I have a very important question for you this morning. Apparently, Ingram Spark now allows us to print hardcover editions. Meaning we could offer you a hardcover set of our self-published books, such as the Innkeeper series.
We have a couple of options available to us. For example, you probably remember the excellent Truly Bad Options by Jennifer Estep, which I recommended here. Only Good Enemies, the sequel, is now out and Jennifer is offering it in hardcover. This is the laminate option with the cover printed straight onto the hardcover.

There is also a jacketed cloth cover, which is cloth-bound book with the cover art on the removable jacket, and example of which you can see on this lovely Ms. Bev’s anniversary edition.
Some of you have expressed concerns regarding the flimsiness of the trade paperbacks, which is the printed format for our self-pub books now. Do you want the hardcover format to be available for you? Is this something you’re interested in for Innkeeper and Wilmington Files?

This poll is for people who are interested in print editions. I know you want to explain to me in the comment how you only buy in ebook for various reasons in the comments, heh. The ebook editions will not be affected by the addition of the hardcover format. This is an “and” not an “or.”
I am pro hardcovers for any your books! I’m certain the design will be stellar.
If you haven’t already looked, you might want to check out Book Vault. They have slightly different strengths than IS when an author wants to do an indie POD. (My roommate is always listening to podcasts by authors to learn about the business of writing. Several of them are mentioning Book Vault meeting their needs.)
Sorry, I can’t figure out how to delete my comment. It wasn’t supposed to be a reply to anyone, and then it double posted. 🙁 I’m giving up and going to bed.
I like how paperback is easier to read one handed or laying down. It sounds a little silly to me but I find hardcover a little harder to read (pun unintended 🙂 comfortably as it doesn’t stay open or on the current page as easily.
same here. you just cant lay down in bed with a hardback. i also have problems with my hands a wrist, so the extea weight of hb cause me actual pain. just wish pb were published same time as hb. id pay the same price tbh.
“and” is always a good option!
(Cake *and* ice cream, blueberry pie *and* cherry pie…!!)
For me, the weight of the trade paperback balances easier than a hard cover. This is just me, your mileage may vary.
yes *and* bacon 🤣
I’ve bought hardcover or paperback and kindle versions of your books. All I really want is your continued writing of your wonderful books! Hardcover tends to last better over decades. I have paperbacks from the 1960’s and 70’s that now have brittle yellow pages and glue that fails to keep the books together. I still read them but it’s not easy.
I agree that paperbacks don’t seem to hold up over the years. I inherited my grandfather’s and both of my parent’s book collections so I have hardbacks from the 1890’s forward and paperbacks from the 1930’s forward, and other than the few hardbacks that unfortunately were damaged by moisture the rest of the hardbacks are in very good condition. The paperbacks from the 1930’s to probably the early 1980’s are in terrible shape. The glue has dried up, pages are yellowed and brittle, whole books are just falling apart. If there’s a book that I want to keep for decades, I purchase it in hardback. I will be purchasing any hardbacks that HA makes available.
plus 1
I love paperbacks still, even though I do most of my reading on Kindle. Because it’s so nice to be able to throw one in your bag and head out and not have to worry about charging cords, sand, sun, hiding it, etc.
I read mostly ebooks. But it would be a good idea to take a paperback in your carry-on, since it’s not an “electronic device”.
I got Hidden Legacy in Hardback and do prefer them to paperback 🙂 The font is a bit bigger and they hold up better in use.
… but really I just like my books to have the same format thoughout the series and not switching around on the shelf
seconding the same format! I would love a box set too, if that’s at all possible. Either hardcover or paperback.
When trade editions became popular, I was still moving every couple of years. I already had used hardcovers in every size, and I decided the first time I had paperbacks in multiple sizes that I would enter an arena if the prize was standardized book sizes, because packing was a NIGHTMARE. Every year or two.
Now I’m 90% ebook, but graphic novels and pretty books still have to be packed. And I would still give a great deal for standardization in sizing.
It would be lovely to be able to get a hardcover book but I don’t think that Ingram sparks offers a nice enough one yet. The glossiness of it and the shape of the spine would make it stand out a bit too much compared to my other books, but thank you for thinking of it!
That’s why there is the second format with the jacket.
I wasn’t able to find a picture of it but I’ll try again! 🙂
Any luck? The link HA shared was less illustrative than their description lol. Price being a factor of course, but I want the longevity of hardback over paperback for those series that are my MOST precious.
I don’t care for sepia tones. Bright colors in either fabric or paper are better, imo.
I like paperbacks for the shelf space and the portability. I do buy HB if that’s all that’s available, because I MUST HAVE THE BOOK. But I’m more likely to buy ebook if the only dead tree option is HB.
Kindle because I can change the size of the font.
Paperback because I can carry it while in the car.
Hardback because I treasure books.
I read my books on Kindle because I can change the font / background to make it easier to read but I have a home library and I love having hardbacks to share with friends and family.
I usually buy hard covers when I buy physical books. But I’ve been trying in recent years to buy series in only one format, so I only have your books as digital. I’ve slowly gotten rid of most of my paperbacks, as I have most of them digitally as well.
until now I bought only ebooks and started with Kate Daniels audiographic novels, but I’d love hardcover print copies
If I’m investing in a book, I want a nice hardcover otherwise ebook is the way to go. I’ll be honest. I own inn keeper in all its forms if there was a hardcover, I would buy it.
I’ve been doubling up with print editions ever since the preview of Wildfire at the end of White Hot changed. I also like to get pretty books by my favorite authors and remember a limited Subterranean Press offering only available to people who had bought the first one — such sadness! I hadn’t discovered you at that time (or hadn’t discovered the blog, is more likely).
So if you offer pretty options with which I can double up, I’m all in.
You are established enough that any format of anything you write will be sold in non-neglible quantities. Whatever cons are putting you on the fence for doing this now, you should DEFINITELY offer full set editions of hardbacks once you reach a series/arc ending, aka an actual full set of books. We love for our physical books in the same series to look well on shelves together. But I do hope that you calculate the number of interested fans high enough to provide this option now, for their sake.
Amazon KDP has hardcover as well
I’d be interested
Amazon KDP only supplies through Amazon. Ingram Sparks pushes to a wider range of retailers, and internationally 🙂
I’d still like a hardcover of Burn for Me.
But I want them all to match 😭
I try to collect hardcovers of my favorite books. I also prefer first-edition/signed when possible. It keeps my library at a mostly manageable size… mostly.
I am working on building a respectable collection of my favorite books- I would absolutely love hardcovers of the Innkeeper series. Thank you for asking the opinion of the BDH!
I almost always buy paperbacks or ebooks unless there’s something special on offer. I’ve splurged on your Subterranean Press editions that I read once, look at the pictures, then they go back into their plastic case (I have the ebook editions as well). Does that make me a geek? I kind of feel a bit ridiculous writing that.
I think you sound perfectly reasonable! 😄
I’m jealous of everyone that has the Subterranean Press edition! 🤩 (I don’t have one yet. 🤞 for a re-release.)
I have All of your books in a paper format in Hardback if I can even if I have to buy a premium–like Subterranean Press- I also have reading copies in paperback that I rotate out to my used bookstore before they are heavily damaged so I would LOVE a hard cover preferably with a dust jacket so I can put a protective mylar cover on it
My previous comment didn’t go through… I am trying again.
I prefer paperback but am interested in the hardback pricepoint, especially if y’all can bundle the Wilimington stories.
Obviously it would depend on style and length 🙂, but you can estimate based on the 2 examples Ilona gave in the article. I can look them up for you 🙂
the Jennifer Estes laminate hardback printed on the cover is $25.99 on Amazon
The Beverly Jenkins cloth-bound book with the cover art on the removable jacket is $21.06.
I’m in a “only want paperback” phase because 1) they are lighter to carry around in my bag 2) they take up less space on my bookcase. Hardcover Innkeeper would be gorgeous of course but as I already own them in paperback and they are in good condition, I will hold off on hardcover for now.
So far I have all of your books as paperback versions. I might switch to hardcover for a new series, but I like my books to be consistent for one series. So for Innkeeper and Wilmington I would stay with paperback.
So, I have all the Innkeeper books in ebook, audio copies, but I would pay a lovely premium to have a set of hard cover copies. Now if those hard copies were signed, well, I would probably die and go wherever book lovers go when they pass on.
Same here!
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have beautiful hard back editions!!!!
I mostly read digital ebooks and save my limited bookshelf space for only books I truly love. If I buy an actual paperbound book I want it to have lasting power and be pretty- hardbacks fit my requirements that better than paperbacks, trade or mass-market. The only reasons I buy paperbacks are because they are all that are offered and/or I am making sure that an entire series is the same size/cover art style.
I prefer the cloth bound ones with the art dust covers. I find them to be more pretty. No idea why. But I would absolutely by hardbacks!
any chance to get in Europe? I’d love a good hardcover for my collection
“And” is a lovely word 😊
My library is a mishmash of paperbacks and hardcover; large oversized coffee table books and mini books; books on tape, ebooks, and digital audiobooks. I love books!
Due to finances and ignorance I hadn’t heard of subterranean press, subscription book boxes, and whatnot before.
But, I want ALL the books! Embrace your inner BDH fully! ALL THE BOOKS!
Posts like this make me feel both seen and loved by my authors.
Only Bad Options was really good.
I’m going to read Only Good Enemies this weekend
Good choice references
I’ve read Only Good Enemies. I’m not going to give anything away. It is a very good book. I think you’ll be surprised what happens in the story. 🙂
Oh my yes!! 💯% agree!! Two nights in a row I realized it was *what time?!* when I heard birds starting their early a.m. warm-up. Hehehe!
cloth with jacket is my vote if it’s either or. ps I met Beverly Jenkins at a book convention and she is the nicest, coolest person. 🙂
Good luck and have fun.
I love the idea of printing directly on a hardcover so there’s no book jacket to lose. Wish all my hardcover books came like that
Yes for Innkeeper, they would be awesome!
But will they be available through Amazon? Or does the publishing house have printing headquarters in different parts of the world? Otherwise I fear shipping and Customs would be a bit too much…
They would be available though Amazon and all the rest of the retailers that the trade paperback is currently available though 🙂
The Innkeeper books are self-published, so there is no publishing house in the mix.
I love my trade paperback of Sweep of the Heart even tho it doesn’t fit well on the shelf with my mass market ones, heh. But I would buy a hard back especially if the cover is the laminated version. No to removable jackets unless the paper is also the laminated version. My Tony Hillerman books are all hardback and the laminated paper covers have done well.
Frankly the removable jackets of my older books have not faired well at all over the years of moves and packing. I have a number of favorite old hardback fiction inherited from my folks and all the paper covers have been taped to keep them intact or lost. I don’t want to lose the cover art for your books, it’s too pretty!
one way to make dust covers last are to get the protectors that libraries use. I have them for several hardback.
one place that is for libraries I’d Brodart. another for collectors of things from comic books to LP records and baseballs called Bags Unlimited.
Thanks! but I’ve had a few of those and found they get sticky and also crack and yellow with age and probably the heat and stress of moving. Heh, my books and I are not spring chickens. But I’ll check it out and see if the plastic used has improved since I last bought them.
Could hardcover could include all the innkeeper books…..?
Tough. Would personally prefer trade paperback since that’s what all my other Inkeeper books are atm. Like, when authors jump from paperback debuts to hardcover debuts I’m both super happy for the authors because it seems like a sign of great success! But it also means my collection changes partway through, haha. Personally I would prefer the trade paperback but if hardcover were my only option I’d obviously buy it anyway. I enjoy having physical copies of books and waited a very long time just to read the kinsmen novellas, haha.
I read paperbacks and eBooks and listen on audible (both standard and dramatic formats) once I’ve read the books.
Need hardcovers of truly favourite books for the long run – or the zombie apocalypse. My version of the water/batteries/torches/etc kept for emergencies. Would buy the Innkeeper series for sure. Happy to preorder to remove risk for House Andrews.
This sounds like me too. A box series of Kate Daniels would be awesome! Wilmington Series too! I’d buy. Nice birthday presents
I read mainly ebooks. However, if it is a story I really, really like, I will buy hardback books. To me, paperback books have a bad tendency of falling apart from just breathing on them.
My reading is mostly ebooks now, but I buy a hardback of the books I love if possible. Trade paper is okay if HB is not available and mass market is my third choice. Thus I have multiple versions of a few books, but I don’t feel bad about it, especially if the book is from HA.
I know it makes no sense, but I will go ahead and buy the hardback while waiting for the ebook to hit mass market price. Somehow, paying $14 for an ebook bothers me more than $25 for the HB.
No sense – but I feel like I am getting something more for the HB…
I understand. It annoys me when the e-book costs more than the paper book. I’m all for people getting paid fairly for their work, but can you really print on paper and then mail it to me for cheaper than a digital copy? Supply and demand I guess. 🙄
Interesting. I’m happy to pay $14.99 for the ebook so I get it immediately, then get the paper copy a few months down the road for $5 on eBay.
I will certainly buy a hardback version if it is available. Actually, I buy all versions except audio because I prefer hardback for durability, trade or mass market for portability and ebook for ease of accesible reading when traveling. But my Kindle might die, Amazon might get a wild hair and wipe out all my ebooks and tangible paper copies, both in hardback and trade/mass market are mine, all mine, my insurance against the worst of fates…having NOTHING to read!
Yes please, I would LOVE to have hardback copies of your self-pub books. I promise to buy a copy of every one.
Anne in Virginia
For the audio version, I like mp3 cds.
And while I’m at it, I would love to be able to purchase a copy of your collectible book from the Arcane Society when it’s available but I find their website impossible to navigate. I do not want to sign up to buy their other offerings. I want to buy YOUR book only. Is there a way I can make an order for that single title? I buy regularly from Subterranean Press and they are easy to navigate. Arcane only seems to want to put me on a waiting list and lock me into buying other books in their inventory. I can’t find a pricing list or a list of titles I would be obligated to buy. Very frustrating.
Anne in Virginia
Hi Anne,
I understand the website appears a bit …arcane (heh), perhaps a look at their Store will give you an idea of prices https://arcane-society-shop.myshopify.com/collections/all
So the subscription model is only one of the things the Arcane Society offers. The other option is for Special Boxes, which you can have access to without being a member or being on the wait list. I believe members still have first option for them, in particular when it comes to the signed copies, but they are still otherwise for public purchase.
Unfortunately, I cannot yet confirm which type of box House Andrews’ books are going to be in. Still waiting on official answers there.
Thank you so much, Moderator R for the swift response. Guess I’ll just have to be patient (not a BDH characteristic, I know) until you find out what kind of box House Andrew’s books are going to be in. Perhaps when you know, you can furnish a link where we can order directly although the rush to buy by the BDH might well crash the system!
Anne in Virginia
I don’t think the link will be available until April 2024, they seem to go live only when it’s purchase ready 🙂
I love your books, so I have copies of my favorite series in all available formats, for instance I have KD audiobooks, ebooks, and paperback editions. I have the audio and ebooks of Innkeeper, and would totally buy both paperback and hard cover, like others I like the longevity of hard cover. I’m currently studying outside of the USA but totally plan on getting all of KD world in all its versions (I feel like a insert muahaha here) and would totally do the same for innkeeper! ❤️❤️❤️
I’ll buy the hardcovers as long as I can get it at a reasonable shipping (hoping amazon.au is reasonable) I did buy the Kinsmen Book from Subterranean, its beautiful, and with shipping it was $152. Not complaining, just need to be able to afford them.
I don’t normally care for hardcovers unless the artwork is especially good. But…if House Andrews makes it available, I will want to buy it.
I buy in all the formats. I tend to hang onto hardcover. If I also have the Trade PB or standard paperback I am more likely to lend and risk them not coming back if I have a HC back-up.
Huh, this is hard. I would like to say yes to hardcover because they hold up so much better over time and I consider my books as long-term treasures. However, I probably wouldn’t buy the hardcover because it drives me nuts to have books in a series with different formats and sizing. I already have the first few Innkeeper in paperback, and all my KD are paperback. Hardcover also takes up more bookshelf space. Now I am sad, heheh, that all my books aren’t hardcover and that I don’t have a dozen more shelves than the dozen I already have to hold them all.
I would love hardcover versions of your books however I would need to win lotto to get them posted to Australia haha
It would be super awesome if we could buy your hardcovers as part of your merch options – (loving my t-shirt and BDH bag)and I would buy a hardcover at the same time as I bought other merch
Just saying
I’m bias. I buy an ebook for myself, and then a print but for my Aunt, to read, and then ship to my Mom. So the cheapest option is what I’ll buy. Paperback Goooo!!!!!!
Just reminding everyone that you do *not* need to explain why you only read ebooks 🙂.
The poll is only for people who are interested in print editions.
It’s just fun to do it. 😁
Plus, it helps to justify why we might buy the hardcover and/or paperback books along with the ebooks. 😊
Mod R the epitome of patience with the Horde.
I find hardback books more difficult to read comfortably and I have plenty of magic tape 😁
I’m hoping that HA and SubPress will be able to reissue the first lovely IK hardcover collection before moving on to the second collection. With shelf space at a premium, hardcovers now only seem worthwhile if they’re extra pretty.
+1 bajillion! 🤗
I will buy now only certain books in Hard cover or if that is not available in paperback. My house is overflowing in books and hence I moved to e-book. Having said that all of yours I love to hold physically in my hands. Hard cover would be totally awesome!
When I can afford it, I buy ebook AND print. Whatever I can’t afford to buy in print when first released… that’s my christmas list. Given that the paper copies are for durability and collectability purposes, hardcover all the way!!!
Having the hardcovers would be amazing, if we are from outside the EEUU, will we be able to buy them? 🤩
Close vote.
Currently reading Jennifer Estep only good enemies after finishing only bad options. Really enjoying it 🙂
hm, I think it would depend on the price and whether I could afford the hardcovers or not… I think if they look great and are not too expensive it would be nice, otherwise I’ll have to stick with my ebooks.
Would they have the illustrations in colour? that would be a reason to get a print edition, though I guess it would make the price higher as well.
I guess I’m not the target audience for this question, in any case…
Thank you for considering offering your self-published books (e.g., Innkeeper series) in hardcover!
I gave my entire Innkeeper series to a friend, for herself and her (teenage) children.
So, I’m looking at buying a complete new set of Innkeeper “print” books. (I got them all, almost, on Audible, and have just re-listened to the whole series, so I’m good for the moment.)
I would definitely buy the hardcover books.
As I get older, I’m more and more appreciative of the larger font in hardcover. When I think about reading Innkeeper (again and again, over my life) – it is so nice to think that it will be “accessible” – without straining my eyes!
Much appreciated!
I prefer jacketed cloth covers, myself. Unless you can do leather-bound, lol.
I am currently halfway through Only Good Enemies!
The Innkeeper series in hardbound would be great, but can we please, please, pleeeeease also get Kate Daniels in hardback? Happy to pre-order them/pay in advance to help offset any overhead costs!
Why is there no news about Ryder #2 🙁 🙁
I need to know what’s gonna happen to Julie.
The sequel to Blood Heir will happen 🙂. There is no news because House Andrews have adopted the policy of giving us only set-in-stone official updates, and telling us about projects once they are finished and ready to preorder.
You can always check for the latest release news on the top of the Release Schedule page https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/
Jacketed cloth cover format for the win! Love hardcovers but I’m not a huge fan of the laminate format.
If I’m buying in physical format I’m only buying hardcover. They just hold up better than paperbacks for me personally. Also, I love how hardcovers look on my shelf and I typically read sitting on the couch so the weight isn’t an issue. I use my phone or ereader if I’m going to read in bed.
Please, please, please hard cover versions. Always buy favorite books in hardcover and even buy multiple versions.
What I would really like is the compilation Hardcover that SFBC used to do. A lasting but space saving option
This would be such a wonderful option!! Thanks for considering it. ☺️
If I buy a physical book, then I am buying for long term re-reads. plus the font is a little easier to read.
This is a wonderful option for collectors! I’ve been wishing for years I could get my hands on a Kate Daniels hardcover set!
Would absolutely rebuy in hardcover (and get for my library if available through B&T, Brodart etc)
Would prefer dustjacket
I got the trade paperback of “Sweep of the Blade” so I could get autographed plate to put in it. It didn’t bother me that the illustrations inside were black and white, not color, because when I re-read it, I re-read the e-book which is in color. If I was going to pay for a hardback, I would kind of want the illustrations to be in color.
I’d definitely go for hardcovers (in my experience they cost barely more than paperbacks, but are much more durable) if they’re a good size. (Some publisher’s hardcovers are unnecessarily large with wide margings etc. and really uncomfortable to hold as a result.)
I prefer the laminate option with the cover printed straight onto the hardcover because I always remove the dustjacket for reading and it’s fun to be able to see the cover anyway.
Would it be an option to get the illustrations that some of your books have in colour? They’re lovely and just look even better that way.
Whatever you choose: Thank you very much for considering this option and keeping international as well as non-amazon buyers in mind. It’s really appreciated.
By the way: The Subterranean Press edition of the first Innkeeper books is unfortunately nice-looking, but really too big and heavy to read comfortably. Small Magics is a lot better. So I’d really prefer single volumes for your own editions as opposed to a huge omnibus.
I like hard cover but struggle a bit with the paper jackets. They’re pretty but rip so easily and are always slipping off 😅
I love both printed options, but prefer hardcover if I can get it. Just love holding and smelling the print on paper. It’s cozy comfort for me.
Yes! Yes! Yeeeeeessssss!!! PLEASE? I want ebooks and hardcover!
I must say I only like hard-cover book if the cover printed onto the hardcover. The removable jacket usually end up in the rubbish bin…. sorry.
I would buy anything you wrote in hardcover if I could get it. Paperbacks are fine, but HC books are sturdier. Personally, I like all my “keeper” books in hardcover, and yours are all keepers!
In the first case I am for hardcovers, and most likely would always buy the hardcover over the paperback edition from my favorite authors — who Ilona Andrews’s are among.
But in this case, I voted no for the hardcover print for the already published editions. Why and would love to have them in hardcover? Yes. But as I have the paperback editions already, I most likely would not buy them again — depending on price and extra or new content. Currently, I already have the eBook, audio and print version of most of them. Thus, I gave my answer honestly from the perspective about the possibility if I would buy them a second time…
As for new books in hardcover? Count me in. 🙂
With the hardcover of Innkeeper Series would there be a way to get autographed copies? I LOVE the Innkeeper series!
I think signed bookplates to add are always possible, but Mod R would be the final word on that.
Hoorah …
I always purchase the audiobook and hardcover (if available) whenever I purchase books.
I’d love a hardcover set of all your books! Fingers crossed!
I forgot to add that I prefer hardbacks with the jacket sleeves! I think they look nicer.
Hardback (as in laminated cover NOT dust jacket) is wonderful for large format text. I treasure my few such editions. But generally I believe the more formats, the better!
Illusion by Paula Volsky. This is actually an older book but I read it years ago and still think about it. Think French Revolution with magic.
I prefer hard cover books. I have purchased all Subterranean Press has offered. I wish other books were re-released in hardcover. Paperbacks don’t stand up to re-reads. I would love to have the chance to purchase hard covers of any of your books. Just keep writing!
Whichever has the larger font size.
I prefer the Library binding to the hardcover books. I do by the physical copies.
Would definitely buy hardbounds. Rereads are really hard on paperbacks and I reread a lot. But…would they have to be the original covers or could you guys do new covers? I ask cause those first covers did not do your work Justice in any way.
Just to clarify, the post is referring to the Innkeeper and Wilmington series 🙂.
I would love to be able to buy hardcover versions. I would prefer the separate jacket version personally, but would buy either. Paperbacks (either trade or mass market) are great for reading, but they fall apart over the years as I reread the books. And I’m afraid that everything by HA falls into the “reread often” category. Especially when I’m fighting off depression. And yes, I buy the kindle versions, too. Like many of the BDH, I will BUY ALL THE THINGS from HA. But seriously: hardcovers for permanent retention in my library, on the shelves with other favorites, would be perfect.
soooo agree!!! You said it well!!!
I prefer hardback for the most special fav books (like Innkeeper and Wilmington..) because I read and re-read and reread…e-books are better then nothing for me but I often prefer the hardcopy for multiple revisitations!
In the above examples, I like the cover printed directly on the book.
I try and purchase hardback versions of favorite books and/or series because they tend to be sturdier. A multi book volume or two of the Innkeeper series would be delightful! As a side note, I don’t know what the price differences are for cloth bound or the laminate option but kind of like the look of the laminate one in your example. Dust jackets tend to get torn and worn. Though I usually remove them when actually reading a book, if possible, to protect them. Whatever you choose, if you choose, will be fine.