From Erika Tsang: “Wanted to warn you that the galley of EB will/should be dropping to NetGalley today.” I will just leave that here. For those of you who are members of the Facebook fan group, I will ask the moderators to make a spoiler thread. Update: yes, it is on wish status. That’s because
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So Much Stuff
If you need to be thanked in the acknowledgments for Emerald Blaze, please email me. I’ve got the Chinese and Hong Kong readers, the Italian reader, the legal reader, and I can’t remember who I am missing. If you beta read this book, please email me, because I can’t be trusted. We are trying to
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Aha! I am Awake
I skipped Zyrtec last night and guess what? I am awake. Also, today is Kid 2’s birthday. The cake arrived, and we all have blown up way too many balloons. In celebration, here is a small snippet of Emerald Blaze. A small tiny snippet. Tiny. So tiny, Avon won’t notice it. Do not notice this
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Hidden Legacy: Quarantine Edition
House Rogan: Wash your hands? Why? Who even uses hands for touching or fetching things? House Pierce, cracking knuckles: What’s the temperature for this crap dying? 140F? Take a deep breath. House Etterson: The problem with poisoning, I mean sterilizing the house is all the damn dead bugs that keep falling on the floor from
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Emerald Blaze is done
The first draft is turned in to our editor. 🙂 Yays!
Tiny snippet
We are working hard on Emerald Blaze and we are on a very pressing deadline. This is a bribe for the radio silence. An outraged honk tore through the silence behind us. We both turned. A green Mini Cooper sped up the road and slid to a dramatic stop before the security booth. The driver’s
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Missing Snippets
I’m so sorry to bother you but I’ve been all over the site and searching through the “I’m looking for” options with no results. Maybe I’m missing it! I’ve just signed up to view news from the IA Facebook site. There is a Facebook and Blog post titled “Nevada’s Snippet Will Be Posted on the
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Series Writing
There was a post here, but I deleted it. It was too spoilery.
If you want to see the rest and read a cool interview, head to Den of Geek.
Tiny Snippet
::waves arms:: I have no time, I am behind on everything so, here is a tiny snippet. Throws and runs. My cell rang. I glanced at the number, and a cold spike of anxiety shot through me. “Yes?” “She will see you today at three,” the polite male voice said. “Of course.” “Have a nice
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When You’ve Worked As PI Since You Were 12
“And what did you do?” Nevada asked. Arabella sighed. “You want to know what I did? Nothing. I stood there like a moron and let him scream at me. I don’t even know why I did that. I’m not a pushover person.” “What did the driver look like?” I asked. “I don’t know, I didn’t
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Sapphire Flames Hits the Lists
# 6 on USA Today. This is the big one – it means we had #6 bestselling book in US out of all the books for that week. #5 on NYT. #2 on Wall Street Journal. Our editor and the rest of the team at Avon sent us beautiful flowers. Thank you, guys. This was
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