Hey Y’all,
We are all super thrilled at the announcements that Iron and Magic has placed #8 on USA Today Best-Selling Books top 150 and also #9 on NYT Best-Selling list. I wanted to not only share the good news with you all, but thank you as well! You have all been such an amazing source of inspiration and support for Ilona Andrews.Without you all, this wouldn’t be possible.
So thanks for being so awesome,
Brandi Bolden
Congratulations everyone!
Woo hoo!!! So very cool! Congrats!!!
That is so great and so well deserved. I love all Ilona and Gordon’s books but this one has become an especial favorite of mine. It made me care about someone I started the book kind of hating. I also love how well the secondary characters are fleshed out. I find Bale especially fun. ?
Wonderful news! Congratulations!
Yes , it’s because you guys are talented writers. You made me give Hugh a chance, and I hated Hugh. And loved that he now has a chance for redemption.
Or at least a life and new family. And I like Elara, she is fierce, snarky and scary talented, and she also has paid a price for her magic.
And I feel for Ilona’s hands, hope she is feeling better and staying off the computer.
you have a wonderful family with Gordon, Kids 1 and 2 and many friends and animals. Thank you for being so open and I am so glad to be a Part of the BDH. I bought and read the book, and will continue to support all of your work.
What Gail said.
Yes, what Gail said. And woo hoo, such great news for such a great book!
Awesome and well deserved!!!
Mega kudos to Ilona and Gordon; very well deserved! 😀
Great news! Knew it was going to do well. Hugh is an unforgettable character. And Elara is too. Looking forward to seeing what new troubles these two can get into in the next book. 😀
This is very happy news. Congratulations! As a longtime reader and admirer, I am super excited that the book is doing so well. This makes me want to reread all the Hugh bits throughout the series. ♥️
Lol….I did do that! He is still a b@st@rd but reading Iron and Magic put a new filter on everything…and I discovered that Kate didn’t hate him as much as Curran did…. (that’s my story and I am sticking to it ?)
It’s true, think about the scene with her father in Magic Binds.
That is so awesome!!! And a testament to Our Mighty AuthorLords supreme awesomeness!
Congrats but want to point out potential error on Amazon. They have a give away if the book if you follow author Lindsey Buroker (who I also read) instead of Ilona Andrews. So I don’t know if the error is in the book title or which author to follow
Well, as far as I know, (I could of course be wrong), Lindsay Buroker is quite fond of Ilona Andrews’ work and paid for 3 copies of “Iron and Magic” as a giveaway to her fans who share her love for their books.
Congratulations on this achievement. You all earned this through hard work that we love to read.
Congratulations! It’s well deserved!
YAY!!! I am so excited for you guys. 🙂 🙂 I didn’t want to like Hugh either, but his book won me over.
On a another note: do you know when/if the twitch sessions will be uploaded, Brandi? I missed them live and am eager to rewatch it.
Same! I missed it 🙁
Yes, I’ve been hoping for the answer too. I was wondering if the videos where going to be uploaded to Twitch or on the vlog. Can’t wait to see them.
Congratulations!!!!!! 🙂
Seems like a celebratory snippet might be in order… 😉
You are welcome, Ilona Andrews. I think most of BDH would agree that we enjoy your atories and all your hard work. [ I say most as it is rare to have 100 percent of humans in a literary group to agree. ]
Now let Gordon type Diamond Fire for Ilona’s aching hands as that is being eagerly looked forward to at my house after Kate 10. Grin.
Congradulations. Good job for some excellent storytellers.
Wahoo! Congratulations.
Now doesn’t that make you want to go back and read all their books, Brandi? 😉
I’m doing just that, Tink. I’m currently reading Magic Strikes. I just read when Curran found Jim, Kate, and company at the Pack house and chews Jim, Dali, Raphael and Derek out. Andrea telling Kate she heard Curran call Kate is future mate. 😀 Now, I’m at the chapter where the team is going to fight in the Midnight Games.
Guess who is also at the Games? Our wonderful villain/now being “redeemed” Hugh. Kate’s world has just been rocked. 🙂
when is the audio coming out
Gee whiz Kaylene – don’t get so emotional…☺
haha i can’t take it anymore!!!!!!!!! i’m trying to hold out for the audio but i don’t think i’m gonna last much longer.
I’m with you, only I gave in and purchased the ebook. I couldn’t wait any longer. I normally only get the audibles. I’m checking regularly waiting for it to show up to lay claim to it. If only we could pre-buy…aarrrgggg
Congratulations! It’s well deserved.
Ilona hope your hands are recovering well and Diamond Fire is writing its self.
Hard to believe this started out as an April Fool’s prank!! Best prank result ever!
+1 It goes to show that they can write ANYTHING!!!
+1 and joins Bucky in prancing ?
Congrats to all!
CONGRATULATIONS! but just wait until Kate 10 comes out. Magic Triumphs indeed.
Happy Dance time. Congrats on making the top 10 on both lists! On Amazon right now it is showing as 568 reviews with 4.9 out of 5. All hail the amazing Author Lords 🙂
I looked at the reviews and was dumbfounded how someone could rate it a 1 star without reading it. They feel like IA let their readers down by giving Hugh a book with redeeming qualities. I’m halfway through the book and so far it’s looking pretty good.
**shakes head**
I wish most sites, Goodreads especially, wouldn’t allow reviews until the book has been 1. released and 2. read. I know better than to think it’ll happen but that’s my wish. Until then I mark those unhelpful reviews just that- unhelpful.
Well, #2 at least. I think #1 is out because people do that NetGalley thing so they can have some reviews in hand before release to entice people to buy.
At the very least, they should require that the user purchased the book from that site or can prove they got it from NetGalley so they can’t diss it without having at least tried to read it.
All I can say is it is their loss that they didn’t read the book. I read it twice. I don’t feel he is totally redeemed at this point but we’ve been given more of his back story and understand him more.
At this point, I think that Hugh is a badly damaged man who is just learning to think for himself. He seems to be developing flickers of empathy which confuses him. Why should he care that the little girl is alive? He can think negative thoughts about Roland without feeling pain. Roland created his happiness(?) for years. That’s not the right word but I’m not sure what the right word is. Satisfaction? Positive feedback? Warm fuzzies? Now Confidence that all is right with the world? I think that’s it. He is starting to create his own value system. He has also acquired a pet dog and a magic horse and for too brief moment a little girl who followed him everywhere. I see a lot of potential. Which surprised me because I begrudged the time that the Authorlords spent on him when they could have been writing about someone I liked. Now I am on tenterhooks waiting for what comes next. Dear Authorlords, while waiting isn’t easy, your health and happiness is more important to me.
???????? Congratulations Ilona and Gordon! It was an amazing book!
Well of course you’re on the best sellers list. Doesn’t surprize me a bit! It’s well deserved. You guys have the “it” factor – you’re talented and you work darn hard! Congratulations!
Congratulations . I just finish it, it’s great. I also gave a five star review on Kobo.com
YAY! Well deserved location on the lists!! I finished the book yesterday and LOVED IT!!! Will be doing a little FB promotion for it today because the first thing I tell everyone when they ask for book recommendations is “READ ILONA ANDREWS!”
Congratulations on another successful launch; it’s entirely due to your skill and vision that Hugh’s story did so well. And now the rest of the world knows how fantastic you are, too.
I hope the hands are healing well.
Yippee! Congratulations on being in the top 10 on both lists.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I just read about Hugh being at the Midnight Games in Magic Strikes. Hehehe…now hindsight is a wonderful thing. 😀
Havibg read it three times, I can say it’s well deserved.
Having read the book three times, I can say it’s well deserved.
Congratulations all around.
It was an awesome book.
Thank you.
Congratulations on the well deserved success. And congratulations on writing such a refreshingly different urban fantasy heroine in Elara. I absolutely love the weaponised traditional femininity – the dresses, the apron!, the undermining Hugh by providing his Dogs with hot showers after battle.
Don’t forget the crepes Elara made Hugh….not once but twice. Plus he ate them. The old saying goes “a way to a man’s heart is through is stomach” when they are not trying to kill each other. 🙂
I never thought about this, but it is absolutely true! Weaponized traditional femininity! Love IT!
Great news! You both work really hard to supply a very enjoyable and memorable story.
SWEET!!!! Of course, no surprise, but great to see that so many people appreciate Ilona and Gordon’s books!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Congratulations, Author Lords. A book so eagerly anticipated should surely go far. I just wish I was part of the celebration. I am waiting for the audio version. Not complaining. Just stating that there might be another boost to sales when that comes available.
Hope Ilona’s hands are getting better. We want stories but not at the cost of actual pain.
so… i got the ebook…as i read at night and its easier on my eyes….i read the book twice by now. i love it….for the new/old/evolving characters and the new aspects on the magic world…just great!
Woot! Congrats guys 🙂
I read Iron & Magic on release day. Enjoyed it, it made me think… so I went back a re-read the entire Kate Daniels series (including side books). This afternoon I am beginning the re-read of I&M. Sooo ready for next month!
WOO HOO!! Congrats all!! You deserve all the success!!
Congratulations! I read it yesterday and enjoyed it. I think Bucky was probably my favorite character. Also, when I finished the book I had to laugh because I imagined what Twitter with Elara and Hugh would look like (this isn’t me asking or hinting either, my imagination is pretty good).
Thank you for another great book! Looking forward to the next one.
What a Twitter battle that would be. I hadn’t thought of it Liz F, but yes!
Congratulations! ???
Congrats!! As far as I’m concerned it’s #1. I just finished it last night and it’s all the stars! Looking forward to Magic Triumphs!
Well done! Seriously, it’s no hardship buying a book by great authors on the day it comes out. It’s really them being good and good to their fans that places in the top ten of bestsellers.
Can’t wait for Triumphs!
(I’ve already read I&M and reread Binds in the time it came out)
Congratulations!! It is a great book and it is wonderful that it is appreciated by so many readers.
Congrats! Very well deserved. Few authors can make you feel like you are actually walking inside of the story world with the characters. The two of you are in those gifted few. Take care of yourselves and hopefully we will be able to enjoy your offerings for many years to come.
Congratulations!!! *happy wobble* My print copy came this morning, and I love it! Thank you, Authorlords and retainers. 😀 *fresh tea and settles back to read more*
P.S. Easy with the paws, Ilona!
I think Ilona and Gordon have proved the adage that everyone is the hero of their own story,
I look forward to more of Hugh and Elara.
Great work and great results – hope it stays on the list for a long while
Woohoo! Well-deserved kudos for writers who work their fingers to the bone and are smart and brave enough to take on a former villain as a protaganist.
Congratulations guys!!
I did a reread of Kate series prior to reading Iron and Magic and loved seeing Hugh go from bad guy to semi hero!
So awesome!! Hope Ilona is feeling better, u guys have had quite a lot going on in a short period of time and all the writing on top of that, makes me exhausted just thinking about it! Love your writing!
Love reading all your books. Can’t wait for Hugh and Curran to meet again, with Kate and Elara rolling their eyes at the “boys”. Bucky is a hoot!
Congratulations to my favorite authors!!
Super Congratulations! This was a great book
Nothing beats quality.
Your success is well deserved and only fitting.
As far as I am concerned, you are number 1 on the list, since I have 0% interest in reading the books listed above yours on the page.
Thank you for a wonderful story with interesting, conflicted characters and three dimensional supporting casts.
Please get better. Take as much time to heal as you need and don’t re-injure your hands trying to work too soon.
Karat says “mn 0VH/” (Quotation marks mine. Not sure what that means in cat…)
Congratulations!!! I loved Iron and Magic. I got my mother hooked on the series. She called me last week ecstatic that Felix was Domincan. This was the most inclusive book in the series to date. Johanna is my favorite and I can’t wait for Stoyan to make a move. Thank you for a wonderful story. Take care of your health.
I loved it… waiting impatiently for the audiobook, so I can enjoy it again whole I catch up on work.
It was a great book. You deserve all the recognition and celebration time. Hope you all are getting some good rest time in!
Best April Fools joke…EVER!! Congratulations!
Woo hoo! and congratulations!
Well done and congratulations!
I’m loving Hugh’s book?
I got it, I got it!
I haven’t read it.
I’m hoarding it for . . .
I know not what, BUT
Triumph is due in August
Nevada in november?
Maud will be complete sometime or other, it is the stretch of time inbetween that i’m hoarding for, trying to even out, it never parses exactly but it is the ultimate fix when I finally give in.
Congrats on the lists.
FYI, it does say in the beginning of the book that you should read Iron & Magic before reading Magic Triumphs, so you may not want to hoard too much longer.
Congratulations. Thank you for this story, and for all the stories you write.
Well deserved recognition and success! Thank you for all the hard work you do.
Congrats loved this book!
Woohoo, congratulations!
Thank you so much for writing amazing books! Can’t wait for Hugh and Elara’s 2nd book! 🙂
Congrats!! I loved the book and still can’t get over how you took an April’s Fool joke about a character that was pretty universally despised and gave us something as wonderful as Iron and Magic.
*throws confetti* Totally deserved, I loved it!! Now I want Kate and Elara to meet, they’ll be besties, LOL!! Seriously tho, congrats you two!!
In our minds they would be besties but in reality probably not. One of my biggest literary disappointments is that in Patricia Briggs series Anna and Mercy are not best friends. We like them both. They interact with some of our favorite characters. But at the end of the day they remain uncomfortable with each other.
I feel Dahli totally rocks but some how she and Kate remain distant. Even though they have that great fight in arenas in common.
In the books there is little interaction between Kate and Dahli, but it is implied that they have some contact. Dahli taught Julie to drive and things like that.
It is the sign of great authors – we just want to go live in the world with our friends! Thank you both for the great books.
Kate is busy, and she has Conlan now. Any spare time she probably spends with her family. As Beast Lady, Dali has more responsibilities (which she likes about as much as Kate did). Since the separation Kate doesn’t spend much time at the Keep. I think they like each other fine, but Jim can be difficult and their lives don’t intersect much, from what we’ve seen.
Congrats to you all. It is no less than you deserve and hopefully next week it will be a lower number and a higher place.
I loved the book and agree with one of the first comments – can’t wait for Hugh and Curran to meet (though if Elara manifests even Curran and Kate might be rattled!). At least this time they may be allies.
Enjoy the recognition after all it took to get there over the past 8 months.
Big fat well deserved congrats!!
I have to admit, I almost didn’t buy Iron and Magic because I hated Hugh. So. Much. I didn’t think he could ever be redeemed. Holy cow, I am so in love with Hugh. Seriously, my awe of your writing genius knows no bounds. How did you make me love Hugh??
Because Roland is shown to be the despicable microbe he is.
Sarafina, you truly have a gift for expressing hatred in written form!
You are being awfully mean to microbes since some of them are pretty beneficial ???
Agreed. But what living thing could Roland be compared to unfavorably?
I’m good with being more specific about the despicable microbe. Let’s compare him to multi-drug resistant c. difficile which kills people and currently seems best treated by a stool transplant. That’s a pretty horrible microbe!
Ha Ha Ha? Very good!
Sorry, I’m stuck on “stool transplant”. O_O
Yeah, that sounds icky but from the little I’ve read it is a real breakthrough in medical treatment. And truly, I doubt the treatment is any worse than C. diff.
In some cases it’s death or healthy living with stool transplant. So definitely an upgrade. I first read about it years ago and it took two years for my brain to stop stuttering!
To expand on the thought a little, it means that Roland is so bad that S*** is the cure! HA!
Wonderful to see this! Loved the book.
So happy for you guys. This is so well deserved. Congrats, until the next best seller in August.
No, thank YOU. Our Authorlords’ awesomeness has no peer.
::raises hand:: Who else has already scheduled a vacation day for Aug. 28th? 😉
I did. I take a day off for every release since I start reading as soon as the book loads on my Kindle.
Ha ha, and I’m sure many (maybe most) of us BDH will be re-reading the rest of the series before the finale comes out!
I am so sad to see it end, but am happily looking forward to Kate and Curran and others from the Kate Daniels series showing up in the Iron Covenant series.
Ha, ha. I’m retired, so I can read WHENEVER I WANT! That’s a lie, by the way. Retirement is like working, only more slowly.
I LOVED THIS BOOK. I would preorder then next two books right now. AuthorLords are the best!
Congratulations!!!??. Party Time ????????
Congrats! No surprise, all your books deserve to be in the top 10.
I’m surprised (and annoyed) it didn’t rank higher.
Yeah baby!! *congratulatory happy dance*
Congrats! I think the ultimate April Fools joke is that you made me care about Hugh.
Considering this started out as an April Fool’s joke about a character who most people considered completely irredeemable, this is an especially amazing result!
Loved Iron and Magic, so happy (and not at all surprised) to hear the series debuted in the top 10!!
Congrats and thank you both for all your hard work and patience with your ‘hoard’… I’m sure we don’t say it enough but you both are appreciated for all you do, even by those that behave poorly, complaining and whinning like spoilt Children. Again, brava, woo hoo, congrats… again your work reaches the highest honors. Thank you for all you do.
? Congratulations
AuthorLords !! ?
Being number 8 on the Best Seller Lists with a Self-Published book that basically started out as a-joke-that-became-a-dare-that-became-a-best-selling-book is an amazing accomplishment!!
You deserve every good thing!! Enjoy watching Hugh and Elara storm the rankings!!
Congrats..congrats…congrats. you totally deserve it. The book was awesome. Can’t wait for the next books.
please do more April Fool’s books.
Congratulations your books are awesome.
Thank you for an awesome world to dive into.
You all deserve it! I am so happy for you both. Nothing gives me more pleasure than knowing my most favorite authors reached the top 10. Actually i have no interest with the other books that made the top 10. To me, you should be 1st!!! Love you and prayers for hand recovery. Kudos!!!
I waited as long as I could, then devoured in one sitting. You guys are amazing and geniuses-I didn’t think redemption was possible for Hugh. Thank you and congrats on the book being in the top 10 on both best seller lists. Take care of yourself. Thanks!
Congrats!! Love Elara and Hugh. Can’t wait until they meet Kate and Curran. Thank you.
I am delighted so many others appreciate your books as much as I do!!! I am doing my best to wait patiently for the audiobook, but the struggle is real. In the mean time, please take care of those hands because I’m so codependent on your writing it can’t possibly be healthy. In all seriousness, I have to once again say Thank You. Every time I get to read something new from you my day is better. You are absolute treasures, and it means the world to me that you continue to share your creative minds in such a lovely way. If I could hug you both I would, but it would get awkward when I didn’t let go, so maybe sending best wishes via text is still best for now. 😉
Congratulations! Iron and Magic deserves to be in the top 10. It is one of your best to date.
Congratulations. Just finished reading it. I give it four paws up. 🙂
The best thing is that it all makes sense. Hugh isn’t just suddenly a good guy. It makes sense that Roland used magic on Hugh the same way Kalina “cooked” Voron. I just HATE those books where the baddest bad boy suddenly becomes a big squishy. Hugh is never gonna be a squishy.
I was really concerned that I was not going to like this book, but I was so wrong. It was fabulous!!!! How could I hate him so much and then fall in love with him. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next. Even if we have to wait! Take care of yourself and rest those hands even if we have to wait longer for the next book.
Yay!!! Well deserved! It was a fabulous read.
Thank you for accomplishing the heretofore impossible and making Hugh d’Ambray into a sympathetic character! He is becoming even more complex with every word written about him. And Bucky is the perfect symbol of his transformation from super villain into ….whatever he is becoming.
Elara and The Departed are a mystery that has quickly become an obsession for me. I can’t wait for more to discover their history and the future of all of Baile’s residents.
As a side note, I appreciate the Innkeeper Chronicles immensely. I hope your repetitive use issues improve; having had them myself, I know how excruciating they are. As eager as I am for each new installment of any of your works, I’ll still gladly wait for your recovery, knowing that your health and happiness will also lead to many more shared adventures ahead.
Well deserved, loved the book so much and Bucky… I laughed so much. Thank you so much!
Congratulations that’s awesome news
Got mine! Only a few pages in, looking good! Since it is print on demand, maybe they can fix the oops — so far, all soft hyphens print as little rectangles. I got mine from B&N, if that makes a difference. Thanks for all you do, and I hope dictation improves. A friend of mine reports her dictation system turned congregations into keurig asians …
Congratulations on Iron and Magic! Truely complex characters with a great story! I love the diversity of the side characters as well – Johanna and Bucky were my favs!
Congratulations! You deserve it.
Congratulations- completely well deserved due to your combined gift of story telling.
Wonderful news and very well-deserved! Congratulations!
Can we have a count down to magic triumphs pls as well ,????? …?! Thx Gabi from Vienna
Congratulations and well deserved
I’m hoping the blurb by Lorna Sterling is on the paper copy.
Congratulations! I automatically pre-order everything you publish. Your creativity astounds me and your craftsmanship is impeccable. Most of all – you tell a damn fine story!
That is so true. And I re-read them again and again which I thought I would never do for any book. Kindof scary to be such a huge fan.
Conga rats! Well deserved.
Why Iron and Magic is so low cost compare with the others?…
Yes! But it is because it is self published. I was just glad they charged the $6.99 for kindle rather than the $4.99. Money doesn’t fix everything but it does take some of the stress out of life. My selfish thought is the less stress the authors have the more books for us!
Congratulations on the great book. Hugh and Elara are a well matched pair! Hope the dictation saves your hands. Get well soon.
So much cheaper than so many other (including self published, ) not IA good Authors. I really feel like they cheat themselves on pricing.
I wasn’t a fan of Hugh but after reading the book, my thoughts are to give him a second chance. Especially if he helps Kate against her father. Loved the book. Looking forward to the other 2 books in the series. Of course waiting impatiently for Kate 10.
I just finished and I LOVED this story and am itching for more!!!
AWESOME!!!! And well deserved!
Congratulations. Loved the book, one of those I will read and re-read. Hope No.2 is soon.
It’s an awesome book! I’ve read it 3 times already and plan on reading it again!
So very deserved!! One day we’ll get them to #1.
Congrats! It’s a wonderful book with a difficult character. You deserve it!
well deserved. Congratulations!
Loooved it! Truly deserved ranking for an awesome book♥️♥️♥️????
Congratulations! ?
CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! I have already finished it – and have started over …..to go more slowly this time and savor every bit.
THANK YOU for once again creating a world that i hate to leave when the last page turns.
Hope Ilona’s hands are feeling better !!!
Loved the e-book, will buy it as a paperback as well. Hope those hands heal soon!
Congrats, well deserved too.
I’m going to read again, I may have missed a bit! Then I’ll wait for the audio book to come out. ?
Any estimate for when the Audible Whispersync will be ready?
Loved the book and I’m going to read it again.
I finally got to read Iron and Magic and enjoyed it thoroughly. Congratulations on top 10 debut on both NY Times and USA Today bestseller lists- well deserved.
The character trait that created the believable bridge between old and new Hugh was loyalty. Roland could not stomp it out of Hugh without losing his own hook.
There were so many scenes where Hugh grew as a human being, and we got to understand his competetence as a general. I look forward to the continuing story of Hugh and Elara.
It’s really cool to go back and read Magic Binds now. So many little Easter eggs make more sense now! Really well done ?
I love all your books, but was not excited for Hugh. THIS BOOK IS AMAZING. I love it. Thank you.