Tuesday word count starting: 108, 273.
Tuesday word count ending: 107, 142.
Progress. Sadly Sgt. Munoz had to go. I really liked him, too.
I wanted to address the censorship brigade that decided to complain about sex in the books. Not sure what possessed you to show your good china in public, but your comments are now moderated, which means they will be read by us before they are allowed to appear on the blog. If you don’t understand why you’ve been put into the queue, read the blog rules page.
Now then, we promised you that we will post deleted scenes. Here it is. Sorry, it’s Munoz again but if we posted the rest of our deleted words, it would go something like this: is is will that will something know will is which that that that is.
Sergeant Munoz gave me his hard cop stare. Middle-aged, light-skinned, and world-weary, he looked like a cop who had always been a cop. It was impossible to imagine him as young or naïve. Instead he must have come into this world just like this, wrapped in authority, jaded, and empowered by the city of Houston to take on all of its chaotic craziness.
He was standing by the broken window that the killer had jumped out of. He had also viewed the two burned bodies and the corpse, which had turned black and fuzzy. None of it fazed him, and right now he was wasting my time in a methodical thorough fashion. I had to grit my teeth to keep from sprinting down the hallway and to my car. Every second counted.
“And then what happened?”
“The man jumped out of the window.”
“Why would he do that?”
“Sergeant Munoz, I am not a telepath. I do not have the capacity to answer that question. I can only express what I believe his motivation might have been.”
“And that is?”
Ask a stupid question… “I believe he was trying to escape. Which he did.”
Munoz peered at me. “And you’ve never seen him before?”
“No.” I lied.
“Describe him again?”
“A Caucasian or light-skinned Hispanic male with dark hair between twenty and thirty.”
And I had just given him the description of a quarter of Houston’s male population. Have fun with that.
“As I’ve pointed out four times now, this entire incident has been recorded by security cameras. The footage will show that Ms. Etterson and I were attacked without provocation and we defended ourselves as is our right under Article 3 paragraph 1 through 4 of the House Protection Act.”
“Is that so?” Sgt. Munoz’s eyebrows crept up a quarter of an inch.
“You have no cause to detain either me or Runa Etterson. We have cooperated, and we have given our statements.”
“Ms. Baylor.” He frowned. “You wouldn’t happen to have an older sister, would you?”
That was just too much. “When Nevada encountered you, she was under a great deal of stress trying to keep us alive and save Houston. She didn’t have a chance to note that every time there was an incident requiring law enforcement response, you mysteriously appeared on the scene. But I did.”
He watched me, impassive. I kept going.
“You are attached to the House Response Unit of Houston PD, tasked specifically with handling incidents involving Houses. Every member of this unit is assigned a number of families, in which he becomes expert. So, you know perfectly well that I have an older sister and that she is currently out of the country. You know the names of every person in our family, their birth dates, and their magic. You probably know the exact nature of my powers, despite the fact that my records are sealed. You are here because my last name popped up in your system. So please don’t insult my intelligence.”
Sgt. Munoz sighed. “Your sister had a lot more respect for law enforcement.”
“I have great respect for law enforcement, which is why I patiently answered your questions three times. Since the cover up failed, I have every reason to believe that my client has a target pinned to her back. We are out here in an environment I can’t control, and if an attempt on her life is made, your officers will become collateral damage. I see at least three locations from which one could line up a long-range shot. I need to take her to a secure location, because we are sitting ducks here. Are we being detained? If not, are we free to go? How much longer are you going to put a twenty-two-year-old girl in danger by asking me questions you know the answers to?”
The world-weary expression slipped off his face, and the real Sgt. Munoz looked back at me with sharp alert eyes. “You’re not telling me everything.”
“Our family is represented by Sabrian Turner.” Which he also already knew. “I’ll be happy to continue this discussion at a later date with my attorney present.”
“You are free to go. Take care, Ms. Baylor. You’ve just frustrated some dangerous people. They’re not going to stop.”
And that’s exactly why we needed to get out of here. “Thank you for the advice.
And now it’s back to editing. Kudoes to those of you who identified Henry V in the last post. Here is today’s quote: “We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: ‘We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive!”
Independence Day!
I loved that scene!!
+1 love that movie.
Didn’t watch the sequel.
+1 as well… and avoid sequels… at least until the reviews come out that they won’t disappoint horribly!
I always laugh when I hear that quote because my mother, the English teacher, used it with Mark Anthony’s speech in Julius Ceasar. We watched many a movie speeches until her children voted for Independence Day.
You didn’t miss a thing. I wish I had not.
Yeah, it was fairly disappointing.
Totally. Too bad they made him insane in the sequel.
One of the best fictional pep speeches in movies!
Independence Day! umm.. What sequel? mm .. must not have been exciting or memorable previews. Now I have to go look it up.
That’s one of my favorite patriotic speeches! Love it!
You do realize it’s a paraphrase of the St Crispin’s Day speech from Henry V, right?
Also from Dylan Thomas’ villanelle ( “Do not go gentle into that good night”)
I love that movie!! The whole thing is just one giant happy place. Even if there are sad bits. ??
As has been said Independence Day, the speech of the President before the final battle at Area 51. Loved that movie
Thank you for the snippet! Can’t wait for the book. Hope the tooth thing was a success. Also I love how you two handle sex scenes in your books.
So do I ! Please don’t change a thing!
Thanks for the deleted scene. Catalina got under Sgt Munoz’s skin like Nevada started to at the hospital. Gotta love the Baylor women (I include Nevada in that group even though she’s technically a Rogan now). ?
Nice nod to Independence Day. That will be when the word count is around or below 100,000 words. ?
Oh Sgt Munoz – so sad to see you go – we hardly knew you 🙁 We know you will continue to be a success in your career in the House Response Unit of Houston PD behind the scenes.
Thanks for posting the deleted scene.
Awww. That is the saddest little owl.
Probably because of the ketchup stain on its chest. I’m going with ketchup anyway.
That is Wordsworth Owl from Rankin! Our daughter has had one since infancy and she simply calls it “Owl.” Well, Owl was so loved that he was looking quite ratty, so we acquired a second one (just in case) which is Baby Owl. =) Kiddo is seventeen now, but Owl and Baby Owl still sit on the headboard of her bed. =) We found one online and sent it to friends who were having a daughter and hers is called Owly. =) They are great companions for little girls. =) Probably boys, too! =)
I just love your words, including the sex scenes. I was quite traumatized by the thought of loosing 8,000 of them but getting the deleted scenes is helping. Thanks!
If that scene (which was fabulous) had to go, the rest of the book must be golden. Can’t wait to read it!
I like Sgt Munoz.
William Shakespeare? Yes, that was a wonderful scene! Catalina has grown up! I hate you had to delete it, but thankful you shared it here. So….what’s next? **squints**
I thought it was Roosevelt but it is a take on Dylan Thomas said by Bill Pulmann-Independence Day movie. Still like that speech.
Beautiful paraphrase of:
Henry V
St Crispin’s Day
NOT Dylan Thomas.
(Could you be thinking of “Do not go gentle into that good night”, which is completely unrelated? )
My first thought was Roosevelt too. ?
This is why I love you guys! First you share with us the actual experience of crafting your works of art (don’t be humble, they truly are great!). Second, know we are STARVED for new content you re-purpose the stuff you are cutting out so we can still get some pleasure out of it (oh Sergeant, we hardly knew ye). And finally, you incorporate reference that we, your adoring fans, can enjoy and share with you! A quote from Independence Day?!?! LOVE IT! When I was sitting in the theater and watching that scene for the first time I almost stood up an cheered right then!
Thank you AuthorLords! Good luck and Godspeeed on your journey to 100k!
Thank you for the snippet!
Also, I’ve never heard the phrase ‘show your good china in public’ before so thanks for that as well. I love all this type of sayings!
We tend to ‘air our dirty linen’ round here in my bit of England.
Thank you re snippet – sorry to see it go – hope he can be reintroduced elsewhere.
We use ‘air our dirty linen in public’ also in Oz …. old saying my mum used to use, especially about this so called ‘modern age’.
That’s what my part of the US uses, too (Texas, especially around Austin and Houston). Those of us who don’t say “Let it all hang out!” anyway.
Then again, I’m almost 70…
Perhaps the “good china” is a translation from the Russian?
Munoz is a good character a d it is sad to see him go, but needs must and a that. Good progress for the day, so congratulations.
maybe he can re-emerge in a later book, I find the House Response Unit intriguing.
Good Luck with the remaining cuts! Ouch
“maybe he can re-emerge in a later book, I find the House Response Unit intriguing.”
*Imagines the face off with Arabella…*
*Imagines the face off with Leon.*
Really, Nevada and Catalina are both so nice.
That was fun! Thanks much for the snippet. Sorry, officer Munoz!
I still think that’s one of the better movie speeches on the books. I love ID4.
And excellent scene. Good luck in the trenches y’all.
Well at least we can print Sgt Munoz out and pop him in the book and pretend it’s still there.
Good luck with the cutting.
Now that we know what the deleted scene was we will mentally reinsert it into the narrative if we find a broken window somewhere 🙂
I love that speech in Independence Day… =)
How about Sgt Munoz being like a internet goody? Anytime he is supposed to show up and have words with the characters, he just shows up in the blog.
Eventually we would have enough deleted Munoz scenes to form a book titled “House Balor: Official file of the House Response Unit – Houston Chapter.”
I like this idea, if it’s not too much trouble.
This would be Very cool!
Thank you for the deleted scene
Thanks for the bit of deleted scene.
Funny thing about watching that movie scene as a non American child, I had to go look up Fourth of July American holiday in my encyclopedia set because I coulsnt figure out the big deal. Once I figured it out I had a major AHA!! moment connecting the movie name. My siblings still tease me about it to this day.
Right up there with anything Aaron Sorkin wrote for West Wing…
Independence Day was the first movie we took our oldest son too. He was about 2 1/2. We thought he’d be scared of the explosions and loud noises, altho he was hard of hearing… instead he laughed and cheered thru every explosion. He loved all the bangs and “fireworks”.
Yeah, he’s always been that kind of kid.
Thank you for sharing that scene with us. Pity it had to go… but we can always place it in the right place mentally, when we’re reading the finished book. ^^
What’s the sudden problem with the sex scenes? O.o
I think they’re tastefully done, nicely erotic and full of love and joy. I don’t always read them, because I want to progress in the story, and then come back to them later. Or I’m re-reading the book and skip over them…
But when I do read them, I enjoy them very much. Whoever is too squeamish for them, should just skip them – or not read your books at all… ^^;;
Independence day! And people who complain about what other people read is so confusing to me, like I dont complain about people wanting to read R rated dinosaur fics
That’s an unpleasant idea. To me.
Independence Day
Independence Day. Love the poem he quotes, “….rage, rage against the dying of the light…..” I totally agree and intend to rage. Love the snippet. Thank you.
Here’s one for you, “Writing is wretched, discouraging, physically unhealthy, infinitely frustrating work. And when it all comes together it’s utterly glorious.”
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) Pep Talk” ― Ralph Peters
The Hoard knows it will be glorious!
+1 ?. Perfect quote!! I couldn’t agree more with you. I am certain the AL’s work will be glorious when they have finished final edits. I am sorry to see Sgt. Munoz go, but am thankful that you shared him with us, your faithful BDH. I enjoy all the snippets you share with us. I believe it is a great example, that so many (the BDH) get such pleasure reading just a short excerpt of your writing, taken out of context and that you are removing from the final draft, demonstrating how you excel at your craft!! Wow!! That was a LONG sentence! Phew!! Boy is it a good thing I am not an author!! Anyone having to edit something I wrote would probably have a nervous breakdown! ? I didn’t express that very well. I hope my meaning gets through, despite the forest of words I used. I always enjoy reading whatever you choose to share with the horde.
I missed whatever the incident was with comments made about sex scenes, so I guess I will have to go back and catch up with the recent blog entries I missed. I had a HORRIBLE stomach virus that put me in the hospital after I had been battling it at home for seven days. My husband overrode my objections and took me to the ER. I was so dehydrated they tried five times before they could get an IV in, and at that point they ended up using a smaller needle than usual, and putting it in a vein in the bend of my wrist. Not a great place to have an IV!! Anyway, I have been sick enough that I haven’t been reading anything, not even checking the blog. When I got feeling so bad that I wasn’t reading, my husband got scared, and that is when he took me to the hospital. Now that it is all over, I can be reasonable and even thankful that he took me despite my stubborn objections. I have never before had gastroenteritis that made me as sick as I was this time, and the nurses and doctors at the hospital said several healthcare workers at the hospital had been hit with it, although it hit me harder because of other health problems I have. I strongly urge any of the BDH (Author Lords included) to be fastidious about washing your hands, especially now when the flu is so active and this stomach virus is also going around!!! I hope that all of you stay well. ?
Oh no, I really liked that scene! And Munoz! Will there be no secret police unit now? *angst angst angst*
So looking forward to your next book, the thought is distracting me even from Brexit.
Ah man….don’t let the naysayers influence the fictional sex! Paper or eBooks versions are about as close as I get these days. ? And thank you for the deleted text – I always enjoy it! Also it’s interesting to read about the process that authors go through (creative writing, deadlines, word counts, etc). Carry on with the word winnowing…hope it’s not too painful.
Thank you so much for this scene. I love reading everything you post. I love the quotes. They are awesome! I love idioms. It is great seeing what we call “showing your bottom” in different areas of the world. LOL
“…show your good china in public” …I am dying! ?Thank you so much! And I agree! I’m a sad that words have to be cut, but totally understand. I love that you are giving us the deleted scenes!?
The agony of the edit! I loved Sgt Munoz!
Thanks for the scene!
“Independence Day”. Spoken by the President at the time just before battle. Such a good movie. One that I don’t mind watching again and again.
I’m missing those 8000 or less words already. I mourn their passing ..
They will be missed.. sniff
Could you publish the snippets in their own volume? Like you did with Curren POV vol. 1 and 2?
It would be so great to see them compiled!
Also, there seems to be a string of Puritan Police abounding. Not sure what that’s about. One of my other favorite authors (Jessica Gadziala) had an ebook yanked from Amazon Kindle because of some nebulous complaint. It was certainly without warrant. And since she’s an Indy author, it took a cadre of us fans complaining for it to be reinstated.
Thank God for blogs like this that allow us the inside scoop so that we can use our fan base for positive change!
Great snippet. Thanks for sharing! And, you have good taste in movies—Independence Day was a wonderful, world uniting movie. Maybe we need an alien attack to bring us all back together in real life!
1 Here, here!! ?
Ooops! That was supposed to be a +1, not just a plain 1.
I strongly agree that Independence Day was a world uniting movie. I think that was one of the elements I liked about the movie, that all the different countries became united in defense of our world. I don’t wish for any kind of catastrophic event, but it sure would be great to see more worldwide unification and positive cooperation!! ??? I am a sucker for anything in a movie (or book) that tugs on the old heartstrings, like that adorable, sad little owl that Simone posted a picture of along with her comments. I just wanted to cuddle that sweet little owl, and make it happy again! ?
Thanks for posting the deleted scenes, hate to see them cut, but what’s left behind must be incredible!!!
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the snippet. Yes I had noticed the good sergeants frequent appearances. Most probably because I deal with police alot thanks to my illegally minded neighbors. [Titan and I have a break until April when they get out of jail again. One should not abscond when on mandatory reporting to parole officer when you have been convicted off assault with a deadly weapon. They do hunt you down and put you back in jail.]
I am sorry the snippet is getting cut but thank you for sharing with us.
The quote for today March 20 came from the book and movie Independence Day. I do not know the actor’s name who played the president but it was a “heroic” moment.
Regarding censorship brigade, it is your blog, your stories, YOURS. Well, Ilona and Gordon together. I am sorry you are having to moderate the BDH OR blog commenters. All I can say is what my southern USA grandmother would have said “Bless their hearts.”
Hooray for Independence Day and thank you for the snippet. Have a good evening!!
I loved that scene. I also liked sgt Munoz.
President Whitmore!
Wait, what? Censorship brigade and book sex?
Why do I always the good stuff?
Poor Sgt Munoz getting the chop! Perhaps he can make an appearance in another book in the series but either way I enjoyed getting to meet him in this deleted snippet.
It must be so hard going through and trying to decide what to remove though, I definitely don’t envy you that job. Good luck plugging away again tomorrow!
I missed any comment drama about sex scenes (although I’m very curious to see how anyone could complain about Nevada and wonderful, sexy, TACTILE Rogan!) but good on you for turning on comment moderation. This is your place and you shouldn’t have to be policing it for drama. Especially when the majority of us just want to hang out have fun – not start fighting.
You just cannot seem to win, the snippet should be able to stay. We LOVE your writing, your books are awesome.
I have bought every one because they are worth every penny. Audio, Kindle and I will keep doing so.
I truly believe you are magicians with a pen and so generous with your BDH. Thank you
If you guys ever get some breathing room and want to write something really funny…
I just pictured Sgt. Munoz and the police officer from the Innkeeper series (name escapes me) meeting at a cop conference somewhere and discussing the women they have to deal with. Oooh, you could throw Nick from Kate’s world in there, too. Major cross between world-building scenarios, but it would be hilarious!
It would indeed be funny.
OMG, I love this idea!
+1 from me, too!
Also, those sex scene police need to stop. Anyone who finds something objectionable can JUST. STOP. READING. their damn selves and leave the fun bits for all the rest of us.
It’s called self discipline for a reason. 😛
I loved Independence Day….. great quote, but I still go back to ,
“I could have been at a barbecue!”
I love a good alien invasion. I do!
I’m mystified on the complaints on book sex. With the flood (heh) of Reverse Harems and other silliness, not even 48 pages on Kindle Unlimited how ANYONE can consider your books “too much” boggles my mind. I wonder if it’s a trend, we love sex, we hate sex, NONO we love it again! NOOOOoooo we hate it again!
Like a bad tennis match, we’ll just watch it ping back and forth and go on reading our smutty little lives away.
The first time we met Sgt. Munoz, I had to run over to the Innkeeper books to see if he was the same police officer as the one mentioned there (whose name is escaping me just at the moment, but I think it also starts with an M). I thought maybe IA were being sneaky and doing a book-world crossover. I was a little disappointed that was not the case, but the officers definitely reminded me of each other.
Maybe we can see Sgt. Munoz in the future books? I like him, i think there is some potential for a lot of amusement for us. It would be fun to see how he would react with all the Baylors.
Aww I loved that scene, I’m sorry to see it go. I’d be horrible at editing, I’d want to keep everything.
That’s too bad, I liked the look not only into the Srgt, but into how the police deal with the houses. Good luck on the rest of the edits.
Thanks for the snippet!
Sorry to hear some folks are coloring outside the lines in their commentary, and I’m sorry that Sgt. Munoz had to go. Both for the fact that I liked him, and a man of that name that I once worked for.
Incredibly, I recognized the quote. I don’t watch TV, I don’t watch movies. I must have walked past a TV when that bit was playing.
Bill Pullman as President Whitmore in Independence Day.
What LDC said.
That’s it
Ditto, +1 Bill Pullman
Thank you for the now gone ? Munoz scene.
ditto, like that movie.
+1, long time favorite movie
Bill Pullman’s finest cinematic moment, as far as I’m concerned. 😀
I bet I could quote the whole movie, LOL!
Bill Pullman’s best non-comedic role. But it isn’t Spaceballs.
+1 ?
Yes! I ❤️ that movie!!!
Yep. Is it odd that I can quote lines from a movie but not Shakespeare?
I could quote it word-for-word growing up!!
Nigel Farage on 23 June 2016.
No, seriously, he quoted Independence Day after the Brexit Vote.
Have fun everyone, and godspeed to the WCB project!
Need to watch that movie again.
I wish your editor allowed the scenes with Munoz to remain. They had insight and color.
I agree, that was some tight writing. I haven’t figured out yet why some books are cut off at 100k words and some have God only knows how many in a GOT book. I understand that its a publisher thing, but is there a site that a person can look at to further understand the publishing industry? I would give a lot to be able to write like the Andrews, or narrate like Renee, maybe draw like whoever does the covers. I’m just not that talented.
Thank you for posting the left-out bits, they keep us going. Cheers!
same here
That is my favorite movie quote. It gives me chills every time!
I agree. I wish we had the space for the rest of the quote.
I cry every time I see that movie!
Independence Day!
Houston House Response Team!
And, on top of it all:
What a Wednesday!
(hee hee)
Independence Day, the president, also a former fighter pilot, played by the same guy who played Lonestar in Space Balls. (I have no idea what his name is off the top of my head). Thanks for the great snipped snippet, also for the record some of my favorite sex scenes were written by you.
+1 (Spaceballs!!! ?)
Bill Pullman
Love the movie and the quote, one of my favorite movie quotes of all time. Absolutely cannot wait for the new book, though I will miss Sgt Munoz, and to a larger degree, will be missing the Kate Daniels series. Been reading that so long don’t know what I’ll do without it.
Eep! We all know from social media how quickly a thread can go awry and get totally out of hand. I am chagrined to have contributed in any way to a kerfuffle. Certainly that was not my intention.
So now I am getting back into bed and pulling the covers over my head. No, wait. I can’t do that because there’s a pile of unfolded laundry on the bed.
Thank you for your gracious reply to my ill-advised but not ill-intentioned post.
I love Sgt Munoz and really wish the scene could have stayed in. I adore your descriptions of characters “Instead he must have come into this world just like this, wrapped in authority, jaded, and empowered by the city of Houston to take on all its chaotic craziness.” Fantastic. Good luck with your continued editing – and the quote by Bill Pullman quote from Independence Day is perfect.
Independence Day The president who was giving a speech to the pilots going to try and stop the invaders. He had been a fighter pilot as well and was going with them. I kind of like Officer Munz as well and will miss him.
Thank you for sharing St. Munoz with us. I am sorry to see him go, too. I am especially sorry your wonderful writing is cut, but I understand why that is so. Good luck with the editing. Really really looking forward to the book. Peace and blessings.
Oooh. Oooh. I have itchy fingers now. At Farm Journal they used to call me the Slasher because I cut the copy to fit without cutting content. I realize it’s a ridiculous notion, but boy, would I love to have a crack at saving Sergeant Munoz.
“Saving Sergeant Munoz”
…that’s the name of a short story, right? So, one day Arabella is looking after Rosa and Mathilda…
Ooh… Nice idea. Couldn’t you just see a day in the life of the officer assigned to the Baylors? Unfortunately, it just so happens to be a really, bad day for poor Officer Munoz, and Arabella gets drawn in to protecting him because he was just trying to do his job. That definitely sounds like a short story…
Poor Ifficer Munoz *snickering*
I love it!
Congrats on finding over 1000 words today. Oh so sorry for sgt munoz. I really liked the snippet. Now when I read the story the second time I’ll have a challenge of figuring out where this snippet goes. Yay. (Because the first read will be me devouring it.)
And thans for the snippet! I really liked Sgt Munoz and hate that he had to go but at least we got to see him here.
Long live the blog rules.
Sounds like a hard graft.
Can you achieve the zen-like state of detachment that allows you to sit back and decide (borrowing a line that may or may not be trademarked):
“You are the weakest link. Goodbye!”??
Keep strong. We are with you
Bwahaha everybody jumpped on the ID4 quote, but that scene! Thank you for saving Sgt Munoz here in the blog. He really brings out the best in the Baylor girls.
Somehow, when I imagine (ok, perhaps fantasize is a better description) about being an author, I don’t picture the painful sacrifice of characters and scenes that you’ve given us a peek into. Thank you for sharing your pain, and the snippets!
A compensation for using an e-reader is the ease of investigating… quotes names what all.
You build characters into your story lines, the intro & fleshing out of the ‘sarge’ is solid serial writing. Removing him here gives scope to the place where you want him to be
Keep on… keeping
I am sorry that you have to cut so much from your story but, I did enjoy reading the freebie. I am looking forward to reading this story and these “tasty bites” will help me wait. I hope.
Quote is by the President of the US in the movie Independence Day…
OH, that is just too — so sad! I REALLY liked the Sgt. Munoz character and scene … so is there a chance for making one of those little “other-point-of-view” or “while this was happening, this was also going on” side ficbits? I do adore that you’ve shared these before, and these scenes are just too good to permanently hit the cutting room floor!
If this is what you’re having to DELETE, can’t wait for the main menu!
Keep at it, guys. You’re doing fab.
I’m reading an early KD novel … just started at #1 and am working my way through … filling in the void until your next release!
Thanks for the snippet!
My youngest loves the Independence Day movie and actually quotes the speech quite often. She is studying film in college and actually used the speech For an assignment.
I used the scene for a paper in college, too! Your kid has good taste 🙂
In case the challenge is also looking for the quote within the quote, the speech is a play on the poem by Dylan Thomas I believe:
The President played by Bill Pullman in Independence Day. I’ll admit I cry every time I watch that scene.
Goodbye Munoz! It is sad to see you go. Your name is so close to my maiden name, Muñoz, that I felt kinship with you.
Of course I know you saved this because cant you see him & Arabella???? Eyeballing& mad dogging each other—PERFECTION. Carry on Warriors.
Just saying thank you now for toys scene before i go back up and read it 🙂
A lovely suprise for Thursday morning ?
How old was Catalina again? 17 going on 50?
I love that movie. It’s the penultimate example of a good, sci-fi, death & destruction, fun time popcorn flick. It’s like that, and Battleship I can watch over and over again. Just a little cheesey, but not too ripe, with fun and great action.
And didn’t we get a tease of this scene previously, so this is just confirmation it has been edited out as part of the word count cuts, and shared again?
I still remember seeing it opening day with my parents at the theater. 🙂
If Sgt. Munoz is assigned to Houses, why does he turn up at the confrontation with John Rutger at the beginning of Burn For Me? Rutger is not a House member, and of course neither at that point is Nevada… Why would Houston PD think she needs watching? Is it just me bothered by this?
He may have just been closest when the call came in. It happens. I work in a specialized police unit, but our members have done many a traffic stop or been backup for a domestic violence call just because they were in the area and available when the call came over the radio or if they witnessed the offense (in the case of traffic stops). The fact that Munoz had that prior contact would then put him at the top of the list for the assignment when Houston PD realized she and her family warranted watching ?
I like this explanation. I had previously thought it was a retcon to explain why he kept showing up and kind of just ignored that first time. But this makes sense. Thanks!
Thanks Kyla! For the explanation and the job you do.
Can’t there be an electronic extended version, I Would pay extra.
Your quote for the day sounds like Independence Day and that speech is referencing the Dylan Thomas poem Do not go gentle into that good night. Loved the movie and that poem too.
Thank you thank you for giving us the scene. I will keep it to one side and slot it in at the appropriate moment in the book – joking about that but definitely thank you for the scene.
Now to read the comments of people complaining about sex in books. Whether it is too much sex or too little – whatever – sometimes these comments are almost as good as the books.
Aw… I hope Sgt. Munoz gets another chance in the future.
Woohoo! ID4! I love that movie and that speech. Imo, it’s one of the better movie speeches.
Thanks for a great scene
And I have a cunning plan….
The BDH will hypnotise everyone they know to read one Ilona Andrews book. They will immediately become hooked, buy the authorlords entire back catalogue. (Anyone who doesn’t like the book will obviously be detained in an asylum for the criminally insane)
The resulting increase in sales will put Ilona Andrews at the pinnacle of the publishing industry allowing them to break the rules and publish the best words, as they have all the words (to paraphrase someone …)
We get all the words Ilona Andrews and publishers get more money and everyone wins.
See? Job’s a good un ?
Alternatively, if that doesn’t work we’ll take the deleted scenes and be grateful?
Thanks again
RIP Munoz. At least Bill Pullman gives a good eulogy
Oh that dreaded “that” the most overused word in the English language. I often have to review my work to make sure it’s not in there more than it has to be.
Thank you for this snippet!
Sorry people are being jerks:(
Bill Pullman, President in Independence Day…..a truly great movie 🙂
My favorite part is seeing how Catalia’s mind works, and the sense that her character was ‘active’ or alive in the background of Nevada’s stories
and it’s always fun and satisfying to read when a character drops a facade, especially when it’s the result of a ‘we are men of action, lies do not become us’ sort of scene
I vote we start a “Save the Sergeant fund” on go fund me, and bribe your editor for an extra few thousand more words. ?
So … you’re going to save the Sgt. Munoz scenes and give him his own book, right? (Only half-joking)
Aw, St. Munoz is fun, and I’m sorry to see him go. However, as always, that means what’s left which you’re *not* cutting is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Oooooh Runa Etterson! I loved Runa Etterson in Diamonds. Is she able emit (for lack of a better word) as well as neutralize it?
Thank you for the deleted scene!!! Yum, yum….literary crumbs….
Thank you for the deleted scene!!! Yum, yum….literary crumbs….
As I said in reaction to WCB 1, we are being robbed of genius goodies ??
So sorry you had to remove that scene. It was wonderful. Too bad you can’t add it to the Deleted Scenes reel.