I finally did it. After years and years of knitting, this happened.

It snapped in my hand. I got so upset, I decided to buy a new knitting set. However, I am not sure what to buy and I need it fast, because next week Gordon and I are escaping on a tiny vacation to Daytona. To the same hotel where Coastal Magic was held.
They got us with that beach. It was right outside the hotel, but because it was February, we couldn’t swim. I need a vacation in the worst way and I can only take a short one, because edits must be done. So instead of one long trip, we will be making several shorter ones. I want to knit on vacation. It’s relaxing. My plan is to swim until I can swim no more, then sit on a balcony, stare at the ocean, listen to Graphic Audio, and knit.
Help me, BDH. I have one week to buy replacement knitting needles and have them delivered.
- Interchangeable circulars, the kind you screw the cable in
- Soft cables
- Sharp tips
- Doesn’t matter wood, metal, or whatever
As a bribe, I offer this tiny snippet of a completely different beach. Don’t tell anybody.

The Glowing Ocean
Dead bodies were heavy as hell.
I knew this. It was one of those academic facts you learned from reading, never expecting to encounter it in real life, until you had to drag 8 corpses about a hundred feet through a stone passageway and then carry them over grassy bank to a boat in the middle of the night.
In the fantasy books filling my shelves, heroes slung limp humans over their shoulders with a manly grunt and then hauled them like they weighed nothing. The level of bullshit involved was criminal. Reynald was a lot stronger than me, and he grunted, strained, and took frequent breaks. It didn’t help that all of them, with the exception of Lasa, were huge.
Finally, all the corpses were in. Reynald paused on the dock and held his hand out. I took it – it was rock steady – and he carefully helped me into the boat. He put his hand on the mooring line and stomped twice on the dock boards.
I glanced at him.
“For luck,” he said. “It’s tradition.”
This world or ours, sailors were superstitious everywhere.
Reynald freed the mooring line, climbed into the boat, and started tying and untying various ropes. The sail caught the wind, unfurled, and the boat slipped into the current, still slightly rough from the recent rain. Reynald secured the lines and moved to the big wooden rudder at the stern, about a foot from where I sat on my bench. The corpses, trussed up in canvas, lay on the bottom of the boat like cordwood.
We sat silently, watching the estates of the Anchor Drop slide by, darker shadows in the night, marked by an occasional lantern. The sky above us was smudged with clouds.
When Reynald told me he bought a boat, I somehow defaulted to one of those small fishing boats people towed behind their trucks all over Texas highways as soon as the summer heat started. Which was ridiculous, but that was where my brain went. What Reynald purchased was nowhere near that.
The boat looked like something ancient Vikings might have taken upriver to raid the English monasteries, except it was less of a dragon boat and more of a swan. It sat low in the water, a graceful, sleek wooden vessel about 30 feet long and 7 feet wide with a single mast supporting a complex green sail. Its sides curved from the raised bow, swooping low in the middle, then rising again at the stern, crowned with a small figurehead of a horned sea serpent. The serpent sported a mouth of scary teeth, and they weren’t wood. Someone had ripped those fangs out of the mouth of an actual marine monster and glued them in.
The boat sped down river. We rounded a bend, and the current dumped us into a much wider, calmer Dokkon. A cold breeze flung moisture and a hint of salt in my face.
We skirted a wooded island with roofs peeking through the trees, passed a big wooden tradership with a bloated hull, and then two people in a small fishing boat. They didn’t pay us any mind, and I didn’t look too closely at what they were doing either.
The river widened. Docks crowded the banks, with wooden ships of all sizes moored for the night. A sea of dark masts and stowed sails rose on both sides. A few more minutes, and Dokkon carried us out to sea.
The ocean spread before our boat, endless and calm. The clouds melted away, and an enormous sky reigned above, studded with glittering stars. Three moons spilled their light onto the water: Orde, a giant, silver orb with a hint of gold; Mor, a much smaller ruby-red waxing crescent; and Kula, the smallest of the three, a grass-green first quarter moon.
The view took my breath away. I smelled the briny salt water, I felt the wind, and the steady movement of the boat under my feet, so it had to be real. But it was so… magical.
We turned left and kept going, further from the mouth of the river, within the view of the coastline. I could’ve sailed across this ocean forever.
Ahead something shimmered in the water, like a spill of faint fluorescent paint. Reynald steered for it. The swirls of blue and pink drew closer and closer, rippling through the water. The boat slid through them, and I saw a faint outline of glowing algae suspended like a floating island over the ink-black depths. Tiny fish with luminescent fins darted through the frilly leaves.
The boat slowed to a leisurely drift.
Reynald let go of the rudder and sat on the other bench across from me.
“It’s lovely,” I told him.
He nodded. He seemed lighter, almost carefree. “I always liked the ocean.”
“When did you learn how to sail?” He was born in the North Middle Fields, a large fertile plain that stretched north of Kair Toren’s hills.
“During the Corios campaign.” His voice was quiet and light. “They had us raiding the coastal forts in small boats, trying to keep the defenders guessing when and where we’d show up. The second week in, our captain took an arrow to the chest and went overboard. We drifted for hours before we figured out how to work the boat. I decided that sailing was something I should know how to do.”
“You’re a very good sailor,” I told him.
He smiled. “Thank you.”
It felt like we stopped moving completely. We just hung there, between the ocean and the sky, watching the trail of three moons shine on the water.
“What are we waiting for?”
“The wind,” Reynald said. “We’ll need it to pick up a bit more before we start.”
I didn’t mind if the wind didn’t pick up for a while. It was so beautiful here. Floating on a starry night across a magical ocean, just me and Reynald. It felt almost romantic, except I was in the boat with a trained killer and there were corpses by our feet. So Kair Toren.
…{cut for spoilery reasons}…
Reynald rose and grabbed the first corpse by its shoulders wrapped in canvas. “The wind is up.”
I picked up the legs, and we heaved the body overboard. It hit the water with a heavy splash. Seven corpses followed, sinking below surface.
“Won’t the bodies float back up when they start to decompose?” I asked. The last thing we needed was for that dead crew to wash up ashore with the tide.
“Hold that thought.”
He pulled a small barrel from a spot at the front of the boat, unsheathed a knife, and pried the snug lid open. A stench hit me, reeking of rotting fish and something else, something sickening and gross.
I gagged.
Reynald emptied the barrel into the water and tossed it into the ocean. He moved through the boat, fast like he was on solid ground, and pulled a line. The sail unfurled again, and the boat slid across the water. We turned left, drawing a wide U around the spot where we dropped the bodies.
Something moved beneath the luminescent ocean. I barely caught a glimpse of it as we sped by.
I looked over my shoulder.
A huge triangular fin pierced the water, trailing a long yellow spike. Another. A third… A massive body broke the surface, half as big as our boat. I caught a glimpse of broad armored jaws, and then it dove under. The ocean behind us churned as if boiling.
“What bodies?” Reynald asked and gave me a wide smile.
No idea on the knitting – but the snippet is wonderful!! May your vacation be renewing!
Has! Top 5?
I meant Yes! Too eager!
Also loving the Monday Maggie snippet – can that be a thing please?
knitters pride ginger delux interchangeable needle set. It’s a beautiful set, and you can get it on Amazon.
second this set.
I left a comment on titanium needles. At the time I didn’t even know there was a difference between knitting and crocheting (no idea if I spelled that right, if not I don’t want to know what crocheting is. Nope, don’t want to know )
YouTube can be a wonderful thing.
I hope your vacation turns out great. Thank you for the Maggie clip. I can’t wait for the book, but I will persevere. My wife is also a reader and a couple of years ago I convinced her to try the Innkeeper series ( she’s not fond of magic 🙄 ) and she’s now on her third or fourth reread. She even persuaded me to buy the entire Edge series, which is saying a lot as she’s the conservative spender in our marriage.
Please leave us an idea of what you end up liking
P.S. I forgot that I am replying to a reply, sorry about that
Try amazon prime and search for Knit Bits. there are all sorts of needles available to arrive by by June 5
Chiaogoo needles, the regular circular ones are my favourite- and they have a rather nice looking interchangeable set!
Love the sneaky snippet!
I’ve heard a lot of people like these needles. I use the Knit Picks interchangeable. They’ll get it to u fast!
I second the knit picks
I like the KP wood for slippery yarns and the Chiagoo for everything else!
I have a set of these and really like them.
Sorry, I only use click on interchangeable from Addi. I apparently unscrew the screw in kind as I knit, leaving myself suddenly with a loose needle and a handful of dropped stitches. But my sister swears by Chia Goo innterchangeables
I thought I was the only one who unscrewed needles when I knit! So sorry to hear you do too. I have the Addi Click interchangeables too
I know nothing about knitting needles however Amazon plus titanium should give you just about any option.
Contrary to popular belief titanium is only about as strong as steel, but it’s as light as aluminum ( or wood ) so you get the best of both worlds.
Best luck and have a great vacation.
+1 on the unscrewed needles while knitting. Don’t know how tight I can go before I break the connection. Mine are Boye needles.
+1 for Addi click!
I also have had the needles unscrew while knitting. It’s not always easy to get the addi click to click, but they have never come un-clicked so I support this recommendation.
I have a lot of Chiao Goo circs because they have the most flexible cable I’ve ever encountered. My friends who’ve tried their interchangeable needles have given mixed reviews about the joins, though. (I don’t bother with sets because I like to have the longest needle portion possible). Good luck!
Yet another (super-duper enthusiastic) vote for ChiaoGoo twist lace-tips. After trying them, I never looked back. I now own all their steel-tip interchangeable sets (LOVE the little mini ones for sweater sleeves and socks!) and their super fancy blackwood set. My favorite is the 4″ steel-tip. The 5″ just feels too long for too many projects I work in the round. Like others have said, if you tighten the join with a t-pin, they don’t come unscrewed while knitting. But I’d stick to the red twist cables as opposed to the new silver “spin” cables–those do tend to grab stitches as you slide them over the join between the needle and cable.
+1 for chiaogoos and they’re available with prime delivery, I believe 🙂 they also have a bamboo twist set, but their metal ones are extra popular.
I hear people about join issues, I personally never encounter them if I use the little “key” to tighten the joins when connecting cable and needle.
+1 for ChiaoGoo interchangeable set. I have the bamboo set as well as some of the metal tips and love them all. The bamboo and metal needle tips are interchangeable on both the twist (red) and spin (clear) cables. The red cables don’t kink at all, which I love. Enjoy your vacation! I love swimming in the ocean too.
I like ChiaGoo because the line doesn’t kink. I like a fast needle, so I also use the Addi brand, fine point. HiyaHiya are the sharpest, and slower than the Addi’s. Fastest (to me) are the Addi’s, then the HiyaHiya, then the ChiaGoo.
I have the Addi click system fine point or lace point (several lines and needle sizes from 000 to size 15) for 10 years and it is still used every day. I also like the longer 5 inch needle. Hate wood, plastic, bamboo
To quote our favorite authors, your mileage may vary! The snippet was wonderful, Thankyou!
Will have to check these out. Hiya hiya sharps circular interchangeable are the ones I’ve been using and enjoying.
What’s the join like for the 000 needle? Do the loops slide neatly over it or does it bunch and snag? I like using sewing thread to knit. Usually Navajo/ chain ply or just have 3 to 5 spools going. The thread tends to act like a ribbon yarn because they stack instead of ply/twist together.
Chiaogoo are super duper popular! And they have their minis if you want to do socks or mittens!!!
+1 chiagoo twist complete set, they’re flexible and the join is smooth and you can extend the set easily with the micro cables or the even more flexible x-flex blue cables.
I’m a huge fan of these as well. Lots of LYS sell them and ship!
The Chiao Goo Twist are my absolute favorites. They are nice slick metal with fine points, and the cable is very flexible with almost no memory. Also, the cables are very durable, with a braided metal core a d a nice smooth coating. They aren’t cheap, but in my opinion, well worth the price.
I love ❤️ Chiaogoo’s interchangeable red twist sets & I think I now own most of the sets available.The red twist cables are great; the joins are smooth & once I use the pin to tighten the connections, I find they stay tight.
A few years ago Knitter’s Pride bought Lantern Moon, a company that specialized in ebony knitting needles. I picked a set of the new Knitter’s Pride Lantern Moon interchangeables on sale and so far have enjoyed them. The cables have a bit more memory than the Red Twist ones, but the ebony needles feel quite nice and the joins seems smooth.
+1 for Chiaogoo.
I second that. Love my Chiagoo needles. I have bothe the bamboo and the metal so I can choose the right needle for the project and the yarn.
They also save so much space!
Adding my support to Chiaogoo. They’ve been my favorites for years.
Not sure of the shipping time but it’s a great store!
Google circular knitting needles and there are many options from Amazon including one with multiple tips. I don’t knit but I figured it didn’t hurt to look. Thank- You for the Edge burger recipe. I modified it by coating them with instant mashed potato flakes. They were good and I told my gluten intolerant neighbor about them and she is excited! Again, Thank-You! Have a lovely vacation!
Sorry I don’t have anything to offer. I know nothing about knitting but I appreciate the bribe anyway. Thank you 😊
Love this. What a great way to start the week. Safe travels.
I cannot help with the knitting rec–but I LOVE the sneaky snippet! Now I wanna go out in a boat under the stars and just be– loveliness–
Hopefully without the weight-lifting exercise first 😅
Sorry no idea where to buy knitting stuff. But Amazon never fails me when my nephews ask for something that I have no clue about. 😃😃
Snippet is awesome. Bodies? 🎣
Agree to knitting.
Snippet was a treat. And bodies? soft whistling, nothing to see here….
I use Boyle.
loved the snippet. You always pull me in! I could feel the wind and smell the salt. so romantic….. except for the the dead bodies at my feet. LOL Awesome!!
Enjoy the vacation. Although with your imagination about things in the water you’re braver than I.
My favorite needles sets are:
Knitters Pride Karbonz – metal tips, very pointy, and they are almost unbreakable, even in the small sizes. Works great with any type yarn. i use the see a lot for darker yarn as tge silver tips make it easier to see the stitches. Available via the Amazon site so you’d get them quick.
Lantern Moon – lovely ebony needles, feel great in your hand, knits like a dream. The sets come in a pretty zip pouch with two sets of several length cables, one fixed and one that rotates, a couple stitch markers and other small goodies. I bought a full set of Lantern Moon from Jimmy Beans Wool, which offers the additional benefit of a broken needle exchange so if you break the needles you send it in and they send a new one free of charge.
I use the rotating flex cables almost exclusively now as they fit all my sets.
Happy knitting and have a lovely, well deserved beach escape!
I have the Lantern Moon Tunisian crochet hooks and they too are lovely. So far, LM has the most swivel in the cable than anything else I’ve tried.
Karbonz and bamboo are the only kind of knitting needles I get; they are much easier to hold so my hands don’t work too hard…which means more knitting!
Enjoy your vacation!
I’m no help with the knitting needles. If I ever need any, I help myself from my grandmother’s massive box of needles. She had everything!
The BDH is going to utterly lose its collective mind once an announcement is made about wherever this snippet came from.
My mind already has the car warmed up, ready to hit the Crazy Road!
Knit Pro in Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/s?k=knit+pro&crid=3IVXNB9YXPN&sprefix=knit+pro%2Caps%2C254&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
I have the colored wood.
I have Knit Pro in coloured wood as well. I did manage to break a sock width point, but the store I got them from – Black Sheep Wools in the UK – sent me a new pair of tips in that size. If you are in the UK they are well worth a look, excellent customer service, and if you are near enough to visit they have the reduced section to go crazy in and a nice little cafe to recover from your fibre frenzy, as well as running workshops on pretty much anything involving fibre.
Ooooooo thank you so much! Such a fun snippet. I’m so crossing my fingers that we get this book next year!
Not a knitter, so sorry! Enjoy your vacation!!
Thank you for the bribe!
I cross stitch, bargello, and embroider on linen….i cannot help with knitting….Good luck and enjoy the vacation!
A little vacation will recharge your batteries!
Thank you for the surprise snippet, always appreciated!
As you most likely know, school is out now. Traffic can be insane and beach’s stupid crowded, early morning at dawn is lovely. Take a dolphin tour.
Knitting Needle Outlet is having a 30% off storewide sale
chiaogoo lace tips are the only needles I buy anymore. I have an interchangeable kit that works really because there is a t-pin to help tighten the tips. I also have many many regulat circulars in that brand. They are aluminum but not too slippery and I think their cables are the best. Not too stiff and don’t hold the coil like some of the plastic cables. I feel your pain. I quit knitting with wooden needles because I need slippery ones for arthritis, but I used to love square wooden ones and have broken a few.
Texas? Three planets? A magical (looking) ocean, with wooden boats, bodies, and huge deadly fish? Happy sighs.
I do not knit but I wish you success. Your mini get away sounds marvelous and it’s well-earned.
I LOVE the Chiaogoo Twist Red Lace interchangeable needles – Amazon has them with 2-day delivery. As with all things, YMMV. 🙂
I love the knit picks needles…interchangeable and pretty. The are two day delivery on Amazon prime.
Love my Chiagoo’s – had to get the 5 inch tips because I grip the needles too hard and saw I was bending the cable at the join…
I’m sorry but I have no idea about knitting or anything related to it.
The snippet reminded me that, if I landed in Kate Daniels’ world, I would maybe last as long as it took to say “Holy Sh”. I know this because with my luck I would arrive dead center of Unicorn Lane and that place gives even Kate pause. I would have no chance.
I guess it’s good that Maggie is the one taking one for the team in a new world as I would have made an abysmal, short-lived protagonist. 🙂
I love my knit picks! Thank you for the snippet!
Thank you for the snippet!
A word of caution when changing needle tips: there is a difference in the way yarn slides off wooden and metal needles so there is a difference in your tension. I’d recommend sticking to whichever type of needle you currently use if you’re halfway through a project.
I know nothing about knitting but I took the bribe anyway. I don’t feel guilty at all.
HA! me too!
thank you for the snippet.
Another vote for the Chiagoo interchangeables. Love the lace tips ( sharper than KnitPro, not as stabby as HiyaHiya). They have different cables, depending on the needle tips – M is Mini (US 000-1,5), S is Small (US 2-8) and L Large.
I really like the ChiaoGoo twist red lace set (not sure what size needle I have, I think the 4″). I’ve previously used the Denise interchangeable and the knitpicks interchangeable ones. I really like the cables that come with the ChiaoGoo needles the best of any circular needles I’ve tried and I think they are sturdier than the knitpicks needles. I also love that you can buy extra cables in a variety of sizes, and that the set has such a large range (from size 2-15!). They are available on Amazon so should definitely get to you in time.
I really like the knitters pride circular I bought to try. It’s not the interchangeable but I found the cable to be flexible and not stuck in an unwound spot. I’m eyeing the interchangeable set to replace all my clover needles
what bodies indeed! sorry, don’t knit, but loved the snippet anyway, thank you!
I love my knitpicks…
BTW – love the snippet too…
I have a set of Dyacraft Darn Pretty Needles with lace tips. I love them dearly, but they are pricey. Good joins, pointy tips, nice and slick.
I have of set of Karbon interchangeable. They are pointy and slick, but the joins are not as good as the DPNs.
I also have many Chiagoo lace tip fixed needles that use all the time. I haven’t tried their interchangeables.
Swimming and knitting by the ocean sounds heavenly. Have a great time!!
That should read “but the joins are not as good as DPN”.
Fixed 🙂
Came here to say Dyakcraft. And they are pricey, but they have a ton of options – all interchangeable on the same cables (except for their steel needles which are small sock size needles). It’s allowed me to grow my collection toward larger, longer needles as I switched to sweaters from toys and accessories. I also like to mix and match tips when I’m working in the round- have a shorter aluminum needle to slide off easily while I have the bigger, longer, wooden needle making the stitch.
And I’m a sucker for supporting a small business where the couple hand makes the needles and cases ❤️ I started my collection a couple years before the fire wiped out their wood supplier (2014) and they built back up. Then covid and recent health issues, but they came back strong.
What about denise love 3 knit. Comes with different lengths of cable plus connectors to make cord longer or shorter. I use the tunisian crochet hook and have been making baby blankets for a couple of years
I don’t knit. But… damn. I want MORE…LOL. Thank you!!!
Bribe gratefully accepted, thank you! I crochet mostly and admire knitters. Knitlikegranny.com offers reviews of knitting needles, including yarns and projects for each.
Awesome! Can’t wait for the whole thing
I hope you find the knitting needles you prefer. I’m a crochet woman myself so I have no suggestions.
Thanks ever so much for the snippet. It truly made my day.
I got these last year. I didn’t realize when I got them they were square but I love it and they are my new friends. The laminated birch is perfect. It’s pretty. It’s buttery smooth and the points are sharp (but not too sharp) and strong. I’m a huge fan. In case the link breaks it’s the Knitpicks Interchangeable Foursquare Needles Majestic Wood Set. I got it from Amazon bc they were fastest. https://a.co/d/1O4TR9j
My favorite brand is Knit Pro, I have 2 full sets and all my single tips and cables are also Knit Pro
Addi needles are my favorite, and the lace needles are very pointy. Amazon has them, for speed.
I love Lantern Moon products. I haven’t tried their knitting needles, just their Tunisian Crochet hooks with the cable but I love them! They come in a beautiful zippered case too. Just not sure how quickly they ship.
My preferred knitting needles: Chiao goo twist red interchangeable needles
Amazon link: https://a.co/d/gXGFoki
Mag-gie! Mag-gie! Mag-gie! Woohoo! Thank you!
No clue on the knitting, but I hope you find something that works well for you.
Enjoy this vacation segment! You deserve a whole one.
ChiaoGoo Twist Red Lace Interchangeable Circular Needle Set
My knit picks needle cracked like that, and they replaced them for free. For small sizes I use Karbonz needles (see broken needles). I don’t know how quickly Knit Picks can ship, it’s an issue. I don’t like tips and cable sets, they seem to unwind on me. I’m going to be in Deltona this week, so I will wave in your direction.
Chiagoo has a really nice set (I bought on Amazon a few years ago so might be in time). Neeedles haven’t tarnished, connection isn’t a screw it’s a click and twist so they haven’t come undone while knitting like my knitpicks set does, and they come in a very nice leather case. Love them so much.
I just want to point out, in case it had not occurred to you, that if time gets tight before you leave, you can have anything shipped to your hotel instead of your house.
Also, while it may require leaving your house and speaking with someone in person (never my favorite thing to do), local craft or fabric stores likely have knitting tools and a knowledgeable sales person.
Of course, driving there takes you away from writing, so maybe forget that I mentioned this last thing. (:
Have fun on your trip!
chiagoo bamboo twists/spins, they have a nice feature where the needle spins independent of the join, which is why most of my circulars snap.
or knitpicls for their warranty… my sock needle set kept breaking and they sent replacement needles.
Chiaogoo interchangeable needles. Great cables and just the right amount of sharpness to the tips. Thing enough for lace, but not too sharp that it hurts.
If you preffer wood, Lykke sets are really good too, especially if you pair them with Lantern Moon cables. However they aren’t very sharp at the smaller sizes, as usual with wood needles.
I really like my Lykke wood set. Unfortunately I don’t have a set of lace tips. So my current project is on inherited metal needles with a metal cord. I’m taking notes so I can do some shopping before my trip.
For the shipping, maybe you could have them shipped at your hotel ?
Thank you for the snipet ! Have a lovely vacation😊
Chiaogoo interchangeables. The metal ones. Very sharp, cables that that don‘t twist (the red ones).
Also love the snippet, three moons sounds wonderful.
Walmart.com has a interchangeable set for about 25 dollars, 3 day shipping
If you have a Hobby Lobby close, you can stop in and buy a kit fairly inexpensive with interchangeable needles and lengths of cables. It might not be perfect but it will get you through vacation. I have some and they work fairly well and let me carry all the sizes at one time easily.
Here is a large set of aluminum needles that are on sale. They usually ship quickly. https://www.darngoodyarn.com/collections/knitting-needles/products/aluminum-interchangeable-knitting-needles
Just to clarify, I meant the Chiaogoo Twist Red Lace. I have three sets from them, ranging from needles 1.5mm all the way to 10mm.
For lace and socks I always go with the Chiaogoo. For other items it depends if I feel like working with metal needles or if I am in a mood for wood. It also depends if the yarn is slippery or not.
I also have a Lykke set and a Knitter’s Pride set (both owned by Knitpro). Both sets are good, but I don’t love the cables. The ones from Lykke are better than the Knitter’s Pride, in my opinion. My favorite cables to use with them are the metal cables from Lantern Moon (also owned by Knitpro).
Interchangeable circulars are my thing. I have 4 systems.
My go-to is KnitPicks/Knitter‘s Pride/Lykke/Lantern Moon. All of the above have the same threading, so you can interchange between them. I like variety so I usually buy a pair or two of tips in different types. I love the colors of the Lykke sets and they have short tips, which is my preference but I am apparently weird in that. I also particularly love the square wooden tips. Those would be my top recommendations. Because there’s so many brands that work together, it’s easy to expand. But, they can sometimes unscrew as you knit, so I’m just now in the habit of checking the threads every round or two.
I recently purchased a couple of tips and cords to try out Indian Lake Artisans interchangeables and I love them. They’re also a higher price point, and you’re limited to the options that they produce, but if the price isn’t a problem and the sizes they offer are what you use, this is my top choice. They are USA made and have a great warranty- I had one get broken and I’m not even sure how but I’m sure it was something like me stepping on it because the materials and workmanship are great. But I contacted them asking about buying a single tip to replace it and they sent one no charge.
For small gauge, I have both Kinki Amibari, which is a Japanese brand and really hard to find in the USA, and ChiaoGoo. I like them both but I do find the KA tips are a bit more prone to unscrewing themselves compared to the CG. Both have larger tip sizes available but they are basically separate sets because the thread sizes are different for small gauge tips vs larger gauge tips. There are adapters available, but that’s just another point that could accidentally unscrew. However, CG does have extra short cables for their small gauge set, which makes nice flexi-dpns, which is my favorite way to knit small circumferences. And, if you knit a lot of small, fine gauge items, picking up the sizes that other brands don’t carry makes a nice auxiliary set.
Also I second Miche‘s statement that Lantern Moon has the best cables if you go with the KnitPicks/Lykke/Lantern Moon system
Indian lake artist needles are SO good! They are also not cheap, but they are worth it if you can splurge.
I particularly love how the cables join to the needles – there’s a sort of ball-and-socket that lets any twists you might add work themselves out rather than kinking your cables or untwisting your needles.
I have the hexagonal needles’ and they are really nice on your hands – however, they do lead to a different gauge than round or square needles, so be sure to swatch!
Unfortunately they (Indian Lake Artisans) do take a while to ship. I missed that Ilona was wanting something quick shipping on my first read-through.
I adore my Chiaogoo red interchangeable set they are sharp and smooth and the needles rarely start to unscrew on me. They make projects much nicer
I use Chiaogoo needles the most. I have a couple of different sets The red cables are what to look for. I’ve ordered from Chiaogoo website and Amazon. Have a wonderful vacay!
I know nothing about knitting, but thanks for the snippet! (I’ll try not to tell anyone about it.)
GuChet yarn store located in Daytona beach also there is a Joanne Fabric store.
I looked online and GuChet has circular knitting needles.
Also take time to tour the speedway. I am not a car guy but the track tour and the museum were definitely worth a visit.
Thank you so much for the snippet!
Sorry I’m not a knitter, but I hope you have a wonderful vacation!
From my sister who is a knitter I think lives close to you.
ChiaoGoo hands down! Little pricy, however I’ve never worked with a better needle.
Chiagoo needles are very sharp but expensives. Knit pick are more affordable. Depends how much you want to spend!
Chiagoo needles are very sharp but expensives. Knit pick are more affordable. Depends how much you want to spend!
Thank you for the snippet. My current favorite knitting needles are KnitPro Karbonz interchangeable
Chia goo needles are awesome! Pointy, interchangeable or not and the cables don’t go all squirrelly on you.
The Chiagoo interchangeables are great! I’ve come to prefer their metal needles and their non-kinking cords are always the best.
My favorites interchangeables are Hya Hya sharps. They’re metal and very sharp. I got my original set from Eat Sleep Knit but I bought another set for 50% off from a yarn store that was closing. Just to have a backup 😂 I also have some regular circular needles for them too. Those are all I use for socks. I used to like the Addi rockets but the cords crimple up bad.
Oh my goodness, if I knew ANYTHING about knitting needles, that bribe would get all of my knowledge lol.
Seriously, I have followed all over YEARS and multiple series. It never gets old and I never get bored.
All Hail the Author Lords! May you have the best mini vacation and knit happily ever after lol
I love chiaogoo and knitpicks needles. But affordability wins so my full sets are KP.
I’ve tried many different interchangeable circular needles, and my favorite brand is Lykke, by far.
Chiagoo is super sharp for socks & mits, but Lykke is the best overall IMHO.
Good luck!
That is sooo frustrating! Hiya Hiya ve interchangeable needles if you like aluminum. I also recommend ChiaGoo. They are both available through Amazon. Good luck!
I love the chiaogoo set. I’ve used them for several sweaters and other projects.
I love the snippet, and for needles, I love my interchangeable Lykkes. It looks like you can get them in 1-2 days depending on your location.
Your vacation plans sound truly dreamy. Have so much fun!!!
There’s the Lantern Moon sets which I really like. Very pretty wood sets. They work with the Knitpro cables, which you seem to have in the image, so they’d be a nice upgrade while being interchangeable with your current parts. If I hadn’t just spent a a fair bit on yarn and more Symfonie needles I’d have gotten a set of those myself.
My friend also loves her Chiaogoo set, Metal circulars.
cannot wait! tyvm! 🤫
Chiaogoo needles. I have the interchangeable ones. Nice and sharp and solid with the cables it you tighten them well. There’s a whole set.
Okay, next time I have to replace my circular needs am going to try chiaogoo; but I have three full sets of circulars from Clover and Susan Bates. I found when I use replacements sets that I either unwind them while knitting or manage to spread the link while working cables. I do top down seamless sweaters for most of my projects which puts a weight on cable.
Loved the bonus!
Good luck with finding good needles. I would suggest checking Ravelry or other craft/knit sites to see what they suggest. Thank you for the snippet.
I love my Hiyahiya sharps. A bit pricey but sturdy, and I enjoy them tremendously. Quick delivery via Amazon
I’m not a knitter, but see you received a number of recommendations. Thanks for the great snippet!
Clover Takumi Combo Interchangeable Circular Knitting Needles https://a.co/d/f0q8hXK. I love these needles! and you can get them by Wednesday!
I haven’t tried the interchangable needles from Clover, I have a knitpiks set, but I do like their single needles.
My local JoAnns and Michaels have the Clover interchangeable needles in store. Maybe they have them in store near you or your vacation spot?
“What bodies?” Lol …. I feel like when if I get to read this whole thing it’s going to be a total immersion in the world. Thank you for the snippet!
For quick shipping I’d probably lean towards Amazon. I haven’t purchased new knitting needles in a while …
My favorite needles are ChiaoGoo Forte. They just came out with a 2.0 version that has the smaller needle sizes in carbon fiber and the larger sizes in a beautiful blackwood.
Not sure if jimmy beans will ship in a week. When these came out I pre ordered from my LYS.
Happy knitting and I hope you have a great vacation!
I live and die by my Chiagoo interchangeables. I’ve had them for years and they’re wonderful. the only time they’ve bent is because one got stuck in my recliner and I forced it closed without realizing it. Best cords ever.
I personally love my Addi needles. The Addi Turbo’s have a fairly sharp tip.
these are my favorite
ChiaoGoo from Jimmy Beans Wool (they bought out MadelineTosh yarn), ships fast from Reno Nevada. I’m on the east coast and often get packages from them in 3 days.They ship same day typically. If you want to get real fancy, ChiaoGoo have a new Forte line of needles with vinyl wrapped stainless steel cables that swivel. They don’t kink or have a memory, but they are expensive for the set. The normal set with the red cables are still stainless steel and vinyl coated, they just don’t swivel. But nice either way!
I wish I knit specifically for your description! Those sound cool!
knitters pride ginger delux interchangeable needle set. It’s a beautiful set, and you can get it on Amazon.
I feel bad for reading the snippet because I have no knitting needle advice to give. But I hope one of the BDH does! Thanks for the snippet!
Thank you for the snippet 😁
As the saying goes – good friends help you move. Best friends help you hide dead bodies. Bwahahaha
Chiaogoo, you can get nice pointy sharp lace tips, excellent strength and flexibility of the cables 😏
The reference to Texas threw me. It sounds like it is on a different world but is the person narrating a Texan?
Hi Layla,
That is exactly right! The snippet is from Maggie, the new WIP from House Andrews, which is an isekai or “Other World” fantasy.
For more details, please see https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/what-is-it/ 🙂
Excellent snippet!!!
I have the ChiaoGoo Twist interchangeable 5 inch tips, and I love them. The needle connections are nice and smooth, and the cables are amazing.
Yes, Daytona is fabulous! High school band trip there in 1974, played a concert on the beach after a day in the sun. Itchy wool uniforms over sunburn – not fun. But the ocean was amazing, most of us only had experience with lake beaches.
(And at this point in the year, no spring break crowds!)
Enjoy your vacation! Take lots of 50+ sunblock, and hats!
Thank you for the snippet!!
I’m so glad that you are taking a mini-vacation by the sea… though after reading that vivid snippet I couldn’t step into the ocean.
I have two sets of Addi interchangeables (regular and lace), a set of Knitpicks wood interchangeables, a set of Knitter’s Pride Karbonz 16″ interchangeable, a random set of Knitter’s Pride Cubics, and a few different Kollage Square Fixed Circular Needles.
I’ve rarely had the Addi’s separate, but it has happened more than twice. The Knitpicks, ::sigh::, I’ve had them unscrew and I’ve had the joins separate multiple times in the worst places.
If I had my druthers, I’d wish I could get the Kollage’s as an interchangeable set, but would settle and get another full set but in the Cubics. I puffy heart LOVE knitting with square needles.
I love my Knitter’s Pride Dreamz, regular size. My first interchangeable set was Clover bamboo. Wool slides over the laminated birch of Dreamz much better. They just feel gorgeous in the hand. Coolest part? Different size needles and cables are different colors. (I know some of the KnitPicks sets do this, too, but just the needles.) Decide you want to switch from 24” to 32” cable? You don’t need to compare the length of a bunch of black cables, just switch from green to orange.
Two caveats: 1) the plastic case is awful. I bought a lovely cloth one from ChiaoGoo; just wish it had room for Tunisian hooks as well. 2) one cord has one hole that is too tight to get the key through. An unbent paper clip works perfectly.
I also have a set of Lykke short tips for when I need 16” circular. I regret not buying Knitter’s Pride here as well.
You know knitters don’t need bribes to gush about cool tools and favorite yarns, so double thanks for the treat.
I love my Lykke needles, especially the cords that swivel on their own. Alternately, Knitter’s Pride Mindful Knits sets also have swivel cords. I love them. Swivel cords for everyone. Incidentally, both sets of needles are easy to knit with too. (Although it looks like you have Lykke up there? They come in colors now!). Stay away from the Knitter’s Pride Gingers. Too grippy, and I keep getting needles not seated in the hardware properly. And Knit Picks Rainbows will split along the glue lines (slow shipping too)
Ooooh! Hopi g all the noes have noped and you have a relaxing time swimming and knitting! Thanks for the snippet! Love a good ‘partners in crime’ scene
I pretty much only use the addi click sets. Yes, I have multiple sets both in regular and square needles (love the squares). The screw-in kind kept coming apart on me.
loved it awaiting for the rest as in all the spoily bits. I have lots of knitting needles but I like the straight ones I good opp shopping for them
My grandmother tried diligently to teach me to knit/sew her left handed granddaughter. Epic fail. The Horde must have an expert in its midst. Happy Vaca!
I knit with my left hand. That means I work the yarn with my left hand instead of my right hand.
When I tried to knit a long time ago, I got so frustrated dropping my stitches and all the terminology sounded like code. I asked my mom, who knitted, what was all that about. This is what she told me.
All knitting is it’s how the bumps go. If the bump is to the back, it’s a knit. If the bump is in front, it’s a pural.
She told me it didn’t matter which hand you used. If it’s comfortable to you, use that hand to hold the yarn.
I tried her advice. Before I knew it I was knitting. She taught a close family friend, who never knitted before, to knit in about 2 hours.
I usually crochet. Every once in a great while I’ll knit.
Me too!
I did one project with right hand holding the yarn, and gave up on knitting for years afterward.
I have since learned about Continental/German style and Portuguese/Arabic/Bosnian style and knitting finally started to click. I generally knit Continental and purl Portuguese.
Grandma taught me to crochet in my singles and my right hand has never comfortably held yarn since. 😆
Continental knitting made sense to me, since I learned how to crochet (right handed) first. Mom insisted on teaching me the right handed version of crochet so I wouldn’t have to mess about with trying to reverse engineer patterns.
I am left handed, but I think it’s more that I was used to holding the yarn in my left hand. I actually knit combination, since I lazy purl.
I can swing continental and English for stranded colorwork, but my tension between the two styles is very different.
These days I mostly knit socks, so I tend to just stick with addi rocket fixed needles.
I found knitpicks early on, and I’ve done well with their needles. I’ve never tried chiaogoo needles, but I know people that swear by them, so I do stock them at work. I know chiaogoo makes an interchangeable sock needle set, but I haven’t given it a try.
I have broken a pair of karbonz at the cable join. I love them for dpns though. I am hard on cables, which is one of the reasons why I love addi’s so much. Also, I prefer nickel plated tips.
It’s also possible if you bought the needles at your local yarn shop, they can get them replaced for you. Many of the major brands will replace broken knitting needles. My local yarn shop replaced the broken karbonz for me and dealt with the warranty.
Also, I’ve never been to four pearls yarn shop, but I would think it’s worth the trip. Google Maps says it’s 1 hr 38 minutes from daytona. I love Emma’s Yarn. I’ve never bought directly from four pearls, my local yarn store carries Emma’s Yarn.
I wish I could help. I have an interchangable kit I got at Michael’s years ago, not even sure what brand they are. My only beef with them is, sometimes they loosen at the cable connection and snag in my yarn, so it’s a constant battle retightening them.
Good luck, and happy knitting!
Add a drop of purple thread lock to your needles or cables, and they won’t work loose without the pin. They won’t be too tight with the pin.
Thank you for the glowing ocean!
I knit a lot. I use wood on slippery yarn, and stainless steel on merino. I like the smallest Knitters Pride Mindful set because it has cords that swivel and go down to 10” – small enough for sleeves. I also have their 5” set, and the sharp points are great for lace. For wood needles, I have the Lykke Driftwood, and love them. The needles and cords are interchangeable between the 2 brands. Having sets has saved me a lot of time and money because I’m no longer dashing to this or that yarn store and buying that “Oh So Tempting….”
I also have the Lykke Cypra (copper needles), which are too shiny and too soft, their birch, works great, but maybe too light on white yarn. I tried the Chai Goo and had trouble with saggy wires and cross threaded needles. Also they had 2 different thread sizes, which I found irritating. I never had the right length cable in the right thread.
Of course sailors are superstitious. They are dealing with something that is outside their control, and superstition gives them the illusion that they have some control over it. This works, even though they know that the superstitions really don’t give them control over it.
The exact same thing applies to sports fans.
I know nothing about knitting but hope you find the help you need as there are apparently a lot of BDH knitters!
Thank you for the wonderful snippet! So looking forward to reading Maggie whenever it comes out.
My son gave me a set of knit pick rainbow for my birthda. So far so good ! What a lovely snippet!
Would you please let us know what you chose and how they worked?
I’m not a knitter, but thank you for the snippet! What a nice surprise 🙂
Addi click turbo circular needle sets. Two day delivery on Amazon.
Chiaogoo Red Lace Interchangeables! Metal needles & cords are the absolute BEST! They are stainless chain encased in the red outer layer. They never kink or bend. They are beautifully flexible. They have all needle lengths and sizes. Sheer perfection. Knitting on the beach is best vacation ever. I hope your vacation is all you need it to be.
I snapped my smaller sizes knitpro needles (Wood) before while knitting. More then once…
Now I use Seeknit Koshitsu needles. They are made of bamboo and feel amazing. So far I haven’t even broken my 2,0mm needles, and I‘ve used them on large, heavy projects. Lightweight, warm to the touch, not too slippery – I love them.
I tried Hiya Hiya as well, but the tips were too sharp for my taste. Plus I could hear and feel them scraping on each other while knitting. I much prefer bamboo/wood needles.
I recommend Knit Pro Symphony or Knit Pro Cubics for better grip (sizes are by diameter but while diameter may be same as round needles, circumference is different and needs some math to confirm correct needle to use). Both have decently sharp tips but not enough to be stabworthy.
I love the Zing line by KnitPro (I think in the US they are called Knitter’s Pride, they seem to be similar to Knit Pick)
They use the same color per size for all versions, no matter if circular, interchangeable, 5-needles-set for socks…. even crochet hooks
As in if I work with size 5, no matter with what kind of needle I want to improvise, I only have to check for the color
Interesting snippet btw
Good luck in getting the needles on time
I travel a lot and I’ve simplified my life to a set of Chiagoo bamboo interchangeables. There’s NEVER any trouble with TSA in any country with bamboo needles (even countries where there is no knitting so pointy things get looked at with suspicion)—the bamboo makes a big difference there.
I have both the red and the clear cables and like both of them. I’ve even cleaned out my stash of other needles completely (and did that ever feel good!) and only use the chiagoos. I love them; I will say that whilemost of the bamboos are really sharp, every now and then I get a replacement set of tips (sigh, dogs) that isn’t as sharp as I prefer. Still, I like the way the bamboo feels (I don’t ever get sore wrists or fingers) and the way the yarn slides on it—not too slippy and still smooth.
Thank you for the Maggie snippet.
I’ve been so incredibly depressed, and I keep telling myself that Maggie is something to look forward to when it comes out, and that I’ve got to hold on for that and my toddler.
I hope y’all have an amazing vacation.
Kimberly, I am so sorry times are dark now. Please reach out for help, it is available. You are important and we want you with us for a long time.
Here are some help links that can assist, with therapy, support groups or other types of crisis help:
https://mchb.hrsa.gov/programs-impact/national-maternal-mental-health-hotline – free and available 24/7
Being sleep deprived, touched out, overwhelmed with stimuli, hungry, angry, lonely and tired are all things that can make you feel worse. You deserve to have all those needs met. Please eat, sleep, rest, use noise cancelling whenever possible.
You are not alone.
Kimberly — please listen to Mod R. My heart goes out to you, and I hope things improve for you and your child soon.
I’m so sorry.
Kimberly, if you need help, Mod R listed some things. She is right. Motherhood is hard. Life is hard. Sometimes it really sucks, but it inevitably gets better.
It helps to take things one day at a time. Future is too big, but today is doable. We can make it through today and in the evening we will celebrate that little victory, then tomorrow we will make it again and celebrate that.
One day at a time.
You’re not by yourself. We are here. Pretty soon the second serial will start, and we want you to hang out with us every Friday.
I agree with Ilona and Mod R.
You are part of the Horde, and we are here for you.
Take deep breaths. When the crap tries to bring you down into the whirlpool, know you have people who will grab your hand and bring you out of the pool.
Have hugs or hot chocolate or a bubble bath or an Ilona Andrews re-read or iced tea or any combination of those or whatever else just gives you a little relief while you get help.
Kimberly, when you’re on the Planet of Toddlerhood, you think it will last forever, It won’t. They grow faster than you think, things change before you know it, they get easier. Different things to deal with of course, but almost anything is easier than toddlerhood. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, except when you need to put them up. We are all rooting for you.
Hugs to you! Take it one day at a time, sometimes one hour at a time, it gets you through til you feel better. It does get better, please take deep breaths, hug your little one and talk to someone. We need you to stay with us!
My favourite are my Knit Pro Symphonie, but I think the brand might be called something else where you are? Knitters pride perhaps? They’re a very big brand, so should be very easy to get hold of in time!
Sorry, I haven’t got my knitting needles out for at least a decade, and haven’t even heard of interchangeable circular needles. Circular needles yes, interchangeable nope.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday at the beach and thank you very much for the snippet.
Also want to leave my recommendation for the Chiaogoo, bamboo with the flex cables are my go to, but they have a really good option for metal as well.
Really recommend buying one of their sets, if you’re buying the bamboo get some twist cables on the side to try them on as well.
They have the most complete system in the market IMHO, including the shorties interchangeable sets which are invaluable for sleeves (i own all 3), and the 50 inch cable which allows you to try on your sweater without removing the needles.
I can’t wait for this book!
Knit pro Swivel Cables – new & fantastic. They fit Knit pro interchangeable needles both wooden Symfonie & metal they also fit the Lykke interchangeables. I like the feel of the wooden ones they come as a set but the cables are poor.
I have used Lykke with the swivel cables – one of the best combinations if you like wood. If you like metal get the Knit pro mindful interchangeable set.
I use both. & have used interchangeables for the last 15-20 years.
Happy knitting
P.s. I have also used chiagoo metal lace needles – very sharp. I like them for some projects but not if you have yarn the is likely to split. Still I like them but the swivel cables for these are not great in fact poor. Normal interchangeable cables are good tho.
+1 for Chiaogoo – I have 3 Chiaogoo interchangeable sets and they are by far my favorite.
Chiagoo all the way! They are the only ones that doesn’t give me a headache!
I’ve only started to read the blog recently (with Sanctuary) and because of my almost daily dose of you guys, i’m again knee deep into the Kate Daniels world! I’m re-reading everything for maybe the fourth time? I do love my brain because I lnow the gist of it but i forgot all the details! It’s wonderful to rediscover it over and over again!
Wishing you a great small holiday!
Chicago, they have sharp points. I have interchangeable and fixed circulars. See if a local knit shop will let you try knitting with them before buying or someone in your knit group
I love my Denise Interchangeables. I’ve used them for many years. Recently the cable I use most for making hats wouldn’t lock properly. I contacted them and they sent a free replacement (just nominal shipping fee). I did not expect that, given how many years I’ve used it. I bought the basic set and then a set of short tips, which lets me use it for slightly smaller projects. Cannot say enough good things about them. https://www.knitdenise.com/
I’ve only tried KnitPro interchangeable needles which have different needles to fit
I have a wooden Day and Nite set I love, great range except for socks. Metal I like the Mindful set. You can get lace/super pointy. Different lengths for if you like short or long needles, lightweight and you can get swivel cords. Huge range of sizes.
No advice from me on the interchangeable needles. It looks like you have a lot of options.
Thank you for the snippet! “What bodies?” quote made me laugh. I almost gagged too about the stuff in the barrel.
Thank you for the treat!
On to knitting needles. Knit picks has a nice variety of interchangeable circular needles. Wood, metal. They have sets and bibles including short and regular and bulky tips. Can get express delivery.
Happy knitting!
Buy the Chiagoo interchangebable set. There is a small one that goes up to 5 mm and the larger one that goes higher. They are sure in, great cables (they do not twist on you like others), sharp points and are very easy to use.
amazing how much you pack into a snippet: it is on an alien world, it is more primitive than earth, the main character is likely a human woman ( the way the other guy helps the mc on the boat , also their view of boats being pulled behind trucks), they are involved in some kind of military or para military operation, and there may be a love connection at work.
this reminds me of The Princess Bride and I love it. 💗
Late to the game but def another vote for Chiagoo Twist 5″ interchangeables. Indestructible too 😉 vacation knitting is the bestest!
Have a lovely vacation. Sorry, I don’t knit, so can’t help there. Think you for the secret snippet.
Definitely Chiaogoo fan myself. I would not spend the money on Forte needles. The regular interchangeable set is great.
I love how there’s always a body of water with fun stuff in it in IA worlds.
Innkeeper has Kolinda.
Hidden Legacy has The Pit.
Kinsmen have the virtual ocean that is the bionet.
Maggie will have what’s in this snippet.
Hmm. For some reason, I’m drawing a blank on KD!
There’s always the Black Sea or the ocean with the weredolphins from Magic Rises! The weredolphins were so fun 😀
Every body of water in Kate Daniels has something fun in it. Lol it’s such a regular occurrence it’s commonplace
Oh d’oh, I clearly had a brain fart because how could I forget the Cape Fear River in Magic Tides, where Kate blew up a kraken with the bone-breaking power word? Though yes, there were more bodies of water in the original series.
Great snippet!
I have tried many circular sets (Knitters Pride and Lykke to name 2), and the ChiaoGoo Red Lace Interchangeable Twist set is the best. The cables have no “memory”, so they don’t kink or bend. Great for everything from socks and hats to sweaters!
Thanks again for the snippet.
I love my Lykke set! The ChiaGoo is really good too. Both are definitely worth the price
Needles: Chiaogoo interchangeables set. Metal are my favorite 4″ tips are very comfortable. If you prefer wood- lykke interchangeable set. Both on Amazon or possibly you LYS ( local yarn shop)
I like Knit Picks. You can buy extra needles if you need them. Your LYS should have them or Amazon.
😱😱😱😱😱😱 Living the snippet!!
My favorite are the metal chaigoos. I love the sharp tip. You might want to check out how you feel about the chord. I like it but some find it a bit too stiff. Other option for a more flexible chord is addi click lace tips. Also one of the reasons I really like chaigoos is that they have super small interchangeables to do sleeves and cuffs on.
I LOVE Addi turbo squared needles. They are a twisted square shape so easier on your hands and don’t drop stitches as easily. Lots of cable sizes. Life line holes for the cables. Short and long sizes and 2 day shipping with Amazon
Looking forward to the whole story. Sounds a blast.
My favorites are Addi Olivewood. I find them warm & comfortable with my arthritic hands… and I love wood! I get them thru Fabulous Yarn. they also carry their own brand of wood needles in Rosewood & Ebony. They come in a squared option as well as regular.
I love knit picks. I haven’t been able to knit in ages, but when I used to do a lot of knitting, I love my needles I bought from them. I love knit picks in general. If you order within the next 7 hours they can be delivered by June 6
Haven’t read the bribe yet, but just a thought on the broken needle.
While the US based BDH knitting group come up with fast solutions that can work for you, as a back up. The following might work as a back up.
Could you superglue the broken needle back together sanding down the outside of the needle around the glued joint to make it smoother.
Then using electrical wiring tape, wrap around the joint to create a relatively smooth and slide-y for knitting, (like a thin cast) over it. should be similar to knitting with bamboo I’m guessing in terms of sliding stitches over the repair.
Micropore tape would probably work too, more bamboo like on texture, but might not grip the metal as well.
Not ideal I know; but it might work for your holiday needs if the replacement solution doesn’t come in on time.
Now off to read the bribe 😄
I just got an email from KnitPicks and they are having a 50%off needles sale!
Hiya Hiya Sharps. The small sizes are very sharp so be careful.
I’m dazzled by how many of the BDH knit! But not me – I just happily gobbled the snippet!!
ChiaoGoo Lace have the best (sharp) tips and cords! They are available in both 4″ and 5″ tips. You may not like the cord because they are coated stainless steel, which makes them memory-free, but they may not be as soft as you prefer.
Regardless of which brand you choose, I hope they arrive on time and you love knitting with them!
I love my Hiya Hiya sharps, but chiaogoo has some really good needles too. Both brands have multiple sets available on Amazon depending on which sizes you want, and if you want 5” or 4” tips. Both are metal because they make me knit faster. I hope this helps! Good luck!
I am not a knitter but I have a friend who is an amazing craftsperson and they recommend thiese: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N9GZCN4?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_fm_apin_dp_F3FC1JB5NYPW1Z31MVQK&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_fm_apin_dp_F3FC1JB5NYPW1Z31MVQK&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_fm_apin_dp_F3FC1JB5NYPW1Z31MVQK&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1
Thank you for the snippet!
I love my ChiaoGoo Twist Red Lace…not the best picture, but what I’ve got currently going. https://photos.app.goo.gl/dY3GMvhibSinKDs38
This is not their interchangeable, but I do have a set of those on top of this fixed set.
Definitely take a good look at the Chiaogoo interchangeables. They have both metal and bamboo. I tend to prefer the bamboo, but it can depend on the type of yarn you’re using. The cords are amazing!!!!!!!! No curl memory and super flexible. Check out the new Swivel360 cords too. They’re even better than the red lace, IMHO.
ChiaoGoo, I love their interchangeable stainless steel needles. They also do bamboo ones.
if you haven’t already decided, I have , a chiaogoo interchangable set. the tips are sharp and the set is easy to use. I would recommend. available via Amazon for quick delivery.
Knit Pro. Some people say Addi has sharper tips, but I am sticking with Knit Pro now. Either the wooden Symphony or the Zing ones (wood with metal tips)
Knit picks interchangeable mosaic wood set. I have both regular and short sets. They are available in different colors. Love them and available from either knit picks or amazon
On the Chiao Goo wagon – excellent and best price so far on Amazon
I don’t knit so I do not have any suggestions there but I do hope you have a restful trip. I like to english paper piece when I travel.
Thank you for the lovely snippett.
P.S. If you want to send me the “cut for spoilery” part by email, I promise I can keep a secret!
My favorite needles are Chiao Goo twist red lace.
I have a set of Clover Takumi Combo Interchangeable Circular Knitting Needles, and I love them! They’re not that pricey on Amazon and you can get quick delivery. As a side note, you could probably arrange for the hotel to hold your package at the desk if need be. Good luck!
The only needles I use are chiaogoo twist red lace interchangeables. Soft cables and nice point metal needles. Usually available at local knitting stores or from Amazon
I’ve used Lykke interchangeable needles for around ten years and have been pretty happy with them. They have developed a small kink on some of the cords near the needles, but it doesn’t catch or interfere with my knitting. If I knit too tightly, I occasionally have to stop and ease the stitches onto the needle as the join is good, but not perfect. The needles are wooden on the set I have and I find them easy on my hands. I do lust after the ChiaoGoo Forte set which is not in my budget. I can add a lot more yarn to my stash for their price!
Another vote for knit picks. Pretty, cheap (comparatively) and fast shipping.
They aren’t going to win awards, but for traveling and not wanting to risk loosing good tools, knit picks are a good, compact option.
I use Knitters Pride Dreamz Deluxe Interchangeable Needle Set from Amazon. I have to use wood, Aluminum is too slippery for me and I can’t stand the tink-tink sound. The only time one has broken on me was when my teenage son sat on one.
My favorite are HiyaHiya interchangeables, small size goes from 2-8.
chiaogoo interchangeable. I have both steel and bamboo. Love the red cables, the silver cables are even better. flexible no memory cables. I’m not as big a fan of the twist cables (clear). But these are the best needles and cables I’ve ever used.
I’ve heard great things about Lantern Moon, you can buy direct or on Amazon. I am planning on buying. Small kit does not have US 4 though, 3 through 8 but not 4.
My first set of interchangeables was the Denise set, but my wool and blended yarns would stick to the plastic (they are now my
Mom’s and she loves their stickiness as she works with man made fibers).
I ordered a handful of Addi needles to check them out: metal (too slick and yarn fell off easily), and bamboo and wood (worked well for some yarns and was too sticky for others … arg!)
I then ordered one of their Rocket 2 needles: metal, square, and textured.
My second set of interchanges are the Addi Rocket 2. Love them!
The click action is a little tight on one or two needles, so I double check them after attaching. I don’t think my Mom, who has arthritis in her hands, could successfully click the Addi’s into place most of the time. They do require a moderate level of finger strength and dexterity.
I’ve yet to have them come apart during a project, but, admittedly, I suffer from both MPD (Multiple Project Disorder) and MHD (Multiple Hobby Disorder). So someone who gets more use from their set may have a different experience!
Chiaogoo needles (metal) all the way. Available at your LYS or Amazon.
I’m sure someone must have suggested it, but can you just buy new tips for your set and keep yourself knitting while giving yourself time to maybe visit a few yarn shops and touch test some other sets before committing to a big purchase?
I use knit pro nova, swivel interchangeable and love them. You can get different tip sizes, lots of cable lengths and joiners. The sizes are all different metallic colours, so it’s like a little jewellery box, so pretty.
Ethical company, employing women in India.
Might be Knit Picks in USA?
I like my forte set. Nice sharp tips and flexible cables plus everything you need in the case. And Jimmy beans has them so fast shipping. Other good sets I enjoy: Indian lake artisans composite, hiyahiya sharp. Best of luck!
Knitters Pride Mindful
– metal needles
– spinning cables (if you haven’t used them yet omg)
– nice and flexible with marks to easily count to see how long the cords are
– pretty green case and accessories
Knitters pride Dreamz
– Wood needles
– Different sizes are different colors so can tell your needles match at a glance
Both sets are available on Amazon and can be delivered this week.
Hi, I would recommend the ChiaoGoo inter changeable red lace set. The complete set has sizes US 2 through US 15.( has both small and Large needle sets). These will come in 4″ tips to get a 16″ circular needle or 5″ tips which you can do magic loop method to do smaller circumferences . They are steel tips and a coated metal cable that will not kink or hold that coiled shape. They also have the smoothies joins, never snagging the yarn. I have 5 sets of other needles and recommend these. You can get them off Amazon or most knitting stores for a fast delivery.
Hope this helps. I have
I really like the Denise Interchangeable sets. Sturdy, you can swap out different tips as needed and seems to be decently “slippy”. Getting the tips and cable connectors on properly is a bit of a learning curve, but it’s not too difficult.
I went with chiaogoo twist because they had the sharp tips for lace – I’ve had them 10 years and never regretted it. They have the sharp tips, smooth transitions and the steel tips feel buttery smooth. The red twist cables are soft enough for me, but the clear spin cables are softer (they just kink freely). They also have new blue ones but I’ve not looked into them so much.
I’ve heard good things of Hiya Hiya and Addi, don’t like Lykke so much (ironically?)
Hope you manage to find something, I love knitting on holiday, absorbing the new surrounding and creating.
I’m a tight knitter, so I have problems with wooden needles having too much friction. I’ve even broken one. I have tried ChiaoGoo and didn’t like that they are so very sharp. Poked a hole in my finger more than once with those, so stopped using them. My favorite needles are Hiya Hiya. They are not too sharp and they are fast. I have the circular ones, but not the interchangeable. The interchangeable look like they have the same design, so I’m sure they’re great.
If I remember right, you guys like Thai food. Be sure to check out Zen Bistro while you’re in town. They’re more of a Thai fusion, but the meals there are always great. It’s less than a 10 minute drive from your hotel.
My daughter and I enjoyed meeting you at the convention. Have fun while you’re in town!
I have both Knitters Pride and Chia Goo innterchangeables, and I use them for different things.
The Chia Goo have sharper points and the cables DON’T curl like the Knitter Pride, which I love. but the Chia Goo are more expensive and the set comes with two cords that can be combined to a longer for each of the two sizes, so I can’t do multiple projects unless I’m using completely different sizes. When you join the cables together, the join is very narrow so it doesn’t get hung up in the knitting the way the Knitters Pride ones do.
The Knitter’s Pride ones are good – I have a variety of wood and metal to try them out, but they’re not as sharp if you’re doing an intricate lace pattern, and the cords like to curl up. If you’re doing a sweater and join the cords with a junction, the junction is pretty wide so it can get hung up int he knitting if you’re using smaller needles. I have a number of sets, so lots of cords, so I often have a bunch of projects on the needles.
For my more intricate projects and sweaters, I try to use the Chia Goo.
Good luck on your project! and love the snippet!
Thank you. Love it!
Through years of knitting, I’ve used many brands of interchangeables; for me, the standouts for sharp points are Knitters Pride Karbonz (and the discontinued Signature Stilettos). I have the Karbonz in regular and short lengths and they are great for lace knitting.
BTW, for everyday knitting, I have fallen in love with Lykke Driftwoods. Although not super pointy, they feel amazing in my hands and are a dream to work with.
Let us know what you decide on!
I have only started knitting again after a long pause. Sorry I am no help with needles.
I love this excerpt. You’ve caught the smell and feel of the sea. I’m there
I love the Knitter’s Pride Zing interchangeable set (also sometimes called the Melodies set). They are metal needles where each size is a different color. The cables are pretty smooth and flexible. They are on available on Amazon, so you can probably get quick shipping.
Thanks for the snippet bribe. I’m in the can’t help group for knitting. I’m not sure if it’s funny or terrifying that Amazon seems to sell literally everything though and is most folks’ go to (including mine).
Chiagoo needles are the best. I love how fast I can knit with the metal needles and the cord never twists. Even better, when I work with magic loop the stitches don’t get caught in the join between the needle and cord.
They are expensive but worth it. I’ve slowly been replacing my knitter’s pride needles.
You can order the interchangeable set from a couple of different websites.
I have multiple sets of interchangeable needles, but the ones I always reach for are the Chiagoos. They are the best. Buy a set, and a number of extra cables in different lengths. You won’t be sorry.
Glee!!! The BDH is absolutely giddy right now.
Chiaogoo red lace needles are my fav. Amazon has next day delivery.
If you are not sure which type to get (length of needle etc) buy a single one for the trip.
I love this store located in Reno, Nevada
I love your books.
I absolutely love Addi Rocket Squared for most projects. If I want a bit more “grip”, then Knit Picks, especially the short tips. Knitting while traveling is its own retreat.
I love knitters pride Karbonz. They make double pointed as well as interchangeable circulars. The carbon fiber is gently grippy and they have metal caps on the tips. I’ve had issues with full metal being too slippy, and wood splintering, these are perfect.
I bought a set from KnitPicks and really liked the feel of my trial pair. Unfortunately the set had several needles with defects . I carefully explained the defects, asked them to open the new set and examine them before shipping. Much later when the second set arrived they had never been opened and had the same defects. That’s when I asked them to just refund my money. After sending these back, I severed my relationship with this company that doesn’t listen to your problem and respond with a positive outcome.
I have Denise Interchangeables in both Knit and Crochet and I love them. I’m not sure I would use “sharp” to describe them since the tips are plastic.
I frequently get my needles and other accessories at Walmart. With that said, not all Walmarts are created equal. The snippet…Oh, thank you! It was amazing. So longing for your next release, but not to the point of wanting you to miss out on vacation time. Sometimes, you just need a moment to stop and catch your breath.
My absolute favorite needle set, after trying many, many others, are the Knit Picks Options Prism Aluminum Set. They are sharp, light, easy to knit sticky yarns with (tho probably not slippery yarns), and comfortable to hold. They are on a great sale at KnitPicks.com, but unfortunately are out of stock at Knit Picks until June 7. Bah. They are in stock at Amazon, tho – https://www.amazon.com/Knit-Picks-Aluminum-Interchangeable-Circular/dp/B08K1KK418.
Wishing you a relaxing vacation whatever needles you choose 🙂
if you need a kit ASAP Hobby Lobby has a interchangeable kit that works well. It has multiple sizes and very sturdy. Hugh fan of your work =)
loved the short story. As for needles, I use bamboo or wood. they seem to be friendlier to my hands. I just bought clover. Bamboo and inexpensive. I had some “help” organizing. They wanted to get rid of my yarn stash! But I have not been able to find my set of Knitter’s Pride needles since then. I haven’t told anyone I bought a new needle! LOL
I wish that I knit so I could give you a recommendation of needles as a thanks for the snippet. Sadly, I do not knit so… thank you for the snippet!
My favorite interchangeable needles are the metal ChiaoGoo TWIST Red Lace sets. I have the complete sets (2.75 – 10 mm) in both 13 cm (most knitting—aka 5″) and 10 cm (hat knitting—aka 4″) tips. (Was that going overboard? Nope! A knitter uses their tools daily and ChiaoGoos are a joy to work with!)
If you want only half the set, the Small set contains 2.75 – 5 mm and the Large set contains 5.5 – 10 mm needles. All sets are missing sizes 3 mm, 7 mm, and 7.5 mm.
NOTE: I suggest you order the 3 mm tip to go with your set because it’s a size that is often needed. (If you’re me, anyway.)(I have not yet used the 7 mm and 7.5 mm tips that I bought to complete my set… but I probably will someday.)
(The Mini set is sold separately and is from 2.5 mm down in size. I prefer to use the fixed circulars for the small sizes and haven’t yet regretted not getting the Mini interchangeables.)
(This overload of information is brought to you by someone who spent a lot of time staring at ChiaoGoo interchangeable sets online before finally making a decision. Once you have them at hand, it’s obvious, but staring at options online and trying to figure out how they differ is frustrating, so I tend to overshare.)
If you need more opinions about ChiaoGoos, email me or poke me on Ravelry!
And I left out the most important fact: The reason ChiaoGoo TWIST Red Lace needles are my favorites is because the cable has no memory! Unless you slam the cable into a car door and cause it to notch, the cable stays smooth and easy to work with forever.
While you’re ordering your set and getting that 3 mm tip to complete it, add a couple of cables (of your favorite length to work with) to your order… you never have just one project going, do you? 😉
If you like wooden needles, I love my Knitters Pride Dreamz interchangeable needle set. So much so, that I also have the interchangeable hat needle set. I bought extra cords. For metal needles, I use the Hiya Hiya set. BUT, I would really like to try the ChiaoGoo metal needle set as they have cords that don’t kink. I generally stick to wooden needles as my gauge is loosy goosy. While my Lazy Boy has snapped needles and I have snapped needles by sitting on them, I have never broken one of my interchangeables.
Just a thought: how can the three moons be in different phases?
Presumably they’re illuminated by the same sun(s) so they should wax and wane together,,,
No 🙂. It would depend on the orbits the moons have and their angle relative to their sun. You can read up on the various moons of Jupiter for example- they have different orbital times, and as a result, they are not in synchronous phases.
True, but only if they are in different parts of the sky.
A giant, silver orb with a hint of gold sounds like a full moon, which would be outward from the planet,
A much smaller ruby-red waxing crescent would be about 135º degrees away, and a grass-green first quarter moon roughly 90º.
They can’t, I think, all be reflected in the same stretch of water – even two is unlikely.
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHD4Pk0D8_g.
I vote for Knitters Pride or Chiaogoo interchangeables. I have both, love them, and a lot of yarn stores carry them. I got mine online from Jimmybeans Wool.
you can usually get Hiya Hiya sharp interchangeable sets on Amazon (I know, I know) in a reasonable amount of time. I really like mine.
Is this part of a book? Where is it for sale?
Hi Gail,
The snippet is part of Maggie the Undyonh, which is a project under works https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/what-is-it/
It is not (yet) available for purchase but keep your eyes out for announcements.
Have you seen Denise interchangeable needles? They may not get small enough, but I have had a set for years, and they are comfortable and really endure. I taught my daughters to knit on these, fwiw.
For smaller needles, I have a set of Addi Clicks that are great. Again, have had them for years.
Hi.Still live in Texas..McKinney Knittery has HiyaHiya circular in stock. Open till 8pm. Drive and Bobs your uncle. They have web page. Enjoy the beach.
P.S. heard snorkel is fun.
My favorite set of circulars for the last 3 years has been Addy Click Rocket Squired Short Tip. ( Small hands and small circumferences with sleeves. They also come in regular long tips.) I have knitted all day and evening with these, even with arthritis in both wrists. I usually knit 1-2 sweaters per month. I don’t ever have to worry about them separating, like with the screw tips. That’s a lot of milage on a few needles, usually worked with DK yarn. These have a lifetime warranty.
I had a defective needle, size 11, that I didn’t find out about for over a year, and when I notified the seller, they had me take a picture of the failure and sent me out a replacement that day! I didn’t even have to send mine back. I got them from “Fabulous Yarn” in Tivoli, New York, because I was shopping on line on Memorial Day and was able to “chat” with the owner, Judy, who said she would see that they went out the very next day!
Call Judy and explain your situation And I’m sure she will get them right out to you! I’ve used so many different circulars over about 5 decades and these are, by far, my favorites and the most reliable for knitting lace. they have nice sharp tips, but not painfully so, like my ChiaoGoos.
I have a set of ChiaoGoo Reds that I use only with Spin cords which never come unscrewed because the cords swivel at the attachment. I only use the red cords that come in the set for holding the stitches on the front of a sweater while I’m knitting the upper back ( I knit all my sweaters circularly, bottom up, then pick up the sleeves after the neckline is finished and knit them down and also circularly.)
I twisted off the points of three stationary Red circular needles before I got the circular set and bought the Spin cords separately. With the arthritis in my wrists , there is much less strain by eliminating the usual torque. These needles go down to #2, so they are usually my go-to for ribbing. I like them ok, but it is annoying to have to buy special cords extra just to have set that works. The points are almost a little too sharp.
I wouldn’t buy anything from Knitter’s Pride. I got tired of sending back faulty sets and the third time, I just went for the refund.
I recommend the Addis and Fabulous Yarn to all my friends and students.
I hope this helps and that you two have a wonderful Vacation in Daytona Beach. Oddly enough I live about an hour away in Leesburg. The weather looks like sunny and hot most every day in the foreseeable future.
I bought a beautiful Knitpick set in wood, snapped two needles the first week. They will replace them forever, but the process takes weeks. Their sets include stoppers so that you can decide you want to put that knitting away for awhile, and use the tips to knit something else. They are a friendly company and have good sales.
That said, most of my knitting gets done on discount needles from China, and here is the nitty gritty about them. Very fine wood needles are going to snap sooner or later if you are engaging in the convolutions of lace. Steel or bamboo is much better. It is possible to get a full set of bamboo needles on ebay or Temu for around 6$.
You get the following possible problems in order of how common they are.
Points are too dull. I fix this with a nail file. I like the ceramic ones for smoothness. Likewise if they have any splintery spots. Cover with a layer of nail polish.
Yarn catches on the plastic cable. This is hit or miss. You can file it smooth or wrap plumbers tape over it or just mark them so you know not to use them for close knitting. The problem is worst, once again, with small close stitches. While you might tolerate teasing 20 booties stitches over that rough spot, you will probably reconsider with the 400 stitch Shetland lace shawl.
The plastic cable comes off. These are glued on. You can glue them back on, with a little sanding and filing.
Temu, evil as they are, has the best deals on good cheap steel cable needles, they come in crazy cheap and down to 1.5 mm, with your choice of cable length. You have to assess tip sharpness carefully with the cheapest ones, as some are more dull than others. You could sharpen them, but would want a bench grinder or Dremel for that. Hand file won’t do it.
These needles are totally indestructible, and make wonderful cat toys (as determined by my feline review panel)
The problems always come with the small needles, where the wear and tear gets amplified, and the attachment points are small. I have ended up buying myself a few each in the 2-3 mm range with different size cables.
I bought a set of these a couple of years ago because of the small size and the first time I used one, I threw them away. You really do get what you pay for. If you knit all the time, you deserve the best tools you can afford. Then save up by eating ramen noodles for a week to add a little extra to the budget. You’re that worth it! You will thank yourself every time you knit with them for the rest of your life. The best sets come with a lifetime warranty. They really are a lifetime investment!
Chiaogoo Twist 4″ Complete Set — https://www.amazon.com/ChiaoGoo-7400-C-Interchangeable-Complete-4-Inch/dp/B00PKT5WMC/
Amazon Prime for quick shipping. I love this set! I even got the shortie sets so I can do socks and baby sleeves and the tops of hats. If you use the key to tighten I don’t have any issues with it untwisting.
It’s my favorite as well! And I love the shorties for sleeves. I haven’t gotten bitten by the sock bug yet. 😆
Sorry don’t knit but loved the snippet 😊
My Chiaogoo Interchangeable set is my favorite by far! I have the 5” set and the 4” set, and I prefer the 4” needles.
My friend told me you needed new needles…
Lantern Moon
…some of the best needles I have worked with. I believe they should meet all of your requirements. I thoroughly enjoy mine, very smooth, pretty, pointy for stabbing (yarn, obvs, def not peoples), interchangeable (they do not come untwisted!!). I bought the set and I love using them.
Have you tries Quivat wool from Anchorage AK ?
You must.
Buy their ‘Make a hat kit’ and you will be so happy you will shiver.
Love your writing.
All Right! Chumming always does the trick. So enjoyable, thanks.
Maybe consider ordering the needles to be sent directly to the hotel … especially if you order from/can find them in the city of the hotel … a cab could take them from the store to the hotel.
Amazon PRIME 1-day shipping!!
I LOVE the ChiaGoo Twist Stainless Steel Interchangeable Set, 5-inch (13cm) Small (7500-S) $100, expensive but SO worth it!!
Includes 7 pair of hollow, surgical stainless steel, lace tips in sizes US2-8 (2.75-5.0mm) [S]
Includes 3 red, memory-free [S] cables: 14″ (35cm), 22″ (55cm), and 30″ (75cm) to make 24″ (60cm) and longer circulars
The wire ALWAYS straightens out it does not stay curled like other brands.
Recommend highly!! Fast shipment if you have Prime.
I like the Addi clicks, the cables uncoil easily and they have a slot to make putting in a lifeline as easy as simple as just knitting your pattern.
I have the pink/light purple kit which includes needle sizes from 4-11, three cable lengths, the grippers (which you’ll need to connect the cables and needles), a gauge guide/needle sizer, and a connector(my least favorite thing of the lot, too long and only one). You’ll need to buy the Heart Stoppers (heart shaped end Stoppers to keep stitches from sliding off as you change or add cables) as well. What romantic author could resist?
Lantern Moon Interchangeables or fixed. They’re ebony and take a lot of wear, and both fixed and interchangeables all have a free spinning cable so you aren’t constantly fighting the cable torque created by always flipping your project the same way…..
I swear by Knit Picks. They have several sets of wooden needle modular sets, with different patterns for the wood (sunstruck is blond wood, one has turquoise and purple tones, and so on). I’ve been using their non-modular needles for years, and have an acrylic modular set they discontinued ages ago.
Thank you for the snippet! These are my favs:
Caspian Options Interchangeable Needle Set | KnitPicks.com
I love my interchangeable knitting needles from knitpicks. Soft cables on different lengths, sharp points with either wood or metal.
Knit Picks interchangeables; lots of choices in terms of materials and colors. https://www.knitpicks.com/mosaic-options-interchangeable-needle-set/p/90586
Unfortunately, the prism aluminum set (my current favorite), while on sale, is out of stock until 6/7, which cuts things a bit too tight with your vacation timing. https://www.knitpicks.com/prism-aluminum-options-interchangeable-needle-set/p/91461
And you can buy pairs of replacement tips in whatever size you need in case you break a needle again (or have multiple projects-in-progress that use the same size needles).
Holidays sounds perfect when you get many small ones. Love the snippet. Unfortunately I know nothing about knitting but my sister needs these in her life. Best Christmas gift idea ever. My thanks to all for your detailed replies which will guide my selection.
My new favs are the Knit Pro Mindful collection. They have the new memoryless cables so no kinks! And they have the 360° swivel attachment which means the cable doesn’t twist while knitting. And I love the tips. Metal, but very nice in the hands.
Great snippet! ☺️
addi click 1000%, though whether you get short, standard, or long tip length (non-cable part) depends on you; and it comes in rocket tips for lace or basic. My christmas and birthday last year was just the long, rocket tip set.
I regret nothing.
also great- the addi click options are cross compatible and expandable. You can buy an extra cable in an odd length later, or just bamboo tips after your metal etc.
Plus addi just has the best cables ever.
“What bodies?” . Loved this,the anticipation is eating me up.Thanks
I’m late and a relatively beginner knitter, so my recommendation probably won’t be new to you, but I like the knit pro interchangeable needles.
They have bamboo or colourful wood needles, as well as metal ones in a range of sizes, and cables up to 80cm long, I’m not sure what specific sets are available near you, they have a wide range of sets at my independent knitting store in Australia.
I don’t do a lot of super fine knitting, but the needles are sharp enough for me?
My only issue is that I keep twisting the cable as I knit, but that might have to do with me being left handed.
Knit picks interchangeable needles. They have them in wood and nickel. I have both types and love them. High quality and they don’t snag. They also have short interchangeable needles as well if you do smaller projects. https://www.knitpicks.com/nickel-options-interchangeable-needle-set-green-cables/p/91310
Personally I’m a fan of Chiaogoo Red Lace (they are pointier) I get mine from Smartisans.com and you should be able to get express delivery.
Got me hooked!
As for your knitting needles, Knit Piks is great but so is Amazon. And I do feel your pain. One of my most used circular detached in the middle of a complex afghan pattern. Help!
I really love my knit pro zing interchangeable set. lightweight metallic with different colors for the sizes. I also have sok needle set in the same colors and you can get shorter tips for hats/sleeves/baby clothes you work in the round.
Not sure about availability over there but here in the Netherlands I can get them delivered in 2 days
Aaaaahhh!!! Can’t. Wait. Must. Hold. On. And. Stay. Fluffy!
I love my set of Chiagoo stainless steel lace needles, you want the thinner cable not the thick one. They make the stainless tips in a variety of tip lengths, and they also make bamboo and wood, I think, but I haven’t used anything except the stainless. The fine (red) cable works great for magic loop two-at-a-time socks.
i love my addi interchangeables, but i also have a set of the smallest chiaogoo interchangeables, and i’d recommend HIGHLY those ones.
they come in a huge variety of sizes, the cables are soft and flexible, they screw in and are tightened with a little key (can use a paperclip in a pinch), and the metal tips are plenty sharp.
thank you for the beach snippet!
Apparently the amount of people who read IA books and also knit is very large. So amusing! I don’t knit but just wanted to express my appreciation for the snippet 🙂
Thank you for the Maggie snippet! Been thinking good thoughts about your progress. Hope it’s helping!
100% in love with my Lykke 3.5″ set
Though I see you have many many recommendations! Happy knitting!
Have fun at the beach!
I have mostly Knitters Pride interchangeables, the Dreamz seem to be a good balance between pointy enough and not so pointy as to split strands of yarn overly often. The cinnamon-y ones are light enough to see both light- and dark-colored yarns. Knit Picks Sunstrucks are similarly well-tipped but lighter in color. Both wood, can’t manage metal tipped-needles anymore, too slippery!
Chiagoo’s metal ones are my favorite with the Lykke wooden ones a close second. Chiagoos are pointier and the Lykke’s are a little stickier but still very smooth.
There is no snippet here. Not at all. BDH totally won’t narc on you for feeding us.
You meantiond Daytona… I felt I must speak. (I grew up in Orlando, now live in NC)…
In case you are interested in other Florida beaches – Daytona has a rep for being busy and touristy so if you are looking for a different vibe…
1. New Smyrna, just south of Daytona, but protected by an inlet to the north and the space center to the south. It used to have a very laidback OBX vibe but is more popular these days and has some beach erosion which is frustrating. The Breakers was voted best burger in central florida for a bunch of years and is right on the water.
2. Busy and touristy like Daytona with more of a family/locals vibe: Cocoa Beach (Smyrna and cocoa are great places to watch space launches)
3. Amelia Island – very close to saint augustine and Jacksonville. Lots of condos to rent, raised wood walking paths, and most of it can be navigated on bikes and golf cards. Very laidback, small town feel, and I think there is a decent author scene because of Grisham.
(My brother and sister in law are Army vets/active reserve and have a condo there)
Apologies if this was stuff y’all already knew, and I hope you have a great trip!
Also… i appreciate all of the knitting needle suggestions, I typically use cheap bamboo circular ones which I like bc of how lightweight they are but my cat recently destroyed one and it might be time for an upgrade 🤦🏼♀️😬
Get the chigoo interchangeable needle set. I finally got a set for myself and they are awesome,
I haven’t read all the comments, my favorites are the Hiya Hiya sharps. They are indeed sharp, and once screwed in they are very secure. The set I have runs from US size 2-8. I love them. I have some Chiaogoos as well but they are not as sharp. I hate my click in set, since they seem to unclick at the very worst time.
your needles look like Lykkes, and may I recommend “Driftwood” for the occasion? Should be able to find them locally fairly easily, overnight mail order for sure. Have a nice trip