As you can see from the previous post, we are still dealing with the store issues. The problems have slowed to a trickle, but I did want to make a small PSA. We are using Shopify as our store front and Printify as our supplier. At some point during the order frenzy, the two decided to stop talking to each other. Five orders were affected. The system shows them as “lost” and then “recovered.” Nothing indicated that there was an issue. The orders simply showed up as unfulfilled, which is normal because Printify takes a bit to print the items. The shipping charges didn’t apply correctly – we don’t mind that issue, since it’s in favor of the customer – but we have to manually generate those orders.
We found out about it when one of the affected people emailed and asked where their items are. I’ve sent emails to all 5 affected people and got 1 reply back. We must be going into spam. So if you are running the same set up as us for your online store, please be aware, this is a thing.
So for those of you who are asking why the store is only open sometimes, this is why. Stuff like this lingers.
Texas is broiling. Yesterday we had a high of 105. It’s been weeks and weeks of this and there is no end to it. The heat feels punishing. The dogs can only be taken outside in short bursts. It’s like the reverse of that meme where cats want out but then realize that snow is cold. Our dogs want to go, run out the door, and then run right back in. It’s hot. Everything that was green died.

Texas does this every year, but this year it came early. I spoke with a friend in NC and she told me it was hot and they were in mid-90’s. Mmmm, mid-90’s.
This yard is as dead as my creative soul. Heh.
This week is the week we have to decide if this project is worth continuing. So I’m going to finish up here, and go write a bit more. We are sending it to a couple of people this week to read the first half of the draft and see if it’s working or not. It’s only Wednesday and it feels like this week has been going on forever.
Thanks for all of your work on the store-my book devouring horde sweatshirt is delightful! Good luck with the heat, if I could send you some SF fog I would😎
I saw that story about the Texan who “baked bread in her brick mailbox” (nice looking loaf in the photos too!) and I’m still mad at the people who told me it’s fake.
At least let me enjoy some imaginative stuff boiled Texas brains are creating.
Be careful about wetbulb temp issues(where it’s so hot your sweat can’t evaporate).
wishing you cloud cover and gentle breezes.
I totally believe it. We used to fry eggs on the sidewalk, and you couldn’t leave anything in the car that would melt, such as crayons. So yes, baking bread in her brick mailbox sounds totally realistic, in my opinion.
Crayons in a hot car. I remember that. It is worse if they are on the dashboard and drip into the vent. My mother was not happy.
The fanciful part of me wants the ‘mailbox oven’ to really be a thing. Hello Sourdough! It’s so hot here that I think we could actually do some light baking in our cars if the windows are up and we park in full sun. Now I want to get some pillsbury biscuits to test the theory.
In self-defense against the opressive temperatures, I’ve moved my convection toaster oven and a small stove burner outside onto a 50’s rolling cart on the back porch for cooking family meals. No need to pre-heat in 101 degree heat!
Here’s my reasoning: It just doesn’t make sense to pay to cool the same air three times. First we pay to cool the air, then we cook heating the air we just cooled, and then we to pay to cool the air again. Our energy rates are ridiculous enough without participating in the madness. So now I cook outside in my summer kitchen and make enough for leftovers to eat cold or heat in the microwave later.
How are you guys staying cool and saving money? I’m all about stretching the budget and would love for the BDH to weigh in with your collective genius.
Where I live (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) most homes do not have air conditioning, so when it gets hot, it is a common strategy to do like you and move the cooking outside, grilling our food on the BBQ, or moving specific small appliances outside as we use them. We also typically get a fairly large change in temperature each day (at least 10 deg. Celsius) so a lot of the time, the evenings are cooler. We open the house windows once the outside temperature is the same or below the indoor temperature, and leave them open overnight to cool off the inside of the house. We close the windows in the morning, trapping the cooler air inside the house. We then insulate against the sun during the day, closing curtains/blinds (even better insulation if they’re cellular shades). Keep exterior doors closed as much as possible when entering/exiting the house. We are not swampy here, so a lot of homes here have basements we can retreat to for relief from the heat.
My mom is in Edmonton and finding the smoke a problem for having the windows open. I’m in Halifax where we currently have oppressive humidity so opening the windows sadly doesn’t help. Oh to have AC!
To be honest, we try to minimize the cooking on the stove. So stuff is grilled, baked, broiled, or done via other means. For example, yesterday I made Texmex quesadillas. We ordered a rotisserie chicken with our groceries. I shredded a chicken breast, added left over steak from the day before, sprinkled some taco seasoning, and then got out my electric panini press. Brush tortilla with oil, slap it on, spread cheese, spread shredded chicken, make a little spiral with taco sauce, add a bit more cheese, slap the second tortilla on, press.
A single pack of tortillas make five quesadillas. They are easy to eat, they keep well, and they are cheap to make.
Sounds wonderful. 😋 I love quesadillas.
Our glass-top stove cracked a few years ago and my mom wanted to try to get it repaired instead of buying a new one. She wanted me to call Sears for a quote, then Covid happened. Then mom discovered all the cool cooking appliances on Amazon. And that, your Honor, is why we still have a cracked stove top.
Manufactured home in NorCal with no a/c and crazy gas/electric rates and no solar hookup available. Traditionally summer not an issue but lately we’ve had several years of multiple days at 110º +. Up to mid 90º weather, it’s not so bad. Home usually stays as cool as it was in the morning until about 3 or 4 PM. Then it roasts until sunset.
So, I make sure to get up before sunrise to cool the house down (herd cats to back half of house so I can open door and air the front; then close doors and switch cats there so I can air the back half). Then I close everything up before 9AM. Any cooking or laundry happens after 9PM, when the sun and energy rates go down and I have maximum cooling time until the next day.
Meals are largely pre-assembled salads, cold pasta, or sandwiches. On the hottest days, we eat out with a/c – either in the car or a pizza place. I really like the summer kitchen concept! Maybe next year I’ll invest in a small BBQ or camping grill. Until then, our local market BBQs chicken and beef Fri-Sat-Sun throughout the summer, and I just buy the cooked meat there. The market people hire HS students to run the grill, so it feels kind of like a community fundraising cookout.
try chocolate chip cookies baked on the dash. The car smells divine. A news show here in east Tennessee did that one summer. I had to try. it works. A little slow but hey, cookies. The temperature got to 160 F.
I had a friend who was really into solar ovens. He made his own but I think you can buy them ready made. He cooked some great things in his, outside, using the sun.
Sympathies on the heat. I am between Houston and Galveston. My AC was a out a few days. Luckily an easy fix. Cooling Centers are a good thing. I hope more people take advantage as needed.
I’ve seen the meme/joke recirculating on Facebook recently about Texans being advised to stay indoors between 11:00am and November 30th.
I sincerely sympathize with your heat problems. We live in the greater Phoenix, Az area and have been having daytime highs between 110 F. and 118 F. which are record breaking numbers. There are old jokes about the heat being not so bad because it is a dry heat. Boy are they wrong.
With temps that high along with low humidity our danger is that a person’s sweat evaporates so fast you don’t know you are sweating. The news reports are full of messages urging people to drink more water and stay inside. Advise we are doing our best to take.
my nephew’s family lives in Sparks NV and last week the kids were staying with Grandma on the Central Coast in CA. There were a couple of days where I was helping with them and I told them about the time I visited my aunt in Riverside county in August and arrived during a cold snap of 90 degrees.
I hope being immersed in the new project cradles and revives your creative soul.
My prediction for whoever you’re asking if the draft is working is the response will be a “hell yes” 😄
Really wish there was a like button.
Take my money!
Yes, it’s mid-90s in NC, but with 90% humidity. I broke a sweat making the bed this morning, and was soaked to the skin after walking the dogs–and that was at 6:30 this morning. This is not to trivialize your heatwave. Hopefully it will break for you soon.
It’s the same here. The morning is cool (78) if you get out before 8, but so humid that walking the dogs a mile means you need a shower. It’s drier after noon but just so hot! I went outside at 8 last night and it had dropped to 99 and actually was noticeably cooler, heh. I feel so bad for people who are working outside all day.
Thank you for the Shop information. I had problems the first time but this last time it went smoothly. I have been getting requests to multiply my $2.— credit by opening my account. I think that’s too good to be true.
Haven’t had the heat that Texas has only the 90’s but we had a very dry winter and very little rain and are in a drought. Normally in the summer we have the 3pm quicky thundershower due to the heat and humidity. Nada. I have had to resort to actually watering my garden as I have new trees and shrubs in and do not want to lose them. Miraculously, we have had at least two massive rainstorms in the last week. Who knew weeds could grow so fast. I weeded yesterday and was so proud and today there are more and about 3 to 4 inches across. How the heck do they grow so quickly.
I feel your pain about the Texas heat right now. I live in Phoenix and we’ve been holding steady at the 115 degree average for over 10 days, with no end in sight. It’s absolutely soul sucking.
Yes, yes it is. I just spent the past week in your beautiful city. And I do mean that sincerely.
However I have never been so excited to return to central IL with high humidity and temps in the 90s.
Hope it cools down for you soon.
IL and MO summers are one of the reasons I live in southern New England (raised in Will County, school in StL.). Plus, we have fresh and salt water beaches with cool water. Of course, this summer we are also dealing with man o’ war jellyfish at said beaches…
I understand that managing the online store is a huge headache. During release week I imagine BDH as locust. We are VERY enthusiastic. Thank for your hard work so we can have nice merch.
yeah, here in the DMV (that’s the DC metro area), it’s a typical DC summer, 90’s with 90% humidity 🙁
I had to go to summer school in DC one year, in order to get into an accelerated program that I had no desire to attend. My parents stated they could make the rest of the summer very pleasant for me, if I agreed to attend. Not being an idiot, I heard the unspoken caveat. Summer school was not pleasant, and the rest of the summer was like every other summer.
DC has its good points, but they’re a lot more comfortable at other times of year. I had to drive up from the RVA area last week to pick up docs from Vital Records. DC was expecting a high of 96F. I was very happy to get in and out by noon.
I just returned from a week stay in Phoenix, AZ – where they too are experiencing record breaking temps – each day we were there the high went OVER 115F.
One Hundred and Fifteen Degrees Fahrenheit.
Each day we had to walk 6 city blocks from our hotel to the Convention Center – my son and his teammates were competing in the Worlds Championship for Tae Kwon Do. It was a wonderful event & experience.
I have never been so happy as I was yesterday with mild humidity and highs in the lower 80s – it was awesome!
For all the non-Americans, 105 degrees Fahrenheit is 40.6 degrees Celsius. Dangerously hot!
Mm, 105…111 here (Tucson)
Cate, Susan, and Victoria are right in the middle of the hot spot. Yuma is worse-first, then comes Phoenix, and Tucson, followed by El Paso in fourth place.
I hear you about this stupid heat and humidity. Just thinking about going out in the afternoon is awful.
Everyone from the Southwest and Texas, stay cool and hydrated. It will pass eventually. 🥵
Store issues, creativity issues, BDH issues (ok, maybe that one is mitigated by our love for all things HA)….I’m sorry you are not having a good summer. Here’s hoping some relief on all fronts comes soon…take deep cleansing breaths and hang in there, it will be fine. 😥
Good morning, and please send it to me … I’m 76 years old, I’ve been reading sci-fi/fantasy since I was 5, I have a very good sense of what works and what keeps a plot moving, and I worked in law offices for 50 years and have a true respect for confidentiality. I love two of your series, and have no interest in the third, which I mention to show that I can differentiate between your various writings. Please send it to me; I’ll respond with a detailed, private, respectful, sincere evaluation of potential.
Hi Sharon,
Thank you so much for your offer 🙂- I will add you to the potential beta readers list.
This time around House Andrews are going with tried and tested decision makers.
It definitely turned hot much earlier this year and I am hoping that it leaves earlier too. Try to stay cool. Thank you for doing the store, I am eagerly waiting for cooler temperatures so I can wear my hoodie.
Hi it is Hannah. I should feel special that I got a special blog post but must admit to fellow BDH… technology is not a talent I bring to our beloved horde. So if we every start a list with our skill sets to aid the BDH that will not be on mine. If I can fix it with duct tape, WD40, or bailing wire I am good. Technology not so much. That being said I do not know about the other 4 people but my spam/junk folder has ZERO e-mails from any IA, Mod R., etc. Though I admit to not thinking to check before getting today’s email and seeing the blog post sincce I always get all other IA related e-mails *bows head sheepishly*. I did get recent e-mail one from Mod R and one from IA that were sent/recieved today at 8:51am cst and 8:48 am cst respectively. Writing in this space now just in case for reasons I do not understand because not tech savy at all my e-mail response to IA and Mod R I sent within last 15mins did not get out. (Yes I would like my items if at all possible). Sorry for any additional stress or confusion.
Hi Hannah,
So happy to hear from you- I don’t have your email (at least not yet) but Ilona does so that’s great! 🙂
Yeah! All is well. You all are the best. Sorry for e-mail communcation vortex. Maybe the e-mails you all sent were randomly sucked into Roland’s portal since I do not have them in junk/spam/ or inbox. If that is the case I will probably not open them since Roland’s communication would probably be deadly but beautiful and dramatic if I remember how Kate put it (sending theortical flowers that killed everyone but bloomed beautiful blossoms from their corpses mentioned in Magic Triumphs)
Yes! I am hardly ever pleased to be in flyover country here in metro St Louis, but this summer has not been awful for me. We have a wee bit of drought, sure, but it’s not to barren wasteland. It’s 81 outside and overcast. People can do things!
Here in Switzerland they are discussing planting Bananas, Watermelon and Okra in the near future, so welcome to climate change 🤪!
We are not even in high summer yet, but already have a lot of 30 degrees Celsius days. Blackberries are already ripe (a month early). So where do we want to live in the near future? My mom (77) says „come back home“! It‘s on the North Sea coast in Northern Germany, but who knows? I guess in my lifetime the coast line will still be there?!?
Lucky for the people, who can choose, where to live.
Stay hydrated! Ceep cool!🤪
Fingers crossed the New Goodness project gets the green light.
I appreciate the heat more than I do the cold winter weather.
I grew up in the Caribbean with no A/C just fans and some ventilation blocks built into the houses. We didnt live close to the beach so there was no ocean air blowing. My first winter in the US, I cried because I couldnt get warm.
I spent 9yrs on Okinawa Jp and the humidity made it feel like sitting in a sauna with wet quilts wrapped up all over you. And I still will take it over anything below 70 degrees.
“It’s only Wednesday and it feels like this week has been going on forever.”
This. I feel the same way and yet I’m so far behind it’s also going too fast.
Is there any way you can divide up the furbabies between Kid1 and Kid2 and jump on a plane to escape the heat for a short beach or mountain lake vacation?
A car may be cheaper and easier for a last minute trip but may not get you far enough out of the heat.
The change and break may rejuvenate the creative juices. I’m looking forward to the new project. It may be hard to judge its viability with the post-release, summer heat funk glasses on.
A lot of professions get 2 to 6 weeks of vacation (not always paid) a year and it really can improve productivity. Sometimes a change is as good as a rest.
Fingers crossed for a refreshing shave ice & relaxing pool float in your near future.
Yes, beginning to feel like shades of summer 2011 with its 90 days over 100 and no rain at all. Hang in there!
We don’t know what your current project is, but I do hope it’s not Maggie. I have loved those snippets to pieces!
Good luck with the new project! Looking forward to it!
Texas sounds miserable. I love HL but struggle to imagine people choosing to live in Houston. Colorado has me spoiled. I won’t mention our weather. 🙂
love the little deer. would love to see their little hops, but I can almost imagine them….. and my little hear also does a little skip. lots of love and cool (think ice) thoughts your way. stay frosty!
LOL! I’ve been thinking about you (all). I’m in Oregon, near Portland, which I do know House Andrews is not a fan of, sadly. We have been getting heat advisories that it is going to reach a heat index of 80F! I think about so many areas (Texas, Arizona, etc) where it is triple digits. HA, are you sure you don’t want to visit Oregon this summer? 😉 You could stay with us for free. 🙂 As says the entire BDH.
Sorry about your problems and your heat. You’re welcome to come and visit Duluth! It’s been staying in the high 60’s and low 70’s most of the summer. Right now it’s 60 degrees and raining.
Of course we do get all that snow! 🙂
Oh, Duluth!! 💖💖
And the gorgeous Iron Range country!!
I spent a wonderful summer years ago (1983) at UMD in the summer theatre program. Worked in the costume department – we did five shows that summer. There was a heat wave in July, and in August we went swimming at one of the city beaches (Lake Superior) where the water was almost as warm as at the Chicago area beaches (Lake Michigan)!!
The Texas heat makes us yearn for the mid 90s.
Completely understand! We’re near your area of the state and this is just miserable. It’s still freaking 80 degrees at midnight!
You’re right about this heat! It is so bad right now. I live in the Waco area (several hours from you) and yesterday we went out to bring the trash can in and found that it had melted! That’s right….our heavy duty trash can that we leave on the curb for pickup was in a heap. I wish so much I could upload the photo of it for you to see…it’s the craziest thing Definitely a first for us 🙂
That tracks. We ordered some fiber gummies and they arrive in the form of a jam. Completely melted.
Oh my gosh! When something like that happens, you know it’s too hot. 😲😎🥵
If the can had been metal, you would have needed oven mits to haul it in.
Lovely photo of deer. I hope they have a reliable source of water.
thanks for the store, and all the work you put in. I love my Kate jumper.
July is like February, but with heat…it just drags on, because it’s so dang hot.
The ferret heist magnets are on my fridge and I smile every time I look at them, which is frequently because I’m trying mightily to kick the full caffeine, full sugar soda habit (of 45+ years) with sparkling water. (Down to 2-3 a week instead of 6+ every day.) No sugar or other sweeteners, no caffeine, no sodium. Fruit flavored but no juice. Best part is no guilt and staying hydrated!!
Chicago area has had typical summer heat and humidity. The weather weirdness last week was three days in a row of EF-0 and EF-1 tornadoes. Fortunately no serious injuries, but lots of trees down and roof damage. (We could use help from the weather mage family from Hidden Legacy!!)
You can cook pretty much anything on an outdoor bbq. We were without a stove for the better part of a year. I baked cakes, brownies and cookies outdoors on the bbq. I heated it to to 350 degrees, put the baked goods on the non flame side and let it bake.
I’m sorry the store is being such a pain for you. I got my Tshirt and cup within a week and in one piece. I love them! So thank you!
Your heat sounds awful! I hope it cools off soon for you. The heat is pretty scary right now. Take care!
We should send you some of our rain… it’s been pouring here! I’m in Kent where we are ha the usual British summer!!
I agree this week is lasting forever. Major {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}. I hope you get rain soon.
Oh, and I got all the store stuff fine.
Is it my imagination, or do the deer in the picture look thinner than they should be? This drought is beyond my ken; worse than anything I remember-(except for the one in Australia) not just b/c of the heat-but the huge areas affected all over the world. Deadly to people, vegetation, wildlife, it’s even killing cactus. We’ve been very fortunate where I live. Our years long dry spell finally ended this year. The first beautiful, drenching rain we got, I wanted to go outside & dance naked. The community where we live is eternally grateful I didn’t. Hee hee.
It’s the same with Walmart. Sunday afternoon I got 2 emails and 2 texts that 2 items had been delivered an hour earlier. They never leave a gap in timing like that. We were sitting by our front window the whole time looking right onto our driveway on an extremely quiet street and no-one came anywhere near the house. Customer service took a look at the driver’s photo and said it was unacceptable – could have been anywhere, just a picture of a road, But I had to wait until Tuesday at 8:00 PM to ask for a refund. 8:pm came and then customer service said that the order had never been processed. No answer on why we got the texts and emails. He gave me the refund on the more expensive item but forgot the other one. We got disconnected And I got the AI to issue the refund for that one.If Walmart’s software can’t get it right, Heaven help the small guy.
I live in Tucson so I know what the folks in Phoenix are going through. I’m really glad I don’t live in Yuma.
On a happier note, my cup made it in fine shape and I’m as happy as a clam with it.
while not as bad as the southwest, here in NJ we have had august like temperatures since early June. It makes working outside impossible except early morning. Our gardens and beds are flourishing but it can be hard to find time to weed and the like ( we have roughly 300 feet of beds on our fenceline that average 15′ wide, plus a separate raised vegetable bed area.
we can’t even walk the dogs, they are huge and very heavy coates, they get overheated quickly.
This isn’t likely to break any time soon. In Europe they are seeing 122f in places.
Sadly this looks like the new normal. About the only blessing seems to be that this weather pattern is preventing hurricanes from forming.
I’m in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and the idea of 105F/40.5C sounds like standing on the surface of the sun. Even mid-90’sF = 35C, which I think is punishingly hot; I don’t like doing any outside activity when it’s hotter than 24C/ 75F, so the idea of functioning in 105F/40.5C sounds like a trip to the ER! (Please don’t die!)
I’ve lived with these kinds of temperatures my whole life, and I agree with you: it’s awful. Especially in Texas, where nighttime temperatures don’t really drop that much. It becomes depressing and exhausting when the heat just never lets up.
We’re from San Antonio Texas. However, we are currently living in Germany. I’ve told my husband that we are not returning to San Antonio. We will retire to a cooler climate.
A few years ago, my husband was stationed in Djibouti Africa. The temperature was over 120 degrees when another man decided to ride his bike. It was a quick death.
Heat- same here Central California. Today it’s low. 96. Tomorrow and the next 3 days 103 or higher. Then, maybe, back to 98. Everything is so dry. But it’s the price we pay.
The fruit and veggies grown locally have been fantastic
If you ever get a chance, please vacation in Massachusetts this time of the year. This year we can’t seem to shut the rain faucet off. I have a tropical forest in my backyard. I live 3 rows back from the Atlantic Ocean and the water is now in the 70s. Maybe cold for those hanging out in Texas but for us a hot tub, especially this early in summer. Come, re energize your spirit and maybe find a muse here.
Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard are nice. But look at places like Dennis or even Mattapoisett. The Cape isn’t the only spot where the Atlantic hugs the Massachusetts coast.
This has been a public service announcement for your well being and mental health. ( we need more Kate, Inn Keeper, the Baylors and yes yes new stuff too.
And if you fall in love with our 4 seasons even better.
Ipswich is also nice, LOL. Block Island is fine too… 🙂
True dat!!!
In Houston, the heat dome has turned everyone into an angry gremlin. Tempers are short. Drivers are pissy. Everyone has a bit of cabin fever. The air conditioning bill is making me cry. I hate it so much.
Good luck on the project. I live on the Texas coast so imagine the heat with humidity
Where the heck is the store? I have yet to see it!!
The Ilona Andrews merch store was open during the release of Magic Claims, for a week 🙂.
It was announced on the blog and a banner on the website linked directly to it (currently it links to the contact form. At the top of your browser page, where it says “Contact the store” 🙂).
You can still browse the store, but it is closed for now
It was the summers such as this one that motivated me to move from Ft. Worth after 20 years. I just couldn’t take it anymore. Moved to the tidewaters of Virginia.
It is 118 here and yes, you can definitely fry an egg on the sidewalk. If you do the slow-bake in stone cloche rye bread method and leave it in the sun all day, the bread is pretty much baked and all you have to do is brown the crust.
Welcome to the Valley of the Sun, Phoenix. LOL!
My son just moved back, couldn’t take the heat☀️
Hang in there! The heat HAS to subside at some point! Also, I am very excited for this new writing you have been working on.
When I was young, my mom left a large brick of butter on the dash and it melted into the ventilation system…. It smelled horrible for Years!
I the first to say it? O deer, LOL. I love the deer. Hot and sunny in Fla, but the storms go everywhere but here where I live. 3 miles away it rains, 5 miles away, 12 miles away. But ontop of us? No. 🙁 rain please come again… I know, I’ll regret that wish when a tropical wave hits us, but really. Its mid July and the ‘rainy season’ was supposed to start in June. Sigh. OTH, it is a bit like California, sunny and warm and sometimes not too humid either…great for the gardens if you water them. And my fig trees, my papaya and my flame tree are doing absolutely wonderful! Green and growing.
Oh I pray that the people who read the first half of the potential book like it! I love new series and especially so from my favorite author duo 🙂
I’m sorry it’s so hot. It was hot in Indiana today with a heat index of 92 but not as bad as Texas. I’m so grateful for air conditioning – it is what I consider one of the greatest inventions.
I’m like a previous poster and live south of Portland OR. Less than 10 days/year over 100 (now watch I’ve jinxed us for the year). We live in what is known as the ‘banana belt’. Meaning if it snows it rarely stays, and overall temps are moderate. It’s a tropical rainforest climate so yes we get rain but I love the rivers, streams, and lakes galore. I will add please don’t judge Oregon by experiences in the metro areas (true of any city). There is a lot to love here!
Unfortunately for you, you live in a desert so alas you have the terrible heat. Sounds like you have to plan several short trips to a mountain cabin or cool beach routinely to survive and restore creative energy!
We (the BDH) are rooting for you and any new project you embark!
Sympathies from Australia. I lived in the outback for years and understand the struggles when there’s no AC. There was one summer when the AC died and the nights were in the 40’s C (over 104 F) and I would dampen a sheet to sleep under with the fan going, sounds wired but works really well. Also the summer before the bushfires (2018/2019) we had record heat waves and it was so hot in the southern sates that the fish were dying in the rivers. No one likes a heat wave.
Amen about this week lasting a month.
I hope you find a way to recharge your creative soul.
I wish I were one of the effected people because I would not be bother and you would not have to stress.
Wishing I could send you some rain-
From Jupiter FL
Also wish I had those dear in my back yard.
I too am wilting in this Texas summer heat. It’s hot even at night and walking the dog so as not to burn up his little feet is a challenge. We are going at 9 at night. Thank god for the AC.😍🌸
Dear House Andrews,
I’m sitting here with my Gertrude Hunt mousepad, jotting down notes and grocery list items i n my Consort, Ever Merciful notebook which matches my very confortable t-shirt. My morning tea is resting on Roman’s coaster. From my end, your shop project is a wonderful success! All are quality items! But as much as we enjoy them, would much rather have a new book for the ever lovin’ BDH! Maybe outsource the store?
We spend a lot of the summer at our farm in the country with only a camper kitchen which is NOT conductive to a lot of cooking. So alongside the grill and the kid’s used dorm fridge, we made a sink base complete with drop in bar sink and running water for our outdoor kitchen. Works great and I actually processed several dozen cans of green beans and tomatos using a turkey fryer base in my outdoor kitchen last year.
Grill suggestions:
Beer can chicken – easy! Leftovers for your quesadillas…
Pork tenderloin seasoned and wrapped in bacon – sounds like overkill but keeps loin moist – more leftovers
Grlled Mahi-mahi – can’t seem to keep any leftovers for this…hmmm
Hope the heat breaks soon, but you all are welcome to mosey over to Kentucky, just look out for the wind, thunderstorms and flooding. 😎
Mmmm, delicious!
I’m one of the five. Your response was very fast. I’m delighted to say my mugs are here (and quickly) and fabulous!
I’m drinking coffee in one this very moment.
Thanks again for all the support and work tracking the delivery. Your dedication is appreciated.
Please remember your amazing talent, dedication, and hard work are appreciated!
A very happy customer 💖
As Paula Deen says, My goodness gracious!. I have always hated that Texas weather. Feels like the air is sitting on you. But 105, that is harsh. Hope you can rest a lot. Or more than usual. Bleeaachhh!
My entertainment this week has been to click the tracking number on my “your order is on its way” email.
That logistics hub is either very busy or very inefficient. Or both? Eh, whatever. The order has finally left the hub and is on its way…
(This is absolutely not meant to throw shade at House Andrews or the EU product provider. I knew we were a ravenous horde for HA merch (proud member here!); HA warned us that the providers were overwhelmed by orders; the confirmation email told me that I’d be notified when the order was sent; when I checked my bank account I saw that my money had been paid… so I just settled down to wait. Thirty-two days after I made my order, I was informed that it had been sent. (Maybe that really meant that it had been created?) Anyway, now I have daily entertainment by clicking a link. It’s the little things that matter.)
Here in the UK the kids just broke up for the summer holidays yesterday, and we are now in peak summertime.
It’s 18C – thats 65F. We’ve had continuous torrential rain for over a week. I’m wearing slippers and my winter jumper in the house, and my garden is lush and green – but I can’t go out to enjoy it without dressing for drowning.
Just a little bit of sunshine and heat would be amazing!
Oh yeah, I remember one year, sizzling hot for a few weeks on end. One day I walked out of work, paused, and said “It feels cooler than it has!” Got in the truck, thermometer starts; 107 degrees. “It is cooler! That’s 8 degrees cooler than it’s been all week!” That summer was when I found out a CD case will melt on your dash
God bless Texas. I’ve visited and it’s lovely, but why on earth anyone want to live somewhere with 100+ heat, snakes, spiders, Big-assed spiders, other creepy crawly things is beyond me! Nope, nope, nope!!