This is just a quick note to let you know that we are working through your emails. Right now it’s a trying time for everyone, and a lot of the emails we get reflect that. They require a little extra care in replies. Some of you are very concerned about our health so behold, the gloriously exciting (not) update on the state of Chateau Andrews.
Sheltering in place since: March 9th. Haven’t killed each other yet.
Number of trips outside – other than walking – made by Kid 1: About 5.
Number of trips outside – other than walking – made by Gordon and me: 1. I deeply regret it, too. The pool is turning green so we did a pick up order for pool salt and water softener salt from Lowe’s. We got a text, “Come and get your order. It’s ready.” We thought it would be like Sams, where we pulled to the curb and the staff gave you your purchases. Nope. I get there, there is no curbside pick up. I go in. Nobody is wearing masks except for me, the poor Customer Service rep, and a pregnant couple next to me. You are pregnant, why are both of you in the store? There is one person in front of me, and it takes them 10 minutes to get to me, then they can’t find the order for 10 minutes, then they wave at the entrance and tell me, “Salt is over there.” It was so bad, Gordon came into the store looking for me. And then Lowe’s sent me a survey and I was mad enough that I, in the words of Kid 1, left them a strongly worded comment. This is not the fault of employees, who are doing the best they can. This is a management issue. If the order isn’t ready and in the cart, the system should NOT send a notification to the customer to come get it. So if there is COVID in that store, I got it. We will know for sure that we are good on April 22nd.
Number of K-dramas and C-dramas watched: You don’t want to know.
Things my husband says while I watch K and C-dramas: How can they not know she is a woman? How can he not know she is not a robot? How they can’t know that he is the secret Chinese ninja? His hair is the same.
Bread loaves baked: 10.
Supplies we have ran out of that unexpectedly made me feel sad: scented wax cubes. I ordered more.
Surprising things I learned in lock down: my sewing machine broke and I had no idea.
Load of groceries disinfected with chlorine spray: 8. While I am on this subject, it is perfectly okay to spray things with diluted chlorine spray, however please do not spray produce with it. And please don’t use dish soap to wash it either. Just a good old fashioned rinse in the sink and air dry is good enough.
Current cases of coronavirus in our county: 89. Current sick people: 65. In our city: 28.
We are staying home. Today is the day we figure out which project we will be working on next. Right now Iron Covenant 2 is on the table, but that may change.
Much love to all of you. Take care. (Which you are obviously doing.)
Thank you for posting these blogs. Even if it’s just stuff about your life, or about knitting projects (the yarn is so pretty!). I check in with you folks every day. Sometimes more. Huge stress relief.
Rereading all the old books of yours that I have on hand. Others on order.
Same as above; am reading Kate Daniels at the moment as it us the only thing that gives me a brain holiday from Covid. Here in the UK lockdown is still going strong. Hope everyone reading this stays safe and well!
Ditto to all of this, including re-reading all of your books. ????
How about a TV script if things are too dark in your writing right now? Set in KD world, Austin, TX, or something else similar. Lots of shows are getting dumped because of a lack of fan follow-through. You guys have both a fantasy and romance following…
Oh! Oh! Movie script for Of Swine and Roses!! The first time I read it I thought it should be a movie.
If I ever see a movie producer I recognize I am going to pitch that short story for a frothy, funny, teen movie for summer.
In lock down since March 23 (east side of Washington State). Leave the house to shop/ get take out about once a week. I wouldn’t go out that much, but we keep needing prescriptions picked up. ,
The confirmed case count is 381 for Benton& Franklin County. Which i think is low.
I too count my blessings. We are safe, warm, fed and have TV and knitting. I hope everyone does well, and that they stay healthy.
And as always, you write it, I will buy it!
Yes! A thousand times! I would love that!
Agree, thank you for posting this, America sounds like a scary place right now and it’s good to hear you are well! Lockdown life is hard work, such a weird combination of boring, peaceful and incredibly stressful all at once. I made the tactical error of rereading all your books in January when I was freaking out about the Australian bushfires and climate stuff (I live in NZ, but if I’d predicted COVID I would have saved the reread!) so now I’m reading romances as I can’t risk anything with a less than happy ending right now. Also thank you for all the snipnets you’ve been posting, they are fantastic and always arrive when I need a pick-me-up! Your books are always one of my happy places.
Write all the projects on pieces of paper, throw them down the stairs and see which lands closest to you? Or hunger games approach: put them all in a fish bowl and pick one? Anything you (plural) choose will be greatly appreciated.
Sigh, it is a long, long time until August & Emerald Blaze.
On the next project, since you did bring it up. . . Ry Dur,,,Ry Dur,,, Ry Dur,,, Ry Dur
I am grateful. I tell myself I am lucky every day. But staying at home is very challenging all around. And God bless every single essential worker from the grocery store to the hospital!
I hope everyone at Casa Andrews stays healthy and mostly sane! Thanks for the update and happy writing on whatever project you decide on.
Glad you are taking care of yourself and your family is well.
Good Luck! I am waiting on elastic to make some masks. Easter was strange as we usually host a big family gathering here. But we decided that this year we will host a big party this summer to bring everyone together.
I keep telling myself I am blessed as we are all still healthy, when they start sucking up my oxygen. ????
I really like the mask design that uses long straps at top and bottom instead of the elastic over-ear loops. Just an idea!
I did make some like that, I used some grosgrain ribbon that I had leftover from Christmas. My sister would like some for her kids to use that they could take on and off themselves.
The mother of a person who lives with us sent cotton masks she made in Texas with long ties on the top and bottom of the sides that would tie in the back. Totally agree that would be more comfortable than elastic around ears though I read an article about a plastic piece with hooks that can extend the elastic beyond the backs of ears and be secured around the back of the head. Been seeing many patterns, but wonder what materials would actually be the most effective protection.
Thank you for the update! You don’t want to know how many shows I’ve binge-watch in the last month -__-
So glad you are all doing OK. It’s crazy now. I’m teaching on Zoom and confusing the cats. Have joined the sourdough craze and now have “the blob” which must be feed, along with the cats. Actually made english muffins the other day. Too cool! I don’t mind having to stay home, but an kind of frustrated at not being able to leave the city. I miss traveling now when it’s so nice outside.
This blog is my break time. It’s a little scary how often I refresh to read the comments and enjoy the BDH. Thanks for all you do!!!
I am really looking forward to Iron Covenant 2 but is there room on the table for Ryder 1? ????
I hope this will cheer you; a friend sent it and I enjoyed it greatly.
My Self-Isolation Quarantine Diary:
Day 1 – I Can Do This!! Got enough food and wine to last a month!
Day 2 – Opening my 8th bottle of Wine. I fear wine supplies might not last
Day 3 – Strawberries: Some have 210 seeds, some have 235 seeds. Who Knew??
Day 4 – 8:00pm. Removed my Day Pajamas and put on my Night Pajamas.
Day 5 – Today, I tried to make Hand Sanitizer. It came out as Jello Shots!!
Day 6 – I get to take the Garbage out. I’m So excited, I can’t decide what to wear.
Day 7 – Laughing way too much at my own jokes!!
Day 8 – Went to a new restaurant called “The Kitchen”. You have to gather all the ingredients and make your own meal. I have No clue how this place is still in business.
Day 9 – I put liquor bottles in every room. Tonight, I’m getting all dressed up and going Bar hopping.
Day 10 – Struck up a conversation with a Spider today. Seems nice. He’s a Web Designer.
Day 11 – Isolation is hard. I swear my fridge just said, “What the hell do you want now?”
Day 12 – I realized why dogs get so excited about something moving outside, going for walks or car rides. I think I just barked at a squirrel.
Day 13 – If you keep a glass of wine in each hand, you can’t accidently touch your face.
Day 14 – Watched the birds fight over a worm. The Cardinals led the Blue Jays 3–1.
Day 15 – Anybody else feel like they’ve cooked dinner about 395 times this month?
Hahah this is amazing!
Smiling here and shaking my head. Really needed that. There are still clever people out there — somewhere.
Laughed so hard, made me cry thank you. I needed that!
Made my day!!!
Very funny, thank you !!
Chuckling through the list.
I am on intimate terms with my kitchen, though.
THANK YOU! I’m laughing so loud my husband is shooting baleful glances my way.
Thank you ! I laughed so hard I scared Little Cat. This blog is a lifesaver. Everyone be safe. Costco seems to be doing the best job of protecting people in Ft. Worth. I was there 3 weeks ago, and they already had early hours for seniors, were limiting the number of customers in stores, every other register was closed and the had marked the floor to keep carts 6 feet apart.
Always a pleasure to hear from you. Much gratitude for the snippets and the humor! And solidarity for the frustration.
Loving the snippets and glad you’re healthy and safe so far. Looking forward to whatever your Authorships present to us next. Hang in there – the siege has to end sometime, and thank God there are jesters aplenty to entertain us all in our castles (looking at you, Tiger King)
I’ve been a shut in for over 2 years. Nothing much changed for me. It’s nice to have my husband working from home, he says it may become a permanent gig, since his team has been able to do better work this way. It’s a welcome ray of light.
We’re both reading series start to finish. Right now we’re reading the Kitty Norville series by Carrie Vaughn. I’m looking forward to the new JIm Butcher and we finished Smoke BItten by Patricia Briggs the same day.
Neither one of us can get into the K or C dramas though. We’re boring.
Hope things go well and everyone stays healthy.
So glad the big “V” hasn’t struck you or the rest of the family. Prayers that if you have it, you are asymptomatic. Thank you for keeping the BDH in your thoughts which you have because you keep posting and that makes us happy. My husband and oldest son are EMTs, so I’m assuming the virus will at least pass through our household. Trying not to dwell on that fact too much and your posts help with that. Much love and gratefulness.
I’m a Lowes employee in Georgia and I apologize for what you experienced. No we have no masks for ourselves. I’m under quarantine myself for being high risk and symptomatic. We have procedures for any emergency you can imagine. Somebody will be looking at our shortcomings and addressing how we will do better. Again please accept my apologies.
Ellen, please don’t apologize. It wasn’t employee’s fault at all. That poor woman was trying to process all pick up orders herself with a homemade mask and she was overweight enough to be considered high risk. They need to fix their notification system, because it’s not safe for anyone.
Until you get the proper masks, a short term solution could be folded paper towels or paper napkins , which you can staple rubber bands at the two ends to hold in place. Short- term quick solution if you cannot sew (like me) because once it gets damp or wet you must discard. Advantage is quick and easy to make with simple household or office supplies and you can make as many as you need quickly. Please stay safe
Today is my 22nd day of quarantine and I went out once to buy food. Number of people infected in my area is about 50-100 thousand. Hello from NYC!! I keep watching all the shows from cbs all access , so far so good. I hope you stay safe and healthy
Thank you for the update! Please stay as safe as you can.
My request is that someday, whenever it’s convenient, that you give us a little more about the parents DeMille. But, quite frankly, I’m grateful for anything you write!
I too hope for news of les parents Demille.
The SF Bay Area, including the Valley of Heart’s Delight, was among the first to enter shelter-in-place. Lost track of when that was.
Most of the last few days have been spent with Innkeepers or their loved ones.
Our Easter was lonely but at least there was food. I too am rereading KD. I have only gone to the grocery store but it is an adventure. Crawling out predawn to go during the elderly times. That doesn’t help the ego. Gearing up and then ungearing in the basement. I often wonder what the other side will look like. As long as the herd doesn’t panic we will make it. Looking forward to what ever your next project is.
Last year I decided to make some heat packs (the ones with feed corn). Figured it’d be a nice easy sewing project to teach my kids. Got all the supplies purchased. Grabbed sewing machine. All ready to go right? Nope sewing machine was broken. We figured it had happened during our move… 4 years ago. So I get it.
What K- dramas and C-Dramas have you liked recently?? I just got sucked into this world on Netflix and love it! I just finished Because This is My First Life and Cinderella and The 4 Knights and i loved both of them. Crash Landing is next but looking for recommendations!
Finished Crash Landing and it’s amazing!
Yay! There are so many to choose from I’m having a hard time deciding!
We are in the process of moving our life into a storage unit. This means we are horrible at the whole stay home order. Once every eight or nine days for groceries. Daily walks with the dog to keep the husband and child #1 alive. I really cannot wait for this to be over.
You can rinse vegetables and fruit in a solution of water and vinegar. It has the added benefit of extending the shelf life of the fruit. I usually prep a bowl of water with a bit of vinegar and soak the fruit and vegetables in it while I’m putting other things away. Then I rinse them well, set them on a dish towel to air dry before putting them away.
Same, we’ve done it this way since I was a kid! Even for frest fruit off the tree!
Uplift for the 2 of you? 71yo hubby whose read nothing but repair manuals most of his life, read first 3 chapters of 1st HL books and was totally hooked on your writing. Wants it all now. His bdays approaching & I’ll have to get him his own E-reader. (He has my old iPad but steals my new one occasionally as I have books on different platforms that the old iPad doesn’t have.) You fan base has expanded by one but suspect there’s lots more.
Stay well ! I just re-read Swwep of the Blade. It was the third or fourth time. The ending left many questions…. curious mi d wonders when we will find out about Klaus’ visit and Mauds wedding. No pressure. Just curious.
I love the Kate Daniels, Innkeepers, and Hugh’s books. Hope to see more of all of them.
Joanna , like you I am curious about Maud’s wedding. Will Dina and Sean be there ? What does Klaus want ? I would love to see them all together at Maud’s wedding. Just imagine how excited Helen will be to have an uncle as well as an aunt. Perhaps Sean’s parents could move in to the Inn to keep Caldenia company and our favourite Red Cleaver chef could supervise the catering! No pressure. Just curious.
Oooh, now you’re talking! Since Klaus can’t go back to earth until his Arbitration term is over (minimum 20 yrs), the only way he and Dina could talk easily is when visiting Maude. They can setup a meet in Baharchar, to keep updating each other, but… eh. Sorry. I just reread SOTB, and Klaus is pinging for me. Love whatever you all write. And thank you!
thank you for the update! i’m outside of Chicago, and on day 30 of my captivity.
my birthday was Saturday, and I baked my own birthday cake and made buttercream frosting, and then let my enthusiastic 6 year old decorate it. OMG. there were SO MANY SPRINKLES that cutting the cake sounded like walking across snow pack – very crunchy.
but i’m usually traveling for work, and therefore alone in a hotel room on my birthday, so this was better than expected.
so, all’s relatively well here!
Happy belated birthday! ????????????
We first went in to lockdown at mine on March 19th. I live with my parents, and my dad had woken up that morning with a temperature. No testing available, but we’re pretty sure he had it, although he did not develop any chest symptoms or cough at all. Mum and I both managed to stay healthy. After that 2 weeks, I went back to work. I work as a groom at a riding centre and although we’re closed, the horses still need checking. There’s 4 of us working a rota of 1 or 2 days a week. It’s great, we go, walk the fields, check them all, give them cuddles and scratches and go home. Except the guy I’ve been buddying up with woke with a temperature today. I last saw him Friday. No contact but…yeah. going to be watchful. I am by the UK standard classed as ‘vulnerable’ and probably shouldn’t be making grocery runs, and should probably be leaving it to mum to make the runs for the bits we can’t order in. But honestly, here, it’s been so well organized in the supermarkets that I feel safe going and it makes shopping soooo pleasant!! Normally I hate shopping. Too many people, too much crowding, stupid queues. Now, it’s quiet, everyone is polite and gives you plenty of space. I want it to always be like this for food shopping!
Mostly I’ve stayed sane by developing a new routine which includes exercise, weeding the garden (I’m a great plant killer, not so much with making plants grow…) And limiting my news and social media time!
But I can’t read. Well, I can read a bit, but my concentration sucks. Especially for anything new. I’ve been rereading Kate and just finished Iron and Magic. That’s been pretty blissful. But where I can normally read a book like that in a day, especially when not working, it’s taking me a week or more.
I’m taking a million and one photos too. Of the little things making me happy. Flowers, blue sky, the horses, and mostly my ridiculously fluffy bunny. Cause he is adorable.
Sounds like you guys are doing everything right for yourselves. Which is all any of us can do right now. Wish you luck getting back in to your writing, whatever you end up working on next. And I will keep hoping that maybe one day we get the full Julie book your snippets show 😉 Best wishes, stay safe!
I love reading your updates, glad you’re all doing well! Wishing your family the best during this time!
This post really helped me. We are so isolated and everything is surreal. So, it is gratifying that others are experiencing this pretty much the same as we are. Thanks for sharing. And Iron Covenant 2? Be still my heart.
On the subject of TV shows, I’ve been binging on Anna Detective on prime. It’s in Russian, set in a small town of Zatonsk at the end of 19th century. 19 year old Anna can see dead people and helps the very good looking police inspector to solve crimes. It’s been a wonderful escape from watching news…
I watched a few episodes of Anna Detective Pre-COVID-19. Some of the nice bits (for me) watching K-Drama is reading the subtitles and not understanding the audio fluently. C-Dramas in Mandarin with subtitles- sometimes I’m reading at the subtitles thinking “That does not translate that way”. So then I watch it only in Mandarin and sometimes think “Huh, so that’s how they say it nowadays” since I grew up in an expat community which doesn’t pick up slang at the same pace.
I wonder if Anna Detective would be similar “what is with this translation” for Ilona? I also remember another Russian show about a detective who solves via scents on Amazon Prime?
Not sure, I’ve been living in Australia since 95 after growing up in Russia, and the language hasn’t changed that much, I still understand it perfectly. I have English subtitles on for the family and sometimes I cringe at the translations.
Thank you for the tip for another show, I’ve almost finished watching this one.
Well done on staying home! Home improvement stores are a disaster here as well (more Lowes than Home Depot but I’ll still generalize).
Here in my town (in Central Florida), I haven’t seen any masks, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, most any cleaning supplies since sometime in mid-February. My last trip to the office was March 2. They’ve sent everybody home, but my team was among the first as we had to set up 30K+ other employees to also work remotely.
Shelves of meat and produce were stripped bare initially, but has since reappeared. Boxed/canned convenience food is still MIA, but we don’t use much of that anyway. I buy TP in bulk only about 2-3 times a year, so was not caught up in that frenzy. Hello Fresh and Chewy are delivering, but early on Chewy ran into some real shortages. For this reason I have about 12 cases of canned cat food for 2 cats. But that’s all I’m hoarding. I don’t want them to kill and eat us when we fall asleep.
I’ve gone out more than I should, but vigorous soap & water washing when I come back from the grocery store. I think we can make it withough any more grocery runs for a few weeks at least. It’s too hot to go walking (96 yesterday).
Staying away from churchgoers, since they apparently think social distancing is against God’s Will, for at least one major church in town.
Not killing each other, high marks for y’all!
No comment on Lowe’s. I work at a hospital, I have to go to work.
Baking Soda is what you need to wash produce properly.
Glad you guys are safe. I work from home and the ststem is lagging and slow but we are doing the best we can. Hubby is AD marine, he is part of the training command for new Marines. They have to keep working until. However trying to tell 18 to 24 yr old to stay in their rooms on the weekends, no bbq, party or beach is proving to be a lesson in insanity.
For washing and sanitizing fruits and veges, I grew up rinsin it white vinegar the water. That the way we do meats as well, with lemon or lime juice. I grew up in the Caribbean and have always done it this way.
Stay sane, thank you for the snippets and hopefully we can come out of the isolation soon.
Hoping you can continue to keep your spirits up- your blog immensely helps cheering me up. Although I can count myself lucky to have enough projects yet and all your books to re-read while at home.
Whatever you decide today means there will be a wonderful book to look forward to for the BDH after Emerald Blaze arrives- really great news! So pick whatever you will enjoy most to work on and what might distract you from whats happening outside?
Hugh and Elara are good, the Roman snippets have been so cool and Ryder as a book would be amazing- as would be other unknown projects you might have…..
20 days of staying in.. times outside the house 4… possibly one more outing tomorrow…. because staying in a room at some point drives me crazy…. especially evenings… but i am doing my best to only go to supermarket when i absolutely have to…
On other news learning or tryong to Spanish… and loving Rosalia and her neo flamenco… Catalina especially makes me tear up every time…. 🙂 and yes reminds me of Catalina of Hidden Legacy… main problem of most of of my books being in Greece while im stuck in UK
Stay strong!!!!!!
Stay safe!!!!!
Thanks for the update. I’m sorry the Lowe’s trip was such a disaster. I am rereading Hidden Legacy. Helps with the stress levels.
I’m in an “essential service” industry, and only about 1/4 of our employees are able to work from home, about 1/3 can split their time between home and work, and I’m in the remaining group that can’t work from home (although the company did recently switch to a 4×10 workweek to try to help). Luckily, I’m not in a job where I have to interact with the public, and no one here has been infected yet, or knowingly infected, I should say. The longer this goes on, though, the odds of avoiding exposure drop, but fingers crossed it doesn’t happen.
And let me just say thanks to those of you who are in an essential industry that does have to interact with the public. Fingers crossed for your health.
Good to hear you all are safe! This whole thing sucks, but much more for some than for others.So many ways to be a hero right now, and I’m old enough to be glad I don’t have to be one.
It sounds like you are all doing as well as can be expected. I am sheltering at home in OR with 3 middle schoolers. My husband still heads to work (works at a residential rehab in the high school program). We are 5 people in 1500 sq feet (though I think it is smaller because, really, hallways are not living space) and 1.5 baths that are now reduced to 1 due to a failed toilet seal. We have had demolition/mitigation folks out. They wore gloves and masks. I have done quite a bit of spinning so if you want some handspun yarn to play with, please let me know. You have my email on the comment so if you have an address that I can send a package, though I would have to figure out postage…maybe there is a way to get that online and print at home?
I also dyed silk hankies this weekend. If you haven’t played with them, they are awesome. You can just draft and knit them straight from the draft and get this light and airy knit.
We are all doing the best we can with what we have and what patience we can find. The snippets have been fun, though they have sent the mind reeling (which, I suppose is a good thing.)
I have been bingeing British mysteries (now we have Acorn and Britbox because, well, you need more programming right now) and did a bit of a Jane Austen binge yesterday introducing my 12-year-old to Colin Firth’s Darcy, then we did Clueless.
Take care!
You can print first class postage on paypal.com using “Multi Order Shipping” and tape it on. Type the term into the search box if you need help finding it as it can be a bit hidden. You can weigh a package on your kitchen scale if you have one.
You can also print postage from USPS (US Postal Service) online or have flat rate boxes dropped off at your house. ????
As many times as I reread your books, which I do a lot, I’ve found that if I listen to an audio book, or book on CD there is always something either I read a different way, or missed all together. so while I work on my craft projects to keep myself sane. it’s a good way to see what I’ve missed. it also keeps me in front of the sewing machine longer. I once made 6 quilts in 6 months listening to JD Robb’s “In Death Series” and that was while working full time. of course I don’t have kids, so that maybe how I did that also. thanks for the snippets, stay healthy and safe however you have to..
Venturing out for necessities these days is a frustrating-if not at times scary-endeavor. I’m a firefighter/paramedic. I wear a mask any time I have to go out for essentials because I don’t want to accidentally make someone sick (just in case I’m asymptomatic).
I will tell you that I truly appreciate people who follow the CDC recommendations. It stinks for so many people (this whole situation makes my heart hurt), but I’ve seen enough people looking out for one another that I have faith that we will all come out on the back side as stronger people.
I also want to tell you that I made the mayo chicken recipe you shared last night. Best. Chicken. Ever. Thank you for sharing that.
Hang in there! Thank you for the snippets and updates because they make my day.
First, thank you for the update! I know we’re almost in the exact boat with the lack of going out and climbing the walls! (HEHEHE) I hope everyone is doing good and you all get through this with your sanity intact.
That being said, OMG, please please please we would greatly appreciate the Iron Covenant next if at all possible. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve re-read the first novel….like its bordering on creepy at this point. 😀 Thank you for being awesome!
Tonight our president Emmanuel Macron announced the extension of the confinement till the 11th may. For now…
I live in a small appartment that’s 35m2 (376 square foot ?). I think if I wouldn’t have your books to reread, I would go crazy, totally nut…
I love everything you two write, but if I’d have to vote, it would be Ryder’s book, I’m totally entranced by the four snippets you offered us.
Thank you for the updates. It’s awesome to know that authors I love are doing as well as can be expected in this mess. I hope you stay happy, safe, and healthy! Thank you for the snippets lately and thank you for any progress on Iron Covenant 2, which I’m so much looking forward to.
Last week my boredom had me rolling the contents of my loose change jar, and donating it to my local food bank/soup kitchen.
This week I left some Lindor truffles in my mailbox for the letter carrier as a thank you for doing her job. Perhaps the USPS should change their motto to “neither rain, or dark, or threat of disease shall stay these workers from their rounds”, because it wasn’t until last week that they started wearing gloves when delivering mail. And my county has over 13000 confirmed cases of Covid.
Accidentally added an extra 0. Sorry. Above number would be closer to statewide cases.
Currently our county has 549 cases. 17 deaths. On Saturday our dumbarse town had LITERALLY 400++person party/rave with 6-8 people shot. Pushing off sadness working in yard/garden. Found some bulbs dug up with BIG bite mark out of side. Prolly opossum. On the bright side considering shaving sides of my head in the manner of our favorite volhv then dying one side of my scalp purple other side green.
I’m rereading Iron Covenant 1, because I felt I needed to read something where everything was hard and someone (Hugh!) had to go out there and do the hard things.
Dear House Andrews,
You will write the story you want to write and I will be happy but if you are taking requests please pick Hugh and Elara. I am deeply intrigued by what is going on with Julie but I miss the dueling D’Ambrys. Thanks for the great stories and stay safe and sane.
Thanks for the laugh????. Everyone stay safe.
Just a FYI, when I couldn’t afford organic fruits and vegies (yes even my berries WHEN I’m ready to eat them????), and still cannot most times, a soak in the sink with cold water and a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar is said to kill pesticides and remove wax. Dont know if this is still a good practice for the virus, but I still do it, and no I don’t get any vinegar taste. Just rinse when done. Anyway, just a thought. ????????
Re bleach solution for spraying: It should be made fresh every day.
If you’re using normal household bleach, a 1:48 dilution is what is recommended. That’s 1/3 cup of bleach in a gallon of water. Of course, that’s scaled for what we use daily in EMS—if my math is right, that would be 1 ounce (or 2 tablespoons) per quart of water.
Also, remember to store masks in paper bags, never in plastic bags. Nasty things can grow if masks are stored in plastic bags. I bought paper lunch bags at the grocery store to use.
As far as working from home/sheltering, I’m just so very glad this is April! Can you imagine if we were having to start this in November, with short days and increasing cold!
That’s only in the northern hemisphere. The southern hemisphere is dealing with this in autumn. So yeah, I am thankful that I am not dealing with this in fall.
It’s not fun, I promise you that. A lot of South Africans are not taking the lockdown seriously so I don’t know how much longer they will keep it in place. Honestly no point in it if the majority ignores the regulations anyways… I feel for the people who are forced to work and has to deal with these people with blatant disregard for their own and everyone else’s health.
2 TBSP/qt is a little more than necessary. CDC says 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water.
I can’t use anywhere near a quart in a day, though, so 1 tsp/cup is perfect.
Thanks Kristi. So nice to see good info on the net. I’ve seen people recommend 1:1 bleach solution and all kinds of weird things.
I would add to your list:
Stop wearing your outside shoes indoors, all kinds of things are trekked in with your shoes.
Close the lid before you flush, the virus is found in fecal matter also. By closing the lid, you can avoid the spread of viruses onto other surfaces in your bathroom.
Iron Covenant PLEASE.
Thank you so much for the update. Your writing and posts have helped pass the time in the unhealthy void we all find ourselves in.
When the world was put on pause i was just starting to re-read the Kate Daniels series – and in continue to read it now (all be it at a slower pace since i’m not doing remote learning with the kids – ugh). I’m also stuck in a NYC apartment and i haven’t left for a LONG time 🙁
You may wish to know that despite all your good descriptions my mind is now picturing Idris Elba whenever Hugh is in a scene. I’m not sure why but it seems to work. As i’m now on Magic Rises again i’m looking forward to picturing the sword fights 🙂
Anyway – stay safe and thank you!
I had Idris Elba for Jim!
Lowe’s is the same here in Northern VA; no masks, no 6′ distancing (maybe the manly men think they are too macho for masks and social distancing and the women just do as their husbands say ????), and sorry you were both exposed because of them.
Re K dramas and C dramas, HOW DO THEY NOT KNOW?! It would be a boring story if they figured it out tho Lol
I was wondering about the produce since I saw a man vid that said wash with soap and water. To be fair, hubs said, no, that’s wrong so not just man misinformation.
Wishing you good health (stock up on some Gatorade just in case), less Lowe’s, and a fixed sewing machine.
Oops, sorry I responded in the wrong spot! Hard to tell on my phone!
Ours is like that too. Needed dirt and went in with a mask, probably 4 other people in there with one & they weren’t employees. People looked at me like I was nuts.
Check out using an Ozone Generator. Bad for Humans, but great to kill all bacteria & virus in a closed space. You could leave all your groceries in the car – Ozone it & Voila, germ free food containers & produce. No bleach required. Time the usage & air everything out adequately….it works! Be safe & Thanks for being such awesome Author Lords!
Unfortunately it’s not always beneficial and can be harmful.
So glad you all are well. Hugh’s transformation is fascinating and inspirational. The forgiveness dynamic between him and Christopher is a paradigm to live by. Perfect for these times!
K-drama this week: Legend of the Blue Sea . Soft spot in my heart for Lee Min-ho, who was part of my first watched K-drama, Boys Over Flowers.
New recipe: BAs fried chicken sandwich, idli podi style by Sohla. It was YUM.
Masks made: 54 (I think) and still tweaking the design. I come in and out of certain supplies and have to adapt. Kind of a fun challenge, or kinda makes me want to punch a politician. Depends on the day.
I love the Ryder snippets. Know you guys have said want to close the KD world and gotten some haters on Julie character…there seems to be a lot of rich ground there for a good story though and Julie has depth. Don’t let the haters play you. You do you. We are the champions. Yadda yadda.
Day 703 of isolation.
I made 2 masks and plan on making 2 more, so each member of our family has 1.
I started from the Amanda Perna (?) pattern, but I didn’t have bias tape and there wasn’t much at Walmart. Yes, I made a Walmart run, but it was for more than just mask supplies.
I did have lots of 1/4 inch elastic i bought for other projects more than a year ago, so I crossed elastic to secure the mask rather than long ties.
My mom asked why I didn’t just make ear loops. I don’t know if she has worn a mask with ear loops. They are not comfortable. At least I find them to be uncomfortable.
There are around 40 cases in my county. Still less than 1000 confirmed cases in the state.
This is brilliant. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing this! It’s much clearer than the pattern I was trying to follow. And I love the crossed elastics!
Elastics are the first thing I run out of, Here is how to make bias tape with a postit! No ironing, special tools. https://youtu.be/vR7sWFwo48g
I am making the Olsen pattern developed by Unity Point hospital maker space in Cedar Rapids . I added pipe cleaner nosebridge and super long tie that laces through both cheek sides. Top loop goes back of head while ends come down and tie behind neck. https://youtu.be/ZnVk12sFRkY
I try to give 2 masks a person so people wear then wash, no wearing twice in a row. My community hasn’t worked out a supply line to get to medical frontlines yet, but trying. I have given to family, friends, older neighbors, and mailman and delivery ppl.
I found 2 packages of 1/4 inch elastic when I was going through my stash.
I had 5mm wide flat aluminum wire in my jewelry stash. It is more rigid than the paperclips or bread ties, but it won’t rust after repeated washing, and it holds its shape very well.
I would probably use different materials if I was making them to donate.
My sister works at a hospital. A mom of 1 of the students donated masks for them.
Lee Min-ho has a new show coming out on Netflix this weekend! It’s called The King: The Eternal Monarch
Added to the que! Thanks Taylor!
Wishing you all a good week. All the best for the planning! May the lockdown come to an end soon.
Where we live in Australia the transition from summer to winter seems to happen in about a week, like a switch flipping – summer BAM! raining and cold. I think iso with a 2 year old in cold weather is going to suck but our chief medical officer reckons the infection rates here have dropped so low we could be out by end of May. Fingers crossed. Anyone else getting cabin fever haha
I fall more in love with you guys every blog post. Knitter, Kdrama, horses ( at least in your books), baker, paranormal fiction of every flavor. I mean we would be friends in the real world (though the real world IS pretty scary right now). (knitted half a tank top today…it rained all day)
Just a note – opinion only – not trying to instruct anyone – but i have been washing my fruits and vegetables in warm dishsoap water for more than 50 years…as did my mom and gram before me – and there has never been a problem. Many fruits and veggies have e-coli on them, and it doesn’t necessarily “rinse” off.
Not a good idea to wash your fruits and vegetables with soap. The skins are porous. You are just adding a non edible substance to your food
As to the comment used to be done in the old days the no harm. Lots of ingredients change. Lots made in the lab. You think it’s ok until it isn’t. And I believe it’s far more prudent to listen to the horticulturalists at UC Davis and accredited studies showing proof it’s not a good idea.
It’s ok. Until it isn’t. Good example of something touted as good but was not was asbestos. Everything was made out of asbestos. Floor tiles, paint, and popcorn ceiling texture to name a few.
As to the ecology comment. Use water and vinegar to wash veggies
Have a great day and thank you for reading
Agreed. When my father was going thru chemotherapy the doctor said wash all produce with water/vinegar mixture or hydrogen peroxide to remove “contamination “. Chlorine beach / water mix was not recommended due to my demented mother.
I also had the City water there tested when I had my annual well water test here. Well you never know what you might accidentally be drinking. Old house, old copper pipes that kept breaking.
wait until you come home and your visiting sister in law is cleaning your cast iron skillet with commet. ARGH. I was also told we use way too much dishwasher soap in our dishwashers and are absorbing all the chemicals from that stuff. sigh.
I’m glad you’re all okay. Keep taking every precaution because it will pay off.
I hope whatever you both choose to write, you enjoy the process. I’m enjoying reading Iron & Magic for the eighth time. I look forward to reading the next book:)
My state (NY) has around 150,000 cases, my county has around 18,000 cases, and my town has 153 cases.
I just learned my uncle and his wife have the virus. They’re in their late 60’s and have some pre-existing health issues. I’ve been saying a ton of prayers. That’s all I can do since I can’t go see them.
Take care of yourselves. Times are hard. Me? I am going back to Sweep of the Blade. I need something that makes me laugh.
Thank you for staying home. I live in what’s collectively called the Tri-Cities in WA state. Last count I found stated 370 active cases with 30 deaths in the surrounding areas. No one stays home here.
I work at a grocery store, that is packed full of the same customers every single day. No one wears masks. Store had posted that they are regulating the # of people in the store. They are not. Someone at work today told me that our regional manager who oversees 4 of the stores, is the person who was actively discouraging the other store managers to NOT have the employees wear masks. (Untill the CDC recommendation finally changed this past week). One of my coworkers came to work while waiting for her boyfriends test results to come back. Manager knew. Simply told her to limit her contact with the customers. Didn’t tell any of US that were trapped in the department with her though, and let her work, making and potentialy contaminating food all day.
I make speciality products and by rights shouldn’t have to have ANY contact with the customers. I SHOULD be able to come in over night and complete my quotas and any upcoming special orders, while the store is closed. I requested this at my doctor’s recommendation and was denied. I then asked if I could at least just come in the early mornings to avoid the crowds. They said sure, then promptly cut my hours from 40 a week down to 26. The very next day. Of course that might also have had something to do with the fact I made an official complaint about my possibly diseased coworker. In it I stated straight up that if anyone ever asked I wouldn’t be covering for them, and would spill any and all information I had about the incident…..
I’d like to be able to say it is just my company that sucks. However I’ve heard similar stories from all over town.
So to wrap up a very long rant. Thank you. Thank you for having common sense and teaching it to your children. Lord knows its apparently in short supply these days.
Your stories are one of my favorite Joy’s in life. I want to be able to read them for many years to come. So please keep keeping yourselves safe!
Wow. It’s disheartening to hear of so many not following distancing requirements. I’m in Seattle and with 300 deaths in the county it’s a whole different world. Everyone in masks, Stores are closed or empty. Costco is disinfecting carts, limiting people in the store and enforcing the 6 feet rule in line. I hear this from friends who have made a run. I‘m afraid to go in. I’m high risk and have taken walks on the roof of my building, but nothing else for 5 weeks. Thank goodness for Amazon Fresh. I’m not working and live alone. FaceTime and Zoom are keeping me away from becoming a complete zombie. Going stir crazy? You bet! I’ve reread ALL the IA books yet again and am very grateful for the new snippets. Hang in there over the mountains!
Glad to know no one has been killed while under quarantine. Me? I’m working. I work for a healthcare system in the DFW area. My department works from home regardless of viral epidemics, weather, or whatever. When I hear about working from home is “new”, I laugh. Also when I hear about what people want when they work from home, I shake my head.
Be safe everyone. ????
Sending everyone waves of health, patience, and non-boredom. Also, because Ilona and so many here knit, and some speak Spanish, this gif to gladden your hearts entitled “La abuela comiendo noodles…” I would love to make it appear here for you, but I suspect the URL will just lie there passively, waiting for you to click on it. I vote for whatever House Andrews is inspired to write next, because there is already a book at the editing stage to look forward to. 🙂
Thank you for that GIF! Now wondering how garter stitch fettuccini will work as lasagna noodles. Bored, so I may have to try it.
Lol. Can just imagine the look when it was realised that the sewing machine had broke I used to glare quite often at mine when I had one Hugh number 2. Sounds a wonderful,great,fantastic project……..just saying ????????????. Stay safe and sane xx
Which project? Avid audience response indicates…Julie.
Your book devouring horde will like anything y’all write. Your comment makes me think the project choice is almost like doing the “ one potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four…and my mother told me to pick the very best one and you are it.” This pandemic is just HARD!
Love you guys. Stay safe and well! It’s so kind of you to take care with emails when we are all living through unprecedented times. It was a stunning blow to hear the president say he has absolute power today in a press conference. Sometimes staying positive and pressing on is a bigger struggle than the usual since 2016. Thanks for the stories, and community. ????????
I love that you watch K-dramas and C-dramas. I am completely obsessed with their cinema, even if I want to cringe at myself, and the shows, sometimes. I have yet to find anything more addictive or satisfying on T.V. Thanks to this lockdown here in NZ, I’ve also found a passion for K-Pop in the form of EXO and wishing I had discovered it sooner!
Glad to hear your doing well. This certainly is a trying time for everyone. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Thank you for the snippets you guys provide. They are wonderful. Stay safe. Cheryl
Just finished Cdrama Skate into Love (so sweet!) and finishing up Cdrama Under the Power (Wushu with Sherlock element). Looking forward to Kdrama The King; Eternal-Monarch with Lee Min Ho coming this Friday on Netflix.
Glad you are surviving 😀
SO EXCITED for Iron Covenant #2!!!!!! 😀 😀 never thought I’d like Hugh but now of course you guys just made me love him and there’s nothing like Hugh/Elara awesomeness!
I know Texas is big, but were you affected by the hurricane?
I’m still going to the office for work. If anything, at least the commute is great. It’s eerie seeing how empty the streets are.
The Renaissance Faire I go to has been canceled. Facebook has a “Faire Relief” group with vendors from various fairs and I’ve enjoyed looking through their wares.
What’s the K or C-drama with the ninja ???
Thank you for staying at home. I work at the blue box you attempted to pick things up from though not the one in your locality. Thank you for leaving a strongly worded comment. There is signage for the type of pickup you describe. The store should have implemented it. My store has. I hope you left a low score too as that impacts what a store and corporate does way more than feedback from employees. We used to have employees who’s only job was to pull and process internet orders like your but those positions were eliminated 6 to 8 months ago as being not necessary. That job was then added to the the customer service associate who also acts as the phone operator and processes returns. I don’t say this as an excuse but to explain that reducing payroll to increase stock is more of a priority to corporate. They have also been eliminating or outsourcing all positions that aren’t directly customer facing but that supported the people who provide customer service. Personally I think we should be doing curbside pickup only of essential items but everyone has decided they have to do home projects because they have covacation and are bored. Currently they are making record profits. My rural store regularly has over a 1400 transactions a day. That is only transactions and not all the people coming in. Apparently it takes 4 people to buy a fridge and people decide to bring in the kids to get them out of the house. I’m in Kitsap county Washington and we have over a 100 cases in the county. I wish more people would stay home. They will not send us home unless we have been exposed to someone who has tested positive. So please stay home. Sorry for the rant . Thanks for listening.
After 4 weeks with the kiddies I have a new respect for teachers as well as home makers, aupairs and all other people who do this for a living. I love my kids, really, but my 3y/o boy (a very social child) is going stir crazy and he’s taking us with him. We’ve painted, baked, exercised and built cushion forts to a point where he’s scream-crying, begging me to go to school. My 8month old girl is easier to please at least.
I’ve much to be thankful for, the greatest being that no one I know is sick with this mess. Good luck to all of you, keep safe and sane.
My son is similar and has a very close relationship with his grandparents. He’s 5. We set my parents up with a video chat app so we can have virtual visits with them. I even text them ahead of time so that they can have some of his toys there set up and they can ‘play’ together.
I am part of the relevant crowd so not much has changed for me except for more work and more uncertainty about whether other people outside are “safe” or not. Have been rereading Hugh for the sixth time and listening to the audiobook for the fifth time. I hope Steve can do Hugh 2 when it gets written.
Stay safe and sane.
Yes please for Iron Covenant 2! Love Elara and Hugh and I’ve read that book probably about 10 times now. I think the Earawan scene is my favorite. Really curious to see how their relationship develops and those of the people around them. Best of luck and wishes during this crazy time.
Lowe’s is horrible. I know because they fired me within 5 days of me raising concerns about the COVID 19 outbreak in the school next door, and not having even hand sanitizer for employees. That was at the end of Feb, start of March. They don’t care about anything but money, and have pushed in-store sales, demanding employees sell more and get more people into the store this month to “beat” Home Depot since they are taking more precautions.
I’m sorry you had to go in. Know that the employees are generally terrified and many are quitting. They have already had multiple deaths of employees, and don’t even shut down stores for virus spread unless the authorities force them to do so.
Monday the 13th. My Kindle has lost its mind. It said “blring”, blinked and everything was gone. Books, photos, email, Cookie Jam (364 straight days of playing) gone. It tells me it cannot use the backup to restore anything. Nobody home at Amazon help. Thank goodness I have Kate Daniels in paperback. No telling what is wrong, I feel so abandoned right now. Going to get a paperback and go to bed with a flashlight under the covers (playing like I’m 12 again).
There is a Kindle app for smartphones on Google play store. All of your downloads from Amazon are in the Cloud.
Thank you Erin. We live in an area with no cell service, so I have not invested in a smart phone. One of these days the southern Oregon coastal valleys will join the rest of the technological revolution. Until then, land line phone, satellite internet and books. Lots and lots of books.
Glad I’m not the only one with kindle issues… Hope it gets sorted out soon
I am glad the Andrews residence is still healthy. It hurts how many people are treating this virus so casually and putting everyone at risk. I’m one of the lucky ones who not only held on to their job, but am able to work from home. I’m also an introvert who doesn’t go out much anyway. So the only real change for me is that I now grocery shop only once a week, late at night, and avoid every human in the store like they’re a knife wielding maniac on bath salts. I do hope you go ahead with Hugh 2.0 – not only because he’s one of my top three anti-heroes, but I need to know about the roast chicken. Neeed to know. ????
The chicken! I’d forgotten about that, but I’ve been sooo curious as well! Also hoping it’s Iron Covenant 2, I’ve missed Elara. (Fiine, Hugh too, but I love Elara)
Stay safe and healthy. I hope you had a lovely Easter. A friend went to a Lowe’s here and found that no one was observing the 6-foot distancing. I’ve sort of been on lockdown since 25 Feb when I stepped wrong In the dark while getting the mail and suffered a open compound fracture of my right ankle when my wrong step
took me into a drainage ditch. Our local trauma center decided I needEd to go to a higher-level trauma center, so I ended up at Johns Hopkins for the surgery. I was in Hopkins for 4 days and then spent 2 weeks in rehab. Since I got home, I’ve only been out three times: twice to return to Hopkins for post-surgical visits and once to our local hospital for follow-up x-rays for my 6-week telephone call with the surgeon. I had emailed photos of the very large wound around my ankle before we talked. I’d never broken a bone before, but did a really good job on this one. Our conference resulted in my having 4 more weeks of not putting any weight on that foot. While it’s utterly essential to my life right now, I have come to hate my knee scooter. Maybe by the time I can walk again, things will be settling down. Because of the broken ankle, the stay at home order didn’t really affect me as much as breaking ,y ankle did.
Books, yours especially, have gotten my through this. Also, thanks again for recommending Honor Raconteur and Jessie Mihalik. I’ve enjoyed their books very much. Just read the fourth book in the Shinigami Detective series- that is a lovely series.. I have your books in the printed version, but can’t get down the stairs to my room to get them and don’t want my sister having to carry books up for me, so I’ve been getting your books on my ipad. There is nothing wrong with having both the printed version as well as the electronic version. Your books are my go-to books for everything. I think my favorite series is Hidden Legacy, but the Innkeeper and KD series are so very close behind it. Thank you again for your writing. The Ryder snippets are compelling. I got sucked in each time as soon as I started reading. It’s like visiting with wonderful old friends.
???????? until the 22nd.
Does anyone follow Joe @jxeker on Twitter? He’s almost exactly how I imagine Curran to be. If Curran was a gorgeous, bearded blonde from the UK who posts thirst traps every morning (bless you, Joe) for his adoring and verrrrrry appreciative followers.
Days in lockdown: too many
Arguments with mother: too many
Chocolate eaten: not enough
Seriously though, this is an important issue. People need to adhere to the social distancing rules. Masks/no masks, whatever, just don’t go near people not in your household. Only go out for essentials. Essential, not highly desired, not much wanted, essential. Never mind the political minutiae, the overall message of global scientists is distance. I know three people dead from this disease now. Dead. Two were more elderly (70’s), but one was just in his early fifties and had nothing underlying, not overweight, a healthy working 52 year old. London where I live is the UK epicentre. Our prime minister was in intensive care. But people are still ignoring the advice like it’s something that can’t happen to them. That they can’t spread asymptomatically. I cannot understand people. Stay home. Be bored. Appreciate what you have, live with what you haven’t. Essential means essential. Be safe.
Yes. Dead is dead. That is a concrete fact. So many non farmers do not understand this because it’s not their day to day reality.
Western Australia here, the state has been divided into nine districts with travel restrictions. We have over 460 cases and six deaths. Most cases are from cruise ships, one in our port at the moment, with several people infected and severe cases transferred to our hospitals. All people arriving from overseas are quarantined in a hotel for 14 days at government expense. The internal restrictions are to protect our indigenous people who would be most susceptible.
Perth just had its hottest April day in 100 years. 39.9. It’s mid autumn.
Stay safe everyone.
First of all – good to know you guys are all right 🙂
Second: …*takes a deep breath* Did I just hear the words IRON COVENANT 2!!!!!!????????
OMG YESSSSS PLEAAAAASE! I’m sooooooo ready for Hugh & Elara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope it stays on the table and you have lots of inspiration to work on it ^^
Great to hear that you’re all OK. And that a new Iron Covenant story is on the table. Per the Weather Underground ‘Today’ weather forecast & condition report, Warren Co., NY has 48 confirmed cases, no deaths. From Covid19, that is.
Blessed be.
***fingers crossed*** for Iron Covenant 2
It is so good to hear you are all ok.
(Also please let it be iron covenant 2, please please please please please ……fingers crossed)
just curious, after being on quarantine for a month, do you find it harder or easier to write in a situation where you’re stuck at home?
Thank you for the update. Stay healthy and safe! Yay for Iron & Magic 2. But no matter what you decide to write, I will buy it and love it. You are my favourite authors.
How to clean your veggies
So glad to hear you are all safe I have been wondering about you all ???????????? I myself am on a 12 week lockdown ( uk) please take care and stay safe that’s goes to the BDH too love reading your comments about things it’s like having one big happy family and after reading your books how can we be anything else hope to hear from you all on the other side of this take care God bless ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Can someone tell me what K and C dramas are? Just finished Man In The High Castle, and looking for suggestions.
Korean an Chinese Dramas, I presume
Yay for Iron Covenant, perhaps with a few Ryder snippets thrown in the mix! Glad you are all well.
I’m in Michigan and the number of cases of the virus here is almost 26,000, with (sadly) over 1,600 deaths. My county is pretty good, with only about 700 cases and only 18 deaths, so far.
This blog and your snippets give us all something to look forward to, so BIG THANKS!
I have gone through my Inn Keeper EBooks AND my Inn Keeper audio tapes twice. When I read Inn Keeper books I hear their voices (thank you Renee).
PLEASE choose the Inn Keeper books. I MUST find out where their parents are!
(sigh) I know, I know………..
Another OH YES PLEASE for Iron Covenant 2.
If you have time, would love quick one to two line reviews of the k and c dramas you’ve watched!
Do you have an easy beginner bread recipe that you recommend?
Hi Ashley,
Here are my go-to easy recipes, depending on if you want cinnamon rolls, English Muffin toasting bread, or French bread (which becomes Italian bread with the addition of a little oil):
https://www.mymundaneandmiraculouslife.com/foodie-fridays-easy-peesy-french-bread/ makes either one big loaf or 3 baguettes. I like to cut the
proportions and make one-third of the dough at a time. Yummy with dipping oil.
And https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/english-muffin-toasting-bread-recipe
is another favorite that comes together quickly. All the yum of
English muffins without the fuss of griddle then bake.
If you’ve never made bread before, Suzanne McMinn has a nice intro with several options at https://chickensintheroad.com/?s=grandmother+bread (my family really likes her foldovers from this recipe https://chickensintheroad.com/cooking/pepperoni-sausage-ricotta-and-mozzarella-roll/)
Thank you!
I had the SAME experience in our local Lowes in the Seattle area. SEATTLE. Lots of COVID cases here!
My husband is a neat freak and we have black tile floors. When he talked anxiously for two days about running out of Swiffer Wet Jet spray I found some at Lowes online for pick-up. Yeah, right. Pick-up. I stood in line at customer service for about twenty minutes and then someone came over and told all of us in line that the line was somewhere else. I eventually gave up, dodging jerks who were not social distancing by walking in the middle of the major aisles, found the shelf with cleaning supplies and luckily they still had one left there. Bought the damn stuff at the regular checkout and left my ‘prepaid, ready to go’ product at customer service’. It might still be there for all I know. Not impressed at all, Lowes. Sigh.
I just replied to a comment from someone in the Tri-Cities disappointed by people ignoring distancing by saying most people were complying in Seattle, but your Lowe’s experience makes a liar out of me. I can’t believe people here don’t get it. With 4500 cases and 300 deaths in King County alone, Seattleites have no excuse. Thank you for being mindful!
Can you cancel your order? Better yet, call your credit card company and dispute the charge because you didn’t receive the item. They’re usually prompt at removing the charge. Then you can contact your local health department with the complaint. It msy spare someone else your experience.
If House Andrews is considering stories, I keep thinking about Adira Kline. She blazed onto the pages with the story of the Kurgo. A good character that begs for a good story. And me too;)
People are reckless everywhere in the world ???? here in france we are in lockdown until may 11. My dad went berseck at the superstore , few people had masks and respected the distancing. He saw a couple leaving the store with just a cheese nothing else…They waited 20 minutes in line risking their and everybody ‘s health for a cheese !
Please stay safe and heathy. And thank you for the snippets.
So glad you are stay safe! Anything you write will be joyously received. I am loving the Julie snippets. I hope Brandi is also doing well. I reread all of KD again. I think it gets better each time!
I am still amazed by the sheer volume of people still out and about. I work in grocery and pharmacy up here in CT and I am glad to say our store is taking this very seriously and is doing its utmost to keep our employees and customers safe. Though I am perplexed at some behavior. Have one customer who comes in walking his tiny “support” dog everyday, no gloves, no mask and wanders through the store . Just watched my neighbor head out for golf. We have almost 14,000 confirmed cases with over 600 fatalities. Just don’t get it.
As always, thank you for everything you do.
News from France:
Our president just confined us until may 11th. Another month to enjoy IA’s worlds.
To all fans and our wonderful author lords and your families, stay safe, be careful, and take care, this is far from over. (Unfortunately…)
Things will not go back to normal fast, if you think about it for a minute, viruses just don’t go away like a cloud pushed by the wind, whatever our various heads of state may say….
Anyway, I keep myself busy and made kind of a little ritual for myself that I call my IA break.
It helps me escape and it is something I look forward to every day.
It comprises of:
Tea (I have a good selection)
Cookies or a bit of chocolate (Easter eggs at the moment )
And one of the Fabulous IA books ( Sweep of the blade)
Here is a picture to share with our author lords and us fans.
So 30 minutes a day of I A makes confinement fly away…
Thanks Gaelle, for that lovely snippet from France. I enjoy all the things mentioned in your IA Break list. Stay well & best wishes from Tennessee.
Thank you! Stay safe and be careful!
Perfect medicine for what ails you! Just what the doctor ordered.
Thks for your comments. Stay safe on the other side of the Pond. You’re right; I think this is far from over. Plant that Victory Garden.
Thank you and sorry for the late reply, I don’t get my notfications for some reason….
(Will delve into finding said reason immediatly)
Planting starting now!
This came from my sis-in-law, wish I knew who wrote it so I could thank them for
all the giggles. Hope this makes you smile.????
Half of us are going to come out of this quarantine as amazing cooks. The other half will come out with a drinking problem, or in my case, both.
I used to spin the toilet paper like I was on Wheel of Fortune. Now I turn it like I’m cracking a safe.
I need to practice social distancing …… from my refrigerator.
Still haven’t decided where to go for Easter …… The Living Room or The Bedroom.
PSA – Every few days, try your jeans on just to make sure they fit. Pajamas will have you believe all is well in the kingdom.
Homeschooling is going well, but 2 students were suspended for fighting and
1 teacher was fired for drinking on the job!
I don’t think anyone expected that when we changed the clocks we’d go from Standard Time to TheTwilight Zone.
This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat. It was obvious she thought her cat understood her. I came into the house and told my dog . . . we laughed a lot.
So, after this quarantine, will the producers of My 600 Pound life just find me or do I find them?
Quarantine Day 5: Went to this restaurant called THE KITCHEN. You have to gather all the ingredients and make your own meal. I have no clue how this place is still in business!
My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfectant lately that when I pee it cleans the toilet.
Day 5 of Homeschooling: One of these little monsters called in a bomb threat.
I’m so excited . . . it’s time to take out the garbage. What to wear, what to wear?
I hope the weather is good tomorrow for my trip to Puerto Backyardia. I’m getting tired of Los Living roomia.
Classified Ad – Single man with toilet paper seeks women with hand sanitizer for good clean fun.
Day 6 of Homeschooling: My child just said “I hope I don’t have the same teacher next year.” I’m offended.
Better 6 feet apart than 6 feet under! ❣️ ????
Thank you for that!????
So true…
Oh Chris, Thank You So Much! I needed that.
Hey everybody, say a little “prayer” (however you define that) for all the frontline Soldiers in this war. Thank you people all over the world who cannot get some quarantine downtime ‘cause their job is indispensable! Those delivery guys are hero’s. The grocery restocking clerks should get a medal for high risk working environment (all it takes is one customer to infect them). And last, but certainly not least, the medical personnel on the front lines. I think all of them should get Platinum Parachutes.
Thank you for sharing! Laughing and laughing.
As a child, I watched my mother walk into the house after every shopping trip and immediately wash her hands because “stores are so dirty!” She would bring in all her purchases and wash her hands again. Then she would empty her bags and fold all the bags and put them into the special place she had for them so nobody would handle them and wash her hands again. I am remembering her seemingly silly phobia about dirty stores every day. I wash my hands the minute I get home from stores, too, but I don’t go as far as she did. I have, since the start of stores offering it, used sanitizing wipes on my carts. Having lived with my mother the first 21 years of my life, none of it seems odd to me. I cannot have flu shots due to preservatives in them reacting as poison in my body, and I have not had the flu since I was a child half a century ago. I have my mother to thank for making sure I knew to not touch my face until I had clean hands.
But I am ANGRY that the three times I had to go to stores during this entire mess of staying home, I have seen people out in groups, walking spread out in the aisles where I could not get around them without being within inches of them. It irks me that people refuse to take this seriously and still bring their children on shopping trips. I managed to get enough food for my cats and horses and bird that I won’t need to get more for a month or two.
What I miss most is my massage therapy. The exercises for my spinal decompression cause cramping, and I really need some help. The therapy place I am supposed to visit every few weeks told me to stay home. Even they are not open.
And I keep thinking that if only people had learned to wash their hands more often and keep their hands to themselves, we wouldn’t be facing this situation. I wonder what that says about our civilization.
While I hesitate to offer any even vaguely medical suggestions, if you’re able to contact your massage therapist, perhaps you could ask if a foam roller or trigger point ball would be beneficial for you? If you’re not familiar with them, the foam rollers can be used on the floor or against the wall. The same with the trigger point balls, but I think the roller is easier to use. The balls do get in smaller places easier though. It’s definitely not a substitute for a good massage, but hopefully it could provide you with a bit a relief. ????
I’ve tried to attach a picture for reference, but they’re too big. I’ll try to get a smaller size and attach it as a comment.
Success! Don’t ask me how many times I had to try. ????♀️
Oh, and you can use other tools besides things officially labeled as PT tools. My MT told me to grab tennis balls, softballs, baseballs, lacrosse balls and golf balls, and they all work fine.
I was actually looking to buy lacrosse balls, but came across these and they were cheaper. (Didn’t have anything like that at home.) ????
You might want to ask your MT if they can do a video session to walk you through ways to do what you can for yourself. My MT specializes in myofascial massage, and she’s guiding me through myofascial stretching. Not as good as seeing her in person, and there definitely are things I can’t get at on my own, but we are hoping to keep me from reverting too badly so she doesn’t have to start over when I finally see her.
I have read the other replys to your back situation. Helpful, all. My wife has stenosisin all the (5) lumbar spaces causing intermittent numbing in one leg or the other. She uses to go to our local LA Fitness pool for an hour or so walking therapy- it provided mucho relief. But, now that they are all closed…
So, instead, I give her some relief with leg traction. She lies on her stomach on athe 5 foot bench. Her lower legs hand off the end. I position myself at behind her feet and loosely grip her ankles in both hands. Then, while crouched down with my elbows on my half-bent thighs, I will slowly lean back pulling lightly on her legs and thus opening the lumbar spaces. I hold this position for 3-5 minutes. She says it gives her instant relief (I can hear a joyful release of breath).
This is not at all tiring for me because I am in a triangle position myself and just leaning back against the pull of her legs.
Hope this helps, too!
We see people doing ‘it’ wrong.
To be helpful/ to express our indignation.
To do/ or not to do this, that or the other thing changes by the hour as representatives of the powers that be tweak the time or article to fit the needs of special interests.
Eventually washing disinfecting masks social distances will find a level. What price will we pay? There are many many many zombies apocalypse world war pictures that show how bad it can get.
Let’s rise above, share information , live love laugh and learn from those who have been in lock down longer than us.
I’m not getting much done. I’m hooked on this silly game called “June’s Journey”.
It’s a hidden object/mystery/decorate your island thing. It’s ridiculous.
I just need 2 more stars to get the train station.
I have been half-heartedly playing June’s Journey also! ????
I think I am Cecelia on there.
Try Pearls Peril, it’s a sister game to June.
Thank you for the update. Stay positive. Stay safe.
I vote for iron covenant 2 please and thank you
Am Re-reading Hugh and Elaea again right now. Would LOVE their next story but will be grateful for anything you choose to write.
I grew up in Asia and consider it home. I have also binged on a shocking number of Kdrama and Cdrama, more than I’ve ever watched in my life combined before this quarantine. No shame, they are a nice escape (pure fluff) from the stress of working from home in the midst of this quarantine. I tend to stay away from anything too heavy on the drama but here are some more recs, if you’ve finished the famous ones (Crash Landing on You, What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim, Goblin, My Love From Another Star, etc): Touch Your Heart, Love Me If You Dare on Amazon Prime (Sherlock-y but the leads have good chemistry), Hotel Del Luna. A friend recommended Nirvana in Fire, but at 54 episodes, it may be a bit much for you.
Great update Ilona. I live on the other side of the world (Perth, Western Australia) but your story is so close to home. And immediately relevant – I’ve been putting off going to the pool shop for chlorine to clear my rapidly greening pool and now I know why???? Looking here at the John Hopkins U Dashboard – what is your County?
And, it goes without saying but I will say it anyway, love your books.
Keep writing, and, more importantly,
Keep well.
Thanks for all the wonderful stories and for sharing so many little personal tidbits. You are both very generous to your readers.
I’ve lived alone for years and never minded, but it’s definitely harder when you don’t have the option to meet a friend for lunch on a Saturday …. or even just wander through the TJ Maxx to smell the cheap candles on a random Wednesday night. ????
I really do look forward to your blog updates. Funny ones or serious- all of them are much appreciated!
I’m like your husband when it comes to watching shows. I ask how is it possible for them to leap so high? Leap over a rider on the horse? Etc… Yet, I can put aside reality when reading books!
Sooooo important question from another person running through the C and K drama piles, which ones were referenced above? because i am always looking for a way to filter down the options and recommendations.
personal favorites:
Love O2O
Eternal Love
Ming dynasty
the two that the fiance has joined me for are Love O2O and Love Cheque Charge, but one is finished and he is sidetracked and i get yelled at for Netflix cheating when i try to watch the other.
That is the best thing about K and C dramas. The ridiculousness and total distraction.
LOL-ing about the k-dramas and c-dramas. I say the same thing to my husband! That, and he naps through half of the show and still doesn’t mis much because they move. so. slow.
I vote for IC2 …. o wait … I don’t get a vote. I’ll just read whatever you write then….. situation normal…glad something is.
Hello, I recently discovered your books and have been instantly addicted! Thank you so much for the gift of your stories. We are stationed in Germany and will probably experience some gradual easing of the restrictions in the next few weeks. I am glad to hear that you are all well and surviving the mandatory happy family time ????. Stay safe and stay healthy! Nichole
There is no evidence that COVID-19 is transferred via smear infection. So no need to use Chlorine on your groceries. In Germany a couple of scientists checked every imaginable surface in houses that have been hit by Corona the hardest – they even checked the cat!!!
No live specimen of the virus anywhere. It is a droplet infection. So use a mask!
Don’t use gloves because they make you feel safe while they don’t hold back infection at all (we medical professionals use gloves for blood, urine, feces etc.). You sweat under them like crazy which will really make the germs grow. Wash your hands, use desinfectent if you have it, don’t touch your mouth, nose, eyes (harder than it sounds).
Keep your distance, sneeze and cough etiquette, mask – even home-sewn. I’m really sorry for your incompetent president, many countries (including mine) have shown how you can deal with it and he just said F* this, we’re not getting it. There was time to prepare which didn’t happen at all. I’m glad my country did a much better job, and still it is crazy. From week 5 of beeing confined to my apartment (except for supply runs) with my 10 month old twins. Stay strong.
PS: I’m a doctor for internal medicine, so I do know what I am talking about.
I know the Ryder snippets are Not a Book, but as far as I’m concerned you can write a whole lot of them. There are so many hints that make me want to squeak and keep reading to find out what’s going on with the New Shinar. Or that alarmingly intelligent and predatory horse. Or where in the world is Derek lurking? Thank you for giving me noncovid stuff to obsess about, and stay healthy!
Glad to know you guys are okay! My family of five is sheltering at home, and everything at this point is being delivered. I ordered jumbo loaf pans so I can make sandwich loaves of bread, and mini loaf pans for banana and peanut butter bread, and whatever else we think of for them. I lucked out and found a pound of yeast online, since all the local stores are out of yeast, but not flour. My husband installed a bidet this morning and we are starting seeds for a kitchen garden this afternoon. Lots of home projects, baking and home schooling is happening at my house.
We will be self quarantining for a long while, so we are trying to find things to keep each of us busy and occupied. I am thinking about ordering a card table and some jigsaw puzzles we can all work on, some new board games, more art supplies, and some archery stuff for my oldest who has outgrown his bow and is NOW interested. My husband has told me under NO circumstances am I allowed to buy baby chickens to keep in our backyard in our new, fancier neighborhood.
Good to know all is well in Chateau Andrews!
Speaking of C-dramas, have you seen Rise of the Phoenixes?
I haven’t finished it yet, so it might be tragic (heavens, please no). But I LOVE it. I am making my fam rewatch it with me (seeing as I can’t brave that ending alone), but I am enjoying it even more Round 2.
It’s a historical strategy drama with pirates, princes, sorceresses and go matches with so many layers of meaning you weep. It’s a bit confusing at first, but has great pacing, character development and gah! righteousness prevailing over evil and corrupt systems against all odds!!! I glow just thinking about it.
And don’t get me started on the art. I can’t imagine their budget for this thing. They have a different colour pallet for each plot arch in set and costume design! The framing and cinematography is stunning, the romance is a riot and you just feel so inspired and alive once you’re in good and deep, you know?
Wow, I had a lot more to say about that than I anticipated. If you haven’t seen it and need a little break, give it a shot and let me know.
As always, grateful for your work and time. I say that independent of anything you might write in the future and based solely on everything you have thus far. Your stories have made me laugh in hard, hard times and I am so grateful you took the time to craft the worlds and characters that have been such a comfort to me.
Hang in there this quarantine!
I think today was my last cleaning day at work. Some painting left and the last section of floor to strip and rewax for the full time people. I’m ready to stay home and finish sorting out my sewing and craft stuff. You really have to wonder if some people have any working brain cells when you see what they’re doing and exposing their families too. Stay safe everyone!
If I get a vote, I’m choosing Iron Covenant 2…or Ryder. Yes, Ryder would be good too.
Ditto on Lowe’s. Won’t be going back anytime soon.
Thanks for the update.
We really need to know what happened with Iron Covenant before Magic Triumphs. There’s got to be a great chicken story in there.
I’m sorry about your experience at Lowes. That’s both frustrating and concerning. We had a similar experience at a kid hospital recently (usually so amazing 🙂 so I feel you. Good luck with choosing a new work project (yay!) and know we’re rooting for you. Thanks for the Ryder posts! Hope you stay well 🙂