Store First
We have received over 1,500 orders. That is a lot of orders. A lot more orders than expected. We are going through each order individually, meaning every order is reviewed by an actual human before it will be put into production. If we see weirdness, we may email you to doublecheck that everything is correct.
We can put everything automatically into production, but we decided to take the extra step of doing this because you are not just customers. You are BDH. We love you, and we want to make sure that everything is okay. This means that orders will be filled gradually over the course of this week. You will get notifications when the order is shipped.
Some of you emailed regarding the order changes. We will respond to you later today. We have your emails, we are just going through things in order.
If you had messed up your order somehow, now is the time to email us through the store contact form. Nothing is in production yet, but the first set of orders will be by this afternoon. Once it’s in production, we can still correct some things but our options are limited. Please include your order number.
Wednesday Zoom
So how about them clams? Sorry, couldn’t resist.
I’m thrilled to announce that Magic Claims has broken through all sorts of sales records for us. It’s kind of wild how many copies were sold. Thank you so much for putting your trust into our work.
Also, thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate the release of Magic Clams. We were so happy to see you and hang out. Someone of you asked for subtitles. Unfortunately, Zoom subtitles don’t play well with accents, and sometimes they end up subtitling horrible things instead of what we actually said.
We’ve leveled up our set up quite a bit. Brad, our publicity person, overhauled our streaming set up, Kid 1 and Kid 2 overhauled our office, and we now can simultaneously stream to YouTube. The goal is to be able to stream to social networks as well by the end of the year. This was our first run, and it went much better than expected.
We know there was a bit of a glitch with the screen share, but no worries, we’ve got you covered.
First, here is a video from Hillary Huber, our narrator for Wilmington Files Kate.
Second, we have a small thank you for you. You can find it here. We hope you like it.
We will try to do more of these coming up. It’s fun to check in with the Wilmington pack once in a while to see what is happening. After all, there are so many towers to open.
In the future, we will try to have fun surprises during zooms, so if you want to be the first to know about things, don’t forget to sign up.
Let us know if you like our small present in the comments. Happy Thursday!
PS MOD R: You can watch the recording of last night’s Zoom session on YouTube here.
Thank you for last night’s Zoom and for being introduced to Hillary.
Read Magic Claims .. loved it.
Thanks for the snippet.
A small thought .. can you imagine Jim and Luthor on a mission together? The snark alone would protect them.
The snark line made me laugh!
They would either kill each other by the time the mission is done or they would become best friends. 😀
I vote for kill…no way in hell would both of them survive.
Please don’t make an old woman (me) learn a new app! Can’t we have the great transcripts and videos on the blog any more? This is where I come to see you!
THANK YOU for Magic CLAMS, the store, the surprises and everything you do!
Mod R said that a transcript will be posted on the blog.
We’ll try subtitles on Saturday’s Zoom 🙂 – if they work and people are happy, we’ll carry on with that.
If you guys still want a transcript of course I will do one! 🙂
Transcript is sometimes easier to follow than video. Please include:-)
I, for one, really appreciate the transcripts. I don’t like Zoom or YouTube, personally, so reading is my preferred choice. I appreciate all you do, ModR!
please add me to the old folks who appreciate the transcript!
Me too, thank you!
I second. I read faster than I watch and time is at a real premium for me
This, yes. And what a lovely little surprise! Thank you, House Andrews.
I third. I read faster than I watch/listen.
Also, loved the snippet with Conlan and the magic mushrooms! I’m guessing ‘the wolf’ is Keelan.
I also. Funny thing about book lovers–we seem to like to read. Love the transcripts!
I am all in on the transcript but understand it is a lot of work.
Yes please! I couldn’t make it and am desperate to know what I missed!
Please transcript, pretty please, with magical mushroom sprinkles—
LOVED the present–!!!!
I join in as an elder too. Ears and brain do not always calibrate like they used to and synapses snap slower some days!
Can we get an audiobook version of the transcript?? 🙂
(Just kidding, of course!)
I prefer the transcript as well – it lets me work through things at my pace 🙂
For whatever reason I could never get into the zoom meeting even with the invite link. That never happened to me before so if you can put a link from these posts I’d love to see it.
Please continue the transcripts. YouTube and Zoom don’t work on high-speed rural internet 🙂
I love the “high speed rural internet”! I am in the mix with you. We have 2 options here: very expensive satellite, or copper wire dsl. Lightening fast! 😉
Erika – have you looked into Starlink?
This was wonderful! Thank you for the snippet and for Magic Claims. I love this world and these people and I’m very grateful for your books.
Loved it all!
Thank you for the magic clams and for this unexpected gift ❤️
Shapeshifter prince… love it ! so much potential…
I loved the the snippet! thank you for the treat.
I didn’t register as I didn’t think I would be awake at 1 am to watch. Ended up watching on YouTube! Thank you so much for putting the shares here, they didn’t work on the stream.
Not a complaint, but does Mod R not love us anymore? I missed seeing her reactions and the tin foil hat :DDDDDDD
I love you best of all! I was on on Zoom, but the streaming is just for Ilona and Gordon’s camera 😉
There was no magic hat this time, the only thing you missed was my excellent Here Kitty, Kitty mug!
I would love a hello Kitty kitty mug 😭
Write to them on the merch store contact form and ask for a Kitty Kitty mug for the EU 🙂
Oh Thank you ! I’ll do it right now !! Hugs
They did it !!!! THEY DID IT !!!!!!!
I adored the small present and I will say again that the book was great. I have already read it twice. KD is my goto re-read every year.
I loved the “gift”🎉
The present – what a wonderful gift! Thanks for the uplift 🙂
It was nice to see Grendel again. It’s been so long!
Witch warrior?!! Hahaha brilliant. Proud of the young man Conlan is turning into! Thanks House Andrews
Awwwwwwwwwwww. I love that story.
Thank you for the story.
Also, my new rule: no starting a new House Andrews book at 9pm on a worknight. It never ends well for my sleep schedule.
I have the same rule, but I have a hard time adhere to it. It is so hard to put it down once I start. It is crack to me.
I started at 11 PM – and had to leave the house at 8 for a doctor’s appointment the next day.
(Finished right at 2 AM – back up at 6. Always worth it.)
Baby Conlan is all grown up and being a hero, we love to see it S2
Thank you for the gift, much appreciated!
An absolutely wonderful book!!! Thank You!!!
Thank you for our treat!
I was thinking she wasn’t going to find mushrooms because she was losing her belief (growing up) but the twist was that there are heroes:-) It’s not always who we think, and they can change, and they may come too late for some- but they are out there!
Also, being the “prince” is what his parents didn’t want – lol
And thanks for Grendel. Stinky is his natural odor- I think it’s just a dog thing 😉
Thanks again!
I love all of it but especially Grendel’s transformation & smell (Conlan’s apology!) & carrying passengers.
It must be true love between Conlon and Grendel. I had not considered his extra sensitive nose. Maybe he can use his witch powers to come up with a spell to make him smell better.
Grendel carrying passengers reminds me of Conlan riding him naked on the saddle Julie and Derek gave him for his birthday.
Loved this so much! Also Conlan’s generosity.
Hi Emily! I don’t think the dog in the short story was Grendel….it was KEELAN! 😁😁 at least, that’s who I thought it was. But yes! I absolutely love the story too.
The dog in the story is absolutely Grendel – in all his stinky glory! 🙂
The Wolf that gets referenced right after the Alpha staredown “The boy tilted his head. “The Wolf was right. It does work.”” – that’s Keelan 😉
I thought that about the comment, glad I was right. I like how Conlan is shown learning about both magic and fighting. Will Terri appear again?? Will Conlan go to school with her?
Thank you!!! Congratulations on the book!! I love, love, love it!!!
Loved this snippet so much!!!❤️❤️❤️
Ditto! Ditto!
Thank you for the zoom, the book and the snippet – great to catch glimpses of Conlan.
Yes, transcripts of both zooms will be much welcomed.
aka Annabella
Thank you, House Andrews, for the book and for the snippet! You are master storytellers and I love everything you write!
OK – I have been staying away from audio news because I was nervous about the Kate narrator change, but I LOVE Hillary Huber! She did such a fantastic job with Nora Goes Off Script! I think she is going to be a fantastic Kate!!!!!!!
Love the snippet!!! Thank yall for uploading your zoom meeting and Hilary’s video.
What a sweet story. It came at a funny time — coincidence funny. I ran into a hero yesterday.
Yesterday I hired a crew of 6 boys ranging from 8-11 to weed our planting beds. They did an amazing job. Really amazing. Better than I had ever done. I was dying from laughter overhearing them work through the window. Debating the merits of Spiderman. Singing snatches of Marvel theme songs. But the best part was when one of them said he was getting tired and wanted to go home. Another one — not the crew leader — said loudly and firmly. “We have to wook until we are done!”
And they did. Best money I have spent in a long time.
Awesome present! Thank You so much! The hero prince and his faithful magic hound to the rescue! He’s building his reputation already without even trying. Loved it!
Loved the snippet (it’s really a short story). Hugs to the AL for giving the BDH more to chomp on.
Will the shapeshifter prince have groupies? The legend of Conlan grows. Alice sounds pretty badass too. Moaarrrrr
Story! Thank you!!
Loved the snippet. People kept interrupting me with text messages, which was hugely annoying. Just because I’m at work they think they can interrupt my HA time. Rude!
I agree! I have people interrupting me with a meeting I had to be on when I wasn’t expecting it. Of course, those people are in the upper leadership positions, so I can’t refuse being on the meeting. Oy.
Book came on Tuesday and I’m already into my second read 🥰 Loved the snippet 👍
Thank you!
OMG. YESSSSSSSSS. ALL THE YESSSSSS! Thank you for the snippet!!!! [happy sigh]
I have not told you lately how much I love you. Thank you for everything. I loved Magic Claims and our thank you. So thank you for the thank you?
Ditto all of this.
Hello! I tried to put in an order for a couple of mugs in the Merch Store but shipping was going to be $20. That seems really high for 2 mugs going to Idaho but maybe that’s just me. I know you said you aren’t the ones in charge of actually fulfilling the orders but I thought I would let you know since my experience didn’t follow the example you posted.
Hey KC,
Shipping should not be $20. The breakdown of shipping is here: First mug: $8.59. Each additional mug: $6. https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/happy-book-birthday-also-important-store-info/
If you’re getting $20 shipping, you are most likely trying to add merchandise from the wrong country’s catalogue. I put screen pictures with instructions in this post, if you scroll to the bottom 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/the-merch-store-is-open/
Hope this helps!
Thank you! Thank you for the snippet! It was just what I needed today at work. I have Magic Claims at home but am making myself finish the book I am doing a review for a local paper first.
Love your books! Love your characters!
I read it as soon as zoom was over and love it.
Conlan is growing up nicely and Grendel is also flexing his muscles and listen to Conlan. Grendel run around Kate, while Conlan makes him do stuff.
Would love to see more snippets please.
Enjoyed the zoom meet and looking forward to saturday
Loved the snippet! Thank you!!
It was fun last night. No Heros is so cute!
yes! the magic prince! that was so awesome! squiii!
Wonderful gift, thank you so much. I love your stories. Thank you for sharing. Good luck with the merch; it’s a huge, but nice challenge to have!
Just a boy and his dog. Loved it.
thank you..loved the snippet…
so alice is a seer or what??
Thank you for the snippet, it was a wonderful bit of “medicine” to deal with my book hangover from Magic Claims. And thank you for Magic Claims – I loved it so much I’ve read it twice already (hence the book hangover … I just don’t want to be done).
Old lady here too. I echo Gretchen’s plea for a transcript.
I love the small present. Will it become the gift that keeps on giving…giving us a Wilmington years Book 3 eventually? No pressure, but we are the BDH and greatfully consume any treats you toss our way.
Anne in Virginia
There will be a Wilmington Book 3- House Andrews confirmed last night 🙂
Another exciting release might come before it, however 😉
The mistress of suspense strikes again!!
Yay! To those of us who were not on the call last night, thank you for letting us know Mod R. You are the best!
We can’t have Magic Claims end where it did and not take us along with Luther and Kate.
YAY!!! So exciting. Long time reader first time commenter 🙂
I will possess my soul in patience.
Unlike most of the BDH, I don’t consider that a dirty word. Though I do spend the time between pre-order and release hopping up and down excited.
Blood heir -2? 🤩🤩🤩
Thank you! I loved the book. Reading it felt like catching up with old friends. Of course it sold well, it is fantastic.
The snippet!!! I have been Terri so many times. Thank you for keeping the magic and hope alive.
Love, love, love, LOVE.
LOVE the surprise!! looking forward to more details! thank you!!
Read Magic Claims last night! Loved it. 🙂
Thank you for that fun little snippet.
Lovely present. Thank you!
Thanks for the snippet! Made my day!
Love the story!
Thank you for reopening the merch store. I am very excited to get my item.
The snippet was wonderful. Love seeing Conlan follow in his parents footsteps.
That was so lovely – thank you ❤️
omg LOVED the snippet. Thank you!
Loved the small gift. Conlon to the rescue. Who wouldn’t like to be rescued by him. Hope all the kids and kidlings (kids under 6yrs old) come to realize that they were really rescued by a prince! Thanks for the gift
Thank you for the snippet. It was wonderful
Killer present. Thank you. It’s always great to meet the narrators. I am currently on a cycle of Hidden Legacy audio books to get me through my work day. We are remodeling and I have never felt more in sympathy with Kate. This too shall pass.
Thank you for the gift! Much appreciated!
Grendel! Conlan! Thank you!
Thank you for sharing the surprises earlier than expected!
I was on the YouTube stream and really appreciated being able to watch since my schedule didn’t allow me to join the zoom on time. It was really clear how much prep and care went into the new set up. The office looked great with the bookcases, plants and lights by the way! And love the animal and support team cameos. It feels immersive and a testament to how much work is put in. I appreciate that you (inclusive of the full team!) always make every effort to take care of the BDH.
Magic Claims without hyperbole was one of the best reads in Kate’s story for me. Love, love, loved it!
What a wonderful present. ❤️
This is why there is a BDH.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! My favorite authors ever!
Wow he’s a hero just like his parents!
Thank you for the gift and the introduction! (And for everything you’re doing with the store for the Horde – we do appreciate it!)
Aww, that was great! Thank you!
And I am glad the book is a huge success. Well deserved!
That snippet = just gorgeous!
That snippet 😍😍😍 thank you!
I loved Magic Claims. It was at the same time funny and thoughtful and, as always, so well written. It brought back all the reasons I love the KD books and world. I also loved the hints at what is to come in the next books. Finishing MC made me want to go back and read / listen to all the KD books. For the 4th time. 😉
Thank you so much for this snippet – I love the new characters and concept of the mushrooms. Snippets make it so much easier to patiently wait for your next book(s) – and at the same time tantalize us with new characters and world elements. 🙂
Loved the book and the snippet.. thanks!
I loved the present! Thank you! How kind of you.
I loved the “small present.” Thank you!
I wonder if warlock mushrooms go good on pizza?
I love the snippet that was included. It shows a a wider range of what happens with Kate’s little family. Loved that the young prince came and save the day. Looking forward to more of these in the future if your creativity moves you. Have a wonderful day
That was incredible!! Conlan is growing up to be such a marvel! Thank you Soo much!
OMG!!!! That was the best! The “small gift” of the hunt for warlock mushrooms! So theological! (ok, I am a biblical theologian and see God at work everywhere there is goodness that overcomes fear, violence, and evil–gotta cut me a little slack here, folks, please?).
And I was so “hungry” for just a little more from the Wilmington Pack . . . Thank you, House Andrews. Well done, good and faithful friends to the BDH!
Thank you!!!!!!! I really enjoyed reading that 😍😍😍
Shapeshifter Prince 😍😍😍 The Hero in the woods 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Wonderful snippet, thank you guys so much
thank you for the gift, I haven’t read it yet as I saw that it might be Pendleton based so I figured I’d best finish Clams first 🙂
can I check if the link to the you tube post that was put up earlier today and then taken down might go up again? as when I was catching up on the twitter posts and tried to follow the blog link for that one, it said that the page wasn’t found.
Reading Clams between catching up with friends on holiday. torn as I want to keep reading, but can’t add I have to socialise with everyone 😁
many thanks again for the wonderful story and everything that Mod R and the team do to keep us all connected.
all the best
Hei Sivi, the YouTube video is here https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ilona+andrews , it isn’t going anywhere 🙂
Loving the Wilmington Files! And the little treat is GREAT! Reading Magic Claims got me hooked into rereading all the Kate books. 😀 Sucked in again.
Thank you so much! 🙂
You never fail to make me want more. I have loved every world you create and the characters are flawed and relatable at the same time. The snippet was fabulous. Thank you so much for being masters of your craft.
Thank you!!! That was a lovely surprise. I’m glad Conlan is finding his way and learning to be his own kind of hero!
Loved the snippet and reading about Conlan’s adventures. Really felt for Terri, hope we see more of her in the future. Every kid deserves a hero to watch out for them. Hope she and Conlan become friends.
I wanted to hug Terri and tell her there were plenty of heroes in the woods, and that she was one of them. Hunting mushrooms to support her family…
Alice and Sergio are heroes too. I loved the way the kids protected each other, covering each other, carrying the smallest, making sure everyone got up the ladder.
This comment! It’s nice to have an in-your-face reminder of the heroes of everyday life. Conlan was the perfect spotlight on each kid’s bravery. Terri – hugs, time will help.
And thank you for the snippet! These vignettes keep the characters living in my memory too.
I wish we bigger kids could do that for each other, community by community…
Loved it all :_
Thank you for both those treats! It was fun to see the woman behind the voice; I’ve enjoyed Hillary Huber’s narration, and it was fun to hear a bit of her attitude, that makes her an even better fit for Kate. …. And the treat absolutely touched my heart. Conlan is becoming such a lovely helpful kind thoughtful being … it warms my heart to watch him grow up. Thank you!
I read Magic Claims, then reread Magic Tides and Magic Claims. I enjoyed the reads so much!! I loved the snippet, too! Thanks for the gift!
Love my present. Its always nice to know how things went after the story ends. THANK YOU!
The merch store is awesome! I placed an order and filled out a contact form with a question and will wait patiently for an answer so I can hopefully buy more things. The snippet is wonderful and I thank you for them all. House Andrews is an auto purchase for me and if I had to choose only one series, I’m not sure I could. Thank you again.
Loved the book.
It has everything that makes a KD book enthralling.
The snippet is a very welcome gift, thank you so much!
Thank you, the snippet was wonderful.
It was a grand “small present”. Thank you for that.
You write with an immediacy and flair that captivates. We buy all your books.
Yay for presents! The snippet was amazing and I am so grateful for it.
Loved Magic Clams. Marvelous story. Thank you so very much!!!
Thank you for Macig Claims💐
Thank you for the little bonbon. It was lovely and sweet.
I hope Conlan has a new friend.
I am going to have to go through the recent blog posts and see if the virtual appearance is somewhere – I think I remember it would be…
It’s here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQbg9U7HtX0&t=2644s . I’ll add it to the post 🙂
The little story was so beautiful.🥹
The absolute best! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much!
OMG! Love Conlan! Thank you so much for the awesome merch and the story. This really made my day so much better!
“Wolf” capitalized- Keelan or…. dare I hope… Derek?!
It’s Keelan 🙂
ehh I like that it’s Keelan! He seems very fun uncle
At this point, Derek is in Alaska being Darren Argent.
Awwwww Conlan coming to the rescue, taking their stewarship of the forest seriously and compensating people he feels they have let down <3
Thank you for the snippet and thank you for Magic claims, I loved them both. I am particularly impressed by the way you wove Kate's and Curran's need for change in their lives together, had them talk about what they both needed and work out how they could get those things together. There isn't really ever a singular "happy ever after", there is only a "happy for now, but we have to keep working at it" which is so rarely written about but it is so hot!
Great snippet! I hope it lingers on the website so I can reread again another day 🙂
Can you please post a link to the video on youtube? I missed it due to having a toddler.
Here it is 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQbg9U7HtX0&t=2644s
just saw it above, thanks!
tbank you, thank you, thank you!!!
I read « Magic clams » last night. I maybe had 3 hours of sleep and it was so worth it !! It is such a great story ! I adored it !! Immensely !
I don’t understand how we won a thank you from you (we thank you, not the opposite), but God, it is absolutely awesome ! I love Conlan so much, he’s a wonderful character with so much potential !! This glimpse into his adventures is great !!
Loved the snippet. Adored MC with all my heart. You are the bestest.
Thank you for the thank you!!!
Thanks for the book and the snippets. I love reading your stories and have reread them many times.(0:
I enjoyed the video from Hillary Huber and your small present. It is always nice to revisit the Wilmington pack. Loved Magic Claims… Thank you!
Omg, I loved that story sooooo much. I so felt for Terrie and Conlan!!! Big hero energy in a little boy body. That whole story made me tear up at the end. I soooo hope Terrie and her family will be ok!! Conlan defeated the beast but they still have poverty and a deadbeat dad to deal with 🙁
Thank you. it’s kind of a trying day today and this really helped. you guys are awesome and I am just so glad that we are getting more of Kate, Curran and Conlan. they’re like family.
and so glad sales went so well!! woot woot!!
Loved our thank you! We are such rabid admirers because you create such a fantastic world for us to revel in!
hooboy, that was amazing! 😁
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the present! It is a joy to occasionally peek into the daily lives of our Wilmington friends and family.
thank you for the thank you story, it was awesome!! I meant to post before too, I love the little reference to clams towards the end of Magic Claims. Just wondering, was that always there and it’s a coincidence, or did you go back and think, we have too, it’s just too good to pass up?
Thank you for the thank you story!
Now I have to start counting the days again until your next book, would love to see more on the Wilmington Pack but am happy with anything you write.
Are we maybe going to see a book on Arabella?
Thank you for the small treat of more Wilmington adventures! Love these new stories and can’t wait for Hugh’s and Julie’s/Aurela’s next books!! ❤️❤️
Wonderful!!! Thank you House Andrews.
Thanks for that little surprise! I couldn’t stay up for the zoom last night but I’m hoping for this weekend one! Magic Claims was great! And Keelan is fast becoming one of my faves!
I love your small present. Thank you!
Loved the book all of them thanks for the little present look forward to the next book what series it is from
Regards Grump’s
You are ridiculously generous with your random snippets – thank you!! And again, Magic Claims was delicious – reading again for the 3rd time.
I haven’t been able to read Magic Claims yet because life is insane and every minute for myself must come directly from insufficient sleep. But I had ten minutes in my car waiting and this story made me so happy I teared up. Thank you.
OMG, I don’t like your little present, I LOVE it! You are too good to us. Thank you.
Love the snippet!
Shapeshifter prince, and all.
It made my day,
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you book! Thank you story present! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
Thank you x3 for the the small gift 💕💕💕
I loved the snippet! Thank you!
loved this snippet!
what a wonderful gift!
Thank you for the present. Conlan and Grendel are the best.
I am re-reading Magic Claims again after re-reading Magic Tides (the book that gives me an almost stomachache I laugh so hard at parts…looking at you Captain Scully and his crossbow and Kate’s “I have a problem with authority” line). I got this thought when reading Erra’s conversation with Kate. When Erra said to Kate “…If they kill even one of you, they can make a name for themselves. And it won’t be a run-of-the-mill enemy. It will be the kind of power who thinks they can take you.” Magic Claims, Chapter 1, page 8 (on the Nook), I think Erra was talking about Moloch without saying his name. I could be off on this. However, when reading Blood Heir, Moloch wants to go after Kate (or the queen who does not rule).
As Keelan says, I don’t want to poke more into this with a stick. I am going to enjoy reading instead. 🙂
Yes, both Erra and Roland are urging Kate to get people around her, get protection, resources, practice her magic etc- because they know about the Moloch threat.
They don’t want to mess with the prophecy and make Julie’s efforts be in vain, but they are both trying to keep Kate and Conlan safe (the prophecy refers to the “Queen who doesn’t rule and her line”).
The pieces are clicking together. Thanks Mod R!
Hero. ♡
Yay! Thank you for the treat.
BTW the ferret heist graphic is adorable!
Thank you for the snippet. It was a much appreciated and so generous after all the things you had going on with the release, store and other bumps in the road.
I ordered a Ripper Cushion mug and can’t wait for it to get here. It will come when it comes and I understand about launching pains. May you have much success and few issues with the store.
The snippet was so amazing! Thank you!
I missed the zoom, i look forward to watching the video.
You’re my book heroes. Whenever I read a new Andrews novel, I get a little depressed because I know there’s not another one yet, and I don’t want to leave the worlds you create. I’ve read everything you’ve written at least twice, in most cases four times.
Keep writing. You’re doing a public service.
Loved the gift.
The book was so worth the wait. I enjoyed it very much.
Thank you for posting the live stream on YouTube. It was so much fun to watch! Puppies! And appreciate the short story/gift. Y’all always go the extra mile to make sure your fans are taken care of. it doesn’t go unnoticed. We ❤️you and your team for it!
Love the extra gift! Just getting a little slice of life in the Lennarts world is intriguing. I love that you get this glimpse of Conlon as a protector even without him having to shift or use magic. And as always, your writing makes characters that could be dull or flat, interesting so we want to come along with them in their story. Thank you for this snippet of masterful storytelling.
Just wanted to say Magic Claims was awesome and to thank you for the No Heroes story. They were both really excellent and I cannot wait for your next story.
The “small thank you” was wonderful as was Magic Claims. I just keep grinning from just how wonderful they both were.
Thank you, House Andrews!
ooohhhhh. Great as always!!!!! Thanks!!
Perfect set up and execution on Magic Claims!
It was awesome, love how Curran and Kate are now back in business because I missed them this way.
The snippet hit just right balance wise so thank you for sharing it with us fans, new and old.
Thank you very much for the snippet.
I’m weepy. I loved it. Thank you so much.
What a happy surprise, Thank you.
Thank you for the gift! A very sweet snippet with adorable children is always welcome. So magic mushrooms for healing, I am wondering what the magic clams do. What happens if you eat a magic clam? Can you do a small magic or are you enhanced in some way? I don’t eat clams, very allergic.
Grind into a magic lotion maybe.
Thank you again for the excellent reads.
I’m thinking the magic clams will live in the moat and trap enemies there 🙂
Like Hugh’s vampire eating bacteria
Thank you!
I had to be up at 5 am, so I was very good and did NOT start reading Magic claims at 9:01 pm on Monday (I’m on Pacific Time) because I knew that I wouldn’t stop reading until it was completely consumed.
Loved Magic Claims and loved this special gift story. Thank you again!
Yup. On a plane, landed at 1am Eastern Time, checked my email and started reading at baggage claim. Bad idea…didn’t get to bed until 6am!!
Love, love, love the present!
Thank you!
Still waiting on my book from Amazon so I did not join the zoom. I’m happy that there will be a transcript. Hopefully I’ll get my book before the next zoom. And I’ll be able to join. will there be a transcript on the second zoom just in case I cannot join?
We will turn captions on the second Zoom and see how those work. If they are good for everyone, we’ll go with them. If people want a transcript, I will make one, ofc 🙂. (not for both, sorry, but there is usually some repetition).
A transcript of one is awesome! Don’t care which one either…OK so that’s not completely true I love spoilers haha 😂 but will happily take whatever you can do 😀
As someone who is hearing impaired (cookie bite loss), youtube video without a transcript sadly becomes an exercise in frustration. I miss so much, and it kills me.
At the moment, I am in an area with less than stellar internet, so there was also a lag, which meant reading lips as clues failed me as well.
Thanks for all you do, Mod R–I appreciate your efforts however they play out:)
Thank you so much! Loved the surprise!! I enjoy everything you write and I am always greedy for more. I am thrilled with Magic Claims and I hope that this storyline is very prolific!!
Thank you for the “Heroes”story. It had me involved from beginning to end and made me wanting more!
You give the BEST presents! Thank you!
Love this community. Ps- I have re-read Magic Claims as went too fast for me
Ps- thank you for being so amazing with your readers 😎
Thank you for the present! I loved it.
Well the BDH isn’t in any way wondering about great sales for a KD book 😁. You write great stories and we love Kate, her gang, the world, hell, even her enemies. And tend to tell others about it 😉.
I just finished MC and it was a blast. Thank you – and thank you for the snippet, it‘s wonderful, I had goosebumps! So yes, let’s please keep up with the Lennarts, ah, the Wilmington pack. 🥹
… I also totally appreciate that you made it possible for me here in Germany to order a BDH mug. I swear to you, I’m lmao each and every time I see the picture of the horde 😂😂😂…. guts of my enemies, indeed….
Goodness upon goodness! That was an amazing snippet. Actually more than a snippet!! It is so fun watching Conlan grow up!!!
Thank you!!!
And thank you also for the care with the merch. I know it’s a lot of work!
Awesome short! Thanks so much. Love to hear shorts about the boy king and the Penderton Woods!
Thank you so much. You are the best, most thoughtful authors out there.
Thank you for the snippet. I needed that.
Loved the little story. Thank you!
Thank you for the short story, it so brightened my day!
Thank you so much for this snippet and for Magic Claims. I love everything you write in the Kate Daniels universe. It always feels like a visit with really good friends.
Oh, yes, the small present is delightful! I read it three times last night, heh. I want to say again how much I enjoyed the zoom book birthday! Great fun to see all three of you and hear spoilers and future plans. And many of my burning questions were answered as well. Looking forward to Sat!
Magic Claims was so good, I’m unsurprised it sold well. Also looking forward to both #3 and let’s not forget, Maggie! And I hope you work out your plans for publicizing and growing the BDH! Best wishes there.
As to the store, heheh. Lots of pent up demand, don’t ya know! Is congratulations in order or does the extra work sorta negate it? I sure got my order in promptly!
I started bawling 22 pages into Magic Claims because KD meant so much to me in my twenties; it literally re-started my reading habit and helped shape me as a person… but I kind of lost sight of the series in the past years.
Then these Clams came along and swept me away with all the very best elements of the series. Tbh, I enjoyed it even more than Magic Triumphs – for instance, the vampire covering itself made me scream-laugh for three minutes.
The snippet is excellent also. House Andrews is absolutely on fire. 🔥🔥 Thank you so, so much.
Thank you so much for the story…it’s so satisfying to see the prince stepping up into becoming a prince his parents are going to be proud of. 🥰
And I am so happy to hear the book and store sales results too (though not surprised at all!) The BDH loves HA and Mod R too! 💕💕💕
P.S. Please don’t stress over anything store related. I think most of the BDH (me included) understands that things take time and order issues sometimes happen. We are most happy to wait…we’d rather have stress-free favorite authors and moderators than quick merchandise! 💕💕
ohhhh the grendel scene!! Thank you!!! I was reading the q&a and was so confused because I didn’t remember any fun conlan and grendal shenanigans in magic claims.
Thanks for sharing the scene 🙂
I didnt make it to the zoom event yesterday but will watch the replay!
Awwwwww. You spoil us.
This has been the best week! I loved the snippet, thank you.
This was lovely. I finished Magic Claims at breakfast and got to read this at lunch. A good day.
OMGeeeep! I got all the way to end before I realized who it was about. The writing is always so good! I’m just blown away every time. Good thing I buy two copies of everything BDH. These books will be worn out in no time. 🙂
*reads small thank you*
OooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo ………………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been reading superhero comics and stories since I was 7 – that is 54 years now. My fave escape from harsh reality is sci-fi and fantasy. I have LOVED every one of IA’s books. I “devoured” Magic Claims immediately and loved the Prince-Conlan-save short. I need distractions from real life. Please keep your stories coming – and thanks so much!
Thank you for the present!!!! I love it 🙂
Awesome snippet. Never have the words “boy” and “dog” in the same sentence filled me with so much excitement… 😂😂😂
I received but haven’t read Magic Claims yet (I’m halfway through a Mercy re-read and my brain can’t handle both world at once), but the “small present” was perfect. Why did it make me tear up? Am I supposed to be crying? I feel like I’m not supposed to be crying. 🤣 Thanks for always giving us ALL THE FEELS!
OMG the shapeshifter prince! Wonderful.
Loved the snippet!!!
Thank you for the story. I wish I could convey to you how much your books and short stories mean to me.
Why did I read the last line in that Thank You post as Excerpt One.
Thank you for the snippet! That was a really nice surprise. See you on Saturday!
The GIFT is amazing 😍😍😍😍 thank you so so much, loved it!
I LOVE the “No Heroes” snippet! It was just excellent in every way!
Also, when students give me trouble from now on I’m going to say, “Think about it. You don’t want to see my other face.” 🙂
Thank you! for the gift of this snippet and all the chances to dream for a while.
“like [Y]our small present”? LOVE It, Better! I know I look foreword to More {Please, Author-Royalty?}!!
Thank you so much for the “thank you gift”. I needed a lift today and y’all provided one.
Magic Claims is wonderful. I’ve read it twice already. So much room for more stories. So much joy in Curran and Kate reclaiming themselves.
We are on vacation so I’ve had to read Magic Clams at night on my phone. It was with the late nights!
Thanks for the snippets, loved it!
Thank you for the short story. You treat us like royalty. Thrilled! Also, Magic Claims is the best. Daren and new species is a cool tribute. Magic Clams rock.
Magic Claims was great!
The snippet is delightful.
Excited about the merch to come (a magic clams t-shirt would be a fine future item)
Thank you for all you do. Hope you have a great weekend and Happy Fathers Day to Gordon.
Loved the present. Thank you!
Oh, House Andrews!!! there are no small thank yous….you can never know how much this snippet meant to me. I have so many family problems right now and this gives me hope.
And your personal attention to the orders means that I am getting the 15% discount anyway. I was so eager to order, I didn’t even try the discount code. but you fixed it for me. Thank.You!
Love the present, you are royalty among authors.😊
Thank you so much for the fabulous Magic Claims and the short story that made my day! I appreciate all the hard work that put this together. I hope you both get a change to rest after your book release!
Yes, loved the story! Can’t wait to read more! Thank you!!!
Loved the snippet! Thank you so much.
Thank you Mod R for being willing to take on the extra work of the transcript. I do and will appreciate it. I enjoyed Magic Claims so much that when I finished it I started over again. Just getting better acquainted with the newer characters. As an old geologist I especially enjoyed the post glacial pocket’s appearance. And I loved the snippet.Meeting ordinary black bears in the woods is scary enough, never mind a giant horned and angry one. Luckily they all seem afraid of dogs. LOL Sergio.
Thanks! Such a wonderful present!
Oh, the present was a joy! Thank you so very much!!
I loved the book and the not-so-small present. See you Saturday!
Oh wow I really like your gift. Of course now I am wondering the whole life cycle of these shrooms. Do they react to cynicism? Is it a happy thought happy shroom try thing?
As always Thank You for the wonderful stories that you give us!
Loved the snippet! Thank you so much!
I read the Clams in one sitting. Loved it. And the small present, you get better with everything you write. And you were already great.
Oh, I love the story. It’s like a small glimpse into Conlan’s every day life. Thank you, you are the absolute best authors ever.
Thank you for a wonderful extra 💗
magic class is great – and keeps me wanting more of them – all of them feel like family and I want to get the updates on what they are doing – like a family newsletter… Again, thank you for writing brilliant 📚
Yes! Conlan!!
Great surprise story! So many possibilities in Magic Claim.
Good gosh, these books give me the biggest nerd high. pure dopamine, baybeee! lolololol
Thank you so very much
I have read it twice so far. Wonderful
Thank you for the gift!!!! Loved, loved, LOVED the short story. All the heart eye emojis!
Oh thank you so much forbthe snippet! I loved it and Magic Claims. I stayed up late last night until I finished it. when I was done I just sat there and so said, “Perfect as usual!”
I love all the Ilona Andrews worlds. No matter which one I read, that world becomes my favorite. 🙂
Loved Magic Claims (which I had to edit since I spelled it as Clams)! Seeing Kate allowing herself to be herself, with all the magic and family issues that entails felt like she had finally grown into herself, making choices because they suited her and her immediate family and not hiding who she is anymore. Kate ❣️Curran 4-Evah!
THERE ARE! ! NO! ! HERO’S . . .
only people who care
A small t-y is a huge gift
this member of the horde, is hoarding …. again. Love the cover & I’ve waited … it’s like unwrapping a gift, once it’s open you can plan how when where to use put accessorize. you can look at it, touch, admire
SADE , ‘sang it’s never as good as the first time’ …. sometimes it’s deeper
So I wait, cause now I got it, plus snippets & not so small thanks & odd joyful moments
Thank you
AWESOME!! LOVED your “small thank you”!! I had a tough day, but reading that lifted my spirits. Everything doesn’t look so bleak after all! Your thank you came at a really perfect time for me. It served as a reminder for me that there is goodness in the world, even if not necessarily in the form of Conlan, because you know – reality. I enjoy suspending disbelief while reading, allowing myself to become immersed in the world created by the author. But even when coming back to reality, I still can still carry the uplifting feelings I got when reading. So, thank YOU for your gift, and for your perfect timing!
I am glad so many people were able to order something from the merchandise shop. I ordered a few items, and drooled over more, but had to stay within my means. I am really looking forward to getting the items I did order, and hope there will be opportunities to order more in the future.
OOPS. Pardon the misspelling of Conlan.
No worries, fixed 🙂
Love it.
I’m literally in tears. I love Grendel, but seriously Conlan is such a good kid.
Oh thank you for that! My life has been such a mess that I haven’t had a chance to read Magic Clams. Whoops I meant Magic Claims. Bad spell check. Anyway this brightened my day.
Thank you for the snippet!
I got the new book, I am reading it for the third time. It is one of my favorites so far. Fantastic work, congratulations!
I am already craving more.
LOVE the present! thank you!
A lovely ‘Thank You’; thank you for it.
Thank you for yesterday’s zoom– NOM! I was late, so I watched on youtube instead. The surprise was tasty! Grendel I assume.
I’m loving the store, hoping inventory lasts til Friday when I get funds and I can place my order.
thank you for the snippet, and for Magic Clams (and how about that easter egg at the very end!?)
GREAT gift. Thank you
Aaaahhhh….that snippet was just what I needed today! Thank you!
Wow! Just Wow! Conlon and Grendal to the rescue. So – from the plot of this snippet, we can infer that Kate and Curran were successful in transferring to the forest. Thank you for this snippet! And I hope that we get more. Commenting on your news that Magic Claims sold a lot of books; maybe that will give you two the impetus to continue their adventures and those of the Wilmington pack?
It was confirmed last night that there will be a Wilmington Years 3 🙂
What an adorable excerpt! Or just short story, such an uplifting tale
Oh, that story-gift is lovely! Thank you for sharing it.
Best treat ever!
I just traveled from Florida to Washington via Penske rental. We listened to the Graphic Audio of Innkeeper – it made a long trip enjoyable! In my opinion everything Andrews is a gift, and I’m grateful for it all. Loving the new Kate, and I appreciate the snippet.
An additional comment: I don’t remember Grendal’s transformation being specifically described before. That was an additional gift. Thank you.
Thanks for the merch store opening, thank you for the snippet, thank you for the audio narrator clip. You chose well.
A bigger thank you for the many and varied multiverses you continue to create and share with grateful readers like myself.
There are heroes. Thank you for the wonderful present.
That snippet left me in tears, Ilona. Twice. Because I read it a second time to make sure it wasn’t just a first-reading thing.
I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who is delighted by Magic Clams. Look at all those reviews on the second (third?) day of sales:
Ilona Andrews
Magic Claims (Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years Book 2)
4.9 4.9 out of 5 stars 1,774 Reviews
4.8 on Goodreads (1,628)
Book 2 of 2: Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years
Amazon.com Sales Rank #42 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
#1 in Werewolf & Shifter Romance
#1 in Paranormal Werewolves & Shifters Romance
#1 in Vampire Romances
That still makes me laugh to see them number 1 in vampire romances. I don’t think Barrett is in love with a vampire who dances and does “I’m a Little Teapot”. 😀 (Thanks Kate!)
I always chuckle imagining someone picking up the series based on the vampire romance rating and being hit with the first vampire description 😂
Finished reading Magic Claims. It’s a joy every time we get to revisit Kat’s world. Had so much fun reading and I’m a big fan of Keelan.
Love the small snippet. Thank you
Wonderful, lovely snippet. Thank you.
Love the excerpt!!
Thankyou for the snippet!
Why is it that I can hear the inimitable Ms Tina Turner singing “we don’t need another hero…”? as he walks off into the woods with his 🐩 🤣
Thank you for the snippet (so cute!) and Magic Claims! Loved them both!
Hi, saw most of zoom last nite in real time, and am watching the part I missed. Both versions are out of sync, just fyi.
Am I the only one with this issue? Is there something I should be doing on my end?
Hi S, it is slightly out of sync, it was the first trial with the live streaming, so growing and learning pains. Next one will work better 🙂 . Thank you for your patience.
Firstly, THANK YOU for Magic Claims and this Conlan snippet! Thank you for celebrating good character in tough circumstances. Happily awaiting my Big BDH Bag, and whatever you release next. Please stay healthy and happy!
I really enjoy the short stories, like the kids collecting mushrooms. You two put so much into their lives in such a small snip. even just that like these kids, colan is doing the same work.
grendel smelling like death, it being his natural scent is so funny.
thank you!
Also clams was really wonderful and I relished reading it.
Loved the pressie 🎁. Thanks for the snippet 😁. Conlan is turning into a nice young man
1) Love MagicClaims. Thank you
2) love the Magic Clams at end of Magic Claims
3) thank you for the Merch Store, thank you for selling multiples of the BDH stickers. I have friends to share them with
Have a great week and thank you to you and all of your team!!!
Loved Magic Clams and the little gift too! So glad to hear there will be more Wilmington coming down the pike! You two are amazing 💕
Thank you for the goody. Love these snippets
Oh! Oh! And thank you for the Conlan snippet!
Love Magic Claims, love the Zoom Q &A, love the No Heroes, love everything you wrote. That’s a lot of love that you inspire and make the world brighter. Thank you!
thank you, it was utter delight and a real treat. sending love from Oxfordshire England xx
Terrific snippet. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome worlds with us. You two are truly gifted writers.
The Wednesday Zoom was such fun! Thank you for the snippet. I loved it.
Thanks for the snippit!! Magic Clams…lol
Thank you so much for the present! Loved it, particularly because I had wondered where Grendel was while the family was in the woods. Is there a boarding place that takes giant stinky dogs? 🤣🤣🤣
The Wilmington pack safehouses probably don’t mind a bit of Eau du Dog 😀
Thank you for the snippet gift!!
omg that was amazing, he is a prince!
The book was great. Loved the extra little story. KD world is my favorite world, all stories from there are welcome.
Tres cool! Love, love, love everything you’ve written. Keep on keeping on!
Thank you for the gift! It was an enjoyable start to my four day weekend! Congratulations on the book release and booming store sales! Go, BDH!
The Small Present was delightful!!! More, please.
I love it! Thank you 🥰
I plan on reading this on my plane trip home (can’t do it now. I went to Virginia to visit my sister and if I start it we won’t actually spend time together). I’m very excited
I placed my merch order today, woohoo! And thank you for the lovely snippet!
I forgot to say that I enjoyed the chat with Hillary Huber, the narrator.
I adore the story. Thank you for giving us such a lovely glimpse into Conlan’s adventures. The generosity of Sharratum is rivaled only by that of House Andrews. 🙏
Thank you so much! I enjoyed all of it and the snippet is divine!!!
I loved Magic Claims and I loved our hero in the woods. Thank you for such a wonderful set of gifts.
I’m holding onto Magic Claims until I’m done with work this p.m. I had some heavy deadlines to meet at work first. It’s as if I can draw the joy out a bit more with postponing it, but also so I can immerse my emotions and psyche fully, without distraction. However, I clicked on the “gift” link before rational thought – I’m only human! – and I think I forgot about breathing after the first paragraph. Beautiful. Just beautiful. I was there, just like that. I could feel the warmth at the forest level, despite the March winds, the alluring zing of magic at the briefest touch of the warlock mushroom, and everything after. It’s the sheer depth of humanity and human pathos you capture in these characters. The tiniest details that bring it all to life. The kids who looked like mushrooms in their colorful windbreakers, the immediate understanding of how tight money was based on what they needed to bring home, the grief of an absent (physically & emotionally?) Dad, with Mom struggling to hold it together. I could feel Terri’s anguish, anger and rage at her own perceived limitations. Then, impossibly, Conlan and Grendel. His dialogue with the horned bear monster and that flash of gold I. His eyes that hinted who he might be!! Then the rest of his dialogue reinforced his place. At the end I was gasping, guess I did breath at some point, and had tears welling up, too. It was SO good. The shapeshifter prince. Glorious! YOU are the magic in all of this. You bring together wonderful teams to help bring these stories to us, but you conceive them and I’m grateful for all the magic waves I’ve ridden in your worlds. Your worlds, their peoples and the magic are so grounded, so plausible that it takes mere steps to enter and be embraced. You may be the closest thing we have to real magic in our own lives and that is the gift permeating every story you’ve shared. Thank you. Thank you!!
Thank you! Love these little snippets between books <3
Sweet snippet, I just got my copy of Magic Clams er Claims from my local independent bookstore. I have to read now, bye.
Thank you so much for all the new, shiny things! A book! Merch! A gift!!!
And it seems like you guys are the full-service team, checking orders, providing copious pronunciation guides, replacing broken items. Please tell me you are actually making a profit on your time! We want to be sure there will be lots of shiny new things available in the future, and that you won’t all collapse in an exhausted heap after all this work.
It has been great to re-listen to Kate in the new graphic audio format. So looking forward to the Wilmington years audio.
Thank you for taking such good care of us!!!
Maggie?! Help please ( links appreciated)
Maggie is the affectionate name given by the fans to the new project House Andrews are working on 🙂- here are some snippets they generously shared previously:
There is no preorder or official publication news yet, however.
Enjoyed the gift story!
*sniffle* that was so sweet, it made me cry. Conlan saved the kids…😢
Thank you for the thank you! It’s awesome 🥰
Thank you, I love receiving your emails and your snippets are such an unexpected joy to my day.
Thanks for letting me in the gang
I love the new setup, and hanging out with the BDH.
For whatever reason my kids would not leave me alone last night. It’s been awhile since I’ve hid in the laundry room. Lol! Don’t feel too bad for them,their 15 & 20.
I need you to know that Magic Claims is the Amazon #1 bestseller in the “Paranormal Vampire Romance” category. I laughed out loud thinking about the vampires from the Kate Daniels world being viable love interests. A lonely vampire and his quirky navigator escape from the Farm, beating all odds so they can finally be together just like they’ve always dreamed… sunblock, murderous rages and hijinks ensue.
Magic Claims was wonderful. Thanks for leaving the vampire romance parts out. 😉
thank you, that was wonderful!
I am overwhelmed by the gift of this gem. Love seeing Conlan be the hero, as well as Grendel. Still waiting for Magic Claims to be delivered–Amazon says there is a delay. The Zoom was great but trying not to focus on the spoilers was tough!
Thanks for all that each of you do to brighten this world.
Love it! That Terri has a future! I am trying to save Magic Claims -already bright and shiny on my kindle – for tge weekend. This might help! Lol
thank you. loved this and Magi Claims
oh my goodness.
Now I am set up to watch for Conlan series (in far future, I know, I know). This was AWESOME.
And Terri can be a heroine. IMO.
Thank you!
So very glad you keep getting higher sales records to break. You deserve every one. You deserve them all.
Thank you for yesterday’s Zoom session! It was wonderful and so fun! Love that Gordon… always trying to throw us a spoiler if he can! 😍
Thanks to Brad for making it happen and Mod R for trying to fish (hah!) for spoilers and for flashing the cool mug! 😁
The perspective from Hillary was great and appreciated that she took the time for the BDH.
I jumped on the snippet link right after the Zoom session was over – loved it so thank you some more for that also.
I’ll miss part of the next session so am happy to hear it will be on YT with captions (Brad, we know you can make it happen!😊).
Oh I forgot to mention that I’m very excited for Maggie even if we have to w**t for the WY3, BH3, Hugh3 and more Innkeeper.😘
Thank you for the release and now the snippet. Things are wonky and y’all are the best distraction ever.
You never disappoint!
loved No Hero.
about to start Magic Claims, very excited.
Thank you sooo much for No Heroes. So much packed into a short story. And proof that HA excels at writing short stories. And thank you for the Release Party!
Loved the snippet! Thanks! I had fun shopping for Andrews House merch. I can’t wait until someone recognizes any of the quotes on my new stuff 😀.Thanks again! Have you guys thought about selling water bottles that are easier to bring everywhere?
Oh my goodness, the surprise was so amazing! Thank you all so much!
Thank you for the book. I loved it to pieces. I rarely make special time for myself to read. For this one I did, and it was so worth it.
Also as I write this on Amazon:
#1 on Paranormal & Urban Fantasy
#5 on Fantasy
#5 on Science Fiction and Fantasy
and #52 on the Best Seller Kindle eBook List!!!!
Ripper Cushions for the Win! The Consort knows EVERYTHING!
Thank you for the small snippet. I love it, looking forward to many adventures with Conlan as he grows.
Terrific present, you guys! Thanks so much. I haven’t even finished reading Magic Clams, so I think I will reread it afterwards.
As usual your writing is a true gift.
Loved the small present! I love watching him grow and learn. Looking forward to more of his adventures, with his Atlanta crew maybe, they sound delightful. Like the early Little Rascals only magical.
Love the snippet – thank you:) Looking forward to devouring my Magic Clam when it arrives!
I love, love, loved the no heroes clip. It is absolutely amazing how much feeling you can pack into your writing. Even a short story. Of course the problem is that now we want more…. What happened to the dad? the bear? will the wounded kid be okay? will the girl be okay – I’m so glad she got some positivity in her thinking… You draw us in and then we need all the words…. 😆
Aww love the snippet about Conlan<33
Great short story. THANK YOU
Thanks for everything HA and Mod R! Heading to YouTube now. Loved the snippet!
Thank you thank you thank you for the snippet. I need to go back to magic claims. Adulting and worky work interrupted me today
Squeee!! Loved the snippet/short story! (Good Housekeeping used to have a feature in the 1970’s called “a short-short story, complete on these two pages”.)
Grendel’s magic is interesting; is it because he’s from the Mysts? And he and Conlan do have a special bond, as do many dogs who have been a companion to a child since that child’s birth.
Just finished the You Tube video of the Wednesday Zoom chat. So much fun, as always! Coco seems very comfortable in claiming Gordon. And she got a front row seat to the party!
💗💗💗 loved the gift!!!
I was on the video through YouTube and loved that too! It’s like a really cool hangout… seeing the dogs, hearing your voices for real… amazing to be able to connect in this way!
Magic claims was /is so good, congratulations on its success!!
Loved it… L.O.V.E.D. I.T.
Thank you!
OMG! Loved that little story! Prince Conlan! Thank you, Ilona!!!
Joining in the on the acclaim for Magic Clams and delighted pleasure in and gratitude for our present. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
That was Awesome! Totally.
Thank you for the gift. I loved it.
Thank you thank you! Loved it … everybody needs a hero
Thank you so much for the snippet. Wonderful to see Grendel in all his stinky glory.
Loved seeing a hero moment. Thanks for the snippet .
Thank you for the “small present”. I enjoyed reading it very much.
I like our gift tremendously. Thank you muchly.
The Shape Shifter Prince! That was awesome, and the zoom was fun!
I loved that story! Thank you.
I’m waiting for the weekend to read the new book. I wanted to tell you that I just read the story with Conlan and Grendal. It was so good. Heartwarming and it made me smile.
Loved the thank you!!! And thank you for consistently entertaining me😁
I love the book. Finished it in one go and immediately left a review on amazon. I loved the little thank you! I absolutely love Terri. I hope we get to see more of her in the future.
THANK YOU FOR THE GIFT…always love your writing and you’re my fav writer since the last decade when I first found your books. Cannot wait for more
Oh my gosh how I love Conlan!!! Kate and Curran are raising a real sweet guy. Someone is going to be major lucky. He’s a Prince in 2 directions a shapeshifter Prince and Roland’s grandson. I wonder if there is a masculine version of Sharrim
Anyway thank you
“You honor us, Sharrim. I have informed Sharrum of your arrival. He is overjoyed.”
Andrews, Ilona. Magic Binds. Ace 2016. Kindle edition, page 25
🙂 Sharrum is the word for King.
Sharrim means “of the king”. Here Kate is being given a royal honorific, but still in connection with her father’s power and status.
Sharratum means Queen. In her own right.
Thank you for snippet AND the new book! Reading it for the second time and just loving it!
Like the present? I loved it!
I have read this snippet twice already. It is awesome. Thanks!
That snippet was simply perfect! Thank you so much!
I would also appreciate the transcript. I have subtitles on every time we watch a movie. Just makes it easier. Thanks again!
Loved the gift!!!
The gift/snippet was wonderful.
You guys the best!
Absolutely love the short story, thank you! 😊
Loved the Clams and tiny snippet.
Thanks for making everything so easy to find and read / watch. I am so happy for your book sales. When I did a last check to see if my eBook of Magic Claims had landed it already sported a banner that said something like “#1 in paranormal and vampire romance” … made me laugh even harder when I got to Vampire Ballet in the book. The entire book was so much fun to read and I am happy to hear #3 is in the works.
Kudos on all the work that went into the revamped store, website, and webcast – y’all have definitely upped your game in a very cool way that stays true to your writing and strong production values.
I really enjoyed the treat of seeing Conlan loose in the woods with his dog, on patrol – Lions, (were tigers), and bears – oh myyyyy! If he had fun imagining being a pirate at the beach, he must be deliriously happy in his own forest. When Terri said “there are no heroes” – I heard the Avengers theme in my head – that part in Engame, just as Cap says “Assemble” 😀
so sweet… thank you for that
The Zoom was fab, as were the presents — thank you so much! As a card-carrying member of the BDH, I indeed devoured the book 🙂 I will be re-reading it sloooowly on the weekend.
Congrats on a super successful launch!!
Thankyou team Ilona Andrews ( Ilona, Gordon, Mod R and Brad) for a wonderful launch of Magic Claims . Being in Australia I decided a 3.00 am zoom call wasn’t feasible but I was delighted that the presentation popped up in my U tube feed soon after. So I felt like I was part of it, especially when the Hilary insert appeared later. Then I come on to check the blog and here is the little gift story!
I am delighted you are happy with the sales. You deserve your success. Your generosity to the BDH more than repays our loyalty.
Thank you! You made the weight that has been sitting on my chest since yesterday go away for a while. I have been mega stressed because the venue, which has been booked since last year, for my Year 12 students’ formal, decided that they could break the agreement and not tell us until yesterday!!! However, there are always other places and the best vengeance is a really good party with another venue getting the money!😊
My heart is all melted to gooey mush
omg omg!! you guys are the awesome.est of all!!!! i love this story!! and Conlan is amazing!!! thank you sooo soo much🤩😍
That little thank you brought on an attack by the onion fairy. worth it.
Oh, wow. First you grace us with Magic Claims and then You thank Us with this marvelous wondrous story. I so want to be in this world. lol I’m much too old for the boy but I really wish a grown up (much older) form was available. I’m loving watching him grow up though, so no rush at actually aging him or anything, please. 🙂
THANK YOU!!!!! Great story.
+100 support, no rushing Conlan’s aging.
Does anyone remember soap opera aging of children in the sixties through the nineties?
Year 1 baby is born
Year 2 still a baby in arms
Year 3 toddler
Year 4 teenager!!! trying to date someone from the wrong side of the tracks
Year 5 Young adult somewhere between ages 17-20 about to find out that they are 1) adopted. 2) a ‘love child’ i.e. one of the parents is someone that the long-established parents 3) long lost heir to a fortune that requires a guardian till age 25. 4) one of twins separated at birth (the reason for that has 2-3 forks of its own)
Loved Magic Claims & the surprise snippet. Thanks so much for all the wonderful stories.
The BDH is so loyal to you because you are so good to us, so generous with your time and your talent. 🙂
Also, thank you for taking a stand against a paywall (Patreon) and for a level playing field. The world needs more inclusivity and less divisiveness.
Soooo Gooooooood!!!!!
Thank you – for Magic Claims and today’s snippet.
And for sharing your wonderful imagination and talent. The best aspect of your writing is providing a supply of material that can be read multiple times and
continue to be a source of enjoyment, challenge and distraction especially during difficult times.
Now, the anxious wait for more stories which hopefully is a short short short wait! Can’t wait for Conlon’s next appearance and the plot twist of the magic clams.
Great story, thank you!
Thank you for the prince and his stinky dog!
my brain exploded this morning after piercing the timeline together based on this zoom
I loved the “small thank you”!
I love this universe so much. I love that it shifts and grows and the characters have the most interesting lives. Thank you so much for feeding the horde. We’ll never quite be full, but this will definitely tide me over.
Thank you for the surprise. As normal House Andrews is amazing as was Magic Claims.
I’ve read Magic Claims 3 times and your small present twice. There is nothing better than the imagination of my favorite authors.
I’m also always entertained when Google autotypes my search for things like “Smilodon”. Heh.
Loved both Magic Tides and Magic Claims!! Thank you for the snippet, Im already excited about your next project ❤️
oved the snippet. curious minds do wonder what the wolf was right about though 😊
In Magic Claims, Keelan uses a similar tactic with a wolf griffin 😉. It seems he taught Conlan how to do the Alpha “get out of here” hehe
Rereading Magic Claims (love it) and got to the part where Kate looks at the picture of Julie transformed. It reminded me that in Blood Heir, I figured people who might recognize her keep staring at Julie, not because they recognize her, but because she now looks like a relative of Kate’s, and she never seemed to put that together.
Thank you for the present. I liked it very very very much.
Thank you for all the stories you tell and all of the extras you do.
And thank you to Moderator R, Kids 1 & 2 and everyone else who helps the Andrews story+ engine keep chugging along.
That. Was. Awesome. Thank you!
Loved your “thank you!”
Thank YOU!
The small thank you link was truly a gift!
– Jo Ann
I really needed the Hero story today.
Thank you.
I know it was a small thank you to us, but the short story made me cry heh. To see how he has grown, to see both his mum and dad in him, his values, his strength, his ability to make others believe, well it made a poopy pain day that little bit ligher – thank you!
So glad it provided a bit of relief, Amanda! Hope it lets off soon, pain days are the worst.
All Conlan good. Thank you!
Personally, I had decided to hold off from the December store as money was already budgeted for the holiday season. I set aside funds since then for when the store reopened as I wasn’t going to miss out again. I feel that people like me may account for the increased, more than expected amount of orders. 😀
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Thank you ! 🤣 I needed an Ilona Andrews mastery fix
You’ve done it again. I loved Magic Clams, uh Claims. I was really delighted to read a snippet with Grendel. I have shared my life with Poodles for over 50 years, so Grendel is a personal favorite. Every time I read smelly poodle, I am tad offended. Due to their skin/coat they have very little ordor even when wet. But Grendel is not really a poodle, he is a magical Black Dog who shapeshifts into a poodle. I finally get it; a hell hound should be smelly.
Magic Claims was wonderful, like I find all your books. The ending two paragraphs were perfect.
I can’t wait to find out all about “so many other things”! 👏👏🎉🎉🍾
That was awesome! Each story I read from you is so gripping, even short stories. Thank you so much for choosing to continue writing. I’m looking forward to this next installment.
your small thank you was absolutely awesome.
Thank you for the thank you 🙂
Oh wow. That was just spectacular. Thank you so much for making a beautiful day even more lovely. Muchas smooches to you
Thank you for the small thank you. Of course I love it!
Thank you so much for the Gift. It’s great to have Stabby Kate back in Magic Claims/Clams.
Absolutely loved the thank you story.
Thank you for Magic Claims and No Heroes. Conlon is a good person, which his mother wanted more than anything. Looking forward to more than anything.
Oh thank you! I love it.
so I LOVE this snippet especially after devouring Magic Claims! As for Magic Clams, I mean Claims…no words. It was soooo gooood! I literally had a physical anxiety reaction when I got to the Epilogue because I didn’t want it to be over. I was so hurt that the book had to end. I am so glad for the brilliance and creativity of Ilona & Gordon and the fact that they share their kickass stories. Thank you for Magic Claims!! The ride has been phenomenal & will clearly just get better.
The present was outstanding!!!
Conlan!!! Wasn’t sure if the dog was Grendel but that’s awesome if it was 😀
Thank you so much!
Only Grendel smells that bad.
a quick question about the Saturday event.
don’t know where to ask…
how do you become a part of listening?
I was in the zoom meeting on Wednesday and heard about Saturday but don’t know how to sign up?
You have to register for the event- I’m afraid it’s already full, however. The link went up last week https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/magic-claims-vitual-release-tour/
hi thanks for the zoom as I’m in New Zealand timing didn’t work to watch live so how do I get the extra story? and when’s the next one?
Link is the Red “here” button. It is located beneath the YouTube video of Hillary the voice actor. It is in the Blog posting above. Enjoy 😉
I loved the snippet of the Prince. Being a fictional 8 year old, he is more adult than 8 year olds generally are and will not become a bratty 15 year old Goth obnoxious child who thinks he knows everything, please author-lords? I don’t think I could deal with Conlan turning bratty and dangerous. I love his kindness, and the glow which means he has inherited the magic of his mother’s line. He’s going to have to be careful or he will end up with worshippers, or groupies, or both, well before he is ready to deal with them.
In Julie’s book, Ascanio refers to Conlan as the prince, but with a sneer, of course, since he was the one called in to clean up all the teen shenanigans. Is this the inception of the title?
Good thing you’re checking the orders carefully! wouldn’t want anyone to take you to small clams court!
Does wolf mean. Derek?
Loved it! Loved it! Thank you
P.S. Just finished Magic Claims. Awesome! Can’t wait for more.
Thankyou loved the story that was awesome!
Am I misremembering that in the past you sold a leather bound or special edition of the Kate Daniels books? It was around 2015 I think, but I might not be remembering right lol. Will you consider doing one with all 10 books if you didn’t 😂
There was a special edition of Small Magics from Subterranean sold around the time you remember 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/small-magics-subterranean-collector-edition/
More exciting things are coming in the shape of special editions- mostly for the self-published books of the Kate Daniels world, however : Iron and Magic and Blood Heir.
Last I heard, unfortunately, Ace (the publisher of the main series) isn’t interested in doing a box set release.
Love it!
I loved Magic Clams! 🤣 And the surprise was awesome! I took yesterday off from work to read Magic Claims and it was a fun ride. At the end I yelled when it stopped just before Kate and Luther started exploring the storage towers.
And I just placed my order for 2 shirts! A dragon hoodie and a BDH T-shirt. Now I can proudly proclaim my BDH status! 😁
Loved your marvelous small present! Conlan continues to be amazing!
Love love love ❤️
Open the towers!!!!!
….. also, will Kate build a tower for her yo use? or is that to much in the nose😄
I love our present, thank you!!!
Yes,Yes,Yes!!!! Boy did I love it!!!!
TOTALLY Loving Magic Claims!
We waited patiently, and it’s totally worthwhile…
[spoiler alert – but just a tiny one]
Anyone else couldn’t stop from laughing out loud from Conlan’s offhand remark to Kate about finding exciting “magic freshwater clams” in the lake?
Yeah, that’s OUR HA authorlords 🙂
Thank you!! Loved the snippet!
Magic mushrooms (snort)!
Ordered my Merch. Go me!
Got my Magic Clams!Yay!
Transcript please. Zoom makes my brain hurt.
Thanks again.
I loved the small present!
The book was great as usual. Thanks. Also thank you for having an international merch store. As my name is Kate I will have a new mug (amongst other things…)
Your small thank you was wonderfull thank you both.
Not just magic clams, but also magic mushrooms 😂
I’m also one for transcripts, and I know they are a lot of work, so thanks to Mod R if she does it!
I love the snippet. Thank you. 🍄
Thank you so much for the gift! LOVED IT!!
I haven’t yet read the book. I’ve been saving it for today, to read this afternoon after the funeral of a very dear friend. I knew I would need something to counteract the sadness and nothing does that better than an HA book. But I did get a happy spark when I checked the Amazon site and saw it was marked as the #1 Bestseller in Werewolf and Shifter Romance. You deserve that and more. ( Plus I was able to order Ripper Cushion stuff from the store. ). Thanks for helping me get through the day.
Oh,oh,oh!!! No Heroes is so good!!! I’m smiling so wide my eyes are filling. Thank you so much, and Magic Claims is excellent!! Warmest regards.
I guess Conlan is kinda big for his age? Terri said he looked about her age, 11, but this snippet is set seemingly a few months after Penderton was liberated. And Conlan is 8 there.
I love every detail I can get about Conlan, the kid is mysterious.
That was such a good story. Thank you!
Loved it!
Loved No Heroes and Magic Claims. Excellent writing as always. By the way, I could not stop laughing about the scene with Barrett in Magic Claims – absolutely hilarious. Thank you for your wonderful stories.
The little hero present. “Drops a silent tear.” Lovely. Thank you
That was an awesome little story! Thank you!
Thank you for the Clams and the thank you!!! Loved the shapeshifter prince. (Hope sparks in the cynical world-weary teen – heyyyy, maybe life won’t always suck!)
I started reading your books just last year, and have read every one at least 2, some 3-4 times (rediscovering my inner BDH self, which long lay dormant through years of working motherhood). Fellow transcript lover, thank you – I can speedread when family or coworkers aren’t looking and still hear them call my name, yay!
Anyway, can’t wait to see the future of Julie & Derek, Hugh & Elara, and of course the Wilmington Pack! Thank you!!!!!
Still reading Magic Claims, and loving it so far!!! Also, thanks for the little surprise, Conlan saves the day!! Wonderful. Can’t get enough of anything in these series (that would include Julie… hint hint..), so that was fantastic!
Thank you for the present! Reading it in the airport while my flight was delayed. Perfect distraction!
I think it’s his natural stink.
ahhh grendel.
Hi Mod R,
Will Saturdays zoom go up soon?
I am editing and transcribing as we speak- it does take a bit of time, especially since I took today off and went to France to eat yummy chirashi sushi 😀
Thank you for your patience, I will try to get it up by mid-week.
I’m so jealous! but you definitely deserve the yummy food and the break 😁
You are the best!!! 🥰
I loved that story. The more I read about Kate and her family and their development the more I want to stay with them, read how they grow and how they handle things. You guys are the best.
Best present ever!!!!!
Loved this!!! Would say more but worked OT! ❤️
Oooh! Loved the snippet! I love everything about the Wilmington series!!
Love this – you add so much brightness to our world!
Oh,.I just found this delicious snippet! Such a cute story – Conlan is turning out almost to good to be true:)
These little insights make the world seem more alive – we always learn more about people and their life, away from the big adventures of our beloved heroes.
Magic Claims was a wonderful read, but it went by too fast. I know, that’s old news from a.member of the BDH…
The Innkeeper stays my favourite world, but Kate and her team are like old friends, it’s always good to hear from them.
Thank you…
oh that gift was so nice. I needed that.
Omg!! SQUEEE I like surprises yes I do!!! Thank you!!!
oh wow
what a beautiful, gorgeous treat.. tytytysssvm:D
Thank you for the Hero treat!
Loved the short story.
if I liked it? I love it it was the cutest thing ever i see Terry daydreaming about a magical boy who saved her.
now she believes in heroes or at least in one hero it is cute, getting someone to have hope is beautiful ❤️
btw I just realized I haven’t rated magic clams on Goodreads yet so there I go
thank Ilona and Gordon that beautiful gift
Thank you for the thank you! I really enjoyed it. Conlan the protector!
Loved it! Thank you.