It’s that time again. At the end of July we’ll start touring for WILDFIRE. We are very excited about this book and we hope you’ll come and see us. We are visiting San Diego Comicon, Los Angeles, Houston, Orlando and Jacksonville. Details are below.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
San Diego Comic-Con
San Diego Convention Center, 111 Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101 (Room 9)
2:00-3:00 World Mythology in Contemporary Fantasy
Panel Description: Xenophobes beware. (And, if you know what “xenophobes” means, please keep reading.) There are worlds of diverse gods, djinn, daemons, Ghabali, manticores, sylphs, yowies … and oh, yeah, Baba Yaga … to learn about. And you can find them all in the pages of books. Join these authors to learn about the monsters that roam the earth, and how world mythology provides the building blocks of contemporary storytelling. Room 9
Proposed panelists:
Ilona Andrews (Wildfire) [Ilona]
Ilona Andrews (Wildfire) [Gordon]
Beth Cato (Call of Fire)
Tomi Adeyemi (Children of Blood and Bone)
Traci Chee (The Speaker)
Nidhi Chanani (Pashmina) Gina Gagliano
Moderator: TBD
NOTE: There will also be a post-panel autographing and in-booth signings throughout.
Sunday, July 23, 2017
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM PDT
WILDFIRE early on-sale event
Culver City, CA 90232
Bea & Leah Koch
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
6:30 PM CDT
Author Speaking, Signing Appearance
2342 Bissonnet ST
Houston, TX 77005
John Kwiatkowski
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
RWA National Conference
Avon Digital Day
Doors open at 9 am
9:30 am – 12 noon
Disney Dolphin – Oceanic 3 Conference Room
Avon Facebook Live, BookLush Videos
12:30 pm – 2 pm
Disney Dolphin – Oceanic 2 Conference Room
The Avon Cocktail Party
7 – 9 pm
(There will be limited video taping on-site, starting at 6:30 pm)
Shuttle bus transport will be provided from the Swan/Dolphin
Capa, at The Four Seasons at Walt Disney World® Resort
10100 Dream Tree Boulevard, Lake Buena Vista, FL
Thursday, July 27, 2017
7:00 PM
Book Event & Signing (w/ Jeaniene Frost)
2418 E Colonial Drive
Orlando, FL 32803
Phone: 407-894-6024
Friday, July 28, 2017
6:30 PM Arrival
7:00 PM EDT
Author Speaking, Signing event, w/Jeaniene Frost
220 First ST
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
Rona Brinlee
Finally! You’re coming to Orlando! I’m so excited.
I was so excited too!!! But I’m out of town that week :(. damn my luck lol
We’re all very excited for the book too! Unfortunately I don’t live near any of those locations. I hope it is not too hectic for you and you get to have some fun as well.
I’m so excited you’re going to be at San Diego Comic Con! I go every year and I’ve always hoped you guys would go at some point! I’ll be the person squeeing loudest in the room during your panel.
I’m so excited you’re going to San Diego Comic con so you can introduce that devoted intense audience to the Kate Daniels world. I know you’re there for Wildfire but comic-con is so the right milieu for all the creatures in the Kate Daniels series. And you’ve provided such a complete, comprehensive definition and description for its creatures. Also the races of the Innkeeper series would be fabulous for Comic-con. Yea the San Diego Comic Con attendees will finally be introduced to the Authorlords. Hurray!
You guys can always go dressed up! 😀
Yay, Orlando! I guess I’ll have to go visit my daughter in Orlando that week ☺
Is it crazy that I checked if I could come visit?
But minimum price would be at least 900 euro, there’s no way I can justify that to my husband…
Hey, better luck next time and prices to New York are usually not as bad, although I would not take the trip going via Moscow!!! (from France!!!)….
Have fun!
Isn’t your birthday, anniversary, christmas coming up soon?
Yeah but it’s still a lot… I’ll keep an eye out, maybe for next year’s tour on KD. And in the meantime put money aside. Birthday + Christmas ought to do it. ?
I might see you at RWA (depends on the work schedule) but will definitely be at the Thursday signing. Can’t wait to hug you both (and Jeaniene, too)!
No UK dates ? If only you had released Wildfire in May as I was in Orlando ?
Travel safely guys, and don’t push yourselves too hard….we need more books! ?
Yay for Wildfire coming out next month! Wow for your schedule. Unfortunately I can’t make the Houston signing due to work. 🙁 Too bad about not having a book signing in Dallas-Fort Worth….I would go to that in a heartbeat.
Have lots of fun. Get plenty of rest if possible.
If they do D/FW I might have to take a couple of days off and sneak down there. It would only be a 5-6 hour drive each way.
I can sympathize. I remember a group of us from California bemoaning not being able to attend any of their tour locations because they were primarily doing book dates in the south and southeast.
Then their preliminary dates for the Bodice Ripper in SoCal were going to be during my husband’s and my vacation, and there was no way I was going to be able to make it back in time. Now with the new date, I’m going to be the idiot standing in the back grinning. So hang in there. DFW is way closer than any spot in California.
I agree. Come to DFW.
Have fun at Ripped Bodice, it’s one bookstore I’d love to visit if I’m ever on the right continent.
Athens only authors I know who included Baba Yaga in thevery books are Patricia Briggs and Ilona Andrews. Ifor someone else knows a good book that has Russian mythology in it please recommend . My 3 year old loves Vaselissa Prekrasnaya and Baba Yaga but I am getting tired of reading it plus I want something with a grown up content for myself .
American Gods by Neil Gaiman has some russian mythology and so does Enchantment by Orson Scott Card. one of Scott Cards friends and students Brandon Sanderson writes excellent “clean” fantasy you can read to your son without worry. stormlight archive has pretty cool glowing knights in it. come rate Ilona’s book at my book club they also have pretty decent ratings system if you want reading recommendations. Im Anastasia aka GrandDuchess =)
Deborah Blake does an entire Baba Yaga series
Thank you. I checked outhe your site pretty cool.
Check out Uprooted by Naomi Novik, too.
Very good one!
Whoo hoo– on the calendar!! Thanks for the update; looking forward to meeting you!!!
Think it will be SRO? =P
Ahhh… sounds wonderful. I hope that you also enjoy (as I am sure the attendees will). Being UK-based and chained to a work schedule decided 12 months in advance, there is no chance that I can attend, but if I could, I would!
Florida! Yay!
Sounds really great….unfortunately being in Slovakia a quite pregnant already I cannot go anywhere…..perhaps if you the greatest Authorlords took pity on those of uz who are unable and consoled us with a snippet… would be much brighter place at once:-))
Ohhhh a snippet- that’s a great idea ?
Please, please, please take pity on that poor pregnant lady and give us a snippet, pretty please?
We’re so spoiled. 😀
Right? She’s preggers!!! In Slovakia, no less. A snippet is the least she should get. ?
I’ve never gone to a signing I think this may be my first! I’m moving back to Houston literally a week before this date…coincidence or fate? 🙂
Are RSVPs needed? Thanks!
I’ve never gone to one either but I live in Jacksonville so I am going. So excited. Hope there is a good turnout after the big O(rlando).
Murder by the Book does not require reservations, but the book signing is done by an assigned number, which you get based on when you buy the book.
Not in my neck of the woods but so glad to hear that the series is doing well enough for you guys to tour again! Yeah!
Being about to go to SDCC and RWA also sounds amazing! Have a great time!
I hope you planned a relaxing vacation after this!
Have fun everyone, and report everything for us European RH chapter!
Wow! Going to SD Comic Con is impressive! Hope you have fun.
So excited for this book release. Will you be reading/signing at the Culver City event? Any chance of an early meet up/hang out before the event?
I second this question! I got SO EXCITED WHEN I SAW THIS because the last I heard about the Ripped Bodice event I don’t think it was 100% confirmed, and I’m flying back from being out of the country the day they’re at the SDCC. So EVEN THOUGH I MIGHT BE JETLAGGED AF I will be going to the Ripped Bodice event because I love Ilona and Gordon heaps. <3
Surely you need a holiday to the east coast of Australia after all that? ?
I hope all those able to attend have a fun. I hope The Authorlords manage to enjoy ComicCon as well and don’t wear themselves out. ComicCon is on my bucket list. One day…
I can’t wait until 25 July. Thankfully our winter school holidays will be over and my kids won’t suffer my benign neglect while I binge read Wildfire. ?
Spilt the difference and come to Hawaii!!!
Ever thought about touring Australia?
I promise that the deadly critters aren’t as bad as people say…
Not in major cities anyway.
Apart from the spiders! But nothing a well aimed (big) shoe can fix/squash
As a bike ride used to say from Mouse to Mouse. Comiccon and RWA. Wow is all I can say. I hope you have a lot of fun and see lots of the BDH. I hope that the tour can be a bit of vacation for you two. I must admit that I am waiting to see what you can do with/to Hugh. Best of Luck and have fun
Eeee Jacksonville visit!!!! Yay
San Diego after/before party?
I live here and would be happy to help if you need any local assistance.
Does this mean it’s possible to show up, buy the book early, and get it signed???? (Not sure what “early on-sale” event means).
The JAX bookstore said we could show up early, get a “ticket for signing group” and return for event. They will call for group A, group B like Southwest airlines, for signing.
When are you going to come to Oz? I’d love to see you and maybe get lucky and get a signed paper copy here in Australia
It shows how much your fans respect you, when a fan, for an instant, contemplates spending approximately 18 hours round trip on a combination of private bus and public transportation to see you in Los Angeles. I seriously tried to plan it. The early release of Wildfire was a great incentive, but I’ve never ridden on a bus trip that long and the train schedule is horrible. So I think I’ll just wait for my Amazon copy.
We would love to see you in Chicago one day! Thanks for all the wonderful books!
So may fun places is such a short amount of time! Have safe travels!
Whoo! So excited to hear that you will be at RWA! I’m guessing the Avon Digital Day at the Dolphin will be packed so I’ll plan to attend the Thursday night B&N event as well.
I’ve never attended a bookstore signing event before so have no idea what to expect–if anyone has any tips and hints they’d be willing to share I’d appreciate it. I live in England so I want to make the most of this unexpected bonus! Thanks!
Maybe if you guys come to Spain I will see youuuu
Hooray! Is there a meetup in Houston again this time?