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kommiesmom says
Oooh, what would we do if you didn’t gift us with these truly necessary pieces of information?
Thank you. It was wonderful!
kommiesmom says
Eeek! First?
Arianna says
+1 ????
Artstuff says
That was hysterical! I’m trying to find the soap recipe Ilona posted, anyone know when that was?
Moderator R says
Hey Artstuff,
Here for foamy soap
Hope this helps 🙂
Maria R. says
The braids, yes the braids ha! Thank you for this commercial. Helmets are good, makes a penetrating wound into perhaps a glancing blow? ????
Jess says
Omg that’s awesome. Totally can see that conversation happening. For some reason I kept thinking this was going to be a commercial for margarine. No idea why. Thanks for the giggles.
Johanna J says
My gosh. I can’t stop laughing. Thanks! I needed that.
Liz says
Thank you! I will forward it to my teenagers who didn’t appreciate the importance of a helmet.
Abha Dhupkar says
Julene says
That is fantastic! As an equestrian, I always wear my helmet….more for low branches on the trail, but still. What a good video.
Jaye says
Omg- where do they find this stuff?!? That’s a classic! I’ve already shared this with a ton of people, including my daredevil brother;). Pretty sure this will give me cool big sister ultimate nagger cred. Thanks!
V says
But why is he mounting from the right?
Ilona says
Dana says
But, but, then my sword gets in the way!
Tasha A. says
Thank you for this! So funny!
Donna says
I freaking LOVE the video! Especially enjoyed all of the “reasons” for not wearing the helmet. I have heard them all and many more.
Keera says
I was 11 the year one my friends died. He crashed his bicycle into a concrete wall, trying to avoid a car.
I love commercials like these. My teens are skateboarders and I think they are the only ones who wear their helmets. Because they know mom freaks out. I did once on the oldest. They both remember.
I dont think I ever got over losing my friend. But yes helmets are not silly. They can save lives.
Kiley M. says
I am alive today because of a helmet. I was riding on the back of a motorcycle with my husband. A guy decided he wanted to go straight through an intersection instead of turning left and side swiped us. The force of the fall caused my helmet to crack. I didn’t even get a concussion.
Stacey says
I broke a helmet once going full speed taking a turn too wide while avoiding a parked car. I clipped the curb and hit head-shoulder-elbow in that order. momentum was stopped by a wall. My brother saw me go down and went home to get mom. A lady on her way to church stopped to sit with me. Nothing was broken except the chunk that pulled out from the helmet. That was the last day I cared what anyone thought about my helmet.
Marc Quesnel says
That was kind of epic. Heh. We need commercials like that here,. Maybe people would actually watch them.
Ellen Solensky says
Thanks for the laugh and making people real.
Breann says
Thank you very much for sharing that entertaining and also very important message!
To Jackie: ((Hugs)) for whatever you’re going through.
William B says
Now that’s funny.
Patricia Schlorke says
That was hilarious, especially when Sven’s wife tells him to wear his helmet. He stood his ground until she intervened. 😀
I could hear Roland telling his troops to invade Atlanta and not wearing his helmet until possibly Landon Nez tells him it would be a very good idea to wear his helmet. 🙂
Jon says
If Roland listens to anyone, I would be interested to learn who.
Liz says
I am a physical therapist. Wear your helmet. Trust me.
Teresa says
The tornado sirens were going off and I sent my grandkids to the closet. Then I ran to the garage and gathered the helmets. They thought that was the funniest and couldn’t understand why. We were not hit but I spent the whole time trying to get helmets on them.
Patricia Schlorke says
Even the Weather Channel says to wear helmets in the event of a tornado outbreak. Also, wear your shoes. You never know what is out there and going barefoot is not a good idea.
Melisande says
That is brilliant. I had always heard the shoes, but hadn’t heard the helmets (which makes so much sense). I always tell my kids, every ride every time. I shudder to think about the pre-helmet era.
K D says
Imagine coming out of the shelter / basement to find the upstairs gone. We’ve all seen the pictures. You’ll never find those shoes if they aren’t on your feet. Actually I’d recommend boots.
Breann says
+1 on the boots, if you have time to get them. Anything is better than nothing though.
Judy says
That was freaking fantastic – thanks for sharing!
Sara T says
ha ha ha ha ha ha
That was a brilliant commercial. Have to forward it on.
Ruth says
says it all.
gingko-girl says
I’m so glad I am sitting in my office alone at the moment as I’m laughing like a crazy person!
Thank you for the smile today.
Nancy says
You guys always find the best stuff. Don’t know how you do it. Ty
Winifred C Stroup says
Thank you for brightening my day.
Deidre Cortes-Reyes says
always enjoy your comments and observations about the kids, weather, and our region. Sent copies to my kids to show I am (haha) current with their times.
Don says
As a motorcyclist, I always wear a helmet (and motorcycle boots, gloves, a jacket, etc). The rule is “Dress for the crash, not for the ride!”
The acronym motorcyclists use is ATGATT – All The Gear, All The Time. Riding since 1975 and I’m still here, guess it works.
Susan says
As a nurse…do you know what we call cyclists who don’t wear helmets?. ….Organ Donors.
Patricia Schlorke says
When I was younger, I saw a gentleman on his motorcycle get into an accident on the major two lane highway going through the town I lived in. He wore his helmet and all the leather. He literally bounced on the payment and was ok. Not a scratch on him.
Ellen Sandberg says
Thank you for the laugh. I needed it today.
Gaëlle from France says
Susan says
Reminds me of a Monty Python skit….hahahahaah.
Laurence says
I love it, thank you so much!
onehsancare says
I am an absolute believer in helmet wearing for bikes and motorcycles (and skiing and boarding and riding!) but I have never understood why we stop there.
See this:
On the other hand, I am not in favor of mandatory laws. But I like the idea of those who choose to ride motorcycles without helmets paying higher insurance premiums or their own medical bills.
Vinity says
OMG! That rocks. I have to say, I can be bad not to wear my helmet sometimes. Heck, I used to jump seriously high fences without a helmet.
jewelwing says
I used to jump on to demo for my students without a helmet (although never for jumping). These were well-trained, unflappable school horses. We discussed this at a staff meeting, and the head instructor said that while she had done it herself, listening to others justify it that way made her realize how lame it sounded. She requested we use a helmet even if we were just getting on briefly.
That very weekend, I was teaching a private student at her home, on a favorite school horse she had purchased from the lesson program. I got on, having dutifully donned a helmet, to demonstrate two-point over trot poles. The instant that sucker felt my weight leave the saddle, he threw both hind feet all the way up and twisting off to the outside. It was the most scientific buck I’ve ever experienced. I hit the ground about as hard as I ever have, though I was young enough at the time that there was no damage past a day or two.
There’s a video called “Every Ride, Every Time” that is instructive. One of the featured interviewees had a sister who was a dressage rider, who was found dead next to the indoor. They think the horse spooked or was stung as she was cooling it out. You have a brain to protect, so wearing the helmet should be a no-brainer.
Jasmin says
There was a helmet ad like that here in Australia with the adage ‘Don’t need a head? Don’t need a helmet.’ Mandatory helmets for bike riding reduced fatalities by 60% and serious injuries by 21% in three years.
Leigh says
Oooohhhh Thank You!!! Someone(s) deserve a mega bonus for this!! The funny part is that I can imagine something like this actually happening.
I wonder what the Americanized version would be? Naw, never mind. We would be like, “I ain’t wearin’ no girly helmet! It’s my constitutional right to have my brains sprayed all over the highway!”
Layla says
Yup. I can totally see that.
Ann M says
Susan Reynolds says
Oh, my. I hope to put this in my personal files somehow so I can show it to my motorcyclist patients…
Laura Martinez says
OMG This made my day!
Chacha says
The braids!????????????????
Leigh says
M. says
I went to watch it on Youtube and I got this recommended:
I still can’t stop laughing (which may prove that I just crawled out of a hole since it’s quite old)
Norman says
I saw a bicyclist helmet lying on the highway today.
We use helmets when riding our horses.
Had a friend slip off a mare coming off a jump.
The mare’s right hind clipped my friend right behind her ear.
Broke a piece out of the riding helmet. If not for the helmet, that would have been her skull….
Sam says
lbink says
CeeCee says
OMG, I’m laughing so hard everyone I’d starting at me… worth it! Thank you for the giggle
Alianna says
I can’t believe this thing.
You have so totally MADE MY DAY!!!
P.S. – Will have to return and watch many times! Especially as I finish grading papers!
nrml says
In training, my daughter’s mare decided she wanted to go to the barn, but we were riding to teach her to obey reins and leg pressures. The mare turned as directed, away from the exit of the field, and when nudged to walk in that direction, she dropped her head and threw up her hindquarters and dumped my daughter to the ground, spun a little, lashed out with her hind feet again, and knocked my daughter back down when she had gotten up, and took off for the gate. Both times she hit the ground, her helmet took a direct hit. My horse danced under me, trained, but used to running with his older sister, and I held him still by for the first time pulling the reins firmly to tuck his chin so he couldn’t do the same and run, got off, and saw the two dirty places on that helmet my daughter was wearing. No injury, no headache, just a dirty helmet. So I and one woman whose family owned the place we kept them forced my daughter back up onto that mare, I held the bridle and led the mare around that field, away from the gate, and kept her head up. I turned her to face the gate and held her there while my daughter got down, and we both walked that mare on a twisting path back the gate. We both wore helmets for just such an event while training those horses, and the mare realized that dumping her rider meant a lot more walking with her rider on her back. But mostly, that helmet saved my child’s brain. She was functional and getting back on the horse was imperative. The woman who was holding my horse at the gate for me told me that it was the first time she understood that when a horse is unreliable for lack of training, a helmet is absolutely needed. At least she learned that much, because she never wore one on her horse. We always wore ours, even when training was done.
Years later, my neighbors were on a motorcycle when a deer decided to attack it. She let go, flew off, no injuries. For some reason, he gripped the handlebars and rode the bike to the ground. They both wore leather to ride, and helmets. He broke his collar bone and family was telling them to sell the motorcycles and forget riding them. I told him that the next time a deer hit his bike, he had to let go and let it fall without him on it. They continue to ride with leather and helmets.
You need the gear to remain here.
J Fuller says
Love the video of the Vikings.
KMD says
I know this video is posted because it’s funny, but if it wasn’t for my husband’s hard hat he wouldn’t be here today. It’s hung in the main office of his construction company to show why everyone should wear their safety gear. It has a huge dent in it from a snapped chain. He still had to have 17 stitches plus a couple staples, but at least that chain didn’t go through his head.
jewelwing says
As a young lieutenant, my dad was chewed out by his CO for not wearing a hard hat during repairs to the ship. He jammed the hard hat on and stalked out of the office (in a not-quite-qualifying-as-insubordinate way). Less than two minutes later, a spike dropped from two decks up landed in his hard hat. The hat was displayed prominently in a glass, or possibly plexiglass, case after that.
Ove T says
Ahahaha, the Danish had a good traffic safety PSA 🙂 Wonderful !
Lora Tyler says
So glad I read this here. My email didn’t have this link. Great laugh!!!!
njb says
Funny! Thanks!
Bibliovore says
Sharing……..with anyone I know. Especially if they are not regular helmet wearers
CharisN says
This is THE BEST!
Pam says
I just got to watch that – it was so funny!
Thank you for posting this!
JessicaA says
Lmao! While I’ve never invaded the English, I have been riding horses since I was six and can confirm – wear a goddamned helmet. You only get one brain. Don’t break it.
Linda says
Craig Ehrlich says
As someone who was apart of the original bicycle helmet law research at Nyack hospital in the late 80’s… That was hysterical. 🙂
Mina says
just to add to this- Many years ago, in my mid-twenties I was a crazy avid bike rider. I was wearing a helmet when I got hit by a car… My front wheel turned into a Pringle, my frame cracked, my HELMET cracked… I got a concussion and facial lacerations requiring stitches… but I’m still here.
Wear.A.Helmet. — AND make sure it fits properly! And if you crash it, replace it. They’re not made to last forever.
Sharona says
Brilliant!!! ????
Jenn DeGarmo says
Earlier this week, I watched my 9 year old’s helmeted head bounced off the concrete as he crashed his bike. Heads shouldn’t bounce. Even with a helmet on, it was horrifying. He was 100% fine, just a few bruises and scrapes, but I had the “what ifs” running through my brain for hours. Helmets are so incredibly important. I don’t understand the reluctance to wear one, and I don’t give my kids the option.
Anke Wolffhechel says
We Danes rule!! 😀 Especially our Road Safety Council – this is another of their videos (Nederen means really uncool):
Sandra says
Loved the Road Safety Vikings!!!!! So funny.
I’m from Australia, we’ve had mandatory helmet laws for many decades, bicycles, motorbikes, horses. It’s so worth it!
Judy Schultheis says
Snicker, chortle, guffaw!
catlover says
We had a patient in the nursing home that had been in a motorcycle accident without a helmet. He was paralyzed from the neck down and had contractures of his arms and legs, wrists etc. My oldest son saw him in the hallway and asked me what happened to him, so I told him. He had just purchased a motorcycle, taken the driver’s test, and was iffy about wearing the helmet. I didn’t have to fight with him after that. “stop and think, 2 seconds of stupidity can change your life forever” One of my mantras raising adventurous sons.
Lisa B. (OH) says
Just thought you’d like to know that this “safety ad” has made the rounds:
Original post by House Andrews, TX
BDH member in OH forwarded to daughter & sister in OH & cousin in FL
Cousin in FL forwarded it to our 2nd or 3rd cousin(forget which) in DENMARK. Lol
Thank you for the laugh.
Olga says