Hi all, Mod R here with some updates about this past Saturday’s Q&A session and all the spoilers. So many spoilers!

I can see your questions still coming in, but fear not, it will all be unveiled when you watch the recording and read the transcript tomorrow on the blog. Who is the cousin, what is happening with the Pack, but what about the prophecy? All is included and straight from the very lovely horse’s mouth.
It is taking a couple of days to write out the transcript because, although automated captions were available for the Zoom, we didn’t errr…get great feedback over them. Here are some quotes from the log so you can make up your own mind:
Basically they attacked is made where kids disappears and they don’t want him to go after her. Mona staring apart, the door very big. You are bad, no worries that’re paying.
It will be in in a Geanie book rather than a Cajun current book.
But majority of people of staff members don’t know. However, there’s a great deal of people that have been trained by killing, and a lot of them.
Look, I’m not saying these aren’t answers. I just don’t know what they’re answers *to*. Certainly not our Magic Claims questions hehe. I do want to read that Cajun current book, though.
I’ll see you tomorrow with the coherent version.
Thank you!!!
As always, ModR, you and HA spoil us rotten. 🫂❤️
You are awesome! Thank you
It will be in in a Geanie book rather than a Cajun current book.
I understood this: it will be in a Julie book rather than a Kate and Curran book. 🤗
Yay to another Julie book!
Hehe, breaking the codes over here 😀
It is so good to have an interpreter.
Maybe it was supposed to be Cajun currant book. Is HA working on a cookbook? 😉
I’d totally buy one if it included the passion cones recipe!
I know it’s a lot of work but I really appreciate the transcript!
I tuned in but my littles interrupted at the most inopportune moments (the cousin discussion!!) so dying to get back to that.
thank you thank you
and all though the subtitles were wonky at times they were still very helpful when I could pay attention.
My littles are why I don’t sign up for the Zoom discussions, even though I would love it lol. I love them to pieces but focusing on something is basically impossible unless they are all asleep and that only happens after 7:30pm nowadays 😆
A side question. I just reread Magic Claims over the weekend. The first time around I totally missed the comment about Darin finding magic clams. Was that always there or an add in just for us?
Heh. P*tience. This too will be in the transcript, but yes, it was an easter egg specially for the Book Devouring Horde.
Well, of course Mona is staring apart – all doors are very big when you are a Frenchie! Looking forward to the Zoom transcript tomorrow. 📃📃📃
All the doors open to Mona! 😀
They better or she’ll run right through them and cause everyone, including her, headaches. 🙂
Mona and Conlan…awww!
Half the fun of using the transcription service is to laugh hysterically over what it “thinks” you said. And no, they can’t handle accents AT ALL – but you spend less time correcting (usually) than doing the entire transcription from scratch – assuming you’re not crying from reading the transcription…..
Patient has Falenfromatri. An actual transcription from a doctor.
Patient has Fallen from a tree. The translation.
Hahahaha, I wasn’t able to join the Saturday Zoom, so I have no context at all. These snippets crack me up!
Thank you Mod R for making transcripts for those of us who can’t hear the videos properly! It is the most awesome thing ever!
This was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣
Oh, Mod R, I feel your pain. I once had an online marketing job that focused on a client’s website. They were Very Proud of their promo video, which was prominently displayed on the home page. As I combed through the back and front ends, I thought I should review the captioning for full due diligence.
Oh my.
So. Many. Ducking. Words! There were several NSFW phrases explicitly displayed as well. I think their video production company had also assured them of the quality of their video production too. That video got sooooo many reviews for all the wrong reasons. And it took forever to correct.
Thank you for your transcriptions – they are meticulous and much appreciated!
Hmmm! Cajun “currents.” Wonder if they are as good as regular ones in scones and Welsh cookies?
Ooh! Where can I get scones and Welsh cookies with currants? I miss my mom’s scones and my aunt’s currant cake!!
Thank you so much for the transcript. Hope everyone has a great day. I will be driving from Mississippi to Virginia after spending 6 weeks with my Mom starting tomorrow. I spend the night somewhere along the way. I am going to listen to Sweep of the Heart. I bought the audible a while back but haven’t listened to it yet. Of course I have read the book a couple of times. I hope there will be a Graphic Audio version. I love the ones I have listened too already.
My mom is 80 and I haven’t spent more than a few days here and there at her home since I was 19 and left to join the Air Force. I married right after I got out so other than holidays or visits here and there I haven’t lived with my Mom and Dad since I was 19. Dad passed away 11 years ago and this has been a lovely time with Mom. I think of it as a blessing. She is in very good health but when you are 80 that can change very quickly. I will treasure the last 6 weeks.
Thank you for the transcript Mod R.
I hope you have a lovely time!
I use Google Recorder during board meetings to help me with writing the minutes and it automatically transcribes the recording – for some reason it’s always transcribing curse words for the President and he’s a man who thinks “darn” is strong language. HAHAHA. Gives me quite a giggle to read back through it (usually when I’m scanning for a particular section) and I always make sure no one ever sees the auto-transcriptions!
Oh yeah, there are a LOT of blue words, that were absolutely not said hehe 😀 . I don’t know what’s up with that, is the AI fascinated by obscenity?
The opposite of when you type a spicy word when texting- reverse autocorrect!
you ought to see what translates when your discussion consists of a mixture of medical and IT terms and all the associated acronyms.
Don’t even get me started in firewalls that automatically prevent you from going places with certain words in them. What is generally thought of as a naughty word isn’t necessarily so in the medical industry.
I’ve seen medical terms translated, and I laugh to the point my stomach hurts. Acronyms are even funnier since the translation software doesn’t know what to do with them.
Kelly you might want to look into the Otter app instead. I’ve never tried it with overseas accents but with my Pennsylvania mountains(Dad)/Tennessee mountains(Mom)/Maryland islander(my childhood home) mix-mash way of talking, it does really well. A LOT better than Google, which couldn’t seem to understand 2/3rds of what I was saying the last time I tried it.
(Which admittedly was a few years ago and it might’ve improved since then.)
Haha I love reading the transcripts but will wait to get something that os coherent. Thanks for making the effort!!
All I can say is that those subtitles you cited here remind me of googletrad when the text being translated is filled with spelling mistakes and/or vernacular expressions (like “never mind, Sandy” being translated into “jamais esprit de sable” in French). I have a lot of trouble with accents so I don’t ever follow Zoom meetings, no matter how interesting I would find them if I could understand them. So I really appreciate your transcripting them.
Same, same, same. I always have captions on bc my ears don’t work right.
Thanks, Mod R for all the hard work you’re putting into this for the Horde.
Cajun currents…Curran making waves in the ocean like he did at the beginning of Magic Claims. It could also be someone from Louisiana on their pontoon boat making waves either in the Gulf of Mexico, on the bayou, or on the Mississippi River. 😀
Cajun Clams? 😀
Thank you. I have done transcription, I know exactly how hard it is, and I loathe doing it. Although you definitely have more interesting material to work with! As I have a lot of trouble watching video, I really appreciate the transcription.
Thank you for all you do!
thank you for taking the time to do the transcript for us!
What a terrific little short! Loved it.
Hehehehe. I didn’t bother to turn on the captions and now I wish I had. Thanks for all the work! and I’m looking forward to the transcript to refresh my memory
Before I got my cochlear implant I was basically deaf. I could read lips but for Zoom meetings (and other things) I relied on an app called Live Transcribe. It did the job but with some very interesting quirks. It said people were snoring, and cursing 🤬 and other fun things. And the interpretation of medical terminology was crazy.
In the early days of PCs words could , and would, be accidentally replaced by a computer preferred term in a document you were typing if you hit the space bar at the wrong moment. The ‘replacement’ wasn’t always caught. Once we realized what was happening we typed in the first verses of Jaberwocky just to mess with it!🤦♂️
Hmmm …
I am looking forward to the video or the transcript or both. Thank you for putting them on the blog. It makes you a rare author to have Mod R provide your delightful content free. The good will is why HA sells a lot of books and your Merch store does so well. People appreciate your words, your stories and your extra effort.
This is hilariious! Thank you for the giggles!!
Thanks ModR for transcribing! I definitely prefer editing a transcription rather than transcribing myself from audio! It definitely saves time. But what shows up in the transcription sometime is crazy. I use transcribe in Microsoft 365 word and it tends to drop off the words at the end of sentences which is really odd. And the things people say sometimes end up hilarious and I am like, what did they say, so I have to go back and listen again to untangle it.
Thanks for all you do for the BDH!
These softwares don’t handle accents well 🤣
The door is big indeed.
Thank you for all you do Mod R.
Wow. I’ve watched a few YT videos that had super wacky close captioning. That’s right in line with the worst of those.
None of the other videos I’ve watched were done by people with accents. It may be a bug in the close captioning? This has happened to a wide range of videos from a watercolor set review to recipes for basic foods like making hashbrowns from scratch.
I did watch this on YT I think they day after it was done live. The voice track was off, but it sounded great. Looking forward to the transcript, thank you Mod R!
HA!! sometimes the captions are very autocorrect in style.
Go home zoom, you’re drunk!🤣🤣🤣
Have you looked into using the Otter.Ai transcribing app? You can connect it to zoom and I’d say it’s about 90 accurate. I used it to record and transcribe research interviews and it was a lifesaver!
Thank you for the tip! I would say when Gordon speaks the rate of accuracy is about 80-90%. Both Ilona and I have Eastern European accents and…it struggles.
Another thumbs-up for trying Otter *raises hand*. 🙂
Ilona’s words are so “round” (I can’t think of another way to say it), and to add to it she and Andrew are in that huge room that, while absolutely gorgeous to look at, is a nightmare for a microphone. It’s like being in an echo chamber from the size, and then all the hard surface walls and glass doors bounce the sound around. Plus they seem to be pretty far from the microphone, at least two feet since we can’t see it in the video. Optimal range on any microphone is somewhere between 6″-12″; further than that and the sound gets muddy.
Are they using a separate USB mic, like a Blue, or are they just using whatever’s in their computer with their webcam software?
It would probably help any transcription software (and live zoom listeners) if House Andrews:
1) used a good external mic, like a Blue Yeti or a Blue Snowball, right at the edge of the desk close to them, or
2) used small lavalier mics clipped to their shirts, or
3) were both wearing directional headset mics. Any decent gaming headset would do, as they’re specifically made for voice communication.
“there’s a great deal of people that have been trained by killing”
BWAHHA This sounds like a college writing project. Here’s a random sentence, write a short story starting with this line.
I kinda love it, and now want to know more. Who are these “great deal of people”? What or who did they kill? Why!?! 🙂 lol
Ha ha! Zoom captioning success… not!
Thank you for doing the transcription for us Mod R! It can’t be easy and must take a lot of time. The BDH loves you even more for it! 🥰
Maybe it’s too late for this suggestion to help you, but I’ve had amazing luck with Whisper AI transcription. If you use the “whisper.cpp” version, on my MacBook Air it does an hour of transcription in about 20 minutes. And the quality! I even got halfway decent results with a recording of a Tibetan with a very thick accent.
Feel free to contact me if you’d like volunteer help with it.
Thanks so much! I look forward to all the additional information on the book 😁
isnt Hugh the cousin? no
Thanks for all the extra effort, I’m looking forward to reading the transcript with or without crazy additions.
So in addition to Magic Clams there will be a Cajun cookbook? is that what you’re saying? 😁😉
😂 amazing. Thank you for posting the auto transcript example. & thank you for the great and time-consuming effort of your transcript. We see your work and we appreciate, both House Andrews & ModR!!
Thank you for sharing and for taking the time to translate it all for us! I can never make it to the Q & A’s, and I have a question that has been burning holes in my brain since Magic Triumphs. I know I may not get answers here, but if anyone knows info on these, I would definitely appreciate it!
What happened to the helpers we learned about in Magic Shifts & Magic Binds: 1) the ifrit hound that used to be Mitchell, 2) Eduardo’s dad and his box of bone, and 3) Curran’s elite team?