The body of the dog sprawled under a bush. Blood stained the brown and white fur. Hugh crouched by it. Next to him Sharif leaned closer to the ground, staring unblinking at the crushed bushes and red-stained leaves. Karen, the other shapeshifter, dropped to all fours on the other side and took a long whiff.
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Short Hugh Snippet
Working hard this morning, so a small bribe instead of answering questions. “Darin, why don’t you go on and scout ahead,” Conrad said. “Make sure we don’t run into something.” Darin clicked his mouth shut and rode on. Conrad turned to Hugh. “I know what you’re doing. If the Lady wanted you to know, she’d
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Christopher and Barabas
I don’t know if you would want to answer this on the blog, but it’s something I’ve wondered for a while. I enjoy the diversity in your books and how well you normalise queer relationships. I was ecstatic when you gave Barabas and Christopher the beginnings of a relationship in Magic Binds. And the way
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Hugh snippet #3
Elara strode outside of the gate onto the top of the hill where the castle sat. Soldiers filed out of the forest, running three to a row. They wore black uniforms, some in armor, some without. Each carried a large backpack, a bedroll, and weapons. They moved in unison, their feet striking the ground at
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Hugh’s noncoms :)
Noncom stands for non commissioned officer. Basically, a sergeant. Read at your own risk. PS. We named the horse Bucky for you. 🙂 “Was that vampire from the People?” Sam asked. “Golden Legion,” Stoyan said. “Is that like the People?” “The necromancers who work for Roland call themselves the People,” Stoyan explained. “They call
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Exciting announcements!
Heh, you thought there was something good in this post. There is not. Okay, so maybe the little bit of excitement. Let’s take these one at a time. Erika Tsang liked Wildfire. She said she liked it a lot, especially the frying pan. The edits are coming back to us sometime later in the week,
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Hugh, Chapter 1 Part 2
The void gnawed at him, the big raw hole where Roland’s presence used to be. It hurt. Hugh grit his teeth and forced himself to concentrate on the head on the table in front of him. “When?” he asked. “Six days ago,” Stoyan said. “He was out. He’d quit after you were forced out. He
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A small snippet
So things have been pretty terrible lately. Here is a little snippet from Gordon and me to help you think of something else. Chapter 1 God was dead. No, that wasn’t quite it. He was dead. No, that wasn’t it either. Voices tugged on him, refusing to let him sink back into the numbing darkness.
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Audio of Magic Bites is Now on Sale
After a long wait, Magic Bites Audio is finally back on sale. We hope you’ll enjoy it. Amazon | Audible | iTunes We’re working on bringing Magic Burns on sale as well. For some odd reason, the recording we bought from Tantor has sound level issues, so we’re working on ironing those out. As soon as they
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Behold. Kate Daniels in France.
I love this so much. Gordon was floored. the first 5 books in KD series will be coming to France (some will be reissued) in 2017. Here is the Facebook announcement from the publisher.