K. writes
You had a funny story about your purse on the blog and I can’t find it.
That’s because it’s archived. After a few years, I archive some posts from Family and Life categories. But since you asked.
So it’s May 2015. We just finished a draft of WHITE HOT and we are exhausted. Braining is too hard, MAGIC SHIFTS comes out in August, followed by SWEEP IN PEACE in October. I am zombified. Much like I am now, but now I seem to have lost ability to sleep. Back then, I was just run down.
May 2015 is also Kid 1’s graduation. I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off. On top of that, we had to go to Romantic Times Convention and I had zero brains left afterward.
It must be said that at that point in my life I didn’t think it was worth to get nice things for myself. It sounds so odd now that I think about it, but I was still in the “I earn $28,000 per year and we have two kids” mode. That’s how much I had earned years ago as a legal assistant. So I would buy cheap clothes, cheap make up, and cheap purses. I would carry the purses until the fake leather peeled off and they started looking too ratty to be presentable in public, then I would reluctantly spend another $30 on that purse’s clone.
My go-to number was something like this from Target.
And my wallet looked something like this.

At some point during this tense period of time, I went outside and for some inexplicable reason decided to leave my wallet on top of our car. I don’t know why I left it on the hood. I don’t normally ever do this, but somehow I abandoned it there and didn’t look for it the entire weekend.
It rained heavily.
On Monday I retrieved my soaked wallet, relieved that my ID and debit cards were all plastic, and tossed it on the stand by the door.

I had also left my purse on the floor, open, because I don’t know why. What I didn’t realize is that super special butthead pictured on the left decided that any piece of fabric on the floor was his. A new rug, a towel, anything that was soft and he liked, he claimed for himself. And just to make sure nobody else could have it, he would mark it.
He liked sitting in my purse and – you guessed it – he peed in it.
At some point I picked up my purse and smelled the urine. Oh boy. So I tell the kids, who are out shopping, to pick up a new purse, any kind of purse. They come back with a small black purse from Forever 21, because that’s where they were shopping.
The next day I have to run a bunch of errands. I am still zombified. I get ready to run out the door, and on a complete autopilot, grab my wallet, stuff it into my old purse, and take off for the driveway.
I run around and finally make it to the bank. I walk in and request to see the banker, because I need to deposit a bunch of checks from contractual and foreign payments totaling about $30,000 and I need to send a wire to my father.
The banker, a nicely put together woman with perfect manicure and a professional attire, invites me to her office. I sit down, hand over the checks, we chat, and she says, “Could I see your ID, please?”
I unzip my purse and a cloud of stale cat urine stench puffs out.
The banker heroically says nothing.
I want to crawl under the table. The sooner I get this done the better.
I reach into my purse and pull out my wallet.

That’s right, my wallet, after getting soaked, has grown mold on it.
Somehow I manage to extract my id. She looks at it, looks at the checks, looks back at me, and says nothing.
I get out of the bank, drive home, get on the computer, and decide to buy the prettiest purse and wallet I can find, because I am traumatized for life. Because this can’t happen again.
I ended up buying an Anuschka purse on Amazon. They are pricey, but they last forever, they are beautiful, and I love them. This is my latest one.

Gordon bought it for me for Christmas. Needless to say, I never leave it on the floor.
The latest purse is very pretty!
+1.. And a great story too! Thanks for sharing it again.
Omg! Mold!!! Aaaahhh
OMGosh, classic cat story. The smell of rubber smells like urine to cats, so that is why they often pee/mark plastic/rubbery things like rubber backed bathroom mats.
I love your new purse and wallet; very pretty.
Thank you for letting me know why my cat does that.
Ooh! My mom loves Anuschka purses! She has a collection of them in different sizes and patterns. They’re so pretty! I hope to have one someday, too, when my boys are so young and destructive.
I don’t know how it is at other banks, but the one I worked at in NJ years ago trained us that money is money, no matter if the customer or the money smells unpleasant. Smile and be polite to all who would like to leave their money with us.
New purse is pretty though.
Yep. Worked at a bank for awhile right after college, people would hand me the MOST DISGUSTING wads of cash. I smiled at them, thanked them for banking with us and wished them a great day.
I have had literally dripping sweat soaked bills handed to me. A rather large deposit of $1 dollar bills that were all spatter stained a very recognizable reddish brown. I assisted a young teen male roll coins that were coated in something unidentifiablely sticky.
I went through pallets of scented hand sanitizer, developed a compulsive hand washing after touching money habit, and I dislike touching cash to this day…but I was always always polite to the bank customers. If they were entrusting their money to the bank, and by extension trusting me to handle it, then they didn’t get judged for the condition that money was in. It still freaked me out to touch it, but they as people were good.
I worked at bank while in school and had a customer bring in money her dog had eaten and then pooped out. To this day I hate dealing with cash because my brain just sets of warning bells because it’s all so dirty.
That’s hilarious. And that purse is amazingly beautiful. Good present!
By the way, I always use Kipling purses and other like products. They never fall apart either. Like the Anuschka, they aren’t cheap, but they are totally worth it.
Ew. But I got a new purse obsession out of that story, so thanks!
[adds all the Anuschka wallets to the Amazon cart]
My cat has done this to me, too. She was old, senile, and didn’t know better any more. Anything left on the floor might be peed upon, because she was old, senile, and no longer knew how litter boxes were.
(She passed away in December. I miss that asshole cat so very much.)
My husband got me a discount Kate Spade for my birthday. It does not go on the floor. Ever. It’s blue. My friend gave me a different Kate Spade, that is large enough to devour the world. It’s made of pink, glittery plastic. I may have issues.
Your wallet and purse are very pretty!
That’s one professional bankeress.
Love the cat, the purse and wallet and the story. Cats can surely be a bit of a pain but I love mine anyway. At least this caused you to spend money on yourself. Good purses are expensive but last a long long time.
What a fabulous story, and I’m so glad that someone requested it, because I wasn’t reading your blog back then … and this is a story worth re-telling.
So your Higher Self decides that it’s time for you to have a life upgrade and nudges you to do a few things that you would normally NEVER do … because otherwise, you’d continue as same.
And the result is this FABULOUS life-upgrade, where you’re now touching and feeling and seeing these beautiful Anuschka pieces every day. (And b/t/w, I do ADORE Anuschka, haven’t bought my first piece yet, but will – this weekend – with next paycheck. And your story is inspiring me, and so VERY helpful!!!)
So fabulous. Just absolutely FABULOUS, and I’m very inspired and upticked and very glad that I’ve read your post before starting my daily work, because this will just carry me through.
Isn’t it just wonderful to get these messages from our Higher Self that we are worthy of having beautiful, wonderful, good things in our lives? Things that delight us visually, and are a sensual pleasure to hold and feel? And that confirm to us that our work has been worthwhile and of sufficient value to others that we’ve been paid very well to do it?
Ahh, this is just lovely!
So happy for you!
And so happy for me, because I’ll either buy locally or order online a beautiful Anuschka purse this weekend.
Xoxo! – A.
P.S. – I mentioned in my last comment, will re-iterate – I’m LOVING how you’re incorporating these more gentle and humorous and heart-warming moments into your stories. Last time, I specifically mentioned Hugh offering flowers to Erawan, and Kate offering a bowl of milk to the cat. And earlier, think that I mentioned how totally charming it was to have the dastardly culprit in another story be this darling little girl who just wanted a beautiful jewel to put in her unicorn (toy)’s forehead. These are just so delightful and lovely!
And I’ve been so enjoying how you’ve evolved not just your characters, but your character interactions … the interactions are all so normal and “real,” but the details that you’re giving make them so rich and such a delight to be in their worlds!
I feel that each of your storylines gets better and better.
Chiming in on a topic that came up a few months ago – that some “fans” were NOT a fan of Julie having her own book (in the KD series, right?) – I believe that you’d do a FABULOUS job with her, and it would be so much richer and more nuanced and rich, given how you’ve just kept getting better and better!
Is that a novella?
Can’t breathe, I am laughing too hard!!! Love your newest handbag, by the way.
Yep. Arnuscka all the way too. My favorites are the ones their mom designs because she knows what a purse needs. Toughest hurdle is realizing for us caregiving family females we must put our oxygen masks on first. Take care of us first because everything else spins around us.
In the tones of Lady Bracknell ….. A Handbag! Love the new ones though. x
I HATE purses. I just don’t like having to carry something around. If at all possible I just put my ID, a credit card, and a $20 bill in my pocket when I go somewhere. A little over a year ago I realized I had no purses because they all fell apart and I never wanted to buy one. I found an Anuschka purse at Houston Livestock and Rodeo and really wanted it. I waited until the last day and splurged. It’s still my only purse and while it doesn’t go with some of my outfits, but I don’t care. It lives in it’s little safety bag when I’m not using it to protect it from evil kitties.
Thank you to K., for requesting this archived post. Purses, wallets and a feline. I am still quietly chuckling and thinking about who will enjoy this post.(I’ve bunches of feline buddies)
??? I used to have a purse obsession. Now, it’s much more tamed, cause I am just too lazy to switch them out to “match my outfit”. I use my cool purse, the geometric Baobao by Izzymiyake, everyone asks if they can touch it, strangers in the mall. Or just shove ID, credit card and cash in my back pocket and go.
Very pretty purse. My last purse that I actually use was $5.99 and about 5×5 inches because I can cross carry it and it has 3 compartments so I can sort stuff and find it. I have a tote bag that holds all the miscellaneous stuff and the purse tucks into that until I actually go into a store. I’m going to copy the zipper design and make a larger one to hold a water bottle and kindle for day trips. I like washable stuff and if I make it, it fits my organization requirements. I tend to be hard on everything I own so don’t spend a lot for special items, I admire other peoples instead.
Oh my. I can’t even! Thank you again for proving what an amazing story teller you are!
Omg I’m laughing! I have the same issue with my male cat……he’s such a pain! I love him but…..he’s the last male cat I’ll have. Anything on the floor (clothes especially) is fair game. I can’t imagine going through what you went through……ugh! .The new purse is very pretty, though! I used to get target purses until my daughter got me a purse from Sakroots.
That is the story I needed today! Cats do some truly maniac things to insure territorial rights…..
Our cat used to pee in my mom’s good Spode china punchbowl, if it got left out after a party. (The vet did not have a explanation for her odd reaction – she never bothered any other dishes/serveware.)
If you ever write a non-fiction “stories from an adventurous life” book, that one HAS to go in it!!
Oh my goodness! ?
I bet that you didn’t have the worst smelling money that she’s ever received. Trust me. There is some nasty money out there (and nasty people too). I’ve seen some that had unknown substances on them where you didn’t want to think about what you were touching. Thanks for the story! ?
am going to look for all the purses mentioned here (thanks ladies!)…also have to share a cat pee story, if you’re not too sick of them by now…went away for a couple days last month, came home to discover that one of the cats had gotten stuck in my room when i left…my pillows, bedding…EVERYTHING had to be replaced. but think it was due to your books that i learned about the magic of Febreeze. yes my bedroom might smell like a morgue now, but it beats the hell out of reeking like a litterbox!
First, “braining is hard”. {snicker} I love that statement.
Second, here’s my problem with purses. They, like clothing, is subject to the stupid fashionistas that can’t leave well enough alone. A few years ago, purses were great. They had 2 pockets on the outside with magnetic snaps that were easy to open, so my work ID went in one and my sunglasses (occasionally my phone) went in the other. Like you, I keep my (relatively cheap) purses until the faux (so much fancier than fake) leather starts peeling. I go to Kohl’s. Guess what? Double pockets on the outside are apparently not what the fashion trendsetters wanted this year. Arghhh!! I don’t want a single zippered pocket that is difficult to unzipper one-handed (because I’m usually holding my keys or coffee in my other hand) and that won’t keep my work ID from sliding into my sunglasses and scratching them. So after going through every single rack at Kohl’s, I found two styles that will work. Not exactly what I want, but I think I can make them work. Normally I only buy one purse and keep it until it disintegrates. This time I bought both purses because who knows what the stupid fashionistas will want next year. These two will hopefully tied me over for 2 years. Stupid fashionistas. Stupid influencers. Grrrr.
But I’m not bitter.
(Excuse the grammar mistakes. Normally I can type while listening to someone else talk but editing while someone else is talking to me is apparently harder.)
I don’t like the fashion trend purses either. I buy Dooney & Bourke purses (handbags). They come in leather, coated cotton, or Italian nylon (not the cheap nylon that scratches). They are not cheap. However, they are indestructible and timeless. I am using a crossbody purse with a zippered front pocket that I put my keys in. I can open the pocket with one hand. Lots of organization.
I bought my sister-in-law a coated cotton D&B purse a couple of years ago. She told me recently that her purse hasn’t been destroyed and that it looks like she just got it. I told her they are indestructible. ?
By the way, I’m very hard on my purses.
You might try looking at secondhand stores. The fashion followers get rid of their out of date purses to make room for the newer ones.
I know what you mean. I don’t have that problem any more, because my hubby is a leather worker and he makes bags and stuff like that to order. No cat has marked my purse, (that I know of) but our first male cat after we were married marked socks and (God forbid) books. Our current kitten (he’s four at this point, but he’s still the baby) peed on the dog’s bed. More than once. Even though we bleached it. And Febreze makes me sneeze. And I love that bag and wallet.
Laughing so hard at all the stories.
Febreeze now comes in a fragrance-free version, Mary H. Somebody was listening to us! 🙂
I also tend to use one purse until it falls apart or the strap breaks and absolutely will not spend more than $100- and that’s pushing it. Usually got them on sale at Macy’s and paid anywhere from $50-80.
However, some years ago now, maybe 10 or more?, my best friend gave me a B. Makowsky black leather purse. While giving it to me (literally, I hadn’t even unwrapped it), she told me how much she loved it and agonized over parting with it. I offered it back to her immediately. We ended up arguing over its ownership- I didn’t want it if it meant so much to her. Whatever. She refused to take it back.
It was a nice purse but I really liked the Giani Bernini handbag I’d gotten from Macy’s and wasn’t interested in changing. Kept her bag in storage for at least 3 years before using it when the other finally gave out.
Every time she saw or spoke to me for the next few years she asked about that purse and I’d offer it back. She kept saying no. However, she always smiles when she sees me carrying it now.
She also gave me an Etienne Aigner wallet about 25 years ago. I’m still using it. Admittedly the change pocket zipper is a bit weak due my overstuffing it, but otherwise it’s fine. And since switching over to an adorable kitty head shaped silicone change purse, the wallet’s been better than ever. Friend was amazed I still had the wallet 5 years ago. Absolutely did not believe was still carrying it now- until I showed it to her. She still says that’s the best gift she’s ever given for longevity. I agree.
Although that B. Makowsky purse comes in a close second.
I used to have a beautiful red leather tote bag.
I also used to teach dog training with the local obedience club.
During a puppy class, while I was talking to one of the dog parents, their young male dog walked up to my beautiful red tote bag, lifted his leg, and did what male dogs do.
We frantically dried the leather off as best as we could, but it was too late. Being leather, it dideventually lose the “eau de dog urine” aroma. (Mostly. Except when it’s really humid. Which is often here in Alabama.)
I learned not to leave ANY of my belongings on the floor during a training class. And that red leather tote bag has been demoted to dog gear bag!
Being a South Carolina girl, I have a fetish for all things Vera Bradley. Thank god I can toss those in the washing machine, because I have a shockingly similar pee-in-human-mom’s-purse story. Love the lastest gift – they are stunning!
I am stuck on the phrase “super special butthead” and the look on his face! Hilarious ?. Great story! Thank you. {{Graceful curtsy}}
I am a terrible purse shopper with a Goldilocks mentality: not too small, no too big, just write but it can’t cost an arm and a leg. If I tell hubs I need a new purse his eyes glaze over because he knows my purse buying Purgatory. Once in Venice I went back to the same store two days in a row and bought purses.( they are lovely). The shopkeeper said, “are you coming back tomorrow?” LOLOLO
Trying to figure out which of the two purses I liked would best suit my purposes, I did the only (somewhat) reasonable thing I could: I tested them. After first apologizing to the sales clerk, I sat down on the floor and emptied my purse’s contents into each of them. Found out which could hold the most and bought it.
I like that idea!!
Super special butthead, lol.
OMG… the mold! I love purses and I’ve never heard of Anuska. My fingers are going shopping right now.
I’m still in the buy cheap purse, and clothes. We are comfortable financially but it’s just hard for me. I like that purse a lot tho. Maybe I’ll get one. About the only really nice thing I’ve ever bought for myself was a really nice leather coat in Florence Italy when we were there.
I also feel for you and the kitty pee. Argh!! Anti ikky poo is a godsend. It really does get the smell out. I think I read it’s the same stuff the *clean up dead body crew* but in a general public friendly. So, not only does it get kitty pee. It will come in handy if I need to clean up a dead body.
Shopko (an upper midwest Target-like chain) has just home out of business. I hit their very nice leather purses at 90% off. Bought 3 leather hobo bags in beautiful colors for $14.99 each.
I like hobo bags, they carry my reading glasses, checkbook, wallet/phone case and knitting very nicely, as well as the medical kit (epi pen, glucose rescue kit, bandaides, benedryl, inhaler and little bottle of Aleve) and Leatherman, with room for grandgirls “pretty rocks” and a bottle of water.
In the winter I carry a backpack but that’s kind of sweaty in the summer…
Gone out of business… Small keyboard syndrome
Oh my, thank you for resharing the story, and the current purse and wallet are beautiful.
Our cat is 16 and when he is upset with us, pees on things. He hates my shoes. Our antique Middle Eastern carpets are currently NOT down on the floors. Someday the poo-head will no longer be with us, we will miss him, and the rugs will once again go back down.
I had wanted a Frye purse for over a year but when I finished dealing with the paperwork from my sister’s estate, the DH told me to buy is as a reward for all the paperwork hell I was put through.
love the story, love the cat and love your bank person……purses are my guilty pleasure, but funny I come back to the same two, one for winter one for summer. I love love love my matt and nat purse and wallet…..if you monitor the sales they are worth it and the colours are dreamy…..my next purchase is a D&B if I can swing it – hopefully in the fall…..
If you’re in the US, go to QVC. They sell D&B purses. You can get easy pay which helps with the cost. Easy pay breaks the total cost (shipping & handling plus tax along the price of the handbag) in however many months (usually 2 to 6 months) using a debit or credit card. You can always pay it off before the last month.
Another possibility, beyond really good second-hand shops, is to sign up for emails from the websites of the brand(s) you love. They send out notices with all the new designs and all their sales, and will sell to you direct. Kate Spade and Longchamp are my weaknesses — every five years or so I’ll get something I can’t possibly live without for 70-90% off, and they last forever. Trailing daughter #2, the future corporate vice president, swears by NordstromRack.com, but she also happily takes my Kate Spade hand-me-downs when they meet her exacting specifications. 😉
How mortifying! It really could happen anybody, but it happened to you and that stinks! I feel for the you of yesterday. To a lesser degree I had something like that happen with a cat-peed coat when I was a teenager, just similar enough to give me an inkling of your moment. Ouch. It was a turning point for me too. Beautiful purse, by the way 😀
Absolutely gorgeous!
Now I want one, except that I gave up carrying a purse some years back. I had just completed an intense couple of weeks of technical training in Dallas, used all my brain cells on the test, then got to the airport in time to get bumped from my plane. Hours later, after wrangling a rollerbag and a box of tech manuals, I realized my purse was missing. I had only brought it out once, to pay for a beer, and had somebody slip off with it before I even left the table.
Now I want one of those Anuschka bags. Nobody gives out actual physical copies of tech manuals anymore, I’m thinking maybe I can handle it now. But I still have a couple old crochety cats and probably will end up leaving it on the floor.
Enjoy. I’m really jealous.
Lol this one was funny!! The funniest of your personal stories for me is the one when you are a kid in a Shakespeare play and the girl in the end with the knife. I used to cry to the tears every time I read it.
Aww, I wanted to read that but it looks like that story disappeared in the archives too. I thought I was a faithful, long time blog reader but not that long, I guess.
You could make a snippet about eating cereal and it would be interesting. Oh wait, you already did in MT. Lol
Thanks for another amusing and well written adventure from your daily life. Always makes me laugh.
Ha ha ha. That was another funny story! Loved it!
Cute story and lovely purse. I love the pattern but as a vegan I don’t use leather. I found they have some really pretty umbrellas on their website. I like bright, upbeat umbrellas for rainy days.
I’ve been lucky – my cats always used the litter box except for when they were really sick and couldn’t physically make it there. My dog doesn’t touch anything unless it has been given to her.
Thanks for posting this! Those are the prettiest umbrellas ever.
My husband used to work for Sara Lee who owned Coach so I have a nice collection of Coach bags. Then we started visiting Hilton Head, SC and I discovered Spartina bags. They are quie colorful and are cloth so not as heavy. I like cloth bags when I travel. Now you have introduced me to something new. My wish list is growing. Thanks.
I LOVE Spartina. They have a store in Charleston with all things Spartina. So so pretty. First pricey bag I ever bought. Hard to make myself use them though.
They are for “special”
I love the purse! I’m addicted to Gianni Berninis at the moment. Not that bad and they last me (the evil purse-destroyer) for a whole season before I have to replace them. Plus, if you’re lucky, you can find them in clearance because they’re always selling a season ahead (summer when it’s spring, fall when summer).
Anuschka addiction continues to this day….thanks (I think?;) )
I love your new purse! Now I know what to get my mom for her birthday next month. She’ll love it!
And btw, at least your cat doesnt sit on top an open door to pounce on the poor passerby that happens to go under him.
Thankfully, I have never had your traumatic cat experience with my purse, but it does make a great story. I’m so glad it encouraged you to get something nice for yourself.
I used to get purses in the $25-$30 range. My mother-in-law, however, bought Coach purses and matching wallets in several colors, in order to match her outfits.
Knowing this, my husband surprised me with a Coach for my 29th birthday. I have used it daily ever since and I still get complements on the purse. I will be turning 51 in June. My luxury purse has cost an average of $11.36 per year. 🙂
After reading the purse story, I just uttered a genuine guffaw followed by a snort.
My day is complete, lol!
WOW! What a great daily laugh that gave me!!!!
Thanks so very much!!!
Oh, great purse you have there!
Oh my word you crack me up.
You make an every day story just the best yarn. I laughed out loud on the bus. Though I was sorry that the reason was you were totally wrung out from work n stuff.
I have never seen those purses here in Australia but might have to go looking. Gorgeous indeed.
This reminds me of the time I ran out of the house late to an early morning class in a shirt that had been tagged my one of my cats. In my rush, I didn’t realize it until I’d jogged halfway there (I lived a mile from school, so I usually walked). Lets just say body heat plus a cat’s sins is a strong negative and my fucks to give increased by 10,000 instantly. Once I knew what was touching me, every ounce of “oh hell no” directed me straight back home at record speed and into a shower where I danced the universal “get it off me, get it off me, GET IT OFF ME” wiggle of the shamed. For weeks after that, every time I felt warm, I swore I smelled cat piss. That’s how I know I truly love my pets: they lived.
Ayana!!!!! I can’t stop laughing 🙂
Snort* Coffee thru my nose and the subsequent choking of the remainder of said coffee from trying to snort and laugh at the same time!!
OMG!!!! Some of the comments about working at banks or having to touch (disgustingly covered) money is too much!!!! To everyone who worked at a bank, I’m sorry you went through that 🙁
Thanks for reposting 🙂
I didn’t remember the story and I kept saying to myself, “No, no, don’t do it!”
I had a calico cat, we named her the unimaginative Patches. She had been feral for sometime and we had fed her for over a year.
Then there was a cold snap for a week solid where it would never get above freezing. After feeding her for a year we had reached the point where if we’d made no sudden movements we could pet her. So I fed her, waited to pet her, then grabbed her and brought her in.
She hid the whole week under the bed when we were awake, and at night explored. She kept wanting out, but we kept her in until the cold snapped finished.
She disappeared for nearly a week then showed up squeaking her paws against the glass on the back door. We opened the door and in she came. We had officially been adopted.
She became the sweetest little lovebug, skittish but affectionate. She followed me around like a duckling and I was mama duck. Alas our other two cats never acclimated to her, so she and I were upstairs, and they downstairs, save when she came in/out of the house. ?
[Poor kitty had been someone’s cat as she was declawed and had been spayed. She was skittish around people, but especially terrified of men (Dad becoming the only exception) so we suspect at some point she was abused.]
I’d be working at my computer, and she’d curl up her head on my feet. She was so delicate about it I wouldn’t feel her. I think she didn’t want to make her presence known in case I would shoo her away (not that we ever did), but she was lonely and wanted to be close.
One winter I had a pair of those ridiculously huge comical slippers of Garfield. She especially liked that as a pillow. Usually when not on my feet I had them in my closet. I had left them out, didn’t think anything of it. Until I put my feet in them next, the right one had cat poo in it.
That was the end of those slippers.
In her defense one of the other cats had gotten upstairs and was bullying her preventing her litter box access, and the shape was rectangular with an opening.
Poor thing had that slinking I’m guilty and feel bad pose. (After cleaning up), I picked her up where she was scared, but to address her anxiety wrapped her up in a blanket with me. Being warm and cuddled while I petted her and talked soothingly to her she just started purring so loud. ?
She was a very sweet girl. I miss my little duckling. ???
PS. Way to go @Gordon. He seems to do a good job looking after his ladies (you and the kids). And you’ve worked hard, so @Ilona you deserve the nice things.
I also fed a cat. In my case, when the cold snap came, my younger dog herded him into the house. I guess he just needed encouragement, cause he never tried to go back out. He and his dog were best buds. They passed away within a couple weeks of each other. I miss them both.
Laughing here, I also have cats and two dogs. Oh, the gifts that they give. I also still carry handbags similar to yours – mine come from WalMart, they have handles and a shoulder strap, and I just replace then when they wear out.
Our current cats are very well mannered, but we have a puppy that is peeing on *my* chair and ottoman.
My roommate’s cat currently has the habit of peeing right outside the litterbox. Good to know that it could be worse.
Your roommate’s cat might have a urinary tract infection. Peeing outside the litterbox is the first sign they are having problems
Or, if it’s an old cat (like my 24 year old calico named…you guessed it, KC, Patches) they might have some joint issues. She was peeing just outside the box. After ruling out other issues, my vet suggested taking the lid off of the litter box(not my favorite thing but urine outside the box is much worse) and giving her glucosomine supplements. She now can get back in the box and is peeing where she is supposed to. We all are most appreciative.
^_^ its ok, great minds think alike.
My current cats are Cinderella Louise Hulsman (aka Ella) and Aurora Lee Hulsman (aka Rory). Of course full name treatment only occurs when they’re naughty, and I had no idea they had middle names until the first time I yelled at them, and out they rolled from my tongue.
They’re sisters, little ginger and white cats. I named them for Disney Princesses because they’re my little princesses, and I had a request by others in the household that the names were easy to say (and their daily nickname Ella,and Rory is easy). The one is perky and prone to being an escape artist, the other is very sweet natured, docile, and sleeps alot.
@KC haha, at least you know their names are truly theirs, if they rolled out that effortlessly. They are total cuties!
A thought after you make the vet trip for urine analysis. My Siamese aka as ( evil ) felix would pee outside litter pan/ box for 2 reasons. One was his struvite crystal issue had returned because he was eating too many illegal foods (he conned visitors into feeding him treats then bit them) or two…. which it was 9 out of 10 times. He was expressing his displeasure at the human. So good luck.
I don’t have a cat in my purse story. I was rushing around late for work – threw my phone, keys and a can of Diet Coke in my purse. Unfortunately, I forgot that I had just opened said can. I was leaking Diet Coke all the way through the parking lot, building entrance, past my coworkers and into my cubicle. No one said a word. I figured it out when I noticed a puddle around my purse. Purse dried out and was actually okay.
Our calico left a gift for my husband in his slipper. A dead and very ripe mouse. He put his slippers on and the same time I heard a pop he turned green. There are worse things for them to mark besides clothes or purses. Try laying on the floor on your stomach playing with kittens and your very loving tom walks up, turns around and at 6 inches away lets fly. Marking you as ‘his’. Couldn’t smell anything for 2 years…..
I had a cat that loved to leave its deposits or pee in the dryer. Sad to say the cat had to find a new family (a farmer with a barn).
The poor bank teller must have assumed she was working with an eccentric Grey Gardens scenario! Too funny!! So glad to see you treat yourself now you can 🙂
There was a woman who peed in my purse.
At the White House.
In 2009 I was a guest of FLOTUS Michelle Obama’s 1st Christmas party for volunteers at the White House.
(I learned FLOTUS stands for First Lady of the United States.)
There was food and drink, and live music and even Santa Clause. After we ate we were crammed/roped into a very secure foyer to meet Michelle Obama who came downstairs to meet us. Before the First Lady arrived, we had a long wait and the Secret Service agents firmly told me twice that I had to put my (Obama kid’s ) book&pen back into my big purse bc no autographs were going to happen. This lady next to me started moaning and her eyes were rolling, & I thought it possible she had too much alcohol and then she collapsed right on top of my purse. The Secret Service refused to be distracted by my requests that they help her (off my purse) by her moaning on the floor and me trying to pry my purse out from underneath her dead weight.
Then she got sick (and I was able to free my purse), and she was taken away by security … and we feared FLOTUS wouldn’t come and meet us but because of this commotion, she did!
FLOTUS was so nice, speaking to each of us who were crammed close together to see her on the other side of the rope. We were not to cram a camera into her face so I didn’t get a pic with her, but I did with Santa!
I didn’t smell the pee until later.
Oil! That purse was history.
Anushka (?) purse and wallet are gorgeous!!!
In a time long ago and far away, DH was going into the field to join some Army peers in a Blue (Air Force) to Green (Army)cross-training exercise. It was taking place in the dead of winter, in what was then West Germany.
Rules of Engagement were unilateral from slick sleeve Basic Airman, to “full bird” Colonel. I. E. It’s winter. It’s cold. This is not a luxury vacation–pack one duffel bag full of your warmest socks, long underwear, parka, gloves, sleeping clothes, Dopp Kit etc. Don’t forget anything, and bring enough for the entire Exercise length, because once in The Designated Exercise Location, you Will.Not.Be.Released.For.Any.Reason.
Just to be extra judicious, ensuring he didn’t forget anything due to packing in a last minute panic, or the base store being out of anything he would need, DH packed several days early. He even bought new gloves, uniform sweaters etc, ensuring he would make a good impression on his Army hosts.
Apparently, Kitty assisted in the Pack in. DH cLaimed he had no idea just how much assistance Kitty provided, until he opened his duffel his first night at the location, which was somewhere in the very far back of beyond, accessed via military bus, down fitted gravel roads
Either Kitty was punishing DH for leaving him, or more likely, Kitty smelled all that new, fresh, unmarked (unclaimed) clothing.
Wherever the truth was, he managed to provide soaking pee and poo on every single item in DH’s bag. There was nothing wearable or suitable even had this been the final night of the exercise, let alone, the first night.
Thus, amendment 1 of the Thou Shall Not Leave (TSNL)…dictum was born as, TSNL…unless you need to borrow the Colonel’s Driver and vehicle to go to the nearest Laundromat and Base/Post Military Clothing Sales store to replace two weeks worth of the most cat piss and poo soiled, stinking, stained, sodden military clothing, and supplies. Even the toothbrush in the Dopp Kit had to be replaced. Nothing escaped Kitty justice.
Even though DH double washed his Duffel bag, and all his washable clothing at the Laundromat, he still threw away every bit of clothing/containers/and duffel when he got home. The Phantom Poop-Pee Smell was beyond his capacity to overcome.
On the bright side, DH definitely made an impression among his peers. That poor man. And his poor bunk mates. I doubt the Colonel’s vehicle was ever the same either. Only the cat, was happy after that exercise.
Oh no!!! Thank for resharing.
Your purse is beautiful!
Your banker Just Knew . . . story here–> say noth thing see noth thing, just a trip to the bank and errands to run
Nothing can make this better . . . nothing.
Have a good day o-q
And look what you got from it A nush ka pretty pretty
If it’s any consolation, speaking as a former bank teller you would be surprised how often bodily fluids enter into transactions. May all your bags be beautiful!
My cat used to pee on the blankets or sheets when I was still with my ex but always and only on the side my ex had been sleeping on… I guess she did really dislike him since I got cuddles and he got pee.
Pretty. I have 4 Coach purses (2 I bought, 2 my husband bought) that I cycle through. They’ll outlast me. Whenever I get tired of one, I switch to one of the others for awhile.
I should also say: your purse story reminds me of Sam Vimes talking about boots— probably in Guards! Guards! It’s one of Pratchett’s most memorable passages ever, and that’s saying something.
My bad — Men at Arms, for anyone looking for it.
I can’t stop looking at these purses. I want one so badly but I also feel like I cant justify because I have young kids we can’t have nice things.
My cat marked my jacket, I thought I was smelling cat urine but couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. I was thinking she had used some area in my car. No after putting my nose to work. It was my jacket!
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the trip down memory lane. I feel for you. My personal rule is that pinching pennies is good but some things are worth the extra investment such as ergonomic keyboards, properly fitting steel toed boots and equine bedding for cat litter.
I had a good quality hand crafted leather purse for over 10 years and the present puppy chewed a hole across bottom. Sigh. I figure I will invest in a replacement once he reaches maturity. Yeah, when pigs sprout wings and fly…. thanks for the laughter.
Our cat, Mischa, technically belongs to our daughter but since she subsequently got two dogs that scare the cat, Mischa has latched on to me as her person. She likes me to sit on my bed and then she sits in my lap. That ends up being my reading time and we both are happy. When I go away for more that a day or so, the cat gets angry. Frequently when my husband and I go away for a week, we come back to cat poo left on his side of the bed. I figure that Mischa is blaming my husband for taking me away.
I now probably make 15 times what I made as a legal assistant more than 30 years ago (which is not saying much considering how little I made), but I still watch my pennies. I drive a 10 year old Civic while my daughter, who is now the legal assistant in the family, drives a Lexus. One of us still has money left the day before she receives a paycheck, one is eating ramen but claims that it is worth is to drive a nice car.
Love your purse story…… Hehe…..its made my day and I love your new set. ??
Love those Anuschka wallets & bags, hadn’t heard of them till this blog post 🙂
You inspired me, I bought a nice red leather Cellini handbag yesterday & a leather wallet, well technically the hubby bought them for my birthday. I’ve also come to the conclusion that the good stuff is the way to go if you can afford it. I’ve thrown out a few old bags over the last few months, still a few to go …..
Oh my goodness. That would be mortifying and I would probably react the exact same way. Lol
My Mother-in-law was visiting a few years ago for Christmas, and she had a beautiful new leather purse that she’d recently picked up for a ridiculously good sale price at a high end store she almost never browsed through, let alone shopped at. It was a heck of a find, and she loved it.
At the time we had two cats in the house, one of whom was newly diagnosed as diabetic. The only food our adored Monkey-cat was both allowed to have and would actually eat was a particularly vile and stinky cat food version of shredded tuna and shrimp. We were still working on the best feeding schedule to keep his blood sugar stable, and sometimes he ate so fast that the food came back up almost as soon as he finished eating.
We all know what happened next, don’t we?
Mom set the open purse on an empty chair and left the room for maybe three minutes. We both walked back into the room in time to see Monkey stick his head into her purse, and yak up the entire meal of revolting, slimy fish bits he’d just eaten. Some might say she tempted fate by leaving an open purse unsupervised around a sick cat, but Monkey was not fast. He was fifteen years old, suffered from moderate congestive heart failure, and had diabetic nerve damage that weakened his back legs enough that we built him steps so he could get onto the couch and our bed because he wasn’t able to jump up anymore. We never figured out how he got across the room and up onto that chair by himself, let alone how he did it in such a short amount of time.
When Monkey lifted his angelic face from the newly christened purse, Mom gently relocated him to his favorite nap spot while praising him for not vomiting on the furniture. “Such a clever kitty, you got it all inside my purse!”
She’s a wonderful person.
It took a few days, and a lot of cleaning products, but we managed to save the purse and everything inside it but an envelope full of receipts and coupons. We ended up using an enzyme cleaner meant to get rid of cat pee smell to get rid of the last of the chum stench.
Monkey passed away in March of 2018. Mom still has that purse, and we still call it Monkey’s Lunchbox.
Wow…. so touching and so beautiful at the same time. I think you’re all wonderful, you, your mom and the poor kitty.
The Book Devouring Horse has been invaded by a smiling Recliner Salesman…!!!
This is probably been said before, but I’m writing it anyway.
You have the best blog posts.
That was a funny story and having ones pet pee in a handbag is not a pleasant occurance…..but my bag was my favorite a lovely black leather,yes I got it on sale but $100 bucks is a lot….my bag was like yours on the floor and my Afghan Hound Elrond ,peed in it and I found it fill of urine…..dumped it out ,washed it and washed it ,but could never ever ever get th3 smell out…..
I guess the moral is don’t leave your bag on th3 floor..
Ps I like Annuschka bags too.. but still finds sales on a Ebay and Zulily…..