We’ve had a stressful couple of weeks trying to navigate through my father’s visit and trying to save one of our dog’s eye from infection while feverishly editing and writing. Sorry for no new posts. I’m trying something new, for me at least. Okay I’ve got this fight scene where 8 different fights are happening
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Hybrid Authors
First things first: if you want the collector edition of Kinsmen from Subterranean, it’s on sale now for $37.50, 50% off. Click this link, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and it will be the 8th title up. Thank you to Aarya for heads up. Quick update on SWEEP OF THE BLADE: thank
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Should You Have a Webpage
Today’s question comes from H., who is just starting out on a path to publication: As an unpublished author, should I start an author webpage?Should I share snippets of my story on my social media? I’m very nervous about putting my work out there, but I also know I’m never going to get anywhere if
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Writing Process Rambling
I had a spat with my husband yesterday. When we just started out, we would blast through the first draft as fast as we could and then do extensive rewrites. Now we have some experience, and a curious thing happens: we both know when the scene doesn’t work. Instead of realizing it later, in rewrites,
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Writing Questions: Research
what are your primary forms of research? To be specific, do you look at scientific journals, speak with people who specialize in the field, watch videos, etc? And if you go for that personal meeting with a person, how do you approach them (through email? Setup face to face meetings)? Are people in a university
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Writing Questions: Ideas and Reviews
Do you ever read someone else’s stuff and think “oh Kate would have done it this way” or then think “I could have done that better?” – then fight yourself not to use the idea? I never want to borrow someone else’s idea but sometimes what is in a story is similar to what I
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Characters, Part 2
So I have the basic layout of my story. … The problem is my characters won’t let me stick to my admittedly sketchy outline and keep taking me off on tangents. So my question is, do you ever let your characters run roughshod over your supposed plot and see where it leads you? Or do
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Writing Questions: Characters, Part 1
Most of us as would-be writers want to get out books into someone’s hands, but don’t always understand how to make the characters in our heads as likeable or engaging to someone who only has the black-magic-marks-on-white-paper to go by. Kate Daniels, for example, was raised to be an unfeeling killer and is often kind
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Writing Questions: NaNoWriMo Edition
Disclaimer: this is an article on the craft and business of writing. We are going to answer the questions raised within with honestly and bluntness. If you are here as a fan of our work, sometimes that can be jarring, so proceed at your own risk. In a recent blog post you asked for questions
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What Does It Take To Make It?
P. writes, I desperately want to be a writer. … I attended a book signing and I could picture myself doing it, like it could be me. I could do this. … What does it take to make it? Oy. It would be good if life had easy answers. If you could just say, “Work
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Writing: POV
D. writes, I had a question about POVs. For your newest book you switched back and forth between Hugh and Elara, but you have general only stuck with one point of view for the Kate Daniels, Innkeeper and Hidden Legacy books/series. I was wondering the reasoning behind your choices to either switch between POVs or
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On Outlining
C. writes I was wondering if for a future blog post on writing or writing tricks, if you could describe your story outlining process a little? And/or post a small example of your typical outline? Even just a short blurb would be really awesome. I’m a very visual person, and I struggle with ADHD (diagnosed
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