Heh, you thought there was something good in this post. There is not. Okay, so maybe the little bit of excitement. Let’s take these one at a time.
Erika Tsang liked Wildfire.
She said she liked it a lot, especially the frying pan. The edits are coming back to us sometime later in the week, so the book is not a total gut, and we’ll do our best to stay on track for the announced release of August 2017.
Nancy Yost liked the proposal for a new book.
And that’s all we are saying about it. Still needs work.
Kisscon in Austin.
Avon is doing a Kisscon in Austin in March, specifically on March 23rd. Details are to come, but it will be held at Book People and they will have some White Hot ARCs. We’ll be there, together with people much cooler than us. They’re still hammering out the details. More on that later.
Hugh D’Ambray
Still happening. Gordon, for some odd reason, really wants to do it in the serial format, like the Innkeeper, but it is a very violent book with a lot of explicit sexual content, because that’s how Hugh rolls. If we do it, we’d have to lock it under an 18+ warning and we may limit readership.
Kate 10 Release Date
We are looking at May of 2018. Before you scream, here are the reasons why:
- We’re pretty fried and we want to write a good book.
- We have two new books coming out this year, which means a lot of additional publicity, and we want to be there for important things such as our youngest – hopefully – graduating from high school. Knocked on wood and spat over my shoulder just now. When your kid tells you, “I want to do IB,” and you say “Okay,” you don’t realize exactly how much work IB courses are. She has a 4.4 GPA but so much stress.
- It takes about 6 months from turning in the first draft for the editorial process and printing process to happen, and the 2017 is already scheduled, so if we forced a book in at the end of the year, we’d be taking away marketing from someone else. A little more on the way it works: publishers have a monthly budget. They can only put out X number of releases per month, otherwise books conflict with each other and releases from other publishers. There is only so much retail space. It’s similar to the movie business. If there are too many similar movies, they eat into each other’s profits and publicity, because there are only so many movie screens. The first solid opening they have is May 2017, where we wouldn’t conflict with Patty or Anne Bishop. We don’t want to compete with other Ace authors. We also don;t want to compete with ourselves. With two books scheduled, adding a third means risking you guys getting sick of us.
- But the main reason for the delay is that Kate and Curran have fundamentally changed. There was Kate, then Kate and Curran, and now there is Kate, Curran, and a baby. What powers will the baby have? How will he affect things? We have to figure all this out and it takes time for things to line up. We’ve got the first couple of baby scenes and they are funny, but nothing concrete yet.
We don’t know if we’ll do a full length book this year. We may, however, do a couple of novellas, in the same format as always. So watch this space, we’ll have more for you as it develops. It’s kind of going to be a very sporadic year in terms of actual work, because of the added publicity demands, so Gordon and I are hoping for shorter projects. It’s easier to do a 25K novella than a 95K book. We used to be able to travel and then jump right back in, and now it’s been three days since the conference, and I’m still stuck on the name for Hugh’s new horse. Good news, Charlottians (?), we’ve wrecked Tryon Street. Now it’s just like Atlanta… 😛
UK Paperback Issues
We are aware that UK readers have difficulty preordering mass market edition of White Hot. We notified our publisher, and they are on top of it. This will get resolved. If you are ordering hardcover version, it is NOT an actual hardcover. Again, it is NOT a hardcover. It’s a paperback in stiff binding that is sold to libraries in US. We do not know why Amazon decided to mark it as a hardcover.
I think that’s everything.
::falls over::
Henry King says
Some vacation you are on. As most of the Hoard, we’ll take what ever you put out at the pace you set. Oh, we’ll piss and moan, but that’s frustration with our own problems, looking for a high from your work to relieve us.
M West several years ago indicated House Wars would end at # 6, and that was Oracle. She apparently wrote so much, that effort had enough words for two books. Oracle came out in mid 2015. I anticipate War will come out soon.
All good authors need to set their own pace to keep the readers begging for more. Andrews, Bishop, Brennen, Briggs, Bujold, Gilman, Hodgell, Hobb, Huff, Hunter, Lackey, Linskold, Moon, Novik, Sagara/West, Shearin, Shinn and Stein keep me checking their blogs and/or Coming Soon lists. There are about thirty more I look for, but not with that much diligence.
Jo says
Burn for me is $0.95 on kindle australia.
That’s right – 95 cents today…
Wendy Toh says
So excited to have Kate and Curran to look forward to in 2018. Already have my pre-orders in for all your books this year. Take all the time you need…thank you for giving me something to anticipate!!
Vala says
Happy with the new schedule, rather have you relaxed and happy than trying to kill yourselves making a tighter schedule. We have been with Kate and Curran so many years now, what’s a few more months to get a spectacular end to the story. Problem is, I don’t want it to end!
JR says
Can’t wait until the next book-naming competition, the other really fun interractive part of belonging to this BDH.
Please get the rest that you need. We will be here when you get back!
Michelle says
Wow that sounds…not busy at all ??? Seriously, best wishes though I’m sure you guys will come out on top as always. Hugh as a serial would be awesome though definitely understand your concerns about explicit scenes so if I have to wait for the book version, I will happily.
Rene says
I love the serials books. I’m not sure what locked means though. Does that mean you’d only let some adults read it?
MOvalles says
So, the Hugh d’Ambry serial form..Yes, Please! .but I can wait if it comes out in regular book form…if you release a snippet or too on the blog.
Very exciting times for you. Good luck to your child on the IB program, and thanks for keeping up posted on the new releases and new series!
Gundega says
Take as much time as you need for Kate, we’ll just happily re-read (once again) everything we already have ^^ Rest, family & just plain fun is needed in everyones life 🙂
Besides, we’ll have White Hot & Wildfire this year! 😀
Oooooooh getting a Hugh chapter every week would be beyond amazing! I’m supporting Gordon’s idea 100%!
I hope you’ll come up with a way to let those above 18 read it 😀
I can totally take a photo of my passport if that’s what’s needed to prove I’m legit to get my hands on Hugh XD
Caity says
I just want to get my grubby little hands on Hugh anyway I can – serial, wait for a book, don’t mind, just really happy that he is going to have his say.
It would really make me laugh if Hugh’s horse had a prosaic name like Fred or something similar, Hugh is so about image. Sorry, it doesn’t matter what you call the horse now, it will always be Fred to me.
Chortling madly to myself. It’s Friday of a very long, stressful week and I think I’ve lost the plot.
Carolyn C says
I’ve been thinking along the same lines, but I added the twist of having the horse named Kate. Then he could wince or glare every time he thought about it.
Layla says
Me too. For some reason a horse named Chet that he constantly tries to rename, but thw stubborn horse won’t have it, is stuck in my head.
Caity says
Just what I was thinking! Hugh trying to rename it but the horse won’t respond to anything except it’s original normal name.
I was thinking Hugh trying to rename is something like Chretien!
Carol says
Months before we find out -IF we find out- about Nevada’s “terrible person” grandmother…
Kris says
Thank you for the exciting update!
A new serial this year (or any year) would be excellent, be it a Hugh serial or Innkeeper novellas. I, too, would love to learn more about Diana’s parents or maybe her brother who has been quite distant so far.
And the new secret project – is it totally new or wasn’t there some announcement regarding a new Kinsmen book? Inquiring minds want to know…:-)
Kyle Belliston says
I’m all for a Hugh serial story. As I’m very over 18 sign me up. ?
Samantha says
I have not laughed so hard, since…your last book. “Risk you guys getting sick of us” Rolling on the bed with tears and I may never see the cat again laughter. The work you put into your books shows and I eagerly await the next. Next week you say? Whoohoo! In a few months? Whoohoo! Next year? Whoohoo! The future is looking bright.
DeeAnn fuchs says
Rest assured that we hard core Ilona and Gordon readers will wait as long as it takes for any of your books! Just gives us something to look forward to. Will we have to show I.D. to read the serial for Hugh??? Please put me on the list, I’d hate to be locked out. Thanks for all you do and don’t forget to relax a little.
Strangejoyce says
Awesome sauce!!! Drizzled over mounds of utter deliciousness! *sigh* Can hardly wait for the upcoming literary feast of several courses served over the next year plus: snippets (amuse-gueles), blogs (remise en bouches), novellas (a la carte), Hidden Legacy novels (double entrees) and KD 10 (best dessert ever)!!!! I plan to dine slowly and savor every bite—-becoming replete and happily satiated! A toast to the Chefs! ?
A says
What happened to Kate’s dog. She did not appear in Magic Binds. Did she die? I missed it.
sarafina says
Grendel kind of can’t die. He’s more spirit than anything – or at least he hung out with Bran until Bran died.
D.G. says
Hugh D’Ambray in serial format? Oh no! Think of us audiobook people! (With serials, audios seem to be relegated to the bottom of the pile, coming out months after the complete book is released.)
As for the rest, well, super excited about the new book!! And if waiting for “White Hot” for 3 years hasn’t killed us, I think we can wait an extra year for Kate 10. 🙂 Take care of yourselves and your family.
Caroline says
Thank you very much for the update.
A name for Hugh’s horse…hmmm…. Sadly, we have just lost our lovely black greyhound, Rappel (we called him Rapi). As well as the English meaning, Rappel means ‘speed limit’ in French and my German colleague told me that it means ‘ants in your pants crazy’ in German. All these meanings suited our Rapi’s personality: maybe this would also be a good short-ish name for a suitably ornery horse for Hugh?
Kellie Roesler says
My Dad use to have a stallion named Rooster. Beautiful horse, but very dangerous to ride. He would rear up and spin when close to trees just to hit the rider in to the tree.
Christina says
A. I am willing to wait for quite a long time for you guys to put out another book. I am old enough to remember when it took 2 years or more for ANY author to publish any kind of book. I think you and Gordan are some kind of author wunderkids to be able to put out so much co tent in so little time.
B. WHERE CAN I SIGN UP FOR THE HUGH BOOK! I am 53 years old so I definitely qualify as over 18. I do not want to miss this book! I am willing to sign in blood and/ or give up my first born. With visitation rights.
C. Yay! New projects! I look forward to hearing more about them.
Now, rest and recover for the next exciting chapter in the lives of our favorite authorlords!
Strangejoyce says
How about “Chabal” for Hugh’s horse name? Hebrew word meaning to destroy. Or “‘Abad” (Amaraic) which is somewhat similar in regards to perishing.
I’ve been bingeing on Planet x-Nibiru stuff this weekend….the internet is just chock full of fascinating things that are akin to watching a train wreck.
Strangejoyce says
Or “Toqeph”? For power and strength…
Strangejoyce says
Last bunch of horse names for Hugh—French ones and masculine. That’s my auto-thinking but even better if horse is a female….and I don’t have any names for her. ?
Vincent…..or Emil…..or Orson?
Kimmelane says
For Hugh’s horse, if he is another Friesian: how about Raven? Reaper? or Reiver? I’m not sure what’s going on with all the R names, but they are all short, easy to type, and carry appropriate connotations.
Layla says
I wanted to suggest that the baby’s power should be a throw back to Kate’s mom. Like Rowena only stronger… And male. Or female: she did change th future. It’s murky now. Maybe the baby is a girl now.
Anyway, the baby makes you want to make it happy. And only Kate and Curran are immune.
Curran ate the animal god thing. So maybe throw some of that in there. Wonder what that would do.
Katy says
I have just re-read the initial chapters of White Hot. I am so excited! I suspect you have to balance your creative surges with creative burnout. I cannot imagine the struggle but am just grateful for both of you and your ability to transport me into the worlds of your characters!
And as a parent whose final child has just finished school my advice is that a path will open for them that allows for them to continue developing their gifts and skills. And as our kids can expect to live such a long time, even if it takes them a few years to find that path they are blessed with the gift of time.
You still need wishes for good luck and strength however. And chocolate. Possibly more chocolate than you thought was Possible! Good luck!
mj says
Personally, I don’t think I can do the serial format for Hugh. Why? Because I really really really want to read Hugh and I just don’t think I have the patience to wait between installments without aiming spoilt poorly directed curses your way. Probably better for me to wait for the book anyway.
I get where Gordan is going. And I think it’s a great idea.
I just don’t think it will work for me.
I actually decided to quit reading the Hugh snippets for this very reason. I’d rather wait and eat the entire horse all at once.
Can you tell I’m really looking forward to this Hugh book?
And news of a “Maude book” would be extremely welcome. Okay, but just sayin’… 😀
Melissa B says
You guys are so busy!, but it’s very exciting. Take your time with family, your books and publicity. I can wait to read them all whenever they are released.
Dave says
Write whatever you want, just please keep writing. I have yet to read a novel from you that isn’t on the favorite shelf.
Katherine Buchanan says
I for one am grateful for every word you both write. Your humor tickles me. There’s just enough heat and the conflicts are always perfectly integrated without being manipulative. Anyone who disagrees should be beneath your notice. I have read all of your books Several times and will continue to do so until May. I was in a funk today and reread Sweep in Peace. You’ve written books that suit every mood. You spoil us with your extras. But no matter what, please take your time. Enjoy the freedom that being a NYT bestselling author affords. Happy authorlords write better books. And enjoy these very interesting years with your children. These years are so important. You’ve given them all the love and resources to become the amazing people they will turn out to be. Stay close and marvel at what you both have created. We will always wait for you. Knit! Write! Sleep in! Loose weight! Gain weight! Make love! Read! Play video games into the wee hours! And write some more. Your writIng has saved me during the most challenging periods of my life. You make a difference everyday. I am humbled by your gifts. And I am grateful.
Christine says
It’s wonderful that you guys take the time to make sure that your stories grow in the time they need. Hail the authorlords! 🙂
Kalea says
Hugh as a serial je is definitely genius idea! I for one would happy click over 18 if that made it possible.. 🙂
Melissa says
The future is looking bright indeed! I get two releases this year from the awesome Authorlords?! *Happy dance*
I eagerly await any stories that you wish to tell because they are simply That Good. Please take the time to refresh and enjoy yourselves. I can patiently wait (I really can no matter what that little voice says!) until you are ready to give me more to enjoy. The fact that you have projects planned and have let us know about it just means I have that much more to look forward to.
I look forward to adding to my Hoard!