You guys are insatiable.
Ok, let’s see if I can do this correctly. We usually operate in twelve month chunks so, here we go. This is all tentative and subject to change. Things in italics are supertentative.
Sep 10 Begin work on Hidden Legacy #4.
Nov 6 Diamond Fire, Hidden Legacy 3.5, goes on sale.
Nov Edit and prepare Sweep of the Blade for publication.
Dec Subterranean releases collector edition of Kinsmen.
Dec 18 Sweep of the Blade goes on sale.
Dec 31 Hidden Legacy #4 is due.
Jan Edit and prepare Technomancer Hidden Legacy novella for sale (note to self: don’t post anymore fun snippets or be bugged mercilessly.)
Jan Begin Iron Covenant #2. If no issues arise, complete, edit, and release by June. If issues arise, push it back to October or so.
Develop the side project set in Innkeeper universe.
Develop the proposal, outlines, and strategy for the unnamed project we cannot discuss.
Aug Hidden Legacy #4 goes on sale.
And that concludes the year, provided no emergencies happen, which they usually do. Again, all of this is tentative, so please do not go on Goodreads and add a solid release date to Sweep of the Blade, etc.
Rachel says
Wow. Thank you thank you, but maybe, you know, slip a vacation or two in there? Just a suggestion ?
ChelleyPam says
My thoughts, exactly.
You’ve finished two series, kept up with two others (technically writing three at the same time) and raised two kids.
You’re way overdue for some down time. Maybe a couple of weeks in Hawaii? Or a cruise? Or maybe a cruise to Hawaii with a two week stay before flying back.
Bri says
Or read a book. You had posted a review about Tsumiko and the Enslaved Fox which I tried on your recommendation. I adored it I found out today that the second book is coming out on October 22nd!
Claudia says
Thanks for the heads-up! Just pre-ordered, am so excited!
Ista in Sydney says
I adored it too, and will pounce on the pre-order.
Tink says
I can’t plan what I’m going to do this weekend, and you’re planning a year out.
Just out of curiosity, how much of that schedule is your choice and how much is contractual? I mean, do your contracts say you have to put 1 book in X series out this year, or that you have 2 or 3 years to release the book and you decide on the actual schedule?
Ilona says
Anything that’s Hidden Legacy, aside from Technomancer, is contractual. Some of this is not contractual but obligatory. Innkeeper always comes out around Christmas, for example.
Frances says
And I am very thankful that Innkeeper does come out in December because I look forward to buying the ebook, the paperback and the audiobook of the Innkeeper story as a Christmas present to myself. I hope Renee has apportioned time in her schedule to record Maud’s adventures for our listening pleasure.
Thankyou for this heads up on what is planned, even if tentatively, for the next 12 plus months in Ilona Andrews world.
JR says
Yessssss? ?? happiness! ??Because your books make the best stocking stuffer gift to friends and family who I have yet to convert into bonified BDH members??…. especially when long travel is involved to get together each year. So i have company giggling in the corner (or hidding behind the desk ) like crazy eith my nose buried in a book!
njb says
Yes! The Christmas gift to myself is a done deal, thank you! And I’m so looking forward to the “technomancer”, er Hidden Legacy novella, too. YEA, it’s good to be a member of the BDH. And new additions to both HL and IM series!!!! (squeal) And then mention of unnamed, mysterious new projects. Be still my heart. It will be a very good year.
Simone says
Wow – that is quite the schedule. Thank you for letting us know. Looking forward to everything when it comes out. unnamed projects, super secret projects, known projects … very exciting. Hope your puppy is better.
Maura O’Toole says
This. Thank you. How is the puppy?
Kelly M says
Thanks so much for the glimpse into your possible future reality – so exciting to know these projects are (or will be eventually, regardless of timeline) in the works!
Rachel says
Your writing is like a fantastic chocolate cake. Fans just crave it. Maybe if you all wrote some crappy stories, sorta like a burnt chocolate cake, we would not devour it so much.. well maybe not.. 🙂
Lisa M says
Pretty much what she said. If you didn’t write what is basically literary crack, we wouldn’t be so insatiable. 🙂
MichelleD says
“BIBLIOCRACK” best word ever!
Jen says
Agreed. I try so hard to find other authors so I’m not so dependent on the authorlords, but it’s just not the same.
Tink says
I’ve found some new ones here thanks to Ilona and the Horde, so I’ll read their books, but then I get to the end and have to wait a year usually for their next book. The Authorlords spoil us with multiple releases during the year.
Carolyn says
Deliriously happy!
Karen the Griffmom says
My only fear is that now certain people will see your tentative, maybe, possibly-could-happen planning as SET IN STONE FROM ON HIGH and then bitch, moan, carry on, and whine profusely when stuff happens and the plan gets amended.
My personal plan is to remain grateful for anything that y’all write.
Vinity says
This, so much this.
Rizel says
And thank you! You spoil us.?
jewelwing says
ITA. Take a vacation somewhere in there. Or just some mental health days.
EarlineM says
What she said! You guys are amazing!!!
MerryB says
Amen. Thank you, Authorlords and Brandi.
Jacquie says
Ditto, and ditto as well on the comments reccommending you vacation and take more time for yourselves. Your loyal Horde always patiently (or quietly paces) awaits whatever your timing brings forth.
Vala says
I will also remain grateful for anything you put forth at whatever schedule works for you. This is what you get for not only being such fantastic authors, but for also making yourselves so available to us. We can’t get enough and some feel comfortable enough to nag. Maybe we should be the Author Devouring Hord instead?
Nita Hope says
So we shouldn’t have any complaints from readers now that they know what/when. Right??
Super ambitious year, y’all! Hope you’re getting some good mental health days in there too. ❤️
HM says
Noooo, that would make us cannibals….let’s stick with devouring books
Deb says
There’s going to be a Hidden Legacy #4 – YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!
AngelMercury says
I find it a bit funny (as in humorously curious) that Hidden Legacy has such a delayed release plan. Seems like they really worry about crowding those books. I’m glad there’s a plan for some other fun stuff in between because insatiable is right 🙂
Sherre says
Wow! This is intense, and makes me feel like I write SUPER slow. Then again…you two have been doing this longer than me…and it’s two of you…so I’ll just use that to make me feel better…lol…if you can, try to take some time out for you two in there, whether it be vacation or staycatiom. I know us fans can be pretty shitty at times…with all the begging for sequels and wondering when the next book is coming…but (and I’m speaking for myself right now) I can wait as long as necessary for a new book….as long as my two fav authors are taken care of and as chill as possible. Mostly because I believe the happier you are, the better the book will be…but also because you deserve it
Ami says
LOL I love you and I’m so sorry you get badgered. But I am grateful for a peek at the future and holy crud that’s a heckuva schedule. Y’all are amazing.
Ami says
Also I do have to add the slight snide comment that ya know if you stopped dealing the crack then the crack fiends would leave you alone. But as long as you make and distribute crack they’re gonna hang around like greedy fiends for more. Lol But then I don’t want you to quit so I think I should stop and keep my mouth shut. Lol
MichelleD says
J says
I think you should have put vacation time on the schedule as well. If people know its coming maybe they won’t complain so much! Thank you so much for all your hard work!!!
Tina in NJ says
They are going to events in London and Paris coming up (a year apart? Or is it months?). I hope y’all will take some time around those trips. Jet lag can be a pain.
wont says
Wow. That’s an ambitious year. Even with the tentative worked in there. I’m with the others, I hope there’s some down time in there. That should be contractual!
Thank you.
Christine says
GailinPgh says
Insatiable says it.
I am furious that posting snippets gives you grief. Those snippets frequently seem to come at a personal low point such that they shine a little light into my life.
Thank you for continuing to provide so much to your fans. Whatever you publish, whenever you publish, it is much appreciated.
Courtenay says
Insatiable? We are a Book Devouring Horde, after all, when has a Horde ever been satiated? 🙂
gloria says
Love, love, love reading your work, but please take breaks, vacays, staycations, and refresh yourselves. I APPRECIATE your work and will be on standby for any pre-orders, as they post. ?
Fan in California says
So so much lovely reading to look forward to!! But, please, don’t kill yourselves if life happens. And don’t let a few snarks get you down: I’m assuming you had to lock the comments from the tidal wave of protective support you’d be receiving from your true fans. Thanks for so much great reading to look forward to!!
Teh Gerg says
So, I get to throw money in your direction in November and December. Neat.
Rachael says
How are your hands? Are they feeling better?
Sarah says
Thank you for the tentative schedule! I’m with the others saying you need some downtime as well, though.
Karen says
Wow! Y’all are fantastic. I’m with so many others: don’t forget to take care of YOU. Downtime! rest, mindlessly game a bit, knit, etc.
We love you & want you to be healthy & happy for years to come.
Ps I’m so mad at the idiots who hassle you about snippets. I love snippets. ?
Pps let us know when we can pre order Maud, happy to throw some $$ your way.
Mary P says
Please take care of yourselves and many, many thanks ?
Bri says
Wow. Just reading that makes me feel like I need a vacation… and I’m not doing any of the work! Thank you for letting us know your tentive plans. I hope you guys take some time for yourselves. You deserve it
Torin says
I’d like to think it’s not that we are insatiable (yes, we are, totallyare. But can you blame us?) it is that our favorite series by our favorite author has concluded and the end, although we knew it was coming, is very much a shock. We are floundering around and it seems very unstable without something from thyou same author that always makes us laugh, cry, and generall just all around feel better. It’s like a death in the family.
Also 10 books is crazy and while I wish there were fifty more books, you picked a great time for the HEA. Thank you
Claudia says
Hurray, lots to look forward to! Exciting to see your tentative plans!
Tiana says
Just wanted to say how much sunshine your blog, books and innkeeper bring to my every day. I’m in a very stressful period of my life and your work just makes me smile and forget about it.
Thanks for all of your hard work.
Please don’t let a few overexcited and rude fans get to you. They don’t speak for the rest of us.
Smriti says
I adore your books. Eagerly wait for the release dates. Can’t thank you enough for all the stories and beautiful world that you build around it. I can escape from the reality just for a while.
P.S. I went through the list twice looking for something about Kate. I guess I need more time to cope..
JB says
IC#2 is in the Kate Universe. I cling to that as my coping method 🙂
Smriti says
You know what ! you are absolutely right.
Even after 10! Books the series left me wanting more. ❤️
Keera says
I am tired from reading all that! You guys are amazing I am looking forward to the next year. I will mark in pencil the dates on my book budget calendar. I really don’t mind if dates get pushed or changed. Writers are human and life happens. Thank you!
Ista in Sydney says
I’m happy to throw you my money any time you publish anything. Bit I want you to have a great quality of life. Make sure you have decent holiday breaks. Make sure your hand heals – for you, not for the BDH.
Seeing as I read about 200 books a year, I’m adept at finding authors to read. Yes I want to read all yours, but not at the expense of your enjoyment of life and how you work.
Deena says
That all sounds SO awesome – and ambitious! I think the thing I love most about your work is that you refuse to sacrifice the integrity of your craft – even in the face of whiny readers. Hold fast; write what you can when you can. You will always have an appreciative audience.
Bill G says
Lots of love coming for us; thank you! And don’t misplace the ban-hammer; idiots lurk everywhere.
jennifermlc says
I’ve put your tentative release dates on my “NEW BOOKS!!!” Google Calendar (I’m a nerd).
I am so excited!! But I really hope this is a healthy pace for you.
Lynn T. says
Yes, me too. Normally I do this in January so I can plan out my book budget for the year.
I Google calendar the following authors: Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs (both series), Jayne Castle, David Drake (Cinnabar series), Mercedes Lackey (Valdamar series), John Ringo (Special Circumstances series only as other is nightmare producing for me), JD Robb (Eve Dallas and Roake) Paige Tyler (wolves and xops not seals), David Weber (tree cats not the religious series)..
Yes, I too wondered about too ambitious 12 month plan. Manure happens just like life, death, illness and accidents.
But at least there is a game plan with concrete goals for authors to shoot for. May be not within 12 months but eventually.
JR says
Seanan Mcguire’s October Daye Night and Silence is out yesterday too. And do not forget to signup for Ippos King (newletter) updates too….
JR says
*Grace Draven’s newsletter
kommiesmom says
Your list looks a lot like my list. I am lazier than you. I have a “Hardcopy” list on Amazon. (I don’t buy them from Amazon, I just keep the list there. I go to local bookstores for the books.)
You can look at what is scheduled on Amazon by finding your genre and asking for a list by publication date. The list will start with the farthest from publication and get closer to the present as you go down the list.
When you see something you like, add it to a “coming soon” list.
Like I said – I’m lazy.
Lynn T. says
One comment from this peanut gallery. I do not see any vacation time in your master plan for next 12 months. I mean vacation time as in play time, rest and relaxation time, tiime off from wotk. I know short sighted, narcissitic people will complain but maybe if it is there in master plan…. Okay, some people will complain no matter what.
besides i remember reading that you two are flying across the pond, err, i mean internationally, twice next year which I do not see mentioned either. A good thing for international fans to have a chance to see/ hear you. To me travel is extremely tiring and stressful. It is much easier to be positively productive when there is balance between work and play.
That said, thank you for the heads up. I do enjoy reading Hidden Legacy series. Actually I enjoy all your writings.
Yes, tradionally you release Innkeeper around December as usually it is on my Christmas list as I prefer dead tree version. Well i can read anywhere on farm or in doctor/ hospital waiting ateas whereas electronic format requires technology and some places have technology disrupters.
I hope your hands are healing. Gordon has done well in his typist role from this perspective.
I do have a query. I have Curran POV ebook in my kindle library. Would it be possible for Gordon to bundle Rogan POVs into an ebook? I have first 2 Rogan POV segments saved but the third (where he went to meet the weather family) was eaten by a computer bug. If not, that is okay. Just thpught i would ask. I find Gordon’s POV stories to be story enriching. Besides I am sure Catalina’s SO POV as written by Gordon will be hilarious. If he can be cajoled into writing….
Thanks again for peek ahead and Thursday’s SOTB Innkeeper segment.
Lee says
Hi Lynn T,
All the POVs are saved on this website, sometimes it just takes a little digging. Here’s the one you’re looking for:
Enjoy ~
Sleepy says
Thanks for this 🙂
And I honestly can’t believe people that are complaining… Sometimes I can’t believe people would actually say stupid stuff like that :/
JL says
Yeeeeeeeeeess I am overjoyed that Technomancer will be on sale, as I have been dying to know what happens next. Also, like many people I bought Tsumiko and enjoyed it, so thank you. =)
BMO says
Lord Have Mercy! That’s a big schedule! You guys are incredably professional and beyond.
I’m giddy already for what’s to come because you always deliver such amazing stories.
I wish good work and also a well deserved rest
Cynthia says
Sorry you had to post your yearly schedule like that. Just reviewing the events of this year’s schedule and what y’all went through, would have discouraged me from asking.
JB says
<— is totally insatiable. I will never deny that. I have loved pretty much every single thing you folks have published and I always hope for more. Since many authors typically publish about 1 book a year, I feel that any authors that put out more than one thing a year are to be praised as deities. Seriously. You published 4 books this year (IC#1, KD#10, HL#3.5, IK#4), I have nothing but respect for your work ethic and ability to produce quality work in that amount of time. You could plan for ONE book next year and I would be content, but already your schedule shows 3-5 releases! that's insane and AWESOME.
Michelle Badillo says
Sleep. Sleep and food should be scheduled as well. ❤ I look forward to engrossing myself in anything you give us. Thank you.
DianainCa says
Thank you for posting an update. Make sure to include time for yourselves. I have a list of my favorite authors and their release dates, it is always fun to update.
Valerie T says
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you…don’t forget to take care of you!!!!… thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..
Teresa says
Amazing. Happy dance. You. Amazing.
Elysee says
I don’t think its fair to group us all in the ‘insatiable’ category. I check your blog every few weeks for the funny random and life things you post, the snippets and Innkeeper installments are just a bonus but nothing that I ever expect or demand to get.
I hope you know that there are many of us that appreciate everything you post and would still happily check your blog even if you only posted about cheese or your new anime show!
Wishing you the best end of summer!
Alison says
So exciting! Thank you for sharing your plans – it fascinates me how authors organize their and I love seeing the process.
Margaret R says
I saw the word “Technomancer” and my mind went “Squeeeee!”
We can wait for releases you know, we aren’t going anywhere, and those people who keep harping at you should just shush it. Remember to take care of yourselves first, and the rest will take care of themselves.
Patricia Schlorke says
All I’m going to say is yikes and take care of yourselves in that crazy schedule.
kommiesmom says
Maybe you should schedule a vacation and post it with your releases. Then nobody could truthfully say “I didn’t know you were on a camping trip and didn’t have anyway to post your serial-of-the-future.” (I am guessing some ungrateful idiot would, it just would not be true. We could mock them and heap insults on their heads and save you the trouble.)
Hopefully,everyone at you home is doing well – or at least better. (Get well, Sookie.)
These tiny bits of your life that you occasionally let us see are always fascinating.Thank you yet again.
Fera says
OMG OMG OMGGGG Thank you so much!! I’m delighted just by reading those planning???
Mary Cruickshank-Peed says
Note to self: Ok, add release times to calendar for Ilona Andrews as well as Nora Roberts, Patricia Briggs, Joss Whedon’s comic books, Jim Butcher, and Courtney Milan.
Thanks for adding new stuff to my list 🙂 I read a LOT and my list of “wish they’d write faster” authors is growing… Now I just have to convince the library to buy more fantasy books… also more books by non-fiction authors that aren’t going to be assigned in HS, like Bruce Schneier and Bob Woodward.
Kathleen says
Looking forward to your new work, but I echo the “take a vacation” crowd. Consider your hands as a symptom and slow down a bit – or a lot. (If you ignore such a clear sign to sloiw down, the next one could be more dramatic.)
Your audience isn’t going anywhere. Your writing will be even better if you’re not tired or bored.
I hate to say this, since I have really enjoyed the suspense of a serial novel, but have you considered ditching the freebies and social media? Save your hands for higher paying work and for fun.
Dori says
Kelsey says
I love having such frequent and transparent access to your writing projects, but it seems like a massive workload with such little time for enjoying the fruits of your labor. I would hope your fans would understand that authors/people in general need to rest to invest in their long-term happiness and productivity.
Anonymous says
Nina says
Marianne says
I will add, you are so generous, maybe it would be a good idea to be a bit generous to yourselves for once, and take some time just for you. I mean doing absolutely NOTHING, except relaxing, having fun, and spending time alone together (doing something other than writing), and/or spending time with family. Let some insensitive people beg and whine all they want. They will live. You guys might end up with burn out, or Ilona your hands might end up being damaged to the point you can’t do ANYTHING with them, and for an extended period of time. Take care of what you are contractually obligated to, but the rest can take a break on the back burner for a short while so that you guys have a chance to just stop, relax, and let yourselves recharge. Although I Love all of your works, can’t wait for each new installment of SOTB, and can’t wait for the release of each new book, none of that matters at all if accomplishing all of those things, in such short order, while dealing with all the delightful little surprises life throws at us from time to time, takes a bad toll on you, mentally, emotionally, physically, or any combination of the three. I am not trying to be a nag, or tell you how to live your life, or run your business. I am just honesty concerned about you guys. You have had a lot to deal with this year, and not everyone can be a superhero, with an endless supply of energy.
I congratulate you on all of your accomplishments, and well earned recognition. I hope Sookie is much, much better!! Thank you for always keeping us so up to date on what is going on (even when it really is none of our business!).?
Cherylanne farley says
Busy weekend. Chef at big event for 8 hrs tonight. Major social event tomorrow I’m forcing myself to go to. Need to prep everything from clothes to animals. Sick dog woke me up 5 times last night. Opening vet visit is $400. Sigh. Thank you team. Will be cheerfully re reading snippets and treats all weekend. Now back to bed. koo
Anonymous says
Thanks for the update and information. Love Everything y’all do, but I’m in complete agreement with Kathleen. Don’t burn yourself out or inflict mental emotional & physical pain upon yourselves! We will be here when your rested. Your both freakin’ AWESOME!
Christina Smith says
—sorry -that’s me! Lol.
Jenn says
Fun to see what’s in the works!! Honestly I feel dumb for not understanding that a book tour is more of a grind than a shower the authors with champagne and praise. 🙂 I’m not an author though!! Lol hope this coming 12 months treats you and family and furry family well!!
LizF says
Thanks for the schedule, tentative or not! Hope you put a little r&r in there!!
Jill says
Thanks for the update. It all sounds great. Looking forward to your new work as you feel able to get it done. Please do not injure your hands again or rush the recovery. Please do not have a stroke or develop high blood pressure from the stress to satisfy the crowd of fans. Feel free to recommend some other books if you need to toss the sharks a hunk of meat. That “Jane Doe” suggestion was excellent, and I’m glad to see Jeaniene Frost has a new book. Take care.
Judy B says
You, “might,” have, “Sweep of the Blade,” out in time to buy for Christmas gifts,,, that would be wonderful.
Insert R & R in many places so you can avoid stress.
Thank you for the schedule.
Barbara says
I’d just like to say thank you; you share yourselves and your craft so generously with your readers and ask very little in return thank you!
Hat says
Wish you would schedule R&R time…
We are insatiable, cause hello, BDH, but we kinda understand that authorlords needs me time too.
About that goodreads thing… it did bring us the Iron and Magic series… just saying… have a good weekend!
Karen says
I’m a little sorry about the insatiable need to read and re-read your work, but it wouldn’t be an issue if you sucked even the tiniest bit. However, you don’t suck at all and every book gets better than the one before. You even managed to make me hate and then forgive Hugh. I am super sorry about the entitled horses’ behinds. I wish there was something the rest of the BDH could do. Since there isn’t please write what and when you want with plenty of time included to take care of yourselves, your kids, your friends and family, and the fur babies. I can assure you if you write it this member of the BDH will buy it whenever it comes out.
Chris O says
Chris O says
sarafina says
Cute kitty!
Elizabeth says
I smell preorders. I love your books! Have ever since I stumbled across the 2nd Jim and Dali novella. After devouring it I immediately bought Kate books 1 and 2. The “psych” at the end drove me slightly batty and I immediately ordered 3 and 4 etc. I appreciate you taking the time to update your admiring horde.
Donna says
Yay!!! Sweep of the Blade release date! It has been blooming hard seeing each installment go by and NOT reading them, but I know myself and resisted for my own mental health (damn you OCD Autistic self). I have anxiety with the series books I love anyway, never could even manage comics as a kid, serialisations are out of my comfort zone for huge. We recently got Netflix and it’s stressing me the ‘eff out all these cancelled shows. I need resolution! Or at least the possibility of it!! Why are all those series’ ending on cliffhangers just to be cancelled!!!!!
AmandaC_S says
I love your turns of phrase and one-liners. Thank you for such sharp and excellent writing; it’s uplifting, refreshing, gripping, often surprisingly funny (got to love that black humour) and is a joy to re-read. It’s particularly welcome at a time when the real world is frequently depressing and divisive.
Ali says
Beth says
Oh, yes that humor. In reading Kate, I was in the middle of an intense scene and came across a direct quote from the blog. Knowing the context of the quote, had me laughing out loud. I still think it is so funny. I so appreciate the humor. I believe humor is part of what keeps us healthy. Keep on cracking yourselves up.
Anonymous says
Thank you for that you do, have done and will do. I am looking forward to everything you plan to publish whenever you get around to it.
Judy Schultheis says
Cindy says
“You guys are insatiable.”
You are not wrong! Your excellent writing created the Book Devouring Hoard.
I can and will find something else to read until Diamond Fire arrives but I love having a tentative schedule of what fun adventures await us. Thanks.
Jill S. says
Naturally eaten up with curiosity about the unnamed project which cannot be discussed.
An amazing schedule! Hope there’s some R&R in there too. The Horde I’m sure can balance its eager appreciation with patience.
Jim says
I’m gonna go through Kate’s universe withdrawals! Thanks for being awesome authors!
Gai LaMarche says
I totally understand your reasoning, but this possibility makes me sad.
“Jan Edit and prepare Technomancer Hidden Legacy novella for sale (note to self: don’t post anymore fun snippets or be bugged mercilessly.)”
Carol says
It was a joke.
Carol says
Ilona and Gordon thank you for all you do!
Tina says
I loved MT. I’m rereading the series again and was wondering if you might ever, at some point in the distant future, cuz I know you’re busy, do a prequel of Roland and Erra as the good guys, when they were young. I’m reading MB and came to the point where Barabas and Kate are discussing where her father’s first kingdom was, and it seemed like a good story. I know you guys are super busy. It was just a thought.
Christina says
I appreciate the time line. But I hope you have some down time scheduled somewhere in there too!
Gabrielle says
Will Renee Raudman be narrating the Sweep of the blade, for audible books? I hear her voice either way when I read them, (she’s amazing) I was just wondering.
Also thank you for your Kate Daniels series. I’ve loved it since the first book. To be fair I love all your books, and I look forward to reading all the future ones as well.
Good luck with your busy year ahead, don’t forget get to pencil in a day off.
Jen says
We ❤️ you both. And apologize for our addict like behavior in regards to your amazing stories. Your worlds are so easy to slip into and the characters grab you by the heartstrings to drag you along for the ride. The stories are so magical, sometimes people forget to use common sense or common decency. (Bad BDH person. No cookie.) Thank you for not letting the ignorant affect your awesomeness.
Marianne says
I LOVE it!! ???”No cookie” indeed!!?
Nancy C. says
I am in awe of how much you can accomplish. I consider myself super productive when keeping things at home tidy for a week!
Like the rest of the BDH, I thank you for your tireless efforts and I am hopeful that a vacation or two or three can be scheduled amongst all the work.
Thanks again ♥️
Kristine says
+1. Omg. You can write a full length book in 4 months. Dang your good.
Jill W says
Wow. You are both amazing. Don’t forget to find some balance in your life among those many hours of writing.
Istyatur says
Its always a fine balance between the angel and ravenous demon. One points out that you wouldn’t be a favorite author if you rushed, that you people too, and that we can wait. The other just desires more of your brilliance. Enjoy your break, and the horde will await. Just don’t do a George Martin on us k?
CharisN says
Does anyone here read the Ben Aaronovitch Hidden Rivers series ? I really enjoy them especially the London slang and history.
Karen says
Yes I do, but I’m pacing myself so am only up to book 4 so far
Jackie says
I just found this site and would hate for it to stop. That said, if you and the family need a break? That’s what matters. I lost my Dad, then Mom, and then my uncle/mentor. I not once thought I should work more or harder. All I thought is I am truly an orphan. Now I think how grateful I am for my now husbad and friends. We love your writings and ideas, what you show us after auto correct and editing. Family know and love the true, no re read you.