Ruby Fever will be released in a few hours, as we all know and counting down to. Since Ilona is being modest, I shall brag for House Andrews under Mod Prerogatives (trademark pending).
Not one, not two, but three STARRED reviews from Kirkus for Catalina’s trilogy in the Hidden Legacy series. Kirkus is one of the most prestigious review sites so this is a Big Deal.
Sapphire Flames was a “creative, thrilling paranormal romance from the masterful Andrews“. Emerald Blaze had them exclaming “a winning romance that will thrill and satisfy fans while leaving them clamoring for the final book in the trilogy.”
For Ruby Fever, they pulled out all the stops:
The magical elite of Houston are under threat from a rogue assassin trained by the Russian imperium.
Catalina Baylor is a woman with many responsibilities: She heads her magical house, runs her family’s investigative firm, and is the Deputy Warden of Texas. When she’s called to investigate the murder of a local politician, Catalina and her lover, Alessandro Sagredo, realize that Russian assassin Arkan must be responsible for the crime. Arkan is creating hyperpowerful mages by infecting them with a stolen strain of the Osiris serum that introduced magic into the world 150 years ago; unfortunately, the mages are also irrational, paranoid, and unable to control their terrifying new powers. Since Arkan also murdered Alessandro’s father, they are determined to bring him to justice and find the stolen serum before he can do more damage. However, Catalina quickly realizes that she has another problem: ::Mod R:removed for spoilers:: Catalina is elevated to Acting Warden, making her the ultimate magical law enforcement officer in the state of Texas. The case quickly becomes an unholy tangle of competing interests, as Catalina weighs her personal needs against those of her job as Warden. She and Alessandro are in a committed relationship, but they face new challenges around trust and family obligations while hunting down the most dangerous killer on the planet. All the beloved characters from earlier in the Hidden Legacy series reappear, which gives the thrilling final showdown with Arkan a gratifying “Avengers Assemble” feeling. Mysteries from previous books are finally wrapped up and explained, and there are a few juicy clues about future potential love interests for the youngest Baylor sister, Arabella.
The action-packed and imaginative second trilogy of the Hidden Legacy series ends with a spectacular, satisfying finish.
Kirkus star review for Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews, coming out August 23rd 2022
And that’s not all! ::best late night shopping voice::
The Baylors slice, they dice, and they win over our hearts as the The New York Times also emphasises, with “mystery and violence and sarcasm and desire in a Houston not quite like our own“:
We started with short novels and we’ll end with a sprawling series, as Ilona Andrews’s newest Hidden Legacy installment, RUBY FEVER (Avon, 384 pp., paper, $9.99), brings the six-book arc to an epic finish. My heart abhors a cliffhanger, so I saved Books 4 through 6 to read in one ravenous gulp, like a misanthropic teenager on a family vacation.
At the start of Book 4 Catalina Baylor has taken up the mantle as head of her scrappy magical House, but enemies still lurk around every corner. As a siren she has powers that beguile and entice, but push a little too hard and people become possessive and even violent. (Hence her training with bladed weapons.) It makes it hard to have friends, or to trust any expression of romantic interest — especially from the social media heartthrob Alessandro Sagredo, an Italian count with three broken engagements to his name and a lot of powerful magic of his own.
This is genre fiction at its splashiest: mystery and violence and sarcasm and desire in a Houston not quite like our own. Everyone is deadly, and every character has a dark side that gets revealed as the series unfolds — of course Alessandro is a brilliant assassin. The more world-shaking magic we see, the more the difference between a hero and a villain gets pared down to a single, swordlike question: How do you choose to wield your power — attack and accumulate, or defend and redeem?
It’s always a thrill when a paranormal series knows just how to aim its metaphors, and this one is particularly — forgive me — on point. Pair it with a comfortable seat in a shady spot and there’s no better entertainment for a sunny afternoon.
NYT New Romance Review for Ruby Fever By Ilona Andrews
I can barely contain my excitement for everyone to get this book. Every single review coming in is stellar and it’s so well deserved. I’ve read Ruby Fever since the first draft (which House Andrews pronounced hairy, and we all know it wasn’t) and saw it grow through the edits into the masterpiece it is now. It’s Catalina’s trial of fire, the final word on all the mysteries we’ve speculated on, and also manages to leave me feeling cosy at the end.
And it is, above all, an emotional goodbye to the Baylors, who have made us part of their family for the past 8 years. At least for now*…
* For more on that, don’t forget to sign up for Wednesday’s or Saturday’s Q&A sessions, moderated by yours truly, where I will be sure to ask the questions we are all “fevered” to know.
Lori says
I have a 24h shift, so will have to wait to read the book! Dear people, could please not got ill for just a day, so at least I can read Ruby Fever strait after finishing my work.
ConnieK says
Thank you for your service!
Rue says
I’m excited. I won’t be able to sleep tonight
a says
I got my greedy little hands on a paper copy of Ruby Fever. I don’t want to be spoilerific but I do want to say that i should not have started reading it on a work night because I didn’t want to go to sleep.
Also, yes please Arabella.
Jon says
I am almost certainly in the minority, but an Arabella trilogy wouldn’t be on the top of my wish list . I’d rather have a few one-off novellas, maybe a short story anthology. Rogan’s time in the army, Victoria becoming the “monstrosity” everyone is afraid of, some ferret/badger capers with Cornelius, that sort of thing.
Amalia says
A story about Bug ‘s past. ????
Alicia says
I would adore some novellas helmed by Leon in a noir style.
Or more Bug. He brings me so much joy to read.
Va says
What about a bug and Leon noir novella??
Pence says
Skye says
+1 All of those.
Rebecca says
I’m greedy, I want all of them!
LBHG says
Charlotte says
Maybe I’m just greedy but I want all of those things and more. I want a new Arabella trilogy, I want short stories, I want one off novels. I will read all of it!
Marian says
I had to leave my copy in the car. I would have been up all night.
Heather says
Ahhhh! SPOILERS! NOOOOOOoooooooo!!!
Moderator R says
where? ????
Heather says
In the review! It said things I didn’t know! About Duncan!
Moderator R says
I edited it out – sorry, it was in the released intro excerpt and I didn’t put 2 and 2 together. If it helps, that bit won’t reveal how *anything* is going to go about that situation.
Heather says
Norbert says
Linus in a coma. Acting Warden.
Gail says
I have it pre-ordered and can’t wait for it to download:D
ConnieK says
I’m so excited for this book and wondering hi ow early my kids will let me get away with putting them to bed so I can stay up all night to read it!
Kelly says
Bragging by ModR good. Major spoiler in the first review not so much ????.
Moderator R says
What major spoiler? Sorry, I’ve read it 5 times now and I don’t get it ????
Wilbur says
Linus being in a coma.
Tapati says
People are reading into “acting Warden” I think but acting doesn’t mean new permanent so not a true spoiler. We already knew from what was released that something is up with Duncan. The word “acting” implies it’s not crystal clear what’s happened.
Moderator R says
OH, it is definitely not crystal clear hehe. That’s a very sneaky hint there, do not let yourself swept by assumptions, BDH! I know assuming is our special power, but it doesn’t always serve us well!
Wilbur says
I seem to recall the authors had issues writing Ruby Fever which is why it took so long to come out. Glad to see it was worth the wait.
Rorie Solberg says
Congratulations to House Andrews on the reviews. I hope ya’ll take some time to bask in the glory that “they” are heaping on you. I can’t wait to read it. I’ll miss the Baylors but I also know that if more doesn’t come later, something else equally fantastic will.
Diane E Wilson says
I have time conflicts with just about all of the virtual tour dates. Will any of them be recorded and available later?
Moderator R says
I’ll do my best!
Maria R. says
Thank you @ Mod R.
Michele G says
Thank you Mod R, you rock.
Elenariel says
Thank you ModR ????
Diane E Wilson says
Thank you!
Kimmelane says
Me, too. If you could make a recording or transcript available I would be very grateful!
Vinity says
It was wonderful. I grabbed an early paperback copy 10 days ago. I can’t wait for my audio. I do very much hope we get Arabella’s book!!
Smmoe1997 says
Luckily I managed to find a paper copy last week so I could devour it, because this week work is conspiring against me, with travel and everything I have to beforehand to prepare for the travel and arranging work to be finished while I’m traveling to the office.
I wholeheartedly agree with the reviews, the books is a wonderful conclusion to Catalina’s trilogy. I do hope that HA gets the necessary time to rest and recuperate from the slog that the writing of this book was. And I really hope they are enjoying the accolades because they are very much deserved.
Hillary says
OMG!!! I thought the release date was 8/26 – it’s three days earlier than I thought! I’m so excited!
LauraKC says
Congratulations! Now I wish I took the day off! I expect a late night tomorrow night for my first read, followed by a leisurely in depth read…. I’ll be there on Saturday – I’m so excited!
Lynn Thompson says
Thank you, mod R for the spiel remarkably similar to a Barnum and Bailey circus ringmaster. Kudos to you. ????
Loved the note from Arabella at end. ROFLOL
Ada says
I knew it would be an awesome book when House Andrew’s kept saying how bad it was to write. They said the same about Magic Triumphs and that was the best final book in a series I had read. I so I had extremely high hopes for Ruby Fever and those hopes were exceeded and then some. It is an outstanding book.
Emily says
I can’t wait until 9 pm tonight, one advantage to living on the West Coast. I bribed my kids with screen time and got in a morning nap in preparation.
After every other BN on the planet was selling RF early except mine, I consoled myself by reading LOTS of reviews and they can all be summarized as: Ruby Fever was awesome BUT WE MUST HAVE MORE ARABELLA.
I haven’t even read Ruby Fever yet but I can already feel the Horde instinct to wail MORE MORE MORE.
How can we can communicate this desire and enthusiasm in a way that doesn’t create stress or pressure for House Andrews?
Moderator R says
What gets very old very fast is the “When will X or Y be available already? When are you writing it? You owe us! What’s keeping you?”.
“We love it, please more in this world!” is not a problem and when it comes to more Baylors and especially more Arabella, House Andrews know hehe. Kid 2 speaks for us and I pretty much open my daily emails with “I love Arabella! Please write Arabella!”
Give the people what they want indeed 😀
NicoleAllee says
I love Arabella! Looking forward to more Arabella!
And Ruby fever
And that arrogant but secretly kind dragon guy that went to school with Julie
And …
Skye says
I admit, I like Arabella but do not love her. I will read anything written about her, of course, but I’d really love to read Leon’s story. However, I enjoy them all and will read any and all of whatever HA writes.
Except that I haven’t read Hugh’s book or Julie’s because I am really really really not able yet to read books that seem like they will be dark or emotionally difficult. I eventually I will. So, I read all the books, except for a couple on the TBR pile.
trailing wife says
House Andrews did warn us about those, Skye, so because I am unhappily hypersensitive I was very concerned that I would find them overwhelming — I can’t read horror at all, because it’s horrifying, so trailing daughter #1 only shares those parts of her current project with me that she thinks won’t give me nightmares (she’s writing a noir detective novel set in the Cthulu universe, and the detective is a lawful sociopath, lesbian crossdresser… with a cuttingly funny mental voice). And yet I have absolutely no problem with the Hugh and Julie novels. Hugh’s redemption, particularly, is thoroughly satisfying, and even the more kinetic s3xy times and harsh setup are not distressing because they flow organically from the characters and the situation.
I thought the Julie novel fit well with the tone of the Kate Daniels series — again, I found nothing in it uncomfortably distressing.
So that’s one reader’s opinion. But in these challenging times, what works for one won’t necessarily do so for others. Here’s hoping you soon get to the point where those books can be moved to the Thoroughly Enjoyed pile. 🙂
Henry says
El Paso’s 2 BN didn’t release it on Sunday. I was too busy today to check but will get the ebook tonight.
Emma says
Congratulations! Well deserved praise.
Laura says
After reading this so glad took the day off. I work from home & there is no way would have the willpower to wait to read this…my NOOK sits right next to me & just know book would keep calling me to read :). Twelve more hours here..
Elenariel says
Hope my preorder downloads in 1h and 32 minutes! ????????
I don’t know how it was possible, but I ended up loving Catalina (and Alessandro and Runa and Ben and Leon) even more than in the first trilogy! Can’t wait to read!
Sorah says
I hope the fact EVERYONE loves the Baylor’s means they’ll write more. Can’t wait to see what number on the bestseller lists they get!
PyeCat says
Hah. Arabella just had to say something.
One hopes she’ll get a chance to say a lot more at some point …
Kathryn says
The thing I loved about the end of the book is that everything is wrapped up in a way that I’m okay with saying goodbye to the Baylors. I hope that there are more books. But, if there aren’t, I absolutely believe that there’s a happily ever after for everyone. Not all series and that well, so hats off to House Andrews!
jewelwing says
I will be happy to read about Arabella or anyone else if they get around to it, but what we have with Ruby Fever is absolutely good enough.
Elizabeth says
NYT’s review of romance. Ruby Fever is last book reviewed.®i_id=44604257&segment_id=102039&te=1&user_id=f8385a605dc933f13710a9ac7bb295a3
Moderator R says
It’s linked up in the post :)- check it out in the quote attribution!
Wendy says
Sarah says
I can’t wait for everyone to read it! It’s really the best book I’ve read this year, I could not put it down. It’s epic and wonderful and I hope we will get to see Arabella do her thing too!
Tapati says
HOURS not days. :happy dance: (with care for bad R knee)
I have arranged my schedule to be conducive to all night reading and in my time zone I can start this evening when it hits my Kindle. My husband knows I will be BUSY. 😉
I’m sure we all appreciate the hard and often frustrating work by House Andrews, especially regarding this particular book. THANK YOU HA!
Marie S says
All well deserved reviews and more for HA. Many congratulations on your triumph. You stuck with RF when it was really challenging and difficult. We, are so grateful. You deserve all the accolades possible!
Thank you, Mod R. I’m counting the less than 2.5 hours to midnight. Want to get some sleep first but I’m like I was as a child at Christmas. Not sure it will happen.
All hail HA!
Sam says
Congratulations on the great reviews! I can’t wait to submit my own rave review after I get my copy!
Also, I agree with Arabella! ????
Va says
Arabella, grrrrrl, I’m with you. Fingers crossed, salt over the shoulder, hopes on one foot in a circle three times clockwise and twice counter under the blood red moon.
Diane Mc. says
I was thrilled to read an ARC of Ruby Fever but I’m hoping that we will get Arabella’s story at some point in the future.
Michele G says
OMG, countdown is on. Can’t wait. So happy that the reviews have been wonderful.
Big Squeeeeeee!
Toni says
I love it when authors think the book is rocky or crappy and the reviews blast it into the stratosphere with glowing praise. It means (to me) that the authors aren’t relying on tried-and-true–they’re pushing themselves harder with each book to elevate each story to the very best of their ability (and we at the BDH all knew this)… it’s exciting to see the wonderful reviews rolling in. Cannot wait to read!
Kate says
I may or may not have booked a Hinge date for tomorrow night to force myself to save this book for a long train ride Wednesday.
Emily07 says
I want to thank you for letting us know about the soft release of the paper edition of Ruby Fever. I got your e-mail last Monday, ordered the book from Powell’s Books at once, and got it on Thursday. I think it helped that I also live in Oregon. So, I have been enjoying that wonderful stupendous book since then. Many thanks. I love it. I love it.
Mary says
Yeah Arabella, WE KNOW WHAT WE WANT!!!!! Tonight I get my book, and I am grinning ear to ear!! However, a book, or a novella featuring Arabella would be beyond Exciting, and Excellent!!!
Aiden says
I am ready. I have nothing to do tomorrow but to read.
And thank you, Mod R, for using your bragging rights!
Bill G says
Great to read of such acknowledgement, and I can’t wait to read the book.
Proud Bookworm says
I kind of love spoilers. (Yes, I’m not patient abut opening Christmas presents either.) Thanks Mod R!!!
Ellen says
I was just telling one of my student staff (I work at a college) that I’m torn. I don’t think staying up all night reading is a good reason to call in sick tomorrow. (I would download at midnight).
I also agree with Arabella. I’m dying to read her stories.
Manda says
Arabella’s comment ????????????
Give the people what they want… now they question is who is her beau?
Afiza says
Mirabella! Either or both hehe.
Carey Crossthwaite says
Just waiting for my hardback copy to arrive ????
Detra says
So excited! It’s going to pop up on my Kindle at 12:01 AM and I am going to start reading immediately. I feel like I am coming down with something, (cough cough)…may not be able to work tomorrow. 🙂
Leslie says
Mooooooooooar Arabella! 😀 Even Arabella demands it!
Alex says
I have 100 pages left in my current book, and I need to finish it post-haste so I can read Ruby Fever all night. 😀
Jaye says
Congratulations Author Overlords!
Carolin says
20 more minutes over here, yay, cannot believe it’s finally Ruby Fever Day!
So much goodness coming our way, shall treasure it even more because I realize how it came to be through all the various stages. Although I am not prepared to bid the Baylors good-bye yet. So I guess I am with Arabella on this one, ‘We all know what they want, don’t we?’
Rachel says
Can’t wait. Literally. Flying to South Korea tonight and was worried I wouldn’t have access to it before it came out. If I time it right, I should be able to download right before I board my flight at 3am ????
I KNOW what I’m reading tomorrow, and I hoping enormously that this is NOT the end of House Baylor. I want more stories, just FWIW. I’ll buy ALL OF THEM.
Barbara Swanson says
I have banned myself from driving (the nearest BN is 20 miles away) in order to force myself to wait for my ebook. I am
Soo excited.
Barbara Swanson says
Also, A HUGE congratulations. HA is among the best fantasy fiction writers working today. In my top 2, with Patty Briggs. I am so so glad the world is seeing and acknowledging your brilliance at worldbuilding and character development. World-class.
Wahida says
Love all the hype. But everytime I hear goodbye to the Baylors I get a cramp in my feels like Kate all over again and I just don’t wanna!???? Arabella!Arabella!
Sanz says
Squeee!!! I can’t wait but I say that for all of the books HA writes.
Anna says
Yes! You scored again!
However I must agree with Arabella: We all know our heart’s desire after RF…
Give Us the youngest story pls!!
(But only after a rest, some reset and lots of happy moments )
Chris Neko says
Sorry question but right now german time is 23.8.22 0:09
Musst i Wartung more ? By ?
Chris Neko says
Forgot i have yeahh bye
Moderator R says
Hi Chris,
Amazon usually releases the books at midnight. Have you tried syncing your device? If not please contact Amazon customer services, unfortunately I cannot help with this.
Variel says
Mod R you are a life saver. Syncing fixed my problem, will go back up for air later.
SoCoMom says
“::best late night shopping voice::” – bwahahaha! Excellent – but wait, there’s MORE! 😀
I have brewed extra strong coffee and tea to fortify me for the coming feast: Ruby Fever, Mercy Thompson, and InnKeeper. The agony is delicious and much needed right now.
Finally, you go, Arabella! Let the regatta (of shippings) commence 😀
Marianne says
I’m counting the hours. Please don’t let it end here. The cool aunt needs her story told too ????????
Kat says
I’ve reread all the previous books in this series in preparation for this day! I made a paper chain counter to count down to this day! My husband knows I’ve been waiting, my children are helping me count down. For now, they are leaving me alone to sit and read. Thank goodness the day has come for the Baylors to be back in my life!
Leigh Ann Parente says
Yay!! Congratulations!!!!
I’ll wait until at least Wednesday (possibly Thursday) to ask about Arabella’s books.
Bea says
Love it, love it, love it.
The book arrived yesterday – the 22nd a great birthday gift for Michial and of course I downloaded the book at midnight and spent the next two hours reading before I forced myself to switch off the lights 🙂 What can I say?
A great book and a fantastic end to the trilogy now I want to hear from Arabella 🙂 🙂
Renee says
Congratulations ???????? !!!
Can’t wait to read !!!
Any Baylor story would be a welcome !
Can’t leave out the youngest ????!
Or extended family!!!
David D. says
I second Arabella’s note. Arabella trilogy please!
Nanc says
Mod R, thank you for what you do. I feel that you must love cats, because you manage to hold a large juicy salmon over your head while theBDH snaps at your heels, climbs your back, purrs in your ears and moves to the left as you look toe right.
IF you can make the House Andrews interview sessions available to us who aren’t able to attend in person, it will be just one of many miracles you pull off in your average week. And we don’t say thank you enough! Thank you! xx
Nancy says
Congratulations on the high-end reviews!!! I’m so excited to get my copy and start reading!! Thank you so much for this wonderful series!!
Judy Schultheis says
Want an Arabella trilogy. Want short stories starring Leon and Bug.
Want the next several hours to be over so I can start reading Ruby Fever.
Teresa says
Congratulations. I tried to nap 3 times today but just to excited. I want Arabellas story too.But I really want a great story for Leon.
Melisa M. says
I. Can’t. Wait!
I love Catalina and Alessandro so much!!!
Melissa says
I have a copy of Ruby Fever, free porch pick up, in Manchester, Mo, if anyone nearby needs one. I did read it????.
Linda says
I am looking forward to reading Ruby Fever. I loved the story arc for Nevada; Catalina’s journey has been equally riveting. I will be very sad if Arabella’s story isn’t told. As one delicious snippet revealed, there is more to a metamorph mage than meets the eye. I look forward to hearing about the nuances of Arabella’s magic & even more to finding out who might be her one & only:)
Rexy says
Mod R, you’re a treasure! I LOL’d at the “late night shopping voice” part because I actually heard it in my head as I read it.
I can’t wait to lose sleep reading Ruby Fever when it comes out!
Liz L says
I can’t get Mod Prerogatives out of my my head. It’s Bobby Brown singing Mod Perrogatives over and over again. ????
Regina says
OMG! They basically wrote a novel about how awesome your novels are!!!
mz says
Haven’t read everything but I was not going to sleep much tonight. Now, even more certain that my clients tomorrow will be wondering about my attempts to hide my zombie state.
Congrats HA. You DESERVE all the great reviews. Your characters have turned into our Family too.
taylor says
Jessica says
You know what would be great? A trilogy, with a book for Arabella, a book for Bern, and a book for Leon! In no particular order.
George Bailey says
A problem … Brigid, Mercy and Catalina all come out AT THE SAME TIME!
So … who do I read SECOND, lol ????
Probably will read in the reverse order given above.
A NICE problem to have … lots of good reading ahead!
And … Arabella is RIGHT !!!!
Melissa B says
Brigid??????Oh boy oh boy I’m rubbing the hands together….????
Laura says
This is also my problem!!
Melissa B says
I love this blog!! Y’all and Mod R just do a fantastic job ! Can’t wait to check out Ruby fever and TAPAS premier of Clean Sweep tomorrow or whenever due to work commitments. Thanks again and so excited for you guys too. Cheers!!
Mary says
I am so pumped, hope the reception and sales is amazing ????
Mary says
I stayed up for way too long reading it, and it was amazing.
There was a part of the story that made me cackle with glee and go *I knew it!!! I KNEW it!*. And a lot of parts that just plain had me cackling.
And now I have the audiobook to help make my work day fly by. Thank you!
Naenae says
It’s a 9 book arc!!!! The “for now” means we are getting The Beast of Houston 7,8,9 arcs!
All seriousness, I’ll be reading tomorrow, thank you and I hope your creative juices overflowith and make you want to write the next arc. Please please please.
Dave says
+1 for the invitation card
Bec says
Can I just say, I loved Ruby Fever! Loved it, Loved it, Loved it!
Stephanie F says
Congrats! Midnight can’t come soon enough, so excited to read Ruby Fever!! Did I try to find an early pb release with no luck & then try to trick my kindle by switching the date/time to Sydney, Australia? Yes, yes I did – to no avail, hahaha. Just have to hang on a few more hours…
Yay, Arabella!! I so love the Baylors & the HL world!
Skye says
Gods, it’s been 8 years with the Baylors? While the wait for each book seems eternal, it’s also hard to realize it’s been eight years for just this series. I think I started with the first Edge book I picked up from the library in 2013 and I devoured my way through that series and into Kate’s books. Since then I have slurped and munched and blissed my way through all the rest. At this point, of course, it’s always a matter of long wait followed by swift slurping followed by blissful rereads.
While I will receive the book at 11 pm my time (Welcome to Texas, y’all) on my Kindle app, I don’t dare start it. I have to take a gods-bedamned driving test tomorrow morning!
Important note: don’t let your driver’s license expire, especially if you have moved to Texas and your license is from another state. Texas—such a sweet, kind and forgiving place—will require you to take both the written and the driving test to get your shiny new license. Also important to note: if you have managed to let both your drivers license AND your passport lapse and you need to get a security clearance for your new job, you will experience pain. Lots of pain. And embarrassment, self-loathing, anxiety, and a rollercoaster of other fun mental and emotional states. So just don’t let anything expire. Ever.
Patricia Schlorke says
Good luck with your driver’s test today.
Anna L says
I’m teaching my first improv class tomorrow so I cannot have a book hangover, so do I try to go to bed before midnight, knowing that if I don’t, I will be up until 4am devouring and redevouring this book?
Kari says
I hate that I have to wait untill it’s the 23rd in the US. It’s been the 23rd around here for soon 4 hours and I need my book!
Happy book birthday! ????????????
Abha Dhupkar says
I have exams this whole week…..and Ruby Fever is going to be a welcome relief to erase all that exam stress from my mind…..
I am literally going to hide in the toilet and read this book……
Vern says
Drove an hour out of my way to buy a physical copy if Ruby fever and it did not disappoint! Loved it and loved the series. All the praise is so well deserved.
I’m chiming in with please please I would love to see Arabella’s stories or any books set in the Hidden Legacy world.
Sean says
I just ordered it from Amazon. I clicked through from the front page. Is there anything else I need to do to make sure you guys get the kickback for the redirect?
ChelleyPam says
I’m sure there’s some sensible reason that has been lost to time to explain why book releases are on Tuesdays when you have to work instead of Fridays where you have a weekend to enjoy.
But it may be time to revisit this practice. To PTO or not to PTO. That is the question.
Jessie says
Congratulations and happy book day to House Andrews!!!! Well deserved reviews! Thank you for all the the amazing amazing goodies you have blessed us with. In these dark and unpredictable days, your books are such a comfort to have!
Omar Mtz says
Stay up until kindle updates and gives me the book, or go to bed early because tomorrow I have a full day balancing the expense forecasts for work and start closing the Aug books…….
Staying up.
AP says
Congratulations!!! Well deserved!
All the HL novels have been fantastic but Catalina’s trilogy has been a notch above so far and I expect RF to be the same.
Can’t wait for it and Innkeeper to drop tomorrow!
Livv says
Just finished reading it 🙂 loved it!
Maria says
I love it… I don’t want it to be over…. but I love it…… I love it all! I love THEM all….. I still don’t want it to be over….. but I really love it!…… Thank you and happy book birthday
Laura Jordan says
This is my favorite of all the Ilona Andrew’s worlds. I love the Baylors; I especially love the multi generational shenanigans. From the 1st moment she arrived on screen I have wanted to know more about Victoria Tremaine. I just finished the paper back as B&N puts them out the Saturday before release day, it was like consuming the best creamy dark chocolate. It was sublime and I am looking forward to listening to the Audio book today.
Sivi says
I’ve just downloaded my copy. Happy book birthday. ????????????????????????????????
Par???? anyone?
Work a really really busy week ahead the question will be, will I finish this somehow by Saturday, or will I still be partially submerged in the story at that point!
Anna says
Just finished and, as always, it has left me wanting more. Arabella should be given her time in the spotlight, it’s only fair 😀
Sabrina says
Happy Book Birthday! ????
Sydney girl says
Just finished!!! Checked it on the station on the way to work and have been reading all day.
Now to do a re-read – nice and slow…..
No spoiler’s but OMG Arabella rocks!!!
(rocking back and forwards “No spoilers!!! No SPOILERS!!!”
Thank you so much Ilona and Gordon.
I so loved it.
ANN A says
So excited! also I want to agree on a few comments here, for me Arabella’s character is not quite there yet (unless she is “transformed in this upcoming book)…I feel like we need to let her grow up first not under our watchful eyes and maybe you know….make a few mistakes or two… Formme it would feel like a YA..BUT I would still totally read it especially if her antics are with cousin Leon.
Moderator R says
Arabella’s books, if they happen, would be 5-6 years in the future ????
Drew says
This book is AMAZING!
Jean says
Playing games on phone because of insomnia. (Thanks, genetics, for another “gift” – arthritis was more than enough, btw….)
Email notification. Who emails at 1:15 a.m. central time?? Shipping confirmation from Blue Willow Books!! So excited for this book!!
Thank you House Andrews for so many wonderful stories and worlds!!
mz says
3:16 am in Toronto and just finished. Now I can go to sleep happy.
Jo says
Just finished ruby fever. Thank you Ilona and Gordon for the joy, escape and fun you bring to my life. Really appreciate the answers contained in this story. Thank you for battling away until it was done. It was everything I could have wished for. Thanks again Jo
Christie says
Ha ha ha ha….. Love Arabella’s parting salvo. Totally agree. Love the Baylors. Would love to read Arabella’s trilogy. You’ve left that door ajar so hope you receive some amazing inspiration in the near future. Thank you for the series that you have written and made available to the BDH as well as the world at large. You guys rock. Peace, health, prosperity and happiness to you and your’s.
Caitlin says
Finished it! (Round 1)
TheCandyUniverse says
I love, love, LOVE this book! I started it as soon as it appeared on my kindle, and I’ve re-read the last part twice. Great ending to Catalina’s story!
House DeMille says
Nice to see all the review love ???? I would love to see more of Arabella, and Leon too…
Laurie Blanchard says
I have to work tomorrow and go to a play tomorrow night so no rest for the wicked cuz its 2:30 Am I just finished it, And its …. Incredible.
Im blown away they pulled this off. So many loose ends, neatly tied in dangerous and sexy, bows.
Just loved it. Thankyou
Lee says
Ruby fever hit my kindle at 12:01. I finished it at 5:15.
After a couple hours of sleep I’m going to read it again and again…
If difficult children can make the best adults, you have produced a genius.
Thank you!!
kommiesmom says
CDT in Houston, so book hit (my iPad) about 11:15 PM. Finished at 3:37 AM.
Too wound up to sleep until after 5 AM.
Today I will reread to get all the goodies I missed in my quest to know “What happens next?!”
Have to get cracking – I will have another new book tomorrow…
Donna A says
So jealous, just having a quick glance at the phone but can’t pull out the kindle as on holiday. Family are so demanding wanting to spend quality time together and do things ????
InsatiableRomanceReader says
From India:
Rec’d it about 5 hours ago . Finished it one giant gulp. Loved it! Now to reread slowly.
Tash says
It was amazing, and I will re-read again and again to capture any little bits I missed the first time. And then I’ll read the series all over again. Can’t wait to hear if there will be any more books on these characters. Thank you!
Kirsten says
Kobo says that I preordered it but it hasn’t executed the sale and downloaded it to my ereader. It’s 6:38am on the 23rd. All other preorders for today have downloaded.
I. Am. Going. Insane. I want to read this so much.
Time to hit customer service up.
Kirsten says
Kobo must have felt the potential wrath of a dedicated BDH member and it just downloaded. Yay!
Now I just have to remember I have calls for work at 12:30 and 1pm.
Patricia Schlorke says
Congratulations Ilona and Gordon for all the accolades on Ruby Fever!
I was at a concert last night and didn’t even notice the download on my Nook until way past midnight. Thank goodness I was able to find the paperback of Ruby Fever and read it before the concert. Glad no one needs me to talk this morning since my voice is shot from yelling last night.
I agree with the others about Arabella. It would be interesting to read her story someday. No rush. No pressure.
When I read the dedication of donating a part of the money in sales from the book to help the survivors of Ukraine, I’m glad I was part in making that help come true. You are the best. ????
Again congratulations! ????????
Stephanie says
The reviews are justified. HA you are masters. Thank you!
Jasmin says
Loved it.
Bring on an Arabella story…or a noir style novella for Leon!
Jim Huffman says
We knew they were great writers when we joined up.
Hikari says
I’ve just finished reading this book and it’s an amazing conclusion to Catalina’s story. I may be greedy but the world created is just so enthralling (just like with other series) that I hope we will get, one day, Arabella’s story. I hope Ilona and Gordon take some well-deserved time for themselves and their family and will offer us, in the future, other great stories to cherish and follow.
Michelle says
Take my money!
-Philip Fry
Amanda Miller says
Spoiler thread please?
Also, why did snippet about the briefcase get taken down? Could we please have it again?
Thank you! I love this series.
LBHG says
More Arabella!!! Why does she get left out of a trilogy of her own?
Is it the youngest sibling affliction? The oldest kids get all the parental time and attention and there’s nothing left for the youngest????
MariaZ says
Got my audio book this morning and am attempting to listen but the trio of cats are all demanding attention.
Hope all of House Andrews is safe and dry. Poor Texas snow, floods, drought, and more floods.
Sarah says
Read this twice in one day, it’s definitely my favorite of this trilogy, especially with the new secondary characters and the prospect of Arabella’s story coming next with maybe 2 potential love interests – I also really hope we get another in between trilogies novella, maybe with Regina and Michael’s story since it was removed from this book – I get it because it was so dense but so sad at the same time
love love loved this
Sarah says
And a novella for Augustine !! please just take my money and give me alllll the books
M. says
spoiler thread, please, Mod R
we’re bursting at the seams and might spill in here ????
Moderator R says
I’m hearing you!
Patricia Schlorke says
Thanks in advance Mod R.
M. says
also – Ruby Fever is ahead of Soul Taken in the Amazon Canada Paranormal Romance chart
I think it’s misscategorized in the international Amazon charts, as it appears as the Best Seller in the “Vampire Romance” category – there’s not a speck of vampire in the book – for those who haven’t read it yet ????
Is there something your team can do about it? (e.g. notify publishers, Amazon, etc. ) – I may be wrong but misslabening it like that could potentially hurt sales
Moderator R says
Amazon categories are an eldritch mystery of their own. Best left alone. But yay for #1! It’s #1 in the U.K. in Vampires Romance too, plus in Shifter and Werewolf romance but also in the more logical Fantasy Romance!
Anne says
Just purchased it! So excited. Can’t wait to read it with a good glass of wine and a warm fire (it’s cold and winter in South Africa).
Anindya says
The book is awesome, as always!! Where is the spoiler discussion thread?
Moderator R says
It’s coming 🙂
Donna says
I agree with Arabella. We also want more Leon, Augustine and Cornelius. We want it all.
njb says
No spoilers, but the book is really excellent and deserves it’s praise! It answers lots of questions and of course raises a few, hehe. Thank you so much, House Andrews!! I really loved it.
Crystal B says
Got it at 12am EST, up until 4am reading…took a 3 hour “nap” then finished it by 9:30am EST. Lived every second of it. Can’t wait to listen to the audio book next!
NinjaKim says
Accidentally read it after it hit my kindle at midnight! Who needs a full nights sleep for work the next day…. apparently not me.
Another Excellent read… Job very well done 🙂
Vanessa V Kilmer says
I already have my copy. Can’t wait to read it, responsibilities be damned.
Biki says
Happy Release Day! So excited!!!!
Jane says
Cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally!!!!!!!!! you guys are the A-TEAM!!
Rhonda says
I not only bought the Ruby Fever e-book but I also bought the new Patricia Briggs e-book. Good thing I have a slow cooker and an instant pot so my family can eat while I read!!!!
Rita says
I love Arabella and the little hints… omg…
I think she just catapulted to the top of my wish list ! I love how she seems impulsive and somewhat carefree at first glance but has a calculating side. Can’t wait to explore that more.
But also need the next 3-5 business days to digest what a journey this book was.
Nelly says
Ruby Fever was available today on Amazon France and it’s already top of the list in Fantasy booksales, ahead of Soul Taken and Fire & Blood!
Congrats to House Andrews! RF deserves all the praise it’s getting.
I really loved the book and I agree with Arabella: we do need more Baylors books in a near future 🙂
Rita L says
Stayed up until 4 am reading and it was worth every bit of lost sleep! So many thoughts running through my head, can barely concentrate at work today. Thank you Ilona Andrews, we definitely don’t deserve you two!
Gail says
That post-script is to die for, and that’s after reading all those excellent reviews.
Now to get back to reading Ruby Fever. It has me on the edge of my seat.
CHRIS says
My preorder Audible just dropped and as I just finished “Sapphire…” And “Emerald…” re-listens I’m gleeful to start “Ruby…”❣️???????? Will leave 5***** reviews again.
Arabella and Leon
Must find love next. There has to be one more book, at least. Pretty please with blood on it⁉️
Meanwhile, carry on finishing InnKeeper and anything you want to write.
I’ll read anything you want to do.
But please take care of yourselves and have plenty of fun along the way.❣️❣️❣️
Paula says
It’s finally here!!! *happy dance* Congratulations House Andrews and good job bragging Mod R!!
P.S. I would REALLY love to read Arabella’s books ????
Captain Pat says
Absolutely epic! Fantastic ending! Re-read #2 commencing1
Sabin says
I was fortunate enough to get an advanced reading copy (ARC), and am very happy to say that Ruby Fever is well worth the wait. I haven’t said anything before in case I dropped an unintended spoiler. I just hope the BDH enjoys it as much as I did.
Michael Hall says
So, House Andrews gave me the most wonderous birthday present today. My birthday fell on a Tuesday this year, and in a fantastic stroke of luck “Ruby Fever” scheduled it’s release for that day. So thank you House Andrews from a most loyal (and grateful) member of the BDH. ????❤????
kommiesmom says
Fabulous book! Well worth the wait. You deserve *all* the kudos and bestseller lists!
Seriously, thank you so much for this book. It is a lovely, densely-plotted conclusion to Catalina’s story arc in the central role.
As always you have populated your world with wonderful characters that we cannot resist caring about.
The Baylor family members continue to grow and evolve. The auxiliary cast continues to grow and change, both in number and importance.
We not only want to know Arabella’s story, we care what Leon, Bug, Cornelius, and even Augustine are doing. They have become as real as the idiots on TV news (and much more intelligent!) and we want to know that they are doing okay – or not, for some of them…
I don’t see any spoilers – please edit if you do!
Terrie C says
I saw the book pop up at 11:00 pm. The rational part of my brain said wait, it is too late to start. The other part of my brain whispered, “you can read for an hour and you don’t have to get up until 7”. Over three hours later my battery died and snapped me out of my Fever cocoon.
BruceR says
My copy is enroute … patience is needed! (Anyone have extra? I’m all out!)
Louis says
+1; just please keep having fun writing furiously – I read and love everything you write! YAY House Andrews!
Clara says
I just finished reading it and it was amazing! Loved all the explanations (of course we guessed who their grandfather/Caesar was) all tied up neatly. I know we just finished Catalina’s story and HA isn’t on contract anymore but I wouldn’t be doing my BDH job if I didn’t ask for Arabella’s story now! (Or rather, as soon as they feel up to writing it). Trust HA to sneakily throw in not 1 but 2 contenders into the ring! Oooh. There. No spoilers here either. ????
Moderator R says
At LEAST 2 hehe!
PS: here’s the official spoiler post
Louis says
Oh – and I love the Innkeeper Tapas! Looking forward to more HA on Tapas (could you share what is coming next?) – thanks!
Nancy says
I just finished Ruby Fever, and it exceeded all of my expectations!!!
Thank You for the hours I have spent enjoying your books!!!
Len says
Okay, important question, what style of yarn swift?
KMD says
Not gonna lie, my heart shrieked like a teenage girl at a boy band concert at the last graphic. Yes to all the Arabella.
I’ve just finished my third read (listen) of the series in preparation for reading book six this weekend. (I even got my husband to listen with me, and wiggled my eyebrows suggestively every time there were sexy bits. haha.) I know it’s live now, but if I do, nothing else will get done this week.
Shellb says
My review: it was stellar and wonderful.
Thank you.
Cheryl says
I would like to see more of Arabella. Also would like More on Benjiro. Then of course we are all interested in little Arthur’s development. The Baylor’s offer many good possibilities that House Andrews could bring fourth. No rush, take your time.
I know we miss Kate, and an update on her would be fine.
You know what? Whatever you write is coveted.
Rune says
I loved Kate, but I’m pining for more in the spinoff Julie Lennart/Aurelia Ryder story line. Wondering when, or if, our Innkeeper will ever find her parents. And while they’re tying up all the loose ends, I’ll still be loving the Edge series, which doesn’t get NEARLY enough appreciation, imho.
Ali Smith says
So excited to read Ruby Fever.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Arabella we know you will be hinging out in your new tower, and we look forward to what trouble you will get into in the future. SO, please talk House Andrews into telling us you stories. ????
Jeanne Ferguson Turner says
Yes please! Are you planning to learn russian Arabella?
Ann says
Loved it! Pre-ordered it, awakened at 4:30 am (by chance) and started reading. Didn’t stop until I finished it.
Jeanne Ferguson Turner says
Literally GULPED in down in one swallow, chortling, exclaiming and crowing with laughter through the entire book. Thank you so very much for this one, and all your books!! Absolutely adored it, couldn’t put it down!!
Rune says
Arabella knows what’s what, lol.
Thank you, Ilona Andrews, for yet another very enjoyable read (and I include the cooking bits in this, which I always copy whether I need to or not).
As always, I wish it took me as long to read them as it takes you to write them.
Sophie says
I’ve just finished ruby fever a’d it was such a wonderful book !! Thanks a lot!!
I’m in France and on, this morning ruby fever is #160 for all kindle sales, and 1st in the whole “fantasy in english” section, as well as 1st in two other subsections. Congrats!!
Erin Valentine says
Already singing about Arabella and Michael sittin’in a tree…
Ann says
I finally finished my first reading(no one really needs sleep). Thank you for the trip to Houston and for giving a glimpse of Arabella’s future guy(?).
Sharon says
I am thrilled that IA is getting proper appreciation.
And I love those fluffy birdies bouncing around.