I am a yarn addict. I have purchased yarn across places far and wide, and one of the fun places I shop is Eat, Knit, Sleep, a cool online yarn store that lets you search their inventory by color, which is all sorts of awesome. They have a great selection, a physical location in Georgia, and if you order, they send you cute kitty extras. Imagine my surprise when I saw this on Facebook.

I won’t lie, I’m terribly flattered. Now I want this yarn.
Speaking of yarn and things that it might eventually become, I finished a sweater.

The sweater is going to Kid 2. She loves green. The color is actually a little bit more saturated, a pretty green, but it is overcast outside today.
The pattern is Capulet Blouse by Fabel Knitwear.
The yarn is stash yarn, unlabeled. Not sure where I got it but it feels like cotton and a bit of synthetic fiber, maybe?
The original pattern has what the designer called a rushed princess neckline, and I tried it, but it didn’t look quite right. Perhaps it might be better in person. I will try it again when Kid 2 gets here to pick the sweater up.
So next project. No idea what to make. Hopefully something that uses up my enormous stash.
What are you working on?
Nice sweater! I’m knitting socks. 2 at a time, toe up. I’m on my 20th pair.
I didn’t have plans to buy more yarn but I do love book inspired pairings.
I’m crocheting a scarf for my husband from recycled sweater yarn. Hopefully, by the time winter rolls around in Germany, it will be finished. 🫣
You are an original maker. I tried both knitt& crocheting. They are not for me. I love that you make stories with your mind & sweaters with your hands.
I’m planning on getting some yarn soon. my stash is somehow almost empty. I blame my oldest learning to crochet lol.
I’m making a hoodie in Tunisian crochet. I don’t normally do much crochet in the summer so this project is going to take awhile!
Wait…a Tunisian hoodie!?! Where might one find a pattern for that?
I’m just learning to crochet so I don’t have a stash..yet. I love to embroider though and I have the same struggles with my thread stash.
I am working on a shawl that is never going to end and I have no one to blame but myself since it is my own design. It is a variation on crocodile stitch to make it look more like flower petals in a deep violet lace weight. It is gorgeous and has the most wonderful texture but it is never going to end. You can see pictures on my instagram brittneybutterfielddesigns
Your shawls are so gorgeous! But you are absolutely right. That stitch looks like it would take forever. One time I got into this baby blanket that was a combination of shells and clusters with back loop ridges. They looked like little wheels and it was so pretty. Yeah, by day 5, I unraveled it.
That’s how I feel about granny squares.
Thank you! It’s good TV watching crochet but I’m still ready to move on to something more engaging and I’m not even half way through.
I am knitting a platoon of tiny 3″ cats. Amid my enormous stash, I have two balls of gradient sock yarn that I got in a swap many years ago. The yarn itself is not sturdy enough for socks for whatever reason despite its ball band’s suggestion, but it seems to be working well for wee folksy-aloof felines.
I’ve done doll blankets, vests and berets for 18 inch girl dolls. Also shawls and those booties that are T shaped before you sew the sides to the soles. When you scale them down a bit they make nice slippers for 18 inch dolls. They are good projects to use up leftover remnants of yarn. Currently I’m working on a quilt but I may start another beret in a soft blue.
I bought so much yarn on my last trip out of town! Then ordered more online. Our little town was evacuated for a wildfire, and, although I stayed to work with the local firefighters, my yarn and my pets were packed up to leave if necessary. I’m knitting a purple cardigan now (because I had the wool in my stash, and decided that I needed one), but have not made much progress due to working on the fire. Everyone is back this week, life is gradually returning to normal, but there are still fires all around.
Well, right now I’m laying a tile floor in my laundry room.
But I still fondly remember a bat wing, cowl necked, soft, white sweater I made in my knitting days. I couldn’t resist the yarn when I saw it in the sale bin because it was “100% undetermined fiber content.”
I don’t think I’d trust a label like that now, but it was a warm, comfy sweater, and surprisingly flattering.
I love everything about this, especially that delightful sweater pattern. I added it to my Ravelry cue.
I’m working on the Clincher bandanna scarf by Ash Kearns in the Blue Meets Red color way from Ruby and Roses Yarn (https://rubyandrosesyarn.com/)
It’s so fun. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/clincher
on a cotton dishcloth kick, this fancy doily one, Purple Prince Lily
by Judit Horvath on Ravelry
Wow! The match with the covers is incredible, it would be like wearing Hugh’s theme!
I’m only allowed to knit from my stash currently. By my own order. I have a huge and well organized stash. Cool yarn pairings for your books!
Love the sweater, I wish I loved knitting sweater but as someone who always run warm, it seems like a lot of work to never wear it.
I’m working on a Polushkabunny’s baby duck … love knitting toys
looking to start assigned pooling shawl Glide by Dawn Barker … grab yarn at Knit City Toronto
yarn collecting is a hobby too 😄
Speaking of, I have been face-palming all over because it took me thirty-mumblemumble years to realise a knitting pattern with holes in it would actually address my sensory-overwhelm and let me wear long sleeves and knitted things without feeling like tearing my skin off, because air is getting through!
So now I’m on the look out for open-knit and broderie anglaise and all sorts of things that are friendly to my ADHD. Luckily distressed things are still in trend 😅!
Depending on how much air you need…. you could always knit laceweight on 5mm needles. Or faggotted ribbing (k2tog, yo) but it biases badly, imo. But there are at least 4 different faggotted patterns that I know. A lot of knitted on edgings use it to delineate the edging from the body.
[The historical name of the stitch has been corrected to a less coincidentally problematic version. – IA]
For his 70th birthday (~ end of the year), my husband wants a huge alpaca crocheted blanket, which will then be felted (slightly, 40°C)
It can be colorfully striped, so I have searched every offer, every wool store that closes … to break the budget just ‘a little’.
Combining the colors so that nothing clashes is a ‚little bit‘ difficult
The wool is 3mm (US2.5?), I crochet with 3 balls at a time.
When the blanket is finished it will weigh about 5-6kg and be about 2.5-2.8m long about 40cm narrower (before felting)
1/3 is already finished
What have I done to myself to promise something like THAT…
I felt in the wash machine with a bag of tennis balls.
I’m in mourning because CustomFit is shutting down its site, so I’m generating patterns for everyone I know before they close. Since I restarted knitting at the 2016 election for something positive to do, I’ve knit more than 100 sweaters using Amy Herzog’s wonderful tool carried on so well by Kate and Meg. Right now, I’m knitting a Lucas Point in a wonderful Malagrigo Dos Tierras yarn in great colors–Whales Road. I LOVE eatsleepknit, not least because of their fabulous customer service. I do all my yarn buying by mail, and they are so good about calling it out when skeins won’t match, etc. Plus, they support so many indie dyers and suppliers. And! then there’s the slightly addictive scratch cards and discount system that tallies how much yarn you’ve bought and rewards and entices you to get more. I’m really, really trying to knit my way too big stash, and yet… most of this summer’s knitting is all new yarn. Sigh. Only one sweater from stash yarn planned so far.
I bet it will look fine in person and on the body. I always worry until I see a garment go on, and am always sure there’s something wrong about the fit, etc.
thanks for sharing this!
Currently crocheting a baby dragon out of yarn I’ve had for at least 3 moves. It will not bust the stash but it feels good to use regardless! And it will be adorable. It’s actually similar to Hugh’s color scheme, hmm, maybe Hugh needs a baby dragon 😉 😀
Why not? He has a unicorn.
I’m using a random purchase of a silk, merino, alpaca blend to make a giant shawl/scarf/stole thing (boring boring stockinette which all I have the brain for right now). It’s a wonderfully prismatic grey — looks dull at a distance and then bursts into all these beautiful flecks of color up close.
On a knitting note: do you have a pattern you can point for when Evdokia knits Kate a sweater in Magic Breaks?
This is close to it 🙂https://novita.com/en/patterns/fisherman-brioche-sweater-novita-natura
I absolutely love this. Makes me wish I could knit or crochet. Technically I can (I’ve tried to take it up several times in my life) but I just don’t have the patience and/or the vision to know that the drudgery is worth the end result. I’m better at other things.
thank you!
You must have that yarn!! 😍 I’ve been greedily grabbing Gauge DyeWorks’ monthly ‘birth flower’ limited editions … and when the package showed up after my last book release I thought I’d accidentally bought two skeins. Turns out the second skein was a book release gift. I had no idea Catherine even knew … well, anything about me. 🥰
The sweater is beautiful! And the book yarns are awesome!
making up a cardigan pattern as I go, want a kind of fluttery long hemline. So….darts? wedges? not sure what you call them in knitting but it has extra triangles of width at the bottom, with decreases as we go up. Using “100% cashmere” yarn of dubious provenance but really soft feel in a dark tea green. almost 1 front panel done!
Now I will switch to Iron and Magic to listen to today, yay!
Godets? Is that the word you’re looking for?
So cool your books are taking over the world!! I got those books also, they are beautiful. Anything happening with Subterranean Press?
Subterranean are getting the second volume of Innkeeper Chronicles books ready- an announcement should come soon!
We do a lot of layering here in Seattle, and this poncho pattern knits up lovely.
I already have one in a lovely burnt copper color, and like it so well there is another one on the needles in a discontinued variation of a MadelineTosh color in deep true red called “Blood Runs Cold”,- I had to have it if for no other readon than the name- it’s taken me five years to scrounge enough of the single-ply yarn to knit something substantial with it. This one is my TV project, since it’s a lot of just straight knitting, I can do it while watching. I also knit a lot of matching hat and cowl sets, and just finished one of those.
I also buy things just for the name. I very rarely wear nail polish, but the OPI names crack me up!
oooh that is cute! I bet she will love it.
I saw a really cool wrap shawl thing. it was a shawl with sleeves and it crossed in the front to look like a gorgeous draped top. I saw it on an add for a “winter” wedding dress and it was so gorgeous I instantly wanted one! lol
I love the comfort of sweaters but hate pulling them over my head. And taking them on/off constantly as I get hot flashes… 🔥
Nothing right now or for some weeks.
Stupid me tripped on the bottom step of the stairs in my son’s house and landed on my right shoulder. The top of the arm bone is broken and cannot be casted because of where it is.
My special, ultra-scientific equipment is : a sling. Try not to move your arm. We will X-ray it again in two weeks and see how it’s doing. Oh, here are some pain pills…
So frustrating for me, but worse, I was there to take them to the airport for a vacation. (I would also have been dog sitting.) They are staying home because I am otherwise helpless. They tell me it’s no big deal and they are glad to help, but I still feel really guilty.
I *was* making a baby blanket in multi-pastels for my grandbaby (they are adopting) who will come along at some point. I am sure crochet will be good physical therapy. (that’s in my future, too)
Oh no, I’m so sorry you’re going through this! Wishing you speedy bone-knitting!
Find someone local who does PEMF therapy – seriously helps with speeding up bone healing
So sorry to hear this. My brother broke his humerus as a toddler (fell off the back of a speeding tricycle) and yeah, sling is about all you can do. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
I started taking knitting lessons at a local shop run by two amazing retired school teachers back in EARLY 2020. My MIL’s brain tumor had returned and we were spending a lot of time over at my in-laws’ house, and I thought it would be a good time to learn a new skill for my downtime. I was feeling pretty good about my progress, and was planning to continue my lessons when the world shut down. The lovely little shop was forced to close later that year and online videos just don’t work for me. I still love looking at yarns though🧶. Rumor has it that our local library is going to start a craft/knitting circle, so fingers crossed that I can find a new teacher!
I love the yarn and book pairings!
I am making a white baby blanket with a fancy lace center panel, a fancy lace wide border and a fancy lacy final border. It’s for my husband’s niece, who’s pregnant with the first baby in the next generation. I struggled to find yarn for the pattern, which is a British pattern from 30 years ago and called for a three-ply yarn that’s discontinued. I wanted a washable wool, but yarn stores around Glasgow don’t carry wool, and when I asked why not — it’s Scotland and there are sheep EVERYWHERE — I was told they’re not sheep for shearing. This makes me unutterably sad. Anyway, I’m making it with a nice acrylic that has a lovely soft hand and will be washable.
Check out https://beingknitterly.co.uk for information about UK yarn festivals and especially the Edinburgh Yarn Festival, and, https://www.shetlandwoolweek.com (which highlights a hat to commemorate the festival each year). If nothing else, it will give you a list of wool vendors who are all around you.
I get news and updates from https://ysolda.com (yarn shop & designer); and, https://gingertwiststudio.com (indie dyer and yarn shop).
I also recommend a look at Creabea Knitting Podcast and The Meaningful Stitch podcast on YouTube, as both are Scottish knitters.
Don’t know much about Glaswegian shops and knitters, but this might help you on your journey 🙂
I just finished a shawl “Night Market” by Laura Aylor and am starting a double knit called “Buzzy Bee Scarf” by Lisa Hannon Fox to wear at a Sherlock Holmes convention next year. It may take me that long to make it.
I’m a huge fan of Mikey from The Crochet Crowd he does crochet and knitting patterns – free as well as video tutorials for many of the patterns.
My current “On the Hook” is from a past crochet along mandala, can’t wait to see the finished look.
Now I’m off to discover the pretty yarn at Eat.Sleep.Knit! I have family in Georgia so I can send them to the store! LOL
Apparently today I’m tech challenged – I tried to add a photo but no go 🙁
Not making anything right now and technically speaking I’m not buying anything craft related until I’ve cleared some stuff, not haberdashery, not material, not yarn. But. . .
Yesterday I was passing a charity shop and there was a huge vintage wooden sewing box, cantilevered with removable legs and a basket handle. It had a lovely patina and it was only £15!
Admittedly I then had to schlep it from one side of London to the other on National Rail and public buses. But it was worth it.
So now I need to sort out some of my stuff and I often find that weirdly this makes me want to buy more.
I do Tunisian crochet and I am working on two blankets. One for my niece and one for a great niece.
I make teddy bears. I need to finish the head of the bear I’m working on today.
Wow!! I totally missed that post from EatSleepKnit! Very very cool. I am working on a corner to corner crochet (!) shawl for mom. Very fun. I’ve knit countless ctc blankets and ponchos, but this is a first crochet. It’s very fun and feels like a waltz. Lots of combos of 3s.
The sweater is very pretty! Nicely done!!
I’m working on two major projects. One is a whole bunch of sewing 100% cotton pants for the summer. The majority are crop length. Two are ankle length for when I have to go to corporate when it’s blazing hot outside. Batik and other cotton quilting fabric are my friends.
Second major project is knitting a sweater out of silk and viscose (made from bamboo) yarn that I found while unearthing boxes out of a closet. Pattons yarn created this blend a long while back and sold it at JoAnn stores. It’s discontinued now. The stitch I’m using is what I call a broken rib using a circular needle. The pattern is knit 2, pural 2 for one row. On the second row, you pural over the knit and knit over the pural. What’s fascinating about this stitch is that it’s reversible. Plus, it creates a vertical line like knitting a rib. I do a garter stitch for the bottom of the sweater, as well for the neck and sleeve bottom. It helps to hang nicely on the body. 😊
Wow to the yarn color matching the book covers. Pretty cool when that happens.
Wow! I can appreciate your seeing 100% cotton pants/capris. I’ve been looking for some online, that are reasonably priced. So far I have not found anything I like for a corporate environment
A lot of cotton pants I’ve seen online have other fibers with it such as rayon, nylon, and/or spandex. Some use modal, which is a high priced cotton fiber. Some are made from pima cotton which has a longer strand when spun than traditional cotton fiber. That too is expensive.
I just go to my local JoAnn store, go to the quilting section, and pick out what I like. I found 100% cotton solids in all different colors. I bought black and a light sage green as well as prints in shades of blue, green, and yellow. The best thing is when I can get all that cotton on sale. 🙂
I have two pants patterns I bought back in the 90s that I use for me (they are designer patterns). I used the patterns so much, I had to buy pattern ease to trace out the patterns on it so I could use them over and over again. Then I go on a cutting spree. After the cutting spree, then the sewing spree begins.
I am making heraldic cotehardies (a 14th century dress) for three friends. Two are purple and green and white, one is blue and white. One of the first two will be block printed by another friend, the others I will applique. I have two months, so I can’t procrastinate.
Im making a Kraken from Crafty Intentions
Don’t let Kate know. She’ll blow it up like she did that poor baby Kraken in Magic Tides. 😂😂😂😁
I’ve decided to get back into needlepoint after 20+ years.
Wish me luck.
Purchase recommendations ie. companies with a variety of selection and reliability to send the product, is welcome.
I am knitting a Seasons cardigan by Ozetta, in a lovely teal colour.
I love that pattern! My daughter has decided she wants shrug type of garment with a very open pattern–something that would likely be easier to crochet than knit. We bought some sparkly blue fleece at a fiber festival a week or so ago that I can spin for the project once she decides what she actually wants and I can identify the weight of yarn needed. I am currently trying to finish up some WIPs including a pair of socks in cotton. It is a watermelon sock, but little did I know when I took it out again that now watermelon is a now political symbol so I may have to put it away again.
now I want that LolaBean yarn
As someone with multiple wips, I’ll limit it to one per craft:
Crochet – working on the Tilted Tunic – almost done
Knit – working on Geogradient – Stephen West’s KAL from last year I didn’t finish
Weaving – doing an 8 shaft pinwheel pattern using a pickup stick on a rigid heddle loom
My Ravlery account has so many more wips in it.
the capulet blouse is my next project! baby hats, and toddler hats are this month’s projects before the blouse.
I have this skein of Paton’s artistry dye or what ever in this pale white grey with flecks of orange and gold and I call it my Curran skein. I haven’t found anything that screams Kate yet,but when I do, they will be a pair of socks together 🤣
your kids are lucky to have a mom knit them cool clothes!!! those book-matching colors are beautiful. could make all kinds of pretty items with them
I embroider (hand). Working on an adaptation of the neitches on a tree design (evil enough) on a small pouch (thinking of doing a larger version with more detail later – personal use only, would not sell something based on another’s art) and dragon silhouettes. Just finished a magnolia blossom, so doing a few small projects before starting next big/detailed one.
I’m working on a baby shawl, in an ivory 3 ply, knitted in a round. The pattern starts with 8 stitches and by the time you get to the edge you have more than 900 stitches so each row takes me more than half an hour to complete. Now I am on the edging, made up of short rows that knits up one of the 900+ edge stitches every 2nd row. The completed shawl has a diameter matching the width of a queen size bed. Hopefully I will finish it in another few weeks. Baby is due in July.
Oh! 💚
I wish my mum started knitting at least one of the many sweaters she said she would knit me!
I’m not that good at destashing either, but I’m trying: patchwork pinafore apron inspired by Bilbo’s dressing gown in The Hobbit: we have a themed event at the end of July and can’t wait!
i have three baby quilts to make, but i was also thinking of doing baby afghans. i did both with the last baby in the family and i liked that idea. It’s fun to work on a smaller project than the wedding and graduation quilts i’ve been doing that are always queen size.
Jo Ann fabric has the white waterproof fabric that has cotton knit on one side. Hobby Lobby also carries it. It makes great changing pads, burp pads, bibs and pouches. You can also get the swaddling blanket fabric. One and a half yards will give you a 42 inch square that can be used as a nursing cover or swaddling blanket. It is open weave and safer than flannel. I do use flannel for the changing pad and bibs. Good luck and happy sewing. Last year I had 5 baby showers to sew for! Everybody got a quilt, swaddle, bib and burpie and a changing pad and board book.
I’m a crocheter and I’ve been on a dragon kick. I’m making my second eastern dragon and I have a wyvern in the works as well. I adore the patterns by Megan Conway Lapp of Crafty Intentions. They are like making sculptures out of yarn, just so satisfying and gorgeous.
Nice yarn, and nice result !
I’m working on a shawl (model pixie shawl, from the website hobbii) that is a gift for a friend that will defend her phD ill December. I have time, but I’m slow, because I crochet for 2h/week😅
I meant in December, the keyboard on my tablet is too big😅
I’m have multiple projects going on right now. I like designers from PetitKnit and My Favourite Things. These are very simple stockinette pullovers and cardigans that are excellently structured to showcase the wonderful artestry of specialty dyed yarns from independent dyers. I am a big fan of Miss Babs out of Tennessee and Madelinetosh in Ft Worth Texas. I also recently discovered “new” dyers, Ruby and Roses for gorgeous brights and Pigment and Ply out of Essex, England for moody/broody brights. Also Zakami from Great Britain has some great bases with light, delicate colorways. Love them all.
Don’t forget Knitting for Olive in Sweden. They have some great coordinating yarns to add more dimension to your indie dyed yarns.
Your sweater is beautiful. K2 will be happy.
Ooooh, that’s a great sweater! Would Kid 2 consent to model it for the Horde?? (If not, of course the Horde will respect her privacy!) Thanks for sharing a yarn-y post. 🙂 Also I loooooove that someone paired yarn with the special edition, omg, yes. I hope she shares her finished project!
I just finished the Ellen Scarf (Nancy Ricci) that had been languishing in my UFOs for several years, knit in Jade Sapphire. I have about 6 ends to weave in and I need to wet-block it to relax the yarn – it’s my first time working with a linen blend and I’m excited to feel how the yarn changes (it’s a linen-cashmere blend and it feels rough right now but I’m hoping it will relax into absolute lusciousness).
Now I’m back to working on the Crown Wools scarf (Casapinka) and the Squared Up Jacket (Urth Yarns). I’m at a complicated section on the scarf so it’s nice to have the round-and-round simple crochet of the jacket when I need something mindless.
If you embroider and want something challenging, try the double running Holbein stitch. It is reversible, the same on both sides, no knots. If you find a pattern you like, and want to embroider on a square (like a tablecloth or handkerchief) turn the corners using a mirror on the pattern. It takes a little planning but looks amazing.
If you want to use up your yarn stash—I once used up mine by making a gigantic blanket. I just kept tying one skein onto the next. I tried to balance weights, but it was colorful and MINE!
I am knitting Katmandu by Linka Neumann, stranded knit with 3 colours of worsted yarn per row in the round, no good where you live as it would be way too hot and also knitting a button down vest/waistcoat that is from Drops, using some yarn I picked up from an indie dyer when I finished riding the Otago Rail trail and that is in a variegated yarn of reds, oranges and yellows. I do have sitting waiting for me to start the hat from this years Shetland Wool Week, I have some Jamieson and Smith in my stash.
Wildlife rescue operations are often looking for knitted nests of various sizes, especially this time of year when babies are in abundance. But, perhaps your yarn is too nice for this purpose.
Lovely sweater. Lucky Kid2! I’m making yet another baby blanket in Caron’s One Pound acrylic. Something a baby can mess up with impunity. You must be on cloud 9 with that FB review.
I’m crocheting a baby blanket from Daisy farm crafts. I’m super slow but will get there
I’m still working on scarves, since those work best to get tension constant. Using a nummy sport weight silk from Darn Good Yarn. Unfortunately I put it “someplace safe” to keep it away from the kitten and visiting puppies. I’m pretty sure it went into the pocket dimension that lives at my place and I won’t find it until I start another one…
I got my books and now I want the yarn and my stash is huge.
A Shetland Wool week hat, in preparation for a knitting trip in Shetland to learn Fair Isle knitting
ohhh… would like to come along on this one 🙂 Have great fun!
Have fun!
My mom learned to do Fair Isle knitting from one of her knitting books where the author was from Scotland. I watched her work the pattern, looked at her, and said better you than me. She laughed.
From knitting socks and miffs for over 25 years I have a 125l bag full of left-overs… I am knitting them in little patterns with the idea to make a knitted stained-glass-window quilt out of them. Will be a long time to get finished, though, I think. But it is nice to work on between all the normal projects like knitting socks and miffs 😉
I really know the feeling of being a yarn-hoarder, and I like the colors they chose. So…
I’ve been sculpting a bit more lately. I have shows in June. Washington State provides an entirely different vending experience than Florida! I moved from Florida last year. Anyway, following the Zooly Weekly Art prompt and then making things I hope will be popular here. I can’t do anything with yarn but I certainly enjoy seeing the beautiful things.
So pretty! Both of the covers and all of the yarn are lovely.
Just finishing up a Tunisian crochet sampler blanket (Annie’s kit) because I want to do more Tunisian projects.
I’ve put down the round mosaic blanket I’m making for a Christmas present because my circles always start rippling after a few rows and it’s frustrating me.
Now I need a crochet project for the gorgeous Malabrigo yarn in my stash. This is for me, so if anyone has a good suggestion I’m open!
I just finished a cotton (Berroco) short sleeved summer top, pattern ‘Sorrel’. Knitted in the round, once you finish the decorative stitches you turn the sweater inside out & knit the body – once finished the knit side is reversed and frames the decorative yoke stitches.
I have just been released from a 3 mo ‘no craft’ time after wrist surgery for arthritis. I have eight different skeins on my table trying to find one that will work on a new pattern.
I love to craft while listening to audiobooks. Listening to a good book again is better than tv or listening to a new book that is a dud.
Blankets for my grandchildren…just got back into crocheting. Two weeks of working on my projects…and my closet is almost full of yarn already…yarn has become a bit of a problem…
Now I want to see Erra pick up knitting as a hobby while she listens to supplicants. Just sayin’…
Making a crocheted Temperature Blanket helped me make it through the Covid Crisis period; and I’ve made a different design each year since then. This year I went through about 4 designs until I found one that works for me, and now I’m catching it up. Kudos to anyone that can knit or crochet wearables!!! My various projects can be seen on my MicheleDenise Ravelry account.
I’ve been having so much trouble getting back into crocheting since I moved to the south from up north where it actually got cold. it’s just too hot and i don’t have the nice train commute that was perfect for getting projects done
I’m making Swifty Voter bracelets that I give away.
The purple letter beads that I favor don’t have many vowels so I spell Swifty with a y.
I’ve given away 1500 bracelets so far.
I’ll be a Mississippi DNC Delegate in Chicago and am striving to make 1000 pretty bracelets with me.
I’ve been making rings out of tiny seed beads and fishing line (peyote stitched). I have quite a few of them started that I need to finish…
Laura, this sounds very interesting. Is there a place to share with you? Or are we not allowed through this blog?
That sweater is really cute! And those yarns very pretty. I’ve recently revived my knitting and it’s been really fun, if not very good for my budget~~
Finishing up knitting a popcorn polo cardigan (stuck on sleeve island) and I have a million little crochet side projects I keep getting sucked into. Most recent one is a rainbow crop top for one of the kiddos. Before that it was around three (maybe four?) different crochet bags and then before that it was crochet water bottle holders for the kids. I finish projects for myself very very very rarely. Love matching the yarn to the books- I literally am out of room for yarn though, need to use up some of what I have before I get any more!
the capulet blouse is my next project! baby hats, and toddler hats are this month’s projects before the blouse.
I have this skein of Paton’s artistry dye or what ever in this pale white grey with flecks of orange and gold and I call it my Curran skein. I haven’t found anything that screams Kate yet,but when I do, they will be a pair of socks together 🤣
A fine compliment.
My son – and only child- graduates from high school today. That has been my main focus for the last month. I have never been a knitter. The sound of the knitting needles is a sensory integration issue for me, but I love the outcome!
My choir is preparing for our last performance of the year (and my last one with them at all as I am relocating 300 miles away in the fall).
Is it all knitting needles or does the material matter? I can’t handle the noose of the metal ones. Drives me up a wall.
Maybe try bamboo or laminated birch? They do still make a sound, but softer than the metal, and much nicer in your hands.
Thanks – it is the clicking sound that makes me crawl up the wall- like someone tapping on a table nonstop. I know some find it soothing or hypnotic, but it bothers me much more than fingernails on the chalkboard.
Love the yarn colors. And that’s such a lovely tribute to the Collectors Edition.
I love buying yarn but fail to use them so I’m guilty of accumulating a stash. One of these days, I will actually learn to knit rather than just crochet.
As they say, aquiring yarn and using it are two different hobbies!
oooh, I might have to get some of that yarn! I like ESK , although they are a bit expensive for me.
I’m trying to get I Am Dragon II by Alexandria Davidoff (spelling?) of my needles so I can swatch a sweater for my dad. this is the most frustrating pattern with the most interesting results I’ve done so far.
I have a yarn problem and *adore* Eat.Sleep.Knit. Right now, I am working on a Hemlock Ring Blanket. Those outer rows eat up a lot of time.
I’m crocheting a car seat cover in trinity stitch. It is a yarn hog and takes me forever but it’s so pretty!
I’m crotcheting one gigantic granny square meanwhile 140 cm x 140 cm about one and a half yards length and width. It should become so big that I can cut and sew a kneelenght cardigan. The middle starts with red gradually becoming dark blue. I love it but it really needs a lot of yarn.
I’m waiting on some yarn to start an April camisole. It’s hot here.
I really didn’t need to know about another great yarn source…
I finally finished my 1st pair of socks and I have 3 more pairs in progress. (Cuff down, knitting in pairs). My progress was slowed by an incident involving chewed up bamboo double points last month. I know which cat did it, but she hasn’t confessed! I woke up this morning thinking of the next pair and now I want the sock yarn in the photo lol
wow those yarn matches to the book covers are great.
At the moment my main way of using up yarn is weaving with it. but at the moment the weaving work is on hold… So the stash just seems to go forever.
it heard the words “live long and prosper” and has brainwashed me into being is stash building slave🤣
Though I’m using the off cuts from those projects as well as general sewingvoff cuts to do crazing quilting patching, to try to use up all of the little scraps I save up. so a slightly different stash is reducing…sort of
I love to see all of your knitting projects. I liked to listen to all your books on audio while I knit. I am working on a blanket by Tin Can Knits.
Congratulations on the mention! Very cool! The sweater is awesome! It’so impressive! I’m sure Kid 2 will love it. I can’t wait to see what you create next!
Currently working on, one Oslo sweater, one Lovenote sweater, one April Cardigan and a sashiko sampler. Jumping from one project to the next as the motivation arrives 🙂
I’ve been on a hat kick – I’m in two groups that knit for charity – and finished my 11th hat yesterday and will finish a 12th one today, If you are on Ravelry, you can see the hats here, https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/52-hat-challenge/4311414/51-75#53 (I’m AsMezgeja on Ravelry).
Just finished three art quilts that I started in workshops last month.
Honorary BDH!!
How nice that Arly and Kinsey recognize great books and lively yarns!
I have been looking at FabelDesigns on IG, but haven’t pressed into. her retro esthetic as yet; but that top looks fabulous! Am finishing up an Ixchel cowl in honor the solar eclipse (and to gear up for making the Ixchel sweater) both are Catherine Clark designs.
Love the sweater, especially the cable tummy band. The princess scoop band looks nice, too. My daughter would love it! (Wonder if I can fake it without the pattern? But thanks for sharing the pattern origin.) And how amazing to have yarn colors to match your book covers!
The sweater is beautiful! Currently I am working on a self striping prayer shawl and a bias shawl with scrap yarn. Not to mention the 30+ dishcloths I knit every year as gifts. That is mindless knitting when I need to zone out.
As a member of the BDH I am anxiously waiting for the next book. Any series!!
Beautiful sweater! I’m working on a cross-stitch for my partner that says “you’re awesome, keep that **it up” and adding his name at the beginning and maybe some other flourishes to the design. (a small lift of the imagination will fill in those **.)
Not a yarn addict, but decided to try this: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/1897-butterick-cycling-sweater-victorian
So far I’ve finished the front!
I just bought a skein of light blue cashmere lace weight yarn as a splurge souvenir on a trip to Italy, and now I need a pattern. I think it will be a small shawl. I haven’t knit lace in a long time so I’m a little scared. Also, I have collection of shawls that I’ve made over the years, and while I loved making them, I never wear them. Maybe I need a different idea? 🤣
I just finished a couple of sweaters and some blankets in different sizes for my niece who just had a baby. It came almost 3 weeks early, so I had to get things shipped out soonest. Still intend to make a stuffed animal with clothes from the Little Cotton Rabbits collection, probably a rabbit or badger. I love making those. Funny story–I made a blanket 10 years ago for another niece and just as I finished making it, she changed her nursery colors, so I had to make a different one. Good news, the colors fit right in with the newest baby’s room! Good thing I held onto that blanket for 10 years. I knew it would be perfect for someone some day!
The sweater is cute and I like the ribbing. Is that a cable pattern in the ribbing? I’m knitting the Mey Camisole by Creadia Studios (for Mom).
Beautiful work! I admire people who create beautiful knitted items. I’ve tried to learn a few times, but my ‘creations’ just end up big yarn messes! That’s ok though…I can scratch my creative itch with drawing, painting, or cooking. I still love hand-knitted items though…as long as they weren’t created by my hands! 😂
Thanks for asking – yes yes yes. Knitting is the best. It gives me active hands and frees up my mind. I’m also a fan of knitting along with Netflixing, listening to audiobooks, or straight-up reading my Kindle when it’s miles of stockinette.
Right now I’m on the home stretch with Dingly Dell, a rugby tee pattern in fingering weights of pink and orange (aka carnation and pumpkin). The dark navy Kumulus tee is on hold while I decide whether to make it long-sleeved. It’s in Holstgarn Coast held double, and now the body is complete, I’m certain it’s too dang hot for Atlanta.
The most fun is swatching for a light and dark gray stripe cardigan. I’m on swatch #5 and I think I’ve found the perfect Goldilocks combo of yarns – the right weights and colors in the correct amounts; Camper superfine in Graphite Heather, and Sunday Knits sport Angelic in Smoke.
Same with possible patterns. Under consideration are ShipShape and Livresque.
I’ve been listening to The Wilmington Years and Emerald Blaze and watching The Night Agent. Love that a home state yarn company was inspired by your work!
I have multiple projects in various stages. I fall out of love with a yarn, but hope the spark will reignite in cooler weather, or I need a break from a frustrating pattern, or when I know I will have to frog it but want the project to be cold before I rip it back. It’s less painful.
I’m all about the cardigan. Living in the deep south, I have had to learn to avoid worsted, no matter how gorgeous, though my daughter in Taos gleefully wears those knits.
TL;dr: hooray for HA inspired yarns! Knitting is magic. I’m making summer weight tees and swatching for a light winter cardi.
Just finished a shawl from Expression Fiber Arts yarn in the softest, softest wool. Feels great to knit and wear. Mostly do hats for Warm Up America charity in knit or crochet. Just now learning Tunisian crochet. Very fun. And I love the books and the yarn. Simply gorgeous. The sweater you knit – beautiful!
I am also a yarn addict and am in love with hand dyed yarn!! My favorite dyers are Round mountain Fibers in Vermont (https://www.roundmountainfibers.com/) and SweetGeorgia Yarns in Vancouver, Canada (https://shop.sweetgeorgiayarns.com/) . They are little skeins of art!
I am currently working on Christmas presents…a lace shawl for my mother-in-law and a Celtic cable Afghan for my parents. It takes soooo long, what was I thinking?! I received my book set from Arcane Society and it is glorious!! Unfortunately, I can’t read and knit cable or lace at the same time. 🙁
So grateful for your newsletter but I have noticed that since you switched over I get it a day late. I realized it after a while and no complaint here so happy to receive it but thought you might like to be aware 🙏
Hi Lynne, the newsletter is sent out at 9:00 am central every day. It takes awhile to send out 30,000 emails so they are staggered over about 24 hours.
What a pretty sweater!
I started embroidering this past year… Not like a normal person using actual stitches learned in a class, but… well, like me – a lot of trial and error and looking things up on YouTube after the fact. (I did eventually get a book. Eventually.) Because I’m impatient, learning as I go works for me, and I’m finally turning out things I can give as gifts to someone other than my mother. Right now I’m working on embroidering wildflowers on the denim baseball cap I was wearing when I got my first kiss from my first – and last – college boyfriend while we were on a hike. It’s our 30th (!) anniversary in September, so I figured I’d wear it and ask him on another hike.
… and congratulations on having such talented fans! Did I need to know about Eat.Sleep.Knit? I did not… But too late now, they have some BEAUTIFUL stuff…
The yarns a beautiful and so cool that they made them for your books!!
I love the sweater!
I am learning Tunisian crochet amd to practice the stitches and play with different yarns, I am making soap sacks to donate – see soapsacks.com for more info and both crochet and knit patterns
i was working on crocheting a teddy bear baby afghan. it has a bear head at the top, and the four corners are bear paws. the rest is granny squares in the middle. except the original pattern i found on pinterest and ravelry – when i followed various links to it from multiple different people who made it, the website was gone and domain for sale. so i cobbled together a pattern from multiple different websites and thought it was good to go. i finished everything and laid it out. it was only then that i realized my bear head was not to scale for the rest of the afghan. it was too small. and i sewed all the face pieces (eyes, ears, nose/muzzle) on and wove in the ends so extremely well i cant remove them and reuse them. so now i need to redo the head in a larger scale. which honestly wont be too difficult. but i’m angry and frustrated and needed to walk away. so the afghan is currently sitting in a time-out until i’m done being mad at it.
now i’m working on an afghan using up scrap green yarn in various shades. the pattern is ‘lazy waves’. https://www.allfreecrochetafghanpatterns.com/Patterned-Afghans/Lazy-Waves-Crochet-Blanket-Pattern
It must be so nice to find out a place online that you follow and like – follows and likes you back (and so do their cats).
Wow! Beautiful sweater. And hey, free publicity. I looked at Eat.Sleep.Knit’s Facebook page. Very Cool. The Calamity sweater pattern looks really nice, too. Their yarn makes me want to go to a yarn store just to squeeze all the yarn!
I love love love when you talk about what project you are working on or what game you are playing on the computer. I am a Rimworld addict. I never finish the game, when I get bored I just start all over again.
Crochet, that is what I do. I used to do cross stitch but my eyes don’t like it anymore. I make mostly shawls and give them to friends and family. I have 3 (yes you heard it) 3 shawls on the hook, numerous blankets, a Amish Puzzle ball, a few Amigurumi (wow I think I spelled it right) just to name a few. I have yarn in my bedroom, piled ceiling high in my craft room and some downstairs that hasn’t moved up yet. I can say now, I have enough yarn to shop my stash. Do I still buy that pretty yarn? Darn right I do. (JoAnns has some pretty quartz cakes right now.)
I’m working on a baby blanket. The baby was born last year but I broke my arm 2 months before so she’ll get it for her first birthday!
I’ll love the red and black yarn combo.
I too have a stash. It isn’t a problem except to other people…
I am currently working on a baby blanket and a marl pattern scarf.
Got both patterns from Ravelry. That site is addictive.
Finished a sweater for a grandson and a shawl. 1
10 skeins used up and 3 more acquired…
Well since I just went to a Renaissance Fair,I got inspired to get back into DIY jewelry so I am trying my hand at a Viking knit weave copper bracelets at the moment. I plan to try out making Scale Maille next.
One day, when I retire, I may make quilts. I have all kinds of pretty fabric set aside. I afraid that it’s very likely that I’ll just read more instead.
I just finished a sweater, my second ever. It’s called Königssee by Jane Vanselous, and it was a blast to knit. I wove in all the ends and it needs a good soak and block.
I have a few sweaters and larger projects to finish, including a giant pi shawl that got pushed to the side once I started trying to make sweaters.
Love the shout out! I quilt, it takes up so much space. I need to start knitting instead… but then what would I do with my closet full of fabric!?!
I applaud all of you. I’ve spent about an hour picturing all your projects. As for me, if it has anything to do with needles whether hypodermic or knitting, I’ll be off in another room. I garden with glee and abandon. I bake. I’m a terrible housekeeper or crafter.I am the utter black sheep in my handy- crafty family. I did, however, once knit an Irish fisherman’s sweater. Just to prove I could. Took me 3 years, but looked okay. Did I mention I’m stubborn? Keep up the good work guys.
Yay for you finishing!!! I applaud your willpower.
You’re a great knitter! I’ve never been able to master it. I do crochet. those yarns were lovely! Hope you continue to feel better! have a great day!
Gorgeous yarns, gorgeous sweater. I love looking at yarns.
WIP is getting the yard and garden here in my new home into shape. Most of the natives in the current phase are in the ground. However I just realized false indigo would go better where the tall coreopsis is currently, so I’m moving the coreopsis (planted as seedlings, and still small enough to move easily) from the backyard fence line to out front along the driveway.
It will go in front of the two yucca that I rescued from the woods yesterday. This is an old property and things are in weird places. For instance, a standard military gravestone, belonging to a member of the family that had owned the place since Reconstruction, who lived in this house with his mother after the original farmhouse burned down. It was lying face down by the old kennels (!) and needs to go somewhere nicer. Based on my own family’s experience, there is probably a replacement stone in the military cemetery now. This stone needs to be treated respectfully though, so some enquiries are in order.
Meanwhile I have the yuccas, a rose (Blue Girl, my first attempt at a hybrid tea, because the fragrance was amazing and it’s supposed to be tough for a hybrid tea) and a few orphaned bearded iris to get in the ground, and another rose (my favorite, Blanc Double de Coubert) and some strawberry plants due to arrive soon. Plus at least one more bed to prepare in the veggie garden, because woman does not live by tomatoes alone, and the asparagus won’t be ready for harvest until next year. Herbs are mostly in, and the winter garden’s swiss chard is still producing well. It’s starting to feel more like home. Finally.
Sounds like a wonderful property. Enjoy!
Wow!! Gorgeous yarn to go along with those covers. Now I wish I could knit. I can’t deny, I love my new books (and I don’t buy hardbacks anymore hehe).
That’s a cute sweater. I used to have one similar in design, but I’ve pretty much gotten rid of all my sweaters now. I loved wearing sweaters too. I keep waiting for the old age cold to kick in, but it’s proving to be the opposite.
That sweater is adorable! I keep trying crochet but haven’t gotten past the hat making stage. I am currently painting a mural on my backyard fence.
Blood Heir, my favorite book of all time. I think I’ve read it 5 times already. Looks beautiful with the yarn.
I’m starting my first cross stitch project in many years, and, thanks to Ilona’s inspiration, it is Dragon of the Magic from Nadzehda Gavrilenkova’s patterns. Hopefully, I won’t make a mess of it. Also, rereading Sweep of the Heart.
Do you only knit, or crochet also? Beautiful blouse! Looks very lightweight and soft.
With the extras of yarn you could make slippers, fancy headband, dishcloth, scrunchies or a jar cozy for sourdough starter! ☺️
Almost finished with the Shades of Wicklow Scarf by Martina Munroe, a rare bulky yarn scarf that is finally using up some of the oldest yarn (baby alpaca) in my stash – using chocolate brown, pink, and light grey. Been a really lovely knit. Also starting a Knit Sisu Essential Variegated Shawl.
The ‘ruched princess’ neckline? Good call scrapping that lol
Center-ruching like that looks best on smaller-busted folks, as it adds a bit of volume. It’s very finicky to fit to those larger than a modest B-cup, as the ruching may ride up and the full bust will spill into the bodice area, making the top look sloppy and/or ill-fitting. 😉
I’ve been thinking of re-learning knitting. This means I’ll have even more unfinished projects than I do now LOL. I love cross stitching and embroidery and have a bag full of things started and not finished. I have a ton of diamond painting projects waiting for me too. What am I doing instead? Working rather than creating. At some point, I swear I’m taking a month to be away from people (though I do love my hubby very much) and do nothing but binge on my favorite movies and stitch.
I’ve already made 4 sweaters for my local yarn store (Sealed With A Kiss) just this year. They are used for floor samples/display models. But I’m trying to finish a cardigan for my granddaughter and sweaters for her parents. I have a shelving unit filled with To Do projects and a 2nd bedroom overflowing with yarn, fabric, leather, thread, dye, batting, books, tools, hopes, dreams, plenty of excuses to procrastinate, and unrealistic expectations.
Well- I can’t knit to save myself (unless you want a REALLY ugly scarf!) but I’m a dab-hand with a torch, so I’ve just forged a yummy Montana Agate and Sterling silver ring.
I am not a knitter yet I am in a knitting group! I do hand sewing, EPP, and/or embroidery while with the group. It’s a fun few hours with people I know. However, I am a fabric-holic! I am also a quilter and can’t resist stopping at fabric stores! Now you know my deep secret! 😝😂
Those are both beautiful color ways! and I think I may need them now…
Currently working on assembling a spiral crochet sweater for my oldest. The last piece is done blocking and it’s time to assemble! I’m also working on a hex cardi, and I’m circling a new pattern from a designer I came across on Instagram… I can never just have one project. 🫠🙃
Elizabeth Zimmerman’ s Concentric Circle shawl from stash yarn. ( try having a quilting fabric and a yarn addiction!!!)
Those book covers are beautiful i love them
You should go to Rhinebeck! 🙂
That is so cool when there is mutual admiration going on-especially when it’s in secret!
Using up scrap yarn on scrunchies and headbands. Plus I have a big batch of chunky scrap yarn “read unwieldly and hard to knit” that I’m using on a shawl pattern.
The never-ending knitted scarf project.
1. Aquiring the kit:
One of my friends is an avid goodwiller. She goes to goodwill finds the greatest thing for $1 or $2 which someone she knows will love, such as a yarn / pattern kit from the local yarn store and buys it even she doesn’t knit. During the annual crafting retreat with the friends in 2019, she brings this kit and asks if anyone wants this fantastic deal she found. I said yes even though I have knitted exactly one scarf 10 years ago but thought I might want to knit something new.
2. The sleeveless sweater and most beautiful hand dyed yarn ever:
Shopping at my friends weaving store, a friend of hers was getting rid of her entire stock of hand dyed yarn. I must buy all the beautiful yarn especially if it is a MOST excellent price and there is plenty of it. The mistake was that the kid was with me and saw the pattern: a knit pattern. Therefore, now I must relearn how to knit.
3. Bringing out the practice project (AKA the free knit kit): It has been living in my stash for a couple of years where I glance at it periodically and think that it’s very pretty yarn and pattern but can’t be bothered to pick it up because I am a crocheter and knitting is slow and difficult, but I am determined to make this sweater for my kid so out comes the kit.
4. Cursing the knitting needles:
I swear you need 4 hands to knit. Casting on was a disaster no matter how many YouTube videos and knitting books I looked at. Once I finally cast on, trying to pick up the knit stitches was impossible. I cursed it and gave up.
3. The Class
I saw Lily Chin was offering a class of knitting with a crochet hook in the 2022 DFWFF class schedule. I was able to get into it. It was awesome! Lily Chin is awesome. Yes, I may have done some fan girling.
The tools were awesome -> https://www.knitdenise.com/collections/crochet/products/denise2go-for-knitting-crochet. Unfortunately, I had some neurological stuff going on so I didn’t use any of it right away. When I tried to pick it back up, I couldn’t remember how. I went to the 2023 crafting retreat and one of my other friends who took the class walked me through it.
4. Beginner projects:
Dishcloths in knit stitch and purl stitch were made since I was coached that I shouldn’t start with a knit drop lace pattern.
5. Dropped lace scarf keeps going: Dropped lace stitches are tricky. After much practice knitting and tinking and knitting again, most of the scarf is complete. However, I dropped a stitch and ripped back. Know I can’t figure out how to get it going again. Here’s to hoping my friend can help me out during our 2024 crafting retreat in July and finishing the scarf. Next year’s goal is to make the sweater.
The scarf pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/dropped-lace-stitch-scarf-2
The sweater pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/santa-fe-shell-2
I got my books! Swoon! I don’t knit or crochet. My project will be reading these fabulous hardbound volumes!
oh I love that blouse. Its gorgeous. Saving the pattern. Also the book yarn combos are absolutely perfect.
Currently knitting down my stash. I have a baby sweater to finish for gifting. A pullover for myself I’m working the ends on. I used a lot of scrap sock yarn on it so the ends are overwhelming. And socks I am always knitting socks.
I just started knitting. I am a crocheter. I had tried knitting once and gave up promptly. this time, I have a reason. I have seen crochet videos where artists use a single hand to hold the hook and the yarn, and it intrigued me. After some research, I realised that most of them learned knitting before crochet and that particular technique is a carry over from knitting. Now I am knitting a shawl for myself with the same tech. Its coming along beautifully.
My name is Kris and I am a yarn addict….. The first step is admitting the problem, right?
I currently have crochet WIPs: a 4’x6′ blanket (only the border left to do, yay!), a baby afghan, the second of a pair of fingerless gloves, and a top for myself (my first wearable).
On deck: another baby afghan, a poncho for my perennially cold mother, multiple hand/dish towels and wash cloths (for Christmas presents), scarves for charity and arm sleeves for the hubby’s LARP character. All of which when combined MAY eat up 10% of my stash.
Those yarns are lovely, as is the sweater. Well done! My works in progress are many and require much frogging. Except for the temperature cross stitch. That one is mostly on track, thank goodness.
Just a short thank you for the yarn shop!!! Silly I know. I usually kick around on this site scanning for updates and new POVs once or twice a year now for MANY years. Decided in the middle of the night listening to Hidden Legacy series – for the too many-eth time – to scan the posts and ran into this. I’m from Northern Virginia and all three of my favorite independent yarn shops closed down in a period of a few years. I’m what I think of as a tactile knitter. I do it not really to create but to run the yarn through my fingers, listen to the click of bamboo, and enjoy touching the colors. (This has led to me and all of my friends being resplendent in tons of 10foot skinny anime scarves.) But that is neither here nor there. I have found my life barren of my hand dyed chunky wool yarn for years now. On a lark I looked up Eat, Sleep, Knit since it was here. Shoot me now. Because my husband is going to when he sees the bill…
My 90 year old mom knits scarves for the homeless and always has a baby blanket on the back burner. Happily we accumulate yarn by donations. She will pass 400 with this years batch.
I, too, am working on using up my yarn stash. I found a simple crochet pattern calling for 4 complimentary colors of cotton yarn to make a set of 4 placemats with symmetric stripes and a fringe using all 4 colors. Each placemat uses the same pattern but stripes in a new color variation. I pulled out colors that remind me of the beach for this set. It’s going well but I will certainly need to block these!
Painting swathes through an army of Warhammer 40k Orks. I have to finish that one before I can start painting my own army of Necrons which have far fewer details to worry about.
I am making a cot blanket in Noro no95 for my nephew’s expected baby. I have just finished a cardigan for one of my great nieces.She is 5 and very tall and slim (wears size 8 -10 years for length but it is falling off her in width). I liked to do complicated patterns when was young (at school)and prided myself on being able to knit and read and listen to the radio at the same time. I am now old and arthritic and have cataracts. I still cannot resist a new pattern occasionally but when a child is cold and needs warm clothes urgently I have the most hope of finishing a pattern which is plain stocking stitch preferably with raglan sleeves and long cuffs to allow for growth.