Book Depository
We have some bad news. Book Depository is going out of business.
According to the Guardian and Book Riot, this closure is likely a part of Amazon’s current cutbacks. Amazon, which bought Book Depository in 2011, is seeking to eliminate 18,000 jobs over all, some of them in the Devices and Books section.
Book Depository was a favorite source of print books for many readers located outside of US. They came on the scene the same year our first book came out, and this is a really sad turn of events. The store will be sorely missed.
We are looking at alternative retailers. All of the Book Depository links on the site will have to be replaced, and we will let you know as soon as we figure out which store we will put in that space.
Moving on, thanks to the might of the BDH, we’re in real danger of outgrowing Flywheel, which is the current home of our website. We get all the traffic, which is a wonderful problem to have, and our big spikes in release months are straining Flywheel resources.
We will most likely be moving to WP Engine for our hosting. This is an involved process, and there will be a lot going on behind the scenes, hopefully none of it visible. We will be making sure that free fiction section is a bit easier to find and will be streamlining some design elements during this time.
State of Magic Claims
To the utter shock of no one at all, Magic Claims is a bit longer than planned. We are at 50K right now and we still have a bit to go. Magic Tides was 43K, and it was twice as long as a typical novella. There is no way to call Magic Claims a novella. It’s a short novel, and we all will just have to live with that.
Because it is a little longer and we are a little tired, there have been less posts on the blog. We are trying hard to deliver a good finale. We will do our best to make it worth the wait.
Mod R has read the draft up to the final battle point and reports that it is not terrible. (I might have understated Mod R’s response a bit for the sake of maintaining my humble author image.)
Thank you for your support and patience!
Kat in NJ says
Sorry to hear about Book Depository -always sad when a seller of books goes away. I buy the Kindle version of HA books, but for other things I’ve had very good luck using for both new and used books. I checked and they do ship worldwide. Hope this helps others in the BDH…
And I promise to try to be very patient for Magic Clams….um, I mean Claims….or is it Clams? Whatever, I will try to be patient, even though I don’t for a second believe Mod R would ever have less than a whooping-jumping-up-and-down-cheering reaction to a new HA book, especially because I don’t think HA is capable of writing anything that deserves a lesser reaction! ????
[checks calendar…is it June yet?]
Moderator R says
Thank you for your faith in me ???? (it is accurate!). I think some of the BDH is ready with the tar and feathers ????
Patricia Schlorke says
Or lemon and butter instead of tar and feathers? ????????????????
Tamara says
So happy to hear the Magic Claims has reached the level of “short novel”! I have been reading Kate since the first book appeared on the shelf all those years ago, and it makes me so happy to know that I get to share in her life once more! Also fun that when I started reading I was still single, and now all these years later have a house, a husband and an 8 year old, just like Kate! (well, assuming Conlan is 7, lol).
A Veterinarian in Atlanta 🙂
Steve L says
For me longer is better but Good luck and keep up the amazing work. You are loved by us book junkies
Alex says
No worries! I can wait! And I can’t wait! Haha ???? So happy for the epic fail of the novella and yea!! Win! to the short novel!
Susan says
Chapter in Mt Eden, auckland is very good . Francis stocks your books and is very helpful
Carey says
found out about the closure of Bookdepository yesterday, really saddened they weren’t just a great place to get books they were a great resource too and if there was any problems with an order they were always always helpful
on a brighter note House Andrews and Mod R have a great day
Normandy says
I read that as Magic Clams and thought maybe y’all were taking the new setting a bit intensely…
I will wait as long as it takes. It’s hard as I am 74.
But I have been a fan since the year 1. Go House Andrews!
Nancy Lee Sumpter says
So the book is longer than a novella, you will just have to cut all the excess words out…….SAID NO ONE IN THE BDH EVER!!!
Allison says
As a LOYAL member of the BDH; I will “patiently” wait for ANY crumbs, shorts, novellas, novels or full fledged books you produce. LOVE TO YOU ALL.
Jenny says
If WP stands for WordPress be advised that it is a pain in the ass to upkeep and also requires someone knowledgeable to perform all of the individualized updates.
You might look at and consider Squarespace as an alternative. We are moving one of our sites off WP and into Squarespace to avoid the multi-upgrade WP knowledgeable requirements.
Ilona says
Thank you for the recommendation. This site has been running on WordPress for the last 10 years. We know this CMS and it is more flexible than Squarespace so occasional updates are worth it to us.
DL says
The world is not near as nice a place as it used to be. Big biz has swept up Mom & pop, local & small businesses both brick & morter and online too. Only to jeteson them for bigger profits. Goodbye Book Depository.
Johanna J says
We are all big fans of longer House Andrews novellas/novels and Mod R’s sense of humor. Looking forward to Magic Claims whenever it arrives. ???? No stressing allowed. Schedule in some time to rest and relax.
So sorry to hear about Book Depository closure.
Oli says
I’m more than ever jealous of Mod R’s job. So looking forward to it, I’ve been te listening all the books
Brightfae says
I will take Mod R’s “not terrible “ over any fancy NYT review any day!!!!
Can’t wait, BUT I can absolutely wait for you guys to write what you want as you want it.
Kathleen says
Happy Spring!
Carmen says
I am so glad Magic Claims is a longer story, I love reading the Kate Daniels Series (I have reread many times), and Magic Tides was a real treat after I thought the Kate Daniels Series was at it’s end. I wanted the Kate and Curren stories to keep going. So I am glad Magic Claims will give us a lengthier story.
I am sure we are all willing to wait for Magic Claims to be completed and that Ilona Andrews take their time, (they need some rest time as well) most of us have pre-ordered, well at least the ‘BDH die-hards’ have, so we would rather have Ilona Andrews take their time and enjoy their writing, rather than be harassed and pushed to tiring deadlines.
Looking forward to the new book.
Lauren says
Sad to hear about Book Depository.
But on a positive note, I’m not an audio-book consumer, and I had a couple long solo drives last week so bought Graphic Audio’s Innkeeper Chronicles… OMG, I’m addicted now. I’ve bought all the things.
Congrats on the release of Magic Bites today!
Please continue creating all the things at your own pace so I may appreciate them. Happy spring!