Mod R here with some light housework whilst the cats are away- just kidding, Tuna is always watching!

If you missed yesterday’s Q&A with Grace Draven you can watch it here – lots of yummy food conversations, Tuna photobombs and announcements! I will let you be surprised by Ilona and Gordon as is only right but of course, we will have official news and details about everything coming soon on the blog.
Since so many exciting things are happening, here is a reminder of House Andrews’ various social media presence- Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest.
Can you hear that?
It’s the noise of Ruby Fever tiptoeing closer and closer- only 26 days left! There is a handy dandy fancy countdown on the home page. There is also another front page banner coming soon…I really can’t stop myself teasing you.
If, like me, you are a fan of torture, you can go over to the iBooks app and read an extended sample of Ruby Fever ahead of time. It contains the prologue (Baylor compound scene is back for everyone yearning for it!), the entire first chapter and a bit of Chapter 2.) The HarperCollins sample is back too- it’s slightly shorter, hope everyone can see it this time!
I declare Baylor season officially open!
This posts’ comment section will be a mini spoiler thread so everyone can go wild with speculation- beware if you don’t want to see any Ruby Fever content. Oh, and almost forgot: if you want to preorder a signed copy of Ruby Fever you can do so from Blue Willow bookstore.
::drifts away humming S&M by Rihanna::
I was very lucky to get a review copy. It is well worth the wait. Lots of action in this book, lots of good awwww moments, and lots of completely hilarious things I read aloud to my spouse.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who has to read certain bits out loud 😀 (Yes, you were first 😉 )
I will also say that I signed on for the dinner with the Dravens and House Andrews. It was a great time! Heard about a lot of food, about cool friendships and SPOILERS! I thought Ilona was going to strangle Gordon. That was very funny! And the spoilers were AMAZING.
Gordon is the Spoiler Lord of the BDH 😀 . There is no violence but fast anti-spill reflexes are a must! 😀
Yes, but those spoilers need to be shared with al, the BDH, especially those who live in different time zones and spent the whole thing arms deep in blood and gore trying to piece someone back together again. Please, please, please share Gordon’s spoilers
There is no spoiler session to this Q&A, everything that was said is on the video 🙂
Yes, big thank you to Gordon. It’s about at the 1 hr 30 min mark. You didn’t let us down!
I hope these virtual appearances continue.
Thank you so much for the time stamp. Go Gordon
Yay! Can’t wait!!
Was I first??
Can’t wait to hear more about Regina!
Regina’s back story is contained in a deleted scene from Ruby Fever- it can be found here https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/regina/ and here for extended explanation on why the editor felt it should be cut https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/muffins-trucks-and-deleted-scenes/
Im só angry at that
It makes it a tighter book and if you read the scene and Ilona’s explanation it makes sense 🙂 . And hey, we still get the content, so we have not lost anything!
Yay so close! I won’t do my reread til week before. But I did just finish reread of all of sweep of the heart! Now I’m going to go watch the draven/IA interview because of course life happened and I missed the live..damn husbands and their getting cut early from work yesterday????????????
Agree. Going to hold off on the re-read for a minute. Altho…what is it, 5.5 books? Maybe two weeks ahead will work.
I have been making so many calculations about when to start 😀
I need at least 2 days per book, because I will be rereading favourite moments over and over and “let them settle” the way you savour good chocolate by letting it melt on your tongue slowly.
Hi modR I open the link but cant find the extended sample sorry
I believe the samples are exclusive to the IBooks app, it won’t work on browser as they’re downloaded.
No one on my home has an Apple phone (we dont like Iphones) so I cant read those couse I cant find the app on the google playstore.
Im very sad
right? sad for us android users 🙁
Here is a slightly shorter version of it, but accessible to everyone, on the HarperCollins website https://www.harpercollins.com/products/ruby-fever-ilona-andrews?variant=39874660335650 (Thank you Tanya for linking us!)
If you have Overdrive app for library books, there is an extended sample version for Ruby Fever that’s even longer than iBooks sample.
Here’s the overdrive link: https://samples.overdrive.com/?crid=b8a5c827-4974-40a1-b7d2-90c812dcf9fe&.epub-sample.overdrive.com
I’m not sure if I should be thanking you for this link or cursing your name to the heavens, because whilst this was glorious to read… I now have just under a month to wait to find out how the mini-cliffhanger will end! I’ll go with thank you! <3
Arghghgh!!! Me too, but arghghgh!!!
Your frustration is the reason why I will not read this sample ????????????
Once I start a IA book I can’t put it down (it’s just always so good) reading a snippet will kill my already non existent patience ???????? if I read it it will be two days before release ????????????
Thank you, thank you, thank you
I had to goto download free sample and it worked. I hope this helps.
That is an ear worm for me. Now its stuck for the day. Nanana come on ????.
I have to watch the video as I had a conference call yesterday right at that time, but I am super excited by the news that graphic audio will be doing all of KD
I did have a question, will they also do Jim/Dali, Andrea’s and Julies books too, or just the main novels?
I’m not sure if it’s the novellas too.
I don’t think Iron Covenant or Blood Heir made it in (yet), the “Kate Daniels World” spin-offs, but deffo all of the main series!
Oohhhh, I am going to have to save to get them all! ???? ????
Whaaaaaa! I clicked the above link for the “Apple Preview” *extreme pout* nothing but the back page blurb for the book.
Does one must be a subscriber to Apple to get the real preview?
And if there’s a “click here for preview” that I’m missing, I will so say, “sorry I’m a blonde, thanks for pointing it out” LOL
I believe it’s only on the app, as it’s downloadable content. That’s why I said to head over to the Apple Books app, I’ll emphasise it a bit more above. It won’t work of you click the link for the Windows desktop version.
Mod R – sorry, I must have been typing while you were posting the earlier reply (see – Blonde moment in above comment 🙂 )
And thank all gods & goddess – I have an iPad!!
Can’t wait for the full book (I foresee a vacation day on release day!)
I’m glad I bought an iPad mini this past Saturday. I bought it as a “big sister” to my iPod, which sadly is retired from Apple. I will need to get the Apple Books app and download the delicious content. 😀
If you’re on a mac – you can use the ibooks app there to see the sample. I have never once used the app, but my work comp is a mac –and it is a 35 page sample!!!
OMG!!!!!! read the sample~
I just finished the sample. When I got to the end, I screamed “no, I want to keep reading!”
So now I’ll have to wait patiently (yes, that swear word of the BDH) to get the rest of the book on my Nook.
Thanks Mod R and everyone else to let the rest of us know about the sample of Ruby Fever. ????????
Yes, I was just able to read it on my MacBook. 😀 Not that I haven’t read it before, but it’s never time wasted.
Whoa! Thank you Sarah!! My work comp is also a mac… didn’t even think of it until now!!
To Mod R: On July 18 blog there is a beautiful glass teapot in the picture. Do you know the brand and is it Ilona’s?
That is a stock photo 🙂 but Ilona does have a glass teapot you can read about here https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/on-follow-up-questions-unexpected-nature-of/ . Well, it’s called an Imperial Tea Maker, but maybe teapot when it’s at home 😀
Nooo!!! Drat you Samsung – no access to Apple Books app! Now I must find someone to bribe…
See MamaofThree’s post a bit further up screen. She has an overdrive link that took me right to a nice large chunk or preview. Please note I am a complete luddite, and couldn’t get anything Apple or the Harper Collins site to work for me, but, as I said, the Overdrive dropped me right in the sample.
Thanks to MamaofThree for making it so easy for me.
If you go to the HarperCollins Ruby Fever page, you can read a sample (see the link under the cover art). I don’t know if it is the same length as the Apple preview.
Thank you so much Tanya! MVP!
It is a slightly shorter sample but still awesome find!
Theres only prologue and chap 1 but thanks anyway
Sigh… you are my hero!
So….the extended sample is only available if you own an iPhone? That’s a bummer. 🙁
Apple Books always have the most extended samples, I don’t know what magic they yield. Here is a slightly shorter version of it, but accessible to everyone, on the HarperCollins website https://www.harpercollins.com/products/ruby-fever-ilona-andrews?variant=39874660335650
I know it must be annoying, but I tried every harpercollins link posted in you post and in the comments, but I still see only the cover and the short summery.
I’m from Europe, maybe that’s the problem?
Hi Stephanie, it shouldn’t influence it, I’m in Europe too and can see it. I’m circling it in a photo attached, hope it comes up
Hi ModR, I’m in Australia, and nowhere did I find Read a Sample or the arrow VibekeR mentioned. I did find the shorter sample on the Booktopia ebook site (not the paperback) which I got to from a link on HarperCollins International Retailers off to the right side of the Ruby Fever page. Even checked HarperCollins Au, and nothing.
Hi Stefanie – I experienced the same as you (also in Europe) when I just scrolled down like on a normal website.
However when you are looking at the cover art, mine had the small side arrows allowing me to flip to the next page – and that way you can get to read the prologue and first chapter ???? hope this works for you!
To be clear: this arrow appears on the cover art you see after you click read a sample as highlighted by ModR
Sandra, I’m in Australia too and just opened up my iBooks app and RubyFever is in my library (with preordered under it ) so I clicked on it and was able to read the prologue, Chapter 1 and part of Chapter 2 so you should be able to access it.
Sigh::: only 26 days and 2 hours to wait….
I’m in Australia to, i clicked the Read a sample and 1 page come up.
I then had to click and drag (like swipe with my mouse) to move to the next page.
I just reclicked on the link and the Read a sample, is gone.
Mod R, can you check this?
MamaOfThree gave us this link
it takes you straight to the sample.
Last night’s get discussion with Grace and Patrick Draven was really fun. I loved the format, it was relaxed with casual conversation, yet with information about writing, what’s coming up, etc. A great balance, and worth watching for anyone who missed it.
Is there a transcript or typed out version of the video so I can read the conversation?
If not, can anyone summarize the talk with Grace Draven? I don’t have time to watch the video but I love Grace Draven’s books too.
Ruby Fever looks amazing.
Ahh!! That’s great news about Kate Daniels! I can’t wait.
Thanks for the link to the Q&A, watching it now (or about to!)
Thank you so much for telling us about the extended sample!!! I just read it and love the edits they made on the prologue and first chapter. It really brings everything together. I’ve been checking the blog everyday for a new snippet or something on Ruby Fever like an addict and you just made my day. I can’t wait for the new book. I LOVE this series!!! Thank you so much ????
Weak, I’m weak, I couldn’t help myself…..the sample is everything I was hoping for but now there is such a long time to wait……????????????♀️????
It will be here in no time! Courage!
I am sooo looking forward to reading this! Since Amazon told me that I wasn’t getting the print book until sometime in September, I simply ordered the Kindle version, too. ^___^ So I get to read it on publication day. *__*
If House Andrews is interested in Reddit, they get mentioned in r/urbanfantasy a lot. There is also a small r/katedaniels and r/ilonaandrews Maybe and AMA?
Watch this space, there is news to come on that 🙂
If I haven’t mentioned recently: ModR, I love and appreciate you. You crack me up. Thank you for doing a great job.
???? Thank you so much!
Very good! Can’t wait. All ready planning my reading party.
Thanking you in advance House Andrews!
I’m excited for the book, but I came across another Ilona Andrews reference this morning that I thought I’d share. I hope the picture loads
Maybe this time?
Omg that’s so exciting! Where did you find the crossword?
If you play Microsoft’s Ultimate Word Games, this was today’s daily challenge crossword. I was so tickled when I saw it, I grabbed a screenshot just to post.
I’m very pleased with the spoilers. Thank you for sharing the reply. You are awesome.
Will the prologue be available in all versions?
Hi Kimberly, sorry, what do you mean by all versions?
Quick question:
For Mod R. or whoever wants to answer it.
Is it better for the author to have books pre ordered or purchased when they become available? Most likely no difference financially (unless that does make a difference, in which case, please let us know), but maybe for some unknown to us metric or secret publishing thingie?
Ilona touched on this subject here https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/on-time-weird-perception-of/
Preorders are great for authors, but not for financial reasons ????
Thank you!
Thank you House Andrews and Mod R! You guys are superstars!
Can’t wait for Ruby Fever! Bring on all the snippets ????
Also Ilona and Gordon were one of my crossword clues today and made my day.
Thanks for the info. Am listening now to the event (I squeed at the 8:30 updates and Gordon “spoiler”). Yay for the ModR shout out!
I plan to re-read Hidden Legacy before Ruby Fever comes out. The extended excerpt link did not work for me for Harper Collins but strangely the Apple link works on my Macbook Air.
Having issues seeing any content on harper collins:(
Woohoo!! Loved the sample!!
I would suggest Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy” as counterpoint to Rihanna….
I am among the luckiest of people as got an ARC a month ago – absoutely loved the book from start to finish.
Ok but the title of this post! Nice
I always struggle trying to plan my re-read so that I’m ready for the upcoming book when it comes out. I want to basically read it all back to back and I’m either too fast and then I have to wait, and I will not let myself read anything in between (which is torture) OR I read it too slow and then I have the book just staring at me as I try to plow through the re-read so I can read it LOL. So over the years my solution is to read the new book and then go BACK and re-read the entire series all the way through since I almost always re-read the new book twice anyways (first time super fast and the the second time to savor). This way I get the best of both worlds for me 🙂
omg, the Harper Collins extract ended on ‘ and he would of put’.
sort of funny, but not, it it didn’t even finish the sentence.
But nowhere is really a good time to end it
How have I not heard of The HU before? THIS is the type of music I’ve been missing from my life! Thank you Grace Draven for introducing me to this amazing band! And all in time to catch them in live concert in New Zealand in two weeks time! I can’t believe it!!! The stars have aligned and it’s meant to be. So now I’ve got tickets to see Hilary Hahn (an incredible violinist) next week, and tickets to The HU a Mongolian folk metal band the following week. What can I say? Life with open borders and large group meetings allowed again is good! ????
Yes! I love the Hu. I missed them when they were here in Austin as I hadn’t heard of them yet. And I’m so unhappy about that. Enjoy the concert for me!!
I waited until this morning to read what was available. I am more anxious now for August 23 to arrive. Ruby Fever looks to be as exciting, blood/gore/action, as any of the previous books. From what I have read, I expect this book to be the most exciting of all the previous work.
I can’t wait for the book!! My only complaint is that the book won’t be released until SEPTEMBER 29th in my country *silently shedding tears of dispair* I have so many thoughts about this book, am on the verge of exploading from anticipation. ????????
The sample is awesome! I wish the book were out now as I’m sitting in the hospital with my husband after his surgery for pancreatic cancer. It’s looking like about 10 days or more in the hospital. Ah well, at least the sample kept me distracted for a little while.
Best wishes for your husband!
Thanks for the extended excerpt. The Libby version is longer than the Apple app version. Can’t wait for this to be released.
the Libby sample popped up on chrome without a problem. This made my day.
thanks much for the info on the larger sample, that was a fun read! I’ll take a gander at the conversation a little later. Looking forward to it!
The trouble with samples is that it is very jarring when you hit the end. But thanks, :), now I am worried about Linus.
I’ve BEEN worrying about Linus for three books now. Haven’t seen any discussion (have I missed it?), but did anyone else catch the implication in Wildfire and Sapphire of Linus’s not one but TWO possible secrets/secret identities??? And HA has spent the last two books making us love and respect him! Aargh!!!
I’ve still to listen to the recording- thank you for the link. Reading another authors newsletter (Nalini Singh) she shared a link to some views on publishing and how its changed which also included one from Grace Draven- so I thought the BDH might be interested in reading it https://issuu.com/indtalemagazine/docs/june_2022_issue.
Off to listen to the interview and then look at the links in the next post????Thank you.
Yeah, I couldn’t wait. I’m halfway through Emerald Blaze (started with Burn for Me). Slowed myself down by doing the audiobooks (didn’t help much). Glad for more to read!
Thank you, mod R. We are looking forward to August here. I prefer dead trees but I ordered kindle this time as I am on the go a lot this year. It easier to read on my phone at hospital and doctor offices. Sigh But I will order a dead tree version for me in December. ????
I have done a complete reread of all the KD books, about done with Andrea and Raphael, which I think is a great book. Let’s see – next the novellas, then the Edge. I will still be out of books b4 Aug 23.
Thank you for posting the recorded virtual event! I loved hearing about all the upcoming projects & spoilers – so very excited!!!
When did Matilda become a prime? In which book?
In the Hidden Legacy world, people are usually born Primes 🙂
Whilst they are not attested officially until they turn 18 (they can do pre-tests beforehand), a magic user’s skill can usually be estimated by other people familiar with magic. Catalina is a boffin when it comes to both the theory and practice of magic, has a PI’s observation skills, and she’s in close proximity with Matilda…1+1=2 😉
I almost hate new books coming out. I buy it and read it in a couple of hours. Then I have to wait months for the next one, when i was down to only days a week ago. 🙁
Torture is right. I read the Prologue, Chapter 1 and the brief glimpse of Chapter 2, which just made the anticipation worse and has me actually counting the days on the calendar until release.
Esta muy interesante, gracias
I know I saw blog post up to Chapter 20 just last week. But the latest post of 7/27 no longer has those links. Are they being redrafted or is something else going on? I was rereading the previous chapters and was dismayed to no longer see the others.
Hi Shun, I’m not entirely sure what you are talking about?
Chapter 20 of the new Innkeeper? The most recent post of that is here, Chapter 21 https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/chapter-21-part-1/
You can find all the chapters of Sweep of the Heart (from 1 to 21) here https://ilona-andrews.com/sweep-of-the-heart/ or following the link from the home page.
If you mean Ruby Fever, which this post is about, then there was never a sample that went to Chapter 20, that would be most of the book!
Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work on both this series and the Hidden Legacy series, especially with everything else you have going on. You’re so generous to your readers. I can’t wait to get Ruby Fever!
Thank you for all the amazing books in this series. Very much looking forward to this next one.
On a different note, is the August picture on this year’s calendar Rose from On the Edge or Meli from Silent Blade?
That’s Meli, her illustration is the cover of the Kinsmen Universe collection 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/other-fiction/
A full list of the Luisa Preißler calendar images in the order presented here https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/new-calendar-from-luisa-preisler/:
Kate Daniels outside Saiman’s apartment door, from the short story Questionable Client (which can be found in the Small Magics collection)
Curran in his human and lion form (from the Kate Daniels series)
Kate Daniels and Slayer
Kate Daniels again
Grace from Grace of Small Magics (from Small Magics)
Julie as the Princess of New Shinar (from the Aurelia Ryder series)
Aurelia Ryder and Stabby in Atlanta (from Blood Heir, Aurelia Ryder book 1)
Meli from Silent Blade (Kinsmen Universe book 1)
Meli and Celino from Silent Blade
Claire and Venturo from Silver Shark (Kinsmen Universe book 2)
Deirdre from A Mere Formality (also offered as a bonus story in the Kinsmen Universe books)
The Baylor sisters, again from left to right: Catalina (+Shadow the pupper), Nevada and Arabella (from the Hidden Legacy series)