Hi BDH, Mod R here.
I have heard you and I am in the same predicament. When do we start the Hidden Legacy reread so we can time it perfectly with the release of Ruby Fever on the 23rd of August? Arabella’s maths test in Wildfire is me right now.
The shaggy nightmare shook herself, stomped over to the blackboard, and flipped it over.
She pointed at the last one with the chalk, turned, and looked at the Keeper.
“Do your best,” the Keeper said.
Arabella heaved a sigh.

I know I will need at least 2 days per book, plus realistically 1 extra day each as I will be letting favourite scenes settle on me, like delicious squares of expensive chocolate that you have to melt slowly on the tongue. But wait, the EXTRAS!
That’s when I realised that my favourite fluffy Horde might not even know about all of them and would be bereft of goodies. The horror!
Hidden Legacy Goodies Links (in vague chronological order)
- Rogan POVs: Burn For Me 1, Burn for Me 2, Wildfire
- A Misunderstanding (deleted Arabella scene from Sapphire Flames)
- Sapphire Flames Deleted Intro (this was reworked for the book)
- Sgt Munoz had to go (deleted scene from Sapphire Flames)
- Pay me (deleted scene from Sapphire Flames, scroll past the appearances schedule)
- The Cool Aunt (bonus Arabella scene from Emerald Blaze)
- Regina (deleted scene from Ruby Fever)
- Go Mi Nam (Ruby Fever)
- Ciao (Ruby Fever)
- Professional courtesy (deleted scene from Ruby Fever)
- Negotiations (Ruby Fever)
- The Pleasure is all Mine (Ruby Fever)
- Happy Holidays Compound Snippet (Ruby Fever- this is also available in the various previews, see my post from yesterday)
- Too Much (Ruby Fever)
Then I reached out to Ilona and she very graciously allowed for the Nevada pregnancy announcement snippet to be shared again. I know we have all been yearning to read that again- this was a deleted scene from Sapphire Flames:
Rogan and the 9 Month Stomach Bug
“An image of Rogan filled the screen. He sat at a desk that seemed too small for his huge frame, illuminated by the light streaming through a large bay window. Behind him a breathtaking vista spread, a mountain thrusting into the sapphire-blue Mediterranean, with white homes perched on its side. Taken several months ago during their trip to Spain.
“Connor?” my sister asked off-screen.
“Mhm?” My brother-in-law stared at his laptop, looking down, his short dark hair disheveled slightly, his strong profile silhouetted against the glass.
“You know how I’ve been throwing up?”
“Did you see the doctor?” he asked.
Rogan’s fingers flew over the keyboard. “What did he say.
“I know why I’ve been sick.”
“Is it a stomach bug?”
“Not exactly.”
He turned to look at her, his eyes startlingly blue on his tan face. “Is it serious?”
“Yes. Apparently, I’ve already had it for eight weeks. I just didn’t notice. But she says it will go away on its own in seven months.”
He stood up, frowning. “What kind of illness lasts for nine months…”
“Good question.”
Connor “Mad” Rogan froze, his blue eyes opened wide. The window behind him shattered. It didn’t fracture into shards or chunks, it disintegrated into glass dust and hung in place, a glittering diamond cloud full of shimmering rainbows. He’d pulverized it.
It was such a stunning image, a shocked Mad Rogan against the curtain of glass sparkling with sunlight.
Nevada yanked the tablet away.
“There is more! Let me see!”
“No!” she smacked my hand. “The rest is private.”
I laughed at her.
She tucked the tablet under her arm.”
Squeeeeeeee and swoooon! Sqooon? When he breaks the window!
But wait, there’s more! House Andrews in their endless generosity gave me ANOTHER deleted snippet from Ruby Fever just for today. We are truly beloved!
Hell Was Boring
“K stared at my sister. It only took her ten minutes to get here, because House Rogan’s estate bordered ours, and she hadn’t bothered dressing up. Nevada Baylor-Rogan, arguably the most powerful truthseeker in the country, recipient of the Magus Legis award, the highest honor civilian law enforcement could bestow on a mage, and of the Secretary of the Army Award for Valor, wore pink bike shorts and an oversized T-shirt that said, “Hell was boring.” Her hair was up in a messy bun and her face was free of makeup. She must’ve hung up with me and walked right out the door.
“Somehow I expected more,” K said.
“And that’s the problem with your kind of mages,” Nevada said. “Always more concerned with how things look rather than what they really are.”
She took the seat at the far end of the table and nodded to me. “Begin when ready.”
“I’ve been looking forward to this.” K rested his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers. “A chance to converse with a truthseeker. This will be marvelous.”
“Everything you heard about my sister is true. The reports you’ve read about her were not exaggerated. Whatever you think her power level might be, it’s higher. Nevada is here because I don’t want to use my power. If you lie, I’ll be forced to compel you to answer.”
K’s eyebrows rose. “Why not use your sister? It’s my understanding that she is excellent at compelling.”
“Because your mind is hexed,” Nevada said. “I can break it, but it would take some time and there wouldn’t be much left of your psyche when I was done.”
“Hexes are not a problem for me,” I said.
K frowned slightly. That’s right, we’re full of surprises.
“If I use my magic, it will be unpleasant for both of us,” I told him. “By the end, you would tell me everything you know, but you would be in severe emotional distress, and I would have to spend time and magic to release you without causing permanent damage. You will be in a coma for several days. When you wake up, you will be numb.”
“You make it sound so exciting,” he said, his tone dry.
“At your power level, you’ll be out for five days,” Alessandro said.
“You’re serious?” K asked.
“Absolutely,” Alessandro told him. “Five days of sleeping, followed by three days of being an emotionless zombie. Possibly longer. You should lie to her. The less I see of you, the better.”
I hid a smile. “If you really desire cooperation, you will answer my questions without deception. Honesty, in this case, is the best policy.”
“Honesty is my middle name,” K said.
“Lie,” Nevada announced.
“I see humor will be in short supply during this interrogation.” K nodded. “Very well. Proceed.” “
That should earn me some BDH points hehe. I’m going to cash them right away: let me know which moments you are looking most forward to during your HL reread?
Thank you and Ilona!!!
Yay for surprise snippets! I’ve already been rereading Nevada’s series just because. I just finished White Hot, and I love the ferret heist. It makes me laugh every time.
+1,000!! Love the ferret heist!!
Straight up need more ferret heists!
You guys are killing me! Ruby Fever and Patty Briggs’s “Soul Taken” are releasing on the same day! I’m going to do a lot of rereading in the next few weeks in preparation. But the big question is …. Which one to read first?
I plan on using a vacation day – start reading on my Kindle the night before (yay for Central time!) and reading ALL DAY LONG.
My Thing 2 is a big fan of Patty Brigg’s series, so while I read Ruby Fever, he’ll be listening on Audible “Soul Taken”
I might need to get a muzzle so he doesn’t blurt out spoilers before I read it. LOL
I often read the new book first and then reread everything afterward. I have sometimes even read the series backward — it’s fun to have that greater appreciation of the foreshadowing in the earlier books.
Ohhh, the vacation day is a good idea.
Oh yes!¡ I forgot Patty’s is the same day. Can’t wait. Good thing I’m home for summer and recuperating from surgery.
Great snippets.
Not just Ruby Fever and Soul Taken; now Tanya Huff’s new book Into The Broken Lands is ALSO releasing on August 23rd.
How do I pick where to start???
And I have a toddler, so I can’t just lock myself in a room for three days to finish them all…
Eek!! I had no idea! Drat it/Yay? I need to start my re-reads soon, then! Or re-listens.
For years and years Anne Bishop and Patricia Briggs released on the same day. My sister and I would fight over both books, and basically end up spoiling one of them for each other with our mealtime discussions. I thought that was taken care of when they finally separated their releases last year, then this!! I feel your pain!!
Thank you Mod R and House Andrews!!!
My fav moment – pre-reading of Ruby Fever? That would have to be the take down of Arkan & Mr. I”m-better-than-you former Rogan relative.
Mod R, you are all that is awesome! Thank you!!!
We have a wonderful moderator indeed!
I thought this would be painful…but no! So excited!
Thank you Ilona and Gordon, and Mod R!
thank you…. a few of those snippets I haven’t read yet. And here I thought I’ve been updated on the blog.
Thank you so much! You are an angel of web moderators! ????
😉 Avenging angel, I am very attached to my Mod broadsword.
But of course! I’m not too up on my angels, but I’m pretty sure that the Archangel Michael is usually depicted with a sword. ????????????
What I want to see most is Xavier and Arkan get their comeuppance. Then just to see how everybody is doing. One of the things I like most about all your characters is that they grow and change, sometimes in unexpected (but not unreasonable) ways.
Mod R you are my favourite person right now ???? thank you
Love it! Want more! Do you have any Text Messages? Those were hilarious. 😀
Those snippets!!! I’m swooning and giggling so much!
I’m so excited for the reread but need to put it off for a few more weeks in order to not completely angst while waiting for the next book.
I’m excited to reread the primary romance scenes between Nevada and Rogan, then Catalina and Alessandro! As well as good family interactions. But I can’t not like a sexy medic scene.
Rogan’s flirty “I’m doing my best, but thinking about baseball only takes you so far.” in Burn for Me will get my heart pitter-pattering even on my deathbed 😀
Thank you so much for this post, Mod R. You are the best! Thank you Ilona and Gordon for allowing the Nevada pregnancy snippet to be shared again! I re-read the books, then started taking out the audiobooks from the library, but must figure out the re-reading schedule again, adding in all your links!
You are the best Mod R! Thank you and Ilona and Gordan for the wonderful bonus snippets!
And the list will be very useful too. 🙂
Though I have to say I am sad that this snippet isn’t in the story. The setup for a great interrogation is stellar!
Thank you so much for centralized snippets!
As far as most anticipated re-read scenes, I realized, as I summarized a lot of my favorite scenes, that Cornelius and his menagerie of quirky critters feature in nearly all of them. He’s truly exceptional at injecting the perfect amount of silliness to make the books fun without making them schtick. I’m so excited to read more in Ruby Fever!
Joyous reading!! I am listening to everything with my kids as well as reading them on my own. We LOVE House Andrews!
I love Cornelius so scenes with him. The ball where Michael Latimer asks Nevada if he can help her escape an abuser. The Baylor family trials, Sgt. Teddy… So many. Thank you, Mod R, for the snippet list. Fun breakfast reading, or rereading.
Aw Sgt Teddy!!
Yay, Sgt Teddy!!
I still want to know if Linus is a good guy or a bad guy.
And thanks for the snippets! What I wouldn’t give to see the rest of Rogan’s reaction.
Mod R and House Andrews are the best!
The fluffy Horde is happy!
When I first read Burn For Me I seriously had no idea how the authors would “redeem” Rogan. It took me a minute to figure out he didn’t need redeeming.
looking forward to any scene that will have baby Arthur and his shenanigans.
I’m actually doing a re-listen prior to Ruby Fever’s release, so it takes longer. I’m finishing up my all time favorite right now—White Hot. We’ll see how it goes. If time gets short, I’ll switch to Kindle to get done in time for the release.
This is perfect!!!! Thanks you both so much!!!
Ooooo! Thank you for the snippet!
(So hard to wait!)
Obviously this will be another kick-ass book.
(We wants it. We wants it, Precious…)
I am really looking forward to giving you my money again.
(We doesn’t want to wait!)
Sorry about the inner child/goblin. I will be patient since I know that that great books take as long as they take.
Thank you for both the list and the snippets. They’re lovely.
Mod R, you are simply the best! Thanks for all the goodies!
Oh man that math scene is one of my favorites. Love hearing the bashing of common core. Hehe!
+1 I think we’ve all had that Arabella moment at some point!
I laugh every single time I read that part with Arabella’s testing. There are times I have to catch my breath I’m laughing that hard. ????????????????????????
Yes, the Prime testing where Arabella does long division is still one of my favourite scenes. I remember when I first read it, I would randomly go back and just reread that scene.
Thanks so much for the list of goodies! It’s nice to have them all in one place.
Thank you Mod R for putting this all together! Thank the benvolent Primes of House Andrews! I am so looking forward to August 23!
This is a mountain of awesomeness – thank you so much, ModR and HA!
I look forward to the sibling snarks, humor, and interactions – I come from a big extended family and love these scenes. After re-reading the first part of Ruby Fire on Apple Books, I wish for a Pinterest series of boards for how each family member makes their house (or tower) their home. I also look forward to the surprises and rollercoaster ride of a story, culminating in triumph over Xavier and Arkan. Also hoping for Bern and Runa making their couple status “official” and learning who Cesar is (I have guesses). Also looking forward to see if there will be new Augustine or Penjiro revelations!
Thank you. Thank you both!
The story I like to reread – so it must be full of my favorite moments- is the wedding prep story (ModR?). The younger sisters became so real to me there!
Diamond Fire! The Hidden Legacy transition novella- so awesome https://ilona-andrews.com/hidden-legacy-books/#diamond
Thank-you! This made me day! We are a very lucky horde! ????⚔️????
Thank you for snippets and deleted stuff! Got to go read NOW, or well, after work.
I’ve been deeply immersed in another long series, so instead of a reread I’ve been doing the audiobooks of Hidden Legacy. About half-way through Emerald Blaze.
And counting days.
My reread calculations are complicated by the fact that another favorite series (Mercy Thompson) is releasing its next installment on the same day (Ahhhh!). Do I reread Mercy now and then Hidden Legacy? What if that doesn’t leave me enough time? Should I do it the other way around? But then I’ll want ANOTHER reread of Hidden Legacy…Ahhhhh!
Also, I remembered this morning that there was once a quiz on the blog that would then tell you what your HL magic talent would be? Does that still exist?
I know exactly what you mean! 😀 Aarya, one of the readers of Hidden legacy, liked it so much that she made a quiz on Buzzfeed- here is the link https://www.buzzfeed.com/aaryamarsdenreads/what-magic-user-are-you-from-ilona-andrewsas-hid-3sug7
I git Metamorphosis like Arabella so we know it works hehe 😉
Ooh! I got Aquakinesis.
I got Elenchus.
I get Magister Exemplaria, which goes with my super nerd geek dork self
Thank you for the reminders on the extras even though I have this list. They are fun additions.
How can you name just one scene. I love all of them!!!!!
Ok, maybe, no, nope, can’t name just one. I tried.
+1 Exactly my issue, too! How can there be a favorite when all of it is favorite.
Huge thanks to you Mod R and House Andrews.
To which moments am I looking forward? All of them, if course!
Thank you, House Andrews and Mod R – you do love us and take care of us so very well!!!
And since I read an advanced copy, I can take a little more time for the re-read. I do have some vacation in August – 10 days. I have big reading plans for that vacation/staycation. That maty include staying up late to finish a book then starting again once I wake up.
I’m torn. I’ll enjoy Ruby Fever, no doubt. But the back of my mind will tickle with “man, this was a brutal writing experience for HA. This is great, but I’m glad they can take a break from HL”
I’m going to be in Squee mode all day! Thank you!
My virtual TBR pile is getting higher and higher because I’m being distracted by Hidden Legacy rereads. I’m feeling super fluffy today: just had a red velvet cupcake (waves empty wrapper at BDH).
So many points, Mod R. So many. Thank you and House Andrews!!
Hi Mod R,
Thank you so much for taking the time to sort out all the snippets for us BDH. I have been rereading KD and I would love a list like this for the KD universe. Please if you find the time do this for us.
Are the Ruby Fever scenes deleted or just early release? I love to torture myself and can’t read any part of the actual book early. I know, I know…
Innkeeper is my favorite series and I still can’t read the chapters as they’re released. The waiting is such exquisite torture, haha!
Any deleted scene is marked as deleted- the rest are teaser snippets and still in the book 🙂
Mod R, you are simply the BEST!!????????????????
You had your points after the list of extras and deleted scenes. Building up the points like this makes me think you’re working toward something where you think you’re going to have to say “Don’t hurt me! Remember that post from July 28th? Spare me!”
::staring at you with penetrating gaze::
What are you planning, ModR?
Always chaos. Always.
Speaking of chaos. . . That little secret Gordon let out at the end of the library chat, would that happen to involve our favorite Roman who serves a god of chaos??
Oh, thank you, House Andrews for the authorization and the genius, and Mod R for sharing them all in (roughly chronological) order! This is lovely.
Thank you Mod R and HA– so good to have all of the links in one post????
OMG, the Arabella math scene is too dang funny! Especially when she’s finally writing on the floor and one of the observers says “This is what happens when we teach them Common Core.” 2nd observer, “There’s nothing wrong with Common Core!” ????????
meh, I read all of them last weekend, might do it again before it gets here, read All of kate the week before that. missing a piece that I thought was in emerald, but I guess it was a snippet so will wait.
Thank you Mod R for all the delicious tidbits you threw out at us.
I skimmed through Emerald Blaze the other day. Bug made me laugh with security drone flying over when Catalina and Alessandro were on the roof. The drone didn’t have a chance. ????
When I’m not in math and graphs mode, I’m rereading some of Jessie Mihalik’s books.
The nice thing is I’m taking off the day Ruby Fever and Soul Taken (Mercy’s new book) are available. It’s recovery day after a concert I’m going to on Monday.
Thanks for the snippets! I reread the series earlier this month, since I have specific plans in August, that Ruby Fever is one of the only exceptions. And I tried to read the snippets, but I missed some, so it was great to have them all collected!
I was just re-reading the Kate Daniels books to make me happy 🙂 and now I have to stop and read these. YAY 🙂
Thank you so much!!!
I wonder how many deleted snippets( from all books )there are in total?
Could be another book????
Thanks for the snippets! Can we get the worldbuilding too? The Hidden Legacy link wasn’t working.
Hi Eric, sorry, which Hidden Legacy link isn’t working?
Hi Mod R,
https://ilona-andrews.com/hidden-legacy-books/#worldbuilding link on the https://ilona-andrews.com/hidden-legacy-books/#arabella page. It just links back to the Arabella page.
I see it now, I will investigate, thanks for pointing it out 🙂
I really want Nevada’s tee shirt!
ModR and House Andrews, thank you for such a delicious post. It’s my birthday and am spending it caring for ill elderly in-laws. This post and the fine and fluffy BDH’s comments have greatly sweetened my day.
Happy Birthday!
What about the interrogation scene with the ‘bad guys’ government officials who were interrogating Alessandro?
Just because now I want to read it again with all the others.
That scene is no longer available 🙂
Ahhhhh,Ahhhhhh, I have no recollection of this. (Panic)
am I going to have to surrender my BDH card? (Gnashing of teeth)
Is that the one that involved jumping out of a window?
No, there was no jumping out of windows ????. But Alessandro does that plenty in Sapphire Flames, maybe that’s what you remember?
It’s where Arabella speeds to drop Catalina off for work on a Sunday for Linus to find Alessandro holding off two criminals magically trying to get them to open a briefcase.
Thanks to all of you !
Mod R is our BDH saintess hahaha, you act as a bridge between us and the Lords and you all heal our hearts haha
(I have been reading too many webtoon) ????
My crabby response..
I listened to Burn for Me over and over for two years as we waited for books two and three to be published. If my memory was better I could recite it. Of course with an aging memory I can enjoy scenes as almost new!
have the least re-listened to book is Wildfire because I just HATED Rynda Sherwood. Disliked character so much I fast forward through “her” scenes.
Ooh, so many to choose from! We should have a scheduled reread, it would be so much fun! I’m looking forward to the bathroom scene with Alessandro and Catarina. Can’t wait to start at the beginning again!
Hmm, now I have less of a math and more of a philosophical question. Considering how often I reread the entire series aren’t I technically always in the middle of a reread?
Oh that is a very serious ontological query. Must forward it to First Scholar Thek.
Yes, this is me. I was going to do the “one book a week” retreat, but of course that didn’t last. So I’ll reread again in a couple weeks.
Then, after reading Ruby Fever, I may have to do a complete reread just to catch any clues I missed
I’m not saying this timing is perfect but I have 2 broken ankles and my current sick note runs until 25th August…
The timing is never perfect for two broken ankles. Hope you recovery is uncomplicated.
I started my re-read a few weeks ago. I’m going slowly, savoring every word. I’ve read these books soooo many times that I don’t need to re-read it for remembering.
Instead, my re-read is for immersion. So in this case, slow is better.
My favourite is Bug, I love all the interactions with him and how he flourishes with Rogan.
The irony is I’m on holiday through August 23rd when two of my favourite ongoing series have new releases. Technically this should be perfect… Note that technically.
I’m on holiday with my family and scheduled all day every day with events, trips, meals, stuff! Non-stop STUFF!
And it’s my family, who know me and watch me and keep an eye out for me creeping off to read my book in privacy and not participate fully with them. They’re like bloody book police!
Big sigh.
I would love to know more about Bug. Why he volunteered to be a swarmer, and why he didn’t die as a result. Perhaps we could see a short someday?
The first book where Nevada rescues Rogan during the hallucinations. She is so bada$$!!!
Mod R, you rock!
Ok, I don’t squee often but getting to read the Nevada pregnancy snippet again and then the new one is really exciting! Thank you Mod R for interceding for us with HA, it’s much appreciated! And thank you HA for letting us have them both. The list of all the bits is great. I had actually forgotten a couple of them so this was really fun.
Thanks especially for the ones I hadn’t read before. I got a chuckle out of the fact that Catalina apparently went to Placeholder High School.
I love Regina’s story. I know it was deemed unnecessary, but I really like little side stories like that of the characters that I get curious about after a while. I don’t get the publishing houses need to cut things down; I mean, Tolkien and George R R Martin are fabulous. Sigh.
Thank you for these!
Mod R – I have a question. In the Grace Draven chat, Gordon mentioned a Youtube channel (?) called Human Weapon or maybe Human Weapons for fight sequences? I couldn’t find it, could you apply your magic powers, please?
Here you go 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIweHunpBPo
Thank you!
Between this and the new episodes of Love like the galaxy I have had a really great day ????
Thank you for the snippet!
Oh Dear God, when he showed uninvited to the dinner with her family and then told the joke about drowning scholar, I actually snorted I was laughing so hard.
This is torture! I have to alter a costume for a okay that’s opening tomorrow night, and all I want to do now is read.
Thank you! Just what I needed today!
ModR is sooooooo good to us. Has anyone figured out why we don’t automatically get this day off of work? Can we claim it as a BDH religious holiday? Mental health day?
I already started listening to them all again. I’m having so much fun. I did have a concern though. In Burn For Me Rogan buys everything around them. This purchase included the HEB distribution center. I was greatly alarmed when I realized this. It may also include the old HEB where they make the preprepared meals. ACK! House Andrews is in Texas and can understand my alarm at this development. Fortunately for all this is fiction so my dinner is safe.
House Andrews and ModR are the epitome of bombdiggity awesomeness!!! Thank you ModR for the amazing compilation of shorts and snippets and such! And House Andrews you are kind and generous to the BDH! Thanks!!!
I love magic, everytime there is a magic circle or complex explanation of magic is my favorite.
???? loved the deleted scene.
the wait is killing me.
This is killing me!!
Burn for Me – Rohan’s how can I kill people and not freak you out scene
White Hot – ferret heist
Wildfire – trials scene
Diamond Fire – the rehearsal dinner
Sapphire Flames – little bell pepper
Emerald Blaze – “I was emotionally compromised”
*Rogan – autocorrect 🙁
Yes! The heist! With Rogan and Augustine (after making fun of Cornelius) calling their people to secure their dryer vents! So funny!
Thank you ModR, and HA for the snippets. I know that it’s less than a month but it seems so long…!!!!
In the new casa Baylor, where would Regina and Patricia live/work?
Probably in one of the three 1600 square foot casitas. Runa and Bern in one, Runa’s family in the other and then Regina and Patricia in the third (Leon and Arabella get the “towers”
I can’t even BELIEVE that I haven’t read most of the snippets from Ruby Fever! How?!? I feel like a blog stalker. Thank you so much Mod R & Ilona! So good!
I live for every moment that Nevada is bada** and scares people. My all-time FAV is when she’s on the phone with the guy who tried to kill Rogan’s former fiance & children with the animals from the arcane realm (sorry-forget names). . . she’s on the phone with him while descending from her room on a staircase Rogan made for her. As she crosses paths with Rogan’s guards they’re kind of shocked at how vicious she is. Meanwhile, Rogan loves every moment. So much fun!
This is the scene I’d commission to be painted.
Thanks for all the little gifts!
I want a T-shirt that says Hell was boring
Omg! omg! omg! Thank you Mod R! You are my fav person right now! Also Ilona and Gordon, because without them this series and snippets won’t exist! Wasn’t expecting much today when I saw the notification of the new post. But this, this is pure bliss. I’m going to read all of this even before starting on the reread ????
Is the scene discussing Connor and Nevada’s child still available (think there was something about Nevada must have just come from a meeting since she was in a white dress while on video)? There are discussions about him levitating sippy cups and spills if lids are not tight enough?
Not at the moment, but it will be in the book (slightly reworked) 🙂
thank you – looking forward to the book 🙂
Thank you you for the compilation. I had missed “pay me”, which is now my favourite.
Is it weird that I’m sad the Regina clip was deleted from the book? I really, really loved it when I first read it on the blog. I see how it could send the story in another direction, or divert attention from the main plot, but it so dang cool! Ah well, it stays in in my head 🙂
Oh, I totally get it, but if you read the explanation you understand the editor’s decision https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/muffins-trucks-and-deleted-scenes/
““Honesty is my middle name,” K said.
“Lie,” Nevada announced”
made me chuckle xD
For my HL reread, some of my most favorite moments to look out for are –
1. The time when Nevada starts picking up on Rogan’s projections and sees the snow cabin & then he comes in his helicopter to whisk her away.
2. When Catalina first uses her power & Arabella first transforms and how everyone has subtle reactions about it – “cancel the army, my sisters are coming”
3. When Catalina blooms and tells Nevada, “I have my own net forming around Victoria”
4. When Alessandro leaves for the first time. It is hard & sad but Catalina and the books wouldn’t be the same if he’d stayed and just knowing even this will work out is soooooo good. (like pressing your gums when there is toothache, it hurts in a good way? Don’t block my comment please Mod R, this isn’t that weird! Is it? Can’t just be me)
5. When Nevada drags Rogan out of that cold basement
6. When Catalina first discovers her secondary talent during that fight scene with that Xavier shit.
7. When Arabella in a cute sundress is a mood. (I’m so glad IA have raised teen girls, they so captured this feeling spot on)
8. When Arabella totally outwits Stephen of the water house
9. Whenever grandma Frida takes a photo.
& I didn’t wanna leave it at 9 so, 10. Whenever I read/see House IA interviews and truly imagine the Kardashians in HL world while reading & keep trying to come up with what their magic would be. Not the aesthetics kind that we already know from the first HL and that woman Rogan strangled in the mall. But more of like a image capture something. Or dunno, I’ll have to reread to remember my other theories)
Kris would have some Momager magic- deffo an Exemplaria or maybe an Oneiromancer like Baranovsky but with business deals instead of stock market? Because the devil works hard, but not as hard as Kris Jenner 😀
Oooooooooooh right?! Totally! I didn’t even think of the differing levels of power & even types in the family!!
Call me shocked. I trained karate for almost a decade before back gave out. I am always excited by HA fight scenes that use grappling, arm locks, joint breaks. so familiar…sounded accurate.
I assumed Gordon,or Ilona trained in traditional karate or judo.
Gordon said they used the silver guy website??
Gordon has a brown belt in judo. He got it in Japan while he was an exchange student there during high school.
Studying martial arts in Japan is very, very different than here in America. Trailing daughter #2 had the opportunity during an internship in Tokyo to work out with the Tokyo police Kendo dojo for the better part of a year — a connection her university Kendo club had forged some years earlier. She came back super fit, because they were not going to let her be anything less than a credit to their training. She got no coddling at all for being 5’2” (158 cm) and a girl.
Favorite from Emerald Blaze: Step away from the monkey.
I’m thinking of compiling a list of short favorites from the House Andrews opus. Be nice to put on bookmarks.
OMG, thank you! And I’m looking forward to ALL of the moments… all of them!
A Misunderstanding is just so good.
I take it that the scene that takes place after Arabella has demonstrated the use of the club that she got as a present is no longer available?
(As you might guess, Arabella is my favorite.)
No longer available, but in Ruby Fever! ????
I cannot wait for my fellow Arabella die-herds to get a hold of RF, so we can lose our minds collectively ????
This sounds like there is going to be a lot of Arabella fun. Really hoping House Andrews is inspired to continue the adventures with Arabella (no traditional romance arch needed) and other HL characters. Still wonder if Leon is the rumored child of the precog from the fund raiser and ferret adventures.
THANK YOU Mod R and House Andrews!!!
Snippets and deleted scenes galore! Thank you Mod R and HA!
My favorite scene to date is when Leon finally uses his magic to protect Nevada. I’d been rooting for him from the beginning – the snarky duckling had finally morphed into a deadly swan.
My favorite deleted scene remains Regina’s cousin’s visit because… “cutest baby ever” was not a moniker I would have applied to him, and I love that Regina is totally fierce.
For this book – I cannot wait to see how things play out with Arkhan and Rohan’s former nephew… not least of which because I fell in love with Mia Rosa and I need a world where she is safe to glue gun the cr*p out of everything in her quest to bedazzle the world.
Thank you again, you rock!
Lenora Jordan walking through the aftermath of tornado with hardened mercenaries sobbing because their friend left without finishing the story. Oh BDH we’ve been immortalized in fiction.
Hehehe, many times over 😀
LOL. I never made that connection. 🙂
Ooh, thanks for the snippets and the very helpful collection of links!
Moderator R, thanks for the links. I try to be a well informed BDH, but I have to admit that I missed one or two of them.
Thank you for the links and the new snippet. I spent an hour going through all the blogs because I had a feeling I missed one, and I had. I missed the Stomach Bug, so you are not only a Moderator, you are a mind reader!
I’ve already completed my re-reads, because I knew PB’s book was coming out also. Then I started re-reading KD and BH just ’cause I could.
My favorite is when Catalina realises the true power of the antistasi. All I could think of when I first read it was oh so that’s why Alessandro talks so tough around heavy hitters like Rogan and Lionel.
I am pumped and ready!
Made my day. It’s been a week, with our house bunny needing dental surgery (that bill could have taken the family to Hawaii and back), life, the universe, and everything…this was a fun diversion during my lunch break! Looking forward to a re-read of Catalina. I forgot how much I love her and Alessandro. I just finished a re-read of Maud and Arland last night. Thank you for snippets, stories, and all you do to create these amazing worlds for us to dive into.
Best to you Mod R and all at House Andrews.
There was a previous snippet with Catalina, Alessandro, Linus and some military/feds? trying to get information from two suspects who had some type of bio agent in a briefcase? I cannot remember all of the particulars, but I cannot seem to find it anywhere.
That snippet is no longer available ????.
bummer 🙁
I’ve been postponing rereading the Hidden Legacy series. I’ve downloaded the books on the Kindle app in my mini iPad. It’s just that of all the books in this series, book one is my least favorite. Usually, I take notes on my electronic device as I read. Unfortunately, for this series, it’s on my laptop because there’s just too many characters/Houses to keep track on my device notes. OMG, each book has its own Word Page documents.
Thanks Mod R for also including the deleted scenes as the story progresses. This has galvanized my OCD for note-taking into ‘drive’ mode. I now need to reread the series and re-organize my notes accordingly!
Loving this so much!!! Thank you Mod R and House Andrews!!
It’s not the moments. It’s the whole ride.
This and two other of my favorite series release the 23/24 of August. I’m not going to have time to settle down and read them all until fall and it just might kill me. (ok, not really, but it will feel like it)
Hi Mod R,
I have a question that just occurred to me… who is more powerful? Alessandro or Record Keeper Michael? I know Alessandro has that awesome antistasi (sp) power, but then I remembered the scene with Nevada and Grandma V (at Takara?) where RK Michael was going to kill Grandma V and Nevada couldn’t use her powers against him. Do he andAlessandro have the same power?
Well, I guess we’ll have to see ????
Hahahaha, omg, such a tease
Nevada’s awards listed like the vampire warrior she is!! And Rogan’s version of a spit-take!! Hehehe!!
Also, where can I get the “hell was boring” t-shirt?!?!
Mod R you are a treasure to our world! You have the revered spot of this fluffy hordes MOST FAVORITE PERSON after Ilona and Gordon of course 😉
That’s so nice to hear!
Yay! I can’t wait for all of it! But when reading or rereading I especially love all the little small moments that get added. Where it’s nothing big happening but just really showcases the amazing relationships and characters.
I’m an absolute sucker for the small moments! Right now I’m thinking about the chamomile tea and cookie sharing Neva and Rogan did in White Hot…because it’s 3 am and the chocolate chip cookie craving is gaining on me hehe.
It’s cause Ilona and Gordon just put them in so perfectly 🙂 they’re just little slices of magic
Aaaaand now I want cookies
Ahhh sqeerk!!! I don’t think I ever read that Nevada Rohan scene!?! What the heck!? And can’t wait to find out who K is and omgeeee you gave us all the scenes in one place that we can come back to in between each book yay!!! Omg omg omg now I want to start it already and I’m already reading a Glynn Stewart and Jessie mihalik new releases!!! Such a tease Mod R ;P
Squoon! I just finished rereading the entire Hidden Legacy series in preparation for Ruby Fever. Can ???????? Not ???????? Wait! ????????. When I read or listen to any of these books, I feel like I am literally there with the characters and love the thoughtful and humanizing aspects in each book. I look forward to that in every one of their books, not just Hidden Legacy. I can reread their books over and over and still have fun even knowing what is coming up next. Thank you thank you always- I look forward to the Innkeeper chapters every week and have all of the Innkeeper books to reread as well. Love all of their books. Rereading the Edge series since I finished the Hidden Legacy series early so that I stay in House Andrew’s mindset until Ruby Fever is out. Started reading Kate Daniels a long time ago and then devoured everything else after that. So… chomping at the bit for Ruby Fever. Yay!
Thank you!
I always go back to:
1. The basement scene where Connor was trying to interrogate Nevada.
2. The hospital scene when Leon finally realized that he was in fact not a dud.
3. When Arabella fell down from the helicopter as the beast of Cologne. Awesome.
Thank you so much for the collected list & the extra scenes. Very awesome & much appreciated as always.
The ferret heist including the prep with the Augustine slap-down and dryer vent phone calls.
The proposal scene where Nevada wants ‚the dragon to ask her‘
The dinner scene where Nevada squashes the rude socialite ‚Lie‘ and then when Nevada brings over her stuff and the chocolate mousse.
The spider biting Grandma Frida & the spider hunt …we need it in one piece, never mind, then the construct cat brings in & spits out the other one.
Any Sgt. Teddy scene……and the list goes on….. ????
Oh, I forgot, also when Zeus wants the ear from the cooler, so Nevada distracts him with cheese sticks. Zeus is just fun.
I needed these snippets. I’ve been drowning looking for books of your caliber and just reading these snippets I like coming up for fresh air.
P.S. the countdown is destroying me!!! I need this next book.
omg so soon! I promise! and then we DEVOUR ????
” I’ve been drowning looking for books of your caliber…”
BINGO. I know of 3 other authors I consider as reliably excellent at all facets of their craft. 5 if I include the other genres I read. Everyone else? I read ’em…because I need fillers between HA and the other truly excellent writers.
I just have to say: oh boy. I better get all my health reports and newsletters written now, because I will be worthless at WFH next month.
What a treat! Thank you. Love them all. Some more, some less – depending on the mood. ????
Thank u Mod R. You are the best.
In my HL reread I love the Nevada and Connor’s first meet. Then the scene from White hot where Connor destroys the wall for Grandma Frieda’s photo. Also from Embrald Blaze Catalina and Alessandro ‘s scene on the roof top and the House Baylor emotionally compromised scene.
Also “House Rogan’s estate bordered ours,”, when did this happen?
When the Baylors change compound, in the Prologue to RF. The new place is weird and wonderful, you will see ????
This came at the best time!
I literally finished reading Emerald Blaze for the first time yesterday because after deciding to give the Hidden Legacy series I read so much on this blog about a go, I was determined to finish everything already published before Ruby Fever comes out, to suffer a little bit with all the other fans, you know. I like some torturous anticipation when it comes to great books ^^
And thank you so much for the pregnancy announcement scene! Although I do wish it were longer, let Rogan say something at least xD
I had been frantically searching the internet for it since I learned of its existence a few days ago, so, again, perfect timing!
Now I’m off to reading the rest of the goodies I don’t know yet ;P
Mod R – you are the best!!! I’ve already done one round of re-reading and re-listening to the audio books. My favourite snippets are the holidays compound and Ciao. The cool aunt since I’m one too heh. Counting down to Ruby Fever!
Why is a hex not a problem for Catalina? Nevada’s power just breaks the hex, but Catalina has said it herself in previous books: her power doesn’t compel, it seduces. If a hex physically prevents someone from giving others the information, then I would have thought it would be effective against Catalina because the point of a hex is to stop someone from speaking even if they want to.
Arabella and Michael – YESSSS! It was SO great reading that snippet. A whole HEA story unfolded with just that snippet.
Thanks Mod and I&G for all the snippage and deleted scenes.
The math scene with Arabella is one of my favs. Especially the debate about Common Core. So funny. This is one reason I hope Arabella gets her own story at some point. In addition to action and romance, I think there is a prime opportunity for humor with her. And if you throw Leon into the story it would be crazy.
Thank you so much!! I’ve been reading Edge to spend some more time with G, J, and G. Need to finish ’cause I’m not sure my brain can juggle 3 different universes. But loving the big ‘o hunk of HA right now!!
Mod R, you’re the best. I’ve bookmarked this post just so I can go back and read the scenes after reading the book. (For some reason, I like reading the book first and then the deleted scenes. Starting Emerald Blaze now and am already anxious to reread The Cool Aunt.)
You left out the snippet where the family watches the film of Rogan sparring with Montgomery.
That snippet is not available at the moment, so no, I did not. You are welcome for the ones I linked though 🙂
I’ve been busy catching up on Sweep of the Heart, didn’t even think of this!! 🙂 yasss – favorite hidden legacy bits:
– Connor & Nevada’s meet-cute
– the trials for the girls
– THE FERRETS!!!! <3
– when Cornelius connects with the alien tiger thing (blanking on the name lol)
– most of the bits with Leon and Grandma Frida
I know it’s probably a bear of a task, but could we get a compilation post like this for Kate Daniels? I finished another read through just a few days ago and I’m sure I’ve missed snippets and deleted scenes in the blog. It would be immensely helpful.
omg that would be so awesome! i’m rereading kate daniels right now!
and thank you so much mod R for composing this list of links for us!! some i had missed and i thoroughly enjoyed them all.
I don’t think I can pick my favorite moments. There’s soooooo many! Hmmmm. One of my favorites is when Leon is telling the family why he wasn’t going to register in Wildfire and how it was thanks to Kurt explaining it. Nevada is thinking she’ll have to thank Kurt unyil Leon goes on about how hes going yo become a dark horse and then she wants to kill Kurt lol
Thank you Mod R for all the goodies!! You did, indeed, earn many points ????
I recall a snippet that connected to the compound snippet.
After the family tour Catalina goes to the capital she and Allesandro have picked, he’s set up a romantic get together and has to stop and deal with an interrupting assassin, is it possible to reread that one.
Pretty please?
Casita not capital, missed the auto correct.
Oh i remember this one too! Hope we get to read it again. ????
Thanks for the compilation of snippets.???? What about the snippets of the fight scene with Rogan and Montgomery in their college days and the one with the briefcase that has to be opened where Catalina sings the Irish song. I’ve looked for both, but can’t find them anymore.☹️
Theirs snippets are no longer available, although the fight with Augustine will be in the book ????
Thank you!!!!!
Thank you!
You’re the best, Mod R. You get us.
O anything with Catalina and Alessandro are my favorite moments esp when he is teasing her! They are so wonderful together can’t even express it! I’m soooo excited for this book!
O and just the moments when the family is all together and just being their hilarious selves. Like when Alessandro comes to dinner or when the sisters were younger and fighting or Leon and Bug’s little interjections. Omg the way Bug hates Alessandro!!!
Ah I love it all!
Thanks Mod R for this list and the surprise snippet ????
I feel that I read in some snippet or some blog post somewhere that baby Arthur Rogan is keeping Nevada and Rogan super busy. It was just mentioned in passing. However, now I can’t find those lines as part of any of these snippets.
Am I remembering it wrong?
Thank you so much for this post!!! I’ve been wanting to read all the extras and wondering how I was going to do it. A+ timing, Mod R.
Looking forward to the scene when Nevada first used her powers before Augustin and he was so shocked he dropped the tablet he was holding. He he.
I’ve got all the HL-books as audio amd tend to listen while I work, so I’ve already been through them and almost all of Mercy Thompson this spring/summer… not that I know which book to do first… probably Ruby Fever…
Looking forward to:
anything with Rogan really
the ceasar reveal
Benjiro and mum’s romance
background info on Augustine
Cornelius and Zeus just chilling at a cafe or something else equally nonchalant and non sequitur
I just realized I answered the question wrong, lol. You said ‘reread’ but all I hear is ‘Ruby Fever’.
Thank you for the list. There were a few I had somehow missed.
And I love Alessandro in this last one. “The less I see of you, the better.” This sounds like a good book. Don’t know how I’m going to make it another 3 weeks.
I’m looking forward to the whole book and have since the haunted house conversation posted in christmas 2020 XD.
But finding out who Ceasar is, and seeing if Leon and/or Arabella get thrown the proverbial love bone, Lmao. Maybe seeing Bern and Runa getting married
hoping to make the next 21 days without camping at the mailbox..
and hoping that when house andrews sees us straving readers gobbling up ruby fever they feel the urge to write more on the HL family pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease :-)))))
I started Saturday… and I already finished. Look, I’m sorry, mistakes were made ok?
Oh my goodness what a treat! Thank you. Can not choose. No way. Love em all.
There was a snippet with Catalina and Alessandro in their new place and he had just killed an assassin. Can you share that?
It’s in the sample of RF I spoke about in the previous post ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/chains-and-wips/
Ahhhhh you’re too good to us! Thank you for compiling all of these. It was a fun re-visit and I realized I missed one or two!
Was there a story written out about Alessandro & Catalina before Sapphire Flames?
The two of them briefly interact in Diamond Fire https://ilona-andrews.com/hidden-legacy-books/#diamond in a small Romeo and Juliet balcony scene ????.
And ofc Catalina’s trial in Wildfire.
I have a question about the Sapphire Flames deleted scene that was re-worked. There are a lot of similarities I. The situation but the family is swapped out from the original version so we bring back Runa from Diamond Fire. First, I think the change is brilliant. It integrates the SF opening scene so it’s more essential to the plot. But here’s my question. Was it always the plan to bring back Runa? We get introduced to a lot of characters in this series and not all of them come back to play a major role like Runa. Thanks!
What is it with 8/23? I’ve been looking forward for months to the release of Ruby Fever, Soul Taken (Patty Briggs), and now Innkeeper. Salivating, reserving a couple days just for reading and indulging myself. Now turns out I will be escorting my father-in-law from New Jersey to Oregon to live with us. Yes, on 8/23. Love him I do! But, really, 8/23? Anyone have any celestial insights to this date?
Bless you House Andrews for the lovely distractions from life you provide. I have needed them the last few years. They have helped me get through my mother’s cancer battle and many other things the BDH doesn’t need to be brought down by. But thank you, ever so much. You are greatly beloved.
HL is hands down one of the best series I have ever read and I reread the books at least twice a year.
I simply love this characters and everything Ilona writes about them. Thank you so much for creating them!!!!
For anyone interested, I found the beginning of chapter two on a German site, which you should all be able to access. So it’s not Apple only anymore: https://webreader.mytolino.com/reader/index.html#/epub?epuburl=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.pageplace.de%2Fpreview%2FDT0400.9780062878403_A40163373%2Fpreview-9780062878403_A40163373.epub&purchaseurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.weltbild.de%2Fwarenkorb%2Fhinzufuegen%2F141037565&backref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.weltbild.de%2Fartikel%2Febook%2Fruby-fever-hidden-legacy-bd-6_36604554-1
I wish this snippet wasn’t cut from the book! Nevada, Catalina interrogating would be sooo fun to read