The Dushegub Faction of the BDH informed us that today is a Hughday. Contrary to their initial statement, they were not willing to discuss. First half here. Three months ago, he had come to Baile with 332 soldiers, all that remained of the Iron Dogs, the elite army he once built and led for Roland,
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A Fool
I’m typing this on my new Goldtouch keyboard, and so far I don’t like it. I like how the keys feel, but this one doesn’t come apart. It splits, and I can’t seem to find a comfortable position with it. The ergonomic mouse, however, is a dream. In the news interesting to nobody except my
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A Prologue of Much Darkness
Today didn’t quite turn out as expected, since we had to make a run to the doctor’s office, which was scheduled, but she was unable to draw my blood for some routine bloodwork, and we ended up going to the LabCorp. That had taken almost 2 hours – the wait was long – but was
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The Tavern of Mud
Part 1: A Man on the Road. I’ve added the second part to that original post, but you can read it here, too. The rain was everywhere: it drenched her from above, it ran off the brim of her hat, it flew into her face and dripped under her riding leathers, somehow getting under her
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Back to Work, Back to Reality
Effective communication was vital to competent leadership. It avoided confusion, inspired trust, and clearly detailed the leader’s goal, the path to achieve it, and the consequences of failure. “Drop the crossbows and step away from the baby direbear or I will gut you like a fish.” The two poachers jerked. I had come up through
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Vacation Report, Snippets, and All the Yarn
The 3 day vacation was lovely. Florida smiled on us with quick rains that blew in just long enough to cool things off and melted into the sky. The ocean was warm, the water like thick green bottle glass, clear enough to see the outline of your feet but opaque enough to hide the fish.
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Needles, Beach, and Oh Noes
I finally did it. After years and years of knitting, this happened. It snapped in my hand. I got so upset, I decided to buy a new knitting set. However, I am not sure what to buy and I need it fast, because next week Gordon and I are escaping on a tiny vacation to
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The Life and Trials of Tubbs: Part 3
“Hi, my husband is here with our cat. Tall guy, dark hair?” The front desk assistant nodded. “Second door on the right.” “Thank you.” Laura walked down the hallway. Trips to the emergency vet were never fun. Just seeing the building filled her with anxiety. Of the seven girls who’d come over for the sleepover,
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The Life and Trials of Tubbs: Part 2
Me: I don’t know if I will finish it. BDH: Omg, the cat, what will happen to the cat? Does the cat die? Home. Finally. Laura stepped out of the car, resisting the urge to sit down right there on the steps before the front door. So tired. With the AC out, the day just
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The Life and Trials of Tubbs the Cat: Part 1
I don’t know if I will finish this or not, so read at your own risk. Based on a true story but slightly dramatized like a Lifetime movie. All names have been changed to protect the innocent. Except for the cat’s. John gave the screwdriver a final turn and tested the hose. The drain line
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I Will Explain Everything
Hi everyone, Mod R here. I have a Klaus snippet for you today, the long-awaited reveal of what he needed to tell Maud when he came to her at end of Sweep of the Blade. It’s also an incentive for us. Remember that bit about the Barsas in Sweep of the Heart? “The Barsas stopped
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It Runs In the Family
We’ve received many requests and questions about Kid 2’s work and what is it about and when can it be available. Once in a while, there will be a successful writer who will come out with “My child wrote a book!” and they will use their platform to promote their child’s book. Full power to
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