Hi Horde, how are you enjoying the week of surprises? Hehe, told you the excitement was hard to contain!

Let’s see, we’ve had Kate coming home with the Magic Tides preorder, we’ve had the Merchandise store launch, we’ve had the Sweep of the Heart release…
Next in the House of Andrews week-long advent calendar is the Sweep of the Heart Zoom session today, December 14th at 7 pm US Central Time. Join us for all most some of the answers! Future Innkeeper books! Klaus Klaus Klaus! And more.
Available spaces have been booked, unfortunately, but we will likely have a recording and transcript (next week). Here is a timezone converter to help you figure out Central Time if you’re already registered.
Then on Saturday, December 17th at 10 am US Central Time, once aaaaaall of this week’s surprises will be out, we’ll have a more general brunch chat about various projects, future plans, festive spoilers etc. There’s still time to email me questions at modr@ilona-andrews.com or ask them in the comments.
Now comes the vote: do you prefer a free-for-all spoilerific Q&A like we had for Ruby Fever, where everything was discussed and recorded, or do you want to preserve the mystery and have a defined spoiler session at the end, which is edited out of the video and transcript when it’s posted on the blog?
Zoom Spoilers
- Give us the spoilers, we want the spoilers, WE MUST HAVE THE SPOILERS! (85%, 1,691 Votes)
- Keep the mystery, I want to read it in the book! (15%, 296 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,987

Some quick answers before I have to run:
- the international merch shop is coming soon but we don’t have an exact date;
- the Kobo link for Magic Tides is here;
- Sweep of the Heart audio is coming on January 13th and *will* also be available on Audible, they’re just taking their sweet time showing the link. It was uploaded before Thanksgiving and other retailers’ systems have it already, see here.
See you tonight!
Yay! ordered the new book; missed registration for Zoom but anticipating the recording; thanks for the exciting week!
you can still register on the original post were they announced the zooms (3 or 4 posts ago).
I hope Graphic Audio is going to add Sweep of the Heart to their lineup SOON! I got my husband hooked on them. (He doesn’t read fiction and I never thought I’d lure him in until now.)
Mod R, the commentary at the beginnings of the SotH chapters reminds me so much of you, hahahaha.
Ilona wrote them so I will take that as a huge compliment!
I haz LINES! I r charactur!
I loved how Book Devouring Horde was crossed out on one. I’m wondering what people who read the books but don’t come to the blog think when they see that text.
+1! I had forgotten that one, so it was a lovely surprise, really.
Mod R we love you! Thank you for all your work.Also I want to hug Cookie.
Hehe. That was the EXACT prompt House Andrews gave the artist: “People must want to hug him!”
Hug him and play with those furry ears! I have a Yorkie/Silkie terrier with pointy foxy ears and they are so much fun to pet.
Mod R – just want to give you a shout out for your delightful work!
Thank you! 🙂
To start, I feel so much gratitude that HA is so generous with you time and content that I feel a little guilty even bringing this up, but it’s a little sad for those of us who can’t attend the Zoom and don’t have an option to hear the spoilers that are shared in the live-only version. Maybe there could be a compromise where the spoilerage is shunted to the end (as in option 2) to save on ease of editing but the second part would be in a separate file so that those who find spoilers, um, spoil things don’t have to choose between getting the non-spoilery info or losing the surprise?
Ah, it took me too long to write my post, but I’m basically asking the same thing ???? apologies for the double question!
We can do all that, but they will sooner rather than later become common knowledge- shared in comments and Horde ideas and plans between people who do watch and people who don’t. It will be hard to keep track.
Dear Mod R, is there a middle ground possible? That the spoilers would be included at the end of the transcript, but marked as such, so people may choose to either read them or not? Or is that just a stupid amount of work and not possible?
Either way, I very much appreciate your time and effort in making the transcript!
Yeah, ofc, we can mark them, but once the koo-ko flies the coop, people will repeat it in comments and theories and…practically, it just won’t be secret anymore.
True. At the same time, with all the theories and ships 😉 and random other thoughts that fly around the BDH, reading about something in a comment as part of speculation still feels different from reading it as having been said by IA, for me anyway, but other people will have other experiences so please don’t mind me, I can obviously just choose to skip the transcript ???? I must say that I really do appreciate all your hard work in keeping the comments spoiler free Mod R!
Oh Mod R, you and House Andrews are so good to us!
Thank you for asking about spoilers; I have difficulties processing audio, and so I prefer to leave the Zoom space for someone who can understand it.
I look forward to the transcript whenever it appears; don’t kill yourself getting it done.
I think a defined spoiler section that is NOT edited out balances both sides – people can stop at that point or continue at their own peril.
Mod R, I agree with everyone else, you are great to keep all of us in the loop. Hopefully when the international merch store opens, you will be able to get a proud member of the BDH t-shirt. 🙂
I voted for all the spoilage we can get. Give me spoils or give me the book the spoils are in (or both)!
This is like Christmas and New Year’s rolled into one huge present for us. Thank you!
Hi Mod R, House Andrews and everyone,
I want to ask if there are Informations about further translations of the *innkeeper* Series into German. At this time, only books 1-3 are translated.
Yes, I could read the books in the original, as I did with other books of House Andrews, but I also enjoy reading the books and understand every word, especially when I read the books at night before sleeping (with some kind of brain afk 😉 )
Thank you for your time and looking forward to the event on Saturday,
Hi Ann,
I’m sorry the translations are not available, I know a lot of German readers have written in.
House Andrews do not control the availability of the books in other countries or the translations. Only your local publishers and retailers control that. If you would like to read the books in your language/your country, please email the local publisher who published the first 3 books and let them know. Or, if they abandoned the project, another publisher that puts out fiction similar to the Innkeeper books- and tell them you would like to read the rest of the series on your terms.
Ilona Andrews are happy to sell foreign rights to other countries and have the books available as widely as possible, but unfortunately, that’s where their sphere of inflence over the matter ends.
Question for chats – if anything can be shared, would love any updates on Blood Heir sequels. Can’t wait to see more of Derek and julie
Cookie’s ears are different here than the picture in my eBook. Much more lynx-like. I like it.
And you can see his earrings in this one.
Interesting. I refreshed the page to look at later comments and now the picture matches the one in the book. Still like the lynx-like ears better.
I’m just happy you are writing this series, keep up the great work
I have a nice list of authors whose work I follow and absolutely love. But you guys are the only ones who predictably produce this particular reaction from me when I read a new work:
It’s usually a good idea for me to finish one of your books in an empty house so my family doesn’t think I’m going (even more) crazy.
I LOVE the interior illustrations. They are magical. Thank you for posting the color versions on the website. My e-reader doesn’t show color.
It’s a major bummer when spoilers are removed from the video after the fact. Some of us cannot be online during the offered times. That doesn’t mean we don’t want the spoilers. I understand you absolutely cannot work with everyone’s schedule. I would never ask anyone to try. Just because we can’t be online at a specific time doesn’t mean that we don’t want the whole experience.
Amazon uk wont let me pre order magic tides ?
Any ideas
I just this second did it with no problem, so please try again or contact Amazon support, the issue may be with your account. This is the link for the U.K. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Magic-Tides-Kate-Daniels-Wilmington-ebook/dp/B0BPN6QR9H/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=EEV8DFZMN1F0&keywords=magic+tides+ilona+andrews&qid=1671043445&sprefix=magic+tides+ilona+andrews%2Caps%2C56&sr=8-1
Note that you cannot order from the Amazon app anymore, not just Magic Tides, but books in general. You need to be on the browser version ????
Okokokokok, I NEEED to know; will Innkeeper continue on Graphic Audio? ‘Cause it needs to!
It’s not officially on their schedule yet, so I can’t give you a date, but they are fast workers, so we will announce it as soon as it gets there.
In the meantime, Graphic Audio are hard at work on the Kate Daniels series for next year! Woohoo!
I know better than to suggest it happen in actual written lines, but every time I see Klaus’ name, I hope someone in the Innkeeper world has smacked him on the back of the head for being out of touch.
I have been wondering about this for a while and I don’t think anyone else has asked the question before (that I’m aware of lol!) but was the plan to always redeem Hugh in the Kate Daniels series? I know his book(s?) started off as an April Fool’s joke that quickly spiraled, as it is wont to do with the BDH, but having just reread the series, I am now curious again if that had always been the plan.
A cookie hoodie would be awesome!!! ????????????????????????????????????
OMG YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Orro
Mod R, are you saying there will be *EVEN MORE* top secret surprises between now and Saturday??? ????????
I’m not sure how to cope with all this awesomeness all at once ????
Mwa. Ha. Ha.
Fantastic illustration! Looking forward to the zoom mtg tonight. Thanks in advance!
Woooo, Hooooo, preordered
Happy days!!!
Holy moly- just finished new book. You rock, it’s great, all you write is gold, and very other good thing. Now to go think things over and rediscover my grammar again. Thank you!!!
Hi, if the whole session is going to be spoilers can you let us know ahead of time? I normally would have read it already but this time I’m waiting to read during the time I’ve taken off around Christmas…
I don’t want to join the session then because obviously I’ll be spoilered, but then don’t want to take up a spot on the zoom call.
If you haven’t read it AT ALL, and haven’t followed the serial on the blog, I would wait for the recording ????
ohh I see. I have read the beginning but had to drop off because life got too busy and I was forgetting what was happening. I think I’ll wait to savor the book and skip the zoom call then, thanks!
Just wanted to thank you for your mammoth efforts to bring such joy to all of us. Especially during Covid. You are very much appreciated and I am grateful for your stories that delighted me and gave me moments of escape from life. Thank you! Thank you!
You give the best Christmas present ever ????
Bought Sweep of the Heart, ordered Magic Tides. Thank you! Thank you! Love your work.
I’m so excited! I get to have a zoom with the leaders of the BDH on my birthday!!!!!
Happy Birthday! ????
Thank you again and so looking forward to tonight’s session!
I love the chapter intros – so fun!
You may have meant to ask, “Spoilers, what spoilers? We’ve already read the book, re-read the series, and re-read the book to prep for this Q&A!?!”. ????
Ha Ha! Yes, so much yes.
Just wanted to say I finished reading Sweep of the Heart last night, and it was everything I hoped for, just awesome and amazing…I am already re-reading and savoring it all over again! No new spoilers on the second time around ???? but plenty of thrills, chills, laughs, tears, and warm fuzzies all around just the same!
Thank you again HA for giving us so much: no matter how often the BDH says it, you will probably never ‘really’ understand how much you and your books mean to us.????????????????
And thank you Mod R for all you do: you are truly the BDH’s Most Favored Illustrious Leader, Wise Co-Conspirator, Ship Captain, and Favorite Online Friend we all love to spend time with! ????????????????
Awwww, thank you, love the Horde right back!
zoom question:
is Caldenia still tapped into the collective empathy of the six star supremacy?
Oooooh, good one!
Aaack! I registered, but I can’t find the Zoom link. Sadness. I will look forward to the recording.
Love this illustration of Cookie much better than the one in the book. This one has longer ears and shows his rings. The illustration in the book has no rings. Cookie would not approve. He worked hard for those rings.
The zoom call tonight was illuminating and akin to 90 minutes of reading another excellent Ilona Andrews book.
Thank you HA for the Zoom session and all the additional background info… and especially the spoilers!!! ❤️
I hope you get a good sleep in Mod R – you deserve it! ????
Question that I couldn’t type fast enough to get in:
why hasn’t the Assembly done anything about the corrupt Ad-Hals since they know there have been more than just Michael (Tony said so at the end of OFS)?
My suggestion for a recording is for a spoiler section at the end, but NOT edited out. just make an announcement that if you don’t want spoilers, stop playback. Those who want spoilers can continue to listen.
Wow. Just finished SWEEP OF THE HEART (Borrowed it from my library as my paperback has not arrived yet) and wanted to make a couple of comments but didn’t want to spoil it for anyone else…..So just “Wow”. Thank you HA for another great read. You guys write such amazing, funny, interesting stories with action, heart and twists with turns. And thank you Mod R for all your comments and replies. You make the BLOG even better.
Not a spoiler, but maybe a comment on artistic license? I love the picture of Nuan Couki! But I thought all Lees were blue? Finished the book twice and all I can say is “!!AARRGGGG!!
No, all Lees are not blue 🙂 , they range in colour, as described in both Sweep with Me and Sweep of the Blade.
“The seventh son looked at us. He was barely three and a half feet tall, with pale, sandy fur and huge blue eyes. He waved his paw at us, squeaked “Hi!” in a tiny voice, and dashed after the procession of Nuan Cee’s relatives and into the inn.”
Andrews, Ilona. Sweep in Peace, The Innkeeper Chronicles 2. NYLA Publishing 2015. Kindle edition, Chapter 14 – first appearance of Cookie.
Cookie is sandy furred. It’s Nuan Cee that is silver blue with golden rosettes.
Hope this helped.
Finished the book last night. Thank you for another great read! And as always for future rereads. So great to have something to look forward to when the weather chases me indoors.
Because I’m near deaf, hearing aids only increase the volume of the noise, I don’t use audible or participate in zoom sessions. I appreciate written transcripts.
Are the internal artworks in the paperbacks in colour? That would be an incentive to get a print copy as well as the ebook ????.
I assume they’re not, though – in which case would House Andrews consider doing a special edition with coloured artwork at some point, maybe when the series is complete? I’ve been seeing quite a number of successful indie special editions lately…
No, the price would become truly prohibitive if the illustrations would be in full colour in the PODs. I am not even certain whether that’s an option.
There are currently no plans for a special edition, but I know House Andrews are very interested in that option. We will of course let you know! 🙂
The picture is nice but where his ear ring for moving up the merchant ranks.
The image of Cookie is my new favorite.
Might it be on a mouse pad soon? I need that mouse pad.
I’d also like to know if there will be black tee shirts with Roman’s “Only serial killers and cops drink their coffee black” motto. It’s the second best coffee quote ever.
Thank you so much for indulging us and have a fun and totally *spoiler-y zoom tonight!
One Zoom session was last night and the new one will be on Saturday 🙂
(Thanks for pointing out the Oopsy on the date.)
No matter what, I hope ya’ll enjoy the well deserved adulation of the BDH!
I’m looking forward to seeing the video when you post it.
And hoping for the Cookie mouse pad & Roman tee shirt to be available
(fingers crossed).
I have just finished Sweep of the Heart. I love it! The first 2 innkeeper novels were my introduction to your books and the beginning of my becoming a member of the BDH ! I can’t wait for the next installment of the innkeeper world. it just keeps getting better. I love the history and insights into Caldenia in this book, I always felt there was more to her than we knew and that she had a “softer” side to her and have also felt that she genuinely cares for Dina and not just because Dina is crucial to her safety and continuing living. Caldenia would never stay with anyone that she didn’t think was exceptional in some way.
I was disappointed that the pictures of each of the candidates didn’t make it into my ebook. Are they still on the blog somewhere?
The images used to represent the candidates were stock images bought for use on the blog. The same licence would not extend to use in the book, where House Andrews chose to include interior illustration of original art, commissioned specifically for the story 🙂
Hi…. When and where will the links be posted for the zoom calls?
When: Sometime this week, when I am done with the transcript.
Where: On the blog, of course!
thank tou
Dear ModR, Ilona and Gordon,
Thank you for joyous gift of the Q&A sessions. Whether live or the recorded version, seeing you interact just makes my heart happy.
You may be completely stressed but it never shows. Instead, you are all so happy in each other’s company that it makes me happy to see you.
And ModR, thank you for staying up until 1:30 am for the first session.
Was there any news about new books from the 12/17 zoom?