I’ve gotten this wonderfully accusatory message about Hugh’s book not being a book, etc, etc. It is a book. It’s 2-3 to 3/4 done, not quite sure how long it will be yet. We were aiming for 90K, and then Gordon said, “You know, we’re self-publishing it.” So it might be longer. We still lurve
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House Buying and Other Nightmares
When we started shopping for a house, both Jeanine Frost and Grace Draven warned me that the applying for a loan was going to be a nightmare. As self-employed, we face far greater scrutiny. When we bought the house we currently live in, it was easy. Not sure why, but they asked for certain documents,
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Saturday Silliness
First, I grabbed a hot candle and burned my left index finger. I have to work today. My typing is a series of ows. Second, look at my fancy tea. Blue tea is the latest craze. The color comes from Butterfly Pea flowers. I bought a box from Tea Forte, because someone sent me a
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Magic Stars in German
Today we bring you the German take on Derek. Click to enlarge. So tragic. So beautiful… Hehehe!
Just Let me Staple the Vicar…
This reminded me of a wonderful stand up. I don’t think I shared it on the blog yet, so here we go. Peter Kay.
Comfort gaming
So, I’ve been playing Empyrion, which I enjoyed very much, but I am kind of getting fed up with it. I really want a feel good game, something pretty, possibly even cute. Something like Stardew Valley or Recettear. Failing that, I’d love something absorbing. Middle Earth: Shadow of War is coming out, and I’m excited
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Fear Overload
This is a personal and not very entertaining post. I will ask you to keep your political views to yourself, please. Feel free to comment on the subject of the post, but if you feel the need to express your frustration with Republicans or Democrats, please do it elsewhere. You’ve been warned. Because of my
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On Outlining
C. writes I was wondering if for a future blog post on writing or writing tricks, if you could describe your story outlining process a little? And/or post a small example of your typical outline? Even just a short blurb would be really awesome. I’m a very visual person, and I struggle with ADHD (diagnosed
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Repetitive Redundancies
Have you ever seen a phrase Free Gift? Buy this and get a free gift? Open an account and get a free gift? gift noun noun: gift; plural noun: gifts 1. a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present. “a Christmas gift” synonyms: present, handout, donation, offering, bestowal, bonus, award, endowment; Colloquial English
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Moving and House Troubles
Contrary to the creative posting by certain smart ass assistants, we’re not completely wrapped up in house issues. We’re also working on Kate 10. A lot of you emailed and asked us when we are moving, where we are moving, and so on. Austin is a big sprawling city that’s only getting bigger and it
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Things That Drive Me Nuts
I’ve been seeing this meme on Facebook, and it drives me up the wall. The man on the left is Cary Grant. He was born in 1904. In 1917, he would’ve been 13 years old. He is older in the picture and the cut of his coat is quite generous so I would put this
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On Men, Incomprehensibility Of
Me: Why is your nose bleeding? Him: I was helping Kid 1 to put cardboard into a dumpster in her apartment. We put too much cardboard in and the lid fell and scraped off a chunk of my skin. Me: When was this? Him: Wednesday. Me: You got scraped by the lid of an apartment
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