Magic Tides, Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years Book 1 is out today. Finally, the eternal 3 weeks w*it is over.
It’s a slice of Kate and Curran’s life as they try to do what’s right and what makes them happy. We hope you enjoy it!
If you haven’t ordered it, you can learn more here. The audiobook is coming too, we will update as soon as we have a firm date.
This is your official spoiler thread. Beware spoilers in the comments!
Just checked! Magic Tides is on my iPad! Happy reading BDH.
Magic Tides became available at 10 pm MST last night. I devoured the book so fast and enjoyed every single minute of it. I definitely think there is room for full length novels a part from the novellas. I also believe the authors are setting up Conlan eventually becoming Beast Lord. He was born for the position and is a natural born leader. He is also the first shapeshifter with that much magic. He can definitely hold the role indefinitely.
Great book and I can’t wait to read the next installments!
Or an equivalent of Bran in Patricia Briggs’ series, overseeing all shifters on the continent.
I don’t see that at all. Unless he gets brainwashed by Roland, and both Curran and Kate would fight that.
it dropped a little early last night! I only had to stay up until 3am to finish it!
Yep, I was brain dead the next day, but totally worth it!
Really excited to read this and finished it today and now will reread x Loved the different viewpoints from all the characters that are familiar. Only problem is now j want all the stories xx
Just finished it. will reread it tonight. Loved it!!!!
Have a major commitment tomorrow morning so I can’t allow myself to even look on my Kindle to see if it is downloaded. ????
But after 2 PM tomorrow, I am going to warn everyone to leave me alone until I finish my 1st reading of it.
Wooot! After one of those especially frantic days at work, I had completely forgotten it’s the 17th today???? Yay! This is saving my evening, nay – week. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Can’t wait until work is done today so I can start this!
My dead tree copy arrived Saturday afternoon and was devoured.
Lots of foreshadowing in this one, not merely within the plot of this novella but also suggesting several ways in which a series might continue from here.
Question. What happened to Antonio at the end? I assume he made it? Did he join Darin and Solina?
Yes, he is in the scene at the end 🙂
“The first sliver of sun broke the horizon. The water sparkled. A couple dozen feet away, Antonio and Leslie staggered onto the beach, holding hands.”
Huh? I read that ending a couple extra times but missed it.
I don’t know how many times I read that paragraph and missed that sentence every single time. I guess I have to reread the novella at least two more times, very slowly and carefully
That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it
I blame my lack of sleep on this wonderful story, it dropped to my kindle just after 10:00 pm last night, and who read the book before she could fall asleep? Me, that’s who and it was glorious! But now I am tired and feel like death and can’t do a reread of the new story until tonight!!! The tragedy of having to wait for the second read of the new book is real.
So glad you enjoyed it! We’ll have time for sleep after the books are devoured, I always say 😀
+1 to all above
thank you so much for a fabulous book. So happy to have the asskicker back and really appreciated the different POV.
I’m sure I’ll have more comments and questions after I reread but wanted to give a tired standing ovation.
saaaaaaame! I kept reading pieces of it to my husband as he was trying to fall asleep ????????????
Now he’s texting me from work with the same scenes I was giggling at last night.
Loved loved loved it!! Thank you Gordon and Ilona!! ❤❤❤
I really enjoyed Keelan! There are serious pack implications, but at the same time Jim should not have shipped him off without any oversight.
Jim is definitely not Curran and I really appreciate the recognition that the Pack can’t be sustained as it was without him.
I really appreciated getting Curran’s thoughts on Jim and their relationship – Kate always knew that Jim would push her in front of a bus with zero hesitation… Curran only got to realize that later when he himself moved on to be “not pack”.
I kinda wanna punch Jim in the throat now that I think about it
I always want to punch Jim in the throat.
Haha me too. I never thought he had what it took to be Beast Lord.
Me too! I just can’t forgive him for his lack of loyalty to individual people (other than Dali). It seems like no matter what a person has done for him, he feels no sense of loyalty or obligation unless they are in the pack. He can just take advantage and walk away. Argh!
Dali would tear you into little, bity, pieces so small your corpse would need to be picked up with tweezers and take weeks to be reassembled into something that could be buried.
Dali is the best part of Jim.
I think shipping him off was right – for Keelan as well as the pack. Isn’t that what Curran did with Bob when Curran took over Mercenary Guild?
Keeland has more intrinsic power than Bob ever did. And is smarter.
And Bob rebelled, tried to take his satellite office independent, and had to be brought back into the fold. So maybe not the best way to handle that either. But sometimes you have only bad options.
I think it’s foreshadowing for the next blood heir.
We know in the first BH that Jim is still alpha but all is not well in the pack. I wonder if Keelen has ceded from the Atlanta pack?
While Jim is not my favorite, he is not a bad person, nor is he a bad Beast Lord. However, unlike Curran, everything is personal to him (e.g. Midnight Games). Every mistake, every death, every embarrassment the Pack now makes will eat at him as a personal failure. When he was Chief of Security, he got to moonlight for the Guild. Blow off steam, no pressure or criticism, just a job.
I don’t love him, but I feel for him. He separates himself from anyone or anything now Pack because he would be emotionally and mentally overwhelmed if he didn’t. Maybe not the coping mechanism I would have chosen, but it works for him. I suspect there is more to the Pack’s apparent schism than Jim alone.
I like your take on Jim. Jim is interesting as he actually grows apart from Kate & Curran whereas nearly everyone else gets closer (Roland, Erra, Hugh, Nick, Ghastek slides around a bit).
Jim and Dali have their own book so they’re not antagonists but the relationship with K&C has gotten unstable with the shift of power.
I’d love to read The Authors’ Take on him- a Frinterview, not because he’s a favorite but because he’s kinda weird right now. Are we suppose to like him or not?
I don’t believe the authors want to tell us how to feel about Jim. They have worked hard to create and maintain ambiguity in his character. I suspect he is among their more difficult characters to write because of that; they walk him on a very fine line.
In my opinion, their ability to write morally ambiguous characters is one of their strengths as authors. Take Saiman as an example. Is he a morally bankrupt demigod who occasionally does noble things? Or are those things just a camouflage for his own self-serving ends? Or does he come up with ways to turn things to his own ends after the fact?
There are other examples, but I am at work and I don’t believe my employers would find any moral ambiguity at all in my continuing to read (reread) and comment on Magic Tides!
This is so very nuanced. I wish I could like this.
Ooh, yes! An alternative to selfish bouda boy!
Woohoo! Thank you….it is wonderful!
It was so great to live in Kate’s World again for a while. And I love that their base is expanding with people again, even against Kate and Curran’s wishes. People want to be near them! Some for extra security but also, they sense the greatness and wish some of that special strength and will power rubs off on them, encouraging them to become more than ordinary. The two of them are so inspirational!
Love the wit that underlies every scene
In this adventure And seeing Conlan, still a boy but fighting with dad.
Too bad Jim is such a prick. When will he figure out what a jerk he is? Oh well.
I hope you have fun writing whatever book you are working on next. I’ll wait for it!
I’m starting to realize Jim has always been this way. Most of the time I like him in spite of it, but every now and again I’m reminded how much he needs a smack (jk). Something really life changing must have happened for him to want to retire in Julie’s book.
I feel so sorry for Dali
This is like running into old friends. It really feels good.
Exactly! Old friends that mean a lot.
Stayed up too late and read it all. And got a bit of Hugh and Elara!
“HONEY….” that cracked me up.
I couldn’t stop thinking about PUT THAT COW DOWN! through this scene.
No one can forget that.
It cracked me up too. I couldn’t stop laughing when Kate moved the phone away from her ear.
That conversation was a hoot! ????????????????
CAPSLOCK Hugh is a menace 😀
“Floutlaw” is my new favourite word – right up there with “Rippercushions”.
Please-oh-please-oh-pleeeease consider adding it to your storeware.
And, Curran’s reaction to Kate wanting to keep a low profile reminds me of Ilona recounting Janine’s reactions to hearing her plans for “a little story”. Heh!
And now my soul wants some universe where Keelan and Gaston meet and are witty while keeping Conlan and Helen safe on an adventure. (While their respective parents do the real ass kicking)
You give us so much, I know we shouldn’t demand impossible things. We’re like children wanting flamethrowers…
Any of the people from Kate’s world appearing at Gertrude Hunt would be just superb.
Keelan and Gaston sounds like a dynamic duo. His personality is so refreshing, he’s done with people’s bureaucratic BS he’s out to get shit down and have some fun.
Hey, if there was a Wilmington #2 with Fate’s Edge style plot with Keelan, Jynx, Conlan and a friend… I’d read it. I mean who am I kidding I’d read anything, but still xDDD
???? yesss, my new bffloutlaw… I like the way you think
Does Keelan make anyone else think of ‘Steven the Mad Irishman’ from Braveheart?
He makes me think of Tigger 😀 . Especially when he bounces and “needs a minute” after finding out Curran is in Wilmington to stay hehehe.
The Wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things
Tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs
Their bouncey, trouncey, ouncey, pouncey
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
Now I’m picturing Tigger with a Claymore! Brilliant!
Oooh Tiggers! Yes! Bounces and springs abound, kinda like a baby Conlan after he first learned to shift? ????????????
“Floutlaw” for the WIN!!!
Ok, I so want a Floutlaw hoodie
If thou art a floutlaw, there will be rippercushions!
The Irish–and the Scots–have such colorful insults (eejit, gobshite, wanker, dafty, etc).”Floutlaw” sounded really authentic!
OMG. I would need a full line of Floutlaw gear.
Whoa. It is like running into an old friend at the store and only have 15 minutes to catch up. You are left feeling all the love and swimming through sweet memories.
I didn’t realize how bad Jim’s and Curran’s relationship deteriorated. It was on the rocks in Magic Shifts, but did anything specific cause it to breakdown further??? I thought with Hugh and Elara helping Dali get pregnant there would be more to help repair the relationship.
This reminded me of the early books where Jim leaves Kate hanging because he gets calls from the Pack and the Pack always comes first. I’m interested to see how this develops! Also would love to see a snippet of one of the kids’ adventures from their point of view.
it would be interesting to get a Jim update, he’s such a focused guy. just ditching Kate that times really was a lame move. it would be great to get some insight to him and also if he does retire and leave, how does he interact with people like Kate and Curran after that. he’s not a bad guy, he’s just got really narrow priorities, Dali, kids, pack and then everyone else is not pack. running the pack is so consuming, it must chafe him how often it will take him away from his family.
I think we started already starting seeing the deterioration of their relationship in the last main series Kate book though, so wouldn’t surprise me it got worse as time goes on. Jim just comes off as a character thats a little too paranoid. Am I sad about it? Yes. But I kinda like the conflict because it makes the characters seem a little bit more realistic to life. Who knows, maybe they’ll patch it up one day.
Yeah I agree I think there is a book where jim tells dali about his training for Chief of Security and he tells her about how ingrained the paranoia is for him. I feel like that combined with the implied belief that Curran would be Beast Lord for a long time kind of put Jim in a crazy spot when Curran retired to stay with Kate. Jim not wanting to be Beast Lord and having the extreme pack vs everyone else mentality made him forcefully place Curran in the NOT pack category. Its a bummer situation but like you said it feels realistic how certain friendships breakdown. It doesn’t make me hate Jim a lot just get pissed at his extreme mindset and its inflexibility.
There will be more of this in the Q&A, since it’s a very popular topic, but to be the cat’s advocate, it’s not entirely Jim’s fault. No one could maintain the ever-expanding Pack the way Curran did- in the end, not even Curran. As soon as he had a personal life or a a few sick days to be in a coma in peace, they behaved like doodoo heads. Curran handed this impossible task over to Jim rather abruptly and Jim did what his style of management told him to do: delegate and request everything in triplicate. Combining that with the fact that, as Hugh says, as long as Lennart is alive, the Shifters will always answer to him, you have the recipe for an estrangement.
I agree, Mod R. Look at Keelan and his company when Kate ran into him while getting Darrin back.
Yes, it’s understandable…
But I kinda want Jim to get ‘infected’ with some sort of hilarious magic bacteria that makes him all relaxed and goofy and high and silly and there’s no real cure… and he has to relearn how to lead the Pack while not having a stick up his butt. 😉
Did Jim ever express wanting to be in charge of the Pack? Maybe we’re being a little bit hard on him. He’s got a job he doesn’t really want, but knows no current candidate could do better. He is likely having the same issues with the Pack Council as Curran, but Curran is hard to follow. I’d be miserable too if I was in the situation Jim is in.
I agree. No one else is ready yet to lead a Pack of that size and complexity, not that Jim necessarily is himself. I also wonder whether Curran’s take on Jim sending Keelan off to Wilmington is completely reliable. Other considerations could have come into it. I’m not thrilled with the way Jim acts, but people are complicated.
“a few sick days to be in a coma in peace” LOLOLOLOLOLOL
I love you guys.
Curran says somewhere that with all of Jim’s complaining he wouldn’t hand power back.
I thought I was the only only one who couldn’t remember a specific event that ruined Jim and Curran’s relationship l. I know Jim did some messed up stuff throughout the series but I couldn’t pinpoint an event as THE reason.
It may have been when Jim warned Curran not to marry Kate in the next-to-last book
I think it’s a progression of little things over timenot one big single thing. I think there were a couple of inner monologues where Kate was thinking about how Curran wouldn’t forget what Jim did in circumstances
Yes. One of the biggest conflict was when Jim burned Roland’s base and sped up the impending war between Roland and Atlanta. Jim and Dali went over to Kate and Curran’s house, and Jim spouted some BS about being in war with the Lennarts, too. Dali had to diffuse the situation. Curran was mad but pretended all was fine.
It was in Magic Binds! I went back to re-read the scene as well. I’ve clipped it if that is allowed 🙂
I’ll have to look it up, but it’s somewhere that the only person Jim will ever really care about is Dali. He sees the pack as his obligation because if he steps down they’ll screw it up (two different scenes).
I read the e-book and now am w*iting impatiently for the paperback. Oh my! Such a wonderful slice of life! Thank you so very much, House Andrews! As always, you both are just amazing! I so enjoy everything you write.
Yup. I’d happily read as many of these stories as HA are willing to write.
I am currently on hols, the book dropped just before the light show!! who missed most of the light show trying to get the book to download ????????
Just because…. my excited pic of the lighthouse and the book!
It was wonderful! Since I am on the West Coast it hit my iPad at 9:00 last night. I think I may do a reread soon.
Downloaded it at midnight and since I had insomnia anyway, read the whole thing. Lol.. neither Kate nor Curran can fight their nature. Might as well just embrace the madness. And Conlan. Wow, he is only 8. imagine what 16 will be like.
Someone build Gordon a moat.
One day!
I laughed hysterically at that line. That so had Gordon written all over.
Right now, it’s summer in Rio de Janeiro. Believe me when I say a moat (with lots of clean water) wouldn’t be so bad. That said, the book is wonderful, and I read it in about half an hour as soon as it was dropped from Amazon (couldn’t wait). Now my family wants me to explain why I kept laughing like a loon at random times… Oh, well…
Happy Birthday. I was going to wait until about 6 AM to order it from BN but my shoulder hurt enough to wake me up at 2:30. So good intentions went down the drain. It is very good with new characters and a couple of old ones thrown in. There’s a lot of blood and body parts flying around, just like promised. Very good.
That’s the Kate guarantee 😀
reread the scene with the heads and it just gets more hilarious each time I read it. Seriously, like Kate isn’t going to find out? Especially since the heads were placed BY the fire, not in it.
just like Julie thought she could hide being in Atlanta from Kate and we find out from Sandra’s short story that she knows.
that mama bear is going to find out about her cub’s first kill.
especially if the story spreads like Keelan predicts
I’ve spent months (off and on) trying to find where I read the recent snippet that Kate knew Julie was home. Your comment helped me find it. Thanks!
Where can I find this short story? Thanks in advance!
Hey Myra,
Sandra can be read here https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/sandra/ ????
I loved it!! But I devoured it far too quickly and now I’m sad???? I will just have to re-read the whole series again????
Just popping in to throw congratulatory confetti. (I promise to clean it up later.) Pesky job is interfering with reading — I’ll have to wait until the weekend. Until then, I’ll shall simply stroke my ereader . . . my precious . . .
Happy reading, BDH!
Working from home makes it really hard not to just read a tad here and there and oh I’m on hold again, that’s another paragraph and then work is done and there’s only 30 min left in the book…
I have to admit that I did that on the 17th while waiting for uploads / downloads. To be fair I probably would have done the same if I’d been in the office, just having the book open on a different tab on my browser while I waited…
yayayayayayay! read it from 3am-5am this morning. SOOOOO MANY plots to pursue going forward….I am a converted Hugh fan anyway, so the mention of “children” curls my toes. Jim is a different Beast Lord than Curran. That’s just the way it is. Some will prefer him, some will prefer Curran, some won’t care.I’m already worrying about a clash as the Wilmington pack coalesces around Lennart, but Jim wants to hold on to them anyway….
And go for the moat Curran! Just because it’s difficult, it probably won’t be impossible. https://www.jcastle.info/view/Water_moats. Actually, I’m more worried about infiltration of enemies via the moat. Need the KD world equivalent of the pressure sensors on the laundry vents in the HL world.
Also looking forward to the occasional peek at Curran at school!
I wonder if Kate can just claim the moat? She’s already good with novel ways to make sushi; maybe have a current in the moat and a screen with a spell on it to claim and subdue anything bad that enters?
And yay on more Hugh bellow-calls 😀 They really are like sibs now. Another fan of Keelan here, and Jynx.
Not really surprised that Jim doubled down as Beast Lord. Am hoping that Dali can get him to be more decent to those who are his friends. There is an interesting arc here about what it means to lead and be a leader. Hmmm, Book 1: I like the sound of that. Kinda announces “series” to me. Hey, the BDH can dream while we await the next delicious story, whichever and whenever it comes our way.
Thanks for making my day!
With all the water-adapted magical creatures in the area around Wilmington, a moat might be more like a back door than a barrier.
Oh good thought! Unless they get water beasts that have affinity to them ????
this was my thought as well…if they make friends with a kraken and invite it to be their moat guardian…
Finished it this morning. It was really fun, as usual, and worth the wait! So many interesting new possibilities. And new characters. And we get a tiny hint at Hugh’s life, too. I was sorry tho to get the idea that Jim and Curran were probably no longer friends. Hope they remain allies, as I have always liked Jim despite his monomania focus on the pack. Now I look forward to the audiobook whenever it arrives.
SoTH audio is very satisfying btw! Haven’t quite finished it yet, but probably will while out walking today.
Happened to scroll to the end of Magic Tides just now. Has anyone else noticed that Untitled Iron and Magic #2 is a listed thing?!!! I am so excited! Checked SoTH, too and it’s listed there as well. Just that tiny bit closer. Gives me a wonderful shiver of expectation. Thanks HA!
I woke up earlier than I expected and started reading the first chapter. Now, if only work wasn’t getting in the way, I would be done reading. Oh well, must have a paycheck to pay bills (and Kate’s services as needed). 🙂
Can’t wait to keep reading Magic Tides when I get home later this afternoon. I was going to read after work, but I have to go out to get some things this afternoon.
Happy Book Birthday! Whoo-hoo!
Just got my copy of Magic Tides. Yeah! Doing my happy dance????. I am getting dental work done today, which I am dreading, so I will read in between sessions. Thank you, HA for turning what would be a horrible day into a fabulous one!
Fingers crossed on the dental! It’s my turn on Friday and I so want to nope out of it.
Monday for me. 🙁
And a couple of weeks for me. Joy.
I hope the dental work goes smoothly for all of you!
So funny! This book was my reward for surviving the endodontist! Eventually, all dental captives will be freed! 😉
I stayed up to 2am this morning reading it and it didn’t disappoint! (I’m in the UK so we get it earlier than you guys in the US of A )
loved it, loved it, loved it!!!
like a warm hug from an old friend, and soooo many possibilities!
ebook dropped last night and stayed up way too late reading it, how am I supposed to concentrate on work this morning, I want to just go back and read it again.
thank you (can’t add enough exclamation points)
EEEEEE! Halfway thought! Loving it! Loving Floutlawishness!
Today I’m 48. Best birthday gift! Thank you House Andrews!!
Happy birthday!
To echo everyone, I am also very sad that Jim and Curran are no longer friends. I wonder if this has to do with the time Jim lashed out at Curran and Kate when Dali got hurt. I remember Kate thinking that Jim thought he was forgiven, but Kate knew Curran better and he would never forget the betrayal.
On a side note I think they’re doing a great job parenting Conan against Roland’s megalomaniac tendencies. Roland having access to a kid scares the crap outta me, but Curran seems to understand his son well. Really well. It’s interesting to see HA write such realistic family dynamics — I think it’s common that a parent freaks out emotionally when s/he’s triggered by her/his parents influencing the kids, and the spouse steps in as the voice of reason.
I can’t wait to see Hugh and Elara scary awesome monster children/special snowflakes. I want to see cow benching contests.
Wonderful barrel of wiggling chaos worms opened.
Unleash the mayhem!!!
Bwhahaha! Loved this!
(Don’t Tell Mom) ROTFL!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Loved it. Read it between 3 am and 7 am this morning before work. I’m so excited about all the new characters especially the son of Roland’s staff member (Akku?). I loved the idea of a potential pack to help them and the order lady sounds interesting as well. This was awesome. Thank you ????
Rimush, son of Akku! He scares me a bit…
I thought he had a very nuanced explanation for why Kate can’t completely deny Shinar. His devotion isn’t blind; he has good reasons.
Yes! I wonder how Kate will deal with Rimush and his devotion. And if she’ll really be able stay off Barrett’s island.
I think someone should create resocialization program for them. You know, group of experts – one that helps you looking for the right job, a psychologist, a peer support, and a lawyer – having a nice cup of tea with them, helping them find new direction in their life? Yeah, I think that’s what they need.
There’s no way that she’ll stay off that island.
I don’t think it’s devotion to Kate that Rimush was spouting. It was to the Idea that created the Shinar in the first place. He sees the correlation between both times and wants to be the Guiding Light that ushers in the New Age of humanity that will overcome this time of chaos. He wishes his life to matter, and knows Kate can’t change who she is. Not that she’s the InShinar but that she is that force in the world that will fight against all odds because it is the right thing to do. That is what he is devoting his life to. Kate inspires people to do the right thing. Example: Bran, the Morrigans Hound. He died to save Julie because Kate showed him the difference between living and surviving. That is the real power her family wielded, the Power to change the world one person at a time.
I don’t remember him from anywhere…have I missed a whole character in my crazy book devouring speed reads??
He is a new character in Magic Tides 🙂 . He shows up at the Farm scenes and later comes to pledge allegiance to Kate on the road to Aaron 🙂
Is he released from The Farm then? I don’t think he can serve Bennett AND Kate.
Hmmmm…can’t he? 😉 Do the Farm even know who he really is? More for House Andrews to know and us to find out.
My suspicion is that if Bennett knows, it’s knowledge he acquired himself rather than something Rimush or Roland told him. Rimush seems like the kind to keep things close to the chest, strictly need to know. If Bennett had no reason to dig, I assume he just knows Rimush as a powerful and disciplined navigator.
Thanks Mod R! I read it so fast I missed his name…..oops…. Caught it the second (more sedate) read though!
Same, seems like this devotion is a plan to spy for Barrett like his father spied for Roland. Either way, it will be interesting to watch this plot twist develop.
Wonderful! Loved reading Conlan’s perspective. Such a strong growing young man! And I think I’m crushing just a little bit on crazy Keelan.
Thank you so much for a great story!
Keelan is awesome, crush is well deserved 😀
I agree! I LOVED switching between Kate, Curran, and Conlan. Makes me wonder how the audiobook will be handled. Also, the graphic audio for any of this series would just be like ????????
I agree! I LOVED switching between Kate, Curran, and Conlan. Makes me wonder how the audiobook will be handled. Also, fthe graphic audio for any of this series would just be like ????????
Happy to bring the news that there WILL be a Graphic Audio adaptation for Kate, they have licenced the entire series! From what I gather from the GA devs, the hope is to have the preorder up in February for Magic Bites.
Woohoo! More Graphic Audio, ftw!
mmmm … I left a comment at 2:30 or so this morning and it is gone
Found it on the Zoom thread …
I just realized why all your stories are so special. All the side characters had life and depth and individuality and they contribute to the story even the bad guys.
That and relationships between people are very realistic. Combining it with unique fantasy, criminals, mystery, fights and integrity of the main characters – the stories written by IA are one of a kind.
This post has just become live an hour ago, the comment you left is in a different comment section, here 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/2023/magic-tides-release-zoom-qa/#comment-620503
Oh my word! My only time during my no spend January that I am tempted to buy something!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
The secret was to have instantly jumped on the pre-order when it was announced before Christmas – that way it is a delayed pressie to self. Do you have a birthday/other event coming up that someone could buy you a book as a gift…?
No. I’ll make it. This will really build my delayed gratification muscle! LOL
You are a hero. Possibly a superhero.
I requested my library get one as well as bought one. So I got the first hold which I released to someone else.
I did recommend it! Hopefully the buy it soon!
i’m getting my copy after work today. When i get a much anticipated new book i read the first chapter. then go back and reread chapter one and read chapter 2, then go back to chapter one and reread chapters one and two and read chapter 3. i’ve never made it all the way through the book doing this. but it slows me down to start. kept me from having to reread a book 8 times in a row before i could move onto another book. Yes it did happen in this series, so i try and slow myself down. i can’t wait.
Interesting, that’s a little like how I read books when a new one in the series comes out… If I can I re read the whole series to that point then read the new one twice, then go back and start the series again from the beginning and go through the new one. Ran out of time and only re-read Blood Heir (though it comes after Magic Tides chronologically?) but will probably start from Magic Bites again after I finish my second read of MT.
Yes, Magic Tides takes place 2 years before Julie’s return to Atlanta.
Thanks for clarifying, I was wondering that too!
I should do that….. the more I love a book the faster I read it and the more things I miss! Then something happens and I’m like ‘what? How did that happen’ but it normally all becomes clear on the second reread (which generally is about 5 mins after finishing it the first time……
loved it though!!
Mine came late last night. As today is my birthday, I stayed up reading it and sipping on some bubbly. Best birthday in a long time!
Happy birthday!
Slice of life is my favorite type of books from Ilona Andrews. That’s why I love the innkeeper series the most, it feels like coming home to a warm hug. I’m so glad the Daniels who have been through so much will now get to experience that. ❤️????
Super Magic Tides – great to get a small peak into Kate and Curran’s new life – look forward to more in the future – read it in almost one sitting – unputdownable????????????
I loved that book! It’s such a warm feeling being reunited with old friends! And the new friends were fun too, especially Keelan.
Kate’s failed attempt at a low profile was the gift that keeps on giving 🙂
Please tell me there will be a book 2 in the near future!
I got the book Saturday and was planning on reading it Sunday. Well, it came in handy while I sat in the emergency waiting room for a friend. Read it (devoured it) in less than 4 hours (with all the phone calls and texts about said friend).
I loved the different perspectives. I am thrilled at seeing a bigger slice of the world and how it was affected by the Shift. I really love having a world (gaming or reading) fleshed out and made more ‘real’ by the knowledge we have of the world.
Love having all the new sites to look up on my google map. still haven’t found the “retreat for Houstons’ elite.”
Question: Am I right to assume that the „pretty smile“ that shuts up the Dean is like the „nice smile“ in Gunmetal Magic which is really a deranged psycho killer grin?
Followup-question: Is Kate aware how her nice smiles affect other people?
Of course I stayed up to read when it came on my kindle app just after midnight.
Some comments:
Curran can’t help but be a Beast Lord. People respect him.
Kate is Queen to”her” people bc people respect her.
I look forward to Conlan in school.
I like the contractor’s family, who stood up, ready to fight despite not yet really knowing Curran and Kate. Now they know.
Question: is Wilmington far enough away from Atlanta to have its own Lordship?
It is sad to see how low Jim has fallen but fergawdsakes, he screwed up by letting his jealousy of Curran — and his fear, I guess — get the better of him and his b9nd with his people.
(And I did look up Wilmington so I know it is sort of northeast of Myrtle Beach. Canadians know Myrtle Beach.)
Squeeeee! That was awesome! Getting ready to pop some corn and reread! Yay! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
I read it as soon as it dropped at midnight.i absolutely loved it! I loved that we get Curran’s and Conlan’s POVs. That moment they had where Curran was parenting him about manipulation and Roland came up, that was so needed. I’m glad that Curran isn’t pleased about his son spending time with his grandfather; Roland is just not trustworthy. I’m happy that Curran explained exactly the kind of “king” that Roland was to his people. Kate, on the other hand, is still our badass mercenary. I love how she just can’t let people get away with doing evil things. Especially to children! Loved the mythology in this story. Now I need more Wilmington Years!
Loooooved it.
Kate is really clinging to her idea of a normal life where she doesn’t have to be a legendary queen while a pack of renders, a community of mermaids, nagivators, an order of ancient assassins/spies, and so on are “Sure, keep thinking that, you are doing so great Sharrim, also don’t mind us all moving next to you and coming to you when we need help and slightly worshiping you.”
I was surprised to learn that Hugh and Elara have several children already. One, I wouldn’t be surprised, but Kate made it sound like they were quite a few so i am wondering if they adopted them.
I am sure that one day, Curran will get his moat. It’s what he deserves.
More seriously, I adored seeing Kate, Curran and Conlan again. They are such a good family.
“Put down that Cow!” Kids LOL
Who is Deidre again? I vaguely recall the name- was it a snippet or book?
Deidre is the little girl Elara and Hugh saved in Iron and Magic ????
Thank you! Time for a much welcome reread!
Re: Hugh and Elara plus kids. Just…wow! I wondered about adoption also. kinda hope Deidre made her way back to them.
Well remember, Hugh and Elara were married the year Kate was pregnant. Since Conlan is now 8, there’s no reason they couldn’t have had a kid or three during that time. Of course, adoption also a real possibility. I too rather hope Diedre made it back to them.
Me too, that scene with Deirdre anf Hugh has stayed with me for a long time.
Fantastic! Thanks HA!
Happy! Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! Joy!
Seeing Conlon growing and learning about what it means to be a real leader was brilliant. Curran trying to unscramble Grandpa Roland’s weird ideas about Kingship and leadership for an impressionable Conlan so that he grows up knowing that leadership is about responsibility and that the people you harm or protect aren’t faceless stepping stones along the way to some glorious destiny but real people who deserve real consideration. Conlon had power in spades and its good to see how Curran and Kate are in the process of teaching him that no man is an island and that family, friendship, having a moral code…that is all more important than a crown, power for powers sake or a vision of a greater good.
That and Caolan/Keelan is awesome. Just awesome. Every time he appeared on page I smiled and giggled like an idiot.
Thank you so much House Andrews for this delightful slice of life which was a pleasure to read. So many new characters to love and loath. Seeing a piece of my own country’s mythology show up was a delight, and I loved your take on it.
Got it in last night and read it! It was so great 🙂 I love love love the different POVs, that was my favorite part!
*Still squeeing because it says “Wilmington Years: Book 1!!!!!*
Gunmetal Magic said either World of Kate Daniels or Kate Daniels World Book One. I waited…
Magic Stars says Grey Wolf Book One. We can but hope. They can’t write all the things at once.
Do we know what happened to Cutting Edge?
Loved it!
Been re-reading KD all weekend. Got it late last night. Stayed up to read. Just re-read the ending.
Really well done. House Andrews does a fantastic job of writing well fleshed out characters. Kate is awesome. I loved having Curran’s point of view. Keelan, Akku’s son Rimush, the whole new cast of characters is amazing.
I really loved having a snippet of Conlan. Though.. I do worry for him, what with super shapeshifting, his grandfather whispering in his ear, etc.
And the firebug getting an arrow in the knee… hee hee…
interesting that the firebug shows up for the battle instead of abandoning the gang. makes me wonder if she was coerced and missed the gate on purpose. twice.
I pre ordered the book, and read it this morning as soon as it downloaded. love it!!!!
great read. sad loss of old friend. great new backup crew coming in. POV from, Kate, Curran, and Conlan. seeing old friends again. special guest stars! action, suspense, comedy. Alllll the good stuff!
I loved it. My dead tree copy arrived Sunday morning. ???? I’d read it several times before my ebook copy dropped at 7pm last night. I always order ebook because I can’t wait for paper copy to get here and I order paper because I like having a paper version. I only do that with HA books????
Really enjoyed the book, now off to accomplish something today and reread it tonight.
Such joy! Thanks HA!!!
Gulp, I devoured this basically in one go, thank you, it was wonderful to go back to Kate’s world, even if just for a little bit! I almost laughed out loud a few times too, oh, yumm. Low profile, yeah, good luck with that hahaha. And now I just want more..
I read the Kindle version this morning first thing, I LOVED it!! Keelan looks like a keeper like Roman and Luther!!
Love, love, love this!!! Read it all in the wee small hours of the morning. Going for a reread on the plane tomorrow. [LOL Will be on a cruise ship for a week. Wish me luck! 😉 ]
I know Curran has moat envy, but isn’t the new place beachfront? Maybe there’s a possibility of a Mont St. Michel type of thing. Sounds like they may need it….
So happy to see everyone again and get a bit more perspective on the other folks from the past.
Absolutely the best!!! Thank you HA!
Just a ‘technical’ note – I really like the different chapters by different narrators. It’s cool to see how Curran reacts to Kate’s actions, instead of just seeing her point of view.
And Curran’s fantasy of Kate not finding out about the wereboar is so cute!
hahahahaha…. yup.
Happy book birthday!
Did I tell myself @ 12:30am yesterday eve that it was a bad idea to stay up and read the book and that I should just wait? Yes.
Did I then proceed to stay up til 3am reading the book? Yes.
Am very sleepy today, but it was worth it.
Loved the “slice of life” story. Loved the new characters. Loved the reading Curran’s and Conan’s POV. Love all the possibilities. Just love, love, loved it ????
Started it at midnight, and fell asleep half way through. Had to hurry thru morning chores so I could resume the story. Thank you again for the wonderful job you do. It may have been short but so worth the wait.
Just finished re-reading everything in time – chewed up Magic Tides in a frenzy! Thank you for the new world and characters (and multiple perspectives) – it was a short “pocket” of self-indulgence in my day.
Yay! It was great as usual! Love me some Kate and Curran
I had to stop and sleep at 90 pages to go. reading it has been so wonderful. This new location is great and the characters are wonderful, and I really enjoy the perspective change. Curran’s talk with Colan was so great, gave so much insight to what sort of parent he is.
I can’t find the other AI generated pictures. Would you please tell me where to find them?
Hi Libby, which AI images are you interested in? may I have a few more details about them?
There was a post on Sunday where a fan created Innkeeper characters with the help of AI- https://ilona-andrews.com/2023/ai-innkeeper-characters/ Could this be it? ????
didn’t realise how much I’d missed them…
Any chance there are other retailers? Or other ways to download? E.g. through Patreon (althought I’ve never used it)?
I’m really opposed to Amazon / Apple on ethical reasons and B&N doesn’t let me download in the UK.
There is Google Play https://play.google.com/store/books/details?pcampaignid=books_read_action&id=veKgEAAAQBAJ , Kobo https://www.kobo.com/gb/en/ebook/magic-tides-1 , Book Depository https://www.bookdepository.com/Magic-Tides/9781641972529?ref=grid-view&qid=1673981559346&sr=1-1 etc.
Or you can contact your favourite independent bookstore and give them the ISBN number and ask them to order it ????- it’s 9781641972529.
Thank you
I was informed this morning that my pre-order of magic tides was delivered to my Kindle. I have at least five books sitting in my Libby app from the library, one of which I’m halfway into. I am now reading magic tides because that’s just the way that I roll lol. There’s only one other author besides you guys that I will put down all other books for and that’s Faith Hunter. In all the book series that you’re right I am never disappointed. I’m always hungry for more. I enjoy your blog and newsletter and patiently wait for new things to come out from you. Thank you, , merci beaucoup, grazie!
I loved this book and was so happy to receive my dead tree copy on Sunday!
Yeah finally got to finish it! So many thoughts, like how Roland needs to not mess with Conlan and Curran handled it well. Like how the Barrett head of the local people is going to be in for a rude awakening. Like how both Kate and Curran have “new” underlings that they do not want. I really want to know why the Order did not take out human trafficers themselves….everyone knows that the red horn people are evil…come on Order of Wilmington rescuing children should be an easy no brainer, call some outside Order help if need be. I have no doubt they could not handle the Aaron dude but they could have stopped the red horn people. So fun to see Kate, Curran, and Conlan still doing the amazing job of being our beloved heros that made the BDH what it is…along with the other series but KD world for the win….but still love all the other book series…just its Kate and Curran so what can I say but pure awesomeness
the order don’t like ‘non-humans though……probably a worry that the mer children would be rescued then sushi-d or something…..
True, The Order has a bad track record with deciding who is “human enough”. So I also think that is why Paul didn’t ask them for help.
There is a BIG question here I think. It lies in Aaron asking: did Claudia send you!
How much did the Order know? Is it only Claudia who is guilty of letting a child-abducter enslave children who could breath under water? The Order created the problem Aaron became, and did NOTHING for three years. Are the higher ups innocent because Claudia hid it? Or are they still mostly rotten?
That new high mater seemed OK in the snippet when they wanted to recruit Julie, and not all knights are bad. But I think the Order is extremely compromised, morally speaking. And this thing were one of their own is just left to wreck havoc is a either a fine example of the moral bankruptcy infusing the entire organisation, or a total lack of oversight and organisation. Either way, it’s a daming testament of the effects of systemic biggotry in an organisation pretending to itself that it stands for goodness and helping people. The lies people tell themselves…
Like poor Nick, in Julie’s book. Sitting in his office, saying any of his Knight would have helped Doug, and forcing Julie to point out the obvious to him: none of them did! Maybe they would have, if they saw it, but like Julie pointed out, this was not done in secret, Douglas was dragged for blocks, the perpetrator feeling secure no-one would challenge him. And no-one except Julie did. And most telling of all: no-one bothered to call the Order for help. Because the citizens didn’t expect the order to help!
Could not decide between slowing down and savoring each and every paragraph or completely devouring. What can i say? Devouring won. Who needs sleep. Will go back and linger over this now. Such a great read. I did not realize how much I missed Kate until I began reading this.
Same here. Read it all the way through last night and now will read it again, slowly, to savor everything.
Fun read! Blasted through it this morning.
Thanks! Looking forward to more.
I got my copy Saturday and read it in about two-three hours. It was such a fun read and felt like picking up where I left off with friends I hadn’t seen in awhile.
I enjoyed Curran’s inability to stay away from castle like residences. I definitely imagined the Kentucky Castle place in Versailles, KY as the Lennarts’ new home lol (yes it really is located in a town called Versailles but the locals pronounce it “Versales”), my friend got married there a few years ago and it was the most bizarre event space I had ever been to. It unsurprisingly has a crazy story behind it too (eccentric rich person with a fascination for European castles, a bitter divorce, castle was abandoned on the side of the road and was a curious attraction for decades before finally being up for sale). Not going to link to it because not sure I’m allowed to link it but just google “Kentucky Castle Versailles, KY” and you’ll find it.
Also enjoyed Kate’s inability to maintain a low profile, she did it so well before she met Curran and he essentially forced her out of hiding as the Consort. And nice to see school age Conlan. I am looking forward to the Zoom this weekend. 🙂
The Kentucky castle is where Hugh lives. I don’t think it is big enough to hold Hugh and Kate and Curran full time but they did mention a visit that I’m dying to see.
Yes I know Hugh is in a castle in Kentucky. I was talking about a real life Kentucky castle actually called “The Kentucky Castle” (it’s had several names over the years) that I’ve actually been to and that really exists and that’s what I envisioned Kate and Curran’s home looking like in Magic Tides. You can see pictures here: https://myoldkentuckyroadtrip.com/2011/09/20/versailles-lexington-road-castle/
This story should show Kate why she can run, but she can’t hide. LOL. Curran is still Beast Lord to an uber alpha wolf — Keelan — in a mayhem and mad sort of way! Makes perfect sense. And Keelan has already started his own pack separate from the Pack in Atlanta – he’s incorporating the trouble makers sent out of the “Pack” in Atlanta. And they are mostly I believe Renders? (very good at the slice and dice offense). And all of them think that Curran is Beast Lord too – not Jim. Then there’s poor Kate, she’s got her very own Sharrim loving almost Kin spotting her right out of the gate and reminding her she has ‘responsibilities’ (with Power comes Responsibility). And shhh don’t tell Kate about Conlan’s kill. She’d go ballistic. Yup, friends all around just *waiting* to help you out sometime, wink wink. Sadly too short a story. But that’s always the way with these yum yum tidbits of the Kateverse. BDH are drooling and hoping for more more goodness!
will we ever get to see that first visit to Hugh’s place? either in book or snippet or outtake form… Just imagining Curran and Hugh bonding over the moat and other defense design ideas would be wonderful. I now am imaging them texting each other with suggestions and building plans.
I don’t really see it as bonding lol.. I feel like the best Curran and Hugh would get to is frenemy one-upmanship stage.
More like “he’s got a moat and a castle, man I need a moat and a castle!!!” xD
I NEED this slice of life/text convo!!! We’ve had the shopping lists, can we please have Hugh and Curran bonding over moats and ballistae?
This book had a lot of laugh out loud moments and I am intrigued with Rimush’s thoughts and interaction with Kate. So he knows who she is, but did not let on to Barrett? Did I read that correctly? That’s going to cause some stuff.
This made my day and the new characters are great. In 163 pages IA managed to reunite us with old friends and introduce new ones and provide them with compelling back stories. Truly a GREAT READ.
That’s how I read Rimush’s actions 😉
Loved everything in this book! Thank you very much! Amazing writing, as always!
Just finished my second read through and my take away was a quiet pride that House Andrews are so cool that they used the word “craic” correctly.
That is all.
has anyone worked out what Elara is? I think I missed something coral about her…
Even I don’t know what Elara truly is!
I’d like to postulate two clues towards Elara from this book – possibly going right off track but anyway…
Definitely something Deity related – Hugh complains about everyone contacting her to find out about a Deity when one crops up.
And secondly – talking about how you get God powers, and it mentions that you could merge with them, or devour them, but that ‘almost never happened. Almost’. We know Curran took that route to save Kate… is it possible Elara has merged with something?
Just a guess, not a question – I’m content to wait and find out in the books!
There are clues into what Elara is, as in the process that merged her to a god, peppered throughout the books. You’re onto something there 😉
But as to *which* god…I keep guessing alongside the Horde 😀
I can think of one from the north who married a dog (Hugh was the preceptor of the Iron Dogs) had a bit of a hunger but last I check Elara had all her fingers and wasn’t really marine-like!
I’ll keep looking though!
We already know that it is something ancient, and perhaps tending toward male gender
It’s something that makes Kate go still. When Hugh and Elara visited Kate and Curran’s home in Atlanta, Kate wasn’t sure what Elara was, but it sure made her give Elara a lot if space.
The clues have floated over my head…. have been trying to think of sensible google search terms, ‘god with lots of mouths’ is getting me nowhere ????
I actually thought of Christopher being merged with Deimos by Roland, as well as Else’s and whatever happened to her.
Descriptions of cherubim (a type of angel that guards the throne of God) are described in the bible (Ezekiel &Revelations) sound a lot like the description of Elara in her other form when she rescued Hugh. I have always wondered if there is a connection there…
I thought she was somehow merged with the elemental force of chaos (or Kaos, as per Terry Pratchett) than a traditional god.
And see the attraction of Floutlaw merchandise but I most covet a version with:
“Did you blow up a kraken?”
That phone conversation with Hugh was the absolute highlight of the book for me. I love that even the crepes got a shoutout with the reference to ‘delicious desserts’.
Just checked on Amazon’s new releases. The new Kate Daniels book is #2 on the Science fiction/paranormal list. Nice.
Loved loved loved it! It was like coming home!
Like that quote from Magic Burns – Kate’s wish and Curran’s welcome back.
Loved the celtic myth, the ocean setting, the new characters, the tidbits on old ones; the usual irony, fun and banter.
And thank you thank you thank you HA for giving us mermaids! Squeee! And The little mermaid vibes! ????????????♀️????
Hope Darin will be a recurring character ????????♂️
Now I’ll go finish the reread of the whole series and then dive again into the Tides! ????????
Ahh sorry I’m pretty sure I posted a spoiler on the other thread because I didn’t actually read the post while at work haha…
Anyway, the comment I was posting…. I loved it!!! Thank you! It was nice to read Conlan’s POV its kinda funny xD And Keelan!! I think he’s my new favorite.
Also…. I need to hear more about Hugh’s “country lord life” and CHILDREN???????? as in multiple?????????? :O
Lo conseguí a las 12 y me dormí 230am terminando de leerlo. ME SIENTO FATAL por la falta de sueño y la gripe, pero FELIZ.
Way to short but very nice.
I really enjoyed the different perspectives throughout the book (so we don’t have to nag about ‘what was Curran doing at this time?’)
I laughed that Kate was the one who wanted to keep a low profile!
I squeed out loud at the call with Hugh! I so enjoyed the ‘children’ comment and that we’re still seeing that Hugh is getting a HEA. And that he and Kate have a relationship – it makes me really happy that Kate has family.
Bracing for the impact of the Wilmington pack splitting off from Atlanta, but we’ve already seen that Jim doesn’t know about managing people…
Love love love the whole book! Now to reread it again today – silly job getting in the way
I loved reading a new Kate Daniels book!!! It went by too fast! Is there anyplace I can order a signed copy of the book?
Not at this time for signed books, but we are working on it and will let everyone know 🙂
I don’t want to finish it because we do not know how long it will be before the next KD book/novella/thingey..
Also, that’s not the same woman on the cover as in the past? Is it? She looks so young.
Thank you Ilona Andrews for another KD adventure.
No, it is a different stock image model for Kate 🙂 . But she has the bloodline gift of near eternal life and youth, so she probably still looks largely unchanged and unaged 🙂
The scene in this book where someone guesses her age to be 25 was very telling about the whole immortality (or very, very long-lived) thing.
yuuuuup 🙂
Makes me wonder, if with her power she can keep Curran living a bit longer than normal shapeshifter? ????
Of course! This has been confirmed by the authors and is canon. Kate and the people she cares for (Curran especially) will live as long as they want to 🙂
I have awoken and I have devoured the novella!!!!!
the vision is on its way, two kingdoms on each side of him.
ooooh how I missed them and the post-shift world
thank you House Andrews!!
Another great tale from the KD world! -+
One of the blessings of living on the west coast; I got to read Magic Tides last night! Now for a re-read.
Birthday on Friday, but as long as I’m above the grass, who cares? This is the real highlight of the week.
We’ve been spoiled by two IA books in a month. Now the wait begins to see what the next treat will be; Kate and Curran, Julie/Aurelia, the Baylors, the Inn, Kinsmen, something completely different?
I love, no, I absolutely completely love this book – and I’m only on page 26 ..!!!! Thank you! This is great.????????
Yay! I just finished a book and was about to descend into a book hangover. This will help so much! And I see I preordered it so I’m good to go! 😀
It was a wonderful book. 😀
I was able to read my deadtree pre-order Saturday/Sunday and I enjoyed it so very much!
Rimush perspective so very awesome, Conlan growing into himself in a very 8yo way big love ???? Keelan, who I believe we have not met before, so brilliant in showing*who* they are is not *what* they are. So very many happy moments including, but not limited to, Conlan manipulating his mother, Kate knowing it, Curran calling him on it… The scenes at the Fort where Kate did such a bad job of hiding and then covered beautifully… The phone call to Hugh (all the love there)
TLDR… I absolutely love the book! Happy book birthday!
One more comment that is not really connected to just this book.
When I started with IA, it was Kate Daniels and I loved the books.
Then the Edge, and I loved them more.
Then more KD and back to her world as the best.
Then Innkeeper!! Greatest series.
Then Nevada/Catalina/ Arabella: obviously the best.
And every time another one of a series came out, I teetered back into “this is the best of their series”
Every time a new book comes out, I slingshot into THAT universe and dang it! they are each and every one of them “the best”.
This is why I am a proud member of the BOOK DH and not just a SERIES DH.
(And thx to ModR, Who wrangles us but also keeps us informed and chuckling.
Is it too early to launch some Wilmington ships?????
Never! Launch AWAY!
I ship… Jynx and Ascanio! A Bouda lass good enough to go toe to toe with him and smart enough to not take shit from him.
yep. the moment she pulled out knives I thought ah ha! maybe she’s following Raphael but it could be Ascanio. loved the girly description of her nails.
I hate to be one of those people shipping everyone that appears ever….. but you put this in my head and it works
Only thing I’m unsure on, how old is Jynx in comparison to Ascanio? wasn’t sure of the age difference there.
Ascanio is about the same age as Julie, maybe a year or two older. I figure Julie is around 26 during Blood Heir, making Ascanio in his late twenties.
Jynx seems in her early twenties here. Maybe as young as 18, but renderers get sent out here for a rotation and they’d send her out once she’s gotten over her bouda wild teen years. So… Jynx would probably be in her early to mid twenties at the time of Blood Heir (Mod R please correct if I’m wrong).
So what is the deal between Claudia and Barrett???
Rival organizations. They might occasionally ally against a common enemy, as in the battle of Atlanta, but their values are completely different.
I totally agree….every book is THE BEST, as is HA, Mod R, and the fluffy and demanding but very much loving and loyal BDH! I am so proud to be part of this chaotic, wonderful, and blessedly exciting circus (and I mean that in the very, very best ways possible!)
Just ‘coming up for air’ long enough to say that I am only about 25% through Magic Tides and I already love it! It is so nice to spend time with my favorite characters again… thank you for another awesome read! ????
Just finished the book earlier today and of course I loved it! I especially liked the way they told the story from Kate, Curran, and Conlan ‘s points of view!
After I finished the book I tried to leave a review on B&N .I wrote it but it never showed up???? And ther were zero reviews for it????? Usually I am the 18th or so reviewer the day the book comes out. ModR? Anyone? Know whats wrong with B&N???
Hmmm..maybe they need to be content approved individually by someone? I’ll look into it, they should show up, everyone must know about Kate! 😀
Edit to say: It’s probably the approving content thing, but could also be B&N glitch. We will know more when the B&N person contacted is back in the office tomorrow. Thank you so much for letting us know and I hope your review shows up soon, I am seeing one there already!
Thank you most wonderful ModR!
Very much appreciate that we’re getting a bit of detail on how marine life has been affected by the Shift. Loved the tiny glimpse of Hugh and Elara; hoping to get more of them soon too.
Also appreciated the reinforcement of some fighting physics that have been touched upon previously in the main series – once you jump, if you’re flightless, you are committed to a particular trajectory, unlike your opponent who may still alter their own path/actions to suit.
I am more impressed by the People group in Wilmington dealing with their life without Roland than the Pack splinter. Keelan was not that amusing, I thought he was more annoying than anything else. More Rimush please! His perspective was very cool.
I’m wondering if Ms. Vigue is somehow connected with the Red Horn folks and their child trafficking, like if she sometimes identifies the kids that fit a desired profile for them or something like that. Looking forward to the next installment, but maybe we can get some more Hugh and Elara first (including the visit that was alluded to?)
Doesn’t really matter though, I’ll read anything from House Andrews 🙂
That thing about the moat — genius—- had a good laugh
congratulations, I’d say one of your best written books
Absolutely loved this book and was so excited to see Kate again especially since she is my favorite character ever.
Now I can see some Kate and Farm head butting in the future.
Plus Jim is a dumbass ????
Loved it House Andrews – thank you!
It rippled along, building the new universe (so to speak), and yet felt comfortable and familiar – and it was just the right length too… easy enough to devour in one sitting, but complex enough that you can stop and come back to it at another time.
One quick question for the Zoom Q&A (if we’re allowed to leave them here ModR?) – what language base do you use for the Power Words? Is it modified from one language source, or do you just link different concepts together from different languages?
Sorry it’s not spoiler-y, I guess it’s the scientist in me, but I’m only asking because it feels natural and coherent – to a non-linguist anyway! It really does read like a an actual language.
Also love the fact that Kate’s gone from using one word and being drained to using full phrases/sentences!
Yes, ofc, the spoiler thread is my main source of Q&A questions! Give them all to me! I need them for my LISTS! 😀
Do we have an exact translation for when Kate speaks to Aaron using the magic language in the final boss battle:
It’s not an *exact* translation, because as Erra explains during her call with Kate, “Karsaran” is not 100% the same as “shatter” but she’s basically saying:
Confine the one in front of me.
Shatter his arms.
Shatter his legs.
Release him.
Thank you!!
It was AWESOME!! I read it straight through. Absolutely loved it.
House Andrews, thank you. Reading Magic Tides was like visiting an old friend. or putting on a comfy pair of slippers. So, so very good and just wonderful to be reading about Kate, Curran, Conlan, and their lives. I really enjoyed that you wrote from both Kate and Curran’s POV, with a dash of Conlan thrown in.
Happy Happy happy happy happy happy happy. ???????????????????????????????? thank you!!!
Magic Tides was SO MUCH FUN! So excited for the next Hugh and then Julie books to keep the magic flowing! Love, love, love the KD world!!
Kate definitely kept a low profile ????
She kept the kraken stuffing out of it! Well…*a* profile anyway 😀
AND the Kraken stuffing :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Low profile? What low profile? I had a feeling when I read when Kate told Curran to eat without her.
I laughed so hard when the baby kraken blew up and parts were in Kate’s hair. Also when the idiot captain shot himself in the foot.
You can take the girl out of Atlanta, but you can’t take Atlanta out of the girl. ????⚔️????
“That red puddle by your foot isn’t strawberry syrup.” moment would let me know it’s Kate even if you showed me nothing else from the book 😀
Yep. Sarcasm thy name is Kate Daniels Lennert. ????????????????
One of my laugh out loud moments! I liked “floutlaw” the most!
OMG I know that the BDH are a demanding bunch and we are so much trouble to handle with our demanding ways but (squeal) I am bouncing up and down in anticipation for the next one. I read this in an hour and 1/2 with 2 interruptions.
Binged it all before work! Absolutely loved it! Sad it was so short! Could we get a map of Kate and Curran’s castle like we did for the Baylors new compound?
I absolutely loved it! I would definitely keep reading these smaller but important adventures in the KD World. Hopefully will see more of Keelan too 🙂
I have a question about Derek that has probably been asked 1000 times already but here goes: Is there a story about Derek about how he becomes the beta of the Alaskan shifters and grows more powerful (he appears in the first Aurelia Ryder story as more powerful than previously. Did he eat a god, as Curran did?)?
Thank you for all the awesome books you write that make us so happy.
Cheers and thanks
Derek’s intervening years are a mystery for now, on purpose. We will find out more of his story in future books 🙂
Mod R, you torture us!
I giggle through the whole explanation to Curran of what Kate had been up to that day and his reaction. best part but I loved it all
yes! hooray for different POVs and internal dialogue. It was so brilliant. I loved hearing Curran’s reaction to Thomas’s recounting of his day with Kate. probably my favorite part of the book.
I saw the email in my inbox notifying me of the book’s arrival of my kobo and heroically waiting until end of work day AND dinner before starting to read it. Piouf, really really nice to visit them again, thank you so much!! ????????????
I think Conlan’s first kill was a mouse in the woods when he was a baby. The current incident seems the sort of thing that a spouse would be told privately and would publicly ignore.
Sleep is vastly overrated on a House Andrews Release day and a new Kate book at that!!! Happy Book Birthday and I’m so happy that Kate is back. I might ramble as it was a short night and a long work day, but it was so worth it.
The Story feels amazing, just being back there with Kate and Curran and seeing Conlan grow. I truly love the Format, it is a masterpiece, as it felt so much like the past Kate books with the high stakes even though it is supposedly a slice of life. Was transported right back into their world and the POVs were a trat.
So glad that was the first surprise to drop.
Hope you are Feeling better and can enjoy the day – with all the squeeees from around the world whereever the Horde got to enjoy your book.
anything about Hugh’s second book?
House Andrews have decided to not announce what they are working on until the books are ready for preorder ????. This is to manage both their workload and fans expectations. For more details, please see https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/
The Iron Covenant series will continue ????. As soon as any official updates and release news are known, they can always found on the Release Schedule page https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/
I need more Conlan!
Whee! my Kindle is loaded. Supper, wash dishes and disappear into Wilmington!
Ha! Loved Floutlaw! Derek and Curran seem to have the same opinion of Jim. I would think wherever the Beast Lord went he would find shifters that would want to associate with him. I guess except Jim.
We got to see Kate, Curran and Conlan settling into their new home (Fort!) and new city. I laughed at the thought that Kate or Curran could keep a low profile. Loved the conversation with Kate and the navigator…she is definitely a larger than life character.
I tried to read slow but I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Never a dull moment. Superb story from the authors. I’m greedy and want more! I guess I’m going to have to reread the series again! Love these characters and their world.
Thank you! Thank you!
I mistakenly checked. my kindle at midnight to see if the book downloaded. It did. I started reading just a little bit, I really need to get some sleep for work tomorrow. I had to stop at 2 am. I’m yawning my way through work today. Magic Tides was fun. What’s next?
Omg, loved being back in the KD world!! And I totally agree the switching POV was awesome!!!! LOVE!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you House Andrews!!!
Now, for the real question…because (yesssssss!) “Wilmington, Book #1”…..
Which KD book is coming next?!?!? Hugh #2?? Julie#2??? Wilmington #2????? The BDH NEEDS to know!!
The BDH will have to do that dirty thing called waiting, until said book is written and ready for preorder 😉 , at which time the BDH will be officially notified and then get to devour it in no time at all.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Finished it this morning before work and it was just what I needed. Laughed till I cried over Cuddles “kicking eye”.
You guys are the best!
Really enjoyed it as I do all House Andrews books! Great to be back in the Kate universe and I also loved the tiny Isle of Man ???????? mention!!
Maybe I missed something, but who is the “sister” that Conlan mentions. He says Jynx reminds him of his sister when he talks to her through the fire.
Julie 🙂 . She is Kate’s daughter and Conlan’s older sister 🙂
Julie! right?
Yes :). Julie Olsen Lennart Daniels. That’s a mouthful, but she is formally adopted 🙂 and is ofc a child of the heart and now of the bloodline.
Heh… just wait until Kate finds out Julie is now her blood daughter. Can’t wait. 🙂
It was at the very end, when the sandy sea bottom in *North Carolina* is mentioned that I realized they weren’t in Delaware. Pages and pages of detailed geographic description, all easily searchable, and I’m all derp derp derp this sounds cool… ????????????
Yes I’m aware that only one is on the coast now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now I don’t even know what to hope we get next. Hugh/Elara, Julie/Derrick, more KD, Roman, or wherever the heck Hidden Legacy is going into next. It’s like an embarrassment of riches for world building and plot progression across the board.
It’s like one of those books that are split POV. You are reading one.. and then at the climactic point you switch to the other. Then you’re reading that… and at the next climactic point you switch again xD I distinctly remember that with Melina Marchetta’s Quintana of Charyn (great series and highly recommend btw).
At this point I’ll take anything HA releases xD
I love living in California when all the Tuesday releases come out at 9pm on Monday!
Thank you so much House Andrews! This was definitely so amazing and coming on the heels of already fan service, Sweep of the Heart! I really really loved Keelan. I felt he was was the BDH personified in a dignified way. His fangirling and his character background made him the best BDH personification. Unlike, another series, Supernatural tv series, where I named my children after minor characters, they had a character representing their fans in the character Becky and portrayed her in a 1 dimensional and pathetic light. Not insulted at all. Thank you for having Keelan not be lame ! Can someone fangirl with gravitas? I think he did it.
I had a few minor questions:
1) Kate was listed as Roland’s heir w witnesses, so is the book title Blood Heir (Julie’s book) referencing Julie in that same role?
2) The Big Bad guesstimated Kate’s age at 10 + 2 x(flares = 7 years) = 24? I thought she would supposed to be in her thirties bc this is only a few years prior to Blood Heir where Julie in deleted scene?hides from KD + Curran in the market and describes KD as in her 40s or is KD like Roland and can age herself however she wants to be perceived?
3) KD phone conversation with Hugh eludes to a prior visit and outing of Elara’s source of power , would this fall after or in the later Hugh series? so this would potentially be described in the Hugh series that will be tbd? or I’ll just make something up in my head cannon I guess
Well, thank you for all the goodies! I have purchased 7 physical copies of SOTH as gifts as well as audio and kindle formats and I have purchased the kindle of Magic Tides but my Barnes and Noble told me after I’ve pestered them for the 10th time, they will not be selling me a printed copy . But I will def be buying anything you put out so I can support you in keeping going with future books! Thank you so much !!! You have touched my heart and helped me cope in my depression and feelings of struggles during these past few years of life on earth!
I forgot one more question!
***4) Did you do a lot of research about the Scotch -Irish settlers in the Carolinas colonies much for this book? I did a quick search after reading Magic Tides and learned so much about the early Irish /Scotch settlers of the W/N/ Carolinas area !
Oh, how I *hated* Becky. With a passion. Especially how she robbed Sam of consent in that one episode and it was played as if we were meant to laugh over it. Ick.
I’m so glad you enjoyed Magic Tides, your answers are:
1. Interesting question. No comment 😀 (mwahahaha).
2. Kate’s is around 37 in this book (which is 2 years before Blood Heir, when she would be close to 40.) Derek ofc knows this because he knows Kate closely, the guy estimating her age in this book is going by her ageless appearance 🙂 . Kate will enjoy her youth for a long time.
3. Magic Tides is after Hugh’s series. Iron Covenant in its entirety will chronologically take place in the year between Magic Binds and Magic Triumphs, which in turn is about 7 years before Magic Tides :).
Yes, I caught on with the age, it was meant to tell us she still looked as she always has and didn’t age!
omg. Magic Tides takes place after Hugh’s series. BDH knows that prior to this point a major character dies in Hugh #2. So this means Kate, Curran,Hugh, Elara survive whatever happens in Hugh #2. This narrows down this list of which person does not survive. More in depth reading detail is needed of current and recent KD books are needed. Thank you for this very important clue.
ooh!! I didn’t know this!! So….anyone who is referenced in this book and Blood Heir survives. hmm…..
of them all, I think Nick is one character who could do with having a near death experience….I just can’t warm to him… but he looms throughout Blood Heir so it isn’t him.
I don’t want to think about this too hard though so it’s a surprise!
OMG! Finished and wanting more, more! They did it again great plot, new characters, interaction with favorite characters from the past, new neighborhood with a slightly familiar flare. The only thing bad I can say it ended way way too early. Would love more stories set in this world.
Wheee! ‘Stalked’ my kindle until the ebook was uploaded 🙂
I echo all the bells & whistles – LOVED to be back in Kate’s World!!!
Did anyone else have a thought
about Rimush’s relationships to Barret?
Is he under Barret’s authority? Then how would it be possible for Kate to call upon him (and family) for help?
It seems to me that Rimush might be more powerful than Barret?
And did Rimush know about Kate before he moved to Wilmington?
I don’t know any of this and I want to! I find his character the most intriguinging and maybe dangerous? Or awesome? I just don’t know…
well if he didn’t know prior who Kate was, then he is definitely more powerful than Barret as, I guess, he saw her break the link between Onyx and his vampire??
Thank you Author Lords!! SO GOOD. ❤️
Helen and Troy. I cackled.
LOVED it! as I do all of House Andrews work :-> This particular book gave me some great laughs exactly when I needed them. THANKS SO MUCH
I’m loving me some Keelan! You GO lad!
Thank you, thank you!! I love the Baylors. And Dina & Co. But I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed Kate! ‘Let’s keep the part about…killing a giant wereboar…to ourselves’. Heh. Hope we find out someday just how well that went for them.
LOVED it. Kate is definately the heroine we fell in love with. She has more training and control, but under all that she is our beloved Kate through and through.
Thank you! I love Magic Tides!
I just realized Cuddles is likely the equine of my dreams…a gaited mammoth donkey. Although I also wished for a gaited mule.
They do not usually have a trot gait. Instead they have a smooth movement. I rode a Pasco fino back when I was healthy. Heaven.
Finished it and reread yesterday (Sydney Australia time zones) and I absolutely love the new setting. The beach vibes really reminds me of those anime episodes at the beach and all the lore that House Andrews can tap into is going to be sweet!!
My brain had to do a double take over the “Tinh Đỉa” part because 1) gross!, 2) it’s read as Demon Leech in Vietnamese and I thought I read it wrong, so when the explaination part came up, it made me smile. But also, gross ????
With new characters and situations with the 3 bigs orgs (People, Pack, Order) it really made this novella feel much bigger than it is. I think someone commented on the level of foreshadowing layered here and I agree. I feel like we got the bottom (Magic Tides) layers and top layers (Blood Heir) of the lasagna but no meet and cheese yet!!
Keelan is chefs kiss ???????? I think most would agree that if we were side characters, we would be him. Giving Jim the slip and running to play with our fav Beast Lord and his Consort ????
The other thing I really appreciated was how short the recap of the world and the previous installments are. I’ve read all these novels back to back and in some of them, there was just too much time spent on explaining previous books. I know this is really not the novella to jump into for KD but Blood Heirs was a litte much on the info dump despite having warnings to not join at this book.
Anyway, tldr: love the beach, liked the leech, Keelan is my avatar into the KD world, Kate+Curran+Conlan=????
Just finished….what a fun ride!!!
I loved the POV format and it let us learn so much about Conlon: he’s such a smart, strong, and decent little boy, but also in so many ways still a normal child. And I found Rimush’s explanation about Roland’s people (and why they now almost need to worship Kate) very intriguing…no doubt more to come there. I loved Keelan! He’s such a fun character, so charming and funny, but at the same time I felt like maybe there is a dark backstory hidden deep below the surface there? Almost like he ‘wants’ people to sort-of give up on and underestimate him? It would be interesting to watch him in the future.
Was also sort of glad (and sad at the same time) to see that Curran has Jim all figured out. I don’t know…I have always thought Jim was kind of a jerk, but I always took that to be due to his massive insecurity and his overwhelming need to put the Pack’s welfare before anyone else’s, no matter what. I felt kind of sorry for him. I keep hoping that Dali will help him lean more into his caring and loyal-to-friends side, and I like her a lot, so if she thinks he is worth it, there must be hope for him? I guess only future books will tell…
Sorry I jumped around so much in this comment: suffice to say, I LOVED Magic Tides! Thank you once again to HA for another lovely gift, and to Mod R for keeping the BDH amused and distracted during the looonnnggg wait! ????
December would *not* end! 😀
Hooray! I pre-ordered and was SUPER disciplined, so I did not start reading at midnight. I actually went to bed early and didn’t start reading until this morning. ::pats self on back::
I have one complaint about the book… it’s gone! I read it all! I tried to pace myself, but, much like when I have chocolate in the house, I kept sneaking back for “just a little bit more”.
Thank you House Andrews (I still think of you as the AuthorLords) for yet another treat. I thoroughly enjoyed revisiting Kate and Curran and getting to know Conlan a bit more.
Just finished and loved Magic Tides. Loved the new characters and the interactions between Conlon and Curran. Of course Kate is always fun and amazing ????
Thank you so much, Ilona Andrews!!!!!!!
Kate on my Kindle, all my BDH friends discussing plot points, is like time returned and the nightmare of the past few years never happened! Thank you for bringing Kate back home to her horde!
I need to let the book settle, but I am wandering about Erra and her involvement with the federal government? Is it the Ordeer or others? Is she their watchdog? Did she really “bow her head”?
I don’t know how to feel about the son of Accu.
I found that reveal super interesting in light of Julie’s conversation with Nick in Blood Heir about Shinar vs Federal government.
I took a huge multi-hour nap yesterday immediately after work so that when Magic Tides dropped onto my Kindle after midnight I would be ready! I went to bed after I got my copy, but I didn’t sleep much last night. TOTALLY worth it!
Really excellent novella, loved every bit of it! THANK YOU, HOUSE ANDREWS!
I absolutely loved it!!!
One positive thing about the move to work from home means I can read between phone calls.
Lovely work. Liked the POV switches so we see what the different parties are up to.
It’s adorable that they think they could ever be “low profile”. Utterly adorable.
YES! The Conlan POV was so fun!
Great book! Thank you HA.
Question:was this written at the same time as the Sweep serial? How long did it take?
You can read more about the origin and process of Magic Tides here https://ilona-andrews.com/2023/magic-tides-slice-of-life/
The idea existed during SotH, but the writing proper happened after the edits were done 🙂
I agree with all the comments that I didn’t realize how much I missed Kate until coming home to her. Incredible writing as always!!
I usually hate conflict between friends, but agreed with earlier comments that I’m glad to see Curran is over bending to Jim to make him feel more secure in his role. Curran will ALWAYS be the ultimate beast lord and I can’t wait to hear more about how he and Kate amass these “followers who aren’t followers” who they protect and live a good life with.
I think Jim might come around once he retires anyways and some things can be partially repaired (never fully forgiven). I still think Derek will be the new pack Beast Lord, but Curran will always be the baddest beast lord out there!
It was so much fun to spend time with Kate and Curran again and learning more about Conlin! And the little snippet with Hugh was great, looking forward to his next book. Thank you for writing this for us!
I loved it! I loved how the quick little errand kept growing new and exciting tentacles at each step 🙂
Let the gibbering begin. Kate and Hugh talking on the phone-made me so happy???? found family is the best! Curran parenting Conlan ???? and don’t tell mom! ???? Kate trying to get Thomas to stop spilling the beans. It’s so great to see them trying to build a normal life for themselves, but they can’t help being themselves. They create this wonderful network of friends and family. I love meeting all these new people. And Erra working with the federal government? Loved it! We are so spoiled! Thank you HA!
I just finished the book and loved it! I enjoyed the humor and the action, new characters and old, but I especially liked the chat Curran had with Conlan re: manipulating his mom and Roland’s ways. I also like that Conlan said “Yes, sir” – it seemed so southern (which they are, I know).
I just finished reading the book on Kindle and it was amazing. Thank you HA. I don’t recall seeing what happened to Elaine at the end, there were references to the children, Solina and Leslie but not Elaine. I may have missed the reference since I am so drowsy, please refer me to the reference. Thank you.
Everyone is saved ????. The merpeople are all frolicking freely. Only the baddies died!
So, a horde is like a mob from an old monster movie?
Wink seen and acknowledged!
Great read, thank you.
I’ve read it 5 times and loved it more and more each time. As a proud card-carrying (actually can we buy cards as part of the merchandise shop??) BDH from very beginning – let me say A) bravo and you guys are fantastic and B) please, please can you write some more (insert music from Oliver Musical)????
Joking (somewhat) aside, thank you for this. It was fantastic and I loved it. I really wish you had Patreon like some other authors where you can pay a (ridiculous) amount and be able to come spend some time (like a couple of hours) with you (aka someone like Wen Spencer). Honestly, I’m really jealous of Jeanine Frost lol.
So I am late in the BDH comment thread. Love it. Thank you.
Never late! In mid-party!
BDH cards would be a hoot!
Such fun thank you! So many favourite parts – the exploding kraken, Keenan’s advice to Conlan, the phone call… Loved the multiple POVs and all the expositions re motivations for various courses of action …
my re-read has been interrupted too many times today! many of my comments have already been said so I will try not to repeat.
1. So many awesome lines from Kate that I wish I was badass enough to use in real life.
2. One of my favorite parts was the dialogue between Conlan and Jynx on the wall about the reasons for using less than lethal force. Kate and Curran have done such a good job with him. Both set a good example of restraint when it comes to taking a life in this book.
3. Did anyone else laugh at 8 year old Conlan ordering the wereboars to stop? Does this confidence (arrogance?) come from Curran or Roland ? or a it more like giving fair warning?
4. I’ve long wondered what happened to Roland’s empire after he disappears: his people, his land claims, his physical and financial assets so I appreciated this glimpse.
Q & A questions:
1. Why doesn’t Conlan use magic (like power words) in the fight against the wereboars?
2. Will we get to know more of Kalina’s (Kate’s witch mom’s) history and family? there are a few crumbs through out the series but I keep forgetting Kate’s part witch so Conlan’s comment was jarring.
3. Landon Nez & Ghastek know Kate. how much contact does Barrett have with them since he’s still an active trainer?
Regarding question 3, I wonder if Landon Nez is still alive (or at least of any importance) at the time of Magic Tides . After all, the story of Iron Covenant 2&3 (if I remember correctly) is supposed to happen before Magic Triumphs, and who knows how the rivalry between Hugh and Landon Nez will develop there?
The whole conversation with Hugh was a delight. Hugh knowing that krakens are explode-y, though, made me cackle. And try to imagine under what circumstances Hugh would have been exploding krakens.
Did anyone else feel like Keelan could have “religious zealot” attached to his name? Especially where he was boosting Conlan at the end, in direct contrast to Curran talking down Roland’s kingly ideals.
Also, poor Jim. It can’t be easy being a paranoid, solitary, panther shifter in charge of the pack.
Read it. Loved it!
That was an excellent read. I love how Kate still feels like Kate, but she also feels like she’s matured and been a parent for 8 years. Wonderful to see both new and familiar faces. Thank you!
I loved it. I read this yesterday morning in Australia and as is usual there are lots of pathways for the KD story to develop further. I can’t wait. No pressure implied, but I am now equally as exited by the possibility for a new Maud story as the possibilities here. I’m reading the whole series from the start before I do a second reading. Thank you both.
thank you. best out of control short story ever. loved it. off to re read. thanks Ilona and Gordon. also thanks mod R for the chuckles as I read your responses tonight in the comments.
Read yesterday. Delightful. I am insatiable. 🙂
Also, I missed the mutant poodle.
Read yesterday morning as soon as I woke up. Loved it! I want more! And I missed the mutant poodle, too. I hope we get to see some of Conlan’s school experiences. Also… ‘Don’t tell your mother.’ LOL I get the feeling there are a few things that Curran and Conlan don’t tell Kate. Of course, that goes both ways. I’m pretty sure there are things she doesn’t tell them, either.
Book 1! I’m waiting for my copy to arrive, but spoilers don’t scare me.
I like that the title above says Book 1! Finished it and loved it!!
???? Loved it
Loved it! Thank you so much for writing more in the KD world! I think it will always be my favorite.
Unrelated (?), but I’ve been stalking your Merch site to order. I think you mentioned it would reopen about the same time as this release and I’ve seen new items have been added. My cart is full but checkout does not seem to be open yet?
Off to reread and savor the return of Kate, Curran and company!
Hi Debbie,
The merch shop is not open yet, a lot of work is being done, as you noticed new designs, and admin around delivery and other matters. Thank you for your patience, there will be news either this week or the next ????
Thank you! More time to shop!
I loved the book, with the varying points of view, the new characters, and of course all of our beloved characters. It was all so vivid in my head as I was reading it. You know what ended up keeping me awake at night (and this is absolutely ridiculous), I found myself wondering if someone else was minding Cutting Edge. Ha!
Yes, I’m one of those obsessed fans who re-read the whole series in preparation for this moment. You didn’t disappoint. It was over far too soon.
Question- since the original followers of Roland presumably shared his blood, would they be able to visit him in his pocket universe? Did I read incorrectly when I thought that Hugh is able (although not willing) to visit Roland? And if they’re able to visit, wouldn’t they be Up To No Good?
We know of a very specific few people that Roland shared blood with in the binding Arez ritual. He doesn’t share it with every one of his followers, so there’s some doubt there that the ten witnesses all possessed it. And as we hear from Rimush, they are fairly aware that the old Shinar and Roland’s time is over, and they’re not best pleased with him, so who knows if they would go see him even if they could?
Question for Mod R that may be just something included in later books, but if Kate and Curran have moved to Wilmington what happened to the other shifters who also left the Pack? Barabas for example (and Christopher although he wasn’t pack!) Eduardo & his GF/wife (Curran’s adopted werebear sister I am blanking on her name.) Derek we know left Atlanta completely, but what about the others who stayed?
So they still remain not part of the pack when Curran left? Or is there drama now that there isn’t a pseudo leader in Curran still around to support them in discussions with the pack?
I know that in Blood Heir we hear that Kate, Curran and Conlan come down to Atlanta every summer so they can see friends and family, but a little sad that they don’t see their old friends as often! Such is normal life I guess though!
I will ask 🙂
Barnabas and Christopher are in Atlanta, Barnabas is running the merc guild in Blood Heir.
If I had to guess, Eduardo and his mate stayed because that’s where his living was at. Given the apparent drama of the Pack, I would think that the others would stay separate as well.
Only Ilona and Gordon know for sure. 🙂
Did I read somewhere (Blood Heir?) that Eduardo and George went back to the Pack and Eduardo became Herd Leader for the buffalo-type shifters?
I know Mahon is still the Alpha of Clan Heavy as of Blood Heir, but yes, I remember the same thing about George and Eduardo, either in Blood Heir or a Q&A 🙂
Loved the book especially after driving through the boonies of Wilmington the night before feeling like that city will never end. (Google maps I will never understand you). Yesterday I also had to get BBQ from Roland BBQ in Beaufort, NC.
The book was like drinking warm tea in a comfy chair with comfy robe and fire roaring.
Questions: Keenlan was mentioned to be larger than normal werewolves, does Derek have some Irish blood and is this part of the explanation of what happened to him?
Do merpeople have to go back to the sea at time and frolic at full moon?
Do people at the farm know Kate, because surely the navigators talk among themselves?
And another question: Did Dali already have her procedure done by Hugh and has Jim agreed to it?
In Blood Heir, Dali and Jim have a 5 year old and another younger little girl, so the procedure probably went through at least 3-4 years before Magic Tides 🙂
It is moving up the charts. Now number 9 on Kindle and no.1 in Paranormal and Urban Fantasy. It is deserved
Aaron clearly isn’t as smart as he thinks he is…or has NO Irish relatives and lore in his family…SPOILER ALERT!!!!
The Tuatha Dé basically became the fae. First rule: never, ever thank the fae. Second rule: never bargain with them…or be very, very careful to keep it ironclad (pun intended), simple, limited in scope, and do NOT get greedy.
Nicely done, House Andrews!
I’ve been going through the comments but there’s just so many, forgive me if you answered already but are there any plans to release the audiobook of this novella? thanks
Hi Milly,
Yes, there will be an audiobook! We don’t have a date for it yet, because the recording process hasn’t started, but we will update everyone as soon as we know!
I tole my husband when I finished reading it last night, “Amazing how a book with so much violence can be a cozy read.” But being back with Kate and Curran, knowing they’re going to kick butt, the bad guys are all going to get what they deserve, and the innocents (and even some of the less than innocent) will be rescued was just so satisfying. I didn’t have to worry about relationship drama or that someone was going to die in the end. Just witty banter and Happily ever after!
I love the KD world. Reading Magic Tide was like having a drink with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Lots of laughs and reminiscing. The multiple POV’s were perfect. Conlan is going to be a hot mess.
Loved meeting the new characters Keelan, Akka’s son and Jinx, think they will make a great addition to the KD universe.
Sorry, Kate and Curran you can’t hide from your destiny, wear the crown proudly.
Thank you, HA.
haha that is my thought also! They will always be leaders of some sort. Can’t hide from that!
Question for the Authors: What has/is happening with the people left in Atlanta that separated from the pack 9 years ago with Curran and Kate? Are they still not-affiliated with the pack, even though Kate & Curran have moved (for most of the year) to Wilmington?
This is answered largely in Blood Heir- yes 🙂 . It’s a very popular question, so I will make sure to ask it in the Q&A too for more detail!
The shifters that left with Curran are now the Curran-Lennart gated community and, according to Nick Feldman, they have issues with both Pack and EIN, so they’re still enjoying the special status.
When Derek is discovered by Pack members, he has the option to buy himself an out by declaring he came as Derek Gaunt and not as the Beta of Ice Fury. That will exclude him from the requirement to present himself to Jim, as one of the shifters that doesn’t have to play by the new Beast Lord’s rules. He doesn’t chose this option because it would leave his team mates in a lurch.
First, I loved this “short story, felt a bit like running into old friends you hadn’t seen in a while.
I apologize if this has been asked and answered previously. Is the power word language spoken by the people of Shinar and some other ancients based on a historical language or an original creation of the authors?
This is definitely a topic which will make it in the Q&A on Sunday for more detail on it, but it is something House Andrews creates, based on purposefully modified Akkadian and “otsebyachina” which is made up and we’ll find out more about in the transcript 🙂
Thank you for taking the time to respond and I look forward to getting caught up on the Q&A.
Done reading! I so love what Rimush said to Kate, about the powerful and capable not wanting the throne being the most fit to rule. It sums up Kate and Curran quite nicely, and I really want them to have their King and Queen moment again (their stint as the Beast Lord and Consort was one of my favorite eras????). Also, I admit, I’m a little jealous of what Erra and Julie has in their own queendom and I want it for Kate lol!
And the new characters! Keelan, devious as he is reminds me of Desandra and Barabas a little. Ms Jynx with her uncontrollable laughter, Rishmush and Barrett, and the mermaids!! With the water-based monsters in Wilmington, Kate can now convince Curran to do without a moat! ???? Oh and omg! The new power words were so awesome, and the witchcraft with the wards feel new. We’ve seen Kate explore her Shinar powers in the first series but not much really with her mother’s powers. I would love it if it gets explored further in their Wilmington years, but then again, I’ll eat up anything IA writes LOL
Thank you House Andrews for this gift! I’ve been subscribing to Kate’s series ever since Book 3 was the earliest release and this new “novella” feels like a hug from an old treasured friend!
Finished it. Great book. Everytime I read your books I realize how great you two are. Your writing is terrific. Thank you for going back to Kate’s world.
I was just starting read two when I realized Kate may not be in Delaware, which is where our nearest Wilmington is located.
Am I the only reader who assumed they were in DE not NC?
Oy and begorra
Late to the party also but wanted to have a nice window of time to immerse myself without interruptions. So hard to hold off though, so hard…
Loved it!!! Keelan and floutlaw and a different view of the Pack! Rimush and a a different view of the People after Roland. Having different POVs was wonderful!
Thanks so much HA! Another one hit out of the park!
Q: will we get some small Conlan POV when he’s in school in the next novella? I think it would be fun to get his take on this oh-so-fancy school.????
Thanks! I missed them.
Oh man. I finally had a small break while on lunch. Instead, I just hid in my office for 2 hours sneaking quick reading sessions in between coworker interruptions. I am halfway. Ack! I want to go home and finish it now but I have to wait 2 more hours. If my personal torture had a name it would be this!
In case you couldn’t tell, It Is SOOOOO Good! Thank you so much!
Awesome – thank you!
So good!! And the description of Curran shifting gave me chills!! THUNDER!!
Thanks. I really enjoyed being with Kate & co again.
YAAAYYYYYYY!!!! I’m so happy! I am definitely all KD. 🙂
I am a little late to the party, but I just finished it, and I wanted to say that it was all I have hoped for. You are so talented and brilliant authors. Thank you so much for this book.
I loved every single word of it. Absolutely loved the Curran’s and Conlan’s POV. I love all your characters and all your universes, but Kate, Curran, and Conlan are just something else, you know.
Loved Keelan !! I think he’s going to be a new favorite among the BDH. I don’t always have the same favorite than everyone else (my fav side character in the KD books is Robert) but I will be next to the BDH here, this Caolan is awesome sauce !!! Rimush is very intriguing.
It was wonderful to have a glimpse of Hugh’s life. The rift between Jim and Curran is confirmed and that kind of makes me a little sad, but I knew that Curran wouldn’t forgive him, Kate said so in book 9 (I think). Love Curran, but it is not new, lol. Love Kate, maybe even more today because I missed her so much. Love Conlan, because this kid is just awesome.
Thank you, this book is a jewel.
I am just wondering if anyone else thinks this “Kate” on the cover looks like Mila Kunis?
I love that Kate is like someone opening a can of tuna in the kitchen and wondering why every capable animal in the neighborhood has just popped in as she puts the juice on the floor and opens a second can.
As someone who lives on Manannan’s Island you can imagine how hard I smiled when I got to page 140 on my kindle…
Just wanted to say thanks for the new Kate and Curran story. Thoroughly enjoyed devouring it as soon as it hit my Kindle. Hadn’t realized how much I missed these characters and their world. (Now I have to go back and reread them all!).
Just finished reading it today. Loved the ending! My only regret was that it wasn’t longer. I know…it was supposed to be a short story, then it got to be a novella. It was just so good…I hated for it to end. Guess I’ll have to start the series from the beginnning and re-read them all.
I tried to stretch tithe book out since I knew it was shot, but that plan worked about as well as Kate keeping a low profile. Finished it last night. It was wonderful to spend time in this world again, like visiting an old friend. Loved the multiple POVs, phone call to Hugh (who has really grown on me) and the new characters were fun.
Ugh. Short, not shot.
Is this the first appearance for Jynx?
Yes ????
Minotaur! haaaaaaaa.
Was the three minotaur attacking Fort Kure when Conlan was eight the inspiration for the “minotaur hunt” that Sophie tells Julie about in Blood Heir that happened when Conlan was 9? but it was a loup werebuffalo, not a minotaur?
No, that was a separate incident, involving Conlan’s Atlanta friends ????
I read it during work… Shhh don’t tell. It was amazing. I felt like I was catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. I really do miss Kate and Curran. They are such amazing characters. I honestly love every book you give us, but I started with this series, so Kate will always have a special place for me. Today was like coming home after a long time away. Thank you so much for this special treat.
Loved it! Thanks so much! One question, why didn’t Conlan use blood edged claws like he did earlier when Razer had him in Magic Triumphs?
That’s a good question. In the little snippet Getting Distracted posted on
March 28, 2022 Conlan makes blood claws in Wilmington. I wonder if this happened before or after the events in Magic Tides.
Did Conlan’s ribs get healed before Troy leaves with Curran?
I’m currently re-reading Innkeeper and a thought suddenly popped in my head. Could Kate’s witchcraft powers be unlocked?
Correct me if I’m wrong (I probably am because I have terrible memory) but Julie mentioned in Blood Heir her powers are worse than Kate’s now. Because aside from the magic of her Shinar blood, Erra helped her tap into her Koorgahn bloodline.
Kate trained periodically with Evdokia but we didn’t really get to see much of it that I dismissed the witchcraft training as just the average training lessons. I feel like her breaking Aaron’s ward in detail was the first time I got to see it in close action.
My poor memory is seriously killing me.
If this Wilmington Years series continue, will we see more of Kate’s powers from her mother’s side? That’s one of the three things I’m looking forward to. The other two being Kate as the people’s unwilling queen (haha), and more of Kate and Curran dynamics!
We didn’t see much of Grendel, other than at the beginning. I wanted to see the dynamic between Conlan and Grendel.
That’s true… where was Grendel during the battle? Maybe he was with the non-combatants guarding them in the main house?
Just got to say – we love the characters and the plot , but it’s how well written this is that’s makes it so memorable. I forget every time til I read the newest.
Another amazing book! Gush followed by a Zoom Question ????
I love the new shapeshifter pack and their antics. That both Kate and Curran agreed that Keenan MUST be avoided and Keenan doesn’t care: he’s just so happy to be reunited.
I’m hoping the Jim situation will be touched on during the Zoom meeting. Its sad but very realistic/human. That even Andrea and Raphael are low-key moving against him with Ascanio. I don’t blame our main couple for trying to move away from the politics.
ZOOM QUESTION; When did Kate’s bloodline become immortal? Except for Roland and Erra’s mother’s unspecified death, all of Kate’s mentioned paternal family members were murdered.
Did immortality begin with “Asul, the Revered One, the first Sharratum”. Rimush mentions they lit incense in her honor AKA the start of a legend. Can they die of old age anymore and also does their entire bloodline inherit immortality?
the insights to relationships were so wonderful. I really enjoy how Curran didn’t for a second try to stop Kate being late and going to help, even though he knew what would follow. he didn’t not speak up to Colan about his manipulation but when the time fit spoke directly too it. Kate and Hughs phone call was so full of kindness and love for each other, how great is it that those two highly damaged badarses can trust and care. keelan seems hysterical and I love the characters he is putting on or more likely playing up to seem less threatening and in the end be and do exactly what he wants. this books was so wonderful, so many wonderful nuggets and implications and just well rounded and developed Characters. thank you both.
Loved it so much. Thank you, Ilona & Gordon.
Such a perfect story to catch up with old friends and see how Kate and Curran establish their family life in a new place.
It was so nice to get views from both Curran, Kate and Conlan.
So funny with the “Don’t tell Mom!” after the battle – no problem to face cursed pigs, minotaurs & slavers, but mom in a rage is too scary.
So many fun & warm moments, best gift ever.
Took the day off work yesterday for “personal work” and as soon as my kids were out the door to school – coffee, breakfast, and Magic Tides – no better way to spend a day.
Would love to read more from their life in these kind of stories.
Hubby and I both loved how Curran talked with Conlan. We were both impressed how he handled his son’s relationship with Roland.
The book felt too short. I know it was supposed to be shorter, but we can’t help ourselves.
Thank you for making a bad week so much better.
Is Wilmington part of the Pack’s territory or just north of the Pack’s territory? (page 79 of Magic Tides)
I must have missed this but is there going to be a youtube with House Andrews? And if so what is the date/time etc? Thanks so much.
Never mind I missed the post and missed getting a spot 🙁
I’m at 51% in Magic Tides. Love it!
Thank you!
How many power words does it take to blow your low profile, Kate?
Read it, loved it. And it looks like someone replayed Skyrim this last year. Just FYI there is a cool mod that removes the zone into cities out there. Really awesome.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you for creating this book with Kate and Curran in.I have read and re-read the original books so many times you are just wonderful.
I love this novella❤️ Finally had a chance to reread it and digest more of the details. The “Emerald Wave” a play on the Emerald Isle? I would love a Guinness as I re read Magic Tides.
Loved the book and now I really can’t wait for the next Julie and Hugh books.
I’m wondering what Erra has going on with the federal government? It wasn’t mentioned in Blood Heir I think.
I love love love Keelan and the implication that Jim isn’t really regarded as the Beast Lord and more as an Uberadmin/knockoff Curran.
I think it was… implied… in Blood Heir. Erra was offering assistance to areas/government where it was wanted and trying to make things run better… but not in the way Roland would have done it, taking control and telling people “we’re doing it my way now.” Fans seemed split about whether this would be a good or bad thing, but it’s possible we were overthinking it (as we BDH did with regards to an orphan, who may or may not have been changed by her adoptive dad, not born a shifter, is my theory)…
Agreeing with you: Keelan is a new favorite. So much fun!
and maybe Erra’s intentions with regards to federal government are…good. Idk… but I am interested in seeing how it plays out next, too.
Stayed up far later than I should have to finish it! All of the books make my heart warm, and this was no exception. Loved it!
Same, hahaha, once I realized it had been downloaded and was lying down for bed finally. I think I did fall asleep eventually but picked it back up when I woke up, before breakfast.
Reading Magic Tides made me happy, too.
WooHooo Conlan did a Mike Tyson!!!!!
OMG Helen and Troy ! You’re killing me????????????????
Q&A question:
Kate said the People were Roland’s second greatest confidence scheme. What was the first?
Maybe Erra? He manipulated and directed her into activities to keep her away from his own interests at different points in time, before and after the shifts… Hmm. Or something to do with Shinar? I’ll have to think about it.
I waited till last night to start it. Why? No idea! Read half before sleep, woke up at 4am and read the rest because I kept dreaming about the two storylines and wondering how it was all going to play out while trying to sleep. 10/10 would lose sleep over it again.
Hi ModR,
A general (being greedy BDH member) question- will FrINNdays return?
And, any word on the US merch window of reopening??
Thank you and HA for EVERYTHING!!
There is much work going on backstage with the merch store- ironing out several admin issues and preparing new designs and products! There will be news soon!
I will ask about more FrInndays, atm House Andrews are rather busy and still recovering from a winter bug.
You are the BEST and so very kind.
Yep, fully understand with all they have going on.
I’m fortunate to be one of those on the Zoom call so another opportunity to just enjoy their company and yours.
Hello to Mr. ModR too!!
I am so, so very happy to be in Kate/Currans’ville again. It is a wonderful story. Thank you
Ok, loved, LOVED this one! Unsurprisingly, I too read this in one sitting. I’m especially excited about the POV from Curran and Conlan. It is so exciting and satisfying to get more KD because I find myself always comparing other books (never as good) to the KD series and I’ve really missed them. Thank you so much!!
This book was a joy. It was great to welcome back Kate et al. May they never run out of adventures
Thank you so much for writing and publishing Magic Tides. I’d preordered it, and it arrived on a week when I really needed to escape back into Kate’s world. I loved seeing from the shifting perspectives of Kate, Curran and Conlan.
Everything since Sunday has been like a world on fire for my family. We will get through it, and I’m coping in (mostly) healthy ways, I think, but having a new novella to devour really helped me escape the deluge of stress (and sadness) for a bit. I’d needed it. I appreciated it and enjoyed it so much.
The latest Innkeeper book ending (no spoilers here, that’s a different thread, LOL) was also very satisfying.
Thanks for giving us BDH things to look forward to, fun stories to escape with. We will gladly continue to devour, read, dissect, reread, and praise in reviews anything you continue to publish.
Read it as soon as I got it. it was too short. I really CA t get e ouch of Kate and her world. Have read all the books twice at least. Love them. thank you so much for all the lost sleep. I have loved it. hugs.
I think Derek will be beastlord, for continental USA. Eventually.
Returning to the world of Kate and Curran was lovely. Thank you so much for writing about them, I missed them a lot! They will always be my favorite characters that you’ve written.
P.S: a bit worried about Conlan to be honest
I love that we get Conlan and Curren’s POV as well as Kate’s. Nice to see (because it feels true) that Curren’s anxiousness about Kate’s safety is always there but he can manage it without managing her.
Loved when the kraken exploded and THAT was the thing that made Kate lose her cool.
I think there were at least two “loose lips sink ships” characters, so chances are high that Kate will hear about Conlan’s fight. I think she’ll actually be cool about it. The trauma of the kidnapping is still there, but I didn’t sense she was overprotective of him. Perhaps it will reassure her that he can take care of himself if needed.
Loved Keelan and his joy at being near the original Beast Lord and Lady again. Curren’s comment about Keelan being a teen when they left explains to me why Keelan was so overwhelmed with joy. It would be like a favorite, broken-up band announcing a reunion tour.
Jim and Curren…I don’t think Jim will ever get that Curren no longer considers him a friend. Kate and Curren have his measure and they treat him knowing what actions and reactions they’ll get.
I hope House Andrews feels better soon.
I absolutely loved this book! Down to my toes. I look forward to wherever this series goes. Wilmington isn’t home, but it was my husband’s home for a while. There was a family graveyard behind the house he rented. The family sold the property and it became a subdivision with the graveyard at its center. The family didn’t want to disturb their grandparents’ rest. That’s Wilmington, to me.
q and a question: has Keelan’s 10 year contract with the Atlanta pack already expired?
how much time passes between the end of book 6 (a few months before Keelan joins the pack) and the end of book 7 (when they step down)? Kate says she hasn’t been Consort for 9 years but trained Keelan with his claymore for 2 years. . .
I guess she could have continued training after stepping down but in any event, Keelan’s contact is close to over if not over?
I have read it twice now. Thank you. It’s a real gift.
I loved it! So love the humor in your books. They make me laugh out loud, such as Kate deciding to go help find Thomas’ kidnapped son and how Thomas and Curran respond to her words/actions.
I love how Kate’s need to do the right thing steamrolls over her trying to keep a low profile. The two are just incompatible!
My only wish is that there would have been an epilogue back at the house with Conlan and Curran and Kate at the end. But I still loved the book.
I’m intrigued what’s going to happen with Rimush and if Barnett is going to make trouble for Kate.
Thanks for your great writing!
Thanks ModR for answering our questions!
I look forward to the video/transcript of the Q&A.
Loved it very much. Thank you. I have missed Kate. There is a HUGE •Spoiler• I’m losing my mind over, but my lips will stay sealed until someone else mentions it. It was just so very good.
I usually read these books so fast, but this time I savored. It was my box of truffles lol. I loved getting a glimpse back into this world. Thank you House Andrews!!!
Why am I reading this again, for the 3rd or 4th time? Because I missed Kate and I LOVE THIS.
The conversation with Rimush is very intriguing and I am curious how it will play out. Kate & Co have collected more followers (Rimush, Keelen et. al) through no fault of their own.
Also, it is interesting to see Conlan’s take on his grandfather and the parents steps to mitigate his influence. Conlan chose to manipulate Kate instead of asking her outright to help, which she would have done, because of Roland’s influence.
Another aspect that never occurred to me is that Roland turned into who he became because he could not protect his people and it broke him. I never looked at him that way before.
All-in-all, a fine addition to all that came before. THANK YOU
So rereading KD series and in “Magic Triumphs” Kate mentions Merlin a few times 1) to make Luther swear by Merlin’s beard before handing Conlan over for Kate’s and BDH’s amusement 2) when leaving the Oracle with Roman discussing the witches plan to spell Roland to sleep like they did Merlin. It just made me curious if we BDH ever found out more about Merlin and why he was spelled to sleep. I presume he was doing evil something or other but I was just curious if anyone remembers if it was ever discussed.
I loved magic tides!! Thank you!! Out of all the books and series this is my favorite series!!
I’m only 30% through and I’ve laughed out loud so many times already. The rotting cherry on this cake of woe? Cuddles stomping on an injured foot a few times for funsies? ????
I loved it!
Thank you for bringing back Kate and Curren I missed them
Just wanted to stop by and also add to the thanks for sharing your talents through the KD world. It will always be one of my favorite fictional worlds to live in! TY HA!!
I love this so very much! It was delightful to return to KD world and encounter new characters and new iterations of old factions. Looking forward to whatever HA cooks up next!
Saved up reading it for the weekend as my treat to myself. Squealed when I read about Manannan mac lir. I am from Northern Ireland and we have a statue of him on Binevenagh mountain overlooking the sea. Sometimes photgraphers are lucky enough to capture him with the Northern Lights.There was a bit of drama a while back when he was stolen and then the theives returned him after a month…..or maybe he was just called away to answer a fire call ????
How fun!! Thank you HA! I reread the series first but kept the Blood Heir reread for after Magic Tides to delay my post-awesome-HA-book-depression. I am always so impressed with the skill and dedication to world building and character development you display in your writing.
Loved getting multiple POVs, loved the everyday family interactions between Kate, Curran, and Conlan, loved seeing her and Hugh get to a comfortable sibling status, and “floutlaw” should just be a word now, but more than anything I just loved that Kate is still Kate. She fought so hard for her family. It makes me so happy to see she got her HEA and that she’s still a sarcastic badass in a tshirt and jeans with a soft spot for that one person who needs help. ❤️
I also really appreciated that someone (other than Curran) finally recognizes that her compassion is not a weakness but a character trait of a leader worthy of being followed.
Can’t wait to love whatever story comes next!
My favorite thing about the book? It says Book 1 right on the cover!!
Oh, I love this. Thank you.
Loved Magic Tides, as I do everything House Andrews graces us with, and decided to go back and reread some of KD since Tides put me in the mood. Was wondering if we’ll ever get a snippet about the job Kate talks about in Magic Binds, the one everyone called a suicide mission, where Curran formed his elite Guild unit. And what happened to those ten? Did any/all of them follow him to Wilmington? Is there even a Merc Guild in the Wilmington area?
Basically please write more Wilmington KD and Blood Heir and Hugh and forgive the BDH for being unendingly greedy and eager for all the things.
My favorite part of the book:
“The green-eyed claymore user stood up straight. He was short but muscled like a wrestler. “Consort?”
Of all people in the whole wide world to run into. “Consort!”
The shapeshifter dropped to one knee and smacked his fist into his chest.
“It’s you!”
Why me?
The shapeshifter on his right dropped to one knee as well. The other guy, the one with the bucket, stared at me, wide-eyed.”
Had me dying from laughing.
Poor Kate, just can’t get a break ????
Kate’s idea of a low profile: ????
Love it! xD
Reading a new Kate Daniels book is like all my best birthdays rolled into one. Magic Tides could have been five times as long and STILL have been too short!
It did make me re-read The Blood Heir so I could fit Conlan’s timeline together and that triggered a long-standing concern I have about Douglas. When are we going to get a health update on the poor, little lad? He was so brave, I really want him to pull through. Please, please, PLEASE let us know how he is!
He is fine! He pulled through 🙂 ! It was confirmed during the Blood Heir release Q&A
Hope this helps 🙂
Finally had the time to read it! LOVED IT. So many good scenes.
I had to laugh out loud at Kate’s interrogation technique (cutting off a head and ask remaining living people). It reminded me of the scene where Nevada and Augustine have to explain Rogan why dangling somebody off a balcony is a bad. Hehehe.
Thank you HA! It was a bit like coming home.
Life got in the way, so while I’ve had the book since it came out, I only got around to reading it (in one sitting, lol) today. WHAT A BLAST!
Like many others, I loved the PoV switching and the way the “low profile” just disintegrated the further along Kate went. haha!
Also loved the opening conversation with Ms. Vigue, the Vice Dean of Students: “It’s important to him that his resorting to violence is viewed as a deliberate choice rather than a loss of control on his part” — had me in stitches!
The scene that made me so much happier than I would have expected — Kate and Hugh chatting on the phone. I love how Hugh continues to be around while we wait for Book 2 of the Iron Covenant. ????
I had been wondering how the novella would set things up for a new series, and boy, are there so many threads here just waiting to be explored. Can. Not. Wait.
Thank you, House Andrews, for another wonderfully entertaining read.