This has been such a happy but also such a busy week. I was going to just ramble about life, but I actually have some small updates for you. For those of you who missed it, the Frinndays are returning after the holidays.
Audio and things
Some people accused Mod R of withholding important information about alleged audio delays. There is a conspiracy theory that she is hiding things from you.
You are right. She is absolutely hiding things from you. But they have nothing to do with the audio.

While we are on the subject, a huge thank you to Mod R for the awesome quiz in the previous post.
The SOTH audio is produced by us – Gordon, me, and Nancy Yost Literary Agency – out of our own pocket. We find the reader, we pay for everything, etc. It was delayed because of two reasons. First, our narrator ran into cold and flu season, and she is a very ethical person who takes her performance seriously. She didn’t want to record with a hoarse voice. Second, Audible is taking forever. You can see the preorder is up pretty much everywhere, except Audible. It used to be a few days for processing, then a week, then two weeks. Now it’s when it’s up. We had no choice but to pick a far away enough date for everything to process.
The Graphic Audio of SOTH is produced by Graphic Audio. For our self-published works, we license the rights to them and they produce it. If it’s not a self-published book, there is an extra step. For Kate Daniels, for example, the licensing had to go through the corporate channels at Penguin Random House.
There is no GA adaptation of SOTH right now. It’s not in production. It’s not “delayed.” It just doesn’t exist. They haven’t bought it yet. They are preparing to work on Kate Daniels. In fact, we have a Zoom meeting on Monday with literally everyone involved. There will be questions regarding how the books will be converted, who will be cast, and so on.
Audio in general presents some logistic challenges. You have to find the reader, book them sometimes 8-10 months in advance, and make sure everything is 100% ready to go. A good reader charges around $4,000-5,000, sometimes more depending on the length of the project. Celebrity readers charge very high fees.
We are committed to finding just the right reader, but between the availability issues, production issues, and unrealistic prices, we do the best we can. It’s both a creative and a business decision.
If anything happens along the way, like the manuscript needs additional revisions or the reader gets sick, the whole thing collapses like a house of cards. But it’s well worth it, because everyone enjoys the audio. I’m listening to Beware of Chicken right now. Hehe. Hehehe. Long may the land of Faram prosper.
The store
BDH ordered a lot of things. Like a lot a lot. A lot more than anticipated. All the things. All the things were ordered. Our supplier promptly ran out of tote bags and some items. They usually restock within a couple of days, so some orders are a little bit delayed, but we are on it.
Somewhere someone is looking at the order list and going, “Who is ordering all these weirdo tote bags? What do you mean by monster removal?”
Because BDH ordered so many things, we decided to open a separate business checking account to keep up with everything. Here is how that went.
We go to the bank.
Bank person: I’m sorry, all of our bankers are booked for the week. Have you tried online?
Us: Thank you, we will try.
At home, I call customer service.
Customer service: We can do this online but it will take weeks. How you tried a banker in person?
Me; We have and all of ours are booked.
Customer service: I found you an appointment tomorrow at 3:30pm.
Me: Thank you so much.
Yesterday, going back to the banker: Hi, we need a second business checking account.
Banker: I will help you.
Banker works super hard. She was very professional and very helpful.
Banker: It is denying the account because of negative history.
Gordon and me: What negative history?
Banker: I don’t know, but I can find out.
We sat there for 2 hours and watched her being transferred internally 6 times. 6. They don’t just do it to customers. They do it to their employees, too.
Midway through it, it occurred to us collectively that our credit reports are frozen. A couple of years ago someone attempted to file a tax return in our name. Now IRS issues us a special pin and all of our credit is perpetually on lock down. So most likely our bank bounced off that wall and gave us a generic no.
We walked out of the bank at 5:20pm without the second checking account.
Now we have to unfreeze everything for a specific date and go back next week. None of this impacts the store or orders in any way. I just wanted to share my pain.
And now I bring you a small snippet. Thank you for sitting through long and boring admin stuff.
The Red Horn Nation had their HQ in Lincoln Forest. The first few magic waves had reduced the population at a catastrophic rate, and the survivors quickly figured out that the old rule of safety in numbers still applied. Like many cities, Wilmington had fractured into dense clumps, with neighborhoods bundling together and fortifying, and Lincoln Forest sat right in the middle of everything, near Midtown.
It was a lower-middle-class neighborhood, with brick ranch houses set back on large lots. The surrounding neighborhoods of Forest Hills cushioned it from every side, so Lincoln Forest didn’t bother with a communal defensive wall, leaving fortifications to individual homeowners.
I surveyed the large ranch house. It sat a good distance from the street at the end of a longish driveway. Magic hated high tech buildings, but it loved trees, and the two oaks flanking the driveway looked like they had been growing there for half a millennium, their massive crowns spreading all the way over the street. Three cars waited by the garage, a black Ford truck and a couple of sedans with bloated hoods, modified to run during the magic waves. Modifications like that were expensive. The stolen kid trade must’ve been profitable.
No defenses, except for the usual bars on the windows and a solid door. No wards that I could feel. Nothing out of the ordinary except for a cow’s horn, dipped in bright red paint and stuck onto a metal stick by the driveway, announcing the house’s ownership.
“Why Red Horn? Why not Red Blade or something like that?”
“I don’t know,” Thomas said.
I dismounted. There was no need to tie Cuddles. She wouldn’t go anywhere.
“I know that you think you are tough,” Thomas said. “But these people, they are violent. Very violent.”
“Do you have a picture of Darin with you?”
He reached into his wallet and pulled out a large folded missing poster. On it a lean, dark-haired teenager smiled into the camera. He looked a bit like Thomas and a lot like an older version of Jason.
“Hold on to that.”
“They are going to kill you. They’ve killed people before who came looking for their kids.”
“Let’s try not to get killed then. I’m going to knock on their door. You can come with, or you can wait here.”
Thomas dismounted and tied his horse to the mailbox post. His face told me that he really didn’t want me to go in there. He looked around, went to the nearest oak, where someone had sawed a branch off and left it in pieces, picked up a good size chunk, and looked at me.
“All set?”
He nodded.
I walked up the driveway. On the door, someone had written RHN in blood. So good of them to identify themselves. I’d hate to get the wrong house.
I tapped the door with my foot.
It swung open, and a beefy guy in his twenties with ruddy skin and a skull tattoo on his neck peered at me.
“What the fuck do you want?”
“To come inside.”
Most people aimed for the head when they punched. Unfortunately, heads were hard, because our brain was precious, and we’d evolved durable skulls to protect it. I punched him in the solar plexus. He was beefy but not fat, so he didn’t have much padding, and since he was a head taller than me, the solar plexus presented a convenient target.
Whatever the guy was expecting, my left uppercut wasn’t it. I punched him very fast and very hard. I could remember not being able to read, but I knew how to punch even in my earliest memories. I had over 3 decades of practice.
The gang’s doorman folded to the ground. I kicked him in the head to make sure he stayed down there, stepped over him, and walked inside. Thomas took half a second to come to terms with the body on the ground and followed me brandishing his log.
Surprise week being the best week of my life right now 🙂 What a way to end the year.
Great snippet. Thanks for all the admin info. Sorry the bank acct is such a pain!
What Simone says!
Thanks for the snippet, lovely start to the weekend. Banks are a pain no matter where you live, they make gold hoarding dragons look cute and fuzzy.
+1 Thank you!
I feel your pain about the bank. We too have run afoul of procedures. So enjoy the snippet. Glad the store did so well. I have looked but not bought. Glad it is doing well
Thank you for sharing!
Hope everything else goes smoothly!
???????????? **cackles** They underestimated the BDH and their purchase powers…. ????????????
Never underestimate the voracity of the BDH. I’ll be ordering after the holidays when I’ll be available to receive all the precious.
Thank you for my birthday snippet. You didn’t do it for me, but I’m claiming it anyway.
Happy Birthday! ????
And that’s just the US buyers. Wait till it goes international. Or interstellar, Dina can trade a tote bag to Cookie for some neat weapon.
The Most Esteemed Nuan Cee definitely carries Ilona Andrews merchandise in Baha-char ????
Exactly, that’s just the US.
we, the international BDH, have already set our sights on the precious as well & the moment the international merch store goes up, we’re diving in as well 😀
all ready to dive in- check.
bank cards at the ready- check
reccie completed and looking out for even more designs- check
The Hord (International) awaits *War drums in the background
And just wait until the international link goes up. Those of us in the BDH international are patiently (hahaha) stalking the blog to pounce on the buy button.
I love that yall take the time to select the perfect cast and don’t just rush through! Thank yall for the snippet!
I love Fridays!!!
Thank you for your awesome books, stories and snippets!! I can’t wait for the mugs I ordered. As part of the BDH I want to thank you again for the store. I know it’s a pain to administer, but oh my, so many things to buy…. choices, choices. I’ll be ordering random stuff through out the year.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you, your families, Mod R and of course to the Book Devouring Horde!! Woohoo what an awesome week!!!
Thank you
I feel your frustration. When we got our last car we had to do the unlock procedure for getting a loan. Still, it’s worth it to have the security in general. Thanks for the gift of a snippet!
…And you can stop drawing that arcane circle, BDH, I see what you’re doing.
You will not break my secrets ????
Who us? *innocent eyes*
Arcane circle? I thought it took an intimate tea with Roman feeding you chocolates.
Roman would never use his chocolates for evil!
Oh, wait…
Anyway, no. Only the strongest Truthseeker Prime and an Aucubens Exemplar can break me!
Could I offer cuddles with 5 week old bloodhound puppies?? Much better for your waistline than chocolates and almost as sweet (but with TEETH!!!)
Nothing sounds better than the Song of the Hound. We lost our Black and Tan coonhound about 10 plus years ago.came from abtcc rescue,
Sing with the puppies, have their voices reach to the skies and to all the hounds at rainbow bridge.
Box of hound puppies is best best best.tape their songs, and their wiggles. All ears and song.
Merry Christmas Sarge Coonhound!
Oooh so cute !
How do you feel about bribes……. ????
I have recently had a problem with our banking that required a long stay at the bank. The poor banker was so frazzled with CS by the end I think she left just after we did. Thank you for the snippet. My happy place is eternally grateful.
Magic. Thanks!
As much as I enjoy the holidays, Jan 17 can’t come fast enough. Thank you for everything you do.
Woo hoo! I’m early!
This week has been awesome! Just what I needed to get me to Christmas! You Innkeeper + Kate = warm fluffy blanket and mental protection of alternate realities to survive the holidays!
Ooo a very nice end to a lovely gift of a week. Thank you and Happy Holidays to all!
Glad to hear the store was so very popular. (I am waiting for post holiday “less madness” shipping, but not waiting forever.)
Thank you so much for the snippet. Sooo Kate. I’d missed her.
Hope your holidays are happy and exciting, but not too exciting – no emergencies, please.
Really doubt that there are not previous posts, but I’m not seeing them…
Hi kommiesmom,
What do you mean about the previous posts? ????
Sorry. I meant comments, not posts.
(I have dyslexia and some additional quirks in my language processing and I sometimes use a word related to what I am trying to say if the word itself doesn’t come to mind.)
I was worrying completely unnecessarily about a glitch in the web site.
The comments are always a big part of my enjoyment of the blog post, and when I didn’t see any – I jumped in too soon.
Oh no worries at all! The website sometimes caches a previous version- sometimes people would comment “First!” on a serial and I’d have to break the news that they were closer to a hundred and first ????.
I can’t always remember the English for words and Mr Mod R will insist he doesn’t, in fact, “know what I mean” just because I think he should ????.
THERE they are! I feel much better.
Not sure what was with my computer.
Ohhh Snippet!
Banks can be… a bit of a .. well.
For me it is the combined power of Amazon in Europe >.< How can a POD be out of Stock? Hopefully they'll update to available of Sweep the Heart again soon 🙂
Hi Desiree,
Where in Europe are you ordering from? I have it available in the U.K. if you can order cross-countries ???? https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0BP48YC3G/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1671214010&sr=8-1
Hi Mod R,
I am in Denmark – normally no problems with UK (mixed luck with DE – my backup plan)
The link goes to the same page I have been on – with:
“Temporarily out of stock.
We are working hard to be back in stock as soon as possible. ”
For fun 😉 DE apparently doesn’t deliver to my address at the moment (They did before release)
Oy! Fingers crossed it restocks soon!
Ugh. It’s Christmas season. I’m in Austria, which is “officially” served by DE, and every Christmas there are suddenly items that are not deliverable to Austria. Three years in a row I had to wait until mid-January to buy a Kindle case, because SOMEONE took all the pretty ones and made *just those* undeliverable to Austria. Not kidding, there would be 20 patterns on a page, all listed as Prime, and only the 5 or 6 ugly ones would deliver to me. It sucks and I empathize.
*Hugs* I feel your pain!
I did actually pre-order from DE, but when it shifted status on the page to “Do not deliver to your address” I hit cancel.
So hopefully UK finds the “Print On Demand” stock soon!
The funny thing is – the last books I ordered from DE… came from UK…
I’ve had this problem with Ruby Fever on Amazon.nl – it was postponed 3 times after the publication date
Eventualy I canceled and ordered from Amazon.com
(I just like reading physical books and not e-books in bed or in the bathtub)
Try DE (although I should be keeping that to myself). I had Ruby Fever & SoTH early or on the release date.
will try next time
Great post, loved the snippet, and of course ModR is keeping secrets! But seriously, how can you be surprised that WE, who named OURSELVES the Book Devouring Horde because we are obsessed with all things House Andrew, ordered all the things!! I think no one is surprised by this.
Love you all (BDH, ModR, HA). This has been an awesome week!! Sweep of the Heart was amazing, Thank You.
short but sweet….. is January here yet?
Kate! Kate! Kate! Great snippet.
All hail Cuddles! I’m happy to my favorite mule again. Thank you for the snippet. I need to move my checking account and I’m dreading it. The Credit Union no longer has in-person hours.
See my favorite mule.
Luv your Secret Keeper portrait Mod R! So fierce! ????
I can’t wait for January. The Lennart’s are at it again!
I thought keeping secrets was Mod R’s job? If the arcane circle works, please let the rest of us know!!!!
I can’t wait until the novella is out!!!! KATE!!!! CURAN!!! ASS KICKER!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! (Fan girl screaming at its finest)
ModR: Herder of the Horde,Admiral of the Fleet (of all the HA ships), Keeper of Secrets, Creator of Quizzes.
… and She of the Festive Red Nose ????
Eater of the BDH comments… 🙂
I hope we are not giving Mod R indigestion with our comments.
+1. Sphinx tamer
I want ModR the Secret Keeper on a mouse pad so I can roll over her image when she knows something and teases us with it.
Just kidding! (not!)
ooohhh. yes please to this as merch.
and thank you ilona and Gordon for magic tides and the wonderful ending of sweep. loved the quiz mod r. thanks all. happy holidays!
… I feel dumb, but is there a direct link for the merch store on the main page, under a certain sub category or just through the one individual blog post announcement? I tried looking through the headers and didn’t see it so wanted to check for future reference.
Ha! Love the mythic secret keeper aspect of Mod R!!!
Thank you for all the updates, info and the snippet. Perfect!!!
Now I really want a mug and tote bag with Mod R The Secret Keeper. And I might just have it prominantly displayed when I next do business at my bank. Fear is good.
I really appreciate that you take as much care of the “offspring” (GA, Audible) as you do of your books – quality all the way!
Thanks so much for the snippet and looking forward to the brunch Zoom tomorrow!
I missed Kate making new friends
thank you!!!
LOL +1
Kate making new friends ????????????
And Cuddles.
and goodies
and the return of Frinndays.
can life get any better ????
Who’s very violent? And who’s BETTER at it? That’s right.
Thank you HA for the snippet, I can’t wait for the book! I’m also looking forward to the International merch store, and expect that the international members of the BDH will also buy all the things. Mod R – you need a t-shirt with that illustration!
Thanks for the update.
As a side note I love my audiobooks and unfortunately some have famous actors as the reader and they are awful. Acting on the screen does not always translate to playing various characters that sound and act completely differently on audio. Big pass on famous people doing audiobooks.
BTW my local library has all the Graphic Audio InnKeeper books I was amazed, shocked, happily surprised how good they were. Graphic Audio lives up to it’s tag line of “A Movie In Your Mind”.
Discretion. Yes. Kate is the epitome of discretion. LOL.
Sorry to hear about the bank situation. The BDH strikes again with the merch store!
Instead of secret agent man, we have secret agent Mod R. She is a vault to all the comings and goings of House Andrews. Nothing will pry secrets out of her.
Thank you for the snippet. I wanted to keep reading. 🙂
I Love, Love Kate. And audio for KD. Squeeee
Oof on the banking woes. That is a very relatable problem! And thank you for the attention to detail you put into your work! The fact that you are selective about the audio and are making sure BDH gets great quality is super cool!
May the banking woes get addressed with less effort soon! And thank you for the snippet as well as the continuation of reasons to get excited about Fridays!
ooohhh,love the punch ????,
Kate! Kate! Kate!!!! Thanks so much for another snippet! This was fun. Poor Thomas, who is about to be shocked out of his gourd.
I may be wrong, who can predict the vagaries of the BDH heh. But I think the initial rush was our collective squeee and normal purchasing will ensue. That said, will there be a store link on the main site?
Wow I do feel for you in your banking efforts! And thanks for the info on the audio wars too. I figured it was self funded since the book is self published. I had no idea that getting a reader could take so long, but there are more and more audiobooks all the time, so they have become extremely popular obviously.
As to Amazon, they are having some serious issues in various areas. My previous employer has a dedicated purchasing spot in their software for Amazon that bypasses the normal long, involved and painful means of putting in a purchase order. It suddenly went down on the Amazon end and is still not working weeks later. Just an fyi and I’ll keep fingers crossed that your order link goes up in a timely fashion.
oooh I love Kate’s version of “let’s not get killed”.
Can’t wait for this book
Ah Kate. Punch first ask questions later. How I have missed you.
Nice! I good punch to the solar plexus.
brandishing his log ???????????? I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. please delete comment if offensive!
Of course, he had to get a big one to brandish too. No self-respecting log brandisher would wave around a tiny “stick”! ????????
ugh!!!! the best, so excited to read this novella, so new yet nostalgic, i think y’all made my whole 2023 year even though we’re not there yet ????
I am so sorry that you and ModR get pelted with entitlement at every turn…
AND I am in awe of your patience with the bank stuff…like wow. I.cant.even.
not surprised about the evaporation of the merch…the mugs and tote bags and stuff keep us happy in between books, novellas, audiobooks, and precious snippets. I hope at some point there might be merch with “Your skulls are soft. Your brains are delicious. We are coming.” 🙂
Hehe, the rumours were just a little bit off ????
“Your skulls are soft…” I too want this merch (tee or large mug) if possible.
I would so totally buy a team jazz fins mug.
Pretty much, we want all the things on all the things! Because, yes, I too want those items.
Yes! Love that one!
I really really hope that the ModR portrait ends up on merch!
It slays!
For Kate Daniels, doesn’t Tantor (and not PRH) own the audiobook rights? So why is the licensing through PRH? Unless full cast audio and solo-narration audiobook rights are sold separately.
I also have a question for the brunch zoom if it’s not too late: Konsandion’s mom went back to her home planet after his coronation. Did she not love her younger kids (who were conceived in the natural way)? Or did she really want to go home and doesn’t have contact with her kids anymore?
“Unless full cast audio and solo-narration audiobook rights are sold separately.”
This one.
Thank you for the snippet. Already preordered. So fabulous. Sorry for the banking problems. Hope you get it resolved soon. i question or request- do you think it will every be possible to order BDH stickers in multiple quantities with a better price for ordering in large quantities.
I know many librarians and other people whom I would like to gift stickers to. Thank you.
Hope your holiday planning is going well.
Will you show us a picture of yours Christmas tree this year????
thank you for the long and boring admin stuff
anything you want to share is always appreciated
thank you for the snippet, looking forward to the release date
It might not be Amazon, but Magic Tides is currently #1 for preordered books on Kobo right now :). And #1 trending for SciFi/Fantasy, with Sweep of the Heart #2!
Hasn’t lost any of her reflexes, has our Kate?
I cannot wait. My birthday is just about then, too!
Ooooo an excellent birthday gift!!!
this was the quote “Unfortunately, heads were hard, because our brain was precious, and we’d evolved durable skulls to protect it.” I needed for a good Friday laugh after a long and crazy week..too often we overlook the obvious and try to do things the hard way..
yes silly user, we write FAQs so you will read them and not bother us with simple, easy questions so that we can work on the hard stuff
I think I probably guessed wrong about what world it was whenever that particular snippet was posted.
OH Kate, how I have missed you! Thank you for the snippet HA!
Heh. I wasn’t going to get merch. Then I just looked and saw the Roman mug and had to get it for my hubby who only drinks coffee black. He doesn’t read IA, but I am a lover of irony. And he’s not nearly neat enough to pull off being a serial killer without me knowing, so we are safe there ????
HA….. I sincerely thank you for spoiling us so much this year. I thoroughly loved reading SOTH each week, the quizzes, beautiful artwork, all of it. I have laughed and cried so much.
Mod R …. you are so FIERCE. Love the glowing eyes. This look is much better than the pic of you with Roman.
Ordered my official BDH stickers and can’t wait to receive and share with others. Hopefully creating more horde members.
I do not remember Cutting Edge Monster Removal company. Can anyone help me to shake loose that memory? I wonder if I have time to reread all of KD world before the new novella arrives but after I finish SOTH……
Cutting Edge is the name, Monster Removal is the game. Hehe.
“Cutting Edge Investigations” is Kate and Andrea’s business. It first appears in Magic Slays (I’m fairly certain) and a good amount of the action takes place in their offices.
I hope this helps 🙂
Yes, that helps. I now remember Kate and Andrea’s business name. The Monster Removal part threw me off.
Cutting Edge will also come to your lab or place of business if you have issues too.
Luther, aka Dr. Loose Cannon (just read that in Magic Triumphs), is a repeat business partner. 🙂
First – congrats on a successful store launch and thank you so much for the Snippet! And shout out to Mod R in general for being AMAZING.
OMG trying to deal with business accounts. I’d rather run barefoot through a field of glass. Neither hubby nor I have had an overdraft (or late payment on our credit OR business account) for at least the last 2 decades – but twice I’ve tried to move our accounts to a new bank and invariably SOMETHING f’s it up so here we are with accounts still at a bank we don’t like – simply because something stupid comes up and the new account is “invalid” and is closed (and can’t be re-opened) – usually a few days before I think it’s safe to finish moving funds and close the old account. It’s ridiculous. Don’t get me started on accepting low volume, high $$ credit card payments (we do IT consulting essentially) even though I went over that SPECIFICALLY when opening the merchant account (sorted now but SO embarrassing to have a client in Sweden cut me a physical check).
I can’t decide if I love or hate snippets.
Give in to the sweet torture!
So glad to see Cuddles again! I’ve been hoping that she can extend “the gift” to Grendel and Cuddles. Anyone know if that’s the case?
Well, Grendel is Bran’s dog from the Mist. As one of Morrigan’s hounds, he doesn’t have the same issues with growing old as regular pets do 😉 https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/funniest-bdh-theories-a-selection/
And Cuddles is a Mammoth Donkey. Entirely too stubborn to let anything like time get in her way 😉
I enjoyed re-reading the comments on this thread, especially now we know more about things following ruby fever. Thank you!
Ahhhh…Kate. I’ve missed you ❤️
Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Woo Hoo! A snippet! I do love snippets, and am looking forward to the book so much.
Okay, we’re in the RHN. Here Darin, Darin. Maybe if I had said Kitty?
You can take the girl (Kate) out of Atlanta, but can you take Atlanta out of the girl? In this snippet, the answer is no. ????????????????????????️
No no, that isn’t only “Secret Keeper”. The true title should be “Horde Keeper”! Well, Mod R has to keep the BDH in check ^.^
… and also some secrets.
I’m so excited for this book!
Am I weird because all I came away with was how similar Concerened uncle carrying a log and Handsome assistant with a frying pan are?
Thomas is the concerned father hehe, but I see where you’re coming from 😉
Sometimes the badassness is so strong all you can do is stand by and look pretty hehe.
Thank you! Sorry about the banking problems, I’m sure everything will work out.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Love the snipet! It is my favorite Christmas present!
I hope you get your checking acct opened soon.
We were burglarized several years ago, so we also have all our credit locked down. It’s a hassle, but worth it.
Merry Christmas to House Andrews!
So glad the merch store is going well! Hopefully this means it’s here to stay (squeee!). Can I put in a request for a t-shirt or mug with the “Bad hobo” quote from William’s Edge book? Thank you!
Slay. Kate rocks, always did always will. My personal literary book hero.
I understand the double identity needed to access the order site, but why do I have to go to an APP to find out delivery dates? Why not email me a tracking number when it is determined.
Unfortunately, we have no control over the system organisation. If you have feedback relating to way they conduct their business, please contact the company.
Thank you.
To talk to them, you have to go to the APP.
So excited GA is doing Kate, but bummed if that means Innkeeper is taking a backseat. Y’all are spinning all the plates, it’s impressive, and I’m grateful.
lord, I love this.
I hope Thomas gets an opportunity to use the log, though carrying it around must not be very convenient (as opposed to wielding a sword).
Thank you for the snippet.
Kate combat.
Kate combat when Kate is cranky and the targets are legitimately awful people.
I’m practically giddy with anticipation. NO ONE does combat like Kate does combat.
Mod R is far more badass than I had imagined.
It’s the sneakily cheerful reindeer version of Mod R that draws away the eye from the actual badassery. Hiding in plain sight ????
Thank you House Andrews and mod R for all of your hard work. As a proud member of the BDH I really appreciate all that you do.
Yay Kate snippet! I wish I was as cool as she is.
Banks were much better when they were local, independent financial institutions….
So very glad to be retired from production meetings. Loved the excitement and adrenaline rush at one time. Happy to now just be part of the stage crew! ????????????
I didn’t realize how much I had missed Kate until this snippet. Love her! You two are the best authors EVER!
God I love Kate – Totally awesome. She’s everything you wish for a heroine to be. ????
Yay for Kate 😀
I hope your bank woes smooth out from now on!
Kate! In fine Kate Daniels form! I LOVE it! Thanks!
VIVA KATE THE BADA$$! I love her soooooo much! You do NOT mess with kids
Thank you! I’ve pre-ordered, but it is so wonderful to get a little taste ahead of time.
I cannot express how much joy that snippet brought me.
Thank you.
oh Kate! I really missed her in action. I’m sooooo tempted to start re-reading again.
What a great week! So many excellent surprises, especially the ending of Sweep of the Heart. I know you are probably tired of Kate Daniels, but reading the 2 snippets was just wonderful. Sorry about the Bank set up, I find in the post Covid world(Bad Magic), everything takes longer. Thanks again for an upbeat week.
Thanks for the updates and so sorry for your Banking info troubles. Yay for the BDH shopping spree. An lastly THANKS FOR THE SNIPPET!!!
I love Kate so much.
House Andrews has been through a LOT. Like whoa. I’m just… astounded by what life throws your way and you guys handle like miracle workers. It’s no wonder Gordon sometimes insists on random getaways. Your whole House is … is just amazing.
“Portrait of Mod R the Secret Keeper at work”
Close, but I always pictured her with a two headed ax.
Only on the high holidays.
Bahahahaahaha. I love your new avatar!!
Ans then she double wields. ????
Go Kate!
Thank you!!! Love Mod R keeper of Secrets image. LOL The snippet is amazing! Can’t wait for this full story.
Patiently waiting for GA to buy the rights to SotH. I bet they can make a lot on it, though i can see why they want to make KD happen too. I hope they will find time for SotH.
Not surprised the BDH bought that much merch. I plan to buy mine in Jan when i am back in town. Can’t wait for Innkeeper tees and more!
Love this!!
❤️❤️❤️ love the snippet!
I hope everything works out for you and your family, and you have an awesome Christmas!
The BDH devours everything!!! **munch munch munch**
I love the picture of Mod R 🙂 it captures her essence perfectly
Thank you for the snippet HA, such torture though, we have to wait Jan 17 to know how ….. go Kate, go!
ModR do your ever sleep? thank you for your awsomeness ????
sorry for the swear word in there ????????
Ahh I did hope there would be a little more here.. big grin … see you soon xx Fi
Great snippet….I just love Kate! I can hardly wait for 1/17. ????
And thank you again for such an awesome release week…so much fun (at least for the BDH! I imagine HA and Mod R could use some strong spiked eggnog and a long nap by now!) Happy Holidays everyone!
Banks are terrible at getting things done and still we have to let them take care of our money makes no sense. Love the snippets
Oh, I have missed Kate at her best! This is better than peanut brittle and pralines!
ohhh GA doing Kate will be epic. love the snippet, I am so excited to read it.
deep breath with a smile. Reading that snippet of Kate just made me happy.
Out of context it would make no sense that that bit made me happy but I know you all understand – she’s back and doing what she does best
Lovely snippet. I so want to read the rest of this story. Currently doing some rereads between Library check outs. Can sympathize with freezing credit for the reasons you list. Now when I try to use my one card with a new vendor I get a text to make sure it is me doing the purchase before it is approved. Certain regular vendors, cough Amazon… just send me confirmation emails and I read every one to be sure it is my purchase.
As an ex-bankie, I can relate. And yes HQ gives the employees the runaround as well.
So glad the Store & merch is doing so well, so quickly, and can’t wait for the International store to go live. I had a good look around and loved the merch.
And loved the snippet, Kate just doing Kate ……. so good, really looking forward to the new book in Jan.
I’m loving SOTH not quite finished yet as I’m savouring it ????????
Kate!! Can’t wait for January!
Thank you so much for this whole week of all the fun things!!! Today is my birthday, and this week has been so exciting, and so happy to get a snippet today too. Can’t wait for Kate!!!
Hehehehehe I adore Kate. I’ve missed her.
Oh, thank you so much!
On the merch front, anyway for there to be prints or tapestries of that rampaging Cutting Edge monster ad?
Love the snippet, love you and love Mod R! I’m just so happy!!!!!!
It’s been a while since I read the Kate Daniels books, and I know this sounds incredibly weird but reading about her beating the shit out of that thug made me feel all warm and peaceful, like all is right with the world. So strange, but now I feel all relaxed for at least a second. Kate!
Lol…totally +1
It’s so nice to see Kate again! (Cuddles, too!) Thank you.
So great to have a snippet!
I absolutely adore Kate! Anything involving her is just (chef’s kiss)!
Any chances of hidden legacy being produced by Graphic audio?
There are all the chances, but I’m not aware of any plans of it at the moment, it’s all systems go for Kate ????
What a perfect ending to a great Friday! Thank you!!
Awwww, Kate is saying Hello. I have missed her.
Yay for the store success – the BDH is fluffy, yet ravenous for quality good things.
Thank you for all you do. I have been laid up with a bad head cold all week and a relentless series of unfortunate events, so all the treats all week long have truly help to pull me through. Another series of “Huzzah!” for Mod R.
a) I’m sorry you are experiencing the pain of bureaucracy, for which there is no cure.
b) Thank you for the snippet.
Thanks for your patience with all of us and taking the time to explain things. It’s surprising how quickly people turn to anger and conspiracy theories when they believe a wrong is being done.
thank you me today I chocolate covered strawberries lots and lots of strawberrys and I chocolate dipped grapes too so ???????????? yummy I had forgotten just how good they are.
I missed Kate so much! This is great! Thank you!
I love everything you guys write. Ojo on the non-believers.
Pleased smile at the snippet.
Sympathetic snarl at the bank.
Endurance for the admin stuff.
Merry HanuChristmaKwanza! (Also whatever other holidays and foods are timely and relevant)
Sorry about the banking snafus, ecstatic about the snippet, and chortling while reading SotH in urgent care today(no worries). 1000x THANKS!!!
I don’t understand the surprise that we would buy everything. We are a hoard. We will take it all. I’ve been reading this blog daily for a couple of years and there are multiple occurrences of posts saying we will take it all. You are lucky not to lose a hand when you throw snippets.
Haven’t you outsourced to the Lees? Cookie would help you…..
Nuan Cee to the rescue….for a considerable consideration…..
Are you saying we are a hoarding horde? Because we totally are, especially when in comes to anything IA!
Graphic Audio is awesome! I never knew about them until your first Inn Keeper story was produced this way. Now, I am a HUGE fan! I love Nora’s voice acting and think it’s great that you were able to get her for the narration on SOTH. Truly, Graphic Audio lives up to being “A Movie In Your Mind”. I can’t wait to see what they can do with Kate Daniels. 😀
+1 ????
I would hope that the pile of logs that pictured at the top of the blog are in your yard because Texas is about a polar vortex next week
They’re for Gertrude Hunt’s branching project.
thank you,,,,looking forward to this new series ????
Seriously ?? Another gift ? Thank youuuuuuuu !!!!
The snippet is so good !!! I was hooked, I can’t wait till the book come out !!
Ahhh yes, the glorious days of owning your own business; taxes, regulations, insurance on every piece of equipment, and employees too. I can truthfully say I do not miss it!
I think Cuddles with carrots would make a great design. So many opportunities in the books for new designs.
Best of luck with your bank and all the rest of the details. Hopefully the rest of the holiday’s activities go smoothly for you.
Yeah! Go Kate!!!
Feeling triggered after reading the bank fiasco, having to deal with banks personally all week and getting the run a round for work things.
Hope it all goes smoothly next time
Thank you. Also will Thomas name the log? (flash back to The Best Aunts club)
Listening to admin stuff isn’t boring! I’m an admin by nature and profession and can feel your pain.
Thank you for the snippet, anyway. You give the best presents ????
HA and Mod R, thank you for all the goodies during 2022. Happy Christmas to you and your families!
Also, Kobo and Amazon (UK) have a July 2023 pre-order up for Jennifer Estep’s, Only Good Enemies … ????
Thanks for that information on Jennifer Estep’s book! I liked Only Bad Options. 🙂
That wasn’t a request. ???? That was an announcement.
thank you for the lovely snippet!now i cant wait to 17th of january….
you are an existing customer with a good relationship (presumably) with your bank and they pull this?
I know there are pros and cons for big banks vs small banks, but this is one of the reasons I stick to small banks. they are always happy to bend over backwards for me.
your bank is obviously holding out for some ripper cushions.
Squee snippet!!!!
Graphic Audio is doing the new Kate or the original series? Did I miss a post somewhere?
The original Kate series, starting with Magic Bites 🙂
It was announced a whole ago, but preproduction is just starting so you will hear more about it now 🙂
oh man, I am so excited. I re-listened to all of them last year, I’ll have to get the GA versions too.
It sounds like sometimes you’re not just juggling plates, but pie plates filled with fragile berry pies.
DH and I couldn’t get our simple stuff done on the phone so we drove about 20 miles to “Ted’s” and waited for 1 1/2 hours in the bank assistant’s office while she waited on hold, was transferred, and waited some more.She never got through. What must it cost to have a bank employee tied up all day long ( she said it happens all day, every day), and what does it cost when we customers have had enough and move all of our accounts? The employee couldn’t have been nicer, said she had been there for 20 years and it’s only gotten this bad in the last year or 2.
Loved the snippet. Can’t wait for the audio. Pre-cataract surgery , so I “read with my ears” most of the 193 books I read this year. We do live in wonderful times!
Kate is back! Thank you for the surprise snippet, it’s wonderful. I hope your banking woes straighten out quickly next week and the holidays are good to you.
Hehehe day-um Kate is good! Thankyou for the snippet ????
Yum, yum, yum, errrk. You, You tantalizing wench, you.
It’s just around the corner and you already pre-ordered, sooooo…come down off the ledge.
You can go re-read the first teaser, and know it’s coming. (You didn’t react like this on that one)
Breathe, to the count of four – that’s it. Do it again…good.
There you go. All better now? Okay…spit out the phone. That’s it.
Sorrreeee. I just love Kate so much????????????♀️
Thank you for the snippet, Ilona.
Thank you so much for the snippet. I work in craft retail and I needed a quick cheering up during my lunch break.
I will be ordering from the store after the holidays. I didn’t realize there were specific mugs for latte art.. I may have to order some latte mugs.
I forgot about posting this the other night, and I know enamel pins might require a different manufacturer, but I would love a BDH pin.
Wait. Is the snippet from Magic Tides?
Yes ????
Thank you! Can’t wait to read it! Love your graphic (of course the reindeer, but especially the brilliant black and white image).
Oh Kate, how I have missed you and your gentle nature. ????????
I love the snippet! I love going back to Kate. This feels wonderful! Thank you so much!
Sorry to hear about the frustrations. I thank you 4 the snippet I am very excited about the book, so thankyou for the awesome snippet.
Thank you
Kate! Kate! Kate!
So happy that there is goung to be a beautiful Kate book very soon, as I have truly missed here way of doing things. So looking forward to the whole low profile plan, Kate style, and can’t wait to meet the new Wilmington cast, and maybe some Atlanta cameos, who knows.
I can picture the look in Currans eyes, after having to leave the keep finally something with huge walls again. Can also totally hear him discussing moats wih Hugh.
Loved the Zoom session today, one big holiday present, and you must have heard my hesrt rate speed up at the mention of so many potential lovely books floating around in the creative dimension somewhere.
oh how the release ďate cannot come soon enough. thank you
Thank you for the snippet! I’m so glad Kate is back, even if it’s only a novella.
Hi all – read the new release – straight through. My question is – what is this snippet from? I don’t usually reply but always read. Thanks –
Novella due out 17 January.
If you go a few blog posts back to “HOLIDAY SURPRISE” there’s a much longer first chapter excerpt.
Magic Tides, the new Kate Daniels novella – here for excerpt and preorder ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/upcoming-release/
you are too good to us….. please don’t stop. ❤️
Than you for the snippet! So excited for the new Kate novella!
Omg omg omg yay! ????????????
Is this Thomas the rat alpha, it can’t be, they’d RHN, have had a rat plague to end all rat plagues. Mooooore please
Ahhh, this is going to be great!
Love that Mod R portrait
Thank you!!
Am loving the snippets!
I too have sat with a very helpful bank associate and watched them get transferred to various internal depts – in my case, I was just trying to close an account, which one would have thought would be a routine job…
I do hope GA will do Sweep of the Heart – it’s nice they’re doing Kate, but maybe they could fit in Sweep somewhere? Would hate for them to not be able to get some of the Innkeeper series voices back if it gets left too long…
Fabulous. Thank you so much.
Awesome picture of Mod R.
Those may be the best eyes I have ever seen in any image. They seem to glow, which I know is not a feature of my screen.
Finally able to order Sweep of the Heart on audible!!
Today is Sunday 18th!! Have the Kindle, and loved the book.
Way to get in the door! ????????
We locked all our credit and forgot. So we had ‘bank fun’, too! Ugh!
Thank you for the snippet—I can’t wait for Magic Tides to be released! I love everything you write but the KD world is my fav!
it’s KATE in action! whee! I love it!
Thank you very much
I keep rereading this snippet and laughing. I’ve missed Kate. Thanks so much!
Happiness 🙂
I can never resist a snippet. Now I’m hungry for more.
Can’t wait!!!
Love that Curran fell in love with another keep. And the smarts of Conlan who upstages everyone in every single paragraph he appears in.
Love how they manage their immortal, badass mother. And how excited Curran is about the revenge attack. All that’s missing is Raphael and Andrea turning up for a surprise visit and helping out with the slaughter. Followed by apple pie.
Yeah, and don’t forget Hugh and his merry men helping Kate out if needed.
Between Hugh, Kate, Curran, Raphael, and Andrea Wilmington will never be the same again. 😀
Sqeeeeeee! Jumping up and down and nerd-girl-ing out. 🙂 Thank you. I can’t wait for the book to come out. I’ve already counted out my pennies and marked my calendar. 😀
I might be late in realizing this, but Audible finally has Sweep Of The Heart up for pre-order. I just bought mine a few hours ago if anyone was waiting for it like I was.
“They are working on Kate Daniels[…]”
Thank you thankyouthankyou THANK YOU!!!!
+ infinity!!
Thanks for the updates and I am in love with the snippet. Hope you and your families have marvelous holiday season.
I had checks stolen from my mailbox once and after I told the credit score people, they froze my accounts. I had more problems with THAT than the fact the thieves wrote thousands of dollars on my account. I didn’t have thousands of dollars in my account, but the bank was helpful.
It’s interesting how things are so different across the world. Here in New Zealand the banks have phased out cheques/checks. I think the last time I wrote a cheque was 10+ years ago. I do all my “bill paying” by online banking – most invoices have the businesses back account and the ref details they want so it’s easy. retail purchases are credit card or eftpos/payWave. Occasionally cash but that’s getting rarer.
What I never understand is that most of the time I am trying to GIVE my bank my money, for them to get to use and make fees and interest off of, and they still can’t find their way to making it easy. Right now I am struggling with some inherited US savings bonds, so old that they are actually real paper, and neither of my two credit unions nor my two commercial banks will cash them for me, even though the money would go into my account at their bank.
P.S. If you still own any old US savings bonds, do your heirs a favor, and cash them in before you die!
This makes me so happy (the punch, not the bank stuff, I’m sorry you have to deal with that). There are so many things I wish I could handle with a fast hard punch to the solar plexus. It is cathartic to read about it.
I am at home with a 5 month old and 4 year old for Christmas break. I threw my back out. I am holding on to sanity by a worn thread. I get into my epsom bath, so hot it makes be look like low country boil, go to your icon on my homepage, and this snippet pops up. I know you didn’t write it for me, but thank you.
Awww, good vibes for your back! Hope you get some relief!
This is gonna be gooooood
a snippet! a snippet! A KATE SNIPPET! YEE HAW!!!!!!
Thank you very much.
Time to learn more about Helen’s new treehouse … should be loads of fun!
Wait! Over 275 comments and not a single mention of your Beware of Chicken reference?!!! Yeah this comment is a bit late, but I had to read the whole book first… and having finished I immediately went scrounging for news of a sequel (the author has published two sequels in serial format, it turns out). But my question I hope you can answer: how do you find these little gems? and how much “mediocre” writing do you have to go through to find the good ones?!
Thank you for the recommendation!!
I’m kind of curious, besides the Innkeeper Chronicles, do George, Gaston, & Sophie appear in any of the other story universes?
George, his brother Jack, Sophie and Gaston are cross-over characters from the Edge series https://ilona-andrews.com/the-edge/
Have I told you today how much I love you? I do. I do love you. Thank you.