The EMERALD BLAZE is out today. We hope you’re enjoying the read.
I’m going to be scarce this week, both because we have to make words happen and because all of the energy right now is going into the appearances. Boy, it’s hard on Zoom. Normally we can read the room a little bit, but in a virtual tour, we’re just kind of going blind. Our next event is on Wednesday.
Arabella’s short story, The Cool Aunt, is up for those of you who have the link. Clarification: to get this link early, you had to order from one of the bookstores hosting out tour. We were very clear on this in the original post.
Blue Willow Bookshop (Houston)
Malaprops (Asheville)
Bank Square Books (Lexington, MA)
If you order a dead tree book from one of these stores, you will get a link to a very short story from Arabella’s point of view, which will show you the birth of Rogan and Nevada’s baby and what happens after. If you have read an ARC, you know how the book ends. You will want to read this short story.
Everyone else will get the link to the short story in a few weeks.
We ask you to please let us know if you see weird spam in the spoiler thread, like people thinking they are real vampires or witch doctors peddling love spells again. We are not monitoring it closely, so if you see weirdness, please drop us a line.
SusanK says
Was up until 5AM reading. Loved it! Thank you!
Atsuko says
Me too! Got it on my Nook about 11:45pm and finished a little after 5am! Now that I’ve slept, need to read it again! Loved it!
Jenn Poniatowski says
Happy book birthday!!! Good luck with Zoom ✨
Breann says
+1 ????????????????????????????????????
Simone says
It was delivered to my Kindle at 0:01 am and I immediately dived it. Had to give up at around 2 am, since my Kindle was dropping from my hand. Started up again this morning and now I’m through.
It is absolutely fantastic, awesome, wonderful, a fast and furious ride and I love all the little quirky sentences that make me laugh. And that cliff hanger! And the love and the romance! And just… everything!
Thank you for writing another wonderful book and (I have to say it…) I’m looking forward to the next one… ^^;;
Tink says
I must be getting old. Used to be I could start at midnight when it hit my Kindle and read straight through until done. Had to break off at 230am. Good thing I took the day off so I could read it. Would have driven me crazy if I’d had to wait until after work to finish.
helen says
If I were an author I think this would be the comment that would send me over the moon…..a fan took a day off work to read my book! You know it is good then. I just got it today so I am cracking the virtual spine now.
Relin says
I had also taken the day off to read the book! It was such a joy to read! I’m re-reading it again as they stuff their books with so many wonderful references.
CharisN says
My kindle smacked me in the face. That’s my warning sign to give it up an go to bed.
Roswita Hildebrandt says
It’s so good! Thank you for writing it 🙂
Sabrina says
Congratulations with a new additionto “the family” 🙂 Happy Book Birthday 🙂
Emily07 says
I live in Oregon, and it was on my Kindle at 9:09 pm. I read until 5 am, and really loved the book/story. I can’t wait for the next one. Thank you for all your effort and continuing inspiration in the ongoing Hidden Legacy Saga to keep us all entertained and deliver such a wonderful story about Catalina and the Baylor Family. Truly loved it.
laj says
I got it at about the same time, we’re lucky to be on the West Coast. I was tempted to read all night too, but decided to save it for Saturday when I can read all day.
Emily says
How is the link for the short story being delivered? I purchased the dead-tree book through one of the links you posted when you announced the story, but I don’t seem to have the link. (The ebook version has arrived but I am being a Responsible Adult and waiting until after work today to start it. The dead tree version should be in the mail as we speak!)
Emily says
Found it! Apparently I just didn’t look at ALL of the email notices from that order. Thanks for the story!
Veronica says
Yes, I have the same question. I purchased a dead tree version from one of the links also, and received it yesterday, but no link.
Lauren says
How do we get the cool aunt link?
Lauren says
Never mind! Found it! Sorry!
LeAnn says
Where? I just bought the ebook, but don’t know where the extra is.
Kelly M. says
The “immediate release” was only for purchasers of the paper book from qualifying small bookstores at first, I think – it will be released for everyone in a few weeks.
Erin says
I have purchased every single book they’ve written. Some of them twice to give as presents. I ordered this book the day it was available for pre-order. I have vision issues that make ebooks easier for me to read with large print, so I don’t order paper books anymore. Maybe Cool Aunt could have been offered pre-publication day to people who ordered from the stores, but then given to everyone else who purchased the book today?
Sunny says
We will all have it in a few weeks, don’t worry! The conditions were super clear. If for a reason or another you did not or could not order, you still get the free fiction. Just a few weeks later.
Bas says
Thank you so much for the book. I’ve been counting down to this between my newborn and lockdown it’s just what I need. Although this will be a longer read.
I am a wondering though how can I get the Arabella short story?
Best wishes from a very long time Australian reader but first time commenter.
P.S. I’m loving Ryder!
trailing wife says
The short story will be posted for the rest of us in a few weeks, Bas. Welcome to motherhood — may it be even more wonderful than your fondest hopes!
Ev says
My audio was there this morning!!!
Michelle M says
I watched your facebook live at Blue Willow and loved it. You may feel you are “flying blind” but I love the interaction with the moderator and responses to the viewer questions that were asked. The only thing that would have made it better was for you to have read an excerpt from the book. Have a great tour.
Becky says
That ending was just cruel! Thank god I had today off work so that I could read it all day.
Anne V says
The structure of your online contact form does not allow notification of weirdness in comment threads.
Sechat says
woke up at 1:07am EDT to read it…..bliss.
Anne says
It’s all fabulous! Thank you.
Rexy says
Happy book birthday!
Karen the Griffmom says
Ilona, as long as your hands fly when you talk, everything will work out! Love those expressive digits of yours.
DianaInCa says
Loved it! Thank you so much.
Maria says
It is wonderful!!
Lora Tyler says
Love love the short story! Thank you so much! This is so wonderful! Anyway, no weirdness here except for exclamation points and “awesome”. Lol
Docside says
Great book. I’m a high risk OB and appreciated the short story. Thank you
Bill G says
I’ve got mine, and I’m loving it. Best of luck zooming in on the crowds.
Jenny says
Haven’t finished it yet, (stupid work) but LOVE that a character is named “Marat”.
Also really enjoyed the Zoom event on Thursday for writers.
Thank you both for making time in your crazy busy life for readers to interact with you – even virtually!
About that…Gordon mentioned writing “the last Innkeeper”… feel free to not respond, but I hope he merely misspoke and meant “next Innkeeper”. I love the world of Dina, Sean, and everyone else. I would be so sad to see their story end, but understand it is your perogative when to end.
Again thank you both for what you do!!
trailing wife says
Possibly he meant the previous or last released Innkeeper rather than the last one forever to be written?
Susan says
Congratulations on another successful book release! I grabbed this screenshot at 12:00 pm EDT on 25Aug2020.
Susan says
Hmmm… the image didn’t load
LA says
haha it was a “vampire romance” when I bought it this morning too 😛
Tink says
Ooh, #21 overall in Kindle. Congrats!
Brenna says
Yayyyyyy ! I’ve been counting the days, for MONTHS. 🙂
I’m reading, while keeping a weather eye on my work e-mails.
What? They’re all being answered in a timely fashion. 😀
Kayeri says
I was lucky and got the paperback Thursday, so I’ve read it 3 times already. This morning, since I had my e-copy and my book-plated dead tree copy is coming, I donated the one I’d read to our local library. It’s gone into quarantine, but eventually will be available to many more readers. That was the promise I made to justify buying the early copy. I got it early, but the library got it as soon as I had another. =) I think I’ll keep this policy for the future, it’s a good one.
Stacy Augustine says
Love that you did this! Spread the joy!
Patricia Schlorke says
Happy book birthday! ????????????
I’m reading it as I type. I can’t read too long because of work. What I’ve read so far is great. Alessandro has his feet in his mouth and is trying to extract them. Oh boy!
Stay safe everyone on the Gulf coast. Who knows where that hurricane is going to hit. If the National Hurricane Center ever has hurricane named either Connor or Rogan, I’m going to laugh. ????????
Alison Parker says
Please don’t wish that on us! If they do I’m moving to Alaska! Nor do I want them to ever name one after Arabella!! They named one after me and it almost broke Houston and it was only a tropical storm ????.
Cassandra says
I remember Alison! I’m sure you are much nicer 🙂
Patricia Schlorke says
I wouldn’t wish any strong storm on anyone.
Natasha Johnson says
Happy Book Birthday!!
Absolutely loved it already read it twice (I got it early on Monday so I spent all day and night reading it) and just read Arabella’s short story ????????????????????!
Y’all are amazing!
Sharon says
I should have the link because I bought the book from the Asheville store, but I cannot find the Cool Aunt story.
Carol says
I’ve been on a reading bender since downloading Emerald Blaze a bit after midnight. I may look like hell but it was worth it!
After a bit more of a nap, will go back and read it again!
Thanks so much for another fabulous book!
Belinda says
Can’t wait to get my copy of the book. I preordered it.
Shelley A says
How do I get the Arabella link? I preordered the book from barnes and noble when you made that offer
trailing wife says
If you did not get the paper version from one of the following bookstores, you will have to wait a few weeks with the rest of us for it to be posted here:
Blue Willow Bookshop (Houston)
Malaprops (Asheville)
Bank Square Books (Lexington, MA)
Heather says
Oh. I can’t find my link to The Cool Aunt. 🙁
Can’t wait to start EB. Stupid work stopping me for now.
Scott says
First, the book is great!
Second, has the witch doctor thing really happened before?
Jessica says
Happy Book Birthday!!! Looking forward to seeing you at a couple of the Zoom/FB appearances this week! 🙂
Nickole195 says
started reading before work at 650 – and almost was late cause yeah it sucked me in quickly and i love it so far…..happy bookday! i want my work day to be over to continue reading ….. argh…… but happy reading all!
Jean says
Happy Book Birthday, Emerald Blaze!! ????????????????????????
Thank you Ilona and Gordon for a wild ride!! Twists, turns, and surprises!!
Hope you get a few days to yourselves to catch your breath before your next adventure!!
Donna A says
I was so annoyed last night, my kindle refused to connect properly and download (unless it was just the pre-order nor recognising midnight) but it’s all set up now ready for my early night 😉
jewelwing says
Looking forward to reading it! Hope your tour goes virtually well. Now I must go accomplish things so I can reward myself by reading.
Lisa says
Happy book birthday!! ???? I can’t wait to read! ❤️
Cherylanne Farley says
Whoa. Hoping you guys get some extra goodness from the universe today for all your goid efforts/work. Pretty Rocky right now in Cali. We will make it. Pls stay safe in TX. Our local weather peeps say hard wet times. Eyes up, Forward.
Bill from nj says
Saw both virtual book events, you guys are the best, it is just so much fun to hear and see you guys talking,makes me want to be a fly on the wall when you guys write together and work out a scene:)
One thing I have learned using zoom,the bigger the monitor the better and when doing audio a top notch mic is worth it if you use it regularly as a couple,zoom audio is really so so ,when working solo a good headset like Senheiser can work great.
Haven’t started the book but my better half has and she is totally lost in it,she said the writing and plotting is incredibly good ( hey,she is a tough critic, she gives Shakespeare 3 out of 5 stars) and is all curled up
nrml says
Your better half isn’t a tough critic. Shakespeare would never make it in today’s market. Compared to Ilona Andrews? I’d give him one star out of five.
trailing wife says
Robert says
Just finished.
So good I’m going to have to read it again, as soon as I finish lunch!
Thank you
Cindy Montalbano says
I was very happy last night when I got the notification from my library that this ebook was ready for me to check out on my tablet. I cannot wait to read it. I’m very appreciative of all the work that you guys do. I wish that I was able to purchase books and such, but unfortunately I’m not. So, I depend upon the library to be able to read your books and also your free fiction blog. Thank you for the free fiction I really appreciate it. You guys are two of my favorite authors.
Alex says
“Am reading. Fend for yourself. ” is posted around my house.
Carol says
LOL! Excellent.
Clara says
I just finished the book and I can’t wait to re-read it again! Also love the references to the Chinese wuxia shows. I know it’s just out but I really can’t wait to see what you have in store for Catalina and Alessandro in the next installment!
Melissa says
You guys were amazing on zoom, it was wonderful to get a chance to listen to both of you talk about stories in your workshop. Made me think about them differently and I can’t wait to apply what I learn. My only regret was not being brave enough to speak up, maybe next time!
Thank you, and I’m loving the book!
Carolin says
Happy Book Birthday!!! This was a looong day at work after a really short night due to Emerald Blaze- and I’m just about halfway through…. Savouring the book as it deserves but I had to know how it continued after the first chapters posted here.
So another sleepless night ahead. As was the one meeting you on zoom which was the middle of the night in Germany- but so worth it!
Have a good week and know you made the BDHs life so much better this week and actually every time you post something, be it a chapter, a recipe, a Snippet, a fur baby or just life.
Thank you so much!
Uriel_39 says
When you love reading and your favorite authors release a new book while you’re at work:
“Hmmm, let me take a look and read the prologue …. F$*k reads the first two chapters during the longest toilet break ever.”
Thank you the book was EPIC! I am screeching like a banshee!!!
Kelly says
I’ve been a longtime fan of your work. It was amazing! I devoured it and can’t wait to read the short story when it drops because of that epilogue!!! Thank you so much for sharing your stories! I truly enjoy them;)
Karen says
Oh goodness, the epilogue made me gasp out loud & clutch my chest.
You guys are amazing – this may be my favorite of all your books. Everything was so beautifully balanced: the tension, the action, the romance…
Julie says
BTW, Amazon is running behind on delivery thanks to the pandemic. My copy won’t arrive until Thursday even though I ordered it in December.
Mar says
OMG. Ha! Great short story. Thank you! Wonder if Arabella will spill deets to Leon and the rest of the family. Considering how LD threatens Catalina with dire consequences about DW stuff. I think payback time!
Gailk says
Congratulations on Book birthday!!
Getting the dead tree book from blue willow. So I have to wait. ..
But I saw your Zoom interview last night with Cheryl from Blue Willow.
Some of the audio was hard to hear, but it was nice to see you and Gordon and one of your dogs.
It is always such fun to see how you interact with each other and your writing techniques .
So cool that you write in 3/4 scenes.
I was reading Burn for me and I noticed on page 26, during the tv newscast there is a mention of a rat outbreak. I thought Cornelius!!!
Was this foreshadowing??
I have read this book at least 4 times and this is the first time I caught this.
Didn’t get my link to Cool aunt, called Blue willow and they sent it to me. They are very professional and nice people.
I also thanked them for all their hard work sending out the book to your readers. I will let them know when I get the book.
Hope everyone will be safe from the hurricane Laura.
Happy reading everyone!!
Verslint says
Happy book birthday! The epilogue gave me a mild anxiety attack, but otherwise I will be re-reading it for the next week!
Drew says
Just woke up (2 pm) after staying up to read until 5:30 am. What a great read! This whole world just keeps getting better and better. I love the way the relationships develop. Action! Romance! Snarky Humor! Babies!
I particularly love how well Catalina and Alessandro complement each other in combat. It was really cool seeing them work in concert to take down the big bad.
So, is it too early to ask about the ARC for the next book?
Dawn says
AMAZING as always-read it twice already to pick up nuances I missed the first time
Pfefferminztee says
I got the e-book this morning and have just now finished my first “fast read”. I loved it!
Now I cant wait for tomorrow and my 6h train ride under Covid conditions to read it a second time, but this time slowly and carefully to savor it.
Thank you so much!
Kassandra says
I just got to the part with River Oaks!
Laura says
Loved the book! Was so excited to go on my walk this morning with the audio version. Catalina has truly come into her own; love her analysis of situations.
Cindy says
Congratulations! Happy Book Birthday! Can’t wait to start reading!
Emilye says
Whoo hoo! This was sooo much fun! I love Catalina and Alessandro, how they get each other, and their quips are like watching a tennis match. Two down, three to go!
Vicki says
I adored it. Now your fans must wait for the next one lol
Oli says
Congratulations on a wonderful book. I took a day off to enjoy it and I’m so not feeling guilty. The book exceeded all my expectations and the little Arabella’s story is like a desert after a feast. I feel so satisfied. Thank you so much, you are amazing writers
Ayana says
LOVE IT!!! The devouring was under way as fast as Audible could download it. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review already upand will deserved. Seriously love you guys. Thanks for all you do to give us this much joy! ????????????
Katherine says
Happy book birthday!! ????
I loved it! Thank you so much! I’m going to start my reread tomorrow.
Thank you for all your love and effort that goes into these books. House Andrews are my favorite authors.
I feel like the story rounded out very nicely. I’ll stop now or just keep gushing. Kudos! ????
Henry says
I inadvertently deleted the link to The Cool Aunt. I preordered The Emerald Blaze through Barnes and Noble. How may I reacquire the link?
Becky says
You didnt delete anything. The link was only sent to the people who bought the book from one of the 3 bookstore listed. Not just any physical copy of the book.
Henry says
Thanks Becky.
SuperJD says
So good! Bravo!
Angela says
Maybe you were already planning on doing this, but ask people to put on their cameras during zoom, so you can see at least some of the faces. We just watched a magician really successfully perform the other day via zoom by having video and audio on(just for the quiet households). Good luck!
Carol says
I concur with this. I’m teaching at the graduate level, and in my department there are varying opinions regarding whether we should ask students to have their cameras on. I told our seminar cameras on for the first couple of weeks. Our courses depend heavily on seminar discussion, so getting names, voices and faces associated for everyone helps A LOT to keep the discussions rolling. I told people they are free to have virtual backgrounds up so as to mitigate weird household stuff in the background. It has actually been pretty entertaining to see what folk do with their backgrounds, as some change them up fairly frequently. You don’t get as much via Zoom camera transmission as you do in person, but what you do get from the “room” with cameras on (in the case of these events, as people feel comfortable) I think IS still useful from an audience read standpoint. My $.02. As ever, others’ mileage may vary.
Karen says
I ordered in February and just got notice of a “shipping delay”with no information about actual delivery. SOOOO on the edge of my seat. The universe must be teaching me patience.
Karen says
Just received word that the book has shipped, but won’t arrive until the 31st! Guess my Prime membership counts for nothing. ARGH!
VLR says
Loved it! Loved the well crafted depth of the story. You were so worried when writing it I was not sure what to expect, but it’s simply fabulous! Your stories just seem to get better and better! I keep thinking that this is the best, and then you do another that I like even more.
Thanks for all that you do, and I hope you will get to take a little down time to enjoy another successful book birthday!
wingednike says
Happy book birthday! My digital copy is beckoning but adulting must come first. I should have scheduled my vacation for this week.
Maria says
The only weird stuff in the comments section is the outlandish theories everyone is spewing. I almost died of laughter. Multi comment threads building on each other like a bunch of conspiracy theorists locked into a room together after eating a truck of sugar. I love it!
You people have the best imagination.
Roksy says
It was a great book. I loved it. Now I have the following questions;)
1-I got the book through Kobo. When will you post Arabella’s short story ?
2-What is the name of Rogan ‘s son?James maybe for his grandfather?
3- In the last scene I am wondering why the great grand mother wanted to see the child? Who is the old man with her? Please let us know they will not harm the baby!
Paula says
I’ve been impatiently waiting for Emerald Blaze to come out. The story and romance were great and I loved the fact that Catalina and Alessandro got to work out their issues and come to an understanding. Also I kind of like the water mage actor for Arabella, just saying.
Thanks for the great read and I can’t wait for the next!!
Patricia Schlorke says
I want to say thank you, Ilona and Gordon for the dedication page. When I saw it this morning, it almost made me cry. Your books and short stories help all of us during a dark and crazy time. Please take time for yourself.
I work for a healthcare system in the DFW area. My department doesn’t work with patients. However my boss and clinical co-workers have to go through vent COVID-19 patient charts and report the data to the State. It drains them, but they have other work to do. My work is keeping track of all things federal reporting and policy. This time of year is crazy for me.
Again thank you for all you do. ????
MJ says
Thank you for a delightful read!
Leena says
A fabulous read – thank you so SO much!! A bright spot in the gloom of 2020.
Good luck with zoom and the virtual book tour – just assume that we’re all really (like, really, *really*) interested in what you have to share and excited about the book ???? Can’t wait for the Arabella short story!
kommiesmom says
Fabulous as always!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Sara says
I bought a copy from Bank Square Books and it said they ran out of signed book plates. Do know if you will be doing any future events with mail out signatures for those who are unable to attend in person tours (post Covid of course). Can’t wait for my copy it to arrive, plate or no!
CL Lockhart says
Love love love Emerald Blaze! Still hanging in there to figure out who the mystery woman is! Finished it while I prepared for the hurricane
YJ says
Also that “old man” is totally Linus, I’m calling it.
Linda says
No I think it’s the keeper of records.
Amanda says
Do you have a theory why? I also thought it could be Linus. He has to be somehow related, if not via Victoria than possibly Grandma Frida? She is very flirty with him, which could mean there was something there. Also Alessandro realized and said he was an idiot for not figuring it out earlier… In this case the keeper of records wasn’t even in the picture.
On the side note though, both the keeper of records and his assistant have weird and incredible powers. I fear their ‘favor’ from Nevada for sparing Victoria
Terrsa says
Totally Linus and I think Victoria is working undercover. Would be cool.
Great series and wonderful book.
JLee says
Melissa says
Just finished reading. I do not have the right words to perfectly describe how much I enjoyed this book. Another brilliant star in your universe of book stars.
Bookworm says
Absolutely loved it and the short story! Thank you for this piece of joy in the midst of all the other crap going on. Also, will we be able to buy the short story to have and keep for our very own?
Rebecca says
About half way through Emerald Blaze (had to work today) and it is GREAT. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us!
Tamara says
I loved every word! I’m going to read it again tomorrow and then read the entire series in order. The epilogue was amazing!
Lea says
Just this minute finished the book. I couldn’t put it down! Now that I am done, I have to say that you really know how to craft a cliff hanger.
Thank you for your most excellent book. Now I am going to bed so that I can get up early tomorrow and listen to the audio book again, just in case I missed something the first time around.
Lynn Thompson says
Thank you, Ilona Andrews. I appreciate the update. I ordered book from Amazon so I will look forward to Blog release of short story.
I figured you would be business with the weather drama in Gulf of Mexico.
Thank you for the post.
Maryann Dreiling says
Just finished EB. It was as good as I expected it to be. Thank you for another few hours of escapism…so desperately needed what with insane politics, pandemic, and wildfires. Wish I didn’t read so fast…
Linda says
Thank you.i spent some of today with my daughter we both read EB last night. We laughed whilst talked about our favorite parts ie the whole book.
Melissa says
Just finished reading this book. It was awesome! Thank you! Left some questions but that just means I will definitely be looking forward to the next book!
Wiedźma_florentyna says
Oh oh oh
Now I want the next book like right NOW!
I’ve got to know how it all unfolds in the end.
Why does the release process take sooo looong ?!
So many wonderful tibits and clues dropped in …
[little whiny sounds]
I think I feel like Bug right now, waiting it’s going to kill me
Amanda says
Amazing book! So enthralling! I couldn’t sleep at all until I’ve read it. You guys are completely out of this world!
njb says
Stayed up until 4 reading Emerald Blaze after it dropped into my kindle. Fell asleep just before I finished it, but woke up at 8 and did that. Definitely worth being slightly tired all day! Another incredibly satisfying story. And the Arabella point of view short was really fun. Looking forward to rereading them this coming weekend.
Thank you!
Karen T says
I have made a serious mistake. I opened Emerald Blaze when I woke up “just to take a quick look”. Now I’m up to Chapter 4 amd I’m afraid I might die from how good it is. Also, I have to stop reading in about a half hour to get ready for work, and I’m not sure that I can. Pray for me.
Ms. Kim says
Epilogue – I’m pretty sure not the Rogans’ baby?
Cam says
Loved it thank you. I hope it’s a massive success for you. So looking forward to the next story – also Cool Aunt when it’s available where I am. And Thomas Bubba Bruce? Out loud? Titter? Oh I did indeed.
LauraKC says
Just finished your book – so tired after staying up late and getting up early. Your book was really awesome, and I love how much the characters have grown and changed. I will be reading it again very soon! Will be on today’s virtual event, and I have to say, while there haven’t been many highlights due to COVID, being able to attend a session will be one. I’ve been looking forward to this so much!
Kathi Moran says
Just finished the new book! Thank you for another great story! Enjoyed it immensely!
Jessica says
Love, love, love! Took a vacation day for the read because I knew I’d be up the night once it hit my Kindle. And the next read. And another read. Did I say how much I loved this book?
Alexandra says
Just finished the book, kindle version and SO glad I purchased a paperback to get Arabella’s short story !! I was wondering at the cliffhanger !?!??! Yea! Great job House Andrews!
Chloe says
Happy Book Birthday! Thank you both and your family for making our lives brighter!
Also, loved loved loved the new book and loving the Ryder chapters.
Caroline Barton says
Emerald Blaze was wonderful! I loved every minute of reading it. Thank you for your wonderful stories!
Jemsann says
On my re-read already, thank you for the amazing story!!
About Regina Taft, who is she related to? Can’t remember and it’s driving me bonkers 🙁
Lisa says
Regina is Patricia’s wife
Byron Matthews says
I just finished Emerald Blaze and the short story. Wow! Wow! Wow!. This book is fantastic. I loved every bit of it. Well done. Thanks for another great book.
Rohaise says
Happy book birthday. Trying to read slowly……
Mer says
Hi, for anyone who ordered from Malaprops and didn’t get an email (like me), when you go into your Malaprops account, in the order notes from the original order, there is a link to the webpage for the cool aunt. I didn’t previously have an account and had to request a password.
Patti says
Knocked another one out of the park! Thank you!
And thank you for the short story!!! I was freaking out when I finished EB!
Theresa says
Book was AMAZING!! I loved the development of Alessandro and Catalina!
Cathleen says
Hi ????
Happily reading away my new Emerald Blaze; yay ????..
Twitter interrupts “Hurricane Laura category 4 hitting Port Arthur, Texas head on” (and along Louisiana too) and urgent requests for evac. Like right now. Pictures of the storm from space … ???? Woah
Category 4? Oh no..
Next thought: Think we’ve hit 7th level of 2020 Jumanji…
Next thought: my favourite author(s) are in Texas ….
Hey you guys OK?!!
Please stay safe.
Batten down the hatches this one looks bad ????
Yasmin says
Hi, was up till 3a.m. reading this wonderful instalment to the Hidden Legacy series. IA do not disappoint! Thank you!
Mary Terry says
Currently halfway through, but I LOVED this opening to Chapter One:
“Holster your weapons and step away from the monkey!”
trailing wife says
The had to be giggling as they typed that, right?
Dear House Andrews: Emerald Blaze was worth every minute of the wait.
Holly says
Sooooooo satisfying!!!!!! I forced myself to complete hurricane prep before allowing myself a single page, but I just finished the book. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
soupd says
I am beyond frustrated with myself. I signed up for the zoom today, marked it as 5 pm MST. I AM the idiot. I am really glad they opened the waitlist so other people could get in on the call. Hope you all had a good call. Thank you for the book, the blog and doing virtual press tour so all of us can join in.
Jenn says
Loving the read!!! I read last night until my iPad battery died and wouldn’t recharge enough… lol I think I dreamed about it. It’s so intricate with the plot and the Swamp .. actually truly scary.
Awesome reading
Anne says
Such a lovely read!!! My emotions were going up and down with all of the trials the characters were going through. Truly excellent world building, character development, and overall storytelling. What a gift. Thank you!!
Lisa says
Fabulous series! I have anxiety about the baby but hope it is resolved with the Cool Aunt…
My theory,
Older lady is Victoria because Trevor is there
Older man Linus…who is also Ceasar and somehow related to the Baylor sisters..grandfather perhaps
Chemiene says
Thank you so much, it was fantastic!! Am a bit concerned with this hurricane heading in your direction. Please, please be safe…on all fronts.
Renee Auger says
Congratulations! Just bought it and looking forward to reading. Stay safe out there. Laura looks awful
Shannon says
I was also one of the people who went to Barnes & Nobles to ask if they had it early. ???????? I got it Sunday & was done by Monday evening. Loved the whole novel!!
loganbacon says
Ilona and Gordon, I have to know, did you name Cinder after the big grey cat on Facebook? Because it was my vet’s office that saved her, and I’ve met her! She’s the sweetest kitty ever, and she now has the best owner ever! She lives here in my town!
Mary Terry says
This may be your best book yet. Thank you so much. Going over to the spoiler post now.
CharisN says
#1 Best Seller in Romantic Fantasy 10:38 pm 8/26/2020
BonnieB says
Please everyone, stay safe & keep your heads down with the uncoming Hurricane.
Bought & loved the book – reread already a couple of times ….. 🙂
Sarah says
Awsome book! Love this series!
Tijk says
Off topic… Stay safe everyone in Hurricane Laura’s path. Haven’t heard if they’re evacuating Houston, but if so, I hope Grace Draven and everyone else got out in time. It does not sound good for Texas/Louisiana.
Tink says
Oops, mistyped my name. Good luck wishes were from me.
Anne says
I love the book. I love the short story and am so glad I didn’t have to wait! Thank you.
ShellyB says
Happy Book Birthday. So worth the wait. Listened to the audio. Boss kept giving me strange looks when I growled at him for interrupting my listening pleasure. And it truly is a pleasure to listen to their story. Loved it.
Kristin says
I did not think, I could love you guys any more … but then you incorporated an Asian Drama and the fact that Arabella und Catalina use VIKI …. ALL THE LOVE!
Jessica A says
I reactivated my facebook account after a year of abstinence, just so I could watch the facebook live interview. Thank you so much for doing that – it was awesome.
I’m not sure what’s better: “Everyone dies” or “You’re ruining it with science, bro”
???? ???? ???? ???? ????
jenn says
Loved the book.
Hope you’re all faring okay with the Hurricane. And BDH folks in the path of it are also okay.
Rene' says
Just finished Emerald Blaze, I enjoyed it very much. The complexities in all the relationships were spot on. I also enjoyed the final battle, kickass!
Abha Dhupkar says
Loved loved loved the book!! Especially the sisters’ strong bond, Arabella’s not looking at a person “that well”, Nevada’s temporary abilities, Alessandro and Rogan’s communication when Catalina talks to Ravenscroft… on and so forth…..
But frankly, loved cool aunt more…..
Now it is a toss-up between wanting Ryder, the next Catalina Baylor or Nevada’s kid’s book….and am leaning very very strongly towards the kid!!
Susan Burrell says
Really, really enjoyed it… took my mind totally off radiation therapy!!!
Matthew Gregorich says
I had high hopes for this book and it bested all of them. So entertaining. I love the way all of the characters have developed.
Sara B. says
Ilona Andrews Book Releases are excellent for your health! I purchased a fitbit a couple months ago, and noted the following for “book birthday” August 25 …
– lowest resting heart rate I have had since purchase
– sleep score went up to “Good”, from the “Fair” scores the day before & day after.
So obviously the release of an Ilona Andrews book promotes health and wellness. I eagerly look forward to next release estimated for January. Better than a flu shot!
It will be hard to wait for next stories. I am invested in all the series; can’t wait for rest of Blood Heir, want to know what is happening with the siblings of the Inn series, and most of all, all resolution to some of the hints and teasers in the Hidden Legacy worlds.
Janet vA says
Mystery grandpa – it’s the doctor! Immune to Catalina, in cahoots with an unbeguiled nurse, knows about all the grandchildren. But who/what is Trevor?
Keith R Domingue says
Trevor is Grandma T’s personally assistant. He is mentioned a couple/three times in the books. The last time was when Catalina called Grandma to report how her encounter with Albert went.
The prevailing theory is that the mystery grandpa is Linus. (Which probably means it is not.) He fits, except that his magic is not of a siren. Or at least not what we understand a siren’s magic to be. The real Grandpa was excised from the Molpe House, so possible he changed his name. Still, the problem with this theory is his magic. Possible he is being referred to as Grandpa because he is fulfilling the roll of Grandpa and not so much because he is related by blood.
It is also possible that the mystery Grandpa is the sperm donor that we have not actually met yet and is being brought in by Grandma to help Catalina further develop her magic. Araballa would/could have recognized him, because she previously researched him.
JoAnne K says
Imagine my surprise to read that a Golden Lion tamarin is part of this story! I worked with them for years and even traveled to Brazil for 2 weeks to do field work on them. Working my way through the book and waiting to see what else pops up☺️
iread78 says
Loved the book!! I can’t wait to see what happens next!
I’ve been looking but I can’t see if IA have said whether the next book will be from Catalina’s POV or Arabella’s. Does anyone know?
Keith R Domingue says
Each sister is suppose to get three books, so the next book should be Catalina. I suspect that it will feature Arkan, Rogan’s ex-newphew, and tee up Arabella for the following three book series. It wouldn’t surprise me if Grandma T gets put in her place. Not necessarily written out, but neutered in some way so she is less of a threat to the family. In this last book, she has been set up as a foil for Catalina to solve, and I don’t see her dumping it on Arabella. But then again, I am not the author, so who knows.
Dave says
random author question: do presales all get lumped into day 1 sales, or are they counted separately
Ilona says
Random author answer: it depends. Most of the time print stores that do report to Times and USAT will hold sales reporting until the release day, especially if they are asked. However, sometimes the publisher forgets to ask, so Magic Slays happens. It famously hit NYT bestseller list a week before it was officially released. Ruined our bonus.
Dave says
Jana Young says
I loved this one so much. I look forward to anything you guys write. May you always be blessed with words and magic.
Deborah says
Awesome adventure as always. Numerous re-reads always a joy.
A favor, please let someone kill Victoria. Or even better, let her share a cell with Donald Trump!
Thank you for another great book.
sweetfe says
I love the book. You guys are amazing! Thank you!
Jeanelle Cabais says
I preordered Emerald Blaze from Malaprops book store and I never received the short story.
Shellb says
Yay! The Baylors are so fun. Thank you for bringing them to us. Zoom is hard. I feel like the teacher from Ferris Bueller asking questions…
Debie says
Thank you, loved this and going to reread it agsain. Looking forward to the short story ????
Linda D Campbell says
I bought the book for my Kindle. Is there anyway I can read Cool Aunt.
Keith R Domingue says
Cool Aunt is suppose to be posted in a few weeks. A little delayed gratification while waiting for them to finish Ryder.
Padmini Ekbote says
Loved it. Plan to re-read all the Catalina books this weekend. Thank you.
JF says
Hi Andrews team,
I was so happy to receive my REAL book from Houston Blue Willow Bookstore. It looked so cool and I wish I could go there sometime for real. I am reading Emerald Blaze now and again my thanks and admiration for your combined talents. Also love the humor and snark in your blog, always. One thing though, I was disappointed to get my signed copy on a card, not the actual book. It’s a little thing but just wanted to say….. I still love you and look forward to more, more, more.
Roksy says
Hi Again;)
I read the book for the second time. I love the relationship between Rogan and Nevada, Catalina and Alessandro , Runa and Bert. We know Penelope has sergeant Hart. Please find some one great for Grandma Frieda too. She must be feel lonely with so much beautiful relationships around her. I am sure Arabella and Leon will find someone worthy in the next book 🙂
By the way, when is the next book?
I can not wait.
Thank you both.
SunnyD says
I’m in love with this book. It is excellent and delivers on every level thank you so much. Now off to read it again.
Louis Boyle says
Loved the book, like all of them! The characters interact so well (cool surprise with Bern!).
Interesting to note that the Baylor detectives did not manage to detect the Sagredo family’s poverty… when they demonstrated such excellent detecting many other places in the book!
Also interesting to observe how there seem to be no bad guys seeking to redevelop the Osiris serum vs. Stealing it, which is all we see. The back story on the serum has it originally developed in parallel in so many different places (governments…), that it’s hard to imagine someone not redeveloping it from scratch in total secrecy…
Again, love the books, the character surprises, the cliff hanger ending, and bringing Nevada and Connor back in, in a small way.
Can’t wait to see the Xavier, Victoria, Caesar?, baby Rogan threads weave back together in the next book!!!
Thanks again to Ilona & Gordon for the awesome entertaining stories!
Huma says
May the Almighty shower His innumerable blessings on you and yours.. and may the joy you bring to others be returned a hundred times back to you… Aamen
I was so tired after my binge read I went to sleep and had the happy dream that the book hadn’t ended and I had more to read and savour.. woke up to reality and ????… Still I can reread it so yay..
Caitlin says
I just wanted to thank you for your dedication of this book. I am a health care worker and when I saw it I teared up while reading it. It means a lot. Thank you!
Sivi says
Omg omg omg omg just finished the book omg the ending, you’ve hooked me in for the next book as I need to know what happens next….*brain spinning with omg’s and can’t say anything as I don’t think I’m in the spoiler thread and just in case others haven’t finished*!!!!!!
Susie Quinn says
What is ARC, and I did not see the post about Arabella’s story until I saw this on the website. I don’t have a digital book. Is there a way to read it in a paperback?
Martha Branch says
My sister is a voracious reader of romance books, you and your husband are one of her favorite writing teams). She is blind and gets her books either through Audible or Bard (Braille and Audio Reading download) and is salivating for anything new, like The Cool Aunt. If you can advise us when it’s available, that would be great!
Hope to hear from you soon!
Nellie M. Carter, for Martha M. Branch
If you can inform us when
Phyllis Young says
will there be more hidden legacy book? i mean it looks like the evil g’mother snatched her grandson, even though she had said she did not consider him to be one of hers, i guess when she found out that he wasn’t a dud, she accepted him and acted. so are you going to continue the series like the others , inquiring minds just want to know.
Tara says
Victoria tremaine needs to go. Just saying. Also can someone confirm for me that nevadas baby is ok?
Tara says
Im so happy for catalina that alessandro is excised!!! Lol!!! It works in her favour???? also!!! Is nevadas baby put back?!!! Does victoria run off with him or switch him or something!!!! DOES ANYONE KNOW I CANT TAKE THE PRESSURE!!!!
Kether Williams says
Linus is the head Prime of house Duncan that means there has to be at least two primes and his house how can he be excised from a Greek house since he as been a prime long enough to be head of the Prime Senate the most powerful man in Texas?
Hrefna says
Greetings from Iceland!
Belated congratulations on your book birthday, and many many thanks for hours and hours and them some more hours of reading courtesy of your esteemed House!
I was pointed your way a few years back when I broke my ankle and had to while away 10 weeks on the sofa. Happily, Kate Daniels was exactly what my brain needed, and since then I’ve happily gobbled up just about everything else you’ve put out.
I thoroughly enjoyed Emerald Blaze, so much so that I’ve just finished re-reading the entire Hidden Legacy catalog… including Emerald Blaze, just to enjoy the callback tidbits with extra freshness!
Thank you for all that you do, you seem like a shining beacon of decency in a world seemingly gone bonkers.
Jenn says
Another great book! Thank you. Question I just reread the entire series and in Burn For Me it mentioned another sibling in House Pierce that worked for the military? Did I miss an explanation for him- was he not a Prime? Also, it mentioned in the beginning that Gavin had a brother and a sister? But they were not mentioned in Diamond Fire? Thank you!