Hi everyone, Mod R here!

Before I get to anything else, there have been several questions in the comments to Augustine’s FrInnterview about George getting married and whether you missed anything if you don’t know about it. I’m happy to report that if you want the dish on the wedding, who, when and what it took to make an honest man out of our favorite Arbitrator, it’s all coming in Sweep of the Heart!
This is the 4th Ilona Andrews book release I’ve been privileged to witness from backstage, as it were- and whilst it’s hard to pick favorites, I have to admit this one is just (sweeping) closest to my heart!
The first one was Blood Heir. I was with you all in the audience as a weekly serial reader, having no idea that I will be behind the curtain for the release. It was already a finished, shiny book though and House Andrews were in promo period when I became Mod R. I learned a lot about the Horde during a release and the alternating waves of devouring and fluffiness that happen, so no complaints here.
I’ve seen Fated Blades since it was a baby draft, but Fated Blades was something that basically fell out of Ilona and Gordon’s brains. It was “We have an idea!” one day and “Here’s the pretty much final version” 3 weeks later, so there wasn’t much time to experience the process. Ramona slashed, Matias dashed, and it’s all a whirlwind of secare fun in my memory hehe.
Ruby Fever is an amazing book that I love, but the less said about the process and how everything that could go badly went badly, the better. In fact, no one was even aware a few of the things that happened *could* happen (and I mean here experienced industry professionals, let alone wide-eyed me). At one point, I sent “I’m sorry the book is cursed” flowers to House Andrews for all they were going through because there were just no other words left. Fortunately, readers overwhelmingly loved it, and that’s what’s important. A difficult labour produced a prodigy baby!
But I was there with Sweep of the Heart almost every step of the way. From Ilona and Gordon kindly sharing the concept with me, to the Christmas Eve debut on the blog, seeing the draft chapters first (it’s ok, you can hate me hehe), the Friday BDH get-togethers in the comment section, and sending House Andrews weekly summaries of your questions and reactions.
I was privy to how much your reader feedback influenced the first draft (more on the process of writing a serial here). How things like length of the story, characters and worldbuild all grew like a living, breathing organism, yet throughout it all the initial concept never changed. Creative liberty standing up to criticism and negativity, and fair editor feedback being incorporated. I saw the creation of the covers by the talented Doris Mantair (yes, there were multiple covers, and one day you’ll learn why ::wink wink::) and all the stages of the characters taking shape with the amazing interior illustrations by Isabeau. I’ve also been privileged to read the polished final manuscript and have major things (major!) revealed and more tantalising questions created…
It’s simply like witnessing a masterclass and a love letter written for the BDH- and I think the Horde felt it because the FrInnDay comment sections were a weekly community party! All efforts went in from House Andrews to preserve as much of the serialised goodies as possible, which I hope will give everyone as much delight as they gave me. And if you haven’t read along, I hope they will at least amuse you.
All I know is that this book feels special, and I am so unspeakably grateful to have the chance to be around all of you.
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!
I’ve just heard news that House Andrews are trialling a pilot program that allows to have Print On Demand books available for preorder. We don’t fully know what this will do, the books may even get shipped before release? Permission to freak out hehe.
Here are the links for Sweep of the Heart paperback and audio preorder:
For ebook orders and other retailers, head to the main Sweep of the Heart page (with excerpt!).
We ❤️ you too, Mod R! ????
(and yes, jealous of the preview privileges ????)
Oh yes! Most definitely.
What a lovely post! We love you too, ModR!
You’re awesome, and Ilona and Gordon are lucky to have you helping them out. Hopefully _I’ll_ need someone like you in the future! 🙂
Definitely the lucky one here, 😀 all the perks and working for my favourite authors (who also happen to be, to no one surprise, absolutely awesome people too!)
May all your goals happen!
Mod R! Amazon has the paperback for Sweep on sale!!!!!
I’ve just heard from House Andrews that there’s a pilot program that allows to have POD books available for preorder. It may even ship before official release date, we don’t know!
ordering paper copy now too. . .
Cannot wait! Thank you for all your help, Mod R!
Mod R, you so artfully stir the pot! Of course we’re all madly jealous of your Mod perks, but can say you richly deserve them. Your summary of the birthing of the various books was genius! Now it’s our collective responsibility to sit on our hands and wait. Sigh.
+1 (well said, wont)
so grateful to you Mod R and to House Andrews for this gift and creating a wonderful community.
seriously, how many times have I checked my pre-order?
“more tantalising questions created…” oh man, I swear this is the crack cocaine that fuels the BDH and will have us roaring MORE! on December 14th. I hope HA find it flattering rather than stressful.
+1 Agreed!!!
What a gift! So glad you got to share it all with us Mod R! Also it’s been such a treat to hear about the process through your prospective as well. Let alone all the kind snippets and links you have been providing us to too.
Ooohhhhh!!!!!! Stuff about George ? I am All ABOUT THAT! Thanks for the tease Mod R!
A toast to Mod R! I hope we can count on you for years and years (I remember Ilona wrote it’s a hard job and we don’t want you to burn out) Your enthusiasm is contagious and your passion shines through your words. THANK YOU ❣️
I’ll stay here as long as everyone will have me 😀
No exaggeration, I still have to pinch myself some days that this job is real, and it’s been two years hehe.
We want you within our ranks no matter what comes down the road. 😀
You are the Horde tamer (and sometimes co-conspirator).
If you need a break, just let us know, and we’ll wait patiently (yes, I said swear words right now, but it’s appropriate) for you to take your break.
+1 from me too! Keep well, even if it means to take a breather…
I’m both happy for you and slightly jealous, LOL! I always enjoy your posts, so you were the right pick for the job, for sure.
I’m proud to be a member of the ILONA ANDREWS BDH!
LOVE YOU, Mod R! You are such a big reason that this blog is a community. You are like that wonderful friend in my group of high school friends that 40 years later is keeping us all in touch! You do such a great job of keeping the BDH engaged, happy, and contributing!
Thank you!
Yay for HA and Mod R! Mod R I could never do what you do considering all the drama, love and craziness that comes with dealing with the BDH (i say that lovingly and as proud member myself).
So excited for this book! it has been my favorite so far and i LOVe all the Innkeeper books!
You rock Mod R. Thank you!!! ❤️????
Hi Mod R,
We love you too and now I am even more excited for this book – even though I read the whole serial. <3
Love to you, Mod R! I can’t believe how much I love Sweep of the Heart! We’re you the one that suggested the title?
If by “suggested” you mean “couldn’t for the life of me remember the name and kept baptising it until House Andrews gave in and renamed it”, then yes, sure, I suggested the heck out of it 😀 .
I am trying to erase that fact from living memory though, because the title became longer which I suspect is some unwritten law which turns the book longer too and I don’t need Ilona to realise it was my fault hehe.
Thank you for sharing your perspective, Mod R! It’s obvious that you are a very special part of the HA team.
I love these books and am so grateful that HA keeps writing them and pushing through the tough spots to produce them. I read the books, reread the books, listen to them on audio, and love the graphic audio productions too. They are like friends that I can lean on when I need some comfort and excitement and happy endings, and I hear and see something new every time.
Many thanks and much gratitude.
Happy Holidays!
To me one of the Horde the Inn keeper books felt special from I think Dina using high quality coffee machine I wont name, to the encounter in Costco and-just keep going…
Favorite snippets always come to mind like scenes about Fossil fuels and finite resources to Orro trying to make good junk food and failing..
House Andrews is at their best when humor fences, with a good timeline.
Write on Dear friends of the might pen!
We always enjoy your insights and (sometimes twisty) humor. Thanks, Mod R!
Thank you, ModR, so very much.
We don’t tell you that often enough. You have a very difficult job (ie, wrangling the BDH and keeping us civilized) and you deserve ALL the kudos for doing it so well.
I hope your time with HA lasts long and makes you happy.
Thank you for all that you do to keep the wheels on the bus.
Who’s the best, who’s the best? Mod R is the best. ????????
She keeps the Horde from going totally off the rails. She reminds us not to spoil stuff for other people. She sails with her ships, and brings us with her. She is the so needed buffer for Ilona and Gordon. ????????????
So, I ask again…who’s the best? Who’s the best? Mod R! ????????
Plus she has her new avatar for the holidays.
Absolutely right, Patricia!!!
Can’t wait for Ebook release. Love the “serials” & so enjoy the actual book & looking for the changes. LOL just like a snipe hunt.
Happy Holidays to You & HA
+10000000000000000000! ????
So excited for this book! Thank you Mod R for all your work behind the scenes and in front of the curtain. You rock!
You’ve been a wonderful Mod! The BDH appreciate you ❤️ I’m planning to enjoy Sweep of the Heart while on vacation in Cancun, on the beach, Margarita in hand. I only have to delay reading for 16 days after release ???? Going to try to stay strong ????
This is what re-reads are for.
well, we feel privileged to have you in our corner also. your help and patience has been such a blessing. thanks for everything
Well said, Laura !
Really enjoy you Mod R! Thank you! And can’t wait for the whole enchilada!!
Smiles, Mod R, your delight, enthusiasm, and cheerful teasing are such fun, such a pleasure, you are wholesome goodness and great camaraderie with a dash of fizz … your delight in your unique spot between the BDH and House Andrews is so clear, and that makes it more fun for us too, adds a bit of whoo-hoo, goodies are coming every time we see a new post … smiles to you and thanks for being exactly who you are!
Awwww! Thank you, this is so touching, you have no idea!
Several years ago I was in a really dark place with a job I hated, a boss that I still have nightmares about and my health in a freefall. I was feeling pressure from all sides to be something I wasn’t, so I cornered a silly little niche, a place where I could go and be completely myself. And that place grew and grew and ended up here, where I couldn’t be happier!
All this to say, believe in yourselves kids, and you’ll be exactly who you are in the right place and right time someday!
We could never hate you, Mod R! Envy you, definitely. Pester you, sometimes.
Take you hostage and tickle you until you tell us all the secrets – I would not rule out that possibility completely; you never know with the horde. 😉
But you are our ModR and we are glad you keep us in check!
::vampire voice:: You’ll never take me…alive! ????????♀️
This… this… is why we love you.
ROTFL. If you could have only heard the voice in my head and the mmmwwwwhhhaaaaa at the end!
Brandishing her blood blade with glee on her face.
Glad to know that being the Herder of the Horde comes with awesome perks.
What a great title! Mod R is official Herder of the Hoard!!!
ModR is the HH of the BDH!
Yes! Herder of the Horde sounds awesome!
Hahaha. Heeheehe! HH4BDH!
Too funny and very accurate.
Am I the only who can only preorder from amazon.de and not amazon.co.uk?
The delivery time from DE is killing me inside >.<
I think it’s rights and Brexit shenanigans about ordering from the U.K. on the continent- it seems to be on a book by book basis, I for one haven’t found a hard and fast rule?
Oh… well I’ll keep to the hope, preorder and see if I get it before January XD
The hard and fast rule seems to be “however long Customs takes to let it through” ???? For work, I’ve taken to send things in bits as ‘letters’ instead of ‘packages’, that seriously cuts back on delivery time but adds the risk of things being in less than pristine condition upon arrival… (And not an option for the big retailers, I’m sure)
Actually it is often faster (????) from UK than from Germany… and I live en Denmark.
Makes no sense and all the sense *g*
You’re doing a great job Mod R and we appreciate it 🙂
Here’s a question though. I don’t live on the states and when I visit my usual online book stores I realize they only have the ebook up and that is listed as coming. Will I be able to order the paperback from bookstores outside of the US?
I’m outside the U.S. and I’m able to order it.
If you can get the previous books in paperback format, then you will be able to get this too.
If you tell me where you’re trying to order from I can hunt you down a link as soon as it’s available and send it over? ???? .
Thank you! My two go to stores sell some of the innkeeper books but not all for some reason. I realized I can order from Amazon.com and have it shipped here but I try to avoid that because customs and shipping fees. I’m trying to order from Sweden 🙂
Ok just found it on Amazon.se don’t know what I was doing the other day. It’s just not up for preorder there
It will appear for order on release day. The preorder is still a pilot program, I don’t think it reached all the lands yet!
Not long now!
You are just Wow! Mod R. Keeping the ship afloat, handling the horde and being cheerful and fun. Also the tremendous job HA does for us the readers. Thanks
+1,000,000! Thanks, Mod R & HA! ♥️
I agree with all of the accolades. Mod R, you are a joyous addition to this space.
As a greedy person (a pre-requisite?), however, I have another question. I’m reading to figure out the answer to a question I posed earlier and have now come up with a new question.
In Magic Breaks, when they are trying to cross the city there’s a scene where Kate says “Desandra spat some word I didn’t understand.” I don’t recall this being explained anywhere. Is it a power word? Some other kind of magic? Can someone tell me where to look if I missed it elsewhere?
It’s a bit less mystical than that, she’s just cursing in her native language hehe. Remember, Desandra is the woman that gave us Plums ????.
Team Plums Over Power Words!
This… This has to be put on a shirt!
I really cannot wait for the release. I’ve been reading Ilona and Gordon’s writing since was 16 and found magic bites in the library while staying at my dad’s. I lost track a long time ago how many times I’ve read it. actually I’ve only read it once this year, probably time for a reread through to Julie’s book, and then on to the other series again.
You the best ModR. Enjoy your dream job 🙂 and will gladly read your humorous blog entries for as long as IA write stories for us.
I cannot wait for Dec 13 to know the end of our serial, and now how George got married 😉
Beautiful post, Mod R. We all appreciate your hard work on the site and behind the scenes. BDH can be a difficult crowd to wrangle sometimes. It’s a devouring horde after all! 🙂
Thanks so much for all you do and I love the reindeer icon!
One thing I enjoy in Sweep of the Heart was the portraits of the characters. It helped me see the characters. Thank you for that.
So fab, so loved, Mod R. Yeah, you rock!
aaaaah! I thought I had missed the release and zipped to my kindle app only to have my hopes cruely dashed. 7 more days!!!
Could we add Orro to the Friday list to get his point of view.
+1. That would be fun!
Ok! I ordered the paperback and the audiobook. So excited! I do have a question re audiobook. Are there any plans to make it available through downpour.com? Or a similar audiobook company? I appreciate it not being on audible (so much!), but my audiobook purchases from B&N were not without issues. It was of course many years ago and we can hope the service is improved, eh?
It’s still so hard to wait and it’s only a week now. Can you hear the whining hehe?
I knowHA had a really horrible time with Ruby Fever, it was apparent from blog comments over an extended period. But it’s hands down a favorite of mine and I imagine more than a few of the BDH would say the same. I hope us loving it helped!
PS. Thanks for all you do, ModR!
No plans atm, but we will look into it!
I’m sorry, what? The audio book is not going to be available from Audible, just Kobo and B&N?
It absolutely will be available on Amazon!
We don’t know why it doesn’t show up on Amazon preorder: one possible explanation is that Amazon takes forever to verify audio files, so they’re lagging behind.
I can’t wait to reread SOTH again!
Yay for print preorders! Thank you so much ModR for all the hard work to corral and tame us, but especially for heads-up like this one. I just ordered my print copy, and look forward to receiving it, supposed to be sometime next week!
annoying it says unavailable when I click on it but maybe that’s because I’m in the UK
still uber excited and will be buying all formats
with love from Oxfordshire x
I can see it here from London! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sweep-Heart-6-Innkeeper-Chronicles/dp/1641972491/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3KVUOXSMI07XS&keywords=sweep+of+the+heart+ilona+andrews+paperback&qid=1670270029&sprefix=sweep+of+the+he%2Caps%2C183&sr=8-1
Does it help?
Hello, I found that the paperback is in a separate item to the Ebook.
You usually go into the first book that appears and then click on the various forms under that but with this one it doesn’t do that.
Separate ‘books’ for each format.
I noticed that too and asked and apparently they *will* merge after release.
“…like witnessing a masterclass and a love letter written for the BDH” reading this made me tear up a little. Pretty sure all of BDH can say how appreciative we are that Ilona and Gordon decided to share their wonderful stories with us.
And then we get another wonderful boon with Mod R 🙂
We so appreciate you! You are also one of the reasons I actually read more of the audience’s comments than before. I used to skim a few comments and then add my own sometimes.
But now I find myself scrolling down to find your responses. I appreciate your sense of humor and your knowledge of the series. Keep up the great work and happy holidays!!
Same. I read way more comments now that we have Mod R 🙂
Yep. Me, too. I wasn’t active in the comment section until ModR became our moderator. Thanks, ModR!
I just ordered the paperback from Barnes and Nobles. I cannot wait to receive it! I love ANYTHING that Gordon and Ilona write! I re-read them more than once! I am so excited and I wish them the best sales wise! Thanks Mod R for all that you do!
Totally agree, Mod R: it really felt like a BDH party every week, and I think we all felt the love from you and HA….which is probably also why we love you all so much too. And now I can hardly wait to read the whole book!
I am an avid reader (always have been) and there are other authors I will always pre-order (even if I know nothing about their new book), but I can’t think of any other authors (or moderators!) that mean as much to me as HA and you, Mod R.
It sounds sort-of weird to say this, I guess (since I’ve never met you) but you all (and the BDH!) feel kind-of like family. I always look forward to hearing what’s been going on in your lives, I take great comfort in reading the books and postings when I’ve had a bad day, and I eagerly await reading any and all new material (kind of like a little kid sitting at the table long after a family dinner is over so I can listen, wide-eyed and transfixed, to the family stories!)
Thank you!
And fear not, BDH: we’re almost there and don’t have to be p*tient much longer!!!????
Thanks for the tip about the Print On Demand pre-order. Living in Australia, it still won’t get to me until at least a week after the release date, but now I have a good chance of seeing it before Christmas! Squeee!
I check a lot of books on Amazon, and for the amusement value of it, I just now checked on Sweep of the Heart. It says I pre-ordered in September.
At the bottom of the page, there is a section for similar books – one of the separate categories you can check on in that section is “Most Anticipated”. I checked some other books I have pre-ordered. This category is not one that shows up every time.
All the replys are wanting me to send virtual hugs or fist bumps so anyone can have one.
((( HUGS ))) or ((( FIST BUMP )))
The link on the main page to Amazon for the ebook takes you to Amazon.com is the a link for Amazon.co.uk?
Here is the U.K. link for the ebook ???? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sweep-Heart-Ilona-Andrews-ebook/dp/B0BG92Z2G2/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=3PH89H5X2MXUR&keywords=sweep+of+the+heart+ilona+andrews&qid=1670274594&sprefix=%2Caps%2C45&sr=8-1
As much as I hate rushing to the holidays, I am READY, READY, READY for this book to be out on 12/13!
And I want to see ModR in person with her Rudolph costume!
Thank you so much for all you do for us and HA!
Thank you! My print to order copies for my sisters and me are ordered. Imlove this book too. Nancy
Thanks for all the thing you do, Mod R. Intriguingly multifaceted, multitalented, diplomatic, a good wrangler, a fine writer in your own right. You make our musing, reactions and speculation in the comments section even more fun. re: BDH “and the alternating waves of devouring and fluffiness that happen” – lol. Yep. Rock on.
Listening to Ruby Fever again as I cook dinner.
I know I’ve said this before – probably several times: Christmas this year is on December 13th.
You rock Mod R!! Moderating isn’t easy & you do it so well. Thanks for sharing a peak behind the curtain from your perspective. We appreciate all the little tidbits, fun quizzes, etc, that you supply. I’m very happy that our amazing authors have you supporting them. Whoo hoo – Team House Andrews!!
Looking forward to reading the finalized version of Sweep of the Heart!
Thank you Mod R, and House Andrews, for being so awesome!!
Sqweeeeee! My library has all the Innkeeper Graphic Audiobooks. I am soooooo Happy!
Speaking of topics on the brain lately I was thinking. Pretty sure it was mentioned we would see Lauralei again but I was wondering would we see Red again?
I realize I can’t truly imagine what it’s like to have your viewpoint on this, but I’ve enjoyed what you’re shared. Thank you for it all. (And since I’ve learned by experience that my e-Voodoo skills are only imaginary, I won’t be performing any dark rituals with small animals or damaging little dolls. Pins, flames, acids, blunt force trauma … nothing. Ah, well …
“A difficult labour produced a prodigy baby!”
So… Ruby Fever is the Conlan of HA books?
I’ll show myself out…
I’m not, crying you are ????????
I seriously count finding Ilona Andrews books in my library ebook collection as one of the best things to happen to me during 2020. I had never seen that author name before. Tried 1 book and proceeded to devour everything the library had and then moved on to Amazon. I didn’t think I could be any more hooked until I discovered the blog and snippets, etc. And the gravy on top was ModR and the BDH.
The Power of the BDH. It’s only been a few hours since it was announced that the paperback copy of SWEEP could now be ordered. When the announcement was made the Best Seller’s rankings for the book were 37333, 1236 and 2146. Now, just a few hours later the rankings are 5836, 191 and 225. Pretty impressive I’d say. I wonder how many actual copies of the book had to be ordered in just that short a time to generate that positive change in the rankings?
Anne in Virginia
Best Sellers Rank: 1,868 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
159 in Paranormal Fantasy (Books)
160 in Urban Fantasy (Books)
278 in Romantic Fantasy
And if you click on the 2 New from $32.99 (instead of the Paperback $41.37) you can get it from the Amazon for the cheaper amount (weird)
Added Fated Blades and got free shipping
I had a total mind splart and thought it came out this week, stayed up to midnight to download it ready for my very early morning hospital appointment and am now hugely disappointed and still getting up far too early for a much too long day but without a lovely book to pass the time. Damn you brain fog.
I just ordered my print copy of SOTH . I’m so excited that I could order it a week ahead. Thank you HA and Mod R for all your fun blogs and comments. Happy Holidays to you and all of the Hoard.
So excited! HA and the BDH by extension is just awesome. Love all y’all ????????????
Print copy ordered!! So excited for the new pilot program – hope this works out well!
Book birthday in one week!! Squee!!
Lol..I initially thought “print on demand” meant “create a story for me on demand”…in my dreams and their nightmares.
The fluffy Horde would quickly turn into a multiheaded,all-devouring Hydra ????, with each head demanding “Feed Me” like the skulls on Baba Yaga’s fence posts.
Despite my Rudolph gettup, I am still in Halloween mode, if you can’t tell ????
The BDH will never be appeased, poor HA would be crushed under the weight of the demands….no. Print in Demand is a Monkey’s Paw
Question about the audiobook: Is Nora Sofyan also known as Nora Achrati? (I know Steve West also narrated books as Shane East, so I’m just curious.) Is Sofyan a new narrator? Or a pseudonym for the Graphic Audio voice artist?
It is Nora Achrati, yes ????
Mad props and thanks to you, Mod R, for indulging the BDH – we can be a bit of an unruly bunch at times, ha ha!
acckkkkkkk!!!! pod BEFORE official release. accckkkkk!!!!! happy freak out.
The Orro artwork (with strawberry donuts!) is just amazing – kudos to the artist!
The BDH is so so lucky to have HA and Mod R and all the goodness that comes out of all of them! ::big squooshy hugs::
I hope you all are prepared for the post-release stampede of questions on the 17th! ????
Tapas question: When it’s finished, will that book be available for print? I prefer Kindle books to read, but the Tapas book is so pretty. I would love to have a physical copy!
I’m still so sad that Ruby Fever caused them so much pain. I’m also however a little sad that they don’t seem to talk much about the book. We love it and the series so much, but it feels like IA just wants to move on and quite forget about it ???? maybe they need some time away from it, but I hope they will talk about the book again at some point!
so, will there still be an audible version ?
Absolutely! The audiobook release will be on January 13th ????