“I heard Realtors have to disclose if the house is haunted,” Leon said.
I looked at Mom in the driver’s seat. She gave me an amused smile. No help there.
“Apparently only four states require you to disclose paranormal activity,” Arabella reported. “Nine states require you to notify the buyer if a death occurred on the premises. And Texas does neither.”
“There were no deaths on the premises. Nobody died in the house, so it can’t possibly be haunted,” I told them.
“How do you know nobody died?” Leon asked.
“Because I checked the records,” Bern rumbled.
“That doesn’t mean anything,” Arabella said.
Clearly, there were two teams in this vehicle: Team Facts and Team Facts Be Damned.”Andrews, Ilona. Ruby Fever, Hidden Legacy 6. Avon HarperCollins, 2022. Kindle edition, page 3
The Book Devouring Horde, the name for Ilona Andrews fans, stand united as a force to belove. Our fluffiness lies in the way we balance each other’s strengths and weaknesses, quirks and extremes. We remind each other of what is real and what is absolutely, gloriously NOT. And in the end, all that matters is that we all come together in appreciation for the same wonderful books.
But a quick stroll in any BDH comment section will quickly make you understand the reality of the Baylors conversation above. Following several requests and fan group polls, let’s find out which brand of chaos you bring to the Horde table!
Take the quiz below and embrace your destiny.*
*Disclaimer: not your actual destiny. As usual, the results are just for fun because I’m not the real Sorting Hat, I just look like it #wrinklelife. Please don’t take the quiz if this month has taken everything out of you and it could make you real-life upset. Hug(h)s!
Also, the quiz plugin doesn’t play nicely with the newsletter. If you’re getting this in your email, you can click here to come straight to the blog and take it.
I am Team Facts are King! Also first?
🥇 Certified.
me too, also there is an answer missing on the end if the series question. obviously when one ends House Andrews can tackle something brand new…maybe Puffles? maybe something we haven’t seen at all yet. I miss the Edge but I’ve enjoyed all the others too and new is always exciting when it comes to House Andrews
Thank you for survey. But must say that Saiman ship is most unsuitable *eye twitch*
My brain short-circuited and there might have been a tiny fire with the ensuing meltdown reading that question caused 🤣
+1 😂
Yay Team Facts.
On another note, the Julie/Saiman question gave me the shudders.
Team facts unite! There is no evidence to support this shipping theory!!
I screamed *NOOOO* at that one.
oh it Hurts Mod R, that burned!!
of course that answer contributed to my Creaky Trees qualifications. lol
Saimon as he was last written absolutely (a weasally coward who only cared about his own well being). I think you could do interesting things with his character, especially if you gave him a reason to care about the happiness of some people who are not himself. I trust that house Andrews could make it work but it seems unlikely. Augustine started in a similar place to Saimon and he’s become a much more sympathetic character over the series.
Hey, all y’all shuddering over Julie/Saiman shipping: how many hated Hugh? You wrote him off as insufferable, kill him now, right? Fess up.
+!!! 😱😱😱
same team here!^^
though watching the antics from the other teams are also fun hahaha
I’m a Space Chicken too. 😀
Yay! Team Dushegub!
Absolutely! Team Dushegub is the epitome of all that devours!
Me too!
Team Dushegub all the way!
yup me too
Yup. Team Dushegub
Darn straight.
Go ‘Gubs. Discuss
Team Dushegub – YAY! DEVOUR
Team Dushegub. We live to devour. No discussion necessary 🤣
Yup, to devour is the meaning of life!
Team Facts be damed!
Me too! Facts. Be. Damned.
Thank you for the fun quiz! I need to find me that BDH dark web…
Team Dushegub… I am apparently one who devours books, facts, cake… (ok, I added the cake part. sue me, I have a craving.)
Don’t we all? We Dushegubs devour like no other.
Team Facts! (We’re not boring, you take that back!)
Who said that? You point them out to me!
uh oh Mod R is letting the Dushegub out.
Oh wow, near the top of the list, and Team Chalent. I must get a badge!
me too
I want to see all the factions! I love the one I got (dushegub), but I want the deets on all the other options.
This was fun. thanks for putting it together!
+1! I’ve been known to keep taking the quizzes until I get all the options, just to see them. 😁
Team Dushegub. 😄
Yes I got Team Chalant and I’m very satisfied…. but now I want to know all the options and have a chart showing what percent of the BDH got what result!
I would love a chart !
Team Facts here. I want to read about all the other teams, too. More facts for the gristmill!
Are you sure you are Chalant? Perhaps you are secretly Team Facts. Clearly, you are not team Dushegub because otherwise, you would have stated: “Proposal: You give us all team information and a detailed chart of the BHD team percentages or we …. Do you wish to discuss?”
Me too!
Thanks, this was fun. 😁
(Also Team Chalant.)
me too
Patiently near the top of the list. We wait and wait. good things to come.
thank goodness someone else is Team Chalant as well!
Awwwwww!! I am Team Chalant. How wonderful and resonant too. 🥰 sitting in all my fluffiness like a space chicken on a perch.
Also, my usual mantra for dealing with tough times (Fear is the mind killer etc) has been officially replaced by the one about the Void.
The “inner peace” video Mod R posted the other day is another one we of the Chalant part of the Horde can do along with the Void prayer.
I also am team chalant and the line about ‘going with the flow but need to know when it starts and whether I need socks’ resonated with my approach to life in general 😆
Me too! Maybe the Andrews have another career in astrology lol
Another +1! Team Chalent rule (and we really do need to know the rest of the teams and their definitions) 😉😉😉
Team Facts here — I may be retired, but I’m a reference librarian forever! Thanks, ModR, this was fun.
Ditto this! I’m Team Facts, too, and a librarian. 🙂
I encourage everyone to come to the fact side!
I’m a Team Facts librarian, too!
Also Team Facts and a retired librarian. I just can’t stop researching.
Yet another Team Facts retired librarian. I sense a pattern.
Team Facts – accountant & library volunteer! 😆
Okay, clearly librarians love both HA and facts. +1 ❤️
My answer: You are a member of Team Facts are King.
I think it’s a wee bit amusing that all we librarians are Team Facts!
Careful research is king!
I think it’s well beyond a wee bit hilarious. Also Team Facts are King here. Not a librarian myself, but my grandmother was, and her father owned a bookstore.
Add an engineering major (now physician, clinical researcher). Must have all the facts.
Any chance of art pdfs to make our own horde cohort buttons?
Team Facts and a current librarian 🙂
Same! LOL
Yet another former librarian reporting to Team Facts – I guess I found my people 😂
I’m a former applied research engineer..
And Reference Archivist here! *high five*
Cracking up! Team Facts and another librarian!
Tesm Facts not a librarian but a database programmer.
Team facts and a biostatistician. Hehe I see a trend
I’m a biostatistician too. However, I’m part of Team Chalant. 😁
Team facts and not a librarian ( but my mother was)
Team Facts and a former research scientist. But in my youth, I was a super star member of the library club :D.
Team Facts are King!!
I’m space chicken. Huzzah!
I want to be a space chicken too…..
Awwww. Now I want a space chicken t-shirt. Lol
Team Facts are King would like to politely request a space chicken shirt design.
This is great, I’m really curious to see the other categories and how the numbers come out across the horde spectrum haha!
Team Chalant! Whoop-whoop! I have the t-shirt to prove it. 😀
Second time I took the quiz, I became part of team Dushegub. Nah, I want to still be Chalant.
Inner peace, inner peace, in inner peace…stop that racket! No, I don’t wish to discuss! Chernobog, grant me patience.
Team Dushegub, and proud of it!
mee tooo…but I’d like descriptor of all the teams in case I want to covertly spy, convert or jump…keeping my options open….just saying ….😁🤭
+1! So far, I think we have Team Facts are King, Team Facts Be Damned, Team Chalant, Team Dushegub, are there any more?
That’s everyone 🙂
No team Space Chickens? I got Team Facts are King, myself. Not a librarian or an engineer or anything of the sort. Just someone with a really good recall of storylines I’ve read.
Team Facts are King are the space chickens lol
I’d buy that. Space chickens are sooooooooooo funny!
Team Facts – no surprise, I guess. (I am old after all, and just hoping to live long enough to see all of what’s planned for Kate and co. …)
Me too!
me three!
I am quite content being in Team Facts are King! 😉
I was torn between answers on a couple of these, so I did it twice. First time I came out Team Dushegub (yes, I totally devour all the books). Second time I was Team Facts.
By the way, I’m running short of reading material again, and Audible’s end of the year stats made comments about how often I re-listen to audiobooks. Can we have a new recommendation thread (or two), Mod R? Please & thank you
Team Chalant!
Woo hoo Team Chalant!
I can give you 27th? 🙂
I can’t stop laughing!!! I am team Chalant. This is so me…. You are happy to go with the flow, but you would like to know what time the flow starts and how many pairs of socks you need to pack for it.
Thank you Mod R. Yep, still laughing!!!!
This hit home for me too!
Yep, I am Team Chalant and it suits me perfectly.
Now I wish I had purchased some Chalant stickers when the store was open.
Agree! I’m Team Challant and never read a better description of myself.
Same, and happy with it since I took the quiz 3 times because several different answers appealed but got Chalant all 3 times. Hahaha, guess that says it all.
never mind computer duped me
Fun! Thank you.
Go Team Facts!! I try not to slip into wanted facts to often but sometimes it is fun to dream wildly. This was a great quiz. I might steal this idea and tweak it for my students in reference to grading. LOL. some of their ideas are wild. Thank you for a fun lunch on Friday.
PS This is the only writer blog I follow and it is the best.
team chalant….and. what EarlineM said.
I am team Dushegub. I thought I was a really calm person. Who knew?
I think the Dushegubs actually are very calm and factual about their… suggestions… to discuss 😂
Team Dushegub – will test again…
I don’t think it means you’re not calm. simply willing to devour. some may devour loudly, some may be sneaky, some may be persistent… many many ways and things to devour. feed me Seymour!
Definitely team chalant! So accurate
Team Facts – which isn’t really surprising but I’d like to be a dreamer too….
this is because we did the poll in the FB group, right?
Yep – plus the requests that came in 😀
Team Facts. The quiz was fun.
Team Facts are King! I’m kinda surprised but it does work for me. My husband came out Team Chalant!
I’m Team Chalant and I NEED this artwork on a shirt. Mug. Stickers. Bookmark. Mousepad. Book bag.
Thank you for the quiz ModR. You know the BDH so well. 😘
It was on a shirt back when the merch store was open. But there’s no news of that happening again.
We devoured the store too! There’s no end of the devouring in site. 😀
Yes, I sadly bought the smaller version of the sticker and wish I had the larger one. LOL Oh well, I can live in hope! (and a tiny bit of denial about the store never opening again, even if I sympathize with the reasons)
Team Dushegub all the way!
You write, we devour! Do you wish to discuss?
that should be the official BDH motto
Definitely my motto anyway…
Though I apply it to a couple or three other authors too !
Team Chalant……..
I am very seen 😉
Happy snowy (my part of the north) weekend.
team facts are king – interesting….love this thank you
Yay! Rocking Team Chalant!
Great quiz, Mod R, thanks for the laughs! As a now confirmed member of Team Facts are King, I was hoping there might be a way for you to give us the breakdown of what percentage of the Horde ended up in each group after the quiz. My curiosity needs more facts please!
Team Facts are King. I just retired from a job that required a lot of researching, so that makes sense.
Looking forward to Maud’s wedding… (In-Law pain and humiliation INCOMING!!!)
And even though I’m Team FAK, I still don’t like those three words….
Team Dushegubs *yay* and I have the T-Shirt to prove it! 🙂
took the Quiz a second time, just for fun – with different answers but still Team Dushegubs*lol* guess there’s no discussion to that
Depends how many answers you changed 🙂
uhm…. seven? 😂
Mod R, will we skew the BDH stats if we take the quiz more than once?
No, feel free 🙂
Dushegub, huh? Well, if it fits… 😀
Team Facts 🙂 . But watching Team Dushegub is always entertaining.
Agreed. If the size of the Dushegub faction becomes too large, can we expect virtual industrial-strength weedkiller and fire?
Kill it with BEAVERS seems to be an option in the quiz 😂😂
Team Chalant! All the way!
Cute! I’m team facts and I loved the final comment on probably believing Klaus was actually a dragon hehehehehe. Going to go run thru a few other choices now and see what I get. Looking forward to more snark. Thanks!
Team Dushegub all the way is totally me!!
Team Chalant <3
Thank you very much for the quiz! This was FUN 🙂
I’m Team Facts are king. Not surprising.
If it is not too much trouble, could you please post the different outcomes?
Team Chalant! love this quiz 🙂
Team Facts are King.
This was really funny. Thank you! Team facts are king here.
Team Facts are King. You got me.
Ok, found team chalant and team dushegub in my next two forays. This is really a cute quiz! Thanks again, ModR!
🙌🏼🤣 Team Facts are King! 🤣🙌🏼
Team Chalant! Extremely fluffy! and yes, I do refresh the blog once a day, without fail 😜 Thanks Mod R, this was fun!
Me: Team Dushegub?! Who wrote this?! How dare they? I would never!
Proposal #37: New Spin-offs and Why They Are Necessary.
Me: Okay well sure that does describe me pretty well….
Team Facts are King!
I stand firmly with Team Chalant. But please sir can I have some more 🙏🥺😄
Team Chalant all the way, baby.
Also, not to be nitpicky (I lie, I’m totally nitpicky), but shouldn’t the new graphic have Barsa Barsa not Basra Basra? I do like that graphic, though. Especially the puppy eyes on the left side.
It’s not a new graphic, it’s one of the old merch proofs. The person saying it is in a trance. The joke was removed in the final design, which had Barsa.
Oh, I don’t remember seeing it before. Sorry.
Maybe we could call “Basra, Basra” the Texas way of pronouncing “Barsa, Barsa”. It’s a twang thing in Texas. 😀
Like Baltimore is pronounced Balmore by the locals?
You may secretly be team facts. Just saying.
Cackling. Thank you Mod R for the silly quiz. I will be here on Team Chalant trying to keep that approach in other aspects of my life toooo.
Team Dushegub – now and forever!
Team Chalant!!
I’m team Dushegub!
Team Facts are King! And as such, I would like to see a blog post with all the different teams, their wonderful descriptions, and a breakdown of where the horde lands 🙂
Team Dushegub!
Team Chalant! Behold me and my chalantitude. All the chalantness. Full of chalantry.
But you know I’ll take probably take it again . . .just for funsies. 🙂
I evidently have an inner Team Dushegub.
Team Chalant!!!
Fun! I’m Team Facts, with First Scholar Thek.
Team Dushegub for the WIN! creeeek, hissss, hissss, knock 🙂
Team Chalant!
And I do need to know how many pairs of socks to pack – because I’m moving! I’m trying to decide if I need my “real” copies or if my e books will tide me over well enough during the time between (between houses, between jobs, between …)
I will try harder to be fluffier.
PS – Mod R – your quizzes are the only online quizzes I take!
Team Facts are King!! We have tea and the very best snacks…come and join us!
Jack Camarine spin off????? Plus Gaston???? this was an option????? I just re-read all the edge books I AM READY.
p.s team dushegub, I do not wish to discuss 😉
Woo-hoo! Team Chalant!!! I embody fluffiness!
Oh my! Who knew I was Team Dushegub! *Must* Devour *More* books [No need to discuss]
team facts are king!!
but listen, once the facts are in and the book is out, devouring time!!!!!
Yasss! Team Dushegub!
Mod R – I was just on Graphic Audio site downloading KD8 and see that they have added KD10 – Magic Triumphs for preorder. It wasn’t there a couple of weeks ago when I ordered KD9. Just thought I would mention it.
Yay!!!!! I’m Team Chalant, vibrating with anticipation.
Team Chalant! That description is spot on!
Also the phrase “BDH colleague” is pure gold.
Team Chalant!!!
woohoo!! Team Chalant, very fun!!
Had a grand smile! Happy Friday everyone!!
I’m a tiny bit jealous..I was one of the orders that got screwed up, so I didn’t get my chalant merch.
(a wee bit mournful), but I did get the nechist stuff! yay!
This made me laugh out loud. thank you.
Glad to have this community.
Team Chalant! Love House Andrews and I don’t mind re-reading! Fun quiz.
Yes Team Facts, I am a Space Chicken.
Love it, thank you.
“You are a member of Team Facts are King.”
Hah! Yep, that fits! 😁
Team facts, lol, never would have guessed.
This quiz was hysterical. 🤣🤣🤣Thanks, Mod R! I end up in Team Facts, but I can be Team Facts Be Damned when it comes to the next Innkeeper books. Loved the Dushegab’s proposal for more Innkeeper books. 😁
Team Chalant-Huzzah!
so apparently I’m team CHALANT trying so hard to be good…but looking for all the crumbs 😆😆😆😆
Team Facts! 🧐🎉
Woohoo, I am Team Dushegub! Do you wish to discuss? (But I’m sure I could also be an honorary member of Team Facts Be Damned 🙂 )
Team chalant 🙂
Team Dushegub 🎊💃🎊
Let’s paaarrtyyyy 💃💃💃💃
I find it absolutely hilarious that no one is fessing up to being Team Facts be Damned, when the answers for it were mostly based on actual comments of the BDH 😀
A lot of them are in the beginning of the comments. They’re sticking together. 😉😁😂
Bwahahaha!! 😆
Over dinner the other night, the discussion had clear divisions between Team Facts and Team Facts Be Damned. My teens were divided between these teams. I wish I knew which character was embodying Team Facts Be Damned b/c I can envision the Space Chicken for Team Facts.
I took the quiz multiple times to get all the answers 😜 and I _think_ they got the werewolf…? I could be mistaken!
Facts be Damned are not the werewolf, that’s the dangerous lands of monsters and rugged terrain they live in though 🙂
That does sound better, yes 😅🤗
You are a member of Team Facts are King. Woohoo!
Team Chalant. I’m not ashamed! Consuuuuume words.
I don’t know what the other options are, but team Dushegub seems right. What else is one supposed to do with a book but devour it?
I tried a second time, changing a few answers, hoping for Team Facts. However, I just got Dushegub again. I guess my fate is to devour.
I am Team Facts are King
They thought Hugh #1 was going to be an April Fool’s joke. The joke was on them – and I hope they made a lot of money, since it’s a wonderful story.
so fun!! thank you!
I am Team Chalant. Definitely, packing extra socks and snacks while I go with the flow. I am a Library Assistant and enjoy research too. I’m curious to see the descriptions of the other outcomes. They sound like fun.
mod r – thanks for this. I’m team chalant. when everyone had had a chance at this, would you publishall the different team summaries?
I loved how you had written the one for my crew
I’d love to read the others but don’t want to retake test and fake answers to get to see their descriptions. thank you! Jo
Team Chalant!
And honestly, the description? Well done, Mod R! I might have to try to get all the teams just to read all the descriptions and learn more about my fluffy BDH friends!
Just hanging here with the Space Chickens, waiting for my Clean Sweep graphic #2 to be delivered…
Team Chalant, trying to stay fluffy
Team Facts be damned ! Because the answers were so fun 🤣 and even if I’m not one to comment very often, I love to read all the comments at the end of the day so I’m fully onboard for unleashing the full potential of the comment section !!
Lots of fun with this quizz, thank you !!
Me too!! I don’t comment very often either!
Team Facts are King. Sounds about right!
I love wrinklelife! Welcome to the club – we‘re not good enough to die joung…
I think this is the first quiz ever where I didn’t have to hesitate between choices on more than one or two questions, and didn’t even bother to go back and retake to see whether I got a different answer. So funny that everyone asking for a breakdown of the stats is TFAK – please add my request to the tally!
Team Dushegub…I love those trees
Mod R does it again, thank you!
Team Chalant, huh who knew I was fluffy, though I do like soft jumpers.
“You are a member of Team Facts are King.”
Can we get a pie chart of the horde? Please. Pretty please! My soul cries for data.
Team Chalant!
Wait…Klaus isn’t a dragon?
Team Facts are King.
Team Dushegub!!
Loved the quiz but you should never have written “we’d probably believe Klaus was actually a dragon.”, the Horde will go mental or at least Team Facts Be Damned will.
Will be sitting back sipping tea while the chaos commences. TooDooLoo.
I am team Chalant and Proud! 😂
Funny thing is I am the most patient one in my family. I tend to only lose my cool for IA books. Hubby takes the brunt of my “when will and why will and how will and did you know and Kate said or Rogan would never”, so I dont have to come to the blog or pages with my thoughts
But Keera, we WANT to hear all that! Bring it girl, we love that stuff!
Team Facts are King! I’d love to be like Catalina in another universe.
So I’m team Facts, but what are the other options? Inquiring minds must know!
“ You are a member of Team Facts are King.”
Why yes, yes I am. Thanks for this! It was fun.
OmG Klaus is a dragonnnnn?? LOL! Team facts are King all the way👍🏼
Love this! And I totally agree with my results—Team Chalant! Therefore, Mod R you are better than the sorting !!
Team Chalant here, I feel like I got captured perfectly, where are my emotional support fries or battleaxe
Spot on for me! Team Facts are King!
Do fun, thank you!
Team Dushegub, honestly not surprised 🙈
I got Team Dushegub and I wondered if I got the wrong team. And then I remembered that I REALLY wanted a High Snippet today and yeah, that tracks. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“ You belong to Team Dushegub.
The Dushegub Division DEVOURS the books, tearing through stories like hungry, page-shredding beasts.”
Ps. It’s fine. I’ll w**t. I have p*tience. I’ll just stare into the abyss of my never-ending laundry, the void of a reading slump, the misery of no snippet…..
(Yeah, I’m being over dramatic. Team Dushegub is ever-hungry and Ilona Andrews are the best authors ever. Also, thank you for the quiz ModR. It was hilarious. We’ll meet again next week! ❤️)
But considering the dopamine rush snippets give, maybe autocorrect is unto something. 🤔
Team Dushegub – Devour book! Book good! More book! LOL this pleases me. Thanks for this diversion!
I am evidently on Teams Facts Are King, Team Send the Authors Hugs, and Team Devour Whenever Possible!😂😂🤣💜💜💜
Fun! Thank you.😊
(Team Facts, if anyone is counting. Or interested)
I’m Team Facts are King. A little sad not to be Team Chalant since I’ve got the t-shirt and everything but it is what it is as we factmuffins say. . .
I’m still waiting for Hugh’s book 2. I started this whole journey through all of your works with the first book, I was my intro. I’ve reread, and I’m still waiting for book 2.
I’m trying to be patient.
Team Facts are King! Yes, I am in harmony with Catalina!
Lol. Spot on. Happy Friday
Should add. Team Chalant
Team facts be damned yeah!!!
Team Chalant, we are fluffy and voracious.
I couldn’t contain myself when I saw your disclaimer, it was so funny! I am Team Chalant, but then, I bought the t-shirt (who knew it was a team t-shirt). And how did you know how often I refresh the blog?
I am Team Facts. Thank you for this quiz Mod R! I’d also like to thank you for the words ‘Jack Camarine spinoff’ in the 5th question. Even though it was a joke, just reading those words made me happy. He is one of my favourite characters in the Edge series and I was really glad to read about him and the rest of the gang as adults in the Innkeeper series.
I know his book is not a possibility. But I can hope to at least get to know what happens with him (like George and Sophie’s story) or even read about him as a character in any of the next books.
Team Dushegub. I’m normally a go with the flow kind of person, but there’s something about books from House Andrews that brings our my inner Dushegub and I just want to devour all the words. Right now. Yum!
Team Chalant! Great quiz. 🙂
I wanted to choose 2 different replies on the Julie/Saimon question. BURN and ‘Derek, most likely’. I went with Derek but I was strongly tempted to BURN.
Took the quiz a second time. I was trying to get on Team Dushegub but I ended up on Team Chalant again. Darn it.
The possible teams are Team Facts, Team Facts-be-Damned, Team Dushegub, and Team Chalant? I think those are the only ones I’ve seen in the comments. Did I miss any?
That was so much fun! Thank you! ❤️
Fun on Friday! Go Team Chalant! Thanks to the house and moderator
I would also like to see a list of all the teams AND their characteristics!
I am solidly #TeamFactsbeDamned! Knew it, bcse thats where my people are.
Here’s a TFbD, I heard Curran gets his moat and the Pender forest kids get some inflatable inner tubes and use it as a lazy river😋 Conlan, of course is in charge and asks a few of the merchildren to play catch the human.
Aahhhh hahah sooo would be awesome🤣🤣
Maybe there’s a secret underground river that joins Curran’s moat with Hugh’s moat? That way visits can be done in secret. 🧐😁😂😂😂😂😉🚤
Team Dushegub!
Wait! Klaus is a dragon?!
Team Chalant. I want to be fluffy.i try to be fluffy but………!
I’m team Dushegub! My People we must READ!!
Team Chalant. This was so fun. Thank you.
Team Chalant!!! Loved the quiz so much 😁
That was pretty cool, thank you (team chalant)!
Team Facts here, thank you!
Was wondering if all the other non-Team Facts were freaking out that there was no Hugh snippet today. LOL!
Team METAL ROSE OR ELSE! Also if innkeepers ends, I would definitely be okay with that BEEEEECCCCCAAAAAUUUUSSSSSEEEEEE then maybe we can get a story on how Sophie and George FINALLY got together! I was one who emailed house Andrews when they ended the edge series and I was devastated because I wanted so much more of George and Jack. When they came back in appearance in the innkeepers I was ecstatic. Then we got the bombshell of Gaston telling the story of George and Sophie and while Gaston did tell a very good story…🤤 I need more!
Team Dushegub, I accept
Where is my Hugh day????
I did the quiz but I was in need of my sword fighting Roman and my magic welding leading Lady of Castle.
Team facts are king. This is fantastic. I have to see what the other results are.
Team Dushegub! Why yes! I ABSOLUTELY wish to discuss…
Team Facts be Damned. Wow. I am more unhinged than I thought.
Team facts! Thanks for the fun quiz!
I too am Team Facts! Thank you for the quiz, it was fun.
Team Chalant. It fits.
Yay I’m Team Facts are King!! *Jazz fins!!!*
I wouldn’t have minded being on Team Chalant though. : )
Team Facts are King, yay!! 😊😁😁😁
Team Facts Are King.
I have always felt a connection with Catalina and found her to be the most relatable character. It made me smile to read that bit of the description. So. True.
Thank You for the quiz. It was lots of fun.
Oh, I am Crestfallen (pun) I am teams mostly facts are… ? Unrelated (because facts ARE). My 4 cats never leave my fully fenced yard, but in the 3 years i have been here I have been gifted 3 snakes (non venomous, released safely away from yard and cats), 1 rat during start of hurricane!!, rode it out released as hurricane winding down using mop handle to transfer outdoors safely, 4 birds, 3 safely minus a few feathers, 1 a nestling sent to wild life rehab, 1 baby rabbit!! safely contained in doors (awaiting play time with cats sigh, safely released I got to it in time), multitudes of lizards, chameleons palmetto bugs and such like… most rescued and returned outdoors (lizards missing tails of course). and now, now? A flying squirrel. Insanely cute things by the way. Here is a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLTGffdXqBg These are Only seen at night but usually out and about in the tree tops by day. Rescued tried to feed over night, then released this evening on a tree. My neighbors watched as I did so, I lifted up the cute one wrapped in a towel, he / she swarmed up the tree. I was told 3 heads popped up in the tree as he began the ascent! Score. Probably his home tree/family up there… Moral of story is: cats are incredibly good predators. I mean, these guys NEVER leave the yard! We have coyotes so…
You know that one of your cats needs to up their game! Lol, 3 snakes and 4 cats?! 😂
My daughter has cats and frequently informs me that when you are gifted, you are beloved by them😊
Team Dushegubs… ^^;;
Ok. I’m going to bed now. And I will start the day tomorrow with a nice cup of soothing Earl Grey in my Dushegub mug…
I love being Team Chalant. I might even be patient and listen to an audiobook or three between releases. But WHEN is Hughday again?
well… not bad for a Derek/Ascanio shipper 😏
“You are a member of Team Facts are King.”
My first thought with the “not bad for a Derek/ Ascanio shipper” was uh are we shipping Julie with Derek or Julie with Ascanio? If we’re shipping Ascanio with Derek, um there will be a fight that makes the Midnight games be sweetness and light. 🧐🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😎
You do not fear spoilers—they only make you stronger!
I love that. My dear ones and fellow readers fear spoilers, even tiny ones. But I march bravely forward. Because it is the journey and the people we meet on the road. Like a certain dragon….
“The road goes on forever and the party never ends!”
Team Chalant! lol
Yay to Team Dushegub!
Team Facts is King.
I’m not sure why I’m surprised; I’ve been waiting on an author to finish a series close to 20 years now (and no, it’s not George RR Martin). Until they say otherwise, it’s still in the works! 🙂
So fun! Needed this today, thank you for the lighthearted enjoyment. #TeamFactsAreKing for life!
Team Chalant for the win! Cuz adding “Non-” in front of Chalant is ludicrous!
Team Facts be Damned! I actually would really love a story about how Caldenia came to the inn
So much fun, giggled throughout! Once again ModR demonstrates she has a finger on the Hordes’ pulse.
Haha. I liked my description. If there truly were others can you post them?
Facts are King! Also, Saiman needs a meet-cute with that old auntie-goddess who jas been mentoring Julie, or just make him a clone of himself for a HEA.
Team Dushegub
Ok, guilty. I’m still waiting for the
continuation of the story of the boy who got closed up in a cave until he figured out everything about the cave and then broke out.
I have a philosophical question.
Our writers are so talented and compelling and the world building is so convincing, that I often find myself reliving favorite parts or visualizing a continuation. Remember how James Smitz wrote about energy creatures that believed humans were a product of their dreams (Witches of Karras). Is it possible that TRUE BARDS are people who tap into alternative worlds and report them so faithfully that readers can imagine them completely?
I would LOVE to think Gertrude Hunt exists somewhere. It made me start wondering about Calendia. Does the Inn do her hair and costumes or does she have a massive closet with all her different jewels and clothes? I can readily see tendrils helping her form her more fancy hair arrangements.
Heehee! Thinking about this really helps with stress.
Eternal gratitude to you all.
Sorry, spelling
James H Schmitz
Thanks for another fun quiz Mod R! You really have a talent for creating these quizzes!
I’m happily Team Chalant and love reading the comments from those of the other teams.
Yeah, go team facts be damned.
I’ve been shredded with the spaghetti whip. Mod R and the authors have deleted me. If someone locked magically in a basement can slap a realtor in the head and butt, and throw her shoe into the driveway, when the realtor is upstairs, he has magic. The facts be damned.
Im a space chicken, sigh you got me,
This was fun, thank you 😊
Team Dushegub…. Let’s NOT discuss how big my TBR pile is….
Team Chalant. This is more accurate than any personality test I’ve taken.
ah, so this is where i stored all my Chalance this week. goodness knows I wasn’t carrying any around in the real world. real world me was a dushegub wielding a facts hammer.
Ooooh, where can I get a facts hammer. I so need one of those!
Team Facts, a former HRManager, we only saw employees when their hair was on fire. Full moons and Mondays were dreaded. Fun quiz!
Team Chalant!
But since I’m currently reading Ken Liu’s translation and commentary/inner thoughts on the Dao De Jing, my chalance may partly be due to its influence. Must consider.
Creeeek, hisss, hisss, knock!!! Yasssss my book pretties😈😈😈
Thanks for the fun tonight was a rough one here in Philly.
Sending a huge hug and all my sympathy. I’m near DC. It’s been a rough week.
Klaus is a dragon???
I am definitely Team Facts are King! but what do you expect from an engineer? Thanks for the giggle
Thanks, Mod R! Fun quiz! Loved so many of the options.
Team Chalant. Engineer in my first life, but I did work at the town library part time for many years, starting at age 14. So I might have some Team Facts leanings.
I feel like Team Chalant should have a team chant: Fluffy! Fluffy!
Anyone have other Team Cha(la)nt ideas?
I do, but they are the swear words of the Horde. 😉
“You are happy to go with the flow, but you would like to know what time the flow starts and how many pairs of socks you need to pack for it.”
😂😂 Story of my life, ModR, story of my life 😂😂
Thank you, this was fun!
I took it twice. Second time I choose the alternative answer on all the ones on which I was torn between. Team Chalant both times :D. It is so. Mod R – You are a quiz making genius!
I love this so much! Thank you, thank you Mod R!!!
Team Chalant here! I have the chalant sticker on the back of my phone! Yes, I check on the blog almost every day… knowing how many pairs of socks to pack is soooo important. And the support fries!!!
Of course, then I had to go back and try the quiz again, and I let out some of my hidden emotions and suddenly I was on Team Dushegub! Yes, I devour the books! I listen to them on audio while also reading an e-book and ordering hard copies! Do you wish to discuss?!
I tried the quiz one more time and suddenly I’m on Team Facts be Damned! The werewolf on Auul under the Moon! I wrap myself in the tattered cloak of hope…
So much fun!!!
It’s clear to me that normally I live in Team Chalant, but if I let loose I’m Team Dushegub! And if I throw all caution to the wind, I’m Team Facts be Damned!
You are so good at these quizzes ModR! I really needed this.
I am now going back to reading Sweep in Peace. Who will next be eliminated? (I know I’ve already read it at least 3 times, but still, the suspense!) I will be fluffy and chalant and w**t for the next book (sigh…) no matter how long it takes. I won’t think about the series ending (Team Facts be Damned here – It doesn’t have to end! Helen and Gerard will be found, they will find a new inn, they will end up saving the universe from the horrible monster – who will not be named – with Dina and Sean and Maud and Arland, and little Helen and and and….).
Um, excuse me, just had a moment, now thinking of the Void…
<3 <3 <3
Just for fun, I took the quiz again to see if I could get Team Facts and I did, but let’s be truthful here, I am not and never will be a true member of Team Facts are King!
I could never follow the creed of:
“No release date yet” means exactly that—not an apocalyptic prophecy.
but it is an apocalyptic prophecy!
ok, big breath, Picture the void, feel the void…
Mod R, you have OUTDONE yourself with this quiz! Thank you for one of the most entertaining quizzes I have ever taken. You are a treasure!
And the comments it has inspired are priceless…
By the way, how did you know that I had always wanted to be a Space Chicken?
Team Facts! This is truly me. I’ll watch and wait and check the comment section for other people’s theories.
I love it! Team facts! Catalina is definitely my role model. I signed up for Viki because of the Baylors.
Team Facts are king! Catalina Baylor is our cross-referencing, fact-checking 👑queen🔍
Team Dushegub!! Hahaha
So much fun, thanks ModR <3
Team Facts Be Damned and proud of it!
Team Chalant.
So, as English is my 2nd language and I only knew nonchalant, I looked it up. And found on Merriam Webster:
„Is chalant the opposite of nonchalant?
There is no word chalant in English. Nonchalant comes from an Old French word nonchaloir, meaning “to disregard.” That word comes from non-, meaning “not,” + chaloir, meaning “to concern.” If you want a word that means the opposite of nonchalant, both concerned and interested can do the job.“
Are we stealth 🥷 ninja team? How cool!
Anyway, I appear to also have some Team facts aspects…
One of us! We are few! Few!
It’s a joke 🙂 . It comes from this post https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/555-rumors/ . It’s not meant to represent Merriam Webster’s opinions.
We of Team Chalant could be undercover ninjas while being fluffy. 🥸😁😂😂😂😂
I am team Team Facts are King! But how can you say he is not a Dragon!!!
Apparently Team Chalant has all the patience, but I still have the book date alerted and absolutely nothing planned for the day. Lol
Team Facts are King. Not a librarian, but that was definitely my dream job growing up! <3
team chalant – I can’t be alone !
you always put a smile on my face!
what a privilege to have found and belong to the BDH 🙂
greetings from sunny Germany
Team Dushegub—creeeek, hisssss, hissssss, knock….. this feels right.
ROFLMAO (You know I’m old when I pull that initialism out of the hat.) I’m Team Dushegub. (Laughing quietly so as not to wake the husband, but tears are falling I swear.) And yet, yes, those suggestions for novellas and short story anthologies, and inviting people to play in your InnKeeper world like Mercedes Lackey lets people play in her Valdemar world…What’s so wrong with that? (big-eyed, fluffy lees look of innocence).
Team Facts be dammed! Anyone else?
+1 🤣
Team Challant! Cozy socks, pants optional. Popcorn at the ready.
Team Facts.
Except I rarely comment because I read my email first thing and these arrive during the night. Then life gets I the way…
But I do read all the posts and Hugh is the only audio book I have ever listened to – spent 6mths on a committee and I can’t read on a train – and enjoyed without reading the book first. And a truth… I can’t stand Kate. Which is a compliment…. each story, each character is different. Doesn’t mean you have to like them all.
Why isn’t Klaus a dragon??? 😀
Team Dushegub… okay yes, guilty as charged 😂😂😂
Team Chalant! I stand with all the “Nons!” 🙂
Team Chalant! Thank you, that was fun!
I try to live a normal life between books, snippets, posts.
By the way, does anyone else think of Cornelius and ferrets EVERY time they use their clothes dryer? Or is it just me?
Not just you.
Also, years ago, a friend of a friend had a squirrel accidentally come down that vent into her dryer. She opened the dryer & the squirrel jumped out.
THANK YOU Mod R, great idea! I did the quiz five times and landed on four different teams. But I won’t tell. No spoilers! Can’t wait to do it another five times 🙂
Those 4 are the only possible results 🙂. So glad you liked it!
Team Facts are King!!!
Though, there were other answers that sounded very close to my nature, so I think I’ve got a healthy mix of Chalant & Dushegub in me too.
This was so fun!!
I may go back and retake it with my secondary choices… who knows, there may be some Facts Be Damned within me too!
Great to know that I stand with Team Chalant! Thank you for every word you write. I have re-read all the series many times and I love the dramatised versions now available on audible. Thank you from the UK.
Hahahahaha!!!! What a fun quiz and I’m very happy to be a part of Team Chalant!
I noticed “laugh my butt off” was not an optional answer for the Julie/pervert question.😆
Team Chalant and I feel so seen! Is anyone really tracking how often I refresh the site? Hahaha it’s not a good look for my sanity
2nd time around, I was Team Chalant (Team Facts are King, first)…
I love these windows into my soul!!
Team Chalant!! I do have tendencies to the other teams but realize the quality of work produced takes time and numerous edits to be the perfection that is the Andrews’ art.
“You belong to Team Dushegub.”
What a surprise…./s
Considering I devour newly released books like a starving man devours steaks.
Could somebody please tell me what show/movie that pizza box surprise fire scene is from, pretty please!
It’s a sitcom called Community, episode Remedial Chaos Theory (season 3 episode 4). Here is the full scene https://youtu.be/POT3plx0vBs?si=PwgRiZHThZXql59u
I am on “Team Facts are King”.
But I have to say, if someone from our beloved Horde HAS ever theorized that Klaus is actually a dragon, then wouldn’t it follow he is also-know-as Puffles?
Klaus is a dragon named Puffles!!
Thank you ModR this is so much fun!
I was just thinking Klaus is a dragon? Puffles?!? But still Team Chalant, so trying to stay fluffy…
yess, Team Dushegub, Dushegub
I knew it!
I am Team Facts!
Thank you for a delightfully fun quiz!
This quiz was a DELIGHT!! Ty, Mod R! I laughed, I smiled, I realized that sometimes I do interpret random things as omg an Arabella Tri-Trilogy (I know what I said!) but mostly have my feet firmly planted on the Roost of Facts beside my good buddy First Scholar.
Team Chalant
I may be Team Facts Are King but there’s nothing that says Klaus COULDN’T be a dragon, right?
Well, I suppose everyone needs a hobby. If this is yours I’m ok with it. No cereal killing. Never touch the stuff anyway.
Yes. I’m Team Chalant and yes, I want the next book asap please. I do pride myself on patience but I need escape from the real world. I’m trying other authors as directed but they don’t really pull me into the world like Team Andrews.
Team Chalant for the win! But also Team Brain-Short-Circuit with that Saiman ship question. 😵💫LOL, gotta give it to you with that one Mod R, truly diabolical! 😉
Team Dushegub!! I Devour LOL
Team Dushegub!!
Poll Question #3: What do you do when a snippet is archived?
E: Dig through my saved emails to find the snippet in question because I save everything. Book Devouring *Hoard.
Team Dushegub!
Yes, this. I hoard the snippets and they are mine!! At least until the full length novel is published, ahem hinty hinty
Also Team Dushegub all the way!
Yay! Team Facts all the way 🤩
Team Facts are King- but I am now thinking about how cool it would be if Klaus was a dragon… tho it wouldn’t make sense in ‘verse.
Would it? 🙂
Wait a minute! Gaston has a Baha Char business? 😄
If Klaus was actually a dragon shifter, it would be pretty awesome!
Proud member of Team Facts Be Damned! FBD UNITE!!
Team Chalant.
And judging by the comments, there aren’t that many of us out here.
Lol Team Dushegub
First reaction, not sure I like being related to a race of psychotic tree. 🤔
Second reaction, could we discuss a name change. 😂🤣
Nevermind, Team Dushegub it is for life!
First time commenting- probably cause I’m Team Chalant to a fault, but don’t let that fool you. I devour with the best of them… in my comfy socks of course.
This was fun. Thank you.
Yup, “you said it, you write it, we read it!” This is the (Dushegub) way.
oooooh dragons….chuckle. I promise to sit quietly on my precious collection of House Andrews stories heroically controlling myself. My intrusive thoughts are my own to wrangle.
Hm, Team Chalant but I feel like I am more Team Facts.
Oh wait. It’s Facts Be Damned? Never mind. TEAM CHALANT!!!
There’s both 😜 Facts Are King or Facts Be Damned – but stick with Chalant, we’re the fluffiest 😉
I am a dushgub. Oh dear.
Team Dushegub! Do you wish to discuss?
Team Facts are King!
I like to think I am patiently waiting for the next HA book…though sometimes it’d very difficult to be patient or Chalant. I do love these quizzes!
Thank you! This was fun. 🤩❤️
Wait, Klaus is a dragon?
Team Facts Are King.
That was so much fun!!
Thank you!
Oh my gosh! So funny! Loved this! I am Team Chalant.
Team Dushegub in the house!
I’m going to read some short stories from Elm Jed today, but I’m over here still waiting on Arabella.. 🤷🏻♀️
I love House Andrew’s skills/books/ideology. I’ve had some big heath issues this past couple of years and first kindle then audiobooks versions of the books got me thru. Thank you so much.
This was so much fun and had a lovely ending. This kind of thing is why we love you so much and are so loyal: you see us and appreciate our crazy. Most of us are perfectly boring in our daily lives, but here? Here we can be FANS!!!!!!! And have no regrets
Nice way to start my weekend!
Really enjoyed this and also waiting for Arabella’s trilogy 😂
Yea for team facts be damned. *Dances in glee around a fire pit*
Team Facts are King.
Not surprised ^^
But I loved that we are represented by the space chickens lol
They do have wildly combative arguments, so there’s that ^^
Team Chalant!!! This lil quiz made me so happy! Thank you for the fun and I’ll be w*aiting, p*tiently, kinda!
Team Chalant here! Awash in my fluffiness. Awaiting a crumb, a morsel, a little update.
I guess I’m Team Facts are King. I devour the books but have not yet gone insane. Sigh…still I wish they came faster and the storyline favorites never ended. We would miss them too much. 😳
Daydreams can send them on unsanctioned trips to keep you busy in the meantime…..
Team facts. Saiman ship was not a preferred moment and shall be erased from all memory.
And of course we want to find out what the heck happened to Dina’s parents. The cross-overs are glorious and fun and shall clearly carry on forever, but not before Arabella settles things, and Arabella-Augustine is a ship I’d be willing to watch play out.
No, Arabella and Augustine would never happen. He is Mad Rogan’s age, and met her when she was a child of 15. The authors have spoken on that https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/busy-busy/
Fun! I’m deep in the Innkeeper series reread, enjoying living in this world sooooo much.
Proudly Team Facts! But wait, maybe Klaus is a dragon; what do we know about dragons?
Team Facts a King requests the survey results!
Klaus was a dragon??!!!
Where’s Hugh?
Did I miss a post about no Hughday?
And here I am supposed to be all bout Team Facts
Hugh will not be a serial, so not every Friday is a guaranteed Hughday https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/wait-is-it-hughday-again/
lol. fun quiz. not sure if I’m actually where its put me. 🤣 luv snippets, find new books that way… snippet missing. no problem.. I’ve saved all the emails to reread. iver and over. always sadden at the end of a really good series, I morn them for a bit.. wait a few months … and start over. 🥰🥰🥰
Team Chalant. I agree, but also wish to discuss.
Thanks for the entertainment! You are the best of moderators. Team Facts, laughing all the way.
Yes but I’m usually right, so there is that!
Wait!! What??!
Klaus could be a dragon?
Heck, I’d totally read about that.
That was fun!
So, what are the various team possibilities? I question whether Team Chalant is worthy of me.
Do you wish to discuus? If yes, you may be team Dushegub! 😁
Great fun! Thank you for the quiz. I am Team Facts are King. I too have a heavy science background. The result is not surprising. I have mad respect ✊ for Mod R and House Andrews. Peace along the journey!
Ahhhhahahahahaha that was so good! What a great quiz. Long live Team Chalant!!
Hahahaha. Fun fun, very fun. Thank you, I needed help getting out of bed and this kept my eyes open long enough to do it. My social plans will be smoothed by the resulting consciousness. Also, hello fellow brethren of team Facts Are King 🐓🏅
Do you wish to discuss?
Some bad things happening in real life (nasty diagnosis for my future health in november), but also good things (got my bachelors certificate in welfare and child rearing education.
That fun little quiz was really nice. Thanks from a team of the Team Facts are King
uumm… wtf did the autocorrupt do to my text? some words seem to be used at places where they should not be and others are missing…
maybe they’re messing with you? looks okay, but I don’t know what you think you wrote so there is that 😂😂
Sorry about health trouble that’s scary, Hugs and prayers things change for the better.
Solidly Team Facts. Makes sense.
My result: You are a member of Team Facts are King.
OH NO!!! I’m Team Dushegub! This must change! Do you wish to discuss?
Team Facts are King! That was very fun!
Love all Ilona Andrews books and I am anticipating follow up on many series!!! Enjoy reading her blog:)
Team Facts all the way. I understand the authors have a life and I’m grateful for their writing. Their words have brought me so much joy, and although I’d be incredibly sad if they ever stopped writing, I just want them to have all the happiness in the world. They deserve to live their best life on their terms. At the same time, knowing that I have more books to look forward to is very comforting! 🙂
Team facts are king… though I’m assured by my kids and family, I can wax extremely enthusiastically within those factual borders and pre-orders and snippets are the foundation of my calm.
Team Chalant, keeping the energy up! 😅😍🤗
Im getting an error conection lost when I press see result.
That’s your internet connection, afraid I cannot help with that.
Weird. My conection was working fine at the time. But I did try again now and worked thanks anyway. GO Chalants!!!
Team Facts Are King here(even though prior to this quiz I would have thought I’d be in the Facts Be Damned camp, just because it’s so much fun!)
Oh what the heck: I will gladly be in either camp as long as I can keep reading IA books! 😂
Your opening made me go back to my favorite all-time series and family, I will re-read the entire series (again) and still end feeling disappointed and lost after the last book. What happens to Arabella, and does she have a thing for Michel? Will Leon find someone who can make him happy and keep him in check? What about my favorite child, Matilda?
Please, please, please give us more soon. I’m 83 years old and worried I may never know what happens to my extended family, (Yes, I’m trying a guilt trip as incentive to work on the Bailer family soon. If this doesn’t work, I will come up with some other guilt-inducing comment to help you along.)
I love all your books and re-read them constantly. I really am 83 years old, which proves your appeal to a very wide spectrum of readers. Thanks for all the hours of enjoyment,
👍 😁 Keep up the wonderful work! let us know if you need help 😂😂😂you have a horde backing you
Team Dushegub – Will Not Discuss….
That was fun! Thanks.
Fun! Team Chalant. Happy weekend!
Loved the quiz You captured the dilemas of the Hord. I laughed and laughed. Thank you. I needed the laugh after this week.
Team Chalant
Team Facts are King.
But Julie/Saiman? I need brain bleach now.
I think all of us do regardless of which team we’re affiliated with thanks to the quiz.
That’s an “oh my gosh where did that come from?” boomerang.
yeah EWWWW and then…… Derek is going to kick his A** 😁👍 I couldn’t stop laughing at most every answer. So wonderful! Needed the giggles.
You are a member of Team Facts are King.
Your not wrong! Thanks for this fun diversion. Sending hugs to House Andrews and the hard working Mods, from a cold corner of Canada.
Klaus was not a dragon. lol I’m a team facts because I’m patient. lol too funny.
*waves Team Chalant flag*
Damn all the facts! Of the fiction, buy the fiction, for the fiction!!!
“You are happy to go with the flow, but you would like to know what time the flow starts and how many pairs of socks you need to pack for it.”
O.M.G! This is me to a T!!!
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! To Mod-R – Wrangler of the Horde; Benevolent Provider of the Shinys (be they Quizzes or other Words to be Devoured); Long-Suffering Answerer of all things Schedule related
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! To Ilona and Gordon of House Andrews – providers of So.Many.Words that are compiled together in emotionally soothing and entertaining sequences that can be read / reread / relistened / re-devoured without any loss of enjoyment!
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! to the BDH for being granted the truly rare privilege to be in the Horde with All.The.Wonderful.Words provided by such benevolent authors!
Firmly Team Chalant here – was in an I/T job for a long time where so many things were an emergency that needed to be solved yesterday if not sooner. Asking me every hour if something was fixed yet was NOT helpful – so I can relate (slightly) to the consternation of people clamoring with unreasonable expectations regarding content that is produced from the depths of the soul (not even a parameter based technical problem….)
Sending peace, love and safety to all and those you love!
I am tree! I am hungry! I am war and fire! Sniff sniff 😿
So I am, in fact, a librarian, LOL – which means I’m Team Facts are King, which the quiz bears me out on. Cool. Destiny.
team facts here. thank you for giving me a chuckle first thing in the morning. xoxo from a dedicated fan in oz
Loved this and it was fun. 😂 ❤️ Thank you!
Team Dushegub! Do you wish to discuss?
No? Burn it down!!!
I am a dushegub. How did that happen?