Hi everyone, Mod R here.

Ever had one of those days when you feel like you only have 2 brain cells left and they’re both fighting for 3rd place? That’s me today.
And it’s not even FrInnday anymore, I can’t log and read a chapter and pretend everything else goes away!
If you’re feeling FrInnday bereft too, I thought we could go over and check on our friends at Tapas to see what they have for us to take The Edge off (see what I did there?)

The most recent episode featured what is probably my favourite scene of Clean Sweep, coffee-drunk Arland! I’m starting to feel better already.
The panel of Sean chasing our sexy vampire, who is in turn chasing his buzz through the orchard is too, too funny, but I’ll let you discover it on your own. I present to you instead the glory of him losing his…inhibitions. No coffee tables have been harmed in the drawing of the stripping scene tee-hee.

This week’s episode should contain another favourite moment (aren’t they all?), the Costco lady scene and her mightiest of battle cries: “Don’t mess with Texas!”. Unless the very talented Tapas team are treating us to more original content. Their interpretation of the Sun Horde vs Werewolves of Auul fighting scenes in episode 9 (The Lost Planets) have been absolutely magnificent, so I have high hopes either way.
If you’re unfamiliar with Tapas webcomics, this post explains how to use it and this one answers more questions about Ink and the decision to have a webcomic adaptation for Clean Sweep.
I’m off to pour myself a cup of ambition and see if I can find a werewolf to chase me.
Happy (sort of) FrInnDay Mod R and others in the BDH! ????
Feeling FrINNday … my mind is wiped, shredded, fried. Being on this site always helps.
I hope they do the rest of the Innkeeper series! The art panels have been stellar! ????
Missing Frinnday fix. But this Tapas info helped a lot.
That part with a drunk Arland running through the apple orchard is one of my favorite laughs in the whole series. Sean doesn’t help matters by laughing so hard Dina had to poke him to get Arland back inside. Coffee the alcohol of vampires…who knew?
Gotta love strategically placed pitchers of lemonade. 😉
I appreciated the Dolly Parton reference for those of us working 9-5 ????
Same! I can hear the song in my head.
And so well played ModR. You can’t tell that you’re ESL… AT ALL . Caps just for emphasis. Sorry for yelling.
So far I’ve had no success with my coffee drinking. No werewolves in sight.
The Arland coffee drinking scene in Tapas made me happy. (Your welcome is revoked —- another fav of mine — delighted me, too.) So far I am LOVIN’ what Tapas is doing. Here’s hoping the stars align for more books.
ModR I truly hope no werewolves chase you!!
I would trip really fast ????, especially if they look like Sean.
Ok, but you wouldn’t give up your work as ModR if you ran off with a sexy werewolf, right?
Never! I’ll just be a bit more feisty on the full moon ????
If coffee makes vampire knights strip off all their clothes, what works on roguish dark priests? And does anyone have any?
Based on my intense study of a certain volhv, they really don’t like being messy. https://ilona-andrews.com/2020/a-bit-more-of-roman/ See, they even clean the kitchen right after dinner.
So spilling a drink *on* them rather than giving it *to* them might work? As in, step out of those wet robes and into a dry martini? ????
Love the end of this comment. I wish I could remember the reference. I think it is to one of the Marx Brothers Groucho most likely.
Right time period but wrong actor. U found this reference “An irrepressible character actor with a wit as dry as a martini in the Gobi Desert, Charles Butterworth played the leading man’s charmingly daffy sidekick in screwball comedies throughout the 1930s – a decade he spent almost constantly inebriated, both on-screen and off. Out of Those Wet Clothes and Into a Dry Martini (the title inspired by his most famous one-liner) provides an intoxicating look at this nearly-forgotten master of the comic quip and cynical aside through his preferred lens ”
It was a great comedy movie time
Happy FriInnDay! Glad to see something… I was worried that Friday wouldn’t be the same. Thanks so much!
Loving the Tapas posts.
My mom loved the Innkeeper series, entirely because of 2 scenes I read aloud to her after she caught me cackling:
1) Drunk Arland
2) Sean marking the apple trees
It should be mentioned, my mom was the Potty Humor Poster Child. Then House Andrews earned her undying love when y’all wrote the “Officer Marais getting SprayBombed by Jack” scene. Every time we talked about one of y’all’s books, she’d ask me “that’s the ones where the cat sprayed the cop, right?”
She was so looking forward to the new Innkeeper book and would have adored it, but she passed back in January. I just wanted to thank House Andrews and Mod R for finishing this story, because every time I read a chapter I could practically hear my mom giggling over it. It really helped with the loss and grief. Thanks so much, y’all are Awesome!
So glad you had the jokes to share! May her memory be a blessing!
I’m sorry for your loss. ????
Thank you, mod R, for the post.
Pre hurricane Ian I had problems finding new Innkeeper book on Amazon so I could pre order.
Then I was dealing with for me here in North Carolina, USA Tropical Storm Ian and power loss issues — well when a 3 foot diameter front yard tree falls on power pole, it’s toast as we’re attached power lines that were ripped from house— when elderly demented Mother fell prey to upper respiratory crud. So today is my catch up day. (At home Covid test was negative and took us 3 days (no power etc) to get to doctor office for PCR Covid test. ????. Still waiting on results but Mother doing better).
Glad to see all is well and proceeding on course. Thank you for the blog updates.
Hope you all do better and the tests come back negative!
I am totally blaming Innkeeper for my new TAPAS addiction.
Join for Innkeeper, get sucked into 30 other stories…
But we do have some Innkeeper on Friday, so all is good!
(ps. Will there be another Innkeeper Q&A at some point?)
The questions keep coming ????, so I’m sure at some point a Q&A will be needed.
Here is my first question – we saw Nuan Cookie reserve the Ocean Room for an event and join the Inn via the Baha Char door. In a non-spoiler general way, I was curious how often guests come from other doors, and if they come from more doors than just Baha Char?
My second question, which I think has already probably been discussed at some point in the last several years, is what happened to Dina’s parents’ Inn Baha Char door? Did it just disappear too when their Inn vanished? This might be in one of the books and I am just forgetting.
So, if you are keeping track for the next session.. 😉
Have a great weekend!
It’s my understanding that the inn doors are part of the inn ????, a branching. So if the inn disappeared, the door would go away with it.
the inn was after wood because it was growing a branch to open a door … where my guess to get to Helen …..
A very good guess. I am eagerly waiting to find out
Haha, can you imagine the horror on Lady Ilemina’s face if that happens and she realises that their work has a “weak” point. Lol
She didn’t even want a neutral space station in their system.
I totally agree with you on getting sucked into other stories on Tapas!
But I love my Tapas FrINNdays the best! Keeps my Innkeeper addiction in check… sort of… ????
funny harhar. me I’m think about the oranges I ordered that will arrive Wednesday. yummy
I dont know if tired can adequately sum up how I feel. The past few months of hubby retiring from the service and us moving has been a series of pitfalls. Everytime I think ok, we are good, something else comes up to roll over us. This Monday I gave in a cried as our household good showed up with many many things broken including 3 of our bookshelves and some pottery hubby’s dad made us.
I actually forgot about this so Im going to go see if this helps the week.
Sending hugs!! Moving is hard, no matter how many times you do it.
love this graphic novel. love listening to the graphic audio while I look at the pics even more!! no such thing as enough of innkeeper. ❤️
hope this cures the lack of new chapters for folks, cuz it’s awesome. hope they do the full series. can’t wait to see our Edge crew and the rest of the Demilles in anime/manga format.
I’m enjoying Tapas’s version of the Innkeeper Chronicles and have been sucked into too many other series on Tapas, Tappytoons and Webtoons. My wallet is empty… Thank you for showing me the way to a whole new world of reading!!!
Lord Soren has to children?
Please tell me more about Karat’s sibling.
Hehe! Thanks for the Fri pick me up! It’s not been a bad day, just a bit annoying/boring. At least the 11 yr old bday girl “loved!” her gifts and the pizza was good!
Please, please, please write more full-length novels in the Innkeeper Chronicles! It is one of my all-time favorites series.
Do you still have to call her CostCo lady, now that we know her name?
(Well, I suppose that might be spoilers, so I guess so…)
Yes, we’re taking care of our friends who are waiting for the published book! ????
Arland and coffee are the best!!????
Vampires were sooo not my thing, but then Innkeeper & Arland came and changed that. ????
It’s so freaking good.
I’m sure I shouldn’t have, but I made the panel of Sean chasing drunk, butterfly-chasing Arland through the Apple orchard the wallpaper on my phone, anyway.
“So it’s coffee that makes his clothes fall off, not tequila.”- Sean ????????????????
Hi! May I ask how many episodes there will be on tapas in total? I’m just trying to figure out how much ink I should buy. Thanks!
Around 52 ????
Like many BDH members, I’d been waiting for the Arland & coffee scene! Wee!
I really wish we could get some of the comic art so we could share/meme things. I understand them wanting to protect copyright, and prevent screenshotting (because you could steal the entire comic that way), but I really wish there was like an image library for some free downloads or social sharing.
So did you know there’s a brand called Maud’s Coffee? I keep seeing a certain innkeeper sister getting a supply she uses to encourage vampire cooperation. That’s my head cannon, and I’m sticking to it!
For anyone new to tapas
If you are signing up with a new account you can use my code: WYRD873X.
It’ll give you free ink to get you started and I get referrer ink credit too for a win-win. You use ink in the platform to ‘purchase’ a read, free ink can be earned and/or purchased in their shop. The best way to get free ink is to install and use their official app. You can watch ads, complete surveys, do other promotions, and on Mondays they have a fortune cookie that gives you free ink too. If you read online via a browser instead of the app most of those free ink features are not available.
As far as I see, all comics have a certain amount of free sample chapters so you can see if you’re interested before committing. Some comics also have “wait until free” chapters, that wait can be 1 free chapter a day, 1 free chapter a week, etc. I se Innkeeper now has some chapters available for Wait Until Free reading. If you can be patient, W-U-F is a good way to slowly catch up on a series that already has a number of posted chapters without breaking your ink bank. The service does do periodic sales, some for specific series, and some for ink. If you plan to purchase ink, I recommend not putting down a lot of money on ink until there’s a sale, then really take advantage of it.
Series I also enjoy on the platform: Falcon Princess, The Knight and Her Emperor, A Business Proposal, My Farm By the Palace, Swordmaster’s Son…
Thanks for the Tapas story recs. I would love another Tapas recommendations thread.
Who Made Me a Princess and Little Rabbit and the Big Bad Leopard are two that I’ve been loving
Yesterday was the day after Thursday. It was also the day before Saturday. But I just could not convince myself that it was in fact ‘Friday’ as it obviously could not be ‘Friday’.
It was not Frinnday.
Therefore it was not ‘Friday’.
Thanks a bunch House Andrews. I think you may have ruined ‘Fridays’ forevermore.
Hello Mod R
Would Sean and Dina approve of this Vampire? What House is he? An ally of House Krar ( my name spelling is terrible) I would assume, or is this an it’ll all work out in the end HEA( The best kind of course)
The best to you and your “vampire”
When I’m missing my Frinnday, every Friday, I cheat, I read one of my blog emails and I’m set.
Thank you for your hard work and evident real enjoyment in your work on this.
The best to you and yours
But what will we do with FrIinday? I’m super sad about this. Can we get moar sneak peeks from the series that involves the lady who sees the future or something like that. The one where the editor said it would sell and the BDH is like “Freaking post the pre-order link!” Thank you. I hope you feel better Mod R.
Just a test of avatar. Thx ModR for info!
My Friday habit has caught up with me
and now I’m FrInn withdrawls…
tapping the refresh button isn’t helping
me find even a snippet of relief…
How are you guys handling your withdrawls?
((((refresh)))) ((((refresh)))) ((((refresh)))
Do you or does HA have some recommendations for us? I mean some new Asian series as good as the last ones? Is there a series, that ispired HA regarding the characters of the two good-looking brothers of Chinese origin, who might be or might not be love interests of Arabella?
Well I’m a day late responding, but that’s because I’ve been busy catching up on Tapas. I had forgotten about joining and reading until this message came in. and I too had been feeling INN-consoluable with no Inn fix. So I rushed over and joined, got my freebies and bought some ink and started reading. I quickly decided that I had better reel myself in or come next Friday I’d be feeling blue again. but I’ve been really enjoying it. So, as a dedicated BDH member, I am sometimes awed by the genius of Ilona and Gordon. And providing us with another way to enjoy our Innkeeper addiction really I’d sheer genius.
Mod R,
You might just make an honest Tapas girl out of me just yet…. Tonight I literally have 1/2 brain cell left, crying to be left alone…
I’ll go re-check that Tapas page…
Actually the coffee always confused me because in Maud’s book isn’t there a scene where she drinks all the vampires “under the table” because they aren’t aware she doesn’t get drunk from coffee? The bachorlette party scene or something? So doesn’t that mean that vampires know how coffee affects them?
Why did Arland get so drunk/drink the coffee then? Was he just sheltered? xD
There’s no reason to think he didn’t know 🙂 . He just didn’t shy away from what he saw as a challenge from a competing male. Macho contests aren’t exactly known for their level headedness…
Mentioned the Tapas release in my latest newsletter! I think the comic is very well done. Hope that Mod R and House Andrews has lots of reasons to smile today. May the tea be warm, the weather perfect and the heart happy!