series, The Brokenwood Mysteries. Then there’s late night television like John Oliver and Seth Meyers. You find out more about what’s going on than you get from the news… check out Al Jazeera in English. It’s one of the few news agencies that cover non-European, non-North American news.
I adore Brokenwood too! it’s oddly soothing and the secondary characters are so fantastically well rounded!
Try writing some comedy. You could parody the Kate series; Curran as a were-sloth, Kate as a klutz, Julie as a “Perfect Pink Princess”, Derek as Kate’s faithful were-dachsund companion…
Rest your head for as long as it takes. I was going to lobby for you to write “The Saga of Olasard”. I’m really curious about the part un the catacombs.
Thank you both for everything you write, emails included. The world is such a scary, scary place right now but we Kate Daniels readers can handle it. Your writing has already immersed us in a world that has seen devastation and the people that are strong and learn to adapt and over come. But best of all is the humour you give us so we can laugh and know things will work out eventually.
This is why I listen to your books over and over again and own them in many formats. At night when I can’t sleep I put an earbud in, set the timer on my phone and visit my friends in one of your worlds. That’s my security blanket, lol, and it works for me. So once again thank you for that.
Oh, and my input on the Julie story is that, for me, I love her character and always have. I don’t care who she ends up with or how the story develops I just know it will be a fun and interesting story. Stay safe.
Ignore us (except for the part where we tell you how much we love the things you make!). You do you, and we’ll be here when you’re ready:)
Play some Animal Crossing for the next week 🙂 Just watch out for the tarantulas!
Go play Animal Crossings! Sell some turnips . Tour your museum.
Sometimes you just have to listen to your body!! Take a break. Read a book (giggle)
The universally recommended initial treatment for pulled brain muscles is R.I.C.E., which stands for rest, icecream, calm your thoughts and ecstatic dance. Or something like that.
Oh and good said Preethika.
You are allowed to have time off. Hell, half of the country is off right now! Why not you? Take some time, recharge, and go back to writing when you’re ready.
I hope you take a break because you are due your vacation no matter where you are! I love your blog and characters but I understand you are real people creating these amazing books. It’s a crazy time right now. I hope you and your family are safe!
Luther! A fast, hysterical romp with the Wizard at Large. Maybe a scene where he has to battle Roman?
Take time off guys. It’s not a crime or a sin. Listen to Jeaniene – she knows shit.
Write about yarn, sort yarn, take pretty photos of yarn. Let the cats have fun with that yarn that you wish you hadn’t bought and now don’t know what you were thinking when you did. Play games or find us a new boxset that you have to enjoy for at least 12 hours before recommending.
But most of all try and remember that you should be on vacation … so go .. be on staycation (for at least as long as you planned to be on vacation) and when you have your brain will magically re-boot
Just a pretty photo for you two, I hope you can get in some rest and relaxation!
Oooh, priiitty.
I had a goose in my swimming pool this morning and thought it was funny…a bird bath. Awesome!
I think that a lot of us are brain dead. Too much to think about. I have ebooks in queue from my library that I can’t read because they are too dark. Fortunately for me, I have House Andrews. I’m reading the Edge series for the umpteenth time to be followed by Hidden legacy. Thinking about reading Frances Hodgson Burnett from my childhood. My brother and sister-in-law have me hooked on Hay Days.
Rest, relax, rejuvenate, etc. and know that the BDH despite bribe attempts and addicted behavior wants you to take care of yourself first and foremost.
1. Listen to your friend. Take a break
2. Tequila
3. If #2 doesn’t appeal, Vodka
4. Go outside now. You only have about a week before summer starts in Texas
I’m a teacher and right now, my little students are in homes where everyone is just hoping to survive. This time is unprecedented. No one knows how to act or what is coming. We know what was. We know what is (mostly). But we can have fear about what is coming, too. If my students want to do the work to keep their minds occupied, that’s fine. If my students want to start something completely different and ignore school work, that’s fine, too. If they just want to Google Meet with me and tell me about losing a tooth or about their stuffed unicorn, that’s fine.
Don’t worry about being productive now. There will be time and lots of experiences to translate into stories later. Just keep yourself and your family safe and close. You’ve put out so many books for us to read and re-read. We’ll survive.
Helen and new puppy ???? story please!
i love you i am currently rereading your books for the 100 time why because it comforts me it takes my mind of every thing going on wright now you give me this would i love a new book absolutely but it will keep until you are ready thank you and please take care of your self
Treat your brain strain like any other muscle. Let it rest. You wouldn’t try to run a marathon on a sprained ankle. The same applies here. Do things that bring you pleasure. Notice the little things, sunshine thru the tree leaves, puffy clouds, savor husband snuggles and pet kisses. The little things that often get lost in a busy world. Take care of yourselves and thank you for all the pleasure your books have provided me.
Even the best of writers, and you both ARE the best, need a break. I will probably get some hate on this, but take a couple of weeks or so and just concentrate on yourselves and your kids and pets. These are very stressful times for all of us and are way beyond our normal. Take a well earned and GUILT FREE break. I am keeping my fingers crossed for an end to the virus soon. Take care, rest and enjoy everything you can.
I just wanted to thank you guys for the wonderful; Julie snippet. It gives me hope that it might eventually find its way into a new book or short story :-). However, I’m happy that you all are well, and I hope you do whatever is necessary to get through this situation. You are among my most favorite authors (the ones I re-read multiple times), and I love and appreciate anything that you send our way.
Oof. Know the feeling. Take a break, enjoy the break, and don’t feel bad. We’re all sort of flattened right now.
Make chocolate cake. I swear I could feel my synapses untangle and relax when I ate it.
I like the chocolate cake idea 😀
You need a nice long trail ride on a good horse. Take a lunch and a bottle of good wine, two glasses and Gordon. Chill.
If your dietary needs are compatible, consider making some no-knead bread– mix everything together and walk away for 12-18 hours, then come back and bake it. You will feel like you’ve accomplished something (and you will have!), but you won’t have to put any prolonged or special effort into it. Plus, you get fresh bread at the end of it all.
I’m surprised that the bribe was coffee and not tea.
There are times when I look up from my computer screen and completely zone out and forget what it is I am supposed to be doing or how to better productivity while wading through a world of worry.
I do wish people would stop making demands or requests or trying to get you to do something you said you wouldn’t. Readers should respect what authors say – if someone says they are not going to do something, leave well enough alone. Things change, great. If not, that’s cool too
I really like reading Webtoons when my brain needs a break. Lore Olympus is a lot of fun (though occassionally dark), and as you know, Ristay is hilarious.
Yes! ????
I love Lore Olympus <3
Lunarbaboon is also a really good Webtoon for right now.
I’m sorry. I’m not sure if there’s a time delay in posting, so some of this may be here twice. Lore Olympus is one of my favorites too, along with other Hades/Persephone webtoons like Punderworld and Hades Persephone ficlets. I’d also recommend Lunarbaboon, as his comics can be very calming and uplifting.
The problem is that we all feel connected to the characters you write. We sit around hoping to get the chance to visit with them again. Thank you for giving us these wonderful books.
I’m so sorry, hope you are better soon.
I do like the idea of baking – maybe some cookies or a coffee cake. Something to share with the family. If you have the ingredients already, baking is a nice activity that makes your home smell nice.
I hope things improve and that you start to feel more like usual
Everyone needs a break and, I feel, particularly during this time; even amazing people like you both.
Go easy on yourselves and enjoy some downtime.
I don’t feel any of us are truly ourselves right now. I’m finding it very difficult to stay focused. ????
This is what came to my mind when I read your message:
“What’s wrong with me?” “
Residual combat stress,” he said. “Happens when a corrupted innkeeper almost kills you and then an idiot assassin shoots a nuke at you, all in twenty-four hours.”
While circumstances are slightly different, the feelings sounds the same. Maybe we should celebrate Christmas right now? It couldn’t hurt.
For a pulled muscle, RICE:
REST your brain by reading or watching something fun/funny. I highly recommend Penny Reid- her stuff is quirky, humorous, and gives me warm fuzzies. Or watch Korean drama- So dreamy and entertaining. Also check out the YouTube channel “Lets Game It Out”. We laughed so hard we cried the first time we watched their review of a roller coaster game and told our friends about it and they watched 4 hours(!) straight and told us we broke them lol. I don’t think Tiger King is restful but it is very distracting like watching a train wreck and the documentary is well put together- we watch the final installment tonight but so far highly recommend it even if it’s not restful, it’s entertaining.
ICE cream. In cones, cups, bowls, between chocolate chip cookies, with sprinkles and toppings- no wrong way to do it. Slushies, smoothies, slurpees, icees also acceptable. (Also ice packs on the head/eyes and neck are great if you have migraines.)
COMPRESSION hugs- get between two people/animals in your house and snuggle and squish. Dog pile. Use weighted or piles of blankets if live beings unavailable.
ELEVATE physically and figuratively. Go somewhere with a view- a hike up somewhere, a balcony, a rooftop and enjoy the view. Sunsets and sunrises are bonuses. Take a virtual tour of national parks https://www.travelandleisure.com/trip-ideas/national-parks/virtual-national-parks-tours , gorgeous gardens https://www.housebeautiful.com/uk/garden/g31913008/best-virtual-tours-garden/ , or Frank Lloyd Wright houses https://www.incollect.com/articles/the-top-16-frank-lloyd-wright-houses-you-can-tour . Oh and listen to music- so many artists doing those fabulous zoom concerts and fb live kitchen or living room concerts and check out John Krasinski’s Some Good News https://youtu.be/F5pgG1M_h_U
Yeah so there’s my armchair prescription, free of charge ???? Take care of yourselves and thank you for sending snippets and being such awesome writers ❤️
First off thank you so very much for any news that you had on Iron Covanant and Roman! Bless you for that! ???? Second, please take as long as break as you need to get back to your normal because we all here depend on you to keep us normal! Your just that essential to a lot of people with how much we all love your books!! (No pressure whatsoever!) I’ve been slogging through a lot of bad books lately since I have so much time to read now and I’m going to need a break and just go through your entire works list for therapy. Again, take your time and do you.
P.S. I’m not sure if it’ll help but it’s been making me laugh every time I see it, but YouTube has a video of an owl doing a hiccup, please look it up and you will die from laughing ????????
I think a lot of us are struggling right now so you’re not alone. Try to give yourself a break and try not to stress about it too much. You’re burnt out from just finishing a book + dealing with the real world madness going on right now and it’s a lot to process.
I can’t seem to focus on reading in the same way I usually would which is weird & frustrating as that’s normally my way of blocking out real life stress. I’m trying to find new ways to unwind but that definitely seems to involve a lot of staring into blank space right now lol.
I hope you’re all staying safe & well!
Thank you for the Julie stories! It’s always nice to see our friends kids as they grow up and become interesting and capable people in their own rights.
I’ve been reading the blog and it seems to me that
you worked so hard -past the point of burnout- to complete several demanding tasks (Writing, meeting other Editing Deadlines, launching new books, etc…), you’ve experienced every emotion and fight your characters have (multiple times with each edit & rewrite), while managing a professional injury (your hands), an ailing child (migraines*prayers*), bought a house, renovated that house (flooring, etc…), moved (and then went back to pick up what was missed), sold a house, re-renovated (floors *again), bought another house (college kiddo), nurtured sick pets, experienced a big break up (kiddo’s live in boyfriend), added a new family member to assimilate and get used to (newboyfriend), laid a family member to rest (condolences on the passing of your puppy dog), continuously managed your blog and nourished the mewing BDH (fed snippets, stories, redirected behaviors, guided with kindness, entertained… basically you’ve had company every-single-day of this journey), done book signing tours (traveling has all the stress of a move) and then spent time with fans instead of resting & refreshing after each event, dealt with all of the behind the scenes stuff that goes with being a success in your business (technology, glitches, copy rights, contracts, emails, meetings, pitching ideas, submissions, quarterly taxes, office supplies, etc…), been a good mother (cooking, cleaning, shopping, loving, etc…), an overachiever daughter (it’s hard to be the top of the curve and have everyone expect that from you all the time), you’re a responsible home owner (maintenance of pool, house, out buildings, landscape, bills, etc…), you quietly support charities, you are a committed life partner with a talented and challenging husband (he’s smart and a smarty pants *love*), you’re an amazing and giving friend (Frost, Mihalik, etc…), and you are so much more…. And then the COVID 19 hit and deprived you of the small decompression that a few days in Florida’s sun, surf, and sand would have afforded you… Sh*t! That wasn’t fair.
So of course you’re tired. And it’s okay to be numb. Your mind is taking a break whether or not you choose to participate.
Right now, good people are looking for a place to escape from our current dystopic situation. You feel a call to duty. It’s who you are.
But you’re depleated. It’s not that you have nothing left to give. You’re just in an empty space. It’s normal. It passes. With good self-care it passes politely.
You’ve already given the BDH over 30 fully fleshed out books to immerse themselves in, novellas, short stories, snippets, a stimulating blog to chit-chat and share on, etc… You’ve already nourished everyone around you.
It’s okay to take a breath.
Or a day…
Or a walk…
Or whatever…
You’re where you need to be at this moment…
The rest will unfold just as it should.
What Regina said is true, so much has been going on if listed like this. You totally deserve whatever you can do to relax in lieu of your trip to Florida.
I am really glad and deeply thankful for all the wonderful books you already gave us and that I am re-reading again right now as my personal vacation from the current situation. ????
WOW!!! I’m worn out just reading that!!!
House Andrews absolutely needs R&R!!
But you have to stop worrying that you have no zip before you can get your zing back.
Meditation, Wild Dancing, Laughing and doing some silly things.
Don’t worry about the BDH for awhile.
We’ll all be here when you’re back.????
+1 on what Regina said! We love you and want you to rest and be healthy and happy.
She is right – your brain is a muscle, if you strain it it needs time to recover. Recovery can be aided by Margaritas and Tacos! That might just be me though.
I will need to remember this as I sit and try to write the parts of my dissertation that I am able since I am currently without the necessary data to write the other parts. To wit – I should be writing that right now rather than surfing the interwebs 🙂
The attached image is where my brain is right now, rather than where it should be.
Isn’t the picture, one taken of a Black Hole? Is that a synonym for limbo or purgatory? It seems that’s where many of us are in this new reality of Social Distancing. Humans are social animals. This reality is where some people want to be with walls and moats surrounding them. Live happy, because your wishes are now politically mandated.
I pray it’s not dark. I love happy endings.
Really a shame about the bribes. Sigh. However, I join with everyone who suggested a vacation, even if it’s only at home. Anything you care to knit?
I have been reading and listening to favorite books. Currently listening to Magic Breaks – love it, although many bad things happen. It is helping me get through these crazy times and also a stupid cowl that should be a breeze to knit but is evil. Hope you feel better.
Take all the time you need…we will survive. I may reread both the Innkeeper series and The Edge series between weed pulling, bread baking and closet ckeaning. Everyone needs a brain vacation.. Stay well!
I think your problem may be Florida. You had been thinking about your vacation for weeks or months and then it didn’t happen, but your subconscious is still fixated on it. Maybe watch an episode or so of Miami Vice to satisfy your subconscious’ craving for sun, sand, cute girls and boys and pastel clothing. Not to mention drugs and violence. Or listen to a lot of Jimmy Buffet. Or embrace your sloth and drink, knit and have fun with Gordon. Send the girls out to get toilet paper.
bribe: not even chocolate?
Thanks for the laugh!
Take a break! Write what you want, when you want.
On the Julie story, I don’t care what you write, I will read it. The only reason I bring it up is the offerings of money, yarn, etc would not be bribes from me (I have NOT emailed about this), they would be gifts of love. I would send them willingly even without any new story.
❤️ offerings vs bribes, as a thank you vs a please
Thank you for every snippet and book you write. My household waits for anything from your posts daily.
That said, I’m a quilter and I can not get excited over any of my projects. I have old projects I need to finish, projects I’m designing, and of course the dream project that I’ve wanted to do if I only had time….. yeah, nothing, Zip. More ice cream and Netflix.
Agree with everyone else. You can take some R&R time without feeling guilty. Someone mentioned kangaroos. I think we’re going to re-watch Crocodile Dundee… 😉
When I find myself out of steam in one area requiring creativity I usually try something else creative to do. So skip writing for a bit and see what you want to do with one of your hobbies and see if that relaxes you.
I just want you to know that rereading your books that I do have is keeping me sane. Thank you.
Are you sure that yarn won’t work? I just got some hand dyed self striping Bulky Kirbywirby yarn that would knock your socks off. I have 8 skeins of a gorgeous pure Sweet Georgia Worsted that will make you sigh.
I’m having a hard time because I can’t concentrate on knitting, reading, or TV right now. I’m thinking about playing World of Warcraft again after a 2 year break because I know I will get sucked in and hooked for awhile. I won’t look at the news anymore if I’m playing WoW.
Your books are keepers – my daughter and I re-read them, quite happily.
So, please be patient and kind toward yourselves, knowing that you have already provided your many fans with lots of great reading material to provide a temporary mental escape from the current situation. 🙂
Take care, and stay safe.
Are you susceptible to schmoozing?
Please, please, with a cherry on top? It would be so awsome, to have something to look foreward to, to learn more about this amazing charakter.PLEASE 🙂
BTW…i think you guys have earned a break… xoxo
Y’all have been putting out multiple books a year for the past several years. You’ve built up your fan base and cemented it with fantastic stories with incredible characters. This fan base ain’t going anywhere even if you take 6 months to a year off. Sure, we will miss you and the stories but we will still be here when you get back.
I agree. We will survive ???? We might suffer from withdrawal. We might start twitching, but we will be fine…..maybe……with some wine…….and chocolate, lots of chocolate.
I think there are so many of us mentally exhausted right now, so I get it. I agree with MS Frost (love her books too), take a break. I know I speak for many of us when I say, we love you and we will wait for you.
Also, I think it’s hilarious your being bribed. Take a break then take advantage of the bribes 😉
I just love that your fanbase knows you so well that yarn is considered a top-notch bribe option.
One more smile
My husband had bought new saw and it came in a very large double sided heavy duty box which was immediately moved to my living room per the instructions of my 5 year old granddaughter. This box has become many items over the last month but one day it became the “Wizard’s Castle”. On top of the box sat my 3 year old grandson wand in hand, wearing my Mickey Mouse Sorcerer’s hat pulled down to his eyebrows, a long sleeve t-shirt and underwear.
Grandma: G where are your pants?
Grandson tipped his head way back so he could look at me and very somberly said:
“Wizards don’t wear pants”
You have given us over 20 books and novellas with substantial re-readability. Hell, I even go back an re-read blog posts. You guys are so awesome and deserve as much of a break as you need and desire. Your BDH will be here to support you always ❤️
My kid 3 in 6th grade has been assigned Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson. I decided we should all listen to the audiobook. I am enjoying the high drama. Kid3 keeps tuning out because he doesn’t understand the vocabulary. I welcome you ‘to come aboard so I could get a word with you.’ We are listening to the David Rintoul version. Best wishes for finding your mojo soon.
When my son was in grade 4 he needed books to read as I had him read to me every night. We read the mercy Thompson series by Patrica Briggs. I read aloud 15 min then he did, When we hit a word he didn’t know I would stop and define the word and have him say it a few times. We read together until about grade 7. Throughout his schooling he had the best vocabulary of his peers and was the best oral reader in his grade 12 class. Please stop and look up the words together, A larger vocabulary is a huge benefit in life.
I love this story, Steve! You helped expand his vocabulary while spending quality time with each other, love it…
Personally, I think that daydreaming, reading, filling up on good music and art and “wasting”’ time are essential for the creative mind. I agree with your friend; rest and baby yourself a bit. Don’t stress, the brain-strain will heal. God bless and keep you and yours! And thank you for all the great stories- they can be re-read.
Get on the XBox or your system of choice, and engage in mass carnage. Terrifying cackling optional.
Sounds like you desperately need and deserve a break. We addicted readers can be a greedy lot and you are the finest provider of our favourite drug. Please ignore the neediest of us take your time and reset. I for one plan to start in on InnKeeper again tomorrow. 🙂
Know you are appreciated and loved! we will all be here when your ready.
Nothing worse than a pulled brain! In trying to think of the equivalent to hot and cold treatments, maybe work on a 2000 pc puzzle while binging 90 Day Fiancé?
Sending warm wishes your way.
Serious down time is in order for your brain to reboot. The Horde can just wait. Step away from the computer and breathe.
What about tea? Would tea as a bribe work? English tea, very nice tea, as much as you like…..????
Seriously though, take a break, enjoy some down time. ????????
I’ll be looking for your next books…I’m especially excited to read Iron Covenant II because I just finished all the Kate novels and Iron Covenant I. But take a break right now! It’s a hard time right now for many people. I’ve been reading a lot about trauma and how what we are all experiencing is a form of trauma that we need to process…which is why so many of us are having trouble writing, reading, focusing, etc. So do a lot of self care and bake something yummy. We’ll all be here waiting when you are back at it. 🙂
OMG! Offering bribes. Now that is too funny. I really got a chuckle out of that! Take care.
Good to know that House Andrews is not susceptible to bribes! Take care of yourself! The whole world is going through. I read somewhere online that we all should be gentle with ourselves because at some level we are all experiencing trauma. Trauma levels are all different for everyone. Trauma could mean for some of us that part of our brains have shutdown in order for us to survive. Some of us may not be able to fully process everything that is happening around us. Feeling numb or out of touch is normal. While some of us may be hyper vigilant or anxious, others may feel lethargic or depressed. These both are just normal responses to stress. Lowering expectations and being kind to yourself and others is so vitally important now!
Bribes ????
Like Mary Louise?
‘Atlanta is always being destroyed, here have some cake’
Well that’s the gist of what I can remember anyhow ????
I hope something refreshes you a little this week. Stay safe and healthy.
Take this time to reset. Relax if possible and do something that makes you happy and helps give your brain the time it needs to recuperate.
We planted a garden. I’ve been working on cross stitch, reading, and cooking. I put away on my crochet for now I’m burnt out on that.
I wish both of you nothing but the best and that you and your family remain safe and healthy.
Well, I am SO looking forward to whatever great stuff you write next. House bound as are many, I’ll settle in and read Innkeeper from CLEAN SWEEP to SWEEP WITH ME and look forward to the day you find the oomph to get writing again. I can wait as long as you don’t give up and quit. That would be a crime. Thus said, I can’t wait for IRON COVENANT II. I would expect it to be kinda dark as Hugh is hardly sweetness and light (though there was a bit of humor from Hugh in MAGIC TRIUMPHS so I am not expecting a nightmare). Dark times don’t necessarily need sweetness and light as an antidote. Don’t worry, you’ll nail it.
I like to watch something outrageously funny. Ever watch “Raised by Wolves” , the British comedy? It has a special meaning during quarantine. I just watched it again and it was pretty hilarious. I’m also a big fan of London Irish, but I’m pretty nervous about posting it because apparently a lot of people felt it was anti-Irish. I felt like it was the English being mocked, but whatever. If you need something slower but still ridiculous, try Corner Gas, the animated version.
If not goods like yarn and tea, how about young readers? My 15 yo read and liked KD, not overly thrilled, I told her there was a Julie snippet online and she perked right up “Ooh, with Derek too?”
Not in this snippet but it does have Ascenio (please forgive if misspelled).
“I bet Derek will show up”.
It’s just a snippet.
“Shhhh, Derek. ..”
So maybe not a big Julie fan, but definitely a Derek fan.
Give yourself permission to be unmotivated! It’s okay to step back and not be a responsible adult for as long as it takes to get your mojo back. If that includes sitting by the pool and playing catch with the dogs or being held inactive by a cat so much the better and they’ll love you for it!
Honestly try grandma Betty’s chocolate cake. I could feel my synapses relax when I ate it. Here is the recipe again in case you missed it. 1 cup shortening, 2.5 cups sugar, 4 eggs, 2 tsp vanilla, 2 cups milk, 3.5 cups flour, 2 tsp baking soda, 0.5 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp salt, 12 tablespoons cocoa. Grease and flour 9 x 13 inch pan or two 9 inch cake pans. Preheat oven to 350 degrees or 375, bake about 45 minutes. The chocolate smell when it is baking is best ever. Grandma didn’t write any directions.
I will chime in with everyone who is saying don’t worry about writing and take a break. Rest the writing part of your brain by doing something that is fun. Keep doing that until you want to write again. I bet it will be sooner than you think it will be today.
Not offering a bribe, money (broke) yarn trying to use up the stash I have. Am taking time to make masks for hubby and I and friends and enjoying going back and either rereading or listening to your books. Take the time for yourself do what you want. we’ll wait.
I made a no sew mask today using the online instructions plus safety pins to make sure things stayed in place. It worked great. I was able to grocery shop without it moving. I used a long rectangular scarf. I looked online trying to buy masks without much. Someone was selling a crocheted mask which makes o sense.
When you pull a muscle in your brain, you need mindless entertainment or something creative that’s also different. Watch a singing competition or take up painting *grins* I do hope you feel better soon, and not just because I love the writing you produce. Thank you for the snippets that are keeping us entertained during this period of social distancing.
Thoughts that you want to pop in to your head are elusive coming only when you stop trying to get them to come. Forget the readers that want you to put those thoughts in print. Take the week off. Last year when you went to the beach you both became story fountains.
Walk away from the computer and do average people stuff. The stuff we do when confined to home. Whatever that is. I am three weeks into it and haven’t figured it out.
Ilona, if a spa was open, I would tell you to take a week (or a month) at the spa. Relax, rest, rejuvenate. I know it is hard, but please be patient with your self and give yourself the space you need. The world is a very stressful place right now, so if it takes longer than usual, be gentle with yourself. Your brain and body are dealing with more than just recovering from a major creative outflow.
Yes, we LOVE reading all that you create. You are very generous with all that you share and give your readers. It is our turn to be generous with your and give you space to breathe. Sending you and Gordon hugs and wishing you all the best ❤❤❤
I totally agree! Hugs to the both of you.
Ditto times one thousand, take the time you need and RELAX!!! We care more about your well-being than about getting more stories (Ok, it’s a close second!)
Take care and rest for a bit, Ilona.
You both work so hard at the writing and have a vibrant family life that also uses energy (in a good way) while replenishing the well.
Thanks for the messages and the blogs – it’s very generous of you and gives us a better understanding of what authors live through creatively alongside the rest of “living” (and makes me doubly grateful for everything you produce).
Stay safe!
For some reason mindless physical activity has helped more than anything. Dance with anyone you have nearby. It helps.
Darn it. What will I do with my coffee-flavored money yarn now? I know! TEA-flavored money yarn!! No? Oh well. I’ll just continue to wait patiently for whatever you write whenever you write it because it’s always worth it. 🙂 So, veg out all you need to (and maybe even a little more, just to be sure). My itchy-trigger auto-buy clicking-finger is always holstered and ready to go into action whenever you are. 🙂
Sending you a picture of a crocus (spring is just starting here in Canada). It even has a bee butt for you! Take some time to smell the flowers (the ones without the bees). Have some tea and just enjoy the marvels around us. Let the brain muscle recover for a while. New inspiration will come when it comes…
Funny, your post wasn’t on the site when I was reading and getting my own pic ready for posting…NICE photo!! I too LOVE macro and close-up photography, and I’m in Canada, Victoria, BC too, so I understand the spring weather and desire to be outside.
Happy photographing and nice to see there’s someone else out there that enjoys sassy Ilona Andrews writing AND photography! 😉
I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about!!
For the past several years, since 2015, I have worked from my home office as both a freelance contractor and an editor, (the past two years) but with this pandemic I found that I am having trouble staying at my desk working on the novels I’m supposed to be working on…this is a prime example of my inability to focus on actual work.
I discovered that I needed a break from my normal routine, so I decided the past two weeks would be a great time to focus on something entirely different – that being my passion of photography. So, I focused (no pun intended) on that for a while until I could again give my energy to the day-to-day work that needs doing. I had to break away from my every day life to find that one thing that brings me pleasure, a sense of joy – even if all the photo editing is exhausting from all the intense concentration and attention to minute detail – and a sense of accomplishment that is entirely separate from my ‘work-work’.
Maybe find that ‘other’ thing that brings you joy and do it for a while until you can feel you’re ready to return to the world of work.
Note: I’ve given you the link to my freelancing site, but I am creating both a Facebook page and a new website for all of my photography too.
I entitle the Facebook page: “Dianna-Lynn Lundgren – Natural World Photography” but it’s not live until I get most of my photos edited and watermarked for online purposes. I’ll put some online later today, so you can see what I mean.
An image to help you in escaping – at least visually. Apparently, I cannot attach over one file, so you must look online for more, if you’re interested?
This occurred to me:
“That odd scratching sound again. Whatever it was, it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.”
Now replace it with:
“That odd scratching sound again. Whatever it was, it made the hair on my legs stand up.”
As you can see, I’m not a good writer, just the owner of an odd brain that goes on interesting jaunts and takes me along for the ride….!!????????
Not susceptible to bribes???? Just means your audience hasn’t found the right offer!!! How about another cat, dog?
Sending love. Difficult times. For fun Schitt’s Creek, Hart of Dixie, watched Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood take song requests and rewatching movies with happy endings.
What about chocolate? Are you susceptible to chocolate ? ????. I hope a book about Julie comes eventually, but as a request, could you do another Julie snippet? And, pretty please, could it include Derek (yum!)? Rest well, and take care!
The well will fill back up (paraphrase of the best line from “Welcome to Havana, Mr. Hemingway”). The problem with the well is stress slows the fill; it took 6 months after my dad died before I could write lyrics again. But, then I could write lyrics to go with my music.
If you two are in a position to learn something that demands all your attention, that can get you out of your head and clear away the brain fog. If it wasn’t Virus Time (” Livin on virus time, we’re living on virus time, …) I would recommend horseback riding. Martial Arts and intense exercise also have worked for us in the past.
By the way, thanks again for the Innkeeper coronavirus release – trying to slow my reading to savor it now.
No one would hate a new Kinsman story. Just sayin’. Also, we can escalate on the bribes for Julie – I’m sure someone has a firstborn child they’d be happy to offload at this stage?
How about a second born?
The brain fog you describe is one of the common symptoms of Coronavirus!!
In no way do I have any writing talent. But what helps me when my brain is weary is Nature. Gardening can be very therapeutic. Please rest and relax and just be for awhile. Oh and yoga helps too!
Too bad we don’t have navigable worm holes yet (that I know of….”I want to believe”)….cue the Twilight Zone theme song… *smirk-n-wink*
A trip off world or to Baha-char might could do the trick. ???? I’m here in NC so “might could” is acceptable grammar especially when said with a southern drawl. *giggle*
Caramel topped cinnamon rolls with pecans on top?
I too am offering bribes for Julie. What happened to Peanut? How did her scent change? Where did Derek catch up with her and Erra?
Home-made chocolate fudge? A nice brisket with lots of sauce since you aren’t barbarians?
It is so tough to do any productive work with this spectacle hanging over our heads. I reach back to kd and to everything you’ve written to tide me over at this time. Thank you and hope this gets better
Ilona Andrews I absolutely love your books. You do an incredible job creating new worlds and characters so memorable. If you need extra time off to give your brain a break then that’s fine. Everybody needs self care and it will definitely be worth the wait.
I am a nurse in Oregon
when I am off I have been running to the clean sweep series.
Thank you so much it has helped me to have something to go to after work.
Now I sleep .????
Hi Ilona! Reading usually helps me get unstuck when I pull a “brain muscle”. Most recently, I’ve been getting into short stories. Bite-sized stories to help me visit new places while I stay safely at home.
Everything has ebb and flow. And right now, everything seems to be ebbing, so don’t be too hard on yourself.
“PS. Also I have seen my inbox. Stop offering money , yarn, and coffee for Julie story. We are not susceptible to bribes. ”
Is that reverse psychology bit?
“stop offering money, yarn, and coffee”…. that had me absolutely cracking up. Until you said it I had no idea that the BDH was offering bribes. Also, I kind of wanted you to say something along the lines of at least being Even More Creative with the bribes For Your Entertainment. 🙂
With all that is going on in the world and me having no control over most of it, in order to distance myself from reality I listen to music I like, work on hobbies I enjoy, spoil my pets, and take walks outside.
Take time for yourselves and enjoy life for a while. Hugs for you guys.
Your books are marvelous! Kick back, with something wonderful to drink on your porch, balcony, deck or patio….and just breathe! Soon you will be pregnant with thought and ready to deliver. (Said with British accent and pointed finger in air) ????Stay safe and blessed!
Do what Dina does and create your oasis in your garden. I have planted so much these past days and it has helped me recharge quite well. :-*
We set a little timer to go off every hour. then we both get up and walk around, stretch,
dance – whatever, for 5 minutes. If we’re watching TV that can’t be paused we march in place or move around somehow.
In 8 hours that’s 40 minutes!
It’s really amazing how much stress it relieves. We tend to sit in the same position for hours in front of our computers (or knitting) or TV and if we don’t move around we get very stiff. Our muscles just keep getting tighter and tighter and with our arthritis it can quickly go into muscle spasms or really poor sleep.
This little trick has really helped over the past week. We make a game of it.
There is just one rule — The Kitchen Is Closed!
Hope this helps, everyone.❤️ ????
Search for patches of bluebonnets. Are they starting to come up yet.
Brain Dead? The answer is Skyrim..(or some other suitable game). Things that make you turn off that part of your brain and just be. Good luck and stay safe!
Dear Ilona, why don’t you help Gordon to design a moat around your house – or at least something close like a fish pond ( put piranhas in, has the same effect) and then help him excavate it? Or built a dry wall and plant it with flowers. Or try making yeasty breads, Kneading is supposed to be very therapeutic. just something you have never done before and that is far away from writing.
And thanks for all your blogs in addition to terrific books.
Don’t pressurise u’r brain, after some time you can write something with smiley ☺ brain.
What if we all bribe you with at least 100 reviews within 3 days of a Julie story????????
Take however long you need. I found a nice warm bath with a drink and a good book can be relaxing.
But while we’re on the topic of your long list of things to eventually write. Can you add another story about Dina’ s parents, please? There’s a free story on your website called “Gerald Demille” I have been waiting for the continuation. But no hurry. I’m planning to live to a hundred so you have another 35 years before I’ll miss it
Thanks for all the great work you have given us
Would a cookie bribe help for Julie Story? ????
We love you [both] for the stories you give us, but also for being human just like the rest of us. You probably don’t need to hear it from me, but just do what you need to do right now, and try to give your mind a break from obligations for a while, if you can. Thanks for all the ways you’ve made our lives more vibrant with your storytelling.