Maggie is finished. It went to Mod R for editing, and the beta team has been assembled. We have the copyeditor lined up and the proofreader has a spot open in her schedule. Barring weird happenings, the novel should be ready to go on submission in January.
It clocked at 127,000 words. It was a bear to finish.

I’m trying to recover a little bit before diving into the edits. I have very little brain power left. Playing Starfield is a little taxing, which tells you everything you need to know about the state of my brain. A new batch of blog questions has arrived, so I will do my best to make sense.
“Do you anticipate the work-in-progress currently entitled Maggie to be a stand alone novel or the first book in a series? I have a hard time waiting for the next book, particularly if there is any type of cliff hanger, so I prefer to start a series when it is finished. In this case I will pre-order Maggie the day it becomes available and promptly devour it on release night regardless of your answer but it would help to be mentally prepared for any loose ends or cliff hangers.”
Maggie will likely be the first in a short series. So a new world, rather than a standalone. We don’t know how many books yet, so I would say probably one more. There was no way to pack everything into a single book. It would’ve had to be one of those 400,000 word monsters that only occur in epic fantasy.
I will point out, not as a criticism but as a datapoint: for traditional books, existence of the second book depends on the sales of the first book. The person who posed the original comment stated that they will be purchasing the book when it comes out – thank you.
What is a series arc and what does and doesn’t constitute a cliffhanger?
A series arc is the story that stretches across the series. We’ve talked about progressive vs episodic series before.
To quickly refresh, in an episodic series, each book is a complete adventure, and the series can be read out of order. Traditional comics tend to be episodic: Spiderman encounters a problem, resolves it while learning some lesson or experiencing an emotional turmoil, and at the end of the issue, the status quo is restored as if the story never happened.
In a progressive series, the characters and the world undergo a permanent change and there is a single plotline uniting the books. If you put all of the progressive series novels together, they will form a single massive book. LOTR is a progressive series.
Every novel in a progressive series should finish a part of the story and deliver an emotional payoff. But it should also indicate that the story isn’t finished. As Mickey Spillane famously said, “The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book.” A sequential novel usually ends on a hook.
A cliffhanger is a plot device that leaves the character in a dangerous or difficult position or delivers an explosive revelation which drastically changes the character’s situation for the worse. For some reason, it is one of the most commonly misidentified literary devices. Only deus ex machina confuses people more.
Here is a good rule of thumb when it comes to cliffhangers: is the character in danger or about to be in danger? Are you very worried for the character? If the answer is no, then it’s not a cliffhanger.
“By the way,” she said, “I was going to tell you once you both had properly recovered, but since you’re awake, I might as well. A human is here to see you. I was going to turn him away, but he is an Arbitrator, which presents some difficulties. His name is Klaus. He says he is your brother.”
Andrews, Ilona. Sweep of the Blade (Innkeeper Chronicles Book 4) (p. 312). NYLA. Kindle Edition.
Not a cliffhanger. Just a little hook to get you excited for the next book. Maud is not in danger at the moment and there is no urgency in the way Ilemina delivers this message. For all we know, Klaus is there to deliver some cupcakes.
Lady Ilemina stormed into the room. “Maud! A human is here to see you. His name is Klaus. He says he is your brother and the world is about to end!
A cliffhanger. Why? We just took the warm happy feelings that the reader has after Maud succeeded against all odds, and we stomped them into the ground.
As I have learned recently while being anxious about my annual physical, a great deal of our anxiety results from being unable to tolerate uncertainty. It’s not that I fear doctors, it’s that I worry about being given bad news. A cliffhanger is the ultimate example of uncertainty. We have no idea if the character will live or die. A hook is a promise of more fun things to come.
To reiterate: if you are worried about the character at the end of the novel, it’s a cliffhanger. If you are curious and excited to know more, it’s a hook for the next book.
Are sequels more tiring because you have to keep everyone straight or is the first book and establishing the world building more draining?
Having just built a world from scratch, the first book is the hardest. Ask me in a couple of months, and I will tell you that the sequels are the hardest.
Whatever the writer is working on right this second is the hardest. Hehehe.
First? And OMG! Can’t wait!
And sorry, I was so excited about being first I lost my normal amount of compassion and went full-on selfish mode. Please take a break. If it’s raining where you are, grab a cup of chamomile tea and sit and listen to the rain. We are a selfish horde when it comes to books, but in spite of that, we care more for your wellbeing than for our next reading fix. Usually. Mostly. When our brain has a chance to engage before our book fetish hijacks us. 🥰
You had me in stitches. Our book fetish hijacks. 🤣
Super excited that the bear is past you and you can recover. Please recover because we love your books and will always look forward to the next one.
Nice to know there will be more Maggie in our future. Now take a break ! 😎
Lucky ModR, the editor! Glad it is finished and you can breathe again. Maggie will be a great way to start 2024.
This is so exciting! A whole new world to learn about! 🙂
Thank you.
As usual, a riveting read on the nature and complexities of writing.
Helps us all understand better the twists and turns of writing fiction.
And you are not even obligated to help us but you do it anyway.
We are very grateful for the time you spend with us.
+1! I also always enjoy the “lessons” Ilona is giving us about writing! She makes it so fun to read and you learn something 😊 thank you also from me!
Maggie done? Thirty-three cheers! Your snippets set the hook, now reel me in.
Congratulations and we can’t wait!
As someone dealing with soul-crushing cr*p from 3 big entities, I can recommend taking time to recharge. Tea, yarn, pets, music, good people. Enjoy! Also: dealing with bears = after naps. And honey.
I am enjoying tomorrow’s holiday in my garden, as an incentive to prep access for the furnace people to check my heater. There may be scones coming out of the oven over the weekend. I am going to see “The Marvels”.
Congratulations on finishing! Hope you do something to celebrate it, in addition to having some time to recover. I’m so happy to read another book from you😊
I think I might actually pay to be one of your proofreaders…Can’t wait until January. Take some time for yourselves and decompress. The Hoard can wait (impatiently, but mostly politely) for I&M2.
YAY! Maggie is done! So excited for it!!! 🥳 Hope you are able to take some time for yourself and relax!
Yeah, House Andrews.
Here I thought my mind was blown because all the shows I watch are on Wednesday night and because of the writers strike are now 90 minutes long instead on 60 and my super favorite show MTV’s The Challenge released two episodes last night for a whole 150 minutes. Plus I attended a meeting at City Hall last night and ended up talking to folks for a whole hour after and didn’t get home until close to 10pm. Now I have to listen to all the podcasts and comment on the fan forums. All this and realizing as I drove home last night that people have their Christmas lights on and some neighbors have fully decorating their front fronts including huge blow up figurines. It isn’t even Thanksgiving. My brain needs a rest for a bit.
That all being said I am so glad to hear Maggie is done.
As a book owning member of the Book Devouring Horde: I cannot wait for the newest addition of what-the-fuckery. I am hungry 👀
Looking forward to reading about Maggie whenever it makes it all the way through the process. Thanks for all the good info. Agree with everyone else, it’s time to take a break to rest and refresh. 😄 ❤️
So happy for you (and for us 😉) that Maggie is done!
And thanks for taking the time to answer questions – I hope you enjoy some downtime now! 🤗
Oh, I think I’ve been run down by that bear’s smaller sibling. Smaller project. Smaller bear.
I try to be good about buying series books even if I’m going to wait to read them. Oddly enough, I’m impatient about the books coming out, but I find it easier to wait once it’s bought and on my e-reader.
Ilona, I hope you are able to enjoy restorative tea and gaming and lolling about. Thanks for letting us know where things are in the process.
I am so glad I’m not the only one!! I put the release dates in my calendar, buy the book as soon as I can, and then…. sit on it while I think on what could happen, how the story will evolve, guessing away, knowing the answers are sitting there waiting for me. Hoarding My Precious indeed.
Congrats – fabulous news – now life which was on hold rushes in. I am work busy and school busy and still making time to listen to KD on GA – love it!!! Maggie sounds wonderful and 2024 can not come soon enough!
Yay congrats on finishing Maggie!! Hope you have a restful and rejuvenating break before diving into edits.
Thank you! Whoot! Chee!
Hope you have great Holidays!
Hooray, I am excited about Maggie! I have this cartoon picture in my head of the authors floating in a boat at sea surrounded by fishing rods with hundreds and hundreds of hooks and at the end of each hook is a fish human reader and we are all eagerly swimming towards the boat. Please reel us in soon.
🤣 Your comment made me have a mental image as well, but not quite so calm. 🤣
If the BDH are fish, I would imagine us as piranhas with Ilona trying to distract us with snippets while Gordon wields an oar as they frantically try to get ahead of us and out of the lake. 😁
That checks out. 🙂
I realize you have to get on to the next piece of whatever you’re working on pretty soon now; but take some naps and read some fluff. Give brain and body both a rest for as long as you will allow yourself.
I promise, I will be hopping up and down excited about Maggie – but only after I have the pre-order in.
Woop Whoop! Maggie’s done! Mod R the lucky one right now. 🥳🥰
Ilona, take some time to get your rest before doing any Hugh and Elara writing.
My rest will be, hopefully. this weekend. Right now it’s getting my kitchen in my new apartment to rights.
Congrats on finishing Maggie & thanks for all that you share with us! I’ll be preordering as soon as the links go up 😊
Hope you have a good rest & refresh/reset 😊
Congratulations! Now take a break! We will w*it, not p*tiently, but we will.
I’m not saying we should do this, buuuut, as a force “for good” the BDH could perhaps be brought to bear on the publishing house to accept and then expedite publication. In a gentle non-desperate, non-threatening way, of course. For the benefit of humanity and book-kind. And not just because I’m really, really eager for Maggie myself. 😉
We are a force to be reckoned with but let’s see what the decisions look like first 🙂
I didn’t expect to see you here today Mod R! I thought you’d be holed up with our “precious” until you finished. Or have you already read it all……..? 😊
What am I, the moderator for the Read Slowly Horde? 😜
Ofc I already devoured it! Editing might take a bit longer though hehe.
Some of us fast read. Some of us slow read to the point a sloth could out run us. Some of us savor it like a fine wine, tea, or chocolate. Depends on who you ask in the Horde.
Mod R, the leader of the fast read division of the BDH. Edits? Who needs edits? 🤣🤣🤣📖
I wouldn’t dare to accuse you of being slow! Just thought you might have gotten lost in it and be perhaps on your multiple re-read of it. We, of course, would understand (and attempt to hold in our jealousy). 🤗
Thanks for the update. The previews have been fabulous and I’m looking forward to preordering the book.
I am going to be sad waiting months for Maggie, but, really, it *is* easier to wait 3 or 4 months than 8 or 10. (I have a few books on my “possible preorders” list that are almost a year out. Argh!)
That said, Maggie is coming eventually.
I’m waiting.
Sorry, BDH, about dirty words (ie “wa!t and wa!ting) but I managed to avoid any of the others…
Congratulations!! So excited to read Maggie!
Congratulations on finishing Maggie. Rest your brain for a while. I look forward to the finished book.
That anxiety of not finishing a series and having to wait a long time can mostly be blamed on Robert Jordan, and more recently on Patrick Rothfuss and George R. R. Martin. Whatever their reasons may be, causing extreme wait times in between books in extremely popular series has led to a concern that those authors will never actually finish their series. So now many people worry that all authors will betray them like that. But by not buying the first book in a series, it often causes a self-fulfilling prophecy because the second book doesn’t get picked up, so there really is a missing conclusion. Self-publishing has helped alleviate that for some authors, but not all authors can afford the time and effort to do that successfully.
Ilona, did you take that photo of the bear in the water?
I am a wildlife photographer and it’s a very good photo. You haven’t hinted about traveling to places such as British Columbia or Alaska to take that kind of photo in your blog posts.
Did you know people’s photos are copyrighted just like your work is? Did you have permission to use that photo in your blog post? I hope you are sensitive to the use of other people’s work and already know this.
I look forward to reading your new work.
Hi Lisa,
Yes, House Andrews are aware of image copyright, which is why they used stock photo websites and legally acquire the rights to use the images for the blog for fees. Perhaps you have heard of them? The most popular ones are Adobe Stock, Shutterstok etc.
The way it works is artists upload their pictures, such as this one, or other visual content ― and then users can buy a license for creative or commercial use without actually having to go to British Columbia or Alaska themselves.
I’m sure such a concerned wildlife photographer as yourself will find the information useful 🙂
“Ilona, did you take that photo of the bear in the water?”
I wish.
Most photos on the site are stock photos, usually from Adobe Stock, with an occasional shot from my own camera. We are very careful about using free images or anything that has been copyrighted, unless it is an obvious meme that has been making the rounds.
Here is the link to the stock image:
Here is a link to the screenshot of my license library. If you do your due diligence, you can find corresponding blog posts:
As you can see, there are 41 pages of license history. I pay $55 for the monthly subscription and additional $80 per image if I want extended use.
Edited to add before someone asks: although we had licensed a few of the AI generated images from Adobestock at the start of the AI boom, we’ve removed all of them, and we make every effort to avoid AI-generated art. Sadly, AI art isn’t always marked as such, which makes filtering it harder, but we do our best.
Thank you so much for paying for stock images and taking the time to respond.
Every little bit helps.
If you’re a BDH member and have read all the previous blog posts, HA has remarked that they pay for the licensing of posted pics. A remarkable example would be of their staunch support of Luisa Preissler’s art work. I’m not going to go any further because there are many times in past blog posts that they have commented on NOT violating another person rights, whether it be art work or written work.
I understand this may be a touchy subject for you, being an artist because of the present situation with AI. However, I’ve found Ilona Andrews’ work has always been above contestation.
Great, I Hope too read it soon!!!!!
Thanks you for bringing another awesome story🤩
I just want to thank you so very much for including all of us in your very creative and enjoyable thought processes. It adds another dimension to know about the working background of your adventures and you are extremely patient with all of us. Your books are fabulous!
I read a lot of fantasy and so many stories feel as if they’re left unfinished or the series drag on with little progression. I typically get excited for sequels, but I really have to love a series to keep with it between really long breaks. My tastes change and my interest wanes. One or two years is a tolerable wait, 3-5 years is pushing it. After five years, I can’t even remember the last book.
I just realized it has been five years since Iron and Magic, but I’m still excited about the possibility of a sequel! If it never happens, I am okay with that too. I have always liked your other stories and worlds. Looking forward to reading “Maggie” someday! Congratulations on finishing your bear of a novel!
I am so excited to fall into Maggie’s world! After reading all of HA content, this is something you guys excel at. I just had surgery Tuesday , so the GA of Magic Bleeds was serendipitous. I put my ear pods in and just floated away. HA and GA got me through the worst of recovery and Facebook discussions kept me distracted so thank you, thank you🥰
Speedy recovery! So glad you had a distraction 🤗
Splendiferous news!
Hope you both have a decent rest now! (And maybe some salmon before the edits come a-calling…that bear looks like it has spotted a decent one!)
Mmmm, salmon…
Brain food! Just saying. Perfect excuse to indulge!
Loved this post. I hope you can take a day to yourself. Maybe make some food and pet the dog by the fire.
Whew! First giant step finished!
I am officially ready for winter. It was 70+ on Sunday so I finished putting plastic up to keep most of, I hope, the snow out of my porch this winter. It’s functional but not pretty! I even got the garland up on my street side porch railing, not decorated, just up. My neighbor is excited for something attractive to look at this year.
Take care of you!
I am indescribably excited for Maggie but also sorry it was such a bear to finish! Hope you guys take lots of well-deserved rest!
I really feel what the question writer was saying – it is sooooo hard to wait for the next book, especially if cliffhangers are involved. It can also be disappointing to love a book by a new author who then suddenly disappears into the mists… (have had this happen a few times) But I feel like you guys have built a really solid reputation as prolific authors who are around for the long haul AND you spoil us so much with all the reader engagement, freebies, and updates. As much as it’s painful to w**t between books, you’re absolutely right – if readers don’t invest in a series at the beginning, why would authors/publishers want to continue that series?
Follow up question to the post: I’m reading “go on submission” as meaning: publishers will decide if they want Maggie sometime around January. This would mean, if it was traditionally published, that Maggie might not be published for awhile after that – like possibly up to a year later? Also, excited for ModR and the betas who are getting first looks!
The w**t associated with the publisher release is definitely a consideration. One good thing is that the manuscript will be finished and will be relatively clean after all of those edit passes. But like you, we don’t want to see Maggie not come out until 2026. 🙂
Indeed, that is what go on submission means- however, because edits, beta reads, proofreading etc is happening beforehand, the wait may not be as direly long as all that ☺️!
Thank you for the answers! Lol, yes, fingers crossed for Maggie before 2026! ❤️❤️❤️
So happy for you that you were able to finish. I love 90k+ books but that’s a lot of words for an author(s) to get on the page! Congratulations on finishing and I hope you and Gordon get a well-deserved break!
Very much looking forward to Maggie.
Whoooop! I’m so excited to hear Maggie is “finished”! Of course there’s still a crap load of work to do, but at least you can pass it off for a while. Maybe even take a break and have some energy to enjoy the upcoming holidays, I hope.
Thanks for answering the burning question as to this being a stand alone novel, too. Of course sales will be a deciding factor, but I somehow doubt the BDH will not be hitting the preorder link as soon as it goes up, heh. Hopefully we’ll also grab in some new people while we’re at it.
Two posts and both full of goodies! Thanks!
I thought I was pre-ordering the GA of Magic Bleeds instead of actually purchasing it. Good thing I read the comments or else I’d be waiting a few weeks wondering when audio was coming out. Haha
“I will point out, not as a criticism but as a datapoint: for traditional books, existence of the second book depends on the sales of the first book.”
*BDH readying their cards*: “You send pre-order linky we send you moneys!”
Well, any publisher will find out soon about the Horde. 😁
So thrilled to hear new shiny is done! I know I will love Maggie & her world, because you guys write with such integrity and care—thank you for doing all you do!💜 I also thank you for taking the time to always provide such thoughtful insight on different issues around books, writing, reading, and the whole world of words. I am grateful for what you write when you write it, and sorry you have to remind people that sequels won’t be written if first books don’t sell—so simple, the connection, that I can’t believe they don’t get it. (It seems the height of arrogance to me for someone to claim that they only read finished series… as if an author’s livelihood was less important than their entertainment. Please know we are not all like that—) Thrilled and grateful and happy you do what you do— —Kiri💜
Looking forward to this book! I have found that the books/series by other authors I read to kill time have just not held a candle to yours.
Congrats on finishing!
I can nearly keep from dancing. I know MAGGIE won’t be available until 2024. But that is one Christmas present to self, I am willing to wait to Unwrap.
Thank you. Hope you can now relax and enjoy the holidays!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏👏👏👏
SUPER excited that Maggie is finished, but for final edits!! Thanks again for taking the time to answer reader questions; I’m always interested in hearing the answers.
Brain fog is frustrating, but hopefully a bit of rest and relaxation will help.
Can’t wait to read the newest badass to join the House Andrews ExtenteFamily! really! Can’t Wait.
I do have a question, my husband and I (both amateur authors on our own) are attempting to write a book TOGETHER! We have wildly different voices and where he excels in descriptions and world-building, I excel in dialogue and characters. How do you and Gordon blend your two brains for a cohesive work? What does that look like, you write the fight scenes and he writes the dialogue or do you sit down together and go over every word? I’d love to know your process or a snippet of it!
Congratulations! I’m looking forward to getting to know Maggie and to exploring a new world.
Today, I’m treating myself to a new tea to celebrate passing an exam needed for work (only umpteen more to go!). It’s a Palais des Thés tea called By the Sea (or le bruit des vagues). They say it’s a tea for escape. May you find your own escape and relaxation before continuing on. 🤗
That sounds delicious! Are you feeling the effects? Congratulations on passing the exam 🤗
I didn’t quite feel a sea breeze here in the US Midwest, but it was tasty! Next time, I’ll brew it a little stronger (I have a bad tendency to add too much water, I like a big cup and I cannot lie 😉) with a bit more honey.
If you like peppermint, I would recommend it. 😊
Yey to Maggie Bear
Some readers love leaving reviews “it’s a cliff hanger.” Are we even reading the same book? I wish readers will use that phrase when its appropriate.
Hope you both take time to relax
…now I need a Maggie bear in the merchandise shop the next time it opens! Just hearing the phrase has me trying to figure out what she will look like…
Congratulations on finishing this one! Sounds like it was a real bear. I can’t figure out how to attach a picture, but we have a neighborhood bear that I call Trash Bear. I’m sure he would be rooting for you if he could read 😂. Looking forward to the new book!
NGL when I saw the title and the accompanying pic, I thought this was going to be about the annual fat bear contest, lol. Glad to hear that Maggie is done, absolutely also planning purchasing it, though hopefully in physical form. There’s just something about holding a physical book that makes me happy in a visceral way.
Congrats on getting it done!
Your comment compelled me to look up the Fat Bear Contest and I can only be grateful. Fat Bear Week looks so awesome, I’m going to note it in my calendar for next year so I can follow the polls. The fact there has been skulduggery by fans on behalf of the bears only intrigues me more. Love it.
I didn’t see this and posted a link to fat bear too!
Congratulations and happy respite for a bit.
Thank you for keeping us in the loop on this book, ’cause we all can’t wait to read it! And, for the news that its the start of a series – BDH for the win
Congratulations! Also, thank you, I always enjoy reading your responses to the BDH’s questions. I did need to check deus ex machina (I thought I knew, but found myself having to do an internet search to see if I’m right…I’m right!).
I’ve been listening to GA’s adaptation of Magic Bites. It always surprises me to listen to audio, some of the voices are not what I had imagined. However, it’s always enjoyable, it’s like discovering something for the first time.
Congratulations on finishing Maggie so take a break and vegetate for a while.
Wonderful news, glad for you that you have Maggie in actual words now and you can do something else for the moment. Hopefully something nice like drinking tea while admiring a new pattern for knitting or something else similarly relaxing.
Wonderful news for me as well since I liked Maggie from the first snippet and am glad that her story will be shared with us whenever the book is ready for publication.
Congratulations on finishing your book! I can’t wait to read it!
“Whatever the writer is working on right this second is the hardest. Hehehe.”
golden. 🙂
congrats on your new series being closer to push out the door!! hopefully now instead of being a 🐻 it can be a 🧸!
sounds like a good chance to grab a snack of your choice and watch a couple episodes of a drama that doesn’t require too much effort. 🍿🍪🌯🍇
I’m going to have to make a fancy IOU card to hand out to a couple folks. nice to add into stockings to give them something fun to look forward to next year once it’s out!
Excited to read the new work. Thanks for all the work it takes to produce a new world to read about.
Congratulations on completing Maggie Bear. I await the pre-order with bated breath.
The bear turned my thoughts to crab stuffed salmon. The weather is cool enough to fire up the oven.
Thanks for all you share with us!
From someone who considers herself the Artful Procrastinator ( not dodger), I am astounded and incredibly impressed with the speed and skill involved in getting Maggie out the door and into the hands of the editing team. Thank you for all the hard work. Thank you for all the reading pleasure. Thank you and pretty please, someday, go back to the Kinsmen and Edge series. But for now- R&R is for you to pursue with equal diligence. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a joyous Christmas.
::rumbles:: the hoard will soon eat.
Even the bear in the picture looks big.
I wonder about how more and more books are being written in the present tense. I have a hard time getting into something written that way. Past tense is where it’s at for me and I’m so glad you write that way. Maybe I’m just getting old, but what’s up with that?
“Cliffhanger” seems to commonly be thought of for any ending that leaves you hanging. Not my favorite, but not a deal breaker either.
Excited for Maggie and very excited for Iron and Magic!!
Right there with you. I have been able to enjoy a couple of present tense books, because in both cases the narrative was strong enough to pull me in and through. And a couple of others I got through because only parts of them, like a prologue or one character’s POV, were present tense. Most times I can’t read more than a page or two of that tense though. And ones written in the second person are even harder.
So excited for these books!
Hooray!! Congratulations on finishing Maggie! So exciting to have a new world to look forward to.. and resolve the (non-cliffhanger) question of the silk dress and dye.
that bear picture made me think that Maggie was simply enthusiastically participating in fat bear week.
I’ll be happy with anything. what do you call books that are part of the story. i ask because ive always called them episodes but they are more like a vella in book form. I’ve seen these series with 20 or more books because the books never actually compleat anything?
on a side nite my adult kids introduced me to power wash simulator on the Xbox and it’s strangely soothing to play because there’s no thinking required lol.
What Tempest said. I love it when the preorder button appears on a fav authors page on amazon. I feel better knowing that little baby is in my purchase list just waiting its time. I done even mind if sometimes it sits there a whole year…(ahem M. Wells) (4 more days!!)
It makes the waiting a bit easier.
Thanks for giving us something good to wait for.
Looking forward with gratitude and immature impatience
to immediate purchase of everything you publish. It’s all so damn good.
I was reminded of the saying “some days you get the bear and some days the bear gets you”.
You got the bear, that’s awesome!
And thank you, I can’t wait to read it. 😊
Congrats on finishing Maggie! Well done on your diplomatic handling of the wildlife.
I recognize that this is akin to suggesting a different way for Michael Jordon to shoot free throws at the height of his career, but I have to disagree with you about Sweep of the Blade being a cliffhanger. Technically, you are of course correct about definitions. The reason why I disagree with your take is because you spell out that the Arbitrators are forbidden to contact their families and friends while in active service. George goes to extraordinary steps to covertly contact Sophie, so its a serious prohibition.
Then Klaus shows up demanding to speak to his sister. Going against the rules so publicly, to me signals that the stakes are high and the kimchee is deep. Is that not serious uncertainty?
As, I mentioned, I think its situational and would probably only be a cliffhanger for hard core BDH. But still a cliffhanger for some. 🙂 Again congrats on finishing the manuscript.
“ because you spell out that the Arbitrators are forbidden to contact their families and friends while in active service.”
This is not stated anywhere in the books, I’m not sure where you saw it spelled out 🙂? The condition is that Arbitrators are forbidden from returning to their home planet for 20 years. Maud is on Daesyn when Klaus goes to her, not on Earth. George goes to Sophie on Edge world, his home world.
“Nor can you return to your home planet until the expiration of your contract.” “How long is the term of service?” “About twenty standard years. Most people prefer to do more.”
Andrews, Ilona. Sweep in Peace, The Innkeeper Chronicles 2. NYLA 2015. Kindle edition, Prologue
George chooses not to reveal all to his family, partly because as he says he’s selfish and doesn’t want the painful goodbye and partly probably because the Edgers are largely ignorant of the many worlds and parallel realities of the Universe (a Prime Directive sort of thing). Klaus’ family of Innkeepers is obviously under no such constraints 🙂.
“You do not get to say goodbye” has meaning. Further, if Arbitrators were truly free to contact the family elsewhere why wasn’t Klaus having tea regularly with Dina at Baha-char? Why wasn’t he at his niece’s first birthday party? The implication is that there is to be no contact all with their families.
Sorry Mod R, it just doesn’t wash. George might be a selfish bast$#@, but Klaus doesn’t seem to be.
Klaus is a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a mantle of secrecy- and that is by design. We do not know anything about him or his motivations 🙂
I’m glad you went from “spelled out” to “implied” 😁- I shall convince you yet!
a pregnant But not today.( in a Steve Rogers voice) I’m on deadline and have procrastinated too much already. 🙂 But it got me warmed up for my main character to get his butt kicked by a pregnant dragon.
YAY!! CONGRATS on finishing the first draft!
May the edits, proofreading, and beta all go painlessly.
I hope you have been having a relaxing day, and that your weekend is filled with pets and wool and cuddles and perhaps some brain candy fiction whether in print or otherwise, and cups of lovely tea of course.
Just for the record. I prefer a hook.
I am in a point of my life where cliffhangers are a hard pass. I dropped a series due to it, great read but I yeeted it from my mind in the last chapter of the first book because the second book wasn’t available yet. I can’t, the anxiety gets to me badly. Mabey when our financial situation stabilizes…. or mabey I’m past this point in my life. I’ve found that as I get older I get more tolerant towards sertain subjects and things and less tolerant towards others. Aaand I’ve yet to hit forty. Man oh man lolz
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
I am so happy for you. But happier for us. <3
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!
So happy for you. But happier for us <3
Are there Maggie excerpts on the blog somewhere? I am a fan of all the various series ( especially Kate’s) but only a sporadic visitor here, so I have probably missed something. There was a story involving a dragon and a young woman I read here, but that might have been something else
Yes, we’ve had a few peeks 🙂:
shared with us so far:
and and and and
Okay, nevermind. I found one.
Well I will be looking out for the new book but you probably need to take a moment to breathe before your next book but a request
Please please can we have another Innkeeper ?
There will be more instalments in the Innkeeper Chronicles series, but as we have already had an Innkeeper release this year, other projects beckon first 🙂:
It will likely be a certain sequel about a certain warlord and his harpy wife 😁
Thanks for the update. Btw Satisfactory update 8 is supposed to go early access Tuesday. Not sure if you are still playing. I am starting a new save then, just in time for Fixmas.
Waiting for the 1.0. 🙂
Love all your stories, but the Innkeeper series is the most enjoyable yet. Hope there are many more! By the way, what happened to the cop and his wife??
They ate a lot of donuts 🙂