This morning, while I waited for Gordon’s MRI, my phone made this video for me complete with the overly sentimental music. Apparently I take a lot of pictures of the orange menace. He got in trouble yesterday because he was very pushy about shoving the dogs aside to sit in a specific spot on my
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We have a breaking news announcement. After 8 years and 3 different vets, we have found out that Tuna is a male cat. Tuna was an apartment cat. He came to us from Kid 1’s friend who adopted him, asked us to watch him, and then did not pick him up. He has received the
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Sookie and Tuna
Is Sookie still alive? Yes, she is. Thank you for asking. Sookie is getting on in years. She mostly sleeps. Her hearing is gone. Voice commands don’t do it anymore, so now we have to communicate by hand signals and pats. However, she is living her best life. She has all the treats and pillows
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The To Do List
Many updates on random books topics including print, audio, and most importantly status of Tuna.
Two dogs and a very weird cat
Kid 2’s house cracked from the heat. This is a thing in Texas. We are supposed to water our foundations except we also have water restrictions, so her entire neighborhood is dealing with it. Luckily it’s an interior wall. We probably won’t need foundation repair but we are having a company come out and assess
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Honest Review
Monday, 1 star. Woke up on time, brushed teeth, pulled hair into a ponytail, put on work out clothes. Walked out into the living room ready to head to the elliptical. Went to get my airbuds resting in a baby Yoda case by the charging station on a side table next to the couch. Cat
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Camille the Troublemaker
By popular demand, we bring you Minou Camille, also known as Meow Meow. Fun fact about Meow Meow: she has 7 digits on her front paws. Normally polydactyls come with random numbers of toes, but she has exactly seven on both front paws. Camille has claimed the entire Kid 2’s house as her domain. She
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