Check this out. If you’re in Richmond, Texas, and have a million or so lying around, do I have the house for you. Five bedroom 1/2 bath, 7, 406 sq ft, 2 acres and this.
Must see to believe. More at this link.
Blog, Just Life POST A COMMENT by Ilona
Check this out. If you’re in Richmond, Texas, and have a million or so lying around, do I have the house for you. Five bedroom 1/2 bath, 7, 406 sq ft, 2 acres and this.
Must see to believe. More at this link.
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Booksdarling says
That house will need a hella lot of spackle and the little old lady from Poltergeist to clear the evil spirits before it’s livable.
Alex R. says
Wait. 5 bathrooms but only 1/2 bath?
I guess the dolls don’t need to use the restroom that much …..
Tink says
I did the same double-check. 5 bedrooms and only one 1/2 bath? But it’s 5 bedrooms, 5 1/2 baths.
Alex R. says
Bedrooms!!! Bedrooms, darn it. Sigh
Tink says
Wow, that’s a lot of clutter. Don’t real estate agents tell people to clear out all the clutter before they’ll come take photos? How can you see any details of the interior of the house?
And is anyone else wondering what they do for Halloween?
Kirsten says
Melisa who hates scary dolls says
They… they take the stuff all with them right???? You wouldn’t be walking into a graveyard of left over doll materials??? I have nightmares over stuff like that.
Allison says
There’s one comment on one of the pictures that says the artwork goes with the artist. Weellll Thank goodness for that! I can’t imagine living with those mannequins, I would scare myself silly every time I turned around..
Lisa says
Please tell me it doesn’t come furnished! Can you imagine how long it will take to pack up everything and move it out…..?
Damietta Armstrong says
Nah, just go thru picking out the few things you wanna keep, then call every charity in town for a u-pick donate-a-thon.
When they’re done, call 1 800 got junk.
Jillee says
Lol I totally live in Richmond. That’s crazy. Reminds me of how my cousin’s house used to look. She was a doll collector too.
Simone says
Well I guess they’re never lonely with a “person” at the gate, at the kitchen counter, dining room, bathroom, bedroom, porch etc.
It’s a nice house but too big for me. I’d negotiate downwards since you will need to completely paint the interior of the house.
I wonder if there are any “Chucky” dolls in there from the horror movie series 🙂
sarafina says
Looks like lots of shelves for books, once one gets past the creepy.
Zana says
Ahh… the male mannequin clad only in a towel waiting for you by the bathroom entrance…what more do you need to sell a house!
Toni McGee Causey says
LOL. I totally missed that one.
Eva says
Realtor: “You truly have to let this one sink in to appreciate all the extras.”
That’s one way to put it.
Mary Beth says
Yeah, I’d get a bulldozer out, dig a pit, and burn every mannequin and doll. Creepy doesn’t cover it. It’d need several celebrations, a bale of sacred smudge, and for extra insurance? I’d go through it with a cast iron kettle full of salt, black peppercorns, and red chilis.
That gets rid of everything, including stubborn in-laws, nosy neighbors, and not-ex-enough boyfriends. 😉
Mimi says
Where DO you find these houses???!! 😉
Lyuba says
Have to ask if they are staying in Texas instead of moving to Florida?
Margaret says
Ilona, are you inspired to write about a dark witch who can capture souls inside of dolls? Cause I’d totally read that.
The child mannequins bolted to the ceiling are a master touch!
(Actually it’s a beautiful house, just needs to be redecorated and exorcised.)
Kristine says
Oh my…..
Faith says
The outside looks so inviting, and then you get inside. I don’t know how the realtor was able to stand taking all these pictures.
There isn’t enough sage in the world to cleanse this house. Burn it down and start over!
Amanda says
Why are all the child dolls suspended upside down from the ceilings? Why! WHY! The adult dolls are creepy enough.
Also why do some people feel the need to cover every inch of space? There’s a beautiful house hiding somewhere under all that clutter.
Michelle says
Yes! That was next-level crazy. My only thought is that they don’t have enough room to run around on the cluttered floors… ::shudder::
The owners are also obsessed with fur; even the wedding dress had a little tail sewn to it. I did kinda love the outdoor grill where the hanging plants were interspersed with various fish, though.
Janet says
The bones of the house are great. I don’t understand the realtor. when I sold my house we decluttered to bare bones and my house had no kitschy stuff.
ladyreadsalot says
There are actually professionals who do this for you. Throw it all in the garage if you cannot afford a storage unit.
And they want over a million. I would offer a lot less and only on the condition I get to see it stripped of every doll and fur item (not that I could even afford to offer even 1/10th the asking price but its the principal). {{Shudder}}
Jo O says
I know you are supposed to look beyond the decor but ….
I couldn’t look at all the photos because the ones I did see gave me the willies.
MeggsH says
Wow…… that’s super creepy. I guess they either didn’t care to follow realtor advice or else they got a crap realtor. The library did look pretty cool underneath all the ick though
Trish Henry says
I think of the photos as the exhibit. Owner proudly showing off the results of her efforts–this could be her/their 15 minutes of fame and she’s not going to waste it. Could also be a divorce sale and could be part of anger, “I’ll show you!” Just speculating.
Chris Henderson-Bauer says
“Unfortunately the art goes with the artist.” Those photo captions are amazing. Not a single mention of the dolls staring in from the windows, the background, the ceiling…
Rose says
I agree. I am convinced that the realtor is a closer stand up comic. I could see an excellent stages reading of those lines in front of pictures of the house…… while Jaws music played in the background
Bee says
It is the ones on the ceiling that get me. Could you imagine if the owner had pets and the poor things got fleas? This link is also on a great website called mid century kitsch. So much to ponder… It is like Grey Gardens in technicolor full on glory.
I hope they (owner/ buyer) find happiness in amidst all this stuff.
Toni McGee Causey says
You just know there are neighbors over there seriously down on their knees, promising God everything if someone even slightly more normal were to buy that place.
Dani says
I love how the caption for each picture tells you what the room has (wall of windows, wainscoting, hardwood floors, built-ins, etc) because without the descriptions, you can’t SEE any of it. Seems like such a normal mcmansion for such a weird interior.
Regina says
The doll house owner has got to be in the same knitting group as the cat house owner from previous postings.
Dani says
Yeah, but this house looks like it’ll be ok if they just remove all the crap. Maybe patch a few holes in the ceiling. Every surface in cat house was absolutely destroyed.
Kate C says
I love how the realtor just breezes through the descriptions without mentioning the decor or all the drywall/ceiling repair that will require.
Ms. Kim says
Ah ha! So now you’re looking in Texas. What happened to Florida?
Michelle says
My grandma collected dolls. This house has nothing on what her house looked like. Growing up in the Depression, Grandma wasn’t allowed to have a doll, so when she was on her own, she started collecting them. I think I counted over 200 in her bedroom when I was a kid. And just about every room was packed with dolls. Grandpa had his own room and even his room had dolls. So I look at this house and think “Grandma!”
catlover. says
That’s a mind blowing house full of retail therapy and eclectic collecting of stuff. Did not see a bedroom you could actually sleep in. Underneath all that stuff is a spacious home but lordy would it take work to find it!
And I say that sitting in my living room surrounded by boxes brought in from the garage so we can get the cabinets up, done, and shelving up, mostly done. I did empty several boxes this weekend and put many occasional use appliances out there to free up space in my tiny kitchen. Progress being made! Today’s project is knock off the very sparse popcorn ceiling and maybe get it painted so the ceiling fan/light can be put up. The last room needing to be finished!
Sara T says
Ok this is worse than the Cat House.
All those creepy mannequins and the other millions of small dolls and things. Hoarders comes to mind.
The house might actually be nice without all the dolls and million other things.
Aurora says
By my count, at least 8 “dolls,” including the 2 suspended from the ceiling…
I have the feeling the owner talks to those things.
Makes me think of this commercial:
Katie Beattie says
Wow! Just WOW. A seriously creepy looking house.
Natalie says
You now that Cathy Bates TurboTax commercial? Ya now I know where they got the inspiration for it.
Mannequin, puppets and dolls Oh my!
Courtney Mincy says
I thought of that too! Then I thought of the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who and was afraid to blink.
Bin says
Lmfao Courtney … this just made my night ty!
Trish Henry says
I like to see someone really own who they are and what brings them joy. Very cool. I do wonder if they are downsizing, what are they going to do with all that stuff. So hard to let go of obsessions yet I could see it having adverse affects on relationships. Maybe donate to various museums or kid places? That way I guess you could still visit some stuff…
Holy macarell!
EarlineM says
Beautiful house, but someone has been to a few too many craft fairs! I’m wondering how in the world you get all this stuff dusted and kept reasonably clean?! An army?
DianainCa says
Hmmm, nope no way could I get past all that stuff and feel comfortable there.
Jess says
I was clicking through the pictures thinking, “Well, this is weird but not the STRANGEST thing I’ve ever seen in a house” and then I got to the dolls on the ceiling. What. The. Hell.
Lisa M says
You really have to wonder about people who have a blow-up maid doll with toilet brush in their bathroom.
mj says
Good luck to these people. Even cleaned up this house isn’t worth what they are asking. A 7K+ square foot house and that little stinky thing with the island is the kitchen? The bathrooms look like something out of a LA apartment.
It’s what we’d call a McMansion. Lots of room and really tacky construction.
Christine says
…did anyone else see the stuffed lynx in a wedding veil hanging from the ceiling?
Trish Henry says
I’m looking at this on my iPad and am not seeing captions. However…did you see the gas masks on the wall in the bathroom with the smurf painting? So crazy!
Carol says
Well {{shiver}} in addition to most of the comments above, the house must be truly sad! It is probably hoping (along with neighbors) that someone come clear all that stuff away, clean up all the yard overgrowth, and move in a real family. I understand self expression but wow!! In all reality if I were going to make a serious offer (hahhahahaaaa) it would be contingent on the place being empty. Paint and spakel are one thing but what condition are the floors in? Still the bones look beautiful.
Meg says
Sweet baby Jesus. Why?!
Variel says
Avante garde installation for sale.
momcat says
There are lots of million $ plus houses that are fun to look at and fantasize about, but NOT that one. Gives me the creeps. I bet they don’t have to worry about having a lot of “just lookers” coming in.
Colleen says
I can imagine waking up in the middle of the night, or sleepily walking through the halls and spotting one of the mannequins out of the corner of my eye. Or better yet, a burgler sneaks in, hears the owner moving around, and just freezes in place. Someone could just walk right by him without noticing there was an extra body in the room. Gives me shivers.
elizaduckie says
I found it a little scary and a little sad. I’m supposing the person living there felt lonely and needed some company. It does feel as if the entire house if full of life and lots of things are going on…which is why it also seems a little scary to me. I’d be wondering what they’re getting up to when I’m not looking! And some of those inanimate faces, both painted and on the dolls, are not smiling, or pleasant. But a pretty location and the house has lovely classic lines.
MaryK says
They didn’t clear it out for pictures but look at the publicity it’s getting! I don’t see how they have room to live with all that stuff in the way.
Lyuba says
1) this is the stuff of nightmares, 2) the owners have clearly never watched a home sale show where the number one rule is depersonalize and declutter, 3) it has only been on the market for 8 days…. any bets on that extending to triple digits before it sells?
Mary Jo says
Blade runner kept running through my head… huh..