Why is this not the real thing? Do you know how many times I have watched that cartoon series from start to finish? Someone make this for us. We deserve it!
For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about:
Come on, Hollywood. You love remakes.
I couldn’t agree more! They remake/reboot everything from the 80’s these days, why not this? This commercial is epic, and only serves to show how similarly epic a live action remake would be.
If they do it right. The last one was so so
I am really surprised that Hollywood hasn’t done something like this. The commercial was really well done. Thank you for sharing this, Ilona. Wishing you and your family (including the critters) a wonderful holiday. To those who have served, thank you.
I want this!!!! Would really like to see this as a real co-op game. It kind of reminds me of the Divinity Game series.
I loved Dungeons and Dragons! I use to watch it with my sons all the time and was so bummed when they quit making it. Yes, reboot time!!
Haha I own the cartoon series, always wished it had a proper ending. The commercial looked pretty good except that blonde hair . . . :p
My kingdom for this to be real. 😥
Not Dungeons and Dragons but I’ve discovered a really cool Russian dragon move called I am Dragon. And you guys don’t even need subtexts. Awesome visuals and movie track. Great for when you need a break from the K dramas
That is a good movie!
I looked it up on VUDU and it’s free with ads, so I watched it immediately. It is a beautiful movie. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Russian film before, so i didn’t know what to expect, but it was pretty awesome.
There’s a YouTube series called Critical Role where a bunch of voice actors play Dungeons and Dragons. They are really great and a little while ago they finish a Kickstarter to animate one of their campaigns best moments the goal was 750k but the community was so into the idea they gather 11M. And are going to make 10 episodes. Titled The legend of Vox Machina.
They are amazing and hilarious.
That was quite good.
I had already watched – and I loved it.
I also recommend Tantsy Nasmert 🙂
This is an awesome movie, I looked it up and watched it on the roku channel after I saw your comment. So good!
I am glad you liked it. Try “Zashchitniki” by Sarik Andreazyan when you can. (Translated worldwide as “Guardians”. I added the director to avoid confussion with “Guardians of the Galaxy)
By the way, should we ask Ilona for a thread to recommend movies besides books? 😆 I’ll love to know other’s ideas ♡
andreaSyan, I’m sorry for the thypo.
And just out of curiosity 😉 it’s 13:43 pm (not 6:41 am) where I live.
Most. Epic. Commercial. Ever.
One phrase- kickstarter campaign. If we can save “The Expanse” with kickstarters and internet campaigns, we can certainly get some creative group interested in making this a real thing.
Because who doesn’t want unicorns!
+ 1 ♡
I ♥️ Cavalier!!
I think there is an ending out there, the kids go back and the Dungeon Master gets reunited with his son who had become evil by accident.
Thanks for sharing Ilona, bought back memories
Best car commercial ever.
Well, there is this:
Heck yeah!!!!!!! This should totally be a thing ???
I loved this! I also got my kids hooked on it, too lol
Omg YES! I need Warwick Davis as the Dungeon Master.
I thought they were talking about a live action reboot a couple of years ago. I loved this cartoon as a kid, would be happy to see a reboot.
It’s a brilliant idea!!!
I don’t even have a license (or money), but I’d buy that car just for the memories the ad has brought. LOL
If anything, it shows that stuff like CGI can be done well, if the studios are up to investing in it.
Oh, heavens, that show was the best. Good times!
I was curious and paused it To see that it was copyright of the year I was born. I would totally watch this in live action are really good modern animation remake ? What is it with in stories like these being very short balding old men that speaking riddles? There’s a dungeon master in this and Yoda in Star wars. Which reminds me I still haven’t seen any of the movies made recently after episode 3 course as a kid I watch 4, 5 and 6 on VHS over and over again. The emperor was so creepy. Of course we’re all waiting for your stuff to be made into some sort of visual work personally I’m hoping for series which would mean it be easier for the production to follow actual storylines. And is it me or did that dragon just seem be annoyed at waking up making it a cranky morning person not necessarily out for mischief?
OMG you’re a D&D Cartoon fan too! <3 <3 <3
I squealed so loud when I saw that little commercial! My first story (age 9) was D&D fanfic. LOL!
Wow, brings back tons of memories
Thanks for sharing the video, I didn’t know it existed.
Now I want a live version too!
I think they are making it a movie
If you are looking for a D&D cartoon – Critical Role (a group of self-proclaimed nerdy ass voice actors who play D&D on Twitch on Thursdays) are turning a series of events from their first campaign into a cartoon. It is scheduled to be released in Fall 2020. You can check out the clips at their kickstarter campaign page. The campaign is closed but raised enough funds to turn a 23 min episode into a 10 episode story arc.
Maybe need to reach out to Peter Jackson or Joss Whedon..? ?
I still have the VHS tapes I copied the episodes of that show into, complete with the commercials. (LOL) Along with episodes of the Pirates of Dark Water
Now I just have to check and see if the VHS machine in storage still works,I could have my own nostalgia ‘film’ festival.
Awesome memories.
It would be fantastic if they did make a Live Action film of all those old cartoon series that have a ‘cult’ following.
Pirates of Dark Water was really beautiful, they ended that way too soon.
Thanks for sharing the commercial! I loved that cartoon.
This appears to have been my own cartoon watching days and my daughter’s days. I’ll have to watch it .. maybe with my grandgirls.
We Brazilians really go beyond hahahaha
Hey look a Dungeons and Dragons ride !!!!
Probably about 10 years ago me and a few friends were having a few beers and someone said.
If you saw a D & D ride – would you get on it?
I disagree with the live action remakes, actually remake/reboots in general. They have ruined basically every remake I’ve seen (Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle is one notable exception, I liked that one except the guy playing the dude trapped in the game, he annoyed me). Apparently they’re doing another live action Masters of the Universe, and the guy playing He-Man was born in 1996. That’s a decade after the series aired. I was also disappointed by the She-Ra reboot on Netflix, especially since (most) of the original was on Netflix already. I also don’t get the new My Little Pony (and the spin off where they’re humanoid? what is that?) and the new Care Bears is basically the same as the old with CG animation that looks bad compared to the original pen and ink. Live action Scooby-Doo was trash (and another one is coming down the pike). Smurfs didn’t feel like smurfs. Don’t get me started on the mess that was Jem and the Holograms (or so I heard and read, I refused to watch it). The Last Airbender and Dragon Ball are both horrifying. I’m also confused by this new trend at Disney of making ‘live action’ which is really mostly CG remakes of the classic pen and ink, why? I can somewhat understand Cinderella and Maleficent because they were new ways to tell the story, but The Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Lady and the Tramp, etc.? They bank on nostalgia and then ruin it for the people who loved it in the first place. If they mess with some of the other beloved classics from the 80s and earlier I will be so annoyed. Basically they should leave Hanna-Barbara and sub-properties alone unless the original talent is involved. Can’t the new generation of writers come up with something original instead of banking on nostalgia?
Dumbo, too.
Also it isn’t a new thing for Disney to make live action remakes. An early example is 101 Dalmatians from the mid 90s.
Other Disney remakes are the Parent Trap and Freaky Friday. Remakes aren’t a new thing. The really good ideas are remade over and over because they are beloved. And many of those are old stories that have been around for centuries: Robin Hood, King Arthur, or any of the fairy tales.
Yes, remakes can be frustrating, but they can bring an old story to a new generation.
Eh taste is subjective but the She Ra and my little pony remakes seem pretty darn good to me (who adored mlp as a kid). My little pony especially has attracted some astounding vocal and writing talent.
I will also note that, to me, the remake of Ducktales is amazing, the writers have taken the things that made the original Ducktales stand out (serial story telling and affection for their source material) and added a brand new level of emotional engagement (I was tearing up over a recent episode).
I would also argue that no adaptation or reboot can “ruin” the original, at the worst it might stop more of the original from happening (looking at you atla movie). The original is still right there where you left it.
There is also great original stuff coming out, like Dragon Prince from netflix or Milo Murphy’s Law from disney.
I agree, for me they ruin about 99% of remakes from the 80’s and the Disney movies.
Oh wow that commercial was fab! If they can go to that much trouble to sell cars there MUST be a market for a full remake! I always loved that cartoon
I used to love watching Dungeons & Dragons. I definitely watch it if they did it again.
There are now so many D&D real play podcasts out there. Highly recommend The Adventure Zone.
I hated the D&D cartoon as a kid, I was so bored by it. I didn’t understand what it was about until I was an adult. Tried rewatching it, still was annoyed by it.
The live action remake is amusing. But to me it’s a gimmick at best.
But for all you that like it and want more, may the odds be ever in your favor.
I must be reeeally old for this crowd. Lol. When I saw the clip, before I read anything, I thought Thundar the Barbarian. Ride Ookla ride! I loved that cartoon.
Thundarr was great, only a few years before the D&D show.
1) I absolutely adored this cartoon. Hank may have been my first love.
2) I generally deeply dislike live-action remakes. But they did a better job with that commercial than I think I’ve ever seen Hollywood produce. So if they can get *that* team on it, I will totally watch it.
3) we should make a petition.
+1 ♡
Amen! Why? Why? Why haven’t they redone it? I LIVED for that cartoon, and I was a teenager!
I loved that cartoon as a kid. Watched it every Saturday when it originally aired.
Holy Deep Vault Memory. I’d all but forgotten about that show until I clicked on the clip and then the memory vault door swung open and geeked up OG D&D joy gushed out. Thanks for the flashback!
Has anyone seen ‘the Gamers: Dorkness Rising”. It is a highly entertaining movie. I did not think so at the first scene, but watched it all the way through and it turned out to be great. About a group of people playing D&D. Really well done.
They did do a live action dungeons and dragons movie in 2000. It was really bad.
I loved that show. So did my siblings. Not matter how drunk we got the night before. we would all be up the next morning to watch it on tv. And this was back in late teens early 20s. It used to be on a show in nz called What Now. A kids variety show. oh well.
I loved that show too. So did my much older brothers. This is the kind of show that could appeal to many people because the game has been around for so long.
in my country we never got the end of this cartoon!
Journey Quest has no dragons, but is surprisingly entertaining for a low budget D & D role playing show.
What this would need to take it to the next level is an excellent writer or two. Now if you guys were to send a proposal to WotC…
Apropos only of Catalina’s fears being justified … ?
“Hold my beer and watch THIS”
Apparently a new movie is in the works and supposed to come out in summer 2021. Not a lot of info on it.
Why? They could use the people from the TV spot ♡ There’s no need to use the same actors & actresses for every fantasy or action movie again and again ad nauseam :sigh: (I’ve got nothing against them btw, I’ll just wish to see more new faces rather than similar typecasting forever and ever).
The guy with the shield was awesome!
Why don’t we have car commercials like this? It’s always either Matthew McConaughey or surf boards and surfers or some mystic landscape with This Car Will Make You Cool bs.
Just to let you know another animated show based on dnd will be coming out 2020. It is called The Tale of Vox Machina. They already have an intro out on YouTube.
wooo another critical role fan <3
What a great commercial.
Saturday morning cartoon memories! When my husband showed me the commercial and I saw Uni it clicked and I squeed!
I loved this cartoon. As a small child I always felt disappointed that carnival rides ended with me still in the real world. Alas.
I hear ya!
Have you. Seen AFK on prime?
Sorry, Ilona Andrews but I had to research before I could comment. I have no clue. But thanks for the blog.
Loved this show!
OMG. I remember this! I guess DND was big in Brazil. Here is an article about the car commercial.
I remember that cartoon! I think that commercial is a terrible tease.
This, and the CBS Storybreak episodes (Dragon’s Blood!, Ratha’s Creature!, How To Eat Fried Worms!) had me glued to the TV.
I grew up in Singapore in the 80’s. The DND cartoon series was banned after 2-3 episodes as good didn’t always win. Censorship was very strong then in the country.
Ma’am, there’s this, you may enjoy it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-p9lWIhcLQ&list=PL7atuZxmT954bCkC062rKwXTvJtcqFB8i
I loved the series. It played out completely in the Pacific Northwest. Thanks to the Satanic Panic, it didn’t get renewed when it should have. Remake it baby!
Is that what happened? (I guess my own life got complicated around then, and I didn’t notice.) I can totally see it, though…
Childhood flashbacks. This was my ultimate gateway to fantasy anything!!!!!
Amazing. Well looks like Renault already did the casting and cgi… Just get their writters to add in more of a story line, as they have done on ok job on the action, and we have a workable movie. It’s not like we’re not used to product placement in movies…they could just do it south the one product!
I loved this cartoon growing up.
Who needs Hollywood! Just lobby the ad creative team! Love it
Now I want to go find it floating around out there…I loved this show and was so sad when it got pulled. Uni was the best!
Cool, they brought them home at the end. That’s something the cartoon was never able to do.
Oh my stars and garters! I loved that show! I would make my sisters watch it so I could see it. And I was a teenager to their elementary years! That would be so awesome!
I found this final episode and it made me so happy. 40 years of wondering what happened. If you haven’t seen this. It’s will give you all the peace ever.