“As the Heir of Shinar, I’m my people’s sword and shield. If a threat arises, I will be the first and sometimes the only one to respond to it. I am their atomic bomb. It is my duty to put myself between the kingdom and its enemies.”
For everyone who for some bizarre reason thinks that Julie at some point was dark-haired and can’t find the reference in Magic Burns: click on the blog in the menu. Look at the Magic Stars banner. That book was published 5 years ago.
Wow! Such beautiful art! Absolutely stunning!
And Julies’s words are equally wonderful!
The dress is so pretty!!
For some reason I always imagined Julie with brown hair, and so it’s just going to stay that way in my head. ????
The art is beautiful though!
That’s because she did have dark hair and eyes before. But she did something something with in shinar shit and the magic turned her blond and her facial structure into something more akin to Kate’s line. It will be mentioned in the new book more. I’ve personally gotten fairly used to this new Julie. Honestly you’ll have to take her almost as a new character with all that’s she’s been through and sacrificed she isn’t at all like what she used to be and yet also simultaneously so close to what she was it hurts.
Julie was never dark haired.
“I had almost finished picking out all of the shrimp, when a very thin, angelic-looking child walked into my kitchen. She had fly-away caramel hair and large brown eyes on a sharp face.”
Andrews, Ilona. Magic Burns (Kate Daniels Book 2) . Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
She is a caramel blonde. Her hair does get lighter with sun exposure in the summer, so sometimes she is described as having lighter blonde hair, but at no point she was ever dark haired.
I imagine it might be because Kate has dark hair and we think of them as family, though we know biologically they are not related. Our mind does what happened to Julie in this book, we mentally make her look more like Kate.
But one of the chapters that has now disapeared said Julie was transformed to a look more like Kate and her families, so now it would fit that Julie is darkhaired
As I recall, she still had the blonde hair, just more.. fancy.
Yes, you are right Thirza! I read that as well in one of the first few chapters of Blood Heir. Julie was describing what she looks like now and that no one would know who she was because she looks so different.
But it said she looked like a blonde version of Kate. Which is why on those chapters there is a line where she mentions that now she truly looks like Kate & Curran’s child (since he is blonde)
Julie is gorgeous inside and outside. I love how Luisa really captured how regal she can be <3
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
Y’all are awesome
Pre-ordered and I can’t wait. I wish I could read it over the holidays when I have two weeks off. Them’s the breaks I guess ????, it gives me time to re-read all the others that came before.
oooooOOOOOoooo. This is gonna be sooo good!!!
Oh yeah, and the artwork is fabulous as always.
Julie has totally changed from what she was in appearance so her hair may have been brown originally. It is interesting that Julie is the heir not Kate. And what does being heir mean. The artwork is gorgeous. I wish I had any artistic talent. Guess I will just appreciate
she is kate’s first born 🙂
and erra recognizes her as a grandchild. the matter of blood is resolved since she has their blood too.
besides, kate is not interested in leading shinar so i dont think any kids or future descendants are going to fight over the “title” of queen.
i think there is something about how they raise their kids in their family too. i dont remember reading that roland’s or erra’s kids tried to take over his role as imshinar. its always something to do with another reason or them being crazy so roland dispatched them.
She was described as having very blonde hair during her first book (I can’t keep the titles straight). It might have darkened during puberty to brown though.
She had “flyaway caramel hair” in her debut in magic burns after her shower. So I’d say still a light brown.
No. Caramel refers to blonde hair.
I know this is not a helpful response and feel free to not let it stand but this just made me laugh because I couldn’t help but think “then you’ve never seen what I can do to a poor unsuspecting batch of caramel” ????
Suffice to say there are no recipes with caramel in my repertoire anymore… ????
Well, sorry to disappoint you, but caramel is light/reddish-brown. And the way I make it, it is darkbrown, since I add a spoonful of cocoa powder to it, when I make my burizon slices.
If I bothered to remember anyones appearance that might have confused me too, to be honest. When I hear caramel i think light to mildly dark brown like this http://zimtliebe.de/karamell/ i know there is whiter looking one but it isn’t really what I associate it with personally.
There are 10 books in which Julie’s hair is described as blond. This thread is now closed.
No, her hair was always blonde.
lol … It seems the confusion is unintentional but not surprising….. Caramel can be very light brown shade but golden caramal looks blonde…
I could understand the caramel thing being misunderstood (caramel is like dirty blond, no ?), but seriously guys, Julie is physically described every time she first appeared in a book…
Book 3 : blond-haired girl.
Book 4 : her blond hair.
Book 5 : her light hair
Etc, etc…..
I think you’re kind of focused on the caramel thing, lol
And book 9, Era and Kate talk about the Koorghan and Kate describes them as blonde.
She’s always been blonde, but I understand why people may have had a different image in their heads. I remember reading through (I think it was book 7 or 8) for the third time before I realized that Doolittle was black. I had somehow missed all of the physical descriptions up to that point, and for some reason, in my head had I pictured him looking like Colonel Sanders. After that realization, I immediately went back to book one to re-read the series with the correct image in my head.
never thought, that the discussion will be over Julies hair color 🙂
Well caramel is light/reddish brown, can be even dark brown. Censoring my posts won´t change that.
You are not being censored. Your comments are being removed because you are literally arguing with me, the author of the books, over the hair color of the character and don’t have the good sense to stop. Even if you somehow decided that Julie was brown haired based on the caramel description in the Magic Burns, there are 10 books that followed where it’s repeatedly stated that she is blond. Would you like quotes?
People just love to argue for the sake of arguing. As someone who has read the books numerous times and is currently in the process of reading them again I am so confused as to how anyone would think she has dark hair. You without a doubt have stated numerous times she was blonde. Even in Magic Binds Erra mentions that Julie is a descendant of some old line that Roland always wanted and comments on her blonde hair about it.
Again people like to be ignorant and argue!
This is like the woman who insisted we were stationed together in Germany and never believed me when I said I had never lived in Germany. You created Julie, she is your vision. She is blond, end of story.
You’ve misunderstood, I don´t dispute your character, that is your thing. I just dispute your color perception, which is different. I find it interesting that you describe caramel as golden instead of brown.
You may want to google the hair color caramel – it spans a gamut of colors, including a blonde one. Googling ‘caramel blonde’ turns up plenty of results, but ‘caramel brunette’ turns up few – they’re mostly caramel brown, usually with a caramel blonde balayage (because google is trying to give you brunette + caramel).
I’ve pictured Julie as blonde because of all of the times she was described as blonde. I get that the Mandela effect is a thing, but once you find out you got it wrong you adjust and move on. Fruit of the Loom never had a cornucopia in the logo. The monopoly man never had a monocle. Sinbad never played a genie in a movie called Shazaam. ????
This is a weird choice of hills upon which to die.
Gorgeous artwork ????
Gorgeous. ❤️
She’s so stunning and her words let you know she will kick your @$& too if provoked. Love it!
Love this so so much. Absolutely gorgeous art work and fantastic quote. I’m so excited!!!!
+1 ????
Will some of this artwork appear in the book like in the Innkeeper series?
Beautiful artwork!
This is an amazing Julie, really beautiful artwork! And I can’t wait to see what Blood Heir is going to be like…..
Ooo, so beautiful! Love, love the picture and the brief introduction. So excited, yes…get thee gone 2020!
Such amazing art work!!!!
Luisa is so incredibly talented! I love her work & she outdid herself here. I’m not sure if you make her work shine or vice versa but her talent & your talent bring it up to fantastic entertainment (the absolute best)!
Wow! Stunning artwork!
The artwork is absolutely perfect. In my mind that is what a warrior princess looks like,fierce.
Ah, Luisa is such a gifted artist, I hope that you two love the way she gives visual representation to your creations as much as we do. Cannot wait to read this book! So glad you caved on giving Julie and Derek a series after all. FORK the haters. 🙂
Love this! 2021 can’t come soon enough!
So excited!! Thank you so much!
Love the art work. Almost as much as I already love the book, stay healthy.
What a gorgeous color palette.
Wow! Can’t wait to read her story.
I love it!!!
Oooh-I love it. Anticipating the release!!
Love the lighting in this picture. Also if you make t-shirts for this book I nominate the signs when she enters Atlanta including the fireball graffiti. I figured the front of the shirt could be the welcome to Atlanta one and the back of the shirt could be the shape shifter one.
Will this become a buyable print?
Beautiful. Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post.
Of course, I will buy your book! Awesome art, wonderful storytelling…. just magnificent. Thanks so much for all you both do as well as anyone on your team.
Cool! I wonder if this is the piece she alluded to in her Patreon.
I’d buy anything you guys write….got me through some dark days…..and y’all are amazing ???? ????
noice ????????
Stunning artwork!
Love the picture and am counting the days until the book comes out. Please time go fast.
Love all your art work. This artist is amazing.
Thank you. Gorgeous artwork. Really really looking forward to this book!
Such beautiful artwork! I’m soooo excited! Can’t wait for the book to be released!
I thought she was always dark blonde. Looked like it on Magic Stars. Its good to see Julie growing up. As much as she’s been through, she’s changed but there’s still that kid that loves her second family more than anything.
Yes, she was always blonde. 🙂
I really don’t get the arguing. If you (the author) say you wrote her as blonde… Then she is blonde right? I mean, you would know best
And caramel, unless you burn it or add chocolate, is a warm blonde…
Good grief! How many times to you have to say it ?!?! You have to either laugh or cry…………….
Thanks for sharing your creations with us. I love them!!
So AWESOME! 😀 Nailed it.
I love it!!!
Absolutely gorgeous art 🙂
Oops. I’m guilty thinking of Julie as a child with brown hair.
She looks like a fierce regal warrior.
She has always been blonde. Both she and Andrea blonde. Kate and Erra are brunette. Curran blonde with grey eyes. Colman has his dad’s eyes and Kate’s coloring.
Sorry Conlan not Colman . Hate autocorrect
I went back into the kitchen and ate a piece of sausage off my plate. Through the window I could see Red and Julie on the street. They stood close together, his dark head against her blond.
Yeppers, always been a blond.
Is this another case of the Mandela effect?! ????????????????
Ohhh, she’s so beautiful. She looks every inch the badbass warrior princess that she is! Derek is such a lucky wolf. They’re already canon in my head regardless of what happens!
I’m just trying to decide if I want Derek to get lucky in this book. Part of me has been waiting since Magic Stars and can’t wait any longer. . . The other part is willing to wait if it means more books.
The art work is stunning.
Thank you for sharing. And putting up with us. I just read Magic Burns this week so I am excited for more blonde Julie!
That is a gorgeous picture!!!
The art is beautiful.
Is it weird that I miss the old Julie (because she was all kinds of cool)? I feel like we have this whole new heroine…
It’s not weird, and we do. Kids grow up, you tend to miss the versions of who they use to be, while simultaneously loving the current version. You just have to roll with it, be they fictional or otherwise.
This Julie is gorgeous. I love how Julie grew up and joined the Shinar branch of Kate’s family and how it fulfilled her need to belong.
I also very much like the picture. Is it the same artist, that is responsible for the cover picture of Blood heir ? An excellent choice!
I always knew she was blonde, and now I believe she is a lighter blonde than before, really love the picture you posted
That cover is gorgeous! I can’t wait to read the book. I will have to get paper & e-book version:)
Good gracious, peeps. If the author says blonde, she’s blonde.
If I had written a spunky little girl, visualized her and birthed her, and then not been heard even after repeatedly posting “she is blonde” along with a direct quote from the bloody book, I’d have banged my head repeatedly into the wall after reading some of these comments.
Lord have mercy–you really can lead a horse to water, but not make it drink.
Yes!!! My thoughts exactly. All this time I was reading the comments and I kept thinking…don’t argue with the author…it’s her character. And all this over hair??
???????? I agree. Hair color discussion is hilarious but must be so frustrating for authors!
+1! Can’t imagine getting all heated up over a character’s hair color, myself. But please don’t argue with the authors! It’s their character after all, so you’re being rude.
Okay, thanks.
Written author words for the win!
Authors: Her hair has always been blonde
Readers: Brown
Readers: Blonde
Readers: But during the KD series it was brown.
Authors: -_-
So beautiful, thanks for sharing!
(yes, always envisioned her with blond hair, so not surprised).
From the most excellent, Magic Binds
Erra glanced at me. “You have a child of the Koorgahn. And a throwback to a pure-blood, too. Look at that hair.”
Koorgahn? She probably meant kurgan. The only kurgans I knew about were the burial mounds peppering the old Russian steppes, Asia, and southern Siberia. The kurgans served as burial mounds for the ancient race of Scythians, and the earliest ones dated sometime around the ninth century BC . . . They were blond.
The word glorious has always been too melodramatic for me, but it applies so well to the artwork here…. I can genuinely see how a kingdom would fight if she was part of the royal family. And that dress!!! She’s so becoming my new phone wallpaper. 😀
One moar, just for good measure
From <Magic Rises
I spun the spear. “One more argument and I’ll ground you.” Julie rolled her eyes with all the scorn a fourteen-year-old could muster and pushed her blond hair away from her face. “Kate, like when will I ever use this in real life?” “You’ll use it in the next five seconds to keep me from impaling you.”
That’s exactly how I picture her.
I had the impression she has dark hair, but that was from the earlier chapters of Blood Heir, where she said she looked more like a child of Kate and Curran after the transformation. and my brain immediately went to Kate has dark hair so her hair has turned dark now. 🙂
This is so funny! Julie was blonde from the start. I can’t quote the books, but I never considered that she might have dark hair. My Kindle doesn’t show colors, but even with it in black and white, the cover of Magic Stars shows blonde hair! And is this something that matters? I can’t imagine someone quibbling about this.
The artwork is stunning, as it always is. The book will read the same in my black and white, but the pictures you’re posting here will stay with me as I read it.
So so so beautiful ???? is that picture made with a software ? It looks so beautiful ! Like a painting ????
What lovely art work.
Gorgeous artwork!
She has always been blond, and….this art is amazing @.@
HUH didn’t even know that was a thing! I think I was mildly surprised when Magic Stars came out but that’s just because I pictured her more dirty blond.
People get upset about weird things lol.
Maybe some people got mixed up with the “three generations of Shinar” in the Blood Heir chapters and extrapolated that Julie must now have dark hair?
The artwork ist beautiful, can’t wait for the release date 🙂
That is stunning, the artist’s use of light especially so.
I love this!!!
I’m guessing it was because of the brown eyes. I picked up on the blond at first read, but missed the brown eyes until later. It’s a less usual combination than blond/blue or brown/brown. Not that it’s so UNUSUAL or bad/wrong at all, but if someone isn’t reading super carefully, it’s easy to make assumptions.
Or, having now skimmed the comments, it could have been the caramel hair.
I feel like this is one of those tricks of psychology where your brain image for some reason does not align with the canonical description. This happens to me constantly with books. I will read a description form an image and several re-reads later discover my mental image was off base, but getting rid of that first image can be a challenge. In my head Julie was always a dirty blonde, but it seems a lot of people ended up creating a different mental picture for some reason. Our brains are mysterious things.
Beautiful art! Am so looking forward to the book!
My favourite thing about this image is how powerfully athletic she looks – I can’t stand ‘waif-fu’, where we see images of super thin women with arms like sticks who are somehow supposed to be able to fight. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with being thin, if that’s you! But there’s also nothing wrong with being physically imposing, and we don’t see nearly enough of that. This image of Julie is gorgeous, and beautifully feminine, but her arm is muscular and her waist is ‘thicc’ like an athlete’s – like a snowboarder or javelin thrower – which is what she would *need* to be in order to fight. I know she and Kate have magic too, and that makes them powerful in a different way, but I will never stop craving and appreciating representation of women who look physically powerful.
Hells yeah. Literally everything you just said I agree with. Julie looks tough and beautiful at the same time. Like an Amazon warrior princess. I love how she has transformed from a skinny orphaned girl into a muscular woman.
Um, Zoe, waifu stands for “wifey.” Specifically an anime character the viewer has affection for and would marry.
But yes, I was super happy with the arms and the definition on the shoulder. Kick butt!
Heh! I actually meant this, from TV-Tropes:
Although the two terms are not unrelated, I suppose? But thank you for replying, Ilona, I’ll just be quietly squeeing over here in the corner.
I stand corrected! Also, I clearly need to read less manga, as I now default to otaku slang…
Hmm would love to hear what manga you are enjoying, when you are less busy. I have extensively enjoyed your recommendations for Chinese dramas, so amazing! Thank you for sharing.
Julie looks gorgeous! I love the striking contrast of shadow and light and how she looks like an ancient queen. A lovely atomic bomb indeed.
The artwork is beautiful! I don’t get the hair issue, you have always been very clear that Julie’s hair is blond. Some people just aren’t very good retaining details when they read ????
Amazing. This is how I picture one of your daughters.
I LOVE the artwork!
Beautiful artwork.
I find the addition of art in your books thrilling. I’ve loved every image you’ve included, often going back to books looking for the images.
I love the descriptions in the Innkeeper series – the visuals stoke my imagination further.
Thank you for the time, care and expense in bringing your characters to life!
Actually I always thought of Julie as more of a white maybe platinum blonde with her hair blazing like a banner in the wind as she rode in the sun. On Peanut.
I’ve always pictured Julie as the scrappy, tomboy type. But the new art looks fabulous and exactly how I pictured how she looks now (at least from the original
Ryder posts).
Wow, she is stunning!
Welp, I guess that some people just like arguing too much to ever let a small thing like facts as stated by the AUTHORS dissuade them. But let’s try something new here: how about we all just agree these are the best books ever? In my opinion, discovering these books has been the saving grace of the pandemic…more time to sit home reading!!
Julie had blond hair and brown eyes; those were described pretty much at her first introduction. Not an unusual combination by any means.
Julie has always been blonde. The only confusion I’m having is the confusion of anyone thinking Julie was ever described as having dark hair. Does no one remember Magic Stars, Julie is on the cover and surprise, surprise, she’s blonde. Don’t argue with the authors, ask questions, but don’t piss them off, I want more books.
Aurelia is absolutely gorgeous – but she doesn’t look terribly pleased to have to be all dressed up for court.
Mandela effect?
GORGEOUS!! ????????????
Somebody thought Julie was dark haired?
I distinctly remember Julie’s people being the scythes, who were mostly blonde.
Love it.
Luisa Preissler is so talented, thank you for sharing it – that illustration is just gorgeous! No wonder Ascansio had a reaction when he saw her face clearly for the first time 🙂
She has always been blonde with brown eyes. I think it might be a stereotype thing. In several jobs (10 + years), I was a voice on the other end of the line. I would occasionally get comments from guys as to what I looked like. I am not a soprano, am very direct, don’t back down and seem intelligent. EVERY SINGLE ONE said that I was dark haired, tall and athletic. I would just agree. IRL, I am a short blue eyed blonde but everybody knows that blondes aren’t known for intelligence, don’t have opinions and are agreeable.
You forgot sweet, even tempered, innocent, and while sexually inexperienced, a sexual dynamo once the correct man has awakened your libido.
I thought her dark hair reference was from the Fire King short story. When she ate his eyeball she transformed, got dark hair and started looking more like Kate’s family?
I find it interesting that Julie’s hair stayed blonde while so much else of her physical attributes changed to match Kate and her family. I wonder if it’s the Koorghan magic in her? She still sees magic so (in my brain at least) it makes sense that the signature blonde color of her ancestors would also remain and not be subsumed by Moloch’s transformation.
Regardless, this is gorgeous and Luisa outdid herself yet again!
That’s not canon yet, Blood Heir started as fandom, once the decision was made to make a novel out of it a lot was changed, and we don’t yet know what or how or how much.
I don’t think anything specific was said about her coloring changing, just that if she and Kata and Erra were all in a room, no one would question there relation.
I never understood readers arguing with author about characters like I get that we have pictures of them but they aren’t our characters. It’s one thing to celebrate that publishers finally got rogan a shirt it’s another to argue with the author. Let it go people, Julie is badass with blonde hair
Beautiful artwork, I have pre-ordered the book. I can’t believe people who profess to be your fans will argue with you about the hair color of a character you created. It’s because of “fans” like that that I rarely read the comments after your blog entries. I enjoy your blog, but the passive aggressive responses make me crazy.
im in the blond camp. if the author says shes blond then, mic drop. and im just thinking i need to remember some of these names and look for villains in future writings ????
The book that introduced Julie even talked about her being blonde. Maybe people associated her with being Kate’s kid and Kate has dark hair? IDK, but I always thought if her as blonde. Beautiful art!
Ilona – sending you a virtual warm cup of tea and a hug if you need it. People are stubborn jerks sometimes, sorry they frustrated you.
The art is incredible! I love Luisa’s work, need to order some of her KD prints for framing.
Also, not that you need more confirmation, but I also remember reading of Julie always being a blond. Have a great evening
Wow, this art just beautiful
For folks who forgot her hair color: I just reread the whole Kate Daniels series in preparation for the Blood Heir release. Julie is blond.
Also, if I remember correctly: there was a blog post earlier this year (or maybe last year?) talking about the movie Tomiris (released Sept 2020). The post mentioned how the people of the Steppes (which would be Julie’s ancestors as described in the Kate Daniels series) are portrayed in the movie with dark hair when most were actually blond according to archaeological evidence (links were posted to the evidence) which explains why Julie was blond in the KD series.
(I hope that makes sense. I had to rewrite it a couple times to keep it from being a gigantic run on sentence.)
When I hear you rant about it, I feel the similar to the amusement you felt with the roomba story.
I’m sorry, but that’s funny.
Why…..why is everyone arguing with Ilona about her own character?
Guys, she made her. Literally. With her own brain (and bits of Gordon’s). There is no higher authority here.
Merde sacrée.
Love the picture! No wonder Ascanio was taken aback. Thanks for sharing.
Luisa, you’re an inspiration! I love your art!
Amén to that, the nerve of some people, that’s why we can’t have nice things.
One day it will STOP saying Pre and my order will be here
I used to think pre-orders were a good thing … now it’s like an overly full bladder that can’t empty … except on someone elses say so
Then again … it’s probably the waiting U_U uhmmm
The author of a book is the definitive and ultimate authority on said book and all its contents including the physical appearance of any characters CREATED by the books author. So why are people even discussing this? Be grateful for the wonderful books they have created and we have enjoyed. Now move on people.
She looks so ethereal!!!
Such grace and poise, yet it doesn’t take away from the fact that she can literally eviscerate anyone who dares lay eyes on her family or loved ones.
So excited for Blood Heir!!!!
PS: Julie has always been Blonde. Die mad people *intense eye roll*
I will admit that I have always visualized her a brunette, but in the second book, upon being shown a picture of Julie’s mom, Her mom is described as having blond hair and that Julie looked like her.
The main reason I rarely like the cover art is it often conflicts with my mental picture of the characters.
That is so weird! I would have sworn she was a brunette. Memory is a strange land.
Woah beautiful art! Gorgeous!!
I remember re-reading one of your books and paused when i read that she is blonde. I always read the descriptions of people always too fast so this was kind of a lesson for me. I think the assumption that she is dark haired comes from her being like a daughter to Kate. I hope you didn’t get too many grey hairs over this (don’t know whether this saying exists in english).
SERIOUSLY???? Every book Julie is in indicates that she is blonde. Who has the nerve to argue this point – especially with the writer/creator of the character. Also, with everything Julie has gone through to be “Princess of Shinar”, if you changed her hair color – that is YOUR PREROGATIVE.
I hope you got a good laugh out of it.
Gorgeous art!
All the comments made me laugh. First world problems ????
Julie has always been blonde. Those who think otherwise should go back and read the books.
I am so excited. I have pre-ordered the printed book and cannot wait for it to arrive. There is just something special about the weight and scent of an actual paper book.
… someone thought Julie wasn’t blonde? ???
I mean, I get forgetting details – I can no longer remember what order the books go in (Magic Bites is first and Magic Triumphs is last with Kate as protagonist, but I can’t remember the in-betweens – because no author could possibly write fast enough to by my one and only, but maybe go back and check before embarrassing yourself?
I’m massive excited about another book from you guys!! You all have a beautiful Christmas ????. Thank you!
That image is sooooo bomb I love it
I love the cover it is beautiful. Thank you so much for this book I cannot wait until I can think my teeth into it. Thank you again for all the hard work and time you put in for our benefit. All of the characters you have ever made have become a part of my family.
Julie lived on the street for a while maybe that’s why people thought her hair was Brown. I’ve read the books enough times to know she was blonde
Was it just 5 years ago?
Seems so much longer to me.
I can’t wait for Blood Heir!
Thank you for your stories
“I had almost picked out the shrimp, when a very thin, angelic-looking child walked into my kitchen. She had fly-away caramel hair and large brown eyes in a sharp face”
Caramel is not brown…
Wait, she was dark haired! Whats going on?????
don’t people remember what Erra said about the Kurgan(please excuse spelling tbere) ‘Blonde hair and an affinity with wolves and birds of prey’ ????
And you mention her blond hair many times in several books!!
I have subscribed to your newsletter but I never get it! Very frustrating! Only get to read it if I come across a comment. Can you help? I love your writing and have read all of your books. I am afraid I will miss one because of this. Thanks
Don’t you just love when people try to correct the author about their own book…????
Hey Ilona and Gordon!!! I had a couple questions about Julie particularly. Based on what I’ve read in the chapters that have been posted and even this quote it seems that Julie is almost inheriting some of the birthrights that would be Colan’s. I always just associated her more with Hugh because of the act and which she received some of her power. But the vibe that I’m getting is that she’s becoming more like Kate in the sense that she developing power and the usage of that those born true would be capable of using. And so I was wondering if you would be into making a blog post about Julie and her relationship to the blood exchange. Or why she is capable of doing things that Hugh can’t do or how has the blood developed in her that she is having characteristics of being a true “born” heir. Is it simply her having acquired knowledge or…
By the way I love you and I have read all the books probably 10 to 15 times not even kidding!!! I’m such a fan!!! Hope my questions made sense!!!
Like why is she the Princess of Shinar?
I think she looks great! The art work is utterly fantastic!
Dark hair? Really? But from the very first dinner with Kate you talked about her elf baby blond hair.
Ohmigooooooooood, I’m so excited to read this. I lurve Julie (and Derek). My daughter and I are on tenterhooks for this one to come out.
That quote gives me goosebumps – seriously.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for an entire Julie book!!!