Are you ever recognized when you are out and about? Do you have any funny, interesting stories about being recognized and if I’m ever fortunate enough to see you on an airplane or in an airport how would you like me/others to react? Say hello or leave you alone?
No. Hehe. Writing is the best kind of fame, because while some people know your name, nobody knows what you look like. We had a few times when people recognized us, but I would say probably less than 5 in our entire career.
I do have a funny story but not about me. We were at a convention in an elevator with Beverly Jenkins, who is a legend, and we had all turned our badges around because we were done for the day. A group of women runs into the elevator, look at our badges, and one of them looks at Ms. Beverly, whose amazing career summary you can find here, and asks, “Are you somebody?”
And Ms. Beverly looks her right in the eye and says, “Nope.”
As we were getting ready to board the plane to Austin, we chatted with this lovely woman. A lot of the Austin is techy and geeky, some of it is country, and sometimes both of those happen at the same time, which is what gives Austin its eclectic vibe. This was the other side of Austin, the more conservative wealthier side, house in Westlake, one child in a prestigious college, the other is in a prestigious high school, etc.
We talked politics a bit, and as proper polite Texans, we both tempered our views to meet on the common ground. She asked what we did. We demurred. We asked what she did. She demurred. Then it came out – she is a stay at home wife and mother and we are writers. She asked us if she would have ever heard of us, and I smiled and said, “Probably not.”
This is typical. We are not famous. And if I ever start thinking we’re a big deal, the Universe very quickly checks that by throwing me with some random comment by a well meaning reader who lets us know that so and so’s books and fandom is much bigger. Were you pretty happy with your career? Smack! Hehe.
So if you see us on the plane, feel free to come up, but please remember that you will likely get a non-professional version of us. We are kind of boring.
We may not be famous, but we do have the best readers. One of them, Sarah Sherwood, made a Julie outfit from Blood Heir and it is amazing. You can find her fiber adventure on her blog, Sewing with Music in Mind.
I am so flattered that our work inspired her. To have your books touch off a wave of inspiration that spreads beyond written work is a milestone for a writer. Thank you, Sarah, for this absolute awesomeness.
I normally like to say we work from home, which is true. Or that we are chitlin farmers with the explanation that while they are mean little animals, their coats are worth a fortune. It’s a line from the Chevy Chase film Fletch 2 (Chitlins are fried pig intestines). Most people just smile and nod. If we do admit to being writers, the next question is are we published. When we confirm that we are, we are often asked if they, the person were talking to has read us. My immediate thought is, well, how the hell would I know that. Of course, Ilona is correct, the best response is probably not.
Wow, Sarah really put a lot of thought into her Aurelia outfit, thanks for sharing her blog. I think that would make an interesting post, what has the BDH done after reading your books?
Just from memory, we named a lot of pets and even children based on IA characters, we tattooed with IA quotes or symbols, cooked a lot from the books, made convention costumes and Halloween costumes, loads of fan art, embroidery, painted figurines, sourced Metal Roses, and created themed book nooks and miniaturised box sets, generally obsessed, reread, reread, reread 😀
We have a miniature pinscher that we named Bunny (she is a girl) for Cornelius and Matilda’s Doberman in Hidden Legacy. We almost had a Beast as well but Bunny’s sister ended up being a bit of a chicken and got renamed Heidi from all the hiding she was doing (should have stayed with beast because we now think she might be a wild big dog in a small dog body just like the original Beast). LOL
I just watched a dog groomer give a Shi Tsu puppy her first hair cut. Adorable.
Whenever I re read Hidden Legacy, I have to make skirt steak fajitas with mango pico. If I don’t, Hubby will.
Whenever I find a cute hedgehog meme I sent it to him.
Don’t forget, buy voraciously from the store. 😂😂😂😂
Olusar and Orro are on the short list for the next kittens.
I think House Andrews books also inspire additional research and study. Because they do a lot of research for their various series, some of the topics make readers want to learn more. I’ve gone down a few rabbit holes as a result.
I’m delighted to see the creative things our BDH do in honor of characters. The Aurelia outfit was amazing. Sarah could step through a portal to the Kate verse and fit right in.
Oh yes, absolutely! I forgot about that, I know at least one research paper on fern spores or algae that was started because of one of the beta readers for Magic Claims 😀
I think it would be amazing if we could be organised enough to do a virtual gallery of everyone’s creations, kind of like an online art show for people that love the books/worlds and would get the creative process. No idea how it would work, just think it would be awesome. There could even be a section for pet photos with there named characters
just be warned that if at least 3 of the BDH are present, you may have to call security to control the mob. (Picture the Beatles mob if the 60s)
So true! I would approach you like (written words) rock stars 😀
I have worked in a Public Library for 25+ years. People see me in public and try to remember where the know me from. I get some interesting “Do you…..” questions before I mention the Library The ones who really remember are the ones I saw grow up over the past 25 years.
I get this a lot, but I’ve never done anything particularly public. I seem to look like someone familiar to a lot of people, though, and I have no idea why!
I would probably be too terrified of approaching and bothering you. I cannot speak to my favorite TV show actress, because her character has meant so much to me that I just stammer. Your books have been like a wonderful comfy blanket that I re-read when I get stressed, and I wouldn’t know how to communicate that if I met yall in person. Your books really do change lives or at least provide a relief in this world. That being said, if you ever find yourself in upstate NY, let me know and I can show you around.
If I see you outside of a signing, I promise to behave.
Indeed, *many* pets.
My Maine Coon torbie is Lady Alvina, aka Karat. (Both are large, well armed, and fit w/ dark hair and pointed ears.)
Bunny is on the list of possible names for the next kitten, though it is not the front runner. I am thinking Flower (from Bambi) should adorn my next little boy – especially if he’s black and white…
I went to her website and left a comment! She is so very talented!
It’s good to be able to find things like this while waiting for the next installment of Julie and Derek!!
Love, love, the outfits that Sarah made for Aurelia/Julie. While they are not exactly what my brain thought of when I read the book, they are perfect. I was squealing, “of course, everything would have been made from natural fibers and leather as the fabric from Joann’s would have been used up by now”. Surely all the polyesther would have been destroyed by the magic. (One can only hope.)
Reminds me of a line from Three Amigos:
Dusty: “What does that mean? Infamous?”
Ned: “Ah, Dusty! Infamous is when you’re more than famous! This guy El Guapo is not just famous, he’s IN-famous!”
House Andrews will always be IN-famous to me.
And Inn-famous too, if the Assembly are to be believed 😀
OMG! You are too clever!
OMG I love that movie. I still use the “caw caw, up-here up-here” to call my husband from a distance!!! hahaha
infamy, infamy they’ve all got it infamy 😂
I got to meet Beverly Jenkins at StoryCon. It was the first year, I think 2017. I was at the breakfast. I didn’t see you or your husband. I asked Jeaniene to sign something for me. Beverly was so wonderful. I felt super bad. I tried to be interactive, but the struggle was real. My friend and I had never been to New Orleans before and neither of us experienced the drink Hurricane. We were a bit under the weather come breakfast. Amazing time though.
note to readers: we met Gordon and Illona years ago at Kiss Con in Connecticut…and they are not boring. might have been a brief encounter,sadly,but one I will cherish.
I was sure the „boring“ is not true. 😉
Many years ago, I was on the elevator at DragonCon when a lovely woman stepped on and through the amount of people joining us, we both ended up at the back of the elevator. Several guys at the front started discussing how they hoped to get Elvira’s autograph at the convention, and I immediately side-eyed this lady. She grinned at me, and I grinned back. I didn’t say a word. When we all exited at the lobby, she waited until they were ahead of us, and said “Thank you for not saying anything.” I smiled at her and said, “Ms. Peterson, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She laughed, and we each went on our way.
I almost swooned when I saw y’all said you were flying back to Austin this weekend because I too was flying back (from a work trip to Argentina) but on SATURDAY, alas. So close yet so far away. Would have been very cool to see you “in the wild” as it were. Even cooler than the fact that Michael Buble was in my row on the plane down to Argentina and was a very chill guy.
Anywho, have you tried Topsail Beach? The south end of the island? it is within 45 minutes of Wilmington and very low key compared to the north end, plus it has access to the town on the mainland with a nice local brewery, Walmart, etc. Just a thought and good luck continuing the hunt.
You never can tell. Peter Sagal, the host of “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” said that he finds Portland, OR amazing because people on the street recognize him and he hosts a RADIO show.
OTOH, if I saw you on the street I would probably think, “There is someone who looks a lot like Ilona and/or Gordon. I wonder who they really are.”
And OTOOH, I recognized John deLancie in a crowd before I saw him because he has a very distinctive voice.
In the right circles, you are very famous. You are two of the dozen or so authors I’d recognize at an airport
On a side note, a friend who has been a professional artist for 30 years said the most common question he gets when he says he is an artist is, “Okay. But how do you make a living?”
If we ever did meet, I’d want to say thank you for the books that got me through some of the toughest days ever. I read them in good times and bad. They remain like old friends to me – always a delight and comfort.
When I lived in St. Louis, my older brother and I were huge Dr. Who fans. We went to a Dr. Who convention one year, and I ended up near one of the main actors. I didn’t say anything since they were enjoying themselves in the crowd. However my eyes got huge since I recognized the person.
I also did the same thing when I saw a St. Louis Blues player (NHL – hockey) in a McDonald’s where my mom and I were about to have lunch. The poor guy thought I was going to say something. He couldn’t get out of there fast enough. 🤣🤣🤣
When American football was in St. Louis, I saw three St. Louis Rams players at Union Station. My mom and I were at a kiosk near the door. The lady running the kiosk and I recognized the players. Out loud the lady said “Oh to be able to get my hands on those laces!” I lost it and laughed so hard. One of the guys looked at us with a very wicked grin.
So, if I saw Ilona and Gordon out and about, I would look, smile, and not say a word. Your time is your own. 😁🥸
So as a sister Whovian, was it David Tiennent? He is my Doctor.
No, this was during the Tom Baker time period. I think it was the actor who played Leela. It’s been so long ago, I can’t remember. 🙂
We went to a signing by Leela. They also had there a working K9.
I was in London w/my niece not too long ago and saw Pink and her family ahead of us at a crosswalk and I was stunned! I excitedly turned to my niece whispering “that’s Pink!” She was like, who? I just hugged my excitement to myself.
Okay, now I want a post of pictures from the BDH doing IA cosplays!!!! It’s maybe asking a bit too much of ModR but dang would I love to see a gallery of them.
You heard her, Horde!
If you have pictures of getting dressed in Ilona Andrews inspired costumes, and consent to have the pictures shared on the blog, email me at modr@ilona-andrews.com.
There are some in the Fb official fan group https://www.facebook.com/groups/ilonaandrewsfans and I know I’ve seen a couple on TikTok, for example https://www.tiktok.com/@elmojedi10/video/7135494234454445355?q=kate%20daniels&t=1692723391048
Well I’m a dead ringer for Sean — and a big fibber.
Sarah is sooooo talented!! Those clothes are amazing!😍
So, you will always be famous to the BDH, but if I ever see you in person there is a good chance I would not recognize you even though I have seen you on Zoom calls and blog pictures. There is just something about seeing famous people IRF that my brain does not compute. Here’s a perfect example.
Years ago, hubby and I were in the Newark NJ airport upon returning from a trip. While he went to collect our luggage from the baggage carousel, I stood off to the side and out of the way of the crowds.
While standing there, I noticed a somewhat frail looking little elderly gentleman (mid to late 80’s) standing directly next to me, waiting for his driver who had gone to retrieve his luggage. He was very distinguished looking, wearing a dress hat and overcoat and a very nice suit (unusual travel clothing.)This man was very quiet but very pleasant, giving a small nod and a small smile to people as they walked past.
After a few minutes, I noticed that some people would do a double take then burst into a big smile and say “hi!” as they walked past. I only saw this out of the corner of my eye, so when my curiosity got the best of me I turned slightly in order to see this elderly man better.
While he looked a little bit more familiar to me, I still didn’t place who he was….until one guy passing by stopped and said “hey…hi!!!! I’m a BIG fan! Can I shake your hand?!”
At that point, the little elderly gentleman’s quiet little closed mouth smile turned into a HUGE full-teeth open grin, and he turned into Uncle Miltie before my very eyes! I realized that for 15 minutes I had been standing right next to entertainment and tv legend Milton Berle!
I will never forget seeing the little elderly man’s instant transformation into Uncle Miltie, and part of me wishes I had said something. However, a bigger part of me is glad that I just let a little frail elderly man have a moment’s peace while waiting for his ride. 🥰
My friends still tease me about the hour and a half I spent sitting on a sofa next to Nicole Kidman during an afternoon tea at the Dorchester with absolutely 0 clue. She was very lovely and pointed out when my handbag fell.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this! My husband also likes to retell this story….but he always puts the emphasis on the amount of time it took me to realize who I was standing next to! 😂
I was on an in-airport shuttle. there were a pair of guys decked out in 49ers (football) gear that I had seen throughout the season. we were in detroit, but I had noticed because it’s my brother’s team.
we get on the shuttle and I go to stand at the front with the luggage because I get migraines and motion sickness can trigger them. so I take up a standing spot. the 49ers gear guys get on. one guy gets in a seat. the other guy is on the phone. I am 5′-10″ tall, and was 160 lbs or so at the time and fit. this guy sidled right up to where I am and invades my space. I move up to give him a little room, but there’s not much to be had and I was there first. with the phone, my head is in this guy’s arm pit even though we are the only two standing. it was as if I didnt exist.
the bus starts going and this guy is really in my space, and in Michigan you get space. there is plenty of room for him to back up half a step since we are the only 2 standing. I am glaring daggers at him (he doesnt notice), but it’s only a five minute shuttle ride so I hold my tongue. I keep looking around the guy back to my husband with a “can you believe this guy?” look. my husband is inscrutable. the bus takes a turn and the dude falls on me so i am now holding some of his weight. I swear the guy in the seat almost bust out laughing at the anger on my face. and the dude on the phone doesn’t back out of my space. 2 more minutes on the airport shuttle. no need to tell someone off. they’ll be gone soon.
so we finally get off and I begin to vent to my husband about how I really wanted to just tell that guy off but how I didn’t think he’d want me causing a scene so I refrained (again, my only qualm about telling this guy off is that my husband is conflict avoidant and not that he was tall enough that my head was in his armpit). my husband looks at me with a twinkle in his eye and says’ “that was Jim Harbaugh, the head coach of the 49ers.” I said “I was still there first.” We proceeded to catch the same flight as them to SF but didn’t have to share any more shuttles.
I hope he had deodorant on during all that. 😬🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I lived in Manhattan, walked around mostly clueless bcse my nose was in a book. My brother had to pull me back from many a car while crossing.
I only remember twice being in a situation with someone notable, in an elevator with Tom Hanks & my brother fangirling bcse I was standing next to Paulina. 🤷🏽♀️I didn’t know who she was. Now if he told me I was next to the infamous Ilona Andrews (Ilona & Gordon) I’d know,😂
*SARAH, SARAH, SARAH* (chanting) OMG! That was so amazing, I throughly enjoyed reading about your journey into Julie/Aurelia’s sense of style. The way you expressed why, what and how the materials you chose fit into the Kate Daniels’ world, the attention to detail, I’m left stunned and speechless.
Horde, this is why I love this space, the people here are amazing. Everyday we hear so many depressing news then bam we get a Sarah.🥰
I taught middle school for 30 years. When we’d take our daughters on vacation we’d always run into a former student. The kicker was a swimsuit store on Maui. My daughter said I guess you know everyone. Ha-ha!
As a Russian linguist, I’d still find you fascinating!
I may not recognize you in person but if someone walked by me in an airport quoting something from Sweep With Me, I’d be following them to talk about Treaty Stay and why the audio book left out so many of the fun comments.
I was very pleased to meet Ilona when I was with Charlain Harris many years ago. It was right after she published her first book and I was already a fan. She apologized and said that her next book would be much better! 🙂 I have met her at several author gatherings since then and I found her to be a funny, charming person. And she was right-her second book was even better!
Wherever we went on vacation as a child, someone knew either my mother or my father. Neither were famous, but my dad was a letter carrier, and my mom never met a stranger. It just happened that people from my hometown seemed to vacation in the same places we did. It was very funny to see adults talk to my folks on the top of Pike’s Peak, and they all knew each other.
You may not think you are a big deal, but to the BDH you are a GREAT deal. Hours spent enraptured within the pages of your books, your gifts to the world of avid readers. Whom by the way (using myself as a guide; are quite intelligent, caring and imaginative. Without your efforts, (personally) my days would have been a great deal less than enjoyable. As you know, words have power, your words convey worlds unknown to the common masses.
Hear hear!
I was on an elevator at a Minicon. Great conversation between an older man and a woman my age going on and I’m obviously eavesdropping. There’s a pause and I add my 2 cents and the conversation takes off. We get to the first floor, people get off, people get on, we keep talking. ride back to the top floor, people get off, people get on, ride back down and back up and back down and the man says “I HAVE to get off, I’m due at a panel” and I look down at their badges. I was just discussing the rules of magic with Gordon Dickson and Jody Lynn Nye.
I gulped and said “I love your writing.” and they both thanked me and I rode the elevator up again. Then I went to the consuite and squeed at my husband. GORDON DICKSON AND JODY LYNN NYE!
I’ve also keenered Sir Terry Pratchett and crashed a conversation with him. In line at a Worldcon. Big fangirl moment there.
I like to think I would recognize you and have a total fangirl meltdown (mid-40’s version) but in a “following you around like a creepy stalker for half an hour trying to decide if it’s really you” kind of way.
(Also I remember your story earlier this year about the note in your yarn shipment – the Horde is everywhere!!)
I keep hoping that somebody will recognize my Gertrude Hunt or Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty t-shirt and comment…
A friend of mine and her husband were at Disneyland. They noticed a group of men were following them around and whispering among themselves as they did. Finally one of the men approached and said, “You’re the guy in the training film aren’t you? The one who cursed on the chief? ”
Sometimes even unknown folks get recognized.
My current favorite famous story is when Ilona ordered yarn and got a note with it that the proprietor liked to listen to her audio books while dying skeins. I don’t have the date of that post. Mod R, do you?
If I were ever lucky enough to meet House Andrews, I would rather have the non-professional conversations about cooking, crafting, etc., anyway.
It was an April post https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/yarn-love-expect-the-unexpected/ from the owner of Yarn Love
Hope you’re doing ok! 🤗
fiction bounding!
Sarah’s outfit is beautiful and she’s so talented. For some reason I always imagine the cloaks as being long. But I also know that cloaks are heavy and Atlanta is (mostly) hot. I would not survive well in the post apocalyptic world – I don’t get along with a lot of natural fibers (wool and hemp in particular). I hope one day to meet you guys – in my mind, you are the most famous of authors. And since I’m pretty sure most people are boring (I know I am), I would be thrilled to meet you.
I too think of cloaks as being long, but after reading her description on fabric choices realized that a short cloak makes more sense in the heat. But my imagination will still probably default to a long cloak without even realizing it. 😊
*of cloaks 🤦♀️
Oh, for an edit button! 😳
Fixed 😉
You are an angel Mod R! 🤗
I’m visiting Austin for the first time this fall (I got accepted to a market there so I’m driving from Charlotte (!)), and the first thing I thought when I got accepted was, MAYBE ILONA WILL COME SHOP AND I CAN BE LIKE OMG I LOVE YOUR BOOKS PLEASE BUY MY PROFANITY 😂😂😂
😀 😀
Jenn, you are going to need to explain your wares now… I hope you are a sell-out!
+1! 🤬😄
I attended a book signing at our city library several years ago for one of my favorite authors, jane Smiley. Of course, used the RR prior and the woman washing her hands noticed my book copy. I mentioned it was a favorite and I was so thrilled to see the author. She commented, “Yes, it’s a pretty good book.” You’ve guessed it–she was the author. Later she read from my copy and signed it for me. It was a lovely night.
I managed not to geek out too bad when I saw Jim Butcher at a very intimate venue in 2017. I mentioned a certain scene in a book where he gives the best description of pain that I have ever read. I asked him about it and he said that is one scene he just couldn’t discuss. He signed the page for me. When I am fortunate enough to meet an author, I am humbled and thankful to live in the world with them.
Running into the supermarket rather late one evening, I thought I spotted the mom of my daughter’s best friend. It was from the rear, but her head of prematurely white hair is distinctive. However before I got close enough to hail her, she turned and made eye contact. It wasn’t the friend’s mom, and closer in I realized this woman was considerably taller anyway. So I smiled distractedly, because she was looking at me with some degree of wariness, and went on my way.
A week or two later, our pastor mentioned that Emmylou Harris’ mother had died recently, and he had said the funeral Mass. I’d known before we moved there 30-odd years previously that it was her hometown; back in the day, my kids went trick or treating on the now-suburban road named for her family’s farm. But her hair had been cut shorter than I’d seen it, and she was so out of context at that hour of night in the grocery store, that it didn’t even occur to me at the time who it was.
I wouldn’t have handled it any differently if I’d known, though. Someone in the grocery store late at night is not necessarily in much of a mood for socializing. Besides, people have a right to some privacy, and stars of her level have a hard enough time finding it. Growing up near a major urban area, it’s not unusual to run into people famous for all sorts of things. I’ve never interacted with any of them beyond eye contact, and that mainly while I was trying to figure out where I knew them from.
last week I managed to recognize a woman I knew from my daughter’s preschool 4 years ago at a 45,000 person concert waiting in line for the bathrooms and correctly placed her, so I’d definitely recognize Ilona. Gordon is in less pictures and I don’t do videos so he’d probably sneak by.
of course, you live in the oven part of the country and I live just below the ice box and we actively avoid each other’s regions so this is all supremely unlikely.
Y’all don’t need to be famous. Y’all are GOOD.
Years ago a cherished friend of mine passed away unexpectedly and violently after a night of bickering with me about many things, including Kate Daniels.
In my grief-induced horror and longing for a different world, I emailed y’all to thank you for having given us so much fun.
The response I got was shocking in its kindness, generosity and simplicity. I love your fiction, but that snippet of non-fiction lives in my heart.
Well you brighten my life guys so to me you are kind of a big deal. Hugs.
Your Horde loves you.
Have to admit that was cool, tho I do not sew at all anymore except repairs. Never ever had a passion for it. It was just something of a necessity once upon a time.
I would definitely say hi! should I ever see you guys out and about! I’m a voracious reader, but yours are the ones that get the most rereading when I don’t feel like diving into the tbr piles.
I was sitting with my admin in a hotel lobbyin Portland Oregon waiting on the events manager as we were organizing our work Christmas party. Vice president Dick Cheney who was in office at the time sits down next to me and starts talking with me until the secret service cleared his limo. After he left my admin goes who was that man talking to you. I was like only the Vice President of the country. She had no clue….sigh
I was inspired to create a castle keep after reading the latest KD novel. The keep is made out of an old pill bottle turned upside down and then clay is spread and sculpted to look like stone. I added battlements on top. I placed a battery tea candle and watch the light twinkle thru the windows and door. Thanks for my inspiration!!
That’s clever–and I go through lots of pill bottles. Hmmm…
I would never have thought to do that. Oh, and then you could make a moat! 😉
cool! does it have a moat?
I am not famous but I am a high school teacher. I am starting to teach children of former students. This year the parent was my student the year I gave birth to my son. As his daughter repeated what her father said, I cringed. I started the school year over 6 months pregnant in August in Arkansas. Of course, the A/C did not work and I was cranky. As the student is telling me this, I said that was 21 years ago. I mean, what woman would be pleasant in that situation?
My story about meeting someone famous at a convention happened when I was 19. It was a very small Witchcraft and Sorcery Convention. I was in the hucksters room and walked around a shelf into Ray Bradbury – almost literally.
By the time my brain caught up with my mouth, I was halfway into telling him about this friend of mine who was always threatening to find out where he lived and go camp on his porch till he came out and talked to her. He autographed my program book – to her. This was more than 50 years ago, and I’m pretty sure she still has it.
Have kept my eye out for you at the Round Top antique shows even though you both do not seem into vintage. Collectible figures do sometime show up occasionally and perhaps some eccentric marketplace content would be alluring. Look for a Here Kitty, Kitty shirt.
Sarah is so creative! I love the fact that she shares the reasoning behind her creations. I voted for her to do Andrea next 🙂
My little famous was last Monday. I live in a multi-cultural community in Helsinki, Finland. We have a local park that is a great place to meet people. We held children’s classes there all summer. I was on my own and set out to make simple friendship bracelets. I soon had a small group of kids around me learning how to do it.
Last Monday there was a festival for Somali people, food, drumming, dancing. I was one of the few whitish people attending. A little girl comes up to me, ” You gave me a bracelet! I have it at home!” I feel famous.
We live in NYC and Rip Taylor was in line in front of us at the grocery store. We saw Kid Rock coming out of a Broadway theatre when the show ended. Goldie Hawn getting into a car. Mary Tyler Moore and Bernadette Peters at a pet adoption event. Uma Thurman was sitting behind us at a piano concert. Christopher Meoni and Montel Williams regularly worked out at my husband’s gym. My husband saw Alice Cooper on the street and just said “hey Vince” as he walked by (his real name is Vincent). We saw Steven Van Zandt at an Indian restaurant in Oslo, Norway. He was filming a tv series there at the time. Just smiled as he was dining with someone.
But best was meeting Ilona and Gordon at a Barnes and Noble signing in NYC a few years back. You both were very nice, funny and engaging. 😀
It is hard to recognize people out of context. Even people you work with regularly. See them in casual clothes where not expected and it can take a minute to click in.
One of my favorite memories from the mid 90’s is rounding the corner at the mall to head to the B. Dalton’s(remember those) and seeing Beverly Johnson doing a book signing. I legit lost my s***. I stood in front of that store and started pointing, stuttering, and jumping up and down. She was so nice and I think everyone had a good laugh at my freakout. Meeting a favorite author is better than any rock star or celebrity sighting, IMHO. Trust me, if I see HA in the wild I will lose my mind and there will be jumping and screaming and pointing because my brain will devolve to the maturity level of a 14 yo. I have more sense than to approach, but there will be enough screaming for everyone around to wonder what old rockstar they are failing to recognize.
I dream of cosplaying Caledonia. I haven’t found the right gown pattern yet. But I have found the teeth. I can’t wait until my next convention!
Caldenia. Damn autocorrect! I even looked it up to get it right but …
I saw Jayne Ann Krentz at the Phoenix airport about 2 years ago. I remained calm and did not approach her. This was maybe more for me than her. I really fall apart when I meet a beloved author and I just didn’t think either of us needed that scene on that particular day. I just savored the feeling of seeing her, kind of like a secret but thrilling moment, and continued to wait for my plane.
One of my children is named for Catalina. Her name is Alina since my husband didn’t like the name Catalina. I’m hoping if I ever have another girl to name her Dina Arabella.
I’m also a dahlia breeder and going to name some seedlings after your characters.
I hope you have one named Lynley-Chivers. Not IA, but that Dahlia is one of my favorite characters in UF. It should be a tiny but elegant one.
There will always be those who are more famous, with bigger fandoms, with more achievements under their name than us. But you are loved, as authors and as people, and that’s a huge mark to leave on the world!
There are times when I read about sasaengs, fandoms with demands for
constant interaction, paparazzi, and celebrity stalkers and conclude that fame has a lot of trade offs. It might be nice at first but consistently wondering if someone approaching you is a respectful fan, oblivious to your identity, looking to make money off your fame, or a stalker seems stressful.
I remember you posted an article several years ago when you were researching Magic Breaks and you called Slosburg Hall in Omaha to find out details about the Orpheum Theater, which was integrated into Mishmar. As I recall, the person you were talking with on the phone figured out who you were was was very happy to provide all sorts of details about the theater.
Adorable! I am mostly a college professor. But I am also an actress, model, and stunt woman for film. So, sometimes I do get recognized. I was dating a man between my divorce from an abusive spouse and before meeting my love of my life. Someone came up to us and asked if he had seen me on such and such billboard. I said possibly. My date puffed up like a beta fish. 🙄 Like he had anything to do with it?! Anyway, getting recognized isn’t always good. My face is plastered in a fair number of places, but doesn’t make me special. If only I could write half as well as Ilona and Gordon, it would make me so happy. That would be incredible. I am actually a published author, but non-fiction mostly. They are my heroes. Love them so much! But will not become a stalker.
Love these blog posts!
Love you guys! Taking my “ripper cushions” tote to Dragoncon next week to use as my swag’n’seek bag (and fly the House Andrews flag). Wish you were going to be there! I’m pretty sure I would recognize you, and I would have to tease.
You are famous at least on my mobile phone’s google book and kobo.