Last week Gordon and I left for a much needed vacation. Usually we head to the Emerald Coast, the panhandle of Florida slightly east of Destin, where the sand is white and the water is a beautiful green from above but crystal clear when you wade into it. But this time we wanted a break from the heat. We decided on Outer Banks.
People talk about the Outer Banks with a wistful look in their eye. The chain of sandy barrier islands off the coast of North Carolina is supposed to be not too hot, not too cold, but just right quaint beach paradise. We rented a small house for a week, which wasn’t expensive compared to our usual Florida spot, boarded the dogs, and last Sunday we took for the airport.
We flew to Norfolk, rented a car, and Gordon drove for an hour and a half to our rental at Kitty Hawk.
The house was as advertised a small three story in the third row from the beach. We could see the ocean from the balconies. The temperature hovered in mid-80s, sometimes feeling like mid 70s with the strong wind and sometimes climbing to barely touch low 90s. We made a trip to Food Lion and bought some groceries. We also ducked into Wal-Mart on the last day of our stay, because we decided we needed a small bag. Both stores were very clean and comfortably nice.

The town was lovely. Cute little shops, ocean-themed restaurants, all laid out basically along two major streets, both running north to south. We went shopping. I stopped at a yarn store called Knitting Addiction, and bought some Blue Heron Yarn. It came with a pattern for a simplified Clapotis scarf. I knitted a lot on the trip.

We visited a gaming store and Gordon bought some action figures. We ate at a Black Pelican restaurant, which is what Red Lobster hopes to imitate and kind of fails. There are a lot of dining options, most centering around sea food, but pretty much every place serves hamburgers or pizza in addition to crab legs and shrimp. People were welcoming and the service was lovely.
The beach lay past a tall roll of dunes. The sand was scalding hot and yellow, and the two beach accesses near us didn’t have wooden boardwalks, so we kind of trudged through the sand, but it was a short walk. The beach was clean and beautiful, even though it was dog friendly. Nobody drove up and down in a 4 Wheeler. No rows of fishermen trying to hook children with their fishing gear. Just a lot of families, sitting on the sand.
Sitting is the key word. I knew we were in trouble when we saw 400 people on the beach and 4 people in the water. Kids were not in the water.
It’s cold. The pier temperature was supposedly 82 degrees the entire time we were there, and either we acclimated to Texas too much, or the cold currents that swirl around Outer Banks must’ve hugged the shore, because the ocean was murky and cold. I stepped into it, and my toes went numb.
We went out further and stayed out longer than anyone else, except for a very determined dude who had his boogie board and committed himself to catching some waves. The surf wasn’t strong so he got some rides but they were short.
Normally we swim every day twice a day. There is a pattern to our holidays: we get up, go to the beach before the heat sets in, swim until we are exhausted, drag ourselves home for lunch, rest, then do it again in the late afternoon. We are chasing that tired-from-swimming high. We swam twice during the entire vacation. It wasn’t a fun splash in the waves kind of swim, but more a test of will. People would see us, walk in, holding their arms out, and walk right out. Kids would run in, yell, and run away.

The vacation wasn’t a waste by any means, although after that first dip in the ocean we almost went home. We unplugged. We sat on the balcony and watched the ocean. A storm blew in, the clouds scary, dark, and churning. Water fell from the sky, which was amazing. We almost forgot what that felt like. We dipped in the little pool that came with the house. We hung out and rented old movies at night. No computer games, no internet. Lots and lots of knitting and reading. Too much beer.
During the vacation and on the way back, I finally listened to the entirety of Graphic Audio’s Innkeeper adaptation. They did such an amazing job, but I did get a surreal moment. As we boarded a United Flight to Austin and Dina was murmuring into my earbuds, the flight attendant informed us that our safety was their priority. I chuckled a little bit, and nobody knew why.
We got back late last night and blissfully slept in our own bed. Mmmm, bed. There is a backlog of emails to go through and dogs to pick up from boarding. Once we do that, we can dig back into writing.
All in all, I’m glad we went. Gordon has been looking at that area, hoping to one day move about an hour or so from that coast, because the heat in Texas traps us inside for 6 months out of the year now. We can’t walk the dogs. We can’t do our daily walk for our health around the neighborhood. We don’t go anywhere, we don’t do anything, we sit inside the house and occasionally climb into a pool that’s hot tub temperature. Yesterday we landed to a cool 110 degrees.
In that regard, OBX weather is exactly what we are looking for, but the beach is a deal breaker. We would not drive an hour to this beach. We were a quarter mile from the water and we didn’t want to get into the ocean. So it’s back to the map.
Huge thanks to Mod R for defending the castle while we were gone.
Sounds wonderful. Next time, try Emerald Isle a little further south, and try a little earlier in August. I remember the water being bathtub warm. Similar beautiful, uncrowded beach. Make sure to wear water shoes or flip-flops for the hot sand. I hope you tried some NC barbecue (very different than Texas barbecue!).
The bbq was good, but I honestly don’t care for the vinegary bbq sauces there. Of course I don’t much care about the ones here in Tx either hehe.
I was at the Hilton Garden Inn on 8/21 &22 in Kitty Hawk. Ocean was cool but normally by August it’s in the 70s. Been going to Outerbanks since I was child. Always swam in the ocean, seemed cooler this year for some reason. Beaufort and New Bern are great choices. However, cooler ocean temperatures moderate hurricanes which is something to consider these days.
I second this! Try New Bern. On a beautiful river and only 45 mins from the beaches!
I would also recommend Emerald Isle. It’s where me and the hubs go and the water is definitely warmer. I’m in Raleigh and it’s only about 2-1/2 hrs to the coast.
I grew up near New Bern! Definitely a great place to retire. If you want closer to the beach, Atlantic Beach/Emerald Isle/Beaufort are great options. I wouldn’t by a place too near the water though with the hurricanes they’ve had in the past. But you could get a great place that is 10/15 mins inland and not have to worry about the flooding as much.
I love playing search the map for the perfect location. I wonder if there is anywhere left that has those mid-70s summer weather and warm waters? A meteoroligist could answer this better, but I thought what gives the Outer Banks its nice summer weather is the cooling effects of the air coming off the cooler waters? Fortunately, I have weighted cooler weather over warm beaches. Plus, I find mountains and snow to be provide a much nicer range of activities.
Saugatuck Michigan.
Not salt, but a beautiful beach and warm water in August.
There can be lots of snow in winter though from lake effect and, even though temperatures have warmed there in the past few years, it’s still cold in winter! I’m originally from Michigan and I love the lake and its towns, but there is definitely a winter!!
Love Saugatuck!! ⛱️⛵🏞️
(Southwest Michigan kid here – originally from a bit north in Muskegon.)
I grew up near Fremont, just a bit north of Muskegon. I agree. House Andrews needs a Michigan summer home and a southern winter home. 🙂
This Spring Lake Laker says hi to both Muskegon and Fremont!! (In Ann Arbor now)
But yes, West Michigan in the summers has warmer water, temps in the 70s and 80s mostly, but you have to put up with a winter.
Year round better weather might be in Ventura County, north of LA?
Sarasota/Siesta Key, FL have great beaches. Cool sand and warm water. Lots of people have moved to the area so prices have gone up the last few years.
hehe I think you’d freeze them!
I’m a michigander in the metro Detroit area. I love it up here, but I also think everyone who gets into the water up here would’ve been playing in the water at the Outer Banks with a “It’s not so bad once you get used to it” and a shrug. 😁
New Englander here, and we’d definitely be playing in the freezing cold water lol. It’s warm by comparison to New Hampshire or Maine!
I was about to suggest South Haven, which is in the same neighborhood as Saugatuk. Lake Michigan never gets “warm”, but there is enough in that part of SW Michigan to make it worth checking out.
We just spent a week in Brisbane (coming from Wellington NZ) mid winter 25 degree C days were a bit of a revelation (although we would 100% wilt in summer).
I loved how many of the streets and houses had been designed for the heat and were shaded
Yup. Come to Australia! 😁😁😁 All the beaches are Crown Land, so they’re for public use, apart from a very few reserved for military or similar 😍 so many beautiful places, inland and and on the coast 😊
Glad you had a good rest, even if the ocean didn’t cooperate!
+1 😊
That’s exactly what I found on my one trip to outer banks many many years ago. Great temps, cooooold water … in August! I have no problem generally with cold water, but it feels much better when it’s over 100 outside and you’re dying and then when you hit that water it’s true relief.
I’m so glad you had a relaxing vacation! It honestly sounds pretty good despite.
Have you thought about the Charleston, SC area? I lived there for 15+ years and enjoyed going to the beach. It gets hot and humid there during the summer, but it has mild winters (you’ll almost never see snow, which I admittedly missed due to being a native of Maryland). If you do check out that area, I highly recommend Goose Creek or Moncks Corner – they are about 45 minutes to the beach but far enough away that you generally don’t have to worry about evacuating due to hurricanes (esp. M.C.). Just a thought. Glad you guys got a chance to renew/relax. Personally, I’m headed to Knoxville, TN later this year – one of the few climate ‘safe’ (relative word) areas that I plan to retire in. Going to be safe and snug in my monolithic dome home (round is in, lol). Just as an FYI – they can withstand a F5 tornadoes (shudder), hurricanes, earthquakes and fire-resistant (it’s made of concrete) plus rot and termite-proof. They are deemed nearly indestructible by FEMA and they can be built anywhere. 🙂
I love domed houses! Hope you will love living there 🤗
Awwww, thank you so much, Mod R! 🙂 I am hoping to actually build a good bit of it myself. I’m not crazy, though – the foundation and the trades (electrical, plumbing, etc.) will be involved – a big NO to code violations or making my home less safe than it should be! Sometimes saving money = disaster. 😛 If you or anyone else is interested, check out the Monolithic Institute. They offer a week long class once in the Fall and once in the Spring. I’ll be taking it, I want first hand/actual experience building a dome before I build my first project – a mini dome (I want to also build affordable housing for the elderly, homeless, single people, etc. – all in my five year plan!)! I am so excited and passionate about this. As a Forensic Auditor, I don’t have much more to show for my career than paperwork, but building domes will hopefully allow me to leave a more concrete legacy (hahaha, cuz they’re build outta concrete)! 🙂 I want them to be PRETTY, though! Like Rainbow Row, where every mini house is a different color – something people WANT to live in/are proud to call home. Just because you fall on the lower end of the income spectrum doesn’t mean you don’t deserve nice things and safe/affordable housing. 🙂
Thank you for this, I’d love to explore this as an option for me too!
1) This is so cool
2) I immediately thought of Rogan’s families experiences with storm talents when you mentioned F5 storms.
I lived a couple of years in Mongolia, where yurts are still a very common way of life. Domed homes that have remained the same for hundreds of years (proof they work!), whose insulation can be increased in winter (i.e. 10 months of the year) and lightened in summer, entirely portable (by horse, camel or truck) and can be set up or taken down in a couple of hours, furniture included). Really amazing! I bought one to take home to Spain as a guest room, and made sure to number all the parts and take many many pictures as I was setting it up in Mongolia before packing and shipping. Had no problems setting it up with the prep, but it certainly took longer for me than for the Mongolians!
Nice!!! Domes!!!
Thank you! 🙂
I have been low key eying the Natural Spaces dome homes the last month. Considering as in 2-3 years I want to move back down somewhere warmer than South Dakota.
Absolutely beautiful on the inside when they have that wood finish in areas. And yes, the weather resistance helps.
I love your five year plan, I hope it goes as smoothy as is possible with building anything!
I hope to retire to Isle of Palm outside of Charleston. It is the perfect beach.
I was in the Florida Keys a few weeks ago. I was in humid hell.
And that’s the difference between the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. I live in FL, where I have my choice of both. The Atlantic is a 30 minute drive from us and it has its own appeal for a day trip, but we choose the Gulf for extended stays every time, even though it’s a three hour drive. Water’s warmer, surf’s not as rough, and therefore the water’s clearer. We always spend a week in Siesta Key in mid-Sept. Kid’s are back in school, so no crowds. The worst of the afternoon thunderstorm/hurricane season is over, rentals are cheaper, and the beach and water are still nice. And there are gorgeous sunsets.
Have you thought of the great lakes? My parents retired on Lake Huron – absolutely beautiful with a wonderful beach. My sister lives there now. Earie is the warmest. Superior has the biggest waves. Something to consider maybe.
Great Lakes are wonderful, Michigan and Erie are the warmest in the summer. But they do come with weather. Lake effect snow in the winter, impressive thunderstorms in the summer, gorgeous leaves and lovely falls. Some nifty hiking and fishing, and if you like a nice college town you can find plenty within driving distance!
So I live on Lake Ontario. Just a fair warning we have lots of snow in the winter. We have had a very cool summer with lots of rain. On Saturday we made it up to 70degrees. Sunday was back in the 80’s but it is cool today back to mid 70’s. It is very green due to the rain and we don’t worry about drought on the positive side.
Not regretting a move to Upstate NY about 30 miles south of Lake Ontario. More beaches than expected, everything grows up here, and the hottest it has gotten so far is a couple of 92 degree days – but low humidity and few mosquitoes. And breezes exist! I’m close to the Finger Lakes, rivers and mountains. The quiet even in the city is amazing.
I am vacationing there now, near Letchworth state park. It is beautiful here. You are lucky to live in this region!
Yay! A great vacation! Don’t buy property there, tho. Aside from cold swims, that area is prone to hurricanes and floods. Barrier islands are supposed to block the waves and get washed away. The storms are almost as bad as Florida.
welcome back and so happy you had a great time unplugging!
I’m so glad you guys got to unplug and decompress. I love love GA version of Innkeeper so that had to be fun to hear. I’m 54 and looking forward to empty nest in a couple of years and so many people my age I know trying to decide on where to go for the next life chapter. I live DFW area of Texas and I am in agreement in the living inside 6 months of the year is getting old. My job allows me to live anywhere but I’m single so it’s hard to know where I would be not far from kids and not be alone. Hard to make friends at this age :-/. But it’s fun to dream about new places.
Check weather year-round. I have lived in many places and am 54 myself. I am trying to decide where I want to go in 2-3 years.
South Dakota is freaking cold in the winter and hot in the summer. How? 1 or the other, not both.
NW Ark or around Branson, MO isn’t bad. Yeah, it’s kind of hot in the summers, but not as bad as Texas. Up in the hills is cooler than down in the River Valley. Table Rock Lake area down to Eureka Springs is beautiful.
Now a sister is up in Michigan, not too far from Lansing. She doesn’t get the wild weather swings like I do in SD. The tulips are great, no lake effect snow but still not too far if she wants to go hit the lake. So that’s tempting.
WV gets -0 in the winter, heavy snow, hard to drive on the roads. Beautiful, expensive.
VA isn’t bad. Pretty and the weather varies depending upon the area. Over by the ocean is of course different than over by the VA line. But you can hit the shore. But it’s cold water to swim, however.
I love Texas, especially Fort Worth or around San Antinio, but it’s just too hot in the summers.
West VA line it should say.
Have you ever tried going North instead of to the ocean? The great lakes are a sight to behold and although Lake Superior has a similar problem of being too cold to swim in through most of the summer it is a beautiful area. Instead there are thousands of smaller lakes and other places along the great lakes chain that do not suffer the same fate. And along the Mississippi are some other great places to visit.
An example if you are looking for natural beauty try the Driftless region. This is an area in South west Wisconsin, North Illinois, Iowa, and South East Minnesota that was missed by the Glaciers that swept through the area thousands of years ago. Let’s just say that there is a reason that so many immigrants from Switzerland and Norway felt at home in this area. There is nothing quite like this area in the fall when all the trees have changed color.
I live in the Driftless region of Wisconsin, and while I’m sure there are places to swim, we don’t have the lakes that the rest of the state does. I think House Andrews should visit the upper Midwest, too. But, the closest we have to an ocean, our inland seas, the great lakes, are probably too cold for House Andrews.
I love the Charleston, SC area! I also recommend the city of Hanahan, which is close to both beaches (Isle of Palms and Folly Beach) and Charleston.
I love the description of people trying get in the water. The kids were smart, its not worth the freezing temperature. I love the description of the vacation, it sounds so relaxing with good food, my kind of vibe. Welcome back to the loving but eager feedback comments of the BDH as we fall on whatever snippets you parcel out before the full book release.
Im glad you guys got some rest and relaxation! We moved from NC last year to NJ and I think I am kind of regrettting it. The beaches arent the best Ive been too but the sand was at least nice. We lived on MCB Camp Lejeune so we went to the beach on base, Emerald Isle beaches, Topsail and walked along Atlantic Boardwalk. I miss now that Im gone because NJ beaches are not free and have been on the cooler side since when we’ve gone.
I know you guys wrote about Wilmington NC but have you visited? It is really nice, I think you guys might actually like it. Close to the water, about 2 to 3 hrs to the mountains and lots to do. I never got the chance to visit OBX though, but every time a storm rolled in they were trapped. Something to think about.
We generally go to OBX in early spring or late fall.No summing but it is a beautiful time to walk the beach and watch the ocean. The restaurants and shops are open and the rentals much cheaper.I 💯 agreed it’s not the place to swim in any season.
We go about every memorial day week. The water is cold but I usually sit on the deck and watch the dolphins. Strangely enough in the 20 odd years we’ve been going we have never ate at the Black Pelican. John’s crabshack a little farther down beach road is our go to.
Glad you enjoyed your vacation and tested out possibilities for moving.
Great to visit but the Atlantic hurricanes wreck havoc on the barrier islands. Perhaps another part of NC coast or Virginia coast ( though not Virginia beach…ALL the tourists). Either way glad you guys snagged a much deserved vacation.
Ha! I live in VB, a mile from the beach, and I am counting down the days! I don’t even “go to the beach” but I run a lot and I’m so tired of dodging people! Plus our streets are narrow and crowded. OBX is where VB locals go lol.
VB resident here, I go to Sandbridge if going to the beach. Not as bad as the boardwalk. I also run and Sandbridge roads are nice in the early AM.
I’m so glad you had a restful vacation. You both deserve it so much. Sorry about the unplanned annoyances but that the other parts were pleasant.
Bummer the water was so cold. But vacations throw curveballs and it just meant more knitting and beer:-) Still a good thing! And you now know NOT to move there. Win-win.
On a different topic- I recall when we lived in Houston ice being added to pools to help cool things down…
Ice being added to pools? You just blew my Siberian mind 😀
Our go-to is Pine Knoll Shores. We’ve been going there for a lot of years. It’s a mostly quiet, dogs-allowed beach. It’s also clean, because there is a mandate to clean up after your pooch. The temps, both air and water, are pleasant. It’s not as hurricane-prone as most barrier islands. Atlantic Beach is close by, as is Morehead City, so good seafood is near.
Yeah, just down the road from Emerald Isle. I grew up in NC and have wonderful memories of going to the beach. And eating all that wonderful seafood.
My husband’s family has been vacationing for many years in beautiful Ocean Isle, NC. A barrier island near the SC border, absolutely pristine, quiet beaches, lovely white sand. And warm water! 85ish most of the summer. Great ocean breezes keep the heat/humidity to acceptable.
Having been born and raised in Eastern NC and still living here, I have visited NC beaches all up and down its coast. While OBX has its die hard fans, I think it’s riding on its past mystique with the Wright Brothers history, the fight to preserve Jockey’s Ridge, and the saga of moving the Cape Hatteras lighthouse. There is more swimming to be had on the “sound side” than the ocean side. I prefer what the locals call the “Crystal Coast,” from Fort Macon down to Wrightsville Beach. However, you will find the same hospitality Ilona describes at all the NC beaches, with the possible exception of prom and graduation weekends when the patience of saints is tried and found wanting. One nice thing about the northern and mid-coastal NC areas is the extent of freshwater living and recreation. There are great places to live along both the Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds, with the bonus that a quick boat or car ride will get you to the ocean in short order if you so desire. You might want to check out Edenton, “little” Washington, and/or New Bern, the latter boasting a very nice little regional airport.
We go vacationing in Maine as a big family. The saying is that only dogs and potential sons-in-law go swimming in that cold ocean. LOL!
My mom and her mom went vacationing on the southern coast of Maine. As my grandmother would sit on the beach with an umbrella and towels over her neck (she was prone to severe sunburns), my mom would wade in the ocean for about 5 seconds before her feet and mouth went blue. Then she would run out of the ocean, teeth chattering until she warmed back up and do it all over again. 😀
One of these days, I’ll go up there for a vacation. Right now, it’s not possible.
I grew up in Maine. We swam in the ocean until our lips were blue. We also put on shorts and tshirts when it got above 50. Now I live in Texas and can’t get in my pool half the year because it’s too chilly.
Thanks for posting the picture of the scarf. I’ve been thinking of doing another clapotis when I finish my current shawl.
The East coast has had a number of storms. So, there’s been a lot of upwelling. That’s why the ocean is so cold this year and why the temperatures were only in the low 80s.
It has been many years since we vacation and in the Outer Banks but it is a wonderful memory.
Spent my honeymoon at Cape Hatteras. I remember surf fishing from the sand. Lot of die hard surfers. It was beautiful but the road to get their had to be kept clear of water. So while fabulous to visit, might run risk of being trapped there from time to time.
You look so relaxed! Beautiful photo!
+1. You looked really good.
You look truly relaxed in your off mode. So glad you were able to unplug. So many different experiences, I’m sure all that helped. Happy you’re back.
Come north and try the lakes in the Great Lake States – Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, New York. and Pennsylvania. The lakes within the states are great for 4 to 6 months depending on location. The bigger/deeper of the Great Lakes can be very cold the farther north you go, but Lake Erie and Ontario are comfortable for the majority of the season. You summer in the North and Winder in the south. The “snow birds” have been doing this for over a hundred years.
Lived in Raleigh, NC for decades and truly miss it. An hour to the beach (😖) and hours from the mountains (😲). Large international community because of the technology corridor and three, count ’em, 3 major universities makes this small southern town have a cosmopolitan flavor. Wish I could go back with every gasping breath (now living in Jax, FL 🥵).
I lived in Wilmington, NC for 8 years. The water is warmer there compared to Kitty Hawk. Before you give up on NC try Topsail Beach (near Wilmington) and Wrightsville Beach in/near Wilmington. Oak Island, NC is between Wilmington and Myrtle Beach, SC.
What might still be a deal breaker is the color of the water. It stays dark blue/green and isn’t clear. It’s the biggest difference b/w the Atlantic and Gulf waters.
Wilmington is about 1 1/2-2 hours from the Raleigh area, Wilmington also has its own airport for easy access.
Just vacationed on Oak Island this summer for the first time and we loved it! The currents were bad though – couldn’t actually swim most of the trip because it was too dangerous. But beautiful beaches, good food, and amazing stargazing. And when we could swim, the water was that great refreshing-but-not-cold temp.
As a resident of North Carolina I am truly glad you enjoyed your vacation in the Outer Banks. Concerning the cold water I know from experience that this year is definitely not normal. While you are burning up in Texas (and yes I can definitely relate as I am Texas born and raised), I know you are suffering unusually high temperatures for even this time of year. Climate change may continue and even worsen but I’m glad you enjoyed some part of your vacation. At least you weren’t exposed to our usual August through November terrior … the Atlantic hurricane!
Try Topsail Beach (Island) NC! Beautiful water, lovely temperature, white sands. Small town feel.
2nd!…I grew up outside of New Bern. My family would head to Emerald Isle for fun on the beach. Morehead City, & Beaufort, Cape Cartaret are great places too. My mom had a place at Topsail Beach until this year…very nice but traffic was terrible. I still recommend Emerald Isle to anyone who will listen!
I live in the Sandhills of NC. About 2 hours to the beach. I am ashamed to say that I have never made it to the Outer Banks or the Mountains. I prefer Holden Beach for the shells. There are some very nice areas in NC. I don’t know about the difference in weather though. NC is humid and we’ve had some extreme heat this year. So glad you got to unwind and relax!
Another place to check out would be Pawley’s Island, SC. Lovely small town feel outside of Myrtle Beach.
I used to spend a week there every summer. The ocean is not great for swimming – in fact much of the year unless you surf, stay out of it. But it is cool and beautiful! I’d mostly sit under an umbrella, listen to the ocean and read.
While warmer, if you want sand and easy swimming – try Pawley’s Island, SC (and environs – I’m not a fan of Myrtle Beach). I grew up near there – I hate the beach – mostly I hate the sand and hurricanes – which is why I moved to the “mountains” in middle\south TN because I wanted 4 seasons, not too hot in the summer and snow but not enough to shovel. Been here about 1.5 years and so far do not regret the move AT ALL.
I’m so glad you had a decent time! I’ve never been to the East Coast, though I’ve flown over it a few.
For your next vacation, please give the California Central Coast a try? It’s usually temperate which is why people love it. Our ” mountains” may get a dusting of snow in winter, but we are mostly a Mediterrean climate. Coast and mountains within two hours of each other. We don’t have the real warm waters of Florida or the Gulf, but it’s usually around 68f to 70f in Winter and warmer in the Summer. Come check us out. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Sooo glad you had a real vacation. Keep looking but I would take the cooler weather any day! That’s what I did when I moved from S Cal to OR in 1986. You can always put in a swimming pool.
So glad you were able to relax and enjoy some downtime together. Our go to vacation is Hilton Head Island, SC but my teens don’t enjoy the beach. So for our vacation this past June, we went to NC mountains instead. I was so looking forward to mountain biking and hiking and all the waterfalls…..however it rained the ENTIRE vacation. So no biking or hiking. I have carried the cloud of disappointment ever since. Hoping to arrange a mini-vacation this fall to make up for it.
Congrats on getting away and unplugging. Hopefully you are destressed, recharged, and ready to step back into your life. Getting away and out of my normal makes me appreciate home. Hopefully your next time away will have a nice beach and good swimming.
Try the Great Lakes areas. Check NY but they will tax you to death and beyond! Lakes Erie and Lake Ontario are perfect for swimming without the miserable saltiness of the ocean. The wider Buffalo area has lots of hiking, fishing and beautiful biking paths. Grew up there and visited until last 2 years. The taxes are to be considered, as is the snow in winter. There is a “snow belt “ area .
Good luck in the search.
Glad you were able to rest up at least- that is the best way to vacation.
I live in Emerald Isle, NC. it’s the southern most part of the outer banks. Warm water all day long. We went out this weekend and it was perfect. No jellyfish, great breeze, small town feel, low drama.
Try that next time. You can fly into Wilmington, Jacksonville, or even New Bern, NC and drive in if you want
Sounds like an almost perfect vacation. I live a bit north of Norfolk and I have to say the ocean water has been much cooler this year than in the past. Which does help to cut down on the number of jellyfish, so there’s that.
We have friends with a place on Lake Gaston. The lake is large and straddles VA and NC. It’s a very pretty area. And NC doesn’t tax retirement income.
Sounds like a pretty good vacation. I recommend a summer visit to Santa Fe. It’s gorgeous here pretty much year round! Happy to share all the best spots if you decide to visit. There’s also a fantastic literary festival here in early summer.
Try Virginia Beach. it’s closer to Norfolk Airport and the water is mostly still Chesapeake Bay water, a little warmer. The places at the upper end of Atlantic Ave are quiet and comfortable, back onto Seashore State park, or there are options further up the sound. I’ve got family connections there, so it’s very familiar, kind of an overlooked gem.
Welcome back from your relaxing vacation. You came back to an oven after those nice cool temps in North Carolina. Oh to get rid of that high pressure system that wants to just hang around Texas.
The cold Atlantic is what all of us who are going through record high temps need right now. I wouldn’t care if my feet went numb with the cold water. In my opinion, the cold water would be better than the boiling hot water of the Gulf.
The solution to walking the dogs in the summertime in Texas is to go first thing in the morning before breakfast. Mine get 2 walks a day in the summer. The second is at 9 or 10pm when it’s only slightly less hot but at least we don’t have to deal with the sun or with the hot pavement burning their feet. Neck fans help.
being a veteran of northeast beaches )NJ and LI) that can happen. While the Atlantic is at record levels ( I hear the gulf coast on the Florida side has hit 101 ocean temp), you get weird temperature gradients in the ocean, so the surface is mild and a couple of feet below is freezing. If you are used to gulf coast temps places like the grand banks may not be for you. I don’t know NC, but an alternative would be to go to beach on the other side of the Grand Banks ( or any barrier Island), sounds like that will be significantly warmer and you won’t have big waves. Ocean Beaches on Long Island ( NY) can be cold even in summer, but LI Sound warms up earlier and stays warm until October.
Honestly I would be careful about any barrier islands or low lying sea areas. I think like in Florida you will see insurers pulling back from coastal regions like barrier Islands. I live inland in NJ and my homeowners insurance has tripled in 10 years. I know most of those places have been red zoned by FEMA floor insurance or the cost is crazy ( Iive in pretty much a no flood zone, and flood insurance likely will be over a grand in a couple of years).
Rather than living on a beach, might b better to live where you can get to it easily. Lakes might be an option too, but that depends if you like lakes. Some lakes are quiet and peaceful, others can be like the lake scene in Caddyshack.
I was just in Nags Head for a week with my family the first week of August. We found the ocean side too rough for my 3-year-old and my mom with Parkinson’s, and too many jellyfish for my teens. But the sound side is quite lovely and the water was warm. Glad you all had a nice time, despite the lack of ocean time.
My dad moved to the inner banks (Belhaven, NC) after Florida became unbearable. He has a pier and fishes from his couch. The water in Pungo River was about 80° but tannic and my husband was stung twice by sea nettles while we were there. We took a day trip to Ocracoke island while there. It was lovely but the surf was too strong and we didn’t swim there either. Then again, the closest beach to me had me boiled and frozen at the same time the last time we were there and that is in Massachusetts. 🤣
Water at Hampton on Buckroe Beach in VA was the *perfect* temperature when my dad lived there. We miss that place.
Seems to me you already researched the perfect place…why not Wilmington, NC?
We went to Beaufort, SC this past weekend and the water on the beach (Hunting Island) was perfect. Had a great time.
I’m glad you had a wonderful vacation, and that both of you had a chance to unwind and chill on the beach. The water can relax you and touch your soul with its beauty.
I live in Florence Oregon, right in the middle of the spectacular Oregon Coast, and right next to the Siuslaw River. You and Gordon would enjoy it………for about five minutes. The water of the beaches is cold, and swimming is discouraged. The undertows are so fierce that if they grab you, in five minutes you can be so far out in the ocean, that rescue is almost impossible. On the other hand, walking on the beach at sunset can touch your heart with its beauty. A wonderful place to live overall.
Peace and blessings to House Andrews. And just think, we are 2/3 of the way through summer. So cooler weather is on the way. Eventually.
we love Florence & the beach but we don’t get in the water past our toes. there are some good eats & the dunes are fun.
spent many a cold vacation on the outer banks as a child so I know exactly what you are talking about. even SoCal beaches aren’t warm
really, going to Hawaii kind of ruined any other because for me but I haven’t tried FL yet.
I often spend a good amount of the summer in New Jersey. The ocean there in July is around 64 degrees. In August it gets up to the low 70s. After a while in the water I am usually shivering. This year I was determined to brave the cold water for longer, since my young kids will stay in for an hours or a bit more. So I got myself a short sleeve / shorts wet suit. It has made a huge difference in dealing with the colder waters. So I understand the cold water swims.
We love Sunset Beach NC. Its in the small town of Calabash and the water is a little cold at the end of May and then it gets warmer. Lovely town, building restrictions do not allow high rises on the beach. It is north of North Myrtle, SC and just over the state line from Little River, SC. There may be sand fleas at night, but we normally were not on the beach at night after the kids because they were tired from the day and going out to dinner etc. The housing prices are fairly reasonable as well.
This is NOT normal for the Outer Banks. I’ve been going since 1981. Granted I tend to go further south in the islands like Avon or Buxton but the water should be a lot warmer than what you indicated. The Labrador Current must have been running closer to shore at Kitty Hawk. The Gukf Stream and the Labrador Current meet at Cape Hatteras, further south than where you were, so the water there is warm into October. No California wet suit required. Try again but stay in Avon or further south. More remote if that appeals but the Food Lion is in Avon. The ferry to Ocracoke is a fun thing to do. The real locals have an interesting twang you can’t find anywhere else.
Love your “off Mode” picture! Glad you both enjoyed your vacation.
Wilmington, NC with nearby beaches is really a nice place. Also near the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia is Smith Mountain Lake. You might really enjoy those spaces.
We go to the NC beaches near Wilmington (Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach) all year round. We went last Friday and the water was deliciously warm – truly perfect. Usually it’s plenty warm by June – and we’ve gone in March some years. My kids (15, 11, and 5) even went in the water in December in 2021 – due to a warm spell, the air temperature was in the 60s-70s. So perhaps try a bit further south than the Outer Banks? (The sand is hot hot hot everywhere in NC in the summer though)
The Outer Banks is so wonderful. My husband and I went about 4 years ago. It was just overnight and on the way down my brother passed away so we cut the trip even shorter. We too want to move down to that area, we are in MD right now. I think that is the most south I would want to get. I love listening to the waves, I don’t need to go onto the beach or into the ocean, just let me watch and listen to the waves.
I would say come to Oregon because the weather is amazingly temperate most of the time, even as the rest of the country bakes, but the ocean here is always cold (it warms up to the mid-60 degrees July – September.) Also, we are currently dealing with wildfire smoke.
True that. My hubby and I just moved to the Oregon coast. I do prefer the Pacific to the Atlantic (the water tends to be warmer) generally speaking. It has been chilly as all get out since we arrived, however. Not complaining! We love it here. It’s windy where we are, so the air quality is generally good.
I will say smoke from all those fires has made for some outstanding sunsets, though – and I’m blessed with a front row seat!
What about the area around Ventura or the Channel Islands, or north of Santa Barbara near San Luis Obispo? I live in San Diego and admit that it’s pretty pricey, but the central coast above LA is really nice, and warmer water (I think).
OBX varies by town and weather-have been there when it’s warm water one day and cold the next. Also, try Bay side if you want warmer/calmer water. I’m mostly hermit so love Avon and Rodanthe, but Duck and Corolla are too crowded for me, even though they have Harris-Teeter 😉
But- not a lot of people in offseason.
We go to the Outer Banks twice a year. You never know what the ocean temp will be. Also, did you know the Black Pelican Restaurant is haunted?!!
Oooh, tell me more, please! It’s August, so basically Halloween 👻 🎃
Mod R, too bad you’re over on the other side of the pond. I think you would go nuts over a stoneware company called Temptations from QVC. They have a seasonal collection, which one of them is called Boofetti for Halloween. It’s stinking cute! 🙂
Thank you!
You are so welcome!
Sorry the water temp was so unfriendly for your trip. My family and I vacation in the OBX pretty regularly and the ocean temps really depend upon the wind direction. I suspect that you had a west wind (coming from the shore) as that causes an upswell of the colder water as the warmer water gets blown away from the shore. If the wind is from the east, the water temp is much better. So it is rather hit or miss. Moreover, the rip currents in the OBX are some of the worst so caution is always needed in that water. Glad you were able to unwind at least. Kitty Hawk is great.
I went to the US virgin Isl in March… cold cold cold water …. I will never do that again ! Too cold for this Texas Girl.
I have found going out in the early morning in S. Central Texas for a few hours to be the best time of day before the blazing heat sets in. We all need to be out doing some serious praying for rain and maybe a few rain dances would not hurt.
Amen! (I live in the DFW area.)
So glad you had a restful trip, the weather everywhere is bizarre , but I have it on the worst authority that global warming is a myth, maybe it will get cold in Texas? In any case, welcome home. ☺️
I have always loved the idea of the Outer Banks and we visited Kitty Hawk while my husband was in Norfolk. I shopped at Knitting Addiction and we also ate at the Black Pelican. We didn’t try
the water though, it was March. I have told my husband I would love to go back there sometime.
You look really beautiful Ilona !!
I laugh with the great lakes area suggestions. They never mention mosquitos the size of jet planes.
I would say, come up to NYC. The water on the beaches is cold, but not that cold. I go a lot in the summer when the air temps on Long Beach are in the 80s and the water temps are in the low 80s. (Used to be colder. Hello climate changes…) Absolutely loved the Inn Keeper on Graphic Audio. I read the books, but wanted to try the Graphic Audio performance. Bought the 1st one–then bought all the rest! I hope you do the last Inn Keeper book on GA too!
The GA adaptation for Sweep of the Heart will be out in December 😊
Yeah I love Graphic Audio can’t wait
Yeah I love Graphic Audio can’t wait for the new addition to my collection. ❤️
I usually have terrible luck with beaches in the US. We went to Florida when I was a kid. Mom wanted to show us the beach she went to when she was a kid (my great grandma lived in Florida for most of Mom’s childhood), and the day we were there it was windy and cold. My brother went swimming anyway. The rest of us aren’t lunatics.
We went to the beach in California one afternoon (not SoCal). It was windy and cold. My brother went swimming anyway. The rest of us aren’t lunatics.
I lived on the beach in Alaska. I went kayaking and one time decided to walk back along the beach from a foraging trip, and it turns out the creek is waist deep in the middle even when the tide is out. I’m sure my brother would have gone swimming.
Our parents wouldn’t let us get in the water in Maine, for some reason…
Sounds like a successful vacation! Good for you guys!
I traveled to many places during a 5 year stint as a travel writer for large southern magazine, a few years back. I was pleasantly surprised and throughly enjoyed St. George Island Florida. It’s just over a bridge from Apalachacola and its cute shops. The house I rented was ON the beach and very affordable. Great boardwalk to the water from our house and totally walking distance to the little restaurants. Many houses come with golf carts, which is the main vehicles used on the island! The water was warm but cooler than Destin and far less crowded. Perhaps check it out when planning your next trip.😊
I always highly recommend an island in S GA called Jekyll. It’s protected from development, very walkable, and charming. I think you guys lived in Sav at one point. Not sure if you ever went to Jekyll. it’s special.
I’d say try Wisconsin. Long winters but lots and lots of lakes and beautiful mild summers. there’s typically only 1 month of the year that it is too cold to go outside. I live near Green Bay and it is a very welcoming diverse area with tons of activities to do and lots and lots of trails to walk dogs on.
Try the north Florida panhandle. We live in the “armpit” of Florida. 🙂 Whule the weather is hot, it is not as bad as south Florida. The Destin area has BEAUTIFUL beaches as rather reasonable cost for Florida. Some see us!
My daughter and son-in-law along with the grandkids rented a house for the month of July in the emerald Isle portion of the North Carolina coast. the water was a beautiful Crystal clear aqua color and very warm. My daughter decided she’s moving to the coast, because she lives just shy of Raleigh going towards the beach. I’m sorry that you experienced such cold water in such a beautiful place. I know from experience that the beaches of North Carolina are some of the most beautiful in our country. I don’t know why she had such good warm water luck taking her family down there for the month of July and you didn’t. Apparently with climate change the water in North Carolina is going to be crystal clear and warm a lot more like Florida’s water then it used to be. Whether or not that will turn out to be true who knows. Your experience says otherwise. I’m glad you did enjoy it though as much as you did. In my experience I found that North Florida Atlantic side beaches are beautiful and the water there is definitely much warmer. The only problem with that is that I had to live in Florida and I just found it to be too expensive.
Cute “off mode” picture!! Sounds like a good vacation – unplugging from the constant noise of 24/7 world is a necessity!! And yes, coming home to your own bed is good, too!!
I grew up in North Carolina, and now live in Texas. One thing about the barrier islands of North Carolina: for the most part we walk the beach and fish on the ocean side, and swim and boat on the sound side. The waves are much less between the islands and the mainland (much better for swimming) and the Gulf Stream doesn’t affect the temperature as much. Usually no sand on the sound side though. You walk through silt to get deeper in the water. When I was a child no one would own a “nice” house on the beach, the risk of hurricanes was too high. If you had a house on the beach, it was a shack (less heartbreak if badly damaged by a hurricane).
At least you got away from the furnace that is Texas right now. We’ve got only a 30% chance of rain tomorrow, and at this point we will take rain over the heat going down. The fire risk is too scary right now.
So glad that you had a nice vacation in spite of the cold water!
We had our family trip to OBX last October. Rented a HUGE place on the beach at Corona (big family). The rental had a large salt-water pool and I think our kids and grandkids spent 18 hours a day in that pool. We were on the ocean side, so the sunrises were amazing. But yes, the ocean is something to behold, not to swim in. 😀
South Carolina’s Edisto Beach is outstanding. Or if you want to be closer to a city you might try Folly. We would love to have you visit our coast.
Our son took us to the Outer Banks last year when we went to see him in VA. It was lovely! The beach was amazing. I came home to CA and told folks those are the beaches people think we have here. Everyone was so welcoming, talked to some friendly fellow Navy moms on the beach and had a great meal at The Bad Bean. It was a wonderful day. Hope your search is soon fruitful! (Plums?😂)
Welcome back! I’m glad you were able to unplug and relax
The only ones who could enjoy swimming in ocean waters north of Cape Cod are polar bears and seals. However, the south side of Cape Cod picks up water from the Gulf current and has warm waters and some nice beaches. As a kid I divided my beach time between coast of Maine and warmer Falmouth or Nantucket MA. However, as a recommendation Pawley’s Island in SC might suit you. Any time I’ve been to beaches around there the water has been warm with enough breeze to cool the days off a bit. The SC Lowlands, Charleston, Folly Beach, Edisto, points south, are too hot, humid and expensive. Not that Pawley’s is cheap, but usually more reasonable.
I love the Outer Banks and lived close by for years. A friend had a beach box( a small square house usually on stilts, on Nags Head. We nurses would go there every four day break, summer and winter. This was before it became built up like it is today. The water is usually warmer than what you experienced. Next time try going North above Duck for less people and some horses. Or go a bit south to Carolina beach or Oak Island. There is something about the ocean that revives the soul. I also like Knitting Addiction and visit when I am in the area.
It sounds like a nice getaway even though you couldn’t swim much. I hope you don’t give up on the Outer Banks or NC beaches. (I also lived on the panhandle of Florida for 5 years and think the NC beaches are better😉)
Suggest Cape Charles VA. Water is amazing, wind is amazing, life is laid back. We love it.
My retirement will be in Costa Rica or Portugal. Won’t be able to afford the States. Here’s to new beaches!
Glad you got a very well deserved break but sorry the water was a major let down. 🥶🥶🥶. I’m up in Canada (hush, it isn’t all blizzards and snow drifts). Coastal BC is relatively mild though rainy. Lots of folks swim year round and there are a tonne of lovely little areas. Our summers are getting crazy hot (as seen on the news right now – the fires are terrible) but that’s mainly the interior.
Are we sure the apocalypse hasn’t actually happened yet??
So glad you got a vacation! Re Outerbanks beach, I think once anyone has been to the Gulf (of Mexico) we are spoiled for the Atlantic. The Atlantic is great to look at but for swimming and/or relaxing the Gulf is the best. Being a Native Floridian, I naturally think the west coast of Florida is the Best. Sadly, Florida is over populated and I will not discuss politics as I need my BP to stay below stroke level.
Still, I invite you to Bradenton, FL and if you need a room, we have a guest bedroom in our Condo.
secret to NC beaches…the outer banks islands in the north and center are the coldest water. they are great for shell and sea glass hunting. Corolla is where you’ll find horses. Hatteras has lots of shopping and restaurants. my favorite is Ocracoke. it’s a very small village with a very friendly, quiet atmosphere. have to take a ferry to get there.
warm water beaches with a decent tourist population would be surf City, that’s where I go one weekend a month. less touristy, lower population and great place to watch a sunset, is sunset Beach. the water there is also warmer.
BDH–I’ve heard that Myrtle Beach has warmer water and beautiful beaches. I know it gets hot there but are there breezes to cool it down. Like Ilona I’ve considered renting a place down there for a couple of weeks.
Can some of you who go there (or live there) let me know what its like?
Depends on when you go and whether you like your beach wall to wall people or need room to spread out. If you want lots of shopping and company, summer in Myrtle Beach is for you. If you prefer your vacation on the quieter side, then not so much. Avoid spring and fall break–so many college students.
“ Too much beer.”
In which of your imaginary worlds does this concept exist?
Oh wow! Also, yikes! If you think that water is cold, can’t imagine what how you’d feel about Maine where I live—I swim in the lake twice a day three point five months of the year if I’m lucky, and swim in the ocean in July and August if I’m especially strong that day… once it was 52 degrees when I went in—heart attack temperature! Now I aim for upper 60s or lower 70s ocean if I’m super lucky— Maine is like the second Alaska, I reckon….!😂🤣
We have vacationed on the outer banks for well over 30 years and have not experienced the cold water you describe except perhaps after a storm. I recall lolling in the ocean and riding waves. We always went in August. The only time I remember being in frigid ocean water is when we went to Cape Cod. Now we go to Ocracoke but unfortunately can no longer swim. Beach is unparalleled and we always see others swimming.
I don’t know that you missed much on the Florida side. I can’t speak for other areas but the description of ‘swiming in hot syrup’ an article used is about right for Pensacola, or was when I went. Even my parents pool, which is generally always colder than the beach during the summer, was a tough swim.
I am smiling.
Although in Florida, I always enjoy Seaside.
Are you ever recognized when you are out and about? Do you have any funny, interesting stories about being recognized and if I’m ever fortunate enough to see you on an airplane or in an airport how would you like me/others to react? Say hello or leave you alone?
It would be hard not to geek out and wave, gush but being a pro I would probably smile and nod….
Glad you enjoyed your trip – always nice yo get away and unplug from the Matrix.
Wrightsville Beach is our jam. We live about 2 1/2 hours away in the middle of NC.
Good food there. We are going again in September…
You could consider the area south of Myrtle Beach – anywhere from Surfside south past Pawley’s Island.
It’s a nice curve of a beach which tends to make the water a little warmer.
I’ve been going to OBX every Memorial Day since 1985, started with 3couple 3 dogs, then kids, now back to 2 families with adult kids, 2 fiancés this year, so expecting grandkids at some point 😊 we love it, but the water in May is COLD! After the weekend, the beach in Duck is basically empty for the rest of the week. We grill out, get Pizzazz pizza the first night, then Food Lion for groceries, and one night out-it used to be Captain George’s, but we’ve discovered Paper Canoe, a step up from Black Pelican or Boulevard. Sorry it wasn’t quite what you wanted-maybe try Wilmington next time? 😁
Our extended family has spent the last week of July, sometimes spilling over into August, in the OBX (at Corolla, maybe 20 miles north of Kitty Hawk) for the past dozen or more years. This year, the water was very warm for most of that week, getting a bit cooler for the last day or two. I’m a total wimp about cold water, and I was perfectly happy in it.
You just don’t know from year to year, month to month, or even week to week what current you’re going to get. It’s unusual to get a year where the water temperature is consistently cold or warm for the entire week. The flip side of the cold currents is that you generally get to see more fun sea life with them.
The one thing I don’t like about the MidAtlantic coast is that you don’t always get really good visibility in the water, not like in FL or HI. But this year it was fairly clear for most of the week we were there, on the ocean side anyway. There is enough fun stuff to do there that it might be worth another try for you sometime. As my dad used to say, N of one is not a useful sample size (paraphrasing; his actual wording was more emphatic).
And yeah, the sand is ridiculously hot once the sun gets high, but it cools off rapidly around suppertime.
I think you guys would really enjoy Charleston area if you were ever looking for something a little warmer that still had that feel. The outer banks coast is rocky and, as you found, quite cold even in the hottest part of the year. Lots of great wreck diving. Going towards the low lands and more sheltered ports with gentler beaches might be better. These days we prefer lakes over oceans.
Holden Beach and Shallotte- just read an article about a new eco community where all the houses have rooftop solar and they have their own power grid
The trick is to hit the right part of the Outer Banks. The northern beaches, like Kitty Hawk, Duck, Corolla, etc., have cold water, and the ones that face the sun directly have blistering hit sand. I grew up spending summers in the Outer Banks and the two best places that I love are Emerald Isle and Oak Island, although with climate change, they’re probably hotter now. I’d still love to live there, though. I’m in Florida right now and I can’t go outside without my hair turning into a brown, sun-streaked shrub and my skin getting instantly sticky. The worst part, though, is how bad my glasses fog up going from AC to outside. I need wipers!!
I’m glad you were able to get some rest even though you weren’t able to enjoy the water.
Myrtle Beach in South Carolina has warmer waters than OBX, and it’s not too long of a drive from North Carolina!
Glad you were able to have some rest on your vacation! I always look for a good yarn store when I travel as well. Although I’ve lived in Maryland for the past 13 years I’ve lived in North Carolina for 10 and all my relatives are there from Asheville to Raleigh to Wilmington. My husband and I go to Sunset Beach NC every year the first week of September. The water is very warm then. We love it so much we are thinking of moving there. I would say if you are looking to move to the beaches of NC it’s worth checking out. Also you look cute in your pic! 🙂
My family has vacationed at OBX for years, and the water gas always been like ice, and I go in the water in CT and Cape Cod! My friend lives in Wilmington NC and the difference in water temperature is amazing.
You might try a little further south, like Wilmington. I think the water is warmer there. I do not recall ever swimming much in the outer banks. I do not ever recall southern NC shores as being that cold but the riptide can get bad. And that little jut is a hurricane catch.
So I see tons of people say the same. Outbanks are chillier than southern NC beaches.
Happy Vacation! It is funny how places we dream of living, turn out less than our expectations. I moved to Maine, loved the people, flora, fauna but missed city living. So now I split living between my old home and ME. Sometimes you need two locals.
Looks like an amazing vacation. My cousins just moved to NC and love it so far. Seems like the next hot spot to move to.
Glad you had a great vacation. You’ll find your dream location.
Oh that’s sad, I love swimming in the sea, much preferable to pools and even lakes. Luckily I live in London and South East England is my nearby seasides of choice where temperatures are tolerable year around (not that all of my family would agree).
Admittedly in winter it can feel frigid at first, but once you’re in the sea it’s not so bad on the Channel side – bit worse if you hit the North Sea. And in summer it’s the refreshment I yearn for every day from stinky London.
At least you still had a good time, and maybe next visit you can find a tidal pool? Do they have those in the US? The ones I’ve swam in felt warmer than the open sea so might be an idea.
One day I’ll retire to the coast. . .
I just moved to MI to get away from Texas weather and the west side of MI has beautiful summers, heck the whole state has them, but, it also has cold, dreary winters. Summer tho, summer in Michigan is just perfect.
Our daughter got married in 30A ,Santa Rosa Beach which is also part of the Emerald Coast. It is very pricy. But the beach is beautiful! Keep hoping to get back there. I live in San Antonio so I know what you mean about 6 months indoors.
If you want to try out NC again in the future, try the Emerald Coast/Isle. It’s near Morehead City.
I live in NC and spent way too much time indoors this year. It’s been hot this summer and averaging over 90 most days. We had a house right on the beach it was a great two week vacation, but that was 20 years ago and I don’t remember the water temps.
so years ago, I made a clapo-kTus also out of Blue Heron yarn from my LYS. I still where it today.
I have family that loves the Outer Banks, but they go there more for fishing than actually swimming in the ocean, and they go June/July
for warmer ocean and quiet laid back places consider Edisto, SC or Isle of Palms…later in the year e.g. October Jekyll island is quite nice from a land and ocean temperature perspet
The water at OBX comes down from the Arctic region. It is the southern most point where that particular ocean current flows. If you go an hour or so south of there, the water is much more temperate. Folly Beach if you like a hippy vibe (close to Charlestown SC) is nice. But there are many others.
I would give up on the beaches and head to the Smoky Mountains. That is where I grew up, and I don’t think you will find anywhere else that is better. Beautiful year round, and every season you want to get out into it! Unfortunately, I’m in Iowa.
Yeah definitely go for the outerbanks further south, Atlantic beach, emerald isle, and so on. The Labrador current can hug the shore by kitty hawk which is probably what you ran into.
This sounds like a great vacation.
I’m living in the fire zones in Washington State. Lots of smoke and two level
2 evacuations in 3 weeks. They’re predicting rain tonight so YEA!
I’m so sorry to hear Sherri! I hope the end is in sight! Sending you some rain from across the pond.
Knitting and reading and being with your honey sounds like a fun time to me! It’s a shame you couldn’t swim when you love it, but it sounds as if you did enjoy it. No one deserves it more!
P.S. I’m in Kentucky and we are hitting 99 a few times this week and I am about to have a conniption. I could not maintain in Texas. My allergies go crazy and the air feels too thick to breathe— can’t handle it. Even this week I am dreading the weather and it is much milder than Texas.
We love the Emerald Coast! We took a family vacation to Miramar Beach in July, and it was gorgeous. Perfect weather, clear water. I love swimming in the ocean, and my oldest does as well. The youngest prefers the pool, so we generally split our time between beach and pool. Glad you got a vacation even if the swimming wasn’t great.
Happy belated holidays and Welcome back!!!
We went to a Wilmington area beach 25 years ago, in August, and the water was very warm and lots of jellyfish. When you said no one was going in the water, I thought that might be why… (jellies). maybe you find a home in Asheville and go to Destin for beach vacations. I have never been there (either of those places) but hear great things.
I went to high school (10th-12th) in Morehead City NC. We call it the southern outer banks. I second the Emerald Isle suggestion.
I live in Central Texas. I have lived here for years and have been thinking of living in a different climate when I retire in about 18 months and in June I was looking very closely at Maui. Great temperature, beautiful beaches, small town attitude. But, that’s not going to work. Thanks for the review of the Outer Banks… it’s back to the maps for me too.
Try the Midwest. Specifically, Wisconsin.
We also live in Texas – DFW area – and we are looking at becoming reverse snowbirds when the kiddo’s are older. Reverse Snowbird – fly north in the summer to escape triple digit temps that go on for months. The Great Lakes are a nice little respite of water – not salty, but swimable. The temps average in the 80’s – even though this summer it did creep into the 90’s a few times – a cold front by Texas standards.
They say Texas summers are like Midwestern winters. Stuck inside for months on end.
My friend’s parents had a send home at Hilton Head, SC, and then they retired there. It may be worth considering. I remember going down in January to visit and thinking, this water is like bath water! as I got into the ocean. I think everywhere north of that latitude tends cold ocean even in the summer- I grew up with it several hours north of the Outer Banks, so I’m used to it. If you find a place you really like + the water temp is the only issue, I’ve also swum in winter and spring in Maryland and San Diego in a wetsuit. With the shoes and hand covers, it’s amazingly comfortable. And probably really healthy.
OMG! I was in Kill Devil Hills at the same time you were in Kitty Hawk! How awesome it would have been to personally tell you how much I love every one of your books ( for me, maybe not for you 😄). You two are my absolute favorite authors. Anyway, my experience was a little different from yours. We must not be used to that kind of heat. We would get up at sunrise, walk to my daughters hotel 0.5 miles south to Nagshead ( she changed hotels at the last minute d/t beach restrictions for her dog) and essentially hung in her room most of the day or went shopping until we could go to the beach in the evening. We aren’t used to 90 degree heat with a heat index of 109. Besides shopping we went to the Hatteras lighthouse one day. That was a cool drive. The one day we did make it to the beach I parked my beach chair in the breakers and let the waves wash over me. I thought the water temp was perfect; it felt wonderful. I could have sat there all day. The best part was sitting on the beach watching the crabbies pop in and out of the holes they dug in the sand. And of course, looking for the perfect seashell. I never get too old for that.
The temperature of the water greatly depends on the direction of the wind. Having said that, it likely isn’t as warm as Florida or the gulf. Glad you had a good time. My in-laws live in Manteo which is a cute town near Kitty Hawk.
Come to Australia. Maybe not Darwin, in the Northern Territory because we have ‘Things That Bite Or Sting’ in the waters here. But somewhere like Airlie Beach which is wonderfully fantastic and beautiful. It’s also near the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef. A seriously beautiful spot.
Glad to hear you got to relax and unwind, despite the lack of soakable seas.
(Sorry for the duplicate post, I accidentally made this a reply)
Haha great minds!
Could always up sticks and move Down Under….. plenty of beach areas to choose from.
I would consider going to Beaufort, NC next time, you get the ocean on Atlantic Beach near Fort Macon, or the Beaufort islet with some wild horses for swimming, and very warm. Plus ferries to the outer banks. I was there in June and it was warm and lovely.
The finger lakes in Upstate NY have also been cold this year, so maybe it is just the year.
Sounds like the perfect vacation, except for the chilly water! Glad to hear you had a very relaxing time 🙂
Omg, I was also vacationing in Kitty Hawk last week! I shopped at that Food Lion! Lol, I don’t normally post on here, but I had to for this.
::waves:: They had the best peaches. 🙂
Being from Florida and living most of my life in Atlanta, I am so familiar with the Outer Banks and the beaches from Miami to Virginia Beach. I would like to recommend to you my very favorite beach area of all of them. It is called Amelia Island, Florida. Its main “town” and public beach is called Fernandina Beach and is rather touristy in the summer. But the southern end of the island is very much like Kitty Hawk. There are lovely restaurants and quiet bars. Miles of glittering white sand beach to walk and swim. The temperature is warmer than Kitty Hawk but cooler than the famous Daytona beach. Although the sand does reach scalding in the summer. It sounds exactly like what you are looking for. I do hope you give it a go.
You might prefer a Michigan beach. Sand is either golden or silver-gray. Lake Michigan is my favorite, and you can search for gemstones like the Petosky stone. They’re all freshwater oceans, and it’s never too hot here.
Maybe check what the science geeks are saying about how the flip from La Nina to El Nino is affecting the ocean currents? Your coastal water temperature experience is ringing some bells for me about how one of the key currents that drives the planet’s weather systems interacts differently with coastlines under La Nina vs El Nino – but I can’t remember exactly what I read/heard, except that it was relatively recent – though before the wildfires and heatwaves starting arriving. And if someone else has already commented all about this – please excuse me for being repetitive.
I haven’t been to the outer banks so I cannot comment on that. However, I live in Massachusetts and can tell you that although 95% of the ocean in NewEngland is cold there are warm pockets. Sachuest Beach, RI, Dennis Beach, Cape Cod, MA and Harvey’s Beach, CT are all warm.
You might look at the Hilton Head area, or the Georgia Sea Islands. Both have excellent beaches with warm water (murky, though, but warm) and while hot in the summer, they’re not 110 degrees for six months hot.
innkeeper graphic audio while flying is the absolute best. it’s like I’m on a secret adventure nobody knows about.
Sounds like the Pacific Ocean—pretty much San Francisco upward you’ll be chilly.
I’d say try the area around the Delaware beaches, particularly around Bethany beach. I find it’s family friendly, calm, and the water is just perfect refreshing. I’m not sure if the beach is dog friendly though.
You might be invested in Fas Rec in New Braunfels. They have an indoor track that goes around the whole facility. it isn’t the same as a neighborhood or park walk but it also gives you an option for exercise out of extreme heat or cold. They also have an Olympic pool and a recreation pool with a resistance lane. we are hoping to take advantage of both when the grandkids go back to school.
sorry, low vision. it should read Das Rec.
We have vacationed at Ocracoke Island, NC for the last couple of years, on July 4th week. The water is a little chilly, but not cold though sometimes rough. I love it there because we can drive on the beach and not tote loads of stuff. The restaurants on the island are all top notch, there are beautiful homes to see, and the people are some of the nicest you will ever find. The island isn’t very large but it has a big heart.
I’m glad you enjoyed Kitty Hawk even if you couldn’t swim much. It makes me smile knowing you were that close to Virginia.
Rats, I missed ya! I live right there in Norfolk, at the base of the Chesapeake Bay, with a nighttime view of the sparkling CBBT (Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel)and a great ‘bay-beach’ out of my door.
Seriously, you’re invited to stay in my 1BR1Ba MIL apartment attached to my home—
So happy you got some R’n’R!
Yes it is so easy to look at weather somewhere else and think: that’s it! But for long run – maybe not.
Sounds like a lovely town to visit if the swimming pool is heated 😁
Don’t do the Outer Banks of North Carolina, do the inner coast lined. I’m a New England girl and am used to cold water ocean swimming. Florida water is nhot refreshing to me. However, I have family in Moorhead City and the water is delightful! Not to warm not to cold. You should look around that type of area.
After so many other posts you may not see this! We live at the beach just north of the Outer Banks, and this year the water is much cooler than it normally is at this time of year. Usually by 4th of July it is warm, and even warmer by August. This past weekend was the first time we felt the water finally warming up. Don’t give up on us on the east coast!
I’m glad you had a nice vacation!
The currents can change/flip relatively quickly in that whole area from NJ/DE all the way down to SC. I’m sorry you ran into a cold one. I’m a bit north of there, and the ocean temp can really vary depending on which current is dominant. If its pushing up from the south, warm water. If down from the north, grab your wetsuit.
It’s back up to 82 today. Everything is relative, and to me, that is nice ocean water (no wetsuit). The Atlantic out here almost never feels like bathwater though. The mid 80s is about as warm as it gets most of the time up my way (MD/DE beaches).
Well, you might go a leeetle further south, perhaps South Carolina? And find the same bliss less climatic heat than TX with a tad warmer water than the outer banks NC. You probably should skip living in Fla. First its super expensivo now and secondly, currently in Fla, the local ocean temps are at 94 bath water degrees. Pool owners are at 94 unless the pools are cooled – imagine cooling your pool?!!. We’ve had alot of sun, and missed out on our usual rains here which cool the pools off. (West Coast Pinellas the thumb of the thumb, LOL.) The inside of the thumb got the rain, the outer coastal areas not so much 🙁 South Carolina does have some pretty nice beach options, and the interior isn’t too shabby… Upcountry gives you the Blue Ridge, Lowcountry the beaches…
Try Hilton Head next time. They’ve got the best crab, and a tobacco-flavored vanilla ice cream that’s wonderful.
You must be acclimatized to the Gulf of Mexico (I’m assuming that’s where you go in Texas) because I can do Long Island Sound all summer and I’m fine 😂 However anything north of that and I can’t do it. Went to Crane Beach once as a kid in Massachusetts and to this day I still remember the searing pain of how cold it was, it was that painful. 🥶
I did one week in the Outer Banks for a week with friends after college graduation on Emerald Isle and I was shocked at how warm the water was in May and how clear it was. I’m also seeing it recommended by so many commenters so my memory is not faulty. The water is warm and the area is beautiful. My friend grew up in Morehead City and I was so jealous of how beautiful her hometown is. Maybe the water was unseasonably cold when you were there? Or just based on what you’re used to. I’ve never been to Florida (people find this fact so surprising, I don’t know why) so maybe I don’t know what I’m missing.
Glad you had a great vacation! It sounded like a great way to disconnect.
Two suggestions for locations to try! We were stationed at Robbins AFB and loved getting away to these towns.
1) St Augustine, FL. The water is perfect, town cute, lots of fun places to walk. con: lots of tourists
2) Jekyll Island, GA
Island time, very relaxed little sleepy town. Easy to get to St. Augustine or Savannah if you want a day out. water has sea turtles!! Cumberland island is untouched and has wild horse’s. con: sleepy town, slow based.
Northern Outer Banks is cold because of prevailing wind and upwelling. https://roanoke.com/news/state-and-regional/why-is-ocean-water-so-cold-in-the-northern-outer-banks/article_192f9f80-89b1-5d50-9d4e-52c49b2a8793.html
Might I recommend Virginia Beach? https://www.surf-forecast.com/breaks/Virginia-Beach/seatemp
I am on Hatteras Island (about 40 miles south of kitty hawk) this week and the water is pretty comfortable. Sometimes the currents bring in cool water but that’s not typical for the summer. Thanks for the article.
I was in Salvo (Hatteras Island in the Outer Banks) same week and I know what you mean about the sand. It’s usually that way. we don’t have crowded beaches though. Also, we and all the kids, went in the water daily…it didn’t feel that cold. Our beaches in New England are fidget! Maybe that’s why I didn’t mind as much.
What a lovely weekend! I grew up in North Carolina and my grandparents lived in the outer banks. They lived in Atlantic Beach which is a little further south and so many of my summer memories are LIVING in the water. I would go out just past the break and bob for hours on end and sing a little song to myself about being a mermaid 🙂
I moved to Los Angeles for 5 years and used to always complain about the Pacific Ocean because I couldn’t find a time of year that the water was warm and would wistfully think of east coast beaches and swimming without a wetsuit.
I’m not sure if it was a fluke, climate change, or the time of year you went. I remember the end of summer being the warmest for water temps. I looked up the avg temps out of curiosity and in summer water temps are 81F on avg, 74F in autumn. So that tracks with what you said the pier temperature was “supposed” to be but didn’t feel like. It’s a sure sign the water is cold if no one else is swimming!
Even if you don’t move close to the outer banks I would definitely recommend giving another vacation one more go, there are so many lovely towns along the outer banks and they are some of the cleanest beaches I’ve been on in the US.
Thanks for sharing your vacation story with us, it has made me long for an OBX vacation myself.
I visited friends in Dallas this summer. I was not able to leave the house, not even after dark, temperatures were still in the 100s. I don’t know how you can stand it!
Mod R did great while you were gone, but she did make us all very hungry!!!
Glad you two took a break! Quite a journey for you, but you could consider Lake Champlain or the Maine coast. The Atlantic is brisk even in high summer, but Lake Champlain warms up to the low 70s. Lake Champlain doesn’t have sharks, either.
so happy for you that you two took a break!
I hear you. When I lived in Lima, Peru, everyone went to the beach in the summer. It was hot, sunny, busy-to-crowded, and the water was always freezing. The difference there is that people actually get in and enjoy it. To each their own but I never got in past my ankles. It got so that I sometimes went to the swimming pool instead.
It was fun to hear about your trip (especially for me, as it’s a common vacation spot for my family)! Glad to see you got a much-deserved break! I enjoyed hearing your thoughts, especially about the beauty, yummy food, and friendly folks. I just wanted to add that the water temperature changes. Some years that we go, it’s quite warm. Other times, it changes throughout the week. It seems to depend on currents/storms, etc. Sometimes, you get warm water and jellyfish or cold water and no jellyfish. Or cold water and decent waves vs. warn water and not much waves. That’s a shame that you got cold water and barely a wave. Some of that area also has hurricanes and riptides. One year, My brother-in-law and I got swept out and I didn’t want anyone to come out because I was scared they would get stuck too; luckily, we made it in. Anyway, it is definitely not an ideal coast in all regards, but we sure love it. Maybe you’ll get another chance when the water’s warmer.
That sounds like a perfect vacation! And you look so lovely, like you are very relaxed.
Try closer to Emerald Isle or Topsail Island. The ocean is warmer there, due to ocean current patterns. I lived there for 35 years. The water can feel like a bathtub. Drawback: hurricanes. I went through a bunch of them.
I love your posts! So glad you got to unplug for a bit. We live in Phoenix and it has been especially awful this summer. Wonder what SC might be like? We’re looking for a change too. Good luck! 🙂
I’m in Mesa! We’re neighbors! 😃 it has been so miserably hot!!
I’m in Hampton Roads, right above that area (you landed in Norfolk, that’s part of Hampton Roads) and let me assure you, it is NOT better than your part of Texas here. It’s mainly the same.
This area has a micro-climate that makes it hotter and wetter than the rest of Virginia and North Carolina. The entire summer we’re focused on Heat Index and trying not to die of heat stroke. If you’re trapped inside down there, you will be up here, too.
Your best bet is to go even further inland, or north…but you probably won’t want north because of the cold water.
Glad you had a relaxing vacation! I lived in Orange Park, Florida, when I was young. My gran was really close to Jacksonville beach, so we were there and at St Augustine a lot. Being so close to warmer beaches for so long spoiled me. It’s always a shock now to go to a beach and have the water be cold! I’m in Arizona now, so we drive over to San Diego sometimes for a beach fix. The water is icy! Hawaii is the closest to heaven I’ve ever been, but lots of drawbacks. Hope you find a spot!
Most people don’t rtelize how cold the water can be at Virgina Becah and OBX. I also reccomedn the Emerald Isles area. I have a cousin that lives near the Marine base and I do like the surronding area.
Have you also thought about checking into the Myrtle Beach area? I have heard good things about it too from friends who lived there.
you should have stayed right here…..in Norfolk when u got off the plane. been here all my live…on the bay, can swim pretty much any day of the week
So growing up in Pennsylvania our vacation was to Topsail Island, NC. Some years the water would be in the upper 70’s but most years it was almost 85. I remember this because we were excited to swim in Pennsylvania when the air temp was 60 I don’t even know how cold the water was. When we got to NC we really preferred the 70’s to the hot tub like 80 degree water. In retrospect I may not have the best perspective on this issue….
Tybee is my favorite place of the Outer Banks. The water there is warm! I would recommend you try it before crossing that area off your list.
Wilmington is also great – one of the best vacations I’ve had and we were in the water a lot. Both trips were the last week of June.
This almost made me laugh! 80 degrees water temp is like bath water to a Northerner! Try going more north like NJ the water is 70! That’s cold!
Being trapped inside by the heat was our theme this summer. My husband will drive to the mall and walk, if I go it’s more of a saunter interrupted by “Oooo, that looks nice” shopping/looking. Otherwise it’s staying home and doing “stuff.”
We are headed to Outer Banks on Friday. I’m geeking out a bit even though we are not staying in a house. We rented a condo and it has a pool. I will have to let you know how the water is.
Kiptopeke, Sandbridge, Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands…Hot sand and warm waters:)))
the water up around Nags Head is FREEZING!! You need to come south: Emerald Isle, Surf City, Topsail, Wristville Beach!!!