? Rereading Magic Rises this week in preparation for Hugh’s book. I’ve got to say, Kate’s initial handling of Desandra was picture perfect and wish I’d read that part a few hours earlier.
I have the entire KD series as a reread after I finish Ann Bishop’s series that I am reading. Like you, I want to refresh before the new book. 🙂
Oh which one are you reading? I got hooked into The Others Series and I love it. I haven’t read any of her other works though
I am currently rereading her Others series as well. The Black Jewels series is my favorite but it is definitely dark.
I love the Black Jewels series! Haven’t tried her Others series yet, although I’ve heard nothing but good things
D Lm Asays
Heartclutchingly so! I have to recover from reading some chapters. Facing your fears, believing in yourself, rejoicing in love. . .
Love her series also
Just read the house of Gaian trilogy of Anne’s and loved it.
I love the others series! Just reread Kate Daniels. Still Amazing! !
Rorie Solbergsays
Love Ann Bishop’s Others series…
I’m reading Anne Bishop’s Other series. Loved the first four or five books in The Black jewels series, but canNOT handle the last book. That just ruined it for me.
Wendy Abrahamsays
I rarely wish I had not read a book, but that one did it for me too.
I absolutely agree, the last Black Jewels story wrecked the whole thing for me
Same here. It felt so wrong… And even if I try to ignore its existence, it ruins each reread a bit ?
I was lucky enough to read spoiler reviews and so skipped that last book. When I recommend Black Jewels to friends, I mostly just recommend the trilogy which I think is what Bishop intended it to be.
cheryl zsays
Yes that book was a monumental mistake. Bad author, bad!!!
Carla Kennedysays
Me too, though I found lake silence a little simplistic. I await the next. It is a good series.
I read the main arc for Black Jewels, read the reviews on the follow ups and decided to skim so the impact wouldn’t be so bad. I loved the main series so I wanted to make sure I didn’t ruin them for myself. I did like the Others series as well though I found the whole romantic development between the two MC’s to be a little depressing. Great books though!
My one problem with Lake Silence is the main character – whom I assumed was the inn owner – is such a carpet. All the other characters generally tend to victimise and manipulate her, or otherwise coddle and protect her. She’s not a heroine so much as a damsel in distress which to my (perhaps limited) mind, is not main character material.
Maybe I just misunderstood who the main character was supposed to be…
I do like the world of the Others, though.
I also find Bishop’s style similar to what I feel when I read Patricia Briggs. ‘Deceptively simple’. On the face of it the words/sentences used seem simplistic and straightforward, but as you read the world which the prose draws you into is much more vast and imaginative behind that seemingly simple facade.
I love ‘The Others’ Series, though I agree that Vicki (main character just in Lake Silence, book #6) was dissapointingas the only voice due to her many insecurities (she is so obssesed with her hair i.e she gets tiresome to read) and depressive attitude (I understand she was through psichological abuse for years and that has shaped her worldwide vision… but sometimes she got so hypersensitive it was gag-inducing to imagine) To me, Ineke as first voice would have been awesome in comparison. Nevertheless, I have high hopes for #7 (it will be set in Bennett, so no more Vicki)
The Lake of Silence was from a very different POV. The heroine was simplistic and the view reflected that simplicity.
Which book of the Black Jewel series was the Last, was it the Epilog? I assign the Epilog as the Last, and it sewed the series up with a HEA ending. That was the destiny from the very first book.
Yes! Anne Bishop’s “Others” series starting with the “Written in Red” was also a direction I went when somehow I had to get through some withdrawel symptoms as our Author Lords moved, sold house, survived storm damage, computer explosions………….. Any time authors have any kind of focus of being kind, heartfelt, of “doing the right thing even though it’s painful” and they’re clever/have done their world building well…, I’m in! And that combination is really hard to find…. hence…. I’ve now started reading Ilona Andrews books in German. Yes. German. “quailing” comes to mind. That fear based kind, not the birds. 😀
Debi Majosays
Me too… at Kate’s wedding one of the witches, Sienna I believe, mentions “asking the White Warlock”. Something about “power”. I didn’t remember that until I read it again.
Joanne Rsays
I didn’t make the connection! Now I REALLY can’t wait for Hugh’s book to come out.
I’m rereading Innkeeper over and over , I think I can quote it soon. I don’t know why but this installment is totally captivating me. Sigh..I wish Friday comes faster
Linda Bsays
Me, too. Glad to know I am not the only one 🙂
Ann Gaulsays
Oh, me too! Re-read, listen again — and re-read the Maud chapters too!
Me too. I can’t seem to stop and I don’t really want to. I’m in good company!
Me tooo, me tooo!! ?
Storm Risesays
Yep- Me too 😉
I loved it, too. But poor Arland, all work no play. Also it seems that Arland and Maud have hardly gotten to spend any time together so far (and I don’t mean only in a Romantic sense…
“a man in my position might like a little privacy!” or words to that effect when poor Arland was so *hopefull* he’d get some uninterrupted time with Maud, to apologize for her uncouth welcome to the House but instead got… Karat. And that line she shot back at him “you can enjoy privacy when you’re dead” (reminding me of Andrew Marvel: the Grave’s a fine and quiet place, but none I think do there embrace- )
I’m right there with you!?My favorite series now.
Me too!
The other day I just went back and reread all we currently have for Sweep of the Blade and then that went too quickly so I read my favorite bits of Hidden Legacy and now I’m on to rereading Patricia Briggs. I need more books!
Me too 🙂
I re-read as well +++++. Roll on August with the Hugh release. Author Kalaynda Price with the Alex Craft series are not well marketed, but are a secret gem.
Oops June even better
I recommend ML Brennan’s Generation V series or Jaye Wells Dirty Magic , or Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch while you wait
Generation V books were excellant. I asked the author if there would be any more and unfortunately, the series did not sell enough. Looking forward to the bext hugh and Kate books as well as innkeeper
Mary Ellensays
Just read ML Bennan”s books based on your comments. Thank you, really excellent and I wish there had been more.
Nicole Csays
Thanks for all your hard work. The website looks AWESOMESAUCE!!
Is anyone else having the issue of having to expand the page to read the words on a mobile device such as a phone. For some reason the new algorithm is making the font size extremely tiny on my s5.
I have an LG and the font is fine on my phone
It’s massive on my iPhone. Too big.
Whole site looks great on my gs8.
GS7 works fine as well
Yay! So excited for the Hugh book even though he’s an asshole to Kate. Maybe we’ll see Kate beating the crap out of him in this installment…
Not Kate, he has a wife to take care of all of that now…. I’m so looking forward to reading his book.
Perfect. Just perfect.
Carla Kennedysays
It should be interesting eh? Redeeming this character in some way seems like quite the challenge. I’m really looking forward to it.
Did you read any of the 3 chapters that were posted? Cause I am really really liking Hugh’s new “white” horse when the magic is up….
Oooo yeah, I think having a real witch wife is going to take care of Hugh just perfectly. Loved the lead in comment, “Fulltime” etc. Still think the book cover model for Hugh would have been a great Raphael though. Wow.
Ms. Kimsays
I think Raphael would be much slicker – knife fighter, fast and lethal.
Ok….it’s Hugh, but Maude, Arland and Helen are a close second….
Thanks for all that you do for the BDH….
Well, we know we are getting a 400 page bolus of Hugh, so I agree with you!
Ms. Kimsays
You put a countdown timer for Hugh on the website. You are wicked. headdesk
Countdown!! Still 34 days to go, and I’m already at the end of Magic Shifts in my rereading spree… ?
Love the new front page banner for Iron and Magic. Such a sassy description!
I’ve been trying out haikus and finding them harder than I thought:
Hugh and Elara Desperate to save their own Better wed than dead
Hugh and Elara Unlikely allies in war Iron and Magic
Tina in NJsays
Nice job.
Ms. Kimsays
I really like the 2nd one. Its perfect.
Hooray! Loving everything. Can’t wait for Hugh. Can’t wait ’til Friday. Can’t wait for Kate. Can’t wait for Diamonds Fire. You make me happy, authorlords! Thanks.
Seconded… Thank you to the authorlords! Also read and re-reading as we all seem to be doing, to prepare us for the yummy books coming out way.
+1 (so excited, can’t wait!!)
Ann Rovettosays
Love the new web site. I mark the days each week until Friday when the next Innkeeper installment comes out.
Looking forward to Hugh’s book. Will be interesting I’m sure.
Patricia Schlorkesays
Hooray! The website is rockin’! I love the “pray for Hugh. He’s going to need it.” phrase. I totally agree. Oh, oh, oh! 🙂
Lynn Fitzgeraldsays
New web site has high eye appeal and ease of navigation . Catchy improvement! Loving your writing and am enjoying the stimulating discussions after you release new excerpts. Feel like a dullard sometimes as several of the contributors have eagle eyes and minds like steel traps. Wakes my thinking processes. Good stuff!! Thank you for the story and the setting that allows the idea exchange
Ms. Kimsays
+!+!+! I meant +1+1+1, but the exclamation mark really conveys my agreement.
I love the new look to your website! Hugh and Elara make a great intro ?
HAHAHAHA “Pray for Hugh. He’s going to need it” YEEEESSS!!!
I am so very excited. Thank you for all the amazing work you do
Love the new look! So excited – only 34 more days to go…..
Me too!
Amanda Psays
I’ve pre-ordered all i can at the moment and keeping my eye open for the audio books pre-order too.
Love the new site format
Lynn T.says
I know it is not Friday but my fingers automatically opened Ilona Andrews website while killing time while waiting in waiting room. I had to laugh at the Hugh “ad”. Then I was in trouble for ROFLOL in a doctor’s waiting room. Sigh. I do like the new and improved look. No problem with using semi smart phone to access.
So Thank you Ilona Andrews for the chuckle today. ( I guess I could have been doing like nephew and watching YouTube stuff but Titan puppy chewed up ear pods thingies so i was going to re-read Innkeeper. Loved the new intro there too.)
Thanks, Ilona Andrews.
Jessica Macielsays
I have already reread the entire Kate Daniels series this year but I’m considering another one anyway. Maybe after Hugh’s book
Thank you for getting comments back. Oddly, I sometimes enjoy them more than the post – not a segment or a snippet, but the everyday stuff. (I always enjoy both, but the proportions change.)
Me too. I check in with the Horde frequently just to catch up on the comments.
Gail Ksays
Re-reading Maud and Arland’s story and taking notes. There are always hints that I miss because I read too fast. Like the new website , still deciding about Hugh. But you write so damn well, and I hate missing out on new characters and storyline . This year,more Kate and more hidden legacy. 4 series ongoing in one year. And a new house Just Woo Hoo????. Many thanks to your hard work. And continued success.
New website is great. Easy to navigate. The countdown is fun. Can’t wait for Hugh’s book. Friday is coming. Oh yeah. Love Maud, Arland, and Soren working together.
Figures. Comments are back but I can’t think of a thing to say. ::sigh::
Oh, wait, here’s one. Go see Deadpool 2. It’s hilarious. Stay for the 2 vignettes in the credits.
Amy Annsays
Bang up job on the website! Bright with nice big font.
I am bursting with excitement over the coming books. But I miss Dina and Sean and Caldenia and Orro. I even miss Beast and Olasard, the slightly befuddled Ripper of Souls.
I totally miss Orro. He never would have sent a salad to a table of vegetarians. I love reading about the creations he invents. That bacon purse full of egg? YUM
Patricia Schlorkesays
I’ve seen cooks make bacon/egg “muffins” and bake in the oven. In a muffin pan, sprayed liberally with cooking spray, put thin bacon in a muffin cup, and crack an egg into it. Bake, I think, at 350 degrees (F) for 15 – 20 minutes.
Now a whole purse? I would like to see the mold for that one! 😀
I was mistaken on review it was an egg purse and a bacon basket: “eggs 3 ways”
Ms. Kimsays
Tee totally agree.
I am dying to try the mango ice cream …
Alisa, near Seattlesays
I’m hoping, Dina, Sean, Orro, Beast, and the RoS (Ripper of Souls) make an appearance at some point … perhaps The ArlaMat (I think Maud’s given name is Mathilda since that’s what NuanCee called her) wedding….
Ilona, I read your “to do” list for Monday to my husband who promptly said, “How does she ever get time to cook anything?!! Super Woman has nothing on her!”
Lauren Owensays
I agree with everyone Thank you, I love all your stories, I don’t have a favorite I just reread, reread, read, and wait…. I promise I have a life.
FINALLY finished edits and got my new release up, and my reward to myself is going to rereading the last two Kate books in preparation for Iron & Magic. I’ve been waiting for this book ever since the April Fool’s joke. I mean, I loved hating Hugh, but I’m a sucker for a good anti-hero and redemption story. And soooo curious how this is going to go.
So totally not related to the post but to hidden legacy series. Is everyone afraid of michael lamar because of the dr. Manhattan reference? Also, will there be any red wedding references from billy idol or game of thrones?
William Bsays
So I tried to pre-order Iron and Magic… again, probably the third time. Good thing Amazon won’t let me.
Yippee for the countdown clock! Especially in red digits (like blood, bwahahaha <—creepy laugh). Somehow the clock makes it even more real to me, watching those numbers tick down…
Patricia Schlorkesays
When I read this, the theme music from the TV series “Dark Shadows” went through my mind. Why? I don’t know. Too much packing and getting ready for my move on Saturday can be my only reason. 😀
Chris Lsays
Been looking but where is this countdown clock?
The countdown clock is on the home page, at the least.
Dratted thing. I keep looking at it even when I know the days have not changed.
Chris Lsays
Thanks for replying!
Although I’ve checked both the Home page and the top of the blog and it still doesn’t show for me.
Please don’t end the KD series yet. If you do, we are gonna miss it so much! Please… please…
What is happening in 32 days? I should know, but I don’t recall. ?. Is that Hugh? I wish the count down clock had a banner (for the too scattered in this moment, like me).
The countdown clock is for Hugh.
Sigh. The countdown clock was at the top of the blog. The banner for Hugh and Elara is on the home page. It is woooonderful.
Anyone know what it means when a one and a half foot tall Crow/Raven lands on your porch railing while you’re re-reading the Kate Daniel’s series? I’m wondering because it happened when Kate and Curran were visiting Roman to ask about officiating their wedding. The bird was massive! I wasn’t fast enough to get a picture.
Alex R.says
Could have been Hurin. Or Murin.
Alex R.says
Or Hugin and Munin. Stupid memory.
Angie Papassays
These last days, Iam inundated, in my email, about the new rules for security and my personal data. All my contacts send me emails asking me to subscribe again..well I have done it successfully. However, what about you? Do I have to change anything regarding the new security rules? Thank you and goodmorning!
I just put in a comment below asking if anyone else got an email about the blog and/or newsletter for this site. This is the first set of emails I’ve gotten, but I’m in the U.S., and the emails mention it was easier to do it for everybody than to have just European folks do it.
Not related to anything BUT This always (ALWAYS) makes me laugh. I know whats going to happen but i cant help it. Its my feel good laugh out loud. Just in case anyone needs it.
Dear Sir,
I am writing in response to your request for additional information in Block #3 of the accident reporting form. I put “Poor Planning” as the cause of my accident. You asked for a fuller explanation and I trust the following details will be sufficient.
I am a bricklayer by trade. On the day of the accident, I was working alone on the roof of a new six-story building. When I completed my work, I found I had some bricks left over which when weighed later were found to weigh 240 lbs. Rather than carry the bricks down by hand, I decided to lower them in a barrel by using a pulley which was attached to the side of the building at the sixth floor.
Securing the rope at ground level, I went up to the roof, swung the barrel out and loaded the bricks into it. Then I went down and untied the rope, holding it tightly to insure a slow descent of the 240 lbs of bricks. You will note on the accident reporting form that my weight is 135 lbs. Due to my surprise at being jerked off the ground so suddenly, I lost my presence of mind and forgot to let go of the rope. Needless to say, I proceeded at a rapid rate up the side of the building.
In the vicinity of the third floor, I met the barrel which was now proceeding downward at an equally impressive speed. This explains the fractured skull, minor abrasions and the broken collarbone, as listed in Section 3, accident reporting form. Slowed only slightly, I continued my rapid ascent, not stopping until the fingers of my right hand were two knuckles deep into the pulley which I mentioned in Paragraph 2 of this correspondence. Fortunately by this time I had regained my presence of mind and was able to hold tightly to the rope, in spite of the excruciating pain I was now beginning to experience.
At approximately the same time, however, the barrel of bricks hit the ground and the bottom fell out of the barrel. Now devoid of the weight of the bricks, the barrel weighed approximately 50 lbs. I refer you again to my weight. As you might imagine, I began a rapid descent down the side of the building. In the vicinity of the third floor, I met the barrel coming up. This accounts for the two fractured ankles, broken tooth and severe lacerations of my legs and lower body.
Here my luck began to change slightly. The encounter with the barrel seemed to slow me enough to lessen my injuries when I fell into the pile of bricks and fortunately only three vertebrae were cracked.
I am sorry to report, however, as I lay there on the pile of bricks, in pain, unable to move and watching the empty barrel six stories above me, I again lost my composure and presence of mind and let go of the rope. And I lay there watching the empty barrel begin its journey back onto me.
—– Brought to you by – The ‘Lectric Law Library The Net’s Finest Legal Resource For Legal Pros & Laypeople Alike. https://www.lectlaw.com
Sounds like someone I know ?? Thanks, I needed that ?
Anyone else get an email about resigning to receive blog updates for this site? Apparently due to new rules in Europe regarding privacy protection or something to that effect. Just wanted to make sure it was a legitimate email.
Actually I got two emails, but I’m betting the second one was for the newsletter. So I’m pretty sure this is legitimate; just want to double-check.
Sara Tsays
Yes got both.
I tried to confirm that I still want to receive it and it said “error already subscribed”. Ilona is there a problem?
Gloria Magidsays
I got the same response re: the blog, though I re-elected the newsletter easily. Hoping all is well…
Christine Evronsays
Me too.
I tried to verify my info to keep receiving the newsletter but the website says I’m already registered. Do I need to do anything else? Thanks!
Mehjabin Haquesays
waiting for Magic Triumphs… rereading entire Kate Series again…… would you consider writing more from Currans POV’s ?
Christy Owens says
? Rereading Magic Rises this week in preparation for Hugh’s book. I’ve got to say, Kate’s initial handling of Desandra was picture perfect and wish I’d read that part a few hours earlier.
Rena says
I have the entire KD series as a reread after I finish Ann Bishop’s series that I am reading. Like you, I want to refresh before the new book. 🙂
Faith says
Oh which one are you reading? I got hooked into The Others Series and I love it. I haven’t read any of her other works though
Tiffany says
I am currently rereading her Others series as well. The Black Jewels series is my favorite but it is definitely dark.
Kamrin says
I love the Black Jewels series! Haven’t tried her Others series yet, although I’ve heard nothing but good things
D Lm A says
Heartclutchingly so! I have to recover from reading some chapters. Facing your fears, believing in yourself, rejoicing in love. . .
Teresa says
Love her series also
Magda says
Just read the house of Gaian trilogy of Anne’s and loved it.
Shannon says
I love the others series! Just reread Kate Daniels. Still Amazing! !
Rorie Solberg says
Love Ann Bishop’s Others series…
Alyssa says
I’m reading Anne Bishop’s Other series. Loved the first four or five books in The Black jewels series, but canNOT handle the last book. That just ruined it for me.
Wendy Abraham says
I rarely wish I had not read a book, but that one did it for me too.
Margaret says
I absolutely agree, the last Black Jewels story wrecked the whole thing for me
Elenariel says
Same here.
It felt so wrong… And even if I try to ignore its existence, it ruins each reread a bit ?
lada says
I was lucky enough to read spoiler reviews and so skipped that last book. When I recommend Black Jewels to friends, I mostly just recommend the trilogy which I think is what Bishop intended it to be.
cheryl z says
Yes that book was a monumental mistake. Bad author, bad!!!
Carla Kennedy says
Me too, though I found lake silence a little simplistic. I await the next. It is a good series.
Elizabeth says
I read the main arc for Black Jewels, read the reviews on the follow ups and decided to skim so the impact wouldn’t be so bad. I loved the main series so I wanted to make sure I didn’t ruin them for myself. I did like the Others series as well though I found the whole romantic development between the two MC’s to be a little depressing. Great books though!
Kate says
My one problem with Lake Silence is the main character – whom I assumed was the inn owner – is such a carpet. All the other characters generally tend to victimise and manipulate her, or otherwise coddle and protect her. She’s not a heroine so much as a damsel in distress which to my (perhaps limited) mind, is not main character material.
Maybe I just misunderstood who the main character was supposed to be…
I do like the world of the Others, though.
Kate says
I also find Bishop’s style similar to what I feel when I read Patricia Briggs. ‘Deceptively simple’. On the face of it the words/sentences used seem simplistic and straightforward, but as you read the world which the prose draws you into is much more vast and imaginative behind that seemingly simple facade.
Cristina says
I love ‘The Others’ Series, though I agree that Vicki (main character just in Lake Silence, book #6) was dissapointingas the only voice due to her many insecurities (she is so obssesed with her hair i.e she gets tiresome to read) and depressive attitude (I understand she was through psichological abuse for years and that has shaped her worldwide vision… but sometimes she got so hypersensitive it was gag-inducing to imagine) To me, Ineke as first voice would have been awesome in comparison. Nevertheless, I have high hopes for #7 (it will be set in Bennett, so no more Vicki)
Henry says
The Lake of Silence was from a very different POV. The heroine was simplistic and the view reflected that simplicity.
Which book of the Black Jewel series was the Last, was it the Epilog? I assign the Epilog as the Last, and it sewed the series up with a HEA ending. That was the destiny from the very first book.
jordana says
Yes! Anne Bishop’s “Others” series starting with the “Written in Red” was also a direction I went when somehow I had to get through some withdrawel symptoms as our Author Lords moved, sold house, survived storm damage, computer explosions…………..
Any time authors have any kind of focus of being kind, heartfelt, of “doing the right thing even though it’s painful” and they’re clever/have done their world building well…, I’m in! And that combination is really hard to find…. hence…. I’ve now started reading Ilona Andrews books in German. Yes. German. “quailing” comes to mind. That fear based kind, not the birds.
Debi Majo says
Me too… at Kate’s wedding one of the witches, Sienna I believe, mentions “asking the White Warlock”. Something about “power”. I didn’t remember that until I read it again.
Joanne R says
I didn’t make the connection! Now I REALLY can’t wait for Hugh’s book to come out.
Pen says
I’m rereading Innkeeper over and over , I think I can quote it soon. I don’t know why but this installment is totally captivating me. Sigh..I wish Friday comes faster
PamG says
Linda B says
Me, too. Glad to know I am not the only one 🙂
Ann Gaul says
Oh, me too! Re-read, listen again — and re-read the Maud chapters too!
VeronicaK says
Me too. I can’t seem to stop and I don’t really want to. I’m in good company!
Elísabet says
Me tooo, me tooo!! ?
Storm Rise says
Yep- Me too 😉
Monika says
I loved it, too. But poor Arland, all work no play. Also it seems that Arland and Maud have hardly gotten to spend any time together so far (and I don’t mean only in a Romantic sense…
Oona says
“a man in my position might like a little privacy!” or words to that effect when poor Arland was so *hopefull* he’d get some uninterrupted time with Maud, to apologize for her uncouth welcome to the House but instead got… Karat. And that line she shot back at him “you can enjoy privacy when you’re dead” (reminding me of Andrew Marvel: the Grave’s a fine and quiet place, but none I think do there embrace- )
Dee says
I’m right there with you!?My favorite series now.
Julia says
Me too!
Elizabeth says
The other day I just went back and reread all we currently have for Sweep of the Blade and then that went too quickly so I read my favorite bits of Hidden Legacy and now I’m on to rereading Patricia Briggs. I need more books!
Kath says
Me too 🙂
Wendy says
I re-read as well +++++. Roll on August with the Hugh release.
Author Kalaynda Price with the Alex Craft series are not well marketed, but are a secret gem.
Wendy says
Oops June even better
SJ says
I recommend ML Brennan’s Generation V series or Jaye Wells Dirty Magic , or Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch while you wait
Cindy says
Generation V books were excellant. I asked the author if there would be any more and unfortunately, the series did not sell enough. Looking forward to the bext hugh and Kate books as well as innkeeper
Mary Ellen says
Just read ML Bennan”s books based on your comments. Thank you, really excellent and I wish there had been more.
Nicole C says
Thanks for all your hard work. The website looks AWESOMESAUCE!!
Kelticat says
Is anyone else having the issue of having to expand the page to read the words on a mobile device such as a phone. For some reason the new algorithm is making the font size extremely tiny on my s5.
MichaelAnne says
I have an LG and the font is fine on my phone
Mog says
It’s massive on my iPhone. Too big.
Elizabeth says
PJ says
lada says
Whole site looks great on my gs8.
Cristina says
GS7 works fine as well
Torin says
Yay! So excited for the Hugh book even though he’s an asshole to Kate. Maybe we’ll see Kate beating the crap out of him in this installment…
Saira says
Not Kate, he has a wife to take care of all of that now…. I’m so looking forward to reading his book.
jewelwing says
Perfect. Just perfect.
Carla Kennedy says
It should be interesting eh? Redeeming this character in some way seems like quite the challenge. I’m really looking forward to it.
Oona says
Did you read any of the 3 chapters that were posted? Cause I am really really liking Hugh’s new “white” horse when the magic is up….
momcat says
Oooo yeah, I think having a real witch wife is going to take care of Hugh just perfectly. Loved the lead in comment, “Fulltime” etc. Still think the book cover model for Hugh would have been a great Raphael though. Wow.
Ms. Kim says
I think Raphael would be much slicker – knife fighter, fast and lethal.
Amy says
Loving the new WordPress layout/refresh! The lighter colors make it brighter!
Christine says
+1 ?
Saira says
Love the new look 🙂
Jan_nl says
Loving the new website, and the Iron & Magic…. and I don’t know what I am more impatient for, our weekly Innkeeper instalment or Hugh…
Ok….it’s Hugh, but Maude, Arland and Helen are a close second….
Thanks for all that you do for the BDH….
MelD says
Well, we know we are getting a 400 page bolus of Hugh, so I agree with you!
Ms. Kim says
MerryB says
You put a countdown timer for Hugh on the website. You are wicked. headdesk
Jenn says
Elenariel says
Still 34 days to go, and I’m already at the end of Magic Shifts in my rereading spree… ?
Joanne says
Love the new front page banner for Iron and Magic. Such a sassy description!
I’ve been trying out haikus and finding them harder than I thought:
Hugh and Elara
Desperate to save their own
Better wed than dead
Hugh and Elara
Unlikely allies in war
Iron and Magic
Tina in NJ says
Nice job.
Ms. Kim says
I really like the 2nd one. Its perfect.
Kimmelane says
Hooray! Loving everything. Can’t wait for Hugh. Can’t wait ’til Friday. Can’t wait for Kate. Can’t wait for Diamonds Fire. You make me happy, authorlords! Thanks.
BelleBok says
Seconded… Thank you to the authorlords! Also read and re-reading as we all seem to be doing, to prepare us for the yummy books coming out way.
Mjanz says
+1 (so excited, can’t wait!!)
Ann Rovetto says
Love the new web site. I mark the days each week until Friday when the next Innkeeper installment comes out.
Dixie says
Looking forward to Hugh’s book. Will be interesting I’m sure.
Patricia Schlorke says
Hooray! The website is rockin’! I love the “pray for Hugh. He’s going to need it.” phrase. I totally agree. Oh, oh, oh! 🙂
Lynn Fitzgerald says
New web site has high eye appeal and ease of navigation . Catchy improvement! Loving your writing and am enjoying the stimulating discussions after you release new excerpts. Feel like a dullard sometimes as several of the contributors have eagle eyes and minds like steel traps. Wakes my thinking processes. Good stuff!! Thank you for the story and the setting that allows the idea exchange
Ms. Kim says
+!+!+! I meant +1+1+1, but the exclamation mark really conveys my agreement.
Jenn says
I love the new look to your website! Hugh and Elara make a great intro ?
Faith says
HAHAHAHA “Pray for Hugh. He’s going to need it” YEEEESSS!!!
I am so very excited. Thank you for all the amazing work you do
Simone says
Love the new look! So excited – only 34 more days to go…..
Regina says
Me too!
Amanda P says
I’ve pre-ordered all i can at the moment and keeping my eye open for the audio books pre-order too.
Love the new site format
Lynn T. says
I know it is not Friday but my fingers automatically opened Ilona Andrews website while killing time while waiting in waiting room. I had to laugh at the Hugh “ad”. Then I was in trouble for ROFLOL in a doctor’s waiting room. Sigh. I do like the new and improved look. No problem with using semi smart phone to access.
So Thank you Ilona Andrews for the chuckle today. ( I guess I could have been doing like nephew and watching YouTube stuff but Titan puppy chewed up ear pods thingies so i was going to re-read Innkeeper. Loved the new intro there too.)
Thanks, Ilona Andrews.
Jessica Maciel says
I have already reread the entire Kate Daniels series this year but I’m considering another one anyway. Maybe after Hugh’s book
kommiesmom says
Thank you for getting comments back. Oddly, I sometimes enjoy them more than the post – not a segment or a snippet, but the everyday stuff. (I always enjoy both, but the proportions change.)
Kimmelane says
Me too. I check in with the Horde frequently just to catch up on the comments.
Gail K says
Re-reading Maud and Arland’s story and taking notes. There are always hints that I miss because I read too fast. Like the new website , still deciding about Hugh. But you write so damn well, and I hate missing out on new characters and storyline .
This year,more Kate and more hidden legacy.
4 series ongoing in one year. And a new house Just Woo Hoo????. Many thanks to your hard work. And continued success.
Teresa says
New website is great. Easy to navigate. The countdown is fun. Can’t wait for Hugh’s book. Friday is coming. Oh yeah. Love Maud, Arland, and Soren working together.
Tink says
Figures. Comments are back but I can’t think of a thing to say. ::sigh::
Tink says
Oh, wait, here’s one. Go see Deadpool 2. It’s hilarious. Stay for the 2 vignettes in the credits.
Amy Ann says
Bang up job on the website! Bright with nice big font.
Kimmelane says
I am bursting with excitement over the coming books. But I miss Dina and Sean and Caldenia and Orro. I even miss Beast and Olasard, the slightly befuddled Ripper of Souls.
Nean says
I totally miss Orro. He never would have sent a salad to a table of vegetarians. I love reading about the creations he invents. That bacon purse full of egg? YUM
Patricia Schlorke says
I’ve seen cooks make bacon/egg “muffins” and bake in the oven. In a muffin pan, sprayed liberally with cooking spray, put thin bacon in a muffin cup, and crack an egg into it. Bake, I think, at 350 degrees (F) for 15 – 20 minutes.
Now a whole purse? I would like to see the mold for that one! 😀
Nean says
I was mistaken on review it was an egg purse and a bacon basket: “eggs 3 ways”
Ms. Kim says
Tee totally agree.
Kimmelane says
I am dying to try the mango ice cream …
Alisa, near Seattle says
I’m hoping, Dina, Sean, Orro, Beast, and the RoS (Ripper of Souls) make an appearance at some point … perhaps The ArlaMat (I think Maud’s given name is Mathilda since that’s what NuanCee called her) wedding….
Chris says
Ilona, I read your “to do” list for Monday to my husband who promptly said,
“How does she ever get time to cook anything?!! Super Woman has nothing on her!”
Lauren Owen says
I agree with everyone Thank you, I love all your stories, I don’t have a favorite I just reread, reread, read, and wait…. I promise I have a life.
Thank you Both of you do awesome work
Carysa Locke says
FINALLY finished edits and got my new release up, and my reward to myself is going to rereading the last two Kate books in preparation for Iron & Magic. I’ve been waiting for this book ever since the April Fool’s joke. I mean, I loved hating Hugh, but I’m a sucker for a good anti-hero and redemption story. And soooo curious how this is going to go.
Allan says
So totally not related to the post but to hidden legacy series. Is everyone afraid of michael lamar because of the dr. Manhattan reference? Also, will there be any red wedding references from billy idol or game of thrones?
William B says
So I tried to pre-order Iron and Magic… again, probably the third time. Good thing Amazon won’t let me.
strangejoyce says
Yippee for the countdown clock! Especially in red digits (like blood, bwahahaha <—creepy laugh). Somehow the clock makes it even more real to me, watching those numbers tick down…
Patricia Schlorke says
When I read this, the theme music from the TV series “Dark Shadows” went through my mind. Why? I don’t know. Too much packing and getting ready for my move on Saturday can be my only reason. 😀
Chris L says
Been looking but where is this countdown clock?
MerryB says
The countdown clock is on the home page, at the least.
Dratted thing. I keep looking at it even when I know the days have not changed.
Chris L says
Thanks for replying!
Although I’ve checked both the Home page and the top of the blog and it still doesn’t show for me.
Rizel says
Please don’t end the KD series yet. If you do, we are gonna miss it so much! Please… please…
Eli says
What is happening in 32 days? I should know, but I don’t recall. ?. Is that Hugh?
I wish the count down clock had a banner (for the too scattered in this moment, like me).
MerryB says
The countdown clock is for Hugh.
MerryB says
Sigh. The countdown clock was at the top of the blog. The banner for Hugh and Elara is on the home page. It is woooonderful.
Wren says
Anyone know what it means when a one and a half foot tall Crow/Raven lands on your porch railing while you’re re-reading the Kate Daniel’s series? I’m wondering because it happened when Kate and Curran were visiting Roman to ask about officiating their wedding. The bird was massive! I wasn’t fast enough to get a picture.
Alex R. says
Could have been Hurin. Or Murin.
Alex R. says
Or Hugin and Munin. Stupid memory.
Angie Papas says
These last days, Iam inundated, in my email, about the new rules for security and my personal data. All my contacts send me emails asking me to subscribe again..well I have done it successfully. However, what about you? Do I have to change anything regarding the new security rules? Thank you and goodmorning!
Tink says
I just put in a comment below asking if anyone else got an email about the blog and/or newsletter for this site. This is the first set of emails I’ve gotten, but I’m in the U.S., and the emails mention it was easier to do it for everybody than to have just European folks do it.
kylie says
Not related to anything BUT
This always (ALWAYS) makes me laugh. I know whats going to happen but i cant help it. Its my feel good laugh out loud. Just in case anyone needs it.
Dear Sir,
I am writing in response to your request for additional information in Block #3 of the accident reporting form. I put “Poor Planning” as the cause of my accident. You asked for a fuller explanation and I trust the following details will be sufficient.
I am a bricklayer by trade. On the day of the accident, I was working alone on the roof of a new six-story building. When I completed my work, I found I had some bricks left over which when weighed later were found to weigh 240 lbs. Rather than carry the bricks down by hand, I decided to lower them in a barrel by using a pulley which was attached to the side of the building at the sixth floor.
Securing the rope at ground level, I went up to the roof, swung the barrel out and loaded the bricks into it. Then I went down and untied the rope, holding it tightly to insure a slow descent of the 240 lbs of bricks. You will note on the accident reporting form that my weight is 135 lbs. Due to my surprise at being jerked off the ground so suddenly, I lost my presence of mind and forgot to let go of the rope. Needless to say, I proceeded at a rapid rate up the side of the building.
In the vicinity of the third floor, I met the barrel which was now proceeding downward at an equally impressive speed. This explains the fractured skull, minor abrasions and the broken collarbone, as listed in Section 3, accident reporting form. Slowed only slightly, I continued my rapid ascent, not stopping until the fingers of my right hand were two knuckles deep into the pulley which I mentioned in Paragraph 2 of this correspondence. Fortunately by this time I had regained my presence of mind and was able to hold tightly to the rope, in spite of the excruciating pain I was now beginning to experience.
At approximately the same time, however, the barrel of bricks hit the ground and the bottom fell out of the barrel. Now devoid of the weight of the bricks, the barrel weighed approximately 50 lbs. I refer you again to my weight. As you might imagine, I began a rapid descent down the side of the building. In the vicinity of the third floor, I met the barrel coming up. This accounts for the two fractured ankles, broken tooth and severe lacerations of my legs and lower body.
Here my luck began to change slightly. The encounter with the barrel seemed to slow me enough to lessen my injuries when I fell into the pile of bricks and fortunately only three vertebrae were cracked.
I am sorry to report, however, as I lay there on the pile of bricks, in pain, unable to move and watching the empty barrel six stories above me, I again lost my composure and presence of mind and let go of the rope. And I lay there watching the empty barrel begin its journey back onto me.
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Dee says
Sounds like someone I know ?? Thanks, I needed that ?
Tink says
Anyone else get an email about resigning to receive blog updates for this site? Apparently due to new rules in Europe regarding privacy protection or something to that effect. Just wanted to make sure it was a legitimate email.
Actually I got two emails, but I’m betting the second one was for the newsletter. So I’m pretty sure this is legitimate; just want to double-check.
Sara T says
Yes got both.
Martina says
I tried to confirm that I still want to receive it and it said “error already subscribed”.
Ilona is there a problem?
Gloria Magid says
I got the same response re: the blog, though I re-elected the newsletter easily. Hoping all is well…
Henry says
Christine Evron says
Me too.
Lis says
I tried to verify my info to keep receiving the newsletter but the website says I’m already registered. Do I need to do anything else? Thanks!
Mehjabin Haque says
waiting for Magic Triumphs… rereading entire Kate Series again…… would you consider writing more from Currans POV’s ?