Hi everyone, Mod R here.

I bring you goodies, and not the fuzzy eight-legged type like Ilona did in the previous post hehe.
As most of you know, after the huge success of their Innkeeper Chronicles releases, Graphic Audio are now working on full-cast adaptations of the Kate Daniels series.
I’m excited to share with you an exclusive blog sample of their version of Magic Bites. It’s not just *any* excerpt either, they know how to make us happy: it’s the beginning of the classic Here Kitty Kitty fan-fave. Unicorn Lane awaits!
This is complete and delightful blog bonus- the official sample uploaded on the pre-order page is a different scene- Kate interrogating Corwin.
I know you’ll want links: Magic Bites and Magic Burns are already up for preorder on the GA websites. Magic Bites is also already up on most third party retailers’ websites. Look for the tell-tale “dramatized adaptation” next to the title in order to tell it apart from the traditional one-narrator audiobook on your favorite audiobook supplier catalogue.
PS: Speaking of the success of the GA Innkeeper adaptations, the Audie Awards 2023 are taking place tonight, and Graphic Audio version of Clean Sweep is nominated in the Best Audio Drama category. Keep your fingers crossed for House Andrews and Nora’s team!
Yaaaay!! Thank you!
Welcome back, Mod R!!
Thank you for the goodies ????????
And keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for Clean Sweep!!
Go, go,go! ????
yey… waiting for it to come out
I was just going to ask you how they did in the awards. One more day to find out.
Loved it! Can’t wait to hear it in it’s entirety! I loved the voices!
One of a kind! Good luck at Audies tonight!
Good luck tonight! Thank you for the snippet of Magic Bites, makes me want to reread it. ????
Thanks for sharing this! It’s amazing! I love Curran’s voice.
Also, I am super frustrated because I cannot find the GA version of Magic Bites available for purchase in Overdrive Marketplace. Have any other librarians of the horde found it?
I’ll ask GA about it ????, Innkeeper was available so there’s prob just a small delay with Magic Bites.
Thanks, ModR. I have been checking for 3 months and it has never appeared.
I never knew about the “month after” system. I will keep my post-it note up and keep checking.
I do appreciate you sharing anything you discover. As always, ModR, you’re the best!
I heard from GA and the KD adaptations will be sent to library systems about 1-2 weeks before release.
So most likely next week you will be able to order it ????
If your library has Overdrive, they probably also have Hoopla. Hope they do. The GA versions have definitely been appearing in Hoopla. Would be great if it appeared both places.
yippee! GA audiobooks have me sooooooo spoiled! Sweep of the Blade was my first, and everything seems soooooooo flat…..
Everything crossable is crossed!!
Mod R – color me greedy, do we know if GA will go back and finish the InnKeeper Series?
And – welcome back!
GA haven’t yet purchased the rights for Sweep of the Heart, so it’s not on their schedule ????. Given the nominations and success, I don’t think we have reason to worry though.
They’re super forging ahead with Kate, I think the aim is to have a release every other month (!!) so time is what’s in shortest supply!
woooow. yeeessss pleeeaaaaaseeee!
“How many times have you listened to the sample?”
Me: “Yes”
???? same!
:)))) +1
Very nice, thank you. Great voices!
Ran to GA website to preorder Magic bites… I already did????
Yea! I forgot about the audio awards. Keeping the fingers crossed! And many thanks for the preview from Magic Bites. Fun!
Phooey, just looked at Audie results and “we” didn’t win. Also I really like Curran’s voice. Really. Might have to break down and try another GA. This little snippet didn’t have so much background noise that it annoyed me.
Thanks to GA for the awesome audio snippet! Pre-ordered as soon as I could so I’m all set there!
“I think the aim is to have a release every other month”. ????
Oops! Forgot to say all the best for the Audie Awards! ????
I’m excited about this release and can’t wait to see what GA does with the various characters.
While Renee Raudman has many strengths (snark, personality, and internal dialog) she’s really bad with pronunciation and accents.
i really like the voice actress for Kate
Having grown up in the Midwest (USA), I read with that (non)accent. First time I heard Nevada and Dina, I was thrown off kilter a little. I got use to it but I’m not gonna lie, I’m happy that Kate doesn’t have a southern twang. (Andrea? Bring it on!). And, Curran…what a voice!
Also from the Midwest here and I thought she had a slight Southern accent! Just goes to show that we all hear differently. ???? (And to be completely honest, my hearing is terrible, so I may not have heard correctly!)
Love their choices of narrators, especially Curran! ????
Yay for special bonus excerpts! ????
Oh my goodness!
This is exactly what I imagined Curran to sound like. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you!
Oh my, I cannot wait to hear the whole thing! That really is the best sample!
That was the perfect snippet! Looking forward to listening to the whole book.
Way to go on the Audie nomination. I am glad your work and partnerships are getting recognized.
Awesome!!!! I loved the audiobook series for Kate Daniels and loved the dramatized innkeeper chronological so can’t wait to hear the dramatization of Magic Bites so excited!!!
Can’t wait for the GAs!!!
I love the GA adaptations so far, the nomination was well deserved! Sweep with Me is my favorite so far ❤ I can’t wait for Kate’s to come out.
That was perfect! I am sooooo looking forward to devouring it!!
THIS IS GOING TO BE SO AWESOME! I have preorder Magic Bites and will now do the same with Magice burns! Wahoo! Also thanks for turning me on to GA, I have found some pretty cool stories on there that i have then gone and purchased the books as well!
I imagine a board room full of people at GA after seeing the numbers for the first Innkeeper series. Looking at each other going we thought this would be good but omg where did all these order comes from??BDH screams GIVE US THE PRETTY!
Fixed ????
Thank you!!
Crap didn’t meant to leave my email address under the name file!!
Ah! I was so worried I wouldn’t like Curran’s voice. NO NEED. He sounds purrrfect.
I see what you did there! ????????
I think I just got a goosebump!
The voices are perfect!
Thank you
love kitty kitty 😀
Aw, they didn’t win the Audie Awards. They’ll win next year!
I came here first to see and was just about to go Google it. Thanks for posting the answer! Too bad we couldn’t vote on it!
I’m very curious to hear Jim’s smooth voice! And Doolittle’s Georgia accent, Andrea’s Texas drawl ! (in short I wanna hear all the voices lol)
Me too, I can’t wait ????. Although we’ll have to wait a bit longer for Andrea.
No swearing!!
Keeping my fingers crossed
Oh, man! ::happy claps:: It’s pretty obvious what I will be devoting my Audible credits to for the next while. Better start saving them now! haha!
Yaaaay! I loooooveeeee the voices!
Love it, can’t wait!
This is only kinda attached but didn’t we have a short story or snippet of how Elara was created? I can’t find it and I don’t believe my imagination is that good. If anyone remembers where to find it or if I have finally lost my mind that would be awesome. Thanks
Hi Brandi,
You have not lost your mind! There was indeed a snippet shared of Elara’s childhood a couple of years ago. It has since been archived and is no longer available, but we will likely encounter its edited and finalised form in the next Iron Covenant book 🙂 .
Thank you at least I haven’t lost my mind lol.
Sounds great!
Love the covers as well – beautiful images!
They’re the covers of the French editions of KD! 😀 House Andrews knows how much the fans prefer them!
Fantastic, I used to listen to Audio tapes of books when driving over the road (20 years worth), that clip is fantastic.
Holy Shit! That’s incredible! can’t wait to go download that. Here Kitty Kitty. yes!!!!
😀 Fun! Thank you for that.
Wow. This was good. It gave me the emotional impact I am sometimes reading too quickly to absorb enough. I haven’t gotten into the graphic audio yet, too much life, but that will have to change.
I love what Graphic Audio does to their versions of books. I enjoyed the heck out of Innkeeper Chronicles and look forward to the Kate Daniels books.
I don’t usually buy the dramatized versions. But I must say, this is well done. Especially the tumbling on her butt part. A nice muffled sound, not quite a thump that goes well with the dramatic music and the claws on the floor.
nice!! am I the only one who thought Kate sounded a bit like Dina and a bit like Maud?
I listen to the GA Innkeeper all the time, so was just momentarily disoriented…
Then I realized, it’s Dina’s voice with Maud’s personality!
(Maud is a lot more like Kate :D)
I really like GA dramatized versions and would pre-order anything by House Andrews but what I ordered directly from GA it won’t run on my Fire, I have to order from Audible and it works just fine. I don’t mind the wait (BDH withdrawal notwithstanding) I just hope they will run the whole Kate series.
OOOOOOOOHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYY GODDDDDDDD!!!!! I just got chills the entire length of my body and tears in my eyes listening to the clip you shared Mod R! Thank you so much, IT’S SO GOOD!!!!!! (capitals and exclamation marks intentional). I am beyond excited. P.S. Welcome back Mod R 🙂
And what a choice bite it is! I can’t wait to hear the full story!????????
OMG: Next time a do a re-read, I will now have voices to go with the characters.
Oh my goodness!!! Curran’s voice is sooooo nice, it’s the same I hear in my head while reading ????
I paused listening to the GraphicAudio of One Fell Sweep to listen to this. Dina and Kate sound so similar but there are different voice actors credited which tripped me up.
They are doing an awesome job with these and I’m hooked.
Can’t wait!
It’s the same actor ????, Nora Achrati (also known professionally as Sofyan). You can read an interview with her on the process of adapting dramatised audiobooks here https://ilona-andrews.com/2023/guest-interviews-graphic-audio/
Thank you!!!!
That snippet is so awesome. Thank you for sharing.
That’s not Renee Raudman’s voice, but it sounds familiar…
Who is it? ????
Never mind! ???????????? I need to learn to read others comments before posting my questions. ????
Nora Sofyan (Achrati)- she has narrated Sweep of the Heart, which is where you may know her from ????
This is the dramatised adaptation by Graphic Audio, not the one narrator traditional audiobook with Renee Raudman ????.
Already preordered on Audible and upset I can’t preorder the next one yet. I didn’t even check the snippet first. I just know it’s going to be amazing.
When will Magic Claims be available to recommend on library2go?
Hi Stevie,
In order to appear on systems, Magic Claims has to have an ISBN number, which cannot be obtained until the final manuscript exists ???? (which is does not yet).
Soon, but we’ll have to have a bit more patience!
I will try, very hard. But it is so hard! I love this new life stage of Kate and the family.
Thank you!!! I cannot wait!!
This is going to be Awesome!
Now we need Curran POV audio!
The Curran POVs will be included – each with the book they correspond to ????
At the end of Magic Bites we’ll get Curran Unicorn Lane, at the end of Magic Burns we’ll have Soup etc ????
Well that’s fun! I can see buying GA just to get those.
good ????
Yes, fan favorite. Seriously, one of my two favorite scenes since LoTR (the other is from Wen Spencer’s Tinker-verse, the intro to the first Pittsburgh Backyard & Garden story).
I think of this any time I think of stuff I love, and cackle. I have both the paper and the original audio version of this book, but this version also sounds absolutely awesome!!
Rereading Ruby Fever and one thought comes up. You show us the scorpions that visit your home How come no scorpions ever visit the Legacy families?
Most scorpions prefer hot and dry. There is one species found in Houston and coastal that prefers cool and wet. East TX is certainly wet anyway lol. My folks lived in that area for over 50 years without ever running into one, so I really don’t think they’re very common. Unlike central or south Texas! HA lives in an area noted for them, I’d say. I’ve not seen any in Austin in the 26 years I’ve lived here now. But I had a house in Corpus Christi umpteen years ago and that whole neighborhood was noted for them too.
Oh, is it me or is it the same reader as the Innkeeper Chronicles? When I hear this voice, I see Dina not Kate!
Ok, that excerpt was excellent. I wasn’t sure about the voices but as it went on, I really appreciated them. I wasn’t interested in graphic audio before, but I sure am now.
I can’t find House Andrews post that included mango pico de gallo recipe! I was keeping it open and I had a crash and lost it. Can I have a link, Mod R? Please!
Of course, here it is 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/its-thursday-yay/
I’ll email it to you too, just in case it’s a culinary emergency 😀
I could not sign in to Audible fast enough to pre-order the dramatized adaption. I’m currently listening to The Innkeeper Chronicles again, they are by far my favorite audiobooks. I’m so excited for this!
I love it!
I can’t wait. Gonna preorder the crap out of these.
I already pre-ordered and am counting the days!????????????
that is one of the last spider lords from betalganela 4!
I read your first for books on Readict .. in the same Innkeepers series. Loved so much I wanted more .. they ended with such mystery .. I can’t wait so I ordered them in Amazon. Your amazing writer thank you for your sharing your gift freely.
The graphic sound is so vivid I love this sound sample
OHHHHHH the narrator is GREAT!!!<3 <3 so much excitement
I’ve never been interested in audiobooks since I like reading in my own voice (and I read much faster than listening to someone read for me) but the graphic audio sample for Magic Bites is super interesting! Particularly really like Curran’s voice because that’s how I imagined him to be in my head. Super excited to try this title and experience the book in a totally different way! 😀