“Where did you get this?” Connor asked. “That’s not important,” Alessandro told him. Nevada leaned forward. “Bern, did you hack the MII servers?” Bern looked at her for a moment. Of course no Phone rings, local number so not spam. Our cells still have the Oregon area codes, so all spam comes from the West
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Writer work
For reasons I do not want to discuss I had to make this map. Behold. ::rolls eyes so far that she can see her hair grow::: I suppose I will have to make one for HL as well for reference.
Stories From the Writer Desk
Sometimes when writers are working, our minds enter this strange place where reality is a bit distorted. Me: Canadian High Society. Google: Canada High Society, a community of cannabis connoisseurs. Me, very tired and misreading: A community of cannibal connoisseurs? In Canada? They are so polite, why in the world would they allow cannibalism… Is
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Let’s Be Pedantic.
I hate to be a pedantic bore (no, actually I love it) but it is theoretically possible to set up life based on carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but where liquid methane substitutes for water. M in the comments M’s survival instincts are misfiring. Let’s be pedantic. We haven’t told you anything except that there is
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Poorly Explain What You Do For a Living
Dedicated to Steph and benthic communities in the Arctic Your turn!
Acknowledgements and Proof Readers
If you have contributed to BLOOD HEIR by offering Hebrew translations, medical assistance, religious research, etc, please email me through the contact form on the site with your name so we can thank you in the book. Please pick Acknowledgements option. Proofreader Update: Thank you, we’ve received enough applications. No applications sent after 10:00 AM
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Did you press the corpse with your finger?
“I heard you were moving to Maryland and starting a tea farm. 😂” “As I read this I wandered if this post would have been something that Catalina would have posted on her extremely exciting Instagram. 😀 “ Let me tell you what my professional life has been like for the last 4 days. Web searches:
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330 bookplates signed and sent. 250 additional bookplates received and signed. Email with Pam (the publicist). Email with Pam. Email with Pam. Additional 200 bookplates with our own logo signed. Just how many print books did you order, people? Newsletter to publishing list sent. Potential editor for BLOOD HEIR contacted, fingers crossed. Map artist found
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